SDK: 1.0.2739.15
WebView2 Runtime: For full API compatibility, this version of the WebView2 SDK requires WebView2 Runtime version 128.0.2739.15 or higher. Release notes:
Delivering the Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime to Windows 10 Consumers:
Microsoft: We're bringing Edge WebView2 to more Windows 10 devices, and here's why:
[Announcement] Microsoft Edge and Adobe partner to improve the PDF experience (Issue #81)
NEW: NotificationReceived event: raised when a non-persistent notification is received.
NEW: TClaEdgeNotification class: represents a HTML Notification object.
NEW: TClaEdgeNotificationManager class: manages the notifications handled by the host app.
NEW: Notifications example.
Chromium DevTools Protocol (CDP) API.
Target domain support (
NEW: TClaEdgeBase.bUseCDPTargets property: enables a Target domain support.
NEW: TClaEdgeBase.cdpTargetInfos property: a list of available targets.
Environment options.
NEW: ChannelSearchKind: the WebView2 loader searches for binaries from least to most stable: Canary -> Dev -> Beta -> WebView2 Runtime.
NEW: TargetCompatibleBrowserVersion: the version of the WebView2 Runtime binaries required to be compatible with your app.
NEW: ReleaseChannels: a mask of one or more CoreWebView2ReleaseChannels indicating which channels environment creation should search for.
NEW: ScrollBarStyle: ScrollBar style to be used.
CHG: overloaded TClaEdgeBase.AddWebResourceRequestedFilter supporting a request source filter.
ExecuteScript API.
CHG: OnScriptResult event is extended to receive javascript exception.
CHG: ExecuteScriptAsync(pScriptName, jsScript, pUnescapeResult) is extended to pass boolean pHandleException argument. If true then OnScriptResult event will receive an unhandled exception info.
Nonclient region support.
NEW: IsNonClientRegionSupportEnabled: Enables nonclient region support.
FIX: WebView could throw an exveption on TClaEdge.Kill method if ProcessFailed event happened.
This release is available, free of charge, to all customers who have an active maintenance and support subscription plan.
The Ingasoftplus will be on leave, from July 05 to July 25, 2024, for staff vacation. During this time, our online store will remain open and you are welcome to place orders. Orders will be processed with delay. Response times can be longer than usual.
The Ingasoftplus will be on leave, from July 05 to July 25, 2024, for staff vacation. During this time, our online store will remain open and you are welcome to place orders. Orders will be processed with delay. Response times can be longer than usual.
SDK: 1.0.2210.55
WebView2 Runtime: For full API compatibility, this version of the WebView2 SDK requires WebView2 Runtime version 120.0.2210.55 or higher. Release notes:
Delivering the Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime to Windows 10 Consumers:
Microsoft: We're bringing Edge WebView2 to more Windows 10 devices, and here's why:
[Announcement] Microsoft Edge and Adobe partner to improve the PDF experience (Issue #81):
The browser extension API
Developers would like to ensure a browser extension is installed so that they may take advantage of the functionality the extension is providing.
NEW: AreBrowserExtensionsEnabled environment option/template prompt: enable/disable browser extensions.
NEW: TBrowserExtensionManager class: allows to install, remove, enable, get a browser extension.
NEW: OnBrowserExtensionsChanged event.
NEW: Browser extensions example.
Default script locale
ScriptLocale property is to specify the default script locale. It sets the default locale for all Intl JavaScript APIs and other JavaScript APIs that depend on it, namely Intl.DateTimeFormat() which affects string formatting like in the time/date formats.
NEW: OnExceptionThrown event: provides an info about thrown handled exception. The info contains exception type, message, hresult, source, and stack trace.
TCookieManager class
FIX: GetCookies method didn't work in Release mode.
This release is available, free of charge, to all customers who have an active maintenance and support subscription plan.
CHG: InsertingImagePrompt event now accepts image width and height arguments.
NEW: BeforeProcessCommand and AfterProcessCommand events allow custom code injection before and after an action calling by the toolbar buttons and context menu items.
NEW: A list of command constants used in BeforeProcessCommand and AfterProcessCommand events.
This release is available, free of charge, to all customers who have an active maintenance and support subscription plan.
SDK: 1.0.1901.177
WebView2 Runtime: For full API compatibility, this version of the WebView2 SDK requires WebView2 Runtime version 115.0.1901.177 or higher. Release notes:
Delivering the Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime to Windows 10 Consumers:
Microsoft: We're bringing Edge WebView2 to more Windows 10 devices, and here's why:
The Managing SmartScreen API
Edge SmartScreen ( helps end users identify reported phishing and malware websites, and also helps end users make informed decisions about downloads.
The IsReputationCheckingRequired property controls whether SmartScreen is enabled.
NEW: IsReputationCheckingRequired property determines whether SmartScreen is enabled when visiting web pages.
NEW: "Enable SmartScreen" template prompt.
The SharedBuffer API
For some advanced scenarios, there is a need to exchange large amounts of data between the WebView2 application process and trusted web pages that are considered as part of the app. Some examples:
Web page generates a large amount of data, and passes it to the native side to be further processed or fed to other parts of the app or OS. For example, the web page generates 100MBs of high DPI images to be printed and needs to pass that to the native code to print.
Native side generates a large amount of data for the web side to consume. The data might or might not come directly from files. For example the native side has generated terabytes of data to produce different graphs on the web side.
To support these scenarios, we added SharedBuffer API to support sharing buffers between the WebView2 host app process and WebView2 renderer process, based on shared memory from the OS.
The application code can use the APIs to create a shared buffer object, and share to scripts as ArrayBuffer object. Then both the native application code and the script will be able to access the same memory.
NEW: TSharedBuffer class that allows to create shared buffer, send and receive data to/from a script.
NEW: TClaEdgeBase.PostBinaryData and TClaEdgeBase.FramePostBinaryData methods which post binary data to a script (implicit shared buffers).
NEW: PostBinaryData and ReadBinaryData examples.
Tracking Prevention API
The API to control levels of tracking prevention and also to turn off tracking prevention feature (
NEW: PreferredTrackingPreventionLevel property allows you to control levels of tracking prevention for WebView2 which are associated with a profile and persisted in the user data folder.
NEW: EnableTrackingPrevention property is used to enable/disable tracking prevention feature.
Permission Management API
With the extended OnPermissionRequested and OnFramePermissionRequested events args and new permission APIs you will be able to:
Set permission for a site at any time
List all nondefault permissions
Control more permission kinds
NEW: SavesInProfile argument in OnPermissionRequested and OnFramePermissionRequested events lets you turn off the caching of permission state so that you can intercept all permission requests.
NEW: TClaEdgeProfile.SetPermissionState method sets permission state for the given permission kind and origin.
NEW: TClaEdgeProfile.GetNonDefaultPermissionSettings method requests for a collection of all nondefault permission settings.
NEW: OnNonDefaultPermissionSettings event returns a collection of all nondefault permission settings as a json string.
NEW: PermissionKind.MidiSystemExclusiveMessages equate indicates permission to send and receive system exclusive messages to/from MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) devices.
NEW: PermissionKind.WindowManagement equate indicates permission to open and place windows on the screen.
LaunchingExternalUriScheme API
OnLaunchingExternalUriScheme is the event that will be raised when an attempt to launch a URI scheme that is registered with the OS (external URI scheme) is made. When navigating to a URI, the URI scheme determines how to handle the URI. Some schemes like http, and https, are resolved by the WebView2 and the navigation is handled in the WebView2. Other URI schemes may be registered externally to the WebView2 with the OS by other applications. Such schemes are handled by launching the external URI scheme (
Registering an Application to a URI Scheme:
NEW: OnLaunchingExternalUriScheme event is raised when there's an attempt to launch a URI scheme that is registered with the OS (external URI scheme).
NEW: "Launch external scheme" example.
Memory usage API
Some Easy Edge apps want to continue to run scripts while inactive and therefore cannot make usage of TrySuspend and Resume APIs to reduce resource consumption. We are introducing an API to reduce memory usage only for this type of inactive WebViews.
NEW: MemoryUsageTargetLevel property allows specifying memory consumption levels, such as low or normal.
ScriptToExecuteOnCreate API
CHG: AddScriptToExecuteOnCreate now accepts scriptId parameter that may be passed when calling RemoveScriptToExecuteOnCreate.
NEW: RemoveScriptToExecuteOnCreate method removes the corresponding JavaScript added via AddScriptToExecuteOnCreate with the specified script ID.
Host objects API
NEW: RemoveHostObjectFromScript and RemoveFrameHostObjectFromScript methods remove the host object specified by the name so that it is no longer accessible from JavaScript code in the WebView or iframe.
DOM objects
The File API allows accessing a DOM File object passed via WebMessage.
Representation of a DOM File ( object passed via WebMessage.
You can use this object to obtain the path of a File dropped on the control.
CHG: OnWebMessageStringReceived and OnWebMessageJsonReceived events have pAdditionalObjectsCount arg which gets the number of additional objects.
NEW: GetAdditionalObjectProp method returns a property of the object.
Multiple profiles
NEW: TClaEdgeProfile.GetCookieManager property enables the host app to get the cookie manager for the profile.
NEW: TClaEdgeProfile.IsGeneralAutofillEnabled property determines whether general form information will be saved and autofilled.
NEW: TClaEdgeProfile.IsPasswordAutosaveEnabled property determines whether password information will be autosaved.
ClearBrowsingData API
NEW: The ServiceWorkers enum value in the BrowsingDataKinds enum specifies service workers that are registered for an origin.
NavigationStarting API
NEW: In OnNavigationStarting event NavigationKind argument gets the navigation kind of each navigation, such as Back/Forward, Reload, or navigation to a new document.
FIX: (C6.3 templates) Syntax error in an embed point identifier (EasyEdgeChromiumG.tpw). Check the embed tree to orphaned embeds "Init method body|Data" and "Init method body|Code".
CHG: Removed conditional linking of win32ext.lib for C8 only in DLL mode. If you use C8 in DLL mode, link win32ext.lib manually. The same is true for some of C6.3 versions regardless of linking mode.
This release is available, free of charge, to all customers who have an active maintenance and support subscription plan.
NEW: Playing local and remote video files (.avi). New class methods are: RenderMediaFile, RenderMediaUrl, GetMediaDuration, GetMediaCurrentPosition, SetMediaCurrentPosition, GetMediaStopPosition, SetMediaStopPosition, GetMediaRate, SetMediaRate, IsMediaOpened, IsPlaybackComplete.
NEW: "Playback" tab in the demo app allows you to play local and remote video, pause it, rewind, change the speed.
FIX: Camera resolutions which use MJPG encoding did not work properly.
CHG: SetTextLogo method now accepts font style and text position. The logo can be docked to any edge of the video area.
CHG: ZXing.Net upgraded from to
SDK: 1.0.1587.40
WebView2 Runtime: For full API compatibility, this version of the WebView2 SDK requires WebView2 Runtime version 110.0.1587.40 or higher.
Delivering the Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime to Windows 10 Consumers:
Microsoft: We're bringing Edge WebView2 to more Windows 10 devices, and here's why:
Custom Scheme Registration API
NEW: CustomSchemeRegistrations additional option used to create a WebView2 Environment to manage custom scheme registration. This allows the app to be able to handle OnWebResourceRequested event for requests with the specified scheme and be able to navigate the WebView2 to the custom scheme.
NEW: "Custom scheme" example demonstrates a navigation to the addresses like school://students/list/json.
Web resource API
NEW: EnableWebResourceRequestedEvent method enables or disables OnWebResourceRequested event.
NEW: Overloaded Navigate methods allow you to send binary POST data.
CHG: "Resource request" example (renamed to "Navigate with web resource request" in main menu) now uses page to send POST data and receive a server response.
Permission management API
CHG: OnPermissionRequested event: extended CoreWebView2PermissionKind itemize (pKind argument), new equates:
MultipleAutomaticDownloads (Permission is requested when multiple downloads are triggered in quick succession)
FileReadWrite (Permission is requested when developers use the File System Access API)
Autoplay (This permission affects the autoplay attribute and play method of the audio and video HTML elements, and the start method of the Web Audio API)
LocalFonts (Permission is requested when developers use the Local Font Access API)
HiddenPdfToolbarItems API
CHG: HiddenPdfToolbarItems now allows to hide any toolbar item.
DownloadStarting API
CHG: OnDownloadStarting event: added uri and mimeType parameters.
FIX: Some ITEMIZE equates had wrong values.
NEW: "Save web page as mhtml" sample code in the demo.
This release is available, free of charge, to all customers who have an active maintenance and support subscription plan.
SDK: 1.0.1518.46
WebView2 Runtime: For full API compatibility, this version of the WebView2 SDK requires WebView2 Runtime version 109.0.1518.46 or higher.
Release notes:
Delivering the Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime to Windows 10 Consumers:
Microsoft: We're bringing Edge WebView2 to more Windows 10 devices, and here's why:
The Print API
NEW: PrintAsync method prints the current web page asynchronously to the specified printer with the provided settings.
NEW: PrintToPdfStream method provides the Pdf data of current web page asynchronously for the provided settings.
NEW: ShowPrintUI method opens the print dialog to print the current web page.
NEW: OnPrintCompleted event raised when a call of PrintAsync is completed and indicates the status for printing.
NEW: OnPrintToPdfStreamCompleted event raised when a call of PrintToPdfStream is completed and provides the Pdf data of current web page.
CHG: TWebView2PrintSettings class has new print settings: PageRanges, PagesPerSide, Copies, Collation, ColorMode, Duplex, MediaSize, PrinterName.
The Custom Crash Reporting API
NEW: TClaEdgeEnvironmentOptions.IsCustomCrashReportingEnabled property: when set to true, Windows won't send crash data to Microsoft endpoint.
NEW: TClaEdgeBase.FailureReportFolderPath method returns the failure report folder.
The Frame API
NEW: TFrameManager.FindFrame method finds a frame by its name.
WebResource request API
NEW: TWebResourceRequest.SetHeader method adds or updates request header.
NEW: Customizable Init error messages.
NEW: Optional BEEP on Init error.
NEW: Additional embed points in "Initialization|Fail reason" branch.
NEW: "Set focus after navigation completes" checkbox.
This release is available, free of charge, to all customers who have an active maintenance and support subscription plan.
WebView2 Runtime: For full API compatibility, this version of the WebView2 SDK requires WebView2 Runtime version 107.0.1418.22 or higher.
Release notes:
Delivering the Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime to Windows 10 Consumers:
Microsoft: We're bringing Edge WebView2 to more Windows 10 devices, and here's why:
Bug fixes in SDK 1.0.1418.22 and WebView2 Runtime
Fixed a bug in which the custom header title in print settings could be wrong.
Display AllowedCertificateAuthorities in OnClientCertificateRequested event as a Base64 string.
Fixed a bug in which the default footer URI in print settings is missing.
Fixed a bug that produces a null pointer exception that's related to print settings.
Fixed a bug that reports navigation failure when redirecting to a server that has been configured with Client Certificate Authentication and when the WebResourceRequested event is subscribed to.
Fixed an AddHostObjectToScript bug in which, when JavaScript calls an async method and then a synchronous method, the async method call might fail.
Bug fixes and New Features in Easy Edge (Chromium) 1.11
NEW: CellEditTabChangesRows property makes EasyListView change the row being edited when the user presses [Tab] while editing the last editable cell on a row.
NEW: CellEditEnterChangesRows property makes EasyListView try to edit the cell below the cell being edited when the user press [Enter].
NEW: SetCellEditKeyBehaviour method sets the behavior of a given key.
NEW: New template tab "Edit-in-place".
CHG: In embeds tree all embed points related to EasyListView events moved to "Events" branch. The list of moved embed points:
"Cell value changed"
"Double click"
"Format cell"
"Format row"
"Group task clicked"
"Can drop"
"Item checked"
"Property changed"
"Right click"
"Selected row index changed"
"Selected row indices changed"
"Sort order changed"
"Watch control value changed"
This release is available, free of charge, to all customers who have an active maintenance and support subscription plan.
SDK: 1.0.1293.44
WebView2 Runtime: For full API compatibility, this version of the WebView2 SDK requires WebView2 Runtime version 104.0.1293.44 or higher.
Release notes:
Delivering the Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime to Windows 10 Consumers:
Microsoft: We're bringing Edge WebView2 to more Windows 10 devices, and here's why:
The Favicon API.
NEW: OnFavIconChanged event raised when the Favicon has changed. This can include when a new page is loaded and thus by default no icon is set or the icon is set for the page by DOM or JavaScript.
Demo app.
NEW: "Edge tools" example showing History and Downloads tools.
This release is available, free of charge, to all customers who have an active maintenance and support subscription plan.
SDK: 1.0.1245.22
WebView2 Runtime: 102.0.1245.22 or higher.
Release notes:
Server certificate API: provides an option to trust the server's TLS certificate at the application level. It renders the page without prompting the user about TLS or providing the ability to cancel the web request.
NEW: ServerCertificateErrorDetected event: raised when the WebView2 cannot verify server's digital certificate while loading a web page.
NEW: ClearServerCertificateErrorActions method: clears all cached decisions to proceed with TLS certificate errors from the OnServerCertificateErrorDetected event for all WebView2's sharing the same session.
Clear browsing data API: allows developers to programmatically clear specific data types for a duration.
NEW: TClaEdgeProfile.ClearBrowsingData(pDataKinds, pStartDate, pEndDate) method.
Http Status Code API: provides the HTTP status code for navigation requests.
CHG: OnNavigationCompleted and OnFrameNavigationCompleted events: accept HttpStatusCode argument.
A uniform resource identifier (URI) API.
NEW: TUriHelper class: over 30 properties and methods to build, compare, validate, parse, get an access to the parts of a URI.
Navigation bar template improvements.
NEW: Smart address bar: enables search feature from the address string, allows to choose Search provider (Bing, Google or other), hides the protocol prefix (like https://) in the address string.
NEW: OnZoomFactorChanged event: raised when ZoomFactor property changed.
NEW: "Don't generate Init call" template option: allows to manually call the Init method.
Demo app.
CHG: WebBrowser uses smart address bar.
This release is available, free of charge, to all customers who have an active maintenance and support subscription plan.
SDK: 1.0.1210.39
WebView2 Runtime: 101.0.1210.39 or higher.
Release notes:
Client certificate request
NEW: OnClientCertificateRequested event: raised when WebView2 is making a request to an HTTP server that needs a client certificate for HTTP authentication.
NEW: TClaEdgeClientCertificateRequest class: allows an access to a list of mutually trusted CA certificates.
NEW: Client certificate example.
Multiple profile support
Now you can have multiple WebView2s running with separate profiles under a single user data directory (i.e. a single browser instance at runtime), which means separate cookies, user preference settings, and various data storage etc., to help you build a more wonderful experience for your application.
NEW: Template: Profile tab, where you can set the name of the profile, InPrivate mode, the default download folder path, the preferred color scheme associated with this profile.
NEW: Profile.DefaultDownloadFolderPath property: the default download folder path.
NEW: Profile.PreferredColorScheme property: the overall color scheme associated with this profile. This sets the color scheme for UI like dialogs, prompts, and menus. Available schemes are: Light, Dark, and Auto (current OS color scheme).
NEW: OnControllerCreated event: raised when a CoreWebView2Controller created. This is right place to change profile properties.
Process info
NEW: OnProcessInfosChanged event: raised when a collection of WebView2 Runtime processes changed due to new process being detected or when a existing process gone away.
NEW: TClaEdgeProcessInfos class: allows an access to a list of WebView2 Runtime processes and their properties.
Failed initialization
NEW: OnInitializationFailed event: raised when the initialization failed.
NEW: Template settings for failed initialization: "Show error message" and "Close the window".
NEW: Template: allows to use ApplicationData common folder for User Data Folders.
NEW: Template: allows control of whether or not other processes can create WebView2 using the same user data folder..
FIX: Template: Global Environment settings applied if local settings are not defined.
Demo application
CHG: User data folder is located inside ApplicationData common folder.
CHG: Overloaded Init method now takes a parameter of TClaEdgeEnvironmentSettings type.
CHG: Template: Events are grouped by their purpose.
This release is available, free of charge, to all customers who have an active maintenance and support subscription plan.
SDK: 1.0.1185.39
WebView2 Runtime: 100.0.1185.39 or higher.
Release notes:
FIX: Apps built in Clarion ("Legacy") template chain threw an exception in OnFrameCreated event.
FIX: "Duplicate symbol: TYPE$BITMAPFILEHEADER" error.
FIX: Template inline comment error in C6.3.
FIX: Missing coinitex.lib for C6.3.
FIX: IsSwipeNavigationEnabled set property didn't work.
Context menu: Enables host app to create or modify their own context menu
NEW: OnContextMenuRequested event: Raised when a context menu is requested by the user and the content inside WebView hasn't disabled context menus.
NEW: OnCustomItemSelected event: Raised when the user selects custom context menu item.
NEW: TClaEdgeContextMenu class: Allows an access to context menu properties, adds and removes menu items.
NEW: Custom context menu example.
NEW: OnStatusBarTextChanged event: Raised when the text in the statusbar changes.
NEW: StatusBarText property: The current text of the statusbar.
NEW: Custom statusbar example.
External drop
NEW: AllowExternalDrop property: Enable/disable external drop.
Pdf Toolbar
NEW: HiddenPdfToolbarItems property: Hide/unhide the PDF toolbar items like "Save", "SaveAs", "Print".
NEW: OnFramePermissionRequested event: Raised when content in an iframe or any of its descendant iframes requests permission to access some privileged resources.
DevTools Protocol
NEW: SetDevToolsProtocolEventReceiver method:
NEW: OnDevToolsProtocolEventReceived event: Raised when the corresponding DevToolsProtocol event is raised.
NEW: CallDevToolsProtocolMethodForSession method: Runs an asynchronous `DevToolsProtocol` method for a specific session of an attached target.
NEW: Template: global enviroment options can now be overridden in local extensions, so every Easy Edge instance may have its own browser data, such as cookies, permissions, and cached resources.
This release is available, free of charge, to all customers who have an active maintenance and support subscription plan.
SDK: 1.0.1150.38
WebView2 Runtime: 99.0.1150.38 or higher.
Release notes:
NEW: Global template option "Custom install procedure" allows to call a custom install procedure instead of built-in DownloadAndInstallRuntime method.
NEW: Global template option "Do not copy DLLs" to prevent from copying the dlls to the app folder.
NEW: OnBasicAuthenticationRequested event raised when WebView2 encounters a Basic HTTP Authentication request as described in or an NTLM authentication request.
NEW: OnNavigationCompleted/OnFrameNavigationCompleted events can report 2 new error statuses: ValidAuthenticationCredentialsRequired and ValidProxyAuthenticationRequired.
NEW: Local template: (Environment tab) "Enable single sign on with AAD resources" checkbox.
NEW: UserDataFolder method returns the user data folder. This could be either the value passed to Init method or the calculated one for default handling. And will always be an absolute path.
NEW: Overloaded DownloadAndInstallRuntime(STRING downloadUri) method.
NEW: Embed point Initialization->Init method.
NEW: The demo app now includes HTTP basic authentication example.
HTTP basic authentication and NTLM authentication
By default HTTP basic authentication and NTLM authentication requests inside WebView2 show the authentication UI, which is a dialog prompt in which the user can type in user name and password credentials just like in the Edge browser. We have been requested by WebView2 app developers to provide finer granularity for managing HTTP Basic/NTLM authentications inside WebView2, including the ability to hide the login UI and provide credentials.
Azure Active Directory
NEW: Init method now supports optional allowSingleSignOnUsingOSPrimaryAccount parameter (false by default).
It determines whether to enable single sign on with Azure Active Directory (AAD) resources inside WebView using the logged in Windows account and single sign on (SSO) with web sites using Microsoft account associated with the login in Windows account.
This release is available, free of charge, to all customers who have an active maintenance and support subscription plan.
SDK 1.0.1108.44
WebView2 Runtime 98.0.1108.44 or higher.
Release notes:
CKEditor4 class and template
NEW: HtmlFile property: you can change default html file location.
NEW: ExecCommand method: shortcut for javascript 'editor1.execCommand' call.
CHG: GetData(*BLOB)/LoadFile/SaveFile methods now return boolean values.
NEW: CustomScripts method: useful to customize CKEditor definitions.
NEW: OnInstanceReady event: Raised when CKEditor 'instanceReady' event is raised.
NEW: OnBeforeCommandExec event: Fired before the command execution when execCommand is called.
NEW: OnAfterCommandExec event: Fired after the command execution when execCommand is called.
NEW: OnDialogShow event: Fired when a dialog is shown.
NEW: OnDialogHide event: Fired when a dialog is hidden.
NEW: OnSetDataCompleted event: Raised when CKEditor 'setData' call is completed.
NEW: template prompt "Path to html file": allows to change default html file location.
NEW: template prompt "Open maximized".
CHG: template prompt "Data variable" now allows to use the variables not only from Data Schematic pad.
iframe support
NEW: OnFrameCreated event: Raised when a new iframe is created.
NEW: OnFrameDestroyed event: Raised when the iframe is removed or the document containing that iframe is destroyed.
NEW: OnFrameContentLoading event: Raised before any content is loaded.
NEW: OnFrameDOMContentLoaded event: Raised when the initial HTML document has been parsed.
NEW: OnFrameWebMessageStringReceived, OnFrameWebMessageJsonReceived events: Dispatches after web content sends a message to the app host via chrome.webview.postMessage.
NEW: OnFrameScriptResult event: Dispatches when a script has finished and returned a result.
All iframe events are located in Embed Tree under 'Events (iframe)' branch.
NEW: TFrameManager class that handles all frame instances.
NEW: GetFrameManager method that returns a TFrameManager instance.
NEW: TClaEdgeFrame class represents an <iframe> instance and has the methods similar to main edge class: AddDefaultHostObjectToScript, ExecuteScriptAsync, PostWebMessageAsJson, PostWebMessageAsString. The TClaEdgeFrame instance is accessible in generated code in any iframe event procedure.
Navigation ID
Navigation events (OnNavigationStarting, OnContentLoading, OnDOMContentLoaded, OnNavigationCompleted,) now pass the ID of the navigation.
