The list below shows what is new in the latest installment, 2009 v3.
Microsoft Windows 7 Support Doc-To-Help always has and always will support Microsoft’s latest technology. The latest release works with Windows 7.
Editor Upgrades
We keep making Doc-To-Help’s built-in editor better. The latest release gives you enhancements such as easier list creation, the ability to print files and align tables.
Local Formatting Mode in Doc-To-Help’s Editor Choose whether to allow local formatting in your documents or not. You can either force the creation of styles for formatting or allow ad-hoc formatting such as on-the-spot font selection and alignment.
Preserve Local Formatting When Converting Word Documents to XHTML If you prefer to convert your documents to XHTML for editing in Doc-To-Help’s editor, you can preserve local formatting.
Global Search and Replace
Edit text once and propagate the change throughout the project with global search and replace.
Improved Project Management Enjoy more efficient project management with the features to make copies of entire projects, open multiple projects at once, and backup your themes and templates on upgrade.
Google Chrome and Apple Safari Optimization Rest easy when creating web-based output. We have made sure NetHelp, our browser-based system, is optimized for Chrome and Safari (in addition to Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox).