Artisteer 2.4 update for Windows and Artisteer 2.4 Release Candidate for Mac are now available for download.
Currently both Windows and Mac versions are synchronized in terms of functionality and available features.Here is a summary of fixes and improvements since the previous 2.4 release:
Backward compatibility fix for header images when resaving older .artx files.
Fixed an issue with hyperlink underline style inaccuracies.
The .artx project file is now saved properly after product activation (without restarting Artisteer).
Fixed an issue with certain backgrounds not stretching properly in non-IE browsers.
Fixed "path cannot be null" error when opening certain .artx files.
Fixed a bug with not loading Color Palettes saved in previous Artisteer versions.
Lowercase <filename /> text changes in templateDetails.xml.
Drupal - Image Assist problem fix.
Vertical menu displaying outside of the Sheet fixed.
Resolved the issue with "Switch to Plain Text editor" gone.
Headers and photos spacing fix below the header area.
Fixed Blogger templates hanging issue in IE7.
Blogger publishing fix (resulting from changes in Google login form). crash fix when changing layouts in Artisteer templates.