The events OnNavigationStarting and OnFrameNavigationStarting now have AdditionalAllowedFrameAncestors argument that enable developers to provide additional allowed frame ancestors.
The app may set this argument to allow a frame to be embedded by additional ancestors besides what is allowed by http header X-Frame-Options and Content-Security-Policy frame-ancestors directive.
Media API
NEW: IsDocumentPlayingAudio property: Indicates whether any audio output is playing.
NEW: IsMuted property: Indicates whether all audio output from this WebView2 is muted or not.
NEW: OnPlayingAudioStateChanged event: Raised when document starts or stops playing audio, or when the mute state changes.
Download Positioning and Anchoring API
- Changing the position of the download dialog, relative to the WebView2 bounds. You can anchor the download dialog to the Download button, instead of the default position, which is the top-right corner.
- Programmatically open and close the default download dialog.
- Making changes in response to the dialog opening and closing.
NEW: OpenDefaultDownloadDialog method: Open the default download dialog.
NEW: CloseDefaultDownloadDialog method: Close the default download dialog.
NEW: IsDefaultDownloadDialogOpen property: True if the default download dialog is currently open.
NEW: DefaultDownloadDialogMargin property: The default download dialog margin relative to the WebView corner specified by DefaultDownloadDialogCornerAlignment.
NEW: DefaultDownloadDialogCornerAlignment property: The default download dialog corner alignment.
NEW: OnDefaultDownloadDialogOpenChanged event: Raised when the IsDefaultDownloadDialogOpen property changes.
PrintToPdf example notes
Since the signatures of the methods OnNavigationStarting and OnNavigationCompleted have been changed, the derived methods of prn2pdf class must be changed accordingly. See for correct definitions.
CHG: Visible property now read/write (was write only).
FIX: Template support for web controls placed on TAB controls which in turn placed on parent TAB controls.
Two tips were added in the doc.
This release is available, free of charge, to all customers who have an active maintenance and support subscription plan.
The Ingasoftplus will be on leave, July 01 to August 01, 2021 for staff vacation. During this time, our online store will remain open and you are welcome to place orders. Orders will be processed ASAP. Response times can be slightly longer than usual.
Easy Edge (Chromium) is a Clarion wrapper around the Microsoft Edge WebView2 control that enables you to embed web technologies (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) in your Clarion applications easily. The WebView2 control uses Microsoft Edge (Chromium) as the rendering engine to display the web content in native applications.
The Ingasoftplus will be on leave, July 09 to August 01, 2020 for staff vacation.
During this time, our online store will remain open and you are welcome to place orders. Orders will be processed ASAP. Response times can be slightly longer than usual.
We are working on a new upgrade to detect and support Clarion 11 Gold. Following product installers have been updated to detect and support Clarion 11 Gold:
EasyCOM2INC 2.14
EasyCOMCreator 1.06
EasyCam 1.09
EasyDotNet 1.09
EasyFingerPrint 1.01
EasyHTML 2.03
EasyListView 1.10
EasyNotifier 1.01
EasyNaviBar 1.05
EasyPDFMaker 1.00
EasyToolTip 1.01
EasyXML 1.07
dpQuery 2.11
Data Conversion template 1.92
EasyExcel 4.07
EasyReport 1.03
EasyMultiTag 2.10
EasyAutoEntry 1.04
EasyAnimation 1.02
It is available, free of charge, to all customers who have an active maintenance and support subscription plan.
ToRtf() method could throw exception "A generic error occurred in GDI+".
InsertingImagePrompt event: allows to call custom Image dialog instead of standard one.
Navigating event: occurs before the WebBrowser control navigates to a new document.
HtmlBrowseBox template now supports 'Inline actions'. For example, you can define Edit row and Delete row buttons in rightmost column. Don't forget to update BrowseBox.js.
Updated demo applications.
This release is available, free of charge, to all customers who have an active maintenance and support subscription plan.
TEventLog class provides interaction with Windows event logs on local or remote computer.
TDrawingBitmap class encapsulates a GDI+ bitmap, which consists of the pixel data for a graphics image and its attributes (BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, EXIF, ICON). A Bitmap is an object used to work with images defined by pixel data.
TDrawingMetafile class defines a graphic metafile (WMF, EMF). A metafile contains records that describe a sequence of graphics operations that can be recorded (constructed) and played back (displayed).
Both TDrawingBitmap and TDrawingMetafile objects can be displayed in standard Clarion IMAGE control.
Updated demo app.
This release is available, free of charge, to all customers who have an active maintenance and support subscription plan.
EasyPDFMaker is a plug-in for EasyHTML and uses popular js package pdfmake. Very easy to use, flexible, powerful, allows you to create PDF documents of any complexity from your Clarion application.
RTF to HTML converter: invalid src value if image path contains spaces;
In ReadOnly mode it was accidently possible to cut, delete or replace in html (Ctrl-X, Delete and Replace dialog).
Regression: Navigator template did not enable navigation events.
EncodeImages could fail if image's <src> missing or blank.
RTF to HTML converter: now produces unique image names;
InsertScriptSource ? ScriptSource have been renamed:
InsertScriptSrc() inserts file script (<script src="myscript.js"/>);
InsertScriptText() inserts text script (<script>function message(text) { alert(text); };</script>);
Now it's allowed to insert more than 1 script in a html file;
Charset property (get/set);
PrinterName property (get/set);
This release is available, free of charge, to all customers who have an active maintenance and support subscription plan.
This release introduces many new updates including MSM modules for ActiveX distribution fix, fixes ActiveX Chart version conflicts between releases, themes source projects included into the ActiveX packages, workardound for Untrust Font Blocking added to both Toolkit and ActiveX also a number of missing/requested properties added to ActiveX and a number of HiDPI fixes.
Codejock Software's Toolkit Pro for Visual C++ wins Best Component UI, Toolbar, Menu, Ribbon for Visual Studio Magazine's Reader's Choice Award for 2017.
TWinToastManager class. Toast notifications allows your app to inform the users about relevant information and timely events that they should see and take action upon inside your app, such as a new instant message, a new friend request, breaking news, or a calendar event. (NB: Available since Windows 8.)
Updated DEMO applications:
Demo app demonstrates Toast notifications.
Both Helpdesk apps now display the notifications on incoming messages.
This release is available, free of charge, to all customers who have an active maintenance and support subscription plan.
Note: Clarion 10 user: if you are trying to compile your COM-dll in Clarion 10 first your need to copy accessory\lib\WIN32.LIB into your project folder.
This release is available, free of charge, to all customers who have an active maintenance and support subscription plan.
added 3rd parameter "pAbsolutePath" to ClaXMLDOM.SetFieldTagName() - so now you can define absolute path of the tag: xDoc.SetFieldTagName('OrgID', 'ancestor::Organization/ID', TRUE)
SVG sample, it demonstrates how to transform queue data into SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics).
Updated DEMO application.
This release is available, free of charge, to all customers who have an active maintenance and support subscription plan.
TMessageQueue class. It provides access to a queue on a Message Queuing server. MSMQ is a messaging protocol that allows applications running on separate servers/processes to communicate in a failsafe manner.
2 demo apps HelpDesk (server) and UserApp (client).
This release is available, free of charge, to all customers who have an active maintenance and support subscription plan.
TProtectedData - Provides methods for encrypting and decrypting data.
TSignedXml - Provides a wrapper on a core XML signature object to facilitate creating XML signatures.
TAesManaged - Provides a managed implementation of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).
TTripleDES - Defines a wrapper object to access the cryptographic service provider (CSP) version of the System.Security.Cryptography.TripleDES algorithm.
TSHAManaged - Computes the SHA1/SHA256/SHA384/SHA512 hash for the input data.
THMACManaged - Computes a Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) using the SHA1/SHA256/SHA384/SHA512/MD5/RIPEMD160 hash function.
Updated DEMO application.
This release is available, free of charge, to all customers who have an active maintenance and support subscription plan.
EasyDotNet is a Clarion wrapper around a .NET Framework Class Library. It covers a several most useful classes. The .NET Framework class library is a library of classes, interfaces, and value types that provide access to system functionality. EasyDotNet is implemented as a set of classes available as full source code, template and .NET assembly DLL. Full documentation can be found online.
NEW: Listview as Drop target (see for details):
EnableDropTarget - enable/disable listview as drop target (disable by default);
CanDropBetween - accept drops between items;
CanDropOnBackground - accept drops on the background;
CanDropOnItem - accept drops on item;
CanDropOnSubItem - accept drops on individual sub-items;
DropFeedbackColor - change the color used for the drag & drop feedback;
OnCanDrop event - the handler has to decide if the currently dragged items can be dropped at the current location.
OnDropped event - If the allowed effect was anything other than None, then when the items are dropped, a OnDropped event will be triggered. This is where the actual work of processing the dropped item should occur.
XMLExample procedure changed so you can try to Drop something on ListView (for example, file from Explorer).
