Doctor Web presents the virus activity review for February 2009. As a traditional January “vacation” came to an end, cyber criminals got back to their work. The last month saw a significantly increased number of malicious programs used to turn computers read more
We are pleased to announce the release of Doc-To-Help 2009 V2… The All-in-one Publishing and Authoring Solution! This release includes feature enhancements that our current users will appreciate and updates that will simplify the experience for new users. read more
Ralph Kreter heads branch office of Doctor Web in Germany
Iron Speed Designer V6.0 is ready to download! New page layout editor, Multi-column record panels, HTML email notifications, New page types... read more
Axure RP Pro 5.5 is now available for download. This release adds the ability to create custom widget libraries, new interaction capabilities for high fidelity prototyping, easier Dynamic Panel management, and enhancements to widgets and diagram editing. read more
Volume 1 is the first major release for Codejock of 2009. This release introduces many stability and usability enhancements for all components. Additionally Calendar and Date Picker controls have received many improvements. read more
Axure RP Pro 5.0 adds numerous new features and enhancements focused on designer collaboration, interactions, and more customizable, faster-to-generate specifications read more
Update of sw components of Dr.Web Security Space and Dr.Web anti-virus 5.0 for Windows release
Doctor Web releases an update of sw modules of Dr.Web Security Space and Anti-virus 5.0 for Windows. The update fixes several errors and adds new features including improved scan of autorun objects, support of Windows themes and the update speed indicator read more