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Smart Zoom [Version 1.06] Загружено: 2676   
Smart Zoom template enables web browser-like zoom feature in your applications, that is, the combination "Ctrl + Mouse wheel" zooms in and out any LIST or TEXT.   показать/скрыть больше...
   от Ingasoftplus     Загрузить Trial/Demo  Купить!  
EasyHelper [Version 1.00] Загружено: 694   
EasyHelper is a class and templates, allowing you to add a context help into the Clarion application.   показать/скрыть больше...
   от Ingasoftplus  Купить! от  99000000.0 
EasyToolTip [Version 1.02] Загружено: 2161   
EasyToolTip provides a simple icon that users can easily identify as a help provider. Once a user moves their mouse over the icon, a visually pleasing pop-up window displays context sensitive help that remains visible until they choose to close the view.   показать/скрыть больше...
   от Ingasoftplus     Загрузить Trial/Demo  Купить! от  15000000.0 
EasyNotifier [Version 1.01] Загружено: 2358   
EasyNotifier is a Clarion wrapper around a .NET assembly DLL and a popup-less notification window, and saves the user from the "Click - on - the - OK - button - to - continue" pain.   показать/скрыть больше...
   от Ingasoftplus     Загрузить Trial/Demo  Купить! от  37000000.0 
EasyAnimation [Version 1.02] Загружено: 4044   
Freshen applications by animation. Fill applications by sound. Durable operations with the data, complex calculation or generation of the big report will pass little bit faster for the end user if you accompany their by animation and by sound!   показать/скрыть больше...
   от Ingasoftplus     Загрузить Trial/Demo  Купить! от  36000000.0 
EasyBundle EasyToolTip & EasyNotifier [Version ] Загружено: 0   
A bundle EasyToolTip & EasyNotifier   показать/скрыть больше...
   от Ingasoftplus  Купить! от  55000000.0 
EasyNaviBar [Version 1.05] Загружено: 5273   
EasyNaviBar will instantly enable your Clarion applications with the popular MS Outlook© 2003/2007 style Navigation bar. It contains six different layout and color styles. EasyNaviBar consists of buttons, bands and groups.   показать/скрыть больше...
   от Ingasoftplus     Загрузить Trial/Demo  Купить! от  41000000.0 
EasyReport [Version 1.04] Загружено: 4074   
Do you need to print in the standard Clarion reports text fields so that all vertical and horizontal lines or surrounding boxes will be automatically adjusted according to the text's controls height Or set a greenbar effect to your report in one click?   показать/скрыть больше...
   от Ingasoftplus     Загрузить Trial/Demo  Купить! от  35000000.0 
EasyAutoEntry [Version 1.04] Загружено: 5072   
Familiar and convenient elements of the Microsoft IntelliSense technology ("AutoComplete") now are accessible in your Clarion applications! The EasyAutoEntry (EAE) class and template will allow your end users to enter the data simply and easily!   показать/скрыть больше...
   от Ingasoftplus     Загрузить Trial/Demo  Купить! от  55000000.0 
EasyListView [Version 1.13] Загружено: 4799   
EasyListView is a Clarion wrapper around a .NET ListView. It makes the ListView easy to use in your Clarion applications and provides some neat extra functionality.   показать/скрыть больше...
   от Ingasoftplus     Загрузить Trial/Demo  Купить! от  41000000.0 
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