REGRESSION: Export2Excel() method just threw error message.
This release is available, free of charge, to all customers who have an active maintenance and support subscription plan.
NEW: Video rotation. Requires custom RotateFilter.dll must be installed (get VideoProcessingProjectInstaller.msi from
EnableRotate() enables/disables the feature
Rotate() rotates the video
AutoRotate() - experimental, could produce unpredictable result. Rotates the video if screen orientation has been changed
ReverseAutoRotate() - if AutoRotate is on, changes rotation direction
EasyToolTip provides a simple icon that users can easily identify as a help provider. Once a user moves their mouse over the icon, a visually pleasing pop-up window displays context sensitive help that remains visible until they choose to close the view.
Gives a simple help icon developers can place next to a control which enables users to mouse over and popup context sensitive help. The popup Windows are similar to tooltips found within Microsoft Office products.
EasyToolTip is implemented as a set of classes available as full source code, template and Clarion/.NET assembly DLL.
EasyNotifier is a Clarion wrapper around a Clarion/.NET assembly DLL and a popup-less notification window, and saves the user from the "Click - on - the - OK - button - to - continue" pain.
EasyNotifier is implemented as a set of classes available as full source code, template and Clarion/.NET assembly DLL.
EasyXML ver 1.02 released! Updated DEMO application.
NEW: CXMLDOMNode.SelectAttribute/SelectElement: same as .SelectSingleNode, but returns &XMLDOMAttributeEx/&XMLDOMElementEx
NEW: DOMDocument60.SetProperty/GetProperty: property 'SelectionNamespaces' used to specifies namespaces for use in XPath expressions
NEW: XMLDOMElementEx.GetTagValue/GetTagValueW: returns concatenated text of all children text nodes
Added / changed in DEMO application:
CHG: Geocoder: added ability to get address for the given coordinates (Geo sensor no needed), “Display Map” shows Google map in the new window! Showing message in case of missing or wrong coordinates.
NEW: Xml Tree: Show content of any XML file as a tree, ability to edit any entry.
NEW: School: example of saving related files and Base64 encoding example.
NEW: Simple Output to Excel format (xlsx format) directly! Option to "Open application associated with *xlsx extension" to open it in your associated application (MS Excel, OpenOffice, LibreOffice etc.)
NEW: Dictionary Editor: creating / editing Clarion DCTX dictionary, find and replace. Good example of using XPath query. (NB: this is just an example! We can't guaranty correct editing of your DCTX file so make a backup before you will try it)
CHG: Feed Reader: added “Case sensitive” check box and Filter field already consists of search string.
Updated DEMO application.
This release is available, free of charge, to all customers who have an active maintenance and support subscription plan.
New Geolocation example added. EasyXML installation and DEMO setup files were updated.
A newprocedureGeocoder addedwhich reads thelatitude / longitude usingbuilt-in Location sensor(if any) and requests address from the Google. EasyXML installation and DEMO setup files were updated.
Unfortunately due to some circumstances we are sorry to say that we stop the development, sale and support of the following products: EasyListPrint, EasyResizeAndSplit, Easy3DStyle and MAV Direct ODBC.
Users who have a current support and maintenance plan can ask for support and new versions directly from the developer (contact us for email).
This release introduces many new features and enhancements including full support for Windows 8 and Visual Studio 2012 platforms, new Office 2013 and Visual Studio 2012 themes, enhanced Flow graph control now supports many new features, Chart Pro has been updated to include Trend Lines and Error Bars support, and much more! This release also includes many fixes and enhancements for Toolkit Pro, including new Visual Studio 2012 themes for the report control.
Codejock Releases Toolkit Pro 2013 for Visual C++ MFC!
This release introduces many new features and enhancements including full support for Windows 8 and Visual Studio 2012 platforms that include an updated Deployment Wizard, new support for Office 2013 and Visual Studio 2012 themes, enhanced Flow graph control now supports many new features, Chart Pro has been updated to include Trend Lines and Error Bars support, and much more!
The Premium Pack 2.15 update is now available for download. It adds a social sharing tool for Facebook, Twitter, Google +1, LinkedIn and Mail, support for the new Disqus 2012 commenting update and a number of other features and fixes.
New customers will get it automatically. If you already have version 2 you can get the update by downloading with the same link and personal installation password you received when you purchased. The new versions of the skins will be installed in new folders; they won’t overwrite the older versions.
Premium Pack 2.15 is a maintenance update that only affects the WebHelp and Dual-Mode Classic skins. The iPad, CHM and Smartphone skins all remain unchanged.
"Lindersoft is committed to providing quick, easy installation solutions, and SetupBuilder 8.0 is the next step in doing just that. Our customers are the focus of our development effort. Listening to our partners has been fundamental to the development of SetupBuilder 8. They have told us what they need to make software distribution work for them, and we have incorporated that into Version 8," says Friedrich Linder, owner of Lindersoft. "With this new product, programmers can be sure their applications will install on Windows 8 and commercial software developers can meet the requirements for Windows 8."
Thousands of developers around the world trust Lindersoft's versatile, easy-to-use installation tools for deploying their Windows applications. Version 8.0 will make their job easier, and when customers choose our Developer Edition they will not only have the leading edge installation tool, but a complete solution.
Any organization planning to move its applications to the Windows 8 platform will be able to use SetupBuilder to comply with this new industry standard. Version 8.0 includes new and enhanced functionality that will further reduce the time needed by software developers and systems administrators to create installations and distribute them to end user desktops in any Windows environment. It provides updates to the easy-to-use Visualizers that includes Lindersoft's point-and-click method of scripting technology for simple creation of installations. Version 8.0 also includes enhancements to the Script Editor, which developers use to create powerful, customized installations.
SetupBuilder Developer Edition
Developer Edition is a best-of-breed product for setup developers who want complete control over their installations. In addition to all functions found in SetupBuilder Professional, the Developer Edition flagship provides advanced features such as Web Installation and Web Update (live update) for creating dynamic Internet-based installations, a Visual Dialog Editor for quickly customizing the user interface, setupPROTECT to maximize your profit potential, a Visual Debugger to troubleshoot your installations by monitoring it as it runs, multi-language support, and much more.
SetupBuilder Professional Edition
Professional Edition is a must-have tool for developers who need a more sophisticated installation suite with script writing capability. SetupBuilder Professional includes a delta patch feature, for creating compact installation patches to update older versions of applications, and many other advanced features, including built-in DLL and Windows API calling, and a script editor.
We are happy to announce Release Candidate 2 of Artisteer 4.0 for Windows, containing final bug fixes and program translations.
This version will become the official Artisteer version 4.0 if no major issues are reported to us.
EasyListView is a Clarion wrapper around a .NET ListView. It makes the ListView easy to use in your Clarion applications and provides some neat extra functionality.
New event OnSortOrderChanged(STRING aspect, long pSortOrder) on sort order change (embed point "Sort order changed"). aspect - sorting column, pSortOrder - sorting order (Ascending = 1, Descending = 2).
New custom renderer for the Tile view mode: ThumbnailRenderer to view image files (like in Explorer).
Possibility to redefine Title in the custom tile renderer (SetTileRendererTitleColumn method, template "Appearance | Images | Tile view | Redefine title column").
Possibility to set default image for the custom tile renderer (SetDefaultTileImage method, template "Appearance | Images | Tile view | Default image").
Possibility to change default cell size in the Tile mode (SetTileSize method, template "Appearance | Images | Tile view | Tile width/height").
New in template:
For the file data source it is possible to use SQL query (template "Data source | FILE | Use Sql query").
Demo app:
NEW: "Image viewer" (using of ThumbnailRenderer).
Note that you need to re-register new EasyListView.dll.
Free upgrade for all customers who have a current (valid) subscription plan.
First of all, sorry for the long posting :-) Please try and read all the way to the bottom as we've also got news of new template products to be released.
A quick "catch up"....
Some of you may have noticed that I've been a little quiet of late, that's because I've had to "stretch" my time a little more than usual. Not only are we continuing to develop our current range of tpls (updates below), but we're also in the process of creating our own range of apps. I'm pleased to announce that after a revamp, our Display Manager product has now been released from beta and is already installed and running at a number of UK installations. Display Manager started out life as a 'Visitor Greeting' system, but has now progressed into the retail world as a multi screen solution - displaying various messages, product adverts, video feeds etc for up to 10 screens simultaneously. The next step is to provide a full SDK for Clarion developers to interact with it for use within their own applications!
Our wrapper templates....
We've been busy working on our series of wrapper tpls and are pleased to announce we've uploaded a new release of most of our wrapper templates.
At the core of each of the releases are some common modifications:-
Some wrappers however did get some extra functionality added to them and these are stated below:-
ChartPro - v1.06
* Data Source options have been added to the Series definition. Sources can be set to:-
- List Control (attach the Chart to a Clarion list and updating is automatically performed when the user navigates through the list)
- Queue (all data points can be loaded from your own queue(s) and the Chart will be automatically updated whenever a change in the queue contents are detected)
- Specified in Template (as per previous release)
* Color attribute added to Data Point definition.
