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2007  38284  
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Total  912240
2013 by Month
Month Downloads
01  6410  
02  5982  
03  6699  
04  7301  
05  7092  
06  7889  
07  8038  
08  7574  
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10  7911  
11  7596  
12  7486  
Total  86734

2013 6 by Day
Day Downloads
01  247  
02  163  
03  266  
04  275  
05  898  
06  152  
07  104  
08  228  
09  192  
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12  176  
13  230  
14  190  
15  193  
16  534  
17  204  
18  378  
19  338  
20  300  
21  263  
22  180  
23  229  
24  195  
25  205  
26  209  
27  623  
28  160  
29  187  
30  203  
Total  7889
2013 6  17
Products   Downloads
Ad-Aware    Buy Now!  
Axure RP Pro    Buy Now!  
Build Automator    Buy Now!  
Codejock Chart Pro 2017    Buy Now!  
Codejock ShortcutBar 2017    Buy Now!  
Codejock SkinFramework 2017    Buy Now!  
Codejock TaskPanel 2017    Buy Now!  
CWPlus    Buy Now! from  110000000.0 
Data Conversion template    Buy Now! from  55000000.0 
dpQuery    Buy Now! from  55000000.0 
Easy3DStyle    Buy Now!  
EasyAnimation    Buy Now! from  36000000.0 
EasyAutoEntry    Buy Now! from  55000000.0 
EasyBundleERS_E3D    Buy Now!  
EasyCOM2INC    Buy Now! from  72000000.0 
EasyCOM2INC "Ready to GO" SQLDMO    Buy Now! from  29000000.0 
EasyCOM2INC "Ready to GO" TX text control    Buy Now! from  16000000.0 
EasyCOM2INC "Ready to GO" WMI    Buy Now! from  19000000.0 
EasyCOM2INC "Ready to GO" xPayment    Buy Now! from  39000000.0 
EasyCOMCreator    Buy Now! from  32000000.0 
EasyDocker    Buy Now! from  22000000.0 
EasyExcel    Buy Now! from  55000000.0 
EasyListPrint    Buy Now! from  55000000.0 
EasyListView    Buy Now! from  41000000.0 
EasyMultiTag    Buy Now! from  46000000.0 
EasyNaviBar    Buy Now! from  41000000.0 
EasyOpenOffice    Buy Now! from  55000000.0 
Emsisoft Anti-Malware    Buy Now!  
MAV Direct ODBC    Buy Now!  
MoleBox Virtualization Solution    Buy Now!  
MONyog and SQLyog Combo Pack    Buy Now!  
MONyog MySQL Monitor and Advisor    Buy Now!  
Noyantis PropertyGrid Wrapper Template    Buy Now!  
PL/SQL Developer    Buy Now!  
RoboForm    Buy Now!  
SetupBuilder Developer Edition    Buy Now!  
Sharp Shooter Collection    Buy Now!  
Shur's Tree Incremental Locator    Buy Now!  
Stimulsoft Reports.Net    Buy Now!  
Studio Enteprise    Buy Now!  
Studio for WinForms    Buy Now!  
TDC Integrated package    Buy Now!  
WinRAR    Buy Now!  
WS Business Writing Version    Buy Now!  
WS Creative Writing Version    Buy Now!  
WS Executive Writing Version    Buy Now!  
Total    204
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