* Alerts can now be sent as SNMP traps.
* Support for MySQL error log. An alert can be sent when the error log has an entry of type [ERROR] and the error log entry can be viewed in MONyog web interface as well.
* Query Analyzer data can now be exported as CSV.
* Updated and added advisors.
* EXPLAIN/view query from Processlist page will now open in a new browser tab.
* Alerts (mails or traps) will now list the ip of the machine running the MONyog instance (request from users who had more than one MONyog instance).
* Graphs/charts will now have new colors that make the graphs more readable.
* Added next/previous links in register/edit servers page.
Bug Fixes: * Lots of fixes for browser-specific issues.
* If identical queries were logged from more clients with same timestamp, Query Analyzer/slow query log would only count that query once.
* Long BULK INSERTS would not display properly in Query Analyzer if the option to ‘replace literals’ was selected.
* Deleting a server registered as number ‘0001′ did not delete the sniffer.data file for that server.
* Windows Vista and higher could warn that MONyog was not properly installed due to lack of an Application Manifest. It was false alarm but now such Manifest is included with the installer.