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Main  :: Programming (29)
  Components & Libraries (29)
Audio, Video capturing and recording (2), Barcodes (2), Charting and Graphing (1), Code Creation/Editing (2), Code Editing and Syntax (1), Component Creation (1), Component Management (1), Component Object Model (COM) (6), Data Conversion (3), Data Entry (2), Data Validation (1), Data Verification (2), Database Connectivity (2), Database Management (2), Database Reporting (3), Demonstration / Presentation (2), Development (9), Drawing (1), Explorer (1), FingerPrint (1), Function and Source Libraries (1), Grids (1), Help Authoring and Documentation (1), HTML Editing (2), Imaging (1), Multimedia (1), Network Administration (1), Network Communication (1), Office automation (2), PDF (2), PDF Creation (2), Print and Preview (3), Productivity (5), Records tagging (marking) (1), Reporting (7), Resizing & Splitting (3), Search (1), Security and Administration (1), Source Code Generators (1), Spreadsheet (2), SQL (2), Text and Word Processing (1), Toolbar and Menu (1), ToolTips (5), Treeview and List (2), User Interface (14), User Interface Collections (1), User Interface Components (2), Web Site (2), Windows API (1), Windows Scheduling (1), XML (2)
  File Editors (1)
  Other Programming Files (5)
Programmi di questa categoria
Trovati programmi 29  Mostra tutti i dettagli per tutti i prodotti | Nascondi tutti i dettagli per tutti i prodotti
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EasyCOM2INC "Ready to GO" SQLDMO [Version 1.01] Scaricato: 2982   
Demonstrates using of Microsoft SQLDMO Object Library and Microsoft Office XP Web Components in the Clarion application.   show/hide more info...
   di Ingasoftplus     Scarica Trial/Demo  Compria ora! da  29000000.0 
Smart Zoom [Version 1.06] Scaricato: 2676   
Smart Zoom template enables web browser-like zoom feature in your applications, that is, the combination "Ctrl + Mouse wheel" zooms in and out any LIST or TEXT.   show/hide more info...
   di Ingasoftplus     Scarica Trial/Demo  Compria ora!  
EasyCOM2INC "Ready to GO" WMI [Version 1.01] Scaricato: 2882   
Demonstrates using of Microsoft WMI Scripting Library in the Clarion application.   show/hide more info...
   di Ingasoftplus     Scarica Trial/Demo  Compria ora! da  19000000.0 
EasyCOM2INC "Ready to GO" TX text control [Version 1.26] Scaricato: 3325   
Demonstrates using of TX Text Control 11 / 12 / 20 / 25 / 26 ActiveX (The Imaging Source Europe GmbH) in the Clarion application.   show/hide more info...
   di Ingasoftplus     Scarica Trial/Demo  Compria ora! da  16000000.0 
EasyHelper [Version 1.00] Scaricato: 694   
EasyHelper is a class and templates, allowing you to add a context help into the Clarion application.   show/hide more info...
   di Ingasoftplus  Compria ora! da  99000000.0 
EasyToolTip [Version 1.02] Scaricato: 2161   
EasyToolTip provides a simple icon that users can easily identify as a help provider. Once a user moves their mouse over the icon, a visually pleasing pop-up window displays context sensitive help that remains visible until they choose to close the view.   show/hide more info...
   di Ingasoftplus     Scarica Trial/Demo  Compria ora! da  15000000.0 
EasyNotifier [Version 1.01] Scaricato: 2358   
EasyNotifier is a Clarion wrapper around a .NET assembly DLL and a popup-less notification window, and saves the user from the "Click - on - the - OK - button - to - continue" pain.   show/hide more info...
   di Ingasoftplus     Scarica Trial/Demo  Compria ora! da  37000000.0 
EasyAnimation [Version 1.02] Scaricato: 4044   
Freshen applications by animation. Fill applications by sound. Durable operations with the data, complex calculation or generation of the big report will pass little bit faster for the end user if you accompany their by animation and by sound!   show/hide more info...
   di Ingasoftplus     Scarica Trial/Demo  Compria ora! da  36000000.0 
EasyBundle EasyToolTip & EasyNotifier [Version ] Scaricato: 0   
A bundle EasyToolTip & EasyNotifier   show/hide more info...
   di Ingasoftplus  Compria ora! da  55000000.0 
EasyPDFMaker [Version 1.03] Scaricato: 2510   
EasyPDFMaker is a plug-in for EasyHTML and uses popular js package pdfmake. Very easy to use, flexible, powerful, allows you to create PDF documents of any complexity from your Clarion application.   show/hide more info...
   di Ingasoftplus     Scarica Trial/Demo  Compria ora! da  25000000.0 
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