We are glad to announce the availability of Help & Manual 5.3! This maintenance release is a free update for all version 5 users. If you are using Windows 7, we strongly recommend this update. New features include a German user interface, improved Word an read more
This is a free update if you already own Premium Pack 1.0. However, you need to download the Premium Pack 1.2 update separately (it is not included in Help & Manual installer)... read more
This is a maintenance and support release that addresses some outstanding issues that were not addressed with 13.2.0 including feature enhancements and fixes. read more
Iron Speed Designer V6.2 is ready to download! Simplified code customization, Windows Authentication security, .NET Master pages, Direct to ASPX page generation... read more
2009 has been a big year for Doc-To-Help. Customers have received a brand new XML-based editor, performance upgrades, usability enhancements, and more. read more
Codejock Releases ToolkitPro and SuitePro 2009 Vol.3 for Visual C++ and ActiveX
This release introduces many stability and usability enhancements for all components. Additionally, the Ribbons 2010 themes have been enhanced, the Report adds enhanced tree view support in virtual mode and enhanced excel-like formulas... read more