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Today, anyone who uses a computer is in danger of falling prey to spyware and malware. Recent studies show that as many as 90 percent of home computers have been infected with spyware. Are you susceptible? read more
Today, November 30, is known as Cyber Monday and it marks the kickoff of the online shopping season. If you’re a savvy shopper, scouring the Web to find the best deals and bargains today, make sure to keep this in mind: read more
MONyog 3.6 introduces real-time query monitoring and sniping, better server management
REAnti is yet another clone of WiniGuard. This one comes with the same GUI (graphic user interface) as previous ones like KeppCop, SecureKeeper, SiteVillain and AntiAID. read more
Process Flow Visualization Component Source Code V14.02 is Released!
UCanCode XD++ provides a complete set of services, consisting of design tools and a software development kit (SDK), for developers who want to create a user interface for industrial monitoring applications. read more
GUI Design Studio version 3.5 just released with some fixes and changes based on customer requests. This is a minor release that is a free upgrade for all registered users. read more
REAnti is yet another clone of WiniGuard. This one comes with the same GUI as previous ones like KeppCop, SecureKeeper, SiteVillain and AntiAID. read more
A Rogue Story: Refining Our Detection to Keep You Safer
We have an Ad-Aware update that we’d like to call your attention to today. About one year ago, we added a rogue security program called Winiguard into Ad-Aware’s Detection Database, in order to keep you safe from yet another program that peddles itself... read more
Help & Manual 5.3 build 1025 and Premium Pack 1.23 update
Were added new controls in 5 of 7 Studios that make up Studio Enterprise! There are a ton of new features and enhancements in this release and it offers support for MS Windows 7. read more
SQLyog MySQL GUI 8.18 and 8.2 RC2 Has Been released