* New Chart Types added:-
- Step Area
- Radar Area
- Radar Line
- Radar Point
- Radar Spline Area
- Radar Spline
- Range Spline Area
* New sample procedures added to demo app.
* New Method: 'ShowMarkers'
* New Method: 'SetSeriesDataSource'
* New Method: 'UpdateDataPoints'
* BUG FIX: Thread attribute missing from Class definition.
CommandBars v2.12 / v2.13
* 'CalcOverallHeight' method now derivable.
* BUG FIX: Bar visibility was ignored for designer bars.
* BUG FIX: Thread attribute missing from Class definition.
DockingPane v2.05
* BUG FIX: Global Window Manager Class Multi-Dll Error.
G-Calc v7.02
* Equates moved into NYSEquates.equ file.
* BUG FIX: Thread attribute missing from Class definition.
SkinFramework v2.10
* BUG FIX: Thread attribute missing from Class definition.
**** IMPORTANT ****
As all of our template series now share a common core, we strongly suggest updating ALL templates at the same time, to avoid any class method mismatches.
Other template developments
Work as continued on the ReportControl wrapper (as well as the above developments) and we hope to release in 2 stages - the first being the revamp of v1.x, and the second including functions like ADO data binding. If all goes to plan, we'll be holding our user group meeting next weekend and I'd like to show the first beta by then!
Whilst working on our various applications (including our new Display Manager), we come across certain *voids* that need to be filled - this is how the series of Codejock wrapper templates were born. I'm pleased to announce that we'll shortly be launching 2 new wrapper templates:-
G-Media : As the name suggests, its a tpl / class to perform various media activities. The approach we've taken is to provide a rich tpl / class interface that allows you to specify the media control you are using, then it will calculate the commands required to drive the backend software. Currently it supports MS Media Player, VLC Media Player and Viscom Movie Player. More can and will be added in due course.
HTTP Wrapper : This is a wrapper tpl for the CHILKAT HTTP ActiveX control ( The control itself provides a rich range of everyday HTTP communications functions. The wrapper supports these commands and puts them in an easier to use Clarion way. Instead of just focusing on the HTTP commands, we're purposely approaching this from a "job requirement" point of view. The reason I started using the control was because we needed to remotely access and update Google documents - so, as with the other wrappers, the HTTP Wrapper was born.
The Class now includes a set of methods to interrogate, analyse and update Google Spreadsheets. Other types of Google Documents will be supported as the wrapper develops.
Both G-Media and HTTP Wrapper will be released shortly. If anyone is interested in these, please feel free to drop me an email (sales at noyantis dot com)
Well, if you're still awake and have made it this far down - thanks for reading.
Noyantis CalendarPro Wrapper update released (v2.16)
v2.16 of our Codejock CalendarPro Wrapper Template is now available for download.
This update includes:-
* The template now has the option to automatically call an Update Form for you when certain events are triggered.
The parameters to the form can be built in functions or your own variables, constants or procedures.
* New 'InsertEventsFromQueue' facility added to allow multiple events to be inserted at once.
* Initial View Type can now be specified in a variable.
* Initial Time Scale can now be specified in a variable.
* Additional Thin@ modifications added.
* Event calls to the 'NewDate' derived method optimized.
* Month View settings are now defined within a Group structure.
* Week View settings are now defined within a Group structure.
* CellColourQ, EventQ, KeystrokeQ set to PROTECTED (instead of PRIVATE).
* New Option: 'Month View: Show Event Times'
* New Option: 'Week View: Show Event Times'
* New Method: 'ApplyMonthViewOptions'
* New Method: 'ApplyWeekViewOptions'
* New Method: 'ClearCellColoursByDate'
* New Method: 'ClearCellColoursBySchedule'
* New Method: 'GetSelectedAllDay'
* New Method: 'InsertEventsFromQueue'
* New Method: 'OCXBind'
* New Method: 'OCXUnBind'
* BUG FIX: 'SelectDayTime' not working when AllDay area of Calendar selected.
* BUG FIX: Thread attribute missing from Class definition.
* BUG FIX: Forced calls to the 'Populate' and 'Redraw' methods could cause a GPF / Unpredicted results when called in quick succession from within certain derived callback methods.
The update is free to all users who have an Active Maintenance Plan in place, or costs $47.50 for all users who have a Lapsed Maintenance Plan.
It can be downloaded via the Products page within the members area of our web site.
The Bat! 5.0.30 Winter Edition - holiday present from RITLabs
It has become a good tradition for us to create a special version of our email program in the end of every year. Year 2011 is not an exception: The Bat! 5.0.30 Winter Edition is ready – and its time has come.
Developers concentrated their efforts on fixing bugs, but there's still a series of improvements. An option of copying and pasting multiple filters from/to clipboard was added. Filter creation dialog now has new options. New Plugin API features were added. Now there are options to specify time format for the message list and to not show message time after the date in the message list. The Bat is now able to handle Certificate Request Files (PKCS#10). A new macro, %VALIDFILECHARS, takes an argument and replaces invalid characters to underscore (or character from the second argument). It is useful in Sorting Office filters that create folders and use other macros like %OSUBJ as folder name. "Certum Trusted Network CA" root certificate was added to the list of trusted root certificates. IMAP was upgraded with a fine-tune option to resend IDLE command each 30 seconds that may be useful if a router in between closes idle TCP/IP connections. Finally, US English interface language is now available in addition to British English.
As mentioned above, many bugs were fixed while working on this Winter Edition. Complete list of changes:
[+] An option to specify time format for the message list in the Preferences dialog. Now the time format by default fits time format used in previous version of The Bat!
[+] An option to not show message time after the date in the message list; the option can be configured in the Preferences dialog
[+] Options for Automatic update IMAP folder subscription at startup
[+] Plugin API: Certificates can be added to "Trusted Root CA"
[+] Added U.S. English interface language
[+] You can copy multiple filters to the clipboard by clicking "Copy" on a root node
[+] You can paste multiple filters from clipboard
[+] Plugin API: Photo and certificate can be accessed in address book contact
[+] Plugin API: Contacts and groups in address book can be deleted
[+] Plugin API: Address book can be created from scratch
[+] Plugin API: BeginUpdate/EndUpdate methods to perform major changes in address book (suspend repainting)
[+] The Bat is now able to handle Certificate Request Files (PKCS#10). If you try import this request file to your list of certificates, The Bat! will search for certificates with private keys that has permission to sign certificates, and will sign the request, so you will import the signed certificate rather than the request.
[+] %VALIDFILECHARS macro that takes an argument and replaces invalid characters to underscore (or character from the second argument). It is useful in Sorting Office Filters that create folders and uses other macros like %OSUBJ as a folder name, e.g. %VALIDFILECHARS="%OSUBJ"
[+] When clicking to a button to display external HTML images, it now loads the images
[+] Added "Certum Trusted Network CA" root certificate to the list of trusted root certificates
[+] An IMAP fine-tune option to resend IDLE command each 30 seconds, may be useful if a router in between closes idle TCP/IP connections
[+] The macro %VALIDFILECHARS also handles names with a dot as a last character, and it also handles device names like COM1 properly
[*] Some incorrectly-encoded "Date" headers are now parsed better and it produces correct display of creation date in the message list.
[*] If a date line in the header is improperly encoded, then the current date is substituted, rather than that original date corrected
[*] When no host name was specified for an IMAP server, a friendly error message is given the same way as was for a POP3 server.
[*] If no account or folder is selected when The Bat! starts, the Inbox of first non-password protected account is selected
[*] Plugin API: Added flags to distinguish auto/manual/hot-key invocation of filters
[*] IMAP Folders with \NoSelect flags are handled more correctly
[*] Plugin API: Mail message operations are executed synchronously
[*] Plugin API: User confirmation is needed to add certificate to "Trusted Root CA"
[*] Plugin API: Groups in address book are created with "Hide items if not explicitly selected" option enabled
[*] Address history now uses the same date/time format as the message list
[*] An option to insert textual representation rather than the image for an emoticon (smiley) in the HTML editor is now OFF by default
[*] Added the NNT extension when importing address book from Eudora
[*] (#0008898) Checking whether mailto URLs are containing UTF-8 encoded text
[*] Languages in the interface language selection menu are sorted alphabetically, but English is always first, so if you accidentally switch to a language that you don't understand, you will at least be able to select English by choosing the first element.
[*] Now errors detected in JPEG images (e.g. embedded to HTML message) are only logged to the ex_log.txt when a command line option /REPORT_JPEG_ERRORS is set.
