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New! Iron Speed Designer Version 7.1 Features isdes   di  Iron Speed, Inc.
Framework and IDE Support
Visual Studio 2010 support.
We continue our support for Microsoft’s latest release of Visual Studio, including .NET Framework 4.0 application generation.
SharePoint 2010 application generation.
Generate Microsoft SharePoint 2010 applications straight from your database, just like other .NET applications. Generated applications run inside and are fully integrated with SharePoint. (Enterprise Edition feature.)

Applications created with earlier versions of Iron Speed Designer will be converted automatically to Version 7.1 with these caveats:

Iron Speed Designer's Migration Wizard will migrate many of your code customizations. However, code customizations written for Versions 1.X, 2.X and 3.X require migration by hand.
The Version 7.1 code customization model is the same as Version 4.0 and later. No code customization changes are required for applications built in Versions 4.X, 5.X, 6.X and V7.X.
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