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The Next Generation Doc-To-Help 2008 Released c1-DTHENT   di  ComponentOne LLC
New Interface Provides Unprecedented Ease of Use and Efficiency

Somerset, UK 14, 2008 - ComponentOne Europe today announces the release of its next generation Doc-To-Help product. ComponentOne Doc-To-Help 2008 supplies streamlined new authoring features, with state of the art end-user features, all within the brand new Microsoft Office 2007 style interface.

ComponentOne, a Premier Microsoft partner, utilises the latest design standards in creating its interfaces. ComponentOne Doc-To-Help 2008 features Ribbon tool bars, option dialog boxes, and Microsoft Outlook-style panes for modern design and ease of use. Other visual organisers such as the Topics Grid and the Related Topics Editor were also added. The Topics Grid provides a customisable view of all topics used for setting properties and adding elements such as context IDs and keywords. The related Topics Editor allows you to view, edit, and create related topic links with drag and drop operations, making content management effortless. By adding this streamlined workflow to the already powerful single-source publishing capability, ComponentOne Doc-To-Help 2008 is truly your tool to “Write today. Publish tomorrow.”

ComponentOne Doc-To-Help 2008 also debuts its Style Sheet Editor that configures style sheets in a point-and-click interface. With ComponentOne Doc-To-Help 2008 you’ll be able to create better documentation, eliminate the need to understand CSS tags, and enjoy the flexibility of its output options.

“We streamlined the workflow and user experience with Microsoft Office 2007-style interface, visual content organisers, and intuitive dialogs,” said Dan Beall, Product Line Manager at ComponentOne USA. “We created the ComponentOne Doc-To-Help 2008 user interface to allow all levels of content authors to efficiently produce the content they need, at professional quality, without specific technical expertise.”

ComponentOne Doc-To-Help 2008 is compatible with ComponentOne DemoWorks, an intuitive application that allows you to record anything on your screen then produce a polished shareable demo in minutes. ComponentOne Doc-To-Help 2008 showcases the ability to insert ComponentOne DemoWorks created Flash movies in Word documents for online output.

ComponentOne Doc-To-Help automatically excludes the movie when generating print versions. ComponentOne Doc-To-Help 2008 and ComponentOne DemoWorks are offered individually but may be bundled together for extra savings. “ComponentOne believes that this bundle is important, as we strive to provide technical content authors, regardless of their focus, a credible set of tools that give them everything needed to create visually impressive and interactive user assistance, training, and marketing materials,” said Steve Day, Director of Global Sales and Marketing at ComponentOne USA.
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