*** Latest features and enhancements: release Version Beta 2.5.02 on 28/06/2009 ***
Version Control System
- Now the format of all dates will work according to the settings of Windows.
- Now it's possible to filter files in the list of files if the column selected is the name of the file, the user, the date of check-in or the date of creation.
- After adding files to a project you will see a report for each file in the Process information section.
- Fixed the enable-disable status of the buttons on the toolbar for Project Content after adding files.
- Now if a file couldn't be zipped the message will show the name of the file affected.
- Two preset for compression tools were added to the configuration. In the case of use a custom compression tool you can choose between Winrar and 7z.
- Added new system configuration to set the file check-out when adding files.
- Fixed misspellings words in the system configuration window.
Tracking System
- Now the format of all dates will work according to the settings of Windows.
- Now the issues related with another issue are stored properly.
- Now the attachments related with an issue are saved and also its tags.
- The look of the Workflow window (on the issues) was changed. Now it's possible to use RTF controls for the description.
- Now in the form of Issues is possible to see the list of the files of the VCS system related with the issue.
- A new field was added for the Contacts in order to indicate the name of access to the Web Portal. Also a check was added to indicate the status of that contact for the Web Portal.
- Now it's possible to inform if a work log is billable or not, indicating if the price if hourly rated or fixed cost. Also it's possible to inform the kind of work log, according to the list created by the user.
- In the events for an issue was added a check to indicate if the event is internal. In this case this event will be showed in red color and in the future these events wonÆt be showed to the customers.
- New check in the form of issues. If it's checked an email won't be sent after confirmation
- The number of attachments files to an issue in the issues list was wrong.
- The submenu for tracking module in the main menu was reorganized. Added new options to be used in the future.
- The system configuration for numbering the issues was take off, now all the issues will have a global numbering for all projects.
- Now the notification emails include the list of fields which values has been changed by the user.
- Now in the ôstatusö list is possible to indicate if the user has to complete the ôresolutionö in the issue workflow when the status close the issue.
- Now in the issues workflow it is showed a list of ôresolutionö concepts to be selected when the issue is closed.
- Fixed misspellings words in the system configuration window.