New methods
-InsertDataSource (EasyWriter) - inserts a new datasource into Writer.
-SetParam (EasyCalc and EasyWriter) - sets the pairs "parameter" - "value" to the different EasyOpenOffice methods.
-InsertDBField (EasyWriter) - inserts a database field into a current cursor position.
-MailMerge (EasyWriter) - performs a mail merging of Writer document.
-SetViewSettings (EasyWriter) - provides access to the settings of the appearance of an office document.
Changed templates
- InitWriter code template (EasyWriter) - added an ability to open documents in a hidden mode.
- KillWriter code template (EasyWriter) - added "Terminate OpenOffice" checkbox.
- InitCalc code template (EasyCalc) - added an ability to open a workbook in a hidden mode.
- KillCalc code template (EasyCalc) - added "Terminate OpenOffice" checkbox.
- TextFields code template (EasyWriter) - added a "Database" type of field.
New templates
- InsertDataSource code template (EasyWriter) - inserts a new DataSource into
- MailMerge code template (EasyWriter) - performs a mail merging of Writer document.
- SetViewSettings code template (EasyWriter) - provides access to the settings of the appearance of an office document.