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EMS SQL Manager for MySQL version 4.3 released ems300067   di  EMS Database Management Solutions, Inc
SQL Manager for MySQL version 4.3 released. We are pleased to announce the new minor version.

What's new in SQL Manager for MySQL 4.3?
  1. DB Explorer.
    • Added the Search Panel for quick search within the tree;
    • Window list is now available in the DB Explorer area, the corresponding tab has been added.
  2. Added UTF8 support for metadata.
    • Procedures, functions and triggers containing national characters are now compiled correctly irrespective of the operating system settings.
    • National characters are also displayed correctly in the ENUM fields now.
  3. Now it is possible to restore lost database connection automatically: the corresponding 'Automatically reconnect when connection is lost' option is added to the Options section of the Database Registration Info dialog.
  4. Added the Find Option tool to the SQL Manager settings form, as well as to the Database Registration Info and Host Registration Info forms. The tool allows you to find the required option in the scope of all program settings by a word or an expression from the option title.
  5. Table Editor. The support for tables of the FEDERATED type is implemented.
  6. Extract Database Wizard.
    • The speed of working with large databases is increased.
    • It is now possible to add the delimiter directives upon extraction of procedures and triggers: the corresponding 'Add DELIMITER statements for stored routines and triggers' option is available in the wizard.
    • Adding comments is now optional: the 'Insert comments' option is added to the wizard.
  7. Import Data Wizard.
    • Table fields can now be mapped to text columns automatically.
    • Now it is possible to specify encoding for imported TXT and CSV files.
    • While importing from a DBF file, selecting the ANSI or OEM parameter did not affect the result. Fixed now.
  8. Visual Database Designer. 
    • It is now possible to display the foreign key names in the diagram: the corresponding 'Draw FOREIGN KEY name' option is added.
    • Added the 'Materialize virtual relation' function that can be used to create a foreign key on the basis of a virtual relation.
    • The size of table fields is now displayed in the diagram.
    • When deleting foreign keys, you are now prompted for confirmation.
  9. Restore Tables. Now you can manually input the names of tables that do not exist in the database to restore them.
  10. Export Data Wizard.
    • When exporting the result of a query, it is possible to add the text of the query to the header and/or footer of the output file: the corresponding 'Add to Header’/’Add to Footer' buttons are added.
    • The 'Out of memory' error used to occur when exporting a large amount of records (more than 1000000). Fixed now.
  11. Trigger Editor.
    • It is now possible to add and edit the DEFINER for triggers.
    • Code completion did not work after the table name and the dot (.) character. Fixed now.
  12. The values of the unsigned bigint and unsigned int field types that exceeded 2147483647 are displayed and edited correctly now.
  13. Grid View and Form View tabs.
    • Zero date (0000-00-00) is displayed and edited correctly now on the Form View tab.
    • Now it is possible to edit time within the entire range supported by MySQL: from '-838:59:59' to '838:59:59'. You should just select the 'hhh:nn:ss' format for displaying time (the Grid | Color & Formats section of the Environment Options dialog).
  14. SQL Editor.
    • When the 'Group undo' option is enabled, rollback is performed more logically.
    • The Code Folding function for complex queries is improved.
    • The editor now works considerably faster; such features as syntax highlight, object hyperlinks are not disabled while processing large scripts.
  15. Procedure Editor. An error occurred upon compilation of procedures with names longer than 60 characters. Fixed now.
  16. Save Data Wizard. The templates did not work. Fixed now.
  17. The Execute from file option did not work for UNICODE files. Fixed now.
  18. Lots of other minor improvements and bugfixes.

Hope you will enjoy working with our software.

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