Noyantis TaskPanel Wrapper Template for the Codejock TaskPanel ActiveX control.
Xtreme TaskPanel™ 2009 provides Windows developers with a sophisticated Office TaskPanel similar to what is seen in Microsoft? Office and Windows Explorer.
Full “drag and drop” support makes organizing items in the TaskPanel quick and easy. Many different themes are available including Visual Studio 2005 “Whidbey”, Office 2003, and Windows XP.
Not only can you make your TaskPanel look good, but you can change the behavior too. Available behaviors include Windows Explorer, List Box, and Tool Box. With the TaskPanel’s grouping feature you can easily manage your application shortcuts and have a unique way of displaying information to your users.
Office and Explorer TaskPanel
VS.NET Style ToolBox Control
Xtreme TaskPanel provides you with fully functional ToolBox control.
Please note, the Codejock ActiveX control is not included in this product - the template is a wrapper only for the control.
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