Premium Pack 2: Advanced skins for WebHelp, CHM, Smartphones and the iPad
Help & Manual Premium Pack 2 is a set of over thirty brand-new professionally-designed skins for your Help & Manual projects, plus fully updated versions of the fourteen Classic skins from the original Premium Pack. The skins provide advanced dynamic HTML features, with separate skins for different purposes and a wide variety of themes to choose from. You can transform your output with a couple of clicks -- all the layout, design and programming work has been done for you.
WebHelp Skins (14 skins)
The new WebHelp skins are actually a completely new dynamic user interface for accessing documentation on the web. They introduce a toolbar similar to the toolbars found in many application programs, and tabbed browsing with the ability to park topics in tabs so that you can return to them quickly. You can integrate your website header in the area above the toolbar without reducing the space the user has for browsing: The user can fold away the header with a tool in the toolbar, and the table of contents can also slide out of the way.
Webhelp skin features
- Fourteen ready-to-use WebHelp skin styles to choose from
- Tabbed browsing with undockable tabs and ability to park topics in additional tabs
- Animated tab slider with drop-down menu for navigating multiple tabs
- Toolbar for direct access to functions, including a quick search function
- Header box with configurable drop-down menus for integration in your website
- Menu button hides header box to provide more space for browsing
- ToggleJump - create hyperlinks that jump to anchors inside toggles or that open specific toggles
- Auto-generated drop-down topic menu for scrolling to headings within your topics
- Sortable tables - create tables that users can resort by clicking on the header titles
- Permalink tool - generate a permalink to the current topic by clicking this tool in the toolbar
- Automatic breadcrumb trail navigation above the topic headers
- Advanced JavaScript popups - draggable, resizable and can contain hyperlinks and videos
- Smart Print button with print preview - reformats the page automatically taking out elements irrelevant for printing
- Mail feedback button - auto-generates a feedback email to your address with details of the current topic inserted
- User comments supported with a free Disqus or IntenseDebate comments account
- Home button links to either home topic or parent chapter of current topic
- URL switches to activate Search or the Keyword Index and perform searches with URL links
- Configurable topic footer at the bottom of each topic
- Configurable subtitle for your project above the table of contents
- Auto-redirect options for visitors using mobile devices (redirect them to the smartphone or tablet versions of your help)
CHM Skins (8 skin styles)
These skins are specifically designed for Microsoft HTML Help CHM files, where the viewer is part of Microsoft Windows and cannot be skinned. They give the user access to advanced functions without taking up additional space in the topic header. Additional functions are available in compact drop-down menus. You can also configure a logo with a hyperlink and a background image in the header area. The CHM skins also introduce our new file link fixer, which makes it possible to link to external files with relative paths in your CHM topics.
CHM skin features
- Eight ready-to-use CHM skin styles to choose from
- Compact navigation and menu area at the right of the header
- File Link Fixer: Links to files outside the CHM folder now work normally
- Auto-generated drop-down topic menu for scrolling to headings within your topics
- Automatic breadcrumb trail navigation above the topic headers
- ToggleJump - create hyperlinks that jump to anchors inside toggles or that open specific toggles
- Sortable tables - create tables that users can resort by clicking on the header titles
- Advanced JavaScript popups - draggable, resizable and can contain hyperlinks and videos
- Smart Print menu option with print preview - reformats the page automatically taking out elements irrelevant for printing
- Mail feedback menu option - auto-generates a feedback email to your address with details of the current topic inserted
- Home button links to either home topic or parent chapter of current topic
- Configurable topic footer at the bottom of each topic
- Auto-redirect options for visitors using mobile devices (redirect them to the smartphone or tablet versions of your help)
iPad Skin
The iPad skin provides a slick WebHelp interface for the Apple iPad with butter-smooth single-finger scrolling, pinch-zoom and a full three-pane interface and an attractive, minimalist style that matches the iPad user interface.
iPad skin features
- Apple-style interface, everything designed for touch operation
- Automatic reconfigure when the device is rotated
- Super-smooth single-finger scrolling for TOC, topics, index and search
- Toggle Jump support for links to anchors in toggles
- Help & Manual popups stay on screen and can be scrolled into view (tap the popup to close)
- Full tap and pinch-to-zoom support
- Zoom button for displaying topics full-screen
- Auto-redirect options for visitors using desktop browsers and incompatible devices
Smartphone Skins (8 skin styles)
These skins are for delivering documentation to the web browsers on modern smartphones, with full touch, rotate and pinch-zoom support. They are compatible with iPhone, Android, Windows Phone 7 and BlackBerry (OS 6 or later).
They make full use of the phone's small screen, with a toolbar for switching between the contents, topics and the search and index pages. Users can also swipe to switch between contents and topics on Android and iPhone. Images are resized automatically to fit on the screen and you can define special structures called "tap tables" for displaying large-format content that would normally break the phone layout. Search can be implemented with Google Site Search, you just need to enter your Site Search embed code to activate it.
Smartphone skin features
- Eight ready-to-use smartphone skin styles to choose from
- Full-page navigation in the TOC, then tap in the toolbar to display the selected topic
- Fully touch-oriented interface with easy-touch buttons
- Animated slide effect between TOC, Index and topics
- Full tap and pinch-to-zoom support
- Advanced Ajax-based layout, no frames
- Images are automatically resized to fit the phone screen, also on phone rotation
- "Tap Tables" for displaying large-format content that normally doesn't fit on a phone screen
- Full support for browser history and URLs linking to topics and anchors
- Support for Google Site Search and Google Analytics integration
- Auto-redirect options for visitors using desktop browsers and incompatible devices
Classic Skins (14 skin styles)
These are the original dual-mode skins for both WebHelp and CHM from the Premium Pack 1 package. We are continuing to maintain and update them.
Even though they have a simpler layout than the newer skins they are still fully up-to-date, with a large range of powerful functions, from draggable and resizable popups to email feedback links, auto-generated contents menus for every topic and sortable tables.
Classic skin features
- Dual-mode for Webhelp and HTML Help
- Fourteen styles to choose from, seven with horizontal tabs and seven with vertical tabs
- Tabbed navigation in Webhelp
- Permalink function for copying URL of current topic to clipboard in WebHelp
- Drop-down navigation menu for topic content
- URL switches for search and index panes in WebHelp, with search options
- User comments with free Disqus or IntenseDebate accounts in WebHelp
- Sortable tables - users can sort tables on text, date, currency and number columns
- ToggleJump: Create links that jump to anchors in toggles and toggle headers
- Matched color schemes throughout
- Non-scrolling headers in the navigation and topic panes
- Mail feedback button with automatic reference to project, topic, topic ID and topic location, texts escaped to work in all mail clients
- Print button for easy topic printing, also in browsers that don't print frames well
- Breadcrumb trail navigation box with Home button in the topic header
Single-click feature activation
You just select one of the Premium Pack skins when you publish your project to use the layout. Then you activate the features you want to use by selecting the options displayed in the Publish dialog.
When you select a Premium Pack skin the options for activating its features are automatically displayed in the Include Options box in the Publish dialog. You activate and deactivate features by selecting or deselecting the options:

Configuration without code editing
You don't need to edit any confusing HTML code to configure your skins. All the text displayed in the skins, your support email address, the text in the email feedback form and so on are stored in simple text variables. You can set up everything just by editing the variable definitions.
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