[*] If an IMAP connection is closed during IDLE command or when no command is active, i.e. between NOOPs, no message that connection closed is displayed to the log in the status bar (however, if a protocol log is turned on, the message is logged there)
[*] (#0008522) Error "The message is sent but could not be moved from Outbox to the Sent folder" will now not be obscured by lesser subsequent messages
[*] (#0004345) Last status for option "Mark messages in sub-folders" in "Mark all messages as read" dialog is not remembered
[*] (#0004153) The Bat! is now able to decode some improperly-encoded mail addresses
[*] Folder|Refresh command for a virtual folder now invokes total rescan.
[*] When an IMAP server doesn't support the UNSELECT extension, and multiple IMAP connections to the same server were allowed, The Bat! no longer creates new connections after closing concurrent connections with LOGOUT command
[-] SmartBat didn't show date lines using different style
[-] (#0007708) Signing/Encrypting with gpg2 shows pin-entry window and TheBat's passphrase window
[-] 0008526: Deleting folders in TB doesn't delete folders on HDD for empty and virtual folders
[-] Minor bug while counting messages for virtual folders
[-] (#0007737) Help-button in Change Mail Protocol-dialogue doesn't work
[-] Sometimes a filter action to move a message to a folder couldn't be created due to invalid checking of folder file name, it could fail on a legitimate name.
[-] For some reason list of shared filters can contain nil's during restoring from backup (but it MUST NOT)
[-] A sorting office action to move or copy messages to folders with templates in the destination folder names, did prevent from specifying template arguments which did contain non-file characters
[-] LibrariesEntryPoints must be initialized BEFORE loading plug-ins
[-] The Bat! now formats date and time in the message list using Windows API. You can configure different formats in the Regional options in the Control Panel.
[-] IMAP. Empty message is produced when trying to redirect partially downloaded message
[-] The calculation of current week in the message list was invalid
[-] (#0005279) Time in message list is different from time in message
[-] Filter editor checks clipboard contents 20 times per second (clipboard managers can conflict with The Bat)
[-] the program could stuck at startup due to calculation of repetitions of some scheduled Events
[-] Filter editor can fail to check clipboard contents - retry again after some time (clipboard managers can conflict with The Bat)
[-] Action can be prematurely destroyed when instructed to wait for (from main thread) but not return to caller (resulted in odd exceptions)
[-] (#0008397) URLs copied from MS Word get lost
[-] (#0008848) Marking message as read after copying by a filter was not working
[-] Cannot open attachments from externally saved messages (in eml-file for example)
[-] Sometimes the labels were incorrectly displayed in the connection center
[-] Message memo could not be changed from plugin
[-] When an invalid password was specified for an IMAP account, The Bat! displayed invalid error message
[-] Cannot get messages with POP protocol error (Range check error)
[-] The automatic folder creation option for IMAP filters was creating local folders instead of IMAP ones
[-] IMAP. Message isn't marked as read when deleted to local Trash folder
[-] AV error when trying to get host name by IP-address
[-] Search for non-ASCII text could miss matching messages
[-] Plugin API: Problems when adding contacts and groups in address book
[-] On creating new spartpad files, first character could be question mark
[-] Smartpad might remove national characters and other Smartpad-related fixes
[-] Plugin API: Contacts in address book wasn't updated when changed from API
[-] Some errors of file open/save dialogues weren't logged to the user.
[-] The Bat! was unable to add a root certificate to trusted store
[-] (#0008885) Filters could not be called from a separate message viewer under some circumstances
[-] "Failed to store..." warning when some messages was deleted by antispam/antivirus plug-in in POP session.
[-] Option to display a message as the root of a Subject/To/From message list group was ignored
[-] Plugin API: Some methods weren't declared as "stdcall"
[-] (#0008813) Operations with X.509 certificates in the account properties weren't saved
[-] When opening a message on IMAP that contained inline html graphics, The Bat! could display a progress window without a caption
[-] Clearing IMAP cache in folder properties could lead to "access violation" errors on disconnected accounts
[-] (#0008369) Address Book : Menu entry "Windows Certificate Store" is enabled, even Internal SMIME is selected
[-] Some malformed HTML messages took very long time to load
[-] (#0008672) "Windows Certificate Store" menu item disappears
[-] Plain text messages saved as HTML have been shown as a single line
[-] TBMAPI.DLL gave error messages
[-] Fixed some memory leaks
[-] If a user did drag a message from The Bat! to an external application, national characters might have been lost
[-] Some fixes related to copy-paste in HTML messages
[-] The Bat! had incorrect default font size and face since version 4 for all dialogs and menus. Before version 4, for example, it did use "Segoe UI" size 9, as recommended in , but since version 4 it was using smaller font sizes, which is harder to read on higher-resolution monitors. Also, before version 4, The Bat! did use "Microsoft YaHei" size 10 for Simplified Chinese and "Microsoft JhengHei" size 10 for Traditional Chinese, but since then incorrectly used Segoe UI size 8 for Chinese.
[-] Previous Alpha gave an AV when editing folder properties
[-] Fixed a few bitmap leaks in the QR Code
[-] Removed flickering of the "download images" button
[-] Fixed an access violation when switching between sessions of different IMAP accounts in the connection monitor
[-] Range check error while trying to select text below the end of message in MicroEd (using Shift-Arrows)
[-] Fixed an AV when inserting smileys
[-] The Bat! will no longer show "GifImage:5 EReadError" on invalid GIF files.
[-] Logged JPEG errors didn't have error numbers or explanation text messages logged.
[-] Hint display mode wasn't stored (Options|Preferences|Hints)
[-] Fixed deadlocks when filtering messages
[-] Some DES and Triple-DES messages couldn't be decrypted.
[-] Fixed Stack Overflow error when handling large groups of IMAP messages, e.g. moving 10000 messages from one folder to another on IMAP.
[-] (#0008915) Filters were not creating new Common folders automatically.
[-] "Invalid pointer operation" when trying to close message editor after inserting invalid JPG image in HTML editor
[-] Accounts with empty names could sometimes appear in the folder tree and could not be deleted
[-] It was impossible to change receive mail protocol (e.g. from POP3 to Exchange) in the account properties.
[-] IMAP connection errors weren't properly reported. There was just a message "connection unexpectedly closed" without the actual description of the error
[-] Wrong time formatting for today's messages in MailTicker
[-] (#0008944) If UIDPLUS extension is not supported by server and Outbox is stored on server, than message cannot be sent directly from editor
[-] The Bat! did't handle properly when the user clicked "Manage IMAP folders" on a password-protected account.
[-] When POP-before-SMTP authentication was enabled, and there were an option to prompt the password (do not store it), then cancelling password input on the POP3 session did endlessly invoke new POP3 sessions.
[-] After adding a certificate from the certificate viewer to the address book, a background window got focused.
[-] (#0002528) MailTicker wasn't hidden when it contained only messages outside the age limits
[-] (#0008945) The "Move processed file" option of the "Watch and Send files" scheduler action could leave processed files intact
[-] (#0008914) Opening an .EML message and trying to forward it gave an AV
[-] (#0008580) When using /AES_BENCHMARK, The Bat! did quit after testing
[-] (#0007230) With multiple accounts that didn't store POP3 server password (prompt on retrieval), entering the password needs additional clicks to invoke the respective window.
[-] (#0008953) Messages downloaded in "headers + only text" mode were not downloaded in full for viewing their source
[-] (#0008663) No IMAP connection is possible if the "Do not store password, prompt on mail retrieval" option is enabled.
[-] (#0008930) Message list getting shorter and shorter in the separate viewer window if the window is maximized
[-] (#0007428) Extensions of saved messages are always uppercased
[-] (#0008825) When messages were grouped by sender/recipient/subject and then by date, lower level groups were not split
[-] High and low priority messages were displayed on IMAP as normal messages
[-] Errors in counting of unread messages in virtual folders
[-] (#0004830) System-wide hotkeys to send mail from current account or receive mail to current account that have Shift in them did modify the action to send/receive mail from/to all accounts. Now Shift won't affect system-wide hotkeys. But if the user will just press "Shift" during normal clicks to send mail from current account or receive mail to current account, the modifier will work.
[-] The Options|Preferences dialog didn't allow Unicode strings to be entered
[-] (#0004110) Security hole: Dialog about "Passed event" is displayed before logging into The Bat!
[-] (#0007055) TB! hanged when (auto)started while a scheduled task must be run
[-] (#0001903) Reminder about missed event was open as minimized
[-] (#0008107) Forwarding multiple messages from a common folder was using random formats
[-] (#0008859) The %MEMO macro was not working for messages being filtered
[-] AV when filtering by message header text
[-] "Transfer encoding for non-ASCII characters" group-box wasn't visible in Exchange account
[-] (#0008951) Order of message list tabs was not stored
[-] Fixed some bugs in IMAP that might sent unnecessary commands to the server and might slow certain operation like filtering messages
[-] If a filter action to copy/move a message to specified folder could not find or create the folder, no error message was given to the log, the action was silently skipped
[-] (#0008242) Redirect dialog: position and size of dialog can be changed, but is not saved
[-] (#0004490) Address Book column settings could not be backed up/restored
[-] (#0008451) Image Download Button : context menu is not allways available via right mouse button
[-] (#0006844) "Download all images" option for HTML messages did not work
[-] (#0008461) Image Download Manager : when changing "Source" of rule, "Condition" is disabled
[-] (#0008856) Filtering by conditions containing "NOT ..." could produce wrong results
[-] (#0008962) Remote images were not offered for download
RITLabs team wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May the Winter Edition bring you luck that will be with you all year long!
