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SQLyog – MySQL GUI 8.6 GA – new features, improved performance and stability. SQLyog   by  Webyog Softworks Private Limited

We are pleased to announce the release of SQLyog – MySQL GUI 8.6 GA. This release adds functionalities requested by users for some time, and fixes a number of bugs. Most important enhancements:

User management has been updated with a brand-new interface, has been completely rewritten and also now fully communicates with the MySQL server the recommended way using GRANT and REVOKE syntax. We believe that with this release we have provided the best available ever GUI for MySQL User Management.

For users that prefer to work in a spreadsheet-like interface when filtering and sorting data the options to do this have been enhanced: There is now a ‘custom filter’ option to be used when filtering on a value that does not exist in the result set displayed – or even is not stored in the table at all. Additionally you may now define the substring to be filtered on in more flexible ways than before.

In the editor we added “parenthesis’es matching”. With complex statements (JOINs on derived tables, SUBQUERIES, statements with nested functions and similar) this will make it much easier to identify the structure of the statement. Just position the cursor after a parenthesis and the actual parenthesis and its match will highlight.

We have improved performance by optimizing code in code segments executed most frequently. Additionally we have deployed more debugging and performance measuring tools. This includes – but is not restricted to – moving our build environment to latest Visual Studio environment (2010 edition).

Note that with this release we have stopped supporting Windows 2000. It has for some time been increasingly difficult to continue this support. It is actually quite hard to find a recent system where Windows 2000 will run without errors and we have over the few last years spent quite a lot of effort fixing issues occurring only on this variant of Windows. We believe that the effort is better used ensuring optimal performance on recent and still supported Windows variants – not at least Windows 7, what fastly is taking the position of the dominating Windows variant. The move to Visual Studio 2010 shall be seen in this context. But of course XP, Vista (and the same generations of Windows server variants: 2003 and 2008) are still supported as well as Wine.

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