Whether you are converting from RoboHelp or creating new projects, Doc-To-Help empowers authors to create HTML or Microsoft Word content and convert it to virtually every popular Help file format (including browser-based, platform independent Help) or printed documentation.
Doc-To-Help’s unmatched flexibility allows you to define Help elements, such as topic links, conditional text and glossary terms in the editor of your choice. Integrated toolbars and dialogs in Microsoft Word, FrontPage and Macromedia Dreamweaver allow you to visually create Help systems in the most powerful editors available while D2HML (Doc-To-Help Markup Language) allows you to use any editor you wish.
Windows Vista and 2007 Microsoft Office System Support
Doc-To-Help supports Windows Vista and the 2007 Microsoft Office System including seamless integration with Word 2007. |
Feature Rich Help Authoring
Doc-To-Help is designed to give you every feature you need to create fully functional and customized Help files (in virtually any format) and printed manuals from a single source document, or set of documents. Use basic features, such as Topic Jumps and Pop-ups, or more advanced features like Conditional Text and Context Sensitive Help. |
Enjoy Editor Independence
Doc-To-Help allows you to author content and configure your Help systems in your favorite editor. Doc-To-Help’s D2HML (Doc-To-Help Markup Language) makes this possible. D2HML is simply a set of styles contained on a customizable style sheet that is linked to your source HTML files. This eliminates the need for a proprietary editor. In fact, you don’t even have to have Doc-To-Help open until you are ready to create your Help files or printed documentation. Doc-To-Help reads these styles – and advanced properties that you can also specify directly in the HTML code – to create the Help system of your choice or printed documentation. |
One-Click RoboHelp Conversion
Simply choose your RoboHelp HTML or Word project and click "convert". Doc-To-Help automatically converts the content, formatting and project settings into a build-ready Word or HTML source project. |
Team Authoring Support
Easily manage team projects without the need for third party source control applications. Team Authoring Support will allow multiple users to contribute to a single project by providing source control technology. |
Scarica Trial/Demo Scaricato: 1157 |