EasyQuickBooks is a set of classes and templates allowing you to use /n software QuickBooks Integrator in your Clarion applications. The /n software QuickBooks Integrator provides easy-to-use components for QuickBooks development, facilitating tasks such as adding, updating or retrieving customer information, vendor information, employee information, transactions etc.
This is a regular maintenance update, which is free for all Help+Manual 6 users. The update addresses several minor problems that surfaced since the initial release last November.
User interface:
Ctrl+Up and Ctrl+Down keeps focus in editor.
Insert snippet dialog box is now sizable.
Glitch with height calculation of multi-line image captions in editor fixed (in some rare cases, image captions were too high).
MathType (formula editor) OLE objects update bug fixed.
When saving HMXZ as HMXP, the reference in the XSL file still pointed to the internal old project name.
Editing styles dialog box: glitch when defining print styles differently than screen styles, while print settings actually inherit from the parent style or from defaults
Help & Manual 2 Go server: HTML pages are served with a header that force the browser to clear the local cache everytime.
Webhelp: small bug in navigation script fixed (expand all or expand top level on load did not work), preloading TOC icons failed. TOC expand/collapse did not work when TOC was scrolled down.
HTML image toggles in lightboxes: the compiler switch <IF_TOGGLES> was still true for lightbox toggle images.
HTML/CSS modifications: small glitch in Webhelp keyword index fixed, heading1 to heading6 styles inherited a browser default font weight “bold”. If a heading style has a regular font-weight, this is now explicitely defined in the CSS.
Javascript popup topics: position was wrong when the topic was called from an image hotspot.
Toggle images in lightboxes: explicit z-index added to avoid conflicts with other Webhelp designs that use a z-index explicitely.
MSIE “edge” tag implemented in standard templates and skins. This tag forces Internet Explorer to use its best and most advanced mode in any case.
IPAD Export and EXE e-books:
IPad/ePUB: modified <td> tags – explicit width and height were removed to avoid problems with several ePUB readers with fixed tables.
EXE ebooks: images with blanks in file names (and other special characters) did not work in EXE e-books.
Batch export: delete temporary files for ePUB was ignored.
Batch export: include builds were ignored under certain conditions.
PDF Export:
PDF configuration: PDF template setting has been removed from the configuration, as the template is set directly in the publishing dialog.
Publishing dialog: the PDF manual template preview image function raised an error, if an MNL template was damaged – it now silently ignores the error and displays a generic preview image.
Centered or right-aligned images with a caption appeared left-aligned in PDF.
First blank line after an embedded topic was deleted while merging the content.
PDF and RTF export: if a dropdown toggle was set to “not print expanded”, an error occured.
When the editor option “Show paragraph marks” was on and automatic hyphenation was active as well, the text space was calculated too large in the PDF file.
Problem with character spacing in Russian documents fixed.
German version:
A couple of glitches in the German UI translation fixed.
Spell checker hyphenation with German hyphenation dictionary: if a word contained the character ™, the German dictionary returned a damaged string.
This release introduces many new features, controls and enhancements including Office 2010 style Ribbon customize dialog, new Taskbar Manager control, Visual Studio 2008/2010 style docking stickers, new Step and Range Area chart types, Virtual and Batch options for improved chart speed, many Calendar and Report enhancements and much more.
This release introduces many new features, controls and enhancements including Office 2010 style Ribbon customize dialog, new Taskbar Manager control, Visual Studio 2008/2010 style docking stickers, new Step and Range Area chart types, Virtual and Batch options for improved chart speed, many Calendar and Report enhancements and much more.
"MDI Frame support" now works in MultiDLL applications too.
added "Emulate Maximized Window": Emulates MAX button for the child windows so window will extends to all free space (Frame size minus Navigator size). On Frame changes that child windows will be automatically resized as well.
This is available, free of charge, to all customers who have an active maintenance and support subscription plan.
Ingasoftplus Time Limited New Year Offer! 25.00 % relative discount!
What's new in Help+Manual 6? Well, pretty much everything, we'd say. But let's focus on the most important points.
Updated User Interface
We have slightly redesigned the user interface. Most notably, the File menu is back. We have implemented the so-called Backstage view as seen in Microsoft Office 2010, which replaces several dialogs. And we used the additional screen real estate to improve import, publishing and configuration dialogs. Big dropdown menus make it easier to visually select a skin for publishing. Help+Manual 6 is a lot more "visual" throughout.
All new Webhelp 2.0
Help+Manual's Webhelp output has undergone the biggest changes. Help+Manual now creates HTML5 strict and while older templates and skins are still supported, the new standard is integrated Webhelp. The layout has become even more flexible and customizable. It is now really easy to integrate documentation into your website.
The new Webhelp output fully supports jQuery and uses animations for non-static content such as table of contents, toggle text, etc. Toggle images and videos can optionally play in lightboxes.
Increased search engine visibility: sub-headings in topics are now exported as <h1> to <h6> headings, which increases the relevance of headings for search engines. Additionally, Help+Manual 6 creates an optional sitemap for your Webhelp output.
New publishing formats and publishing tasks
Help+Manual not only imports VisualStudio source code, it can publish the VisualStudio 2010 help format as well.
Another feature high on the wish list was an integrated editor for batch publishing. Help+Manual let's you create batch jobs that combine several different outputs and/or different output formats. The publishing batch jobs are saved with the project. An additional function saves the publishing task to a command file for automated batch compilation.
Improved editor, new spell checker and a long list of new features
Help+Manual 6 has tabbed editing, so you can open multiple topics at once and easily switch between them. Help+Manual remembers which topics were open and re-opens them the next time you open the project. Images, toggle images and videos allow text flow around them (this works in PDF as well). And a lot, a real lot more:
New File Menu replaces the Application Button (Backstage View)
Publishing Tasks for automation
Floating images, toggles and videos with lightbox option for Webhelp/HTML Help and improved spacing options (see picture below)
Automatically return to last topic and open last topics in tabs
When switching between editor and XML source tab, the cursor position is retained
Fully-configurable line spacing, new paragraph spacing buttons
Generate and insert QR codes
Baggage files can be edited directly in Help+Manual
New spell checker with support for Open Office dictionaries, including dictionaries for automatic hyphenation (see picture below)
Light box mode for image toggles and movies
Icons for toggle texts have a 3rd state: hide or replace the icon in PDF, RTF, eBooks and printed manuals
Improvements formatting for tables: individual cell borders, new functiosn to split and sort tables
Popup Formatter for selected text: hovering the mouse over selected text displays the Popup Formatter, with which you can apply formatting and styles quickly
Style Preview in topic editor: styles are temporily applied for preview, while you select them
Improved List handling
All paragraph styles have an additional "Next" style that is automatically applied to the following paragraph
A triple-click in the editor selects the entire paragraph
The Insert Snippet dialog was equipped with a visual preview of the snippet content
Inline snippets: snippets can optionally place inside text
Hyperlinks can automatically pick up the title of the link target
PDF improvements (gutter between columns, variables in all PDF bookmarks)
Publishing: you can publish selected TOC items and apply build options
And a lot more...
Repositories for snippets and styles
A repository is a special uncompressed Help+Manual project that you use to share styles and snippets between multiple projects. They are quite specialized and you should really only use them if you have multiple projects that must all have exactly the same styles. This is an excellent way to ensure that your styles are standardized for everyone when you are working on a project in a team, for example.
Oh .... there's one more thing!
Did we mention that Help+Manual can publish directly to the Apple iPad? Not the iPad only, we've got to add. The iPhone as well. And to the Nook Reader. And Sony e-book readers and dozens of other e-reading devices on the market.
This is not a quirky "webhelp mobile" for smartphones, it's a genuine standards-compliant e-book for offline reading on your iPad.
It has taken more than one year in development and while the design remains familiar there are dozens of technical improvements. Want to know more? Please read on for the details of the most important changes.
What’s new in Emsisoft Anti-Malware 6?Scanner:
Completely re-written dual scan engine framework for multi-core optimizations.
450% speed improvement on average – with the same things being scanned.
Advanced caching for self optimizing scans – it gets faster with every scan.
New direct disk access scan mode for better rootkit detection (TDL-3, ZeroAccess, TDL-4, Sinowal).
Dennis Wallentin, Microsoft MVP and Excel evangelist, has reviewed Help & Manual and tested it for writing documentation for