This is a short list of the changes of this version:
Version Control System:
- New options in Get Last Version. Now it's more easy to set the date and time for the file. In the case of multiple files you can decide what to do if any of them is checked-out by you.
- New window for adding files. Now it's possible to add multiple files at the same time, select which file/s check-out in the operation, set the working folder.
Tracking System:
- Security profiles are more powerful. You can define them for issues, users, users group, menu options, report Access, etc.
- Now the graph of issues by user works in the dashboard. Also the statistic graph in the main window of the tracking system.
- Now you in the issues report it's posible to see the deadline date, estimated date (beggining and end), last event, product's name, person/s in charge of the issue, worked time, estimated time and percent.
- The user report now prints all the fields related with users.
- Email notifications take care off the check that indicates not to send emails to those users that don't belong to the involved Project (Notifications list).
- The information that showed the number of parts in the work resume below each issue was fixed.
- Now if the user cancel at insert, modify or delete an issue the list is not refreshed.
- In the issue list a new icon at left indicates what kind of issue is.
- Green bar effect added to issue list.
- Now it's posible to inform the origin of an issue.
- Fixed the resize of the Security profiles window.