Thin@ (Thinet) is a Clarion-based thin client solution professionally designed to meet the high standards of your business needs. With Clarion and ThiN@, you will develop your web applications much easier and faster than your competition, your applications will also be much better than most of their web applications developed in languages as PHP or ASP.
- easy (almost none additional work in transition) Internet deployment with Windows API look style
- stable working environment,
- run as fast as desktop applications,
- multithreaded application support (allows multi-window environment inside applications),
- auto-reconnect option included,
- balanced application load on multiple servers,
- centralized server management tool (the farm database is maintained centrally),
- wizards for all administrative options,
- capable of reviewing and terminating all user connections,
- integrated user activity log,
- integrated automatic client upgrade solution (new versions of the client),
- does not require any other products to load (such as Clarion app broker),
- web test environment on the local machine without any additional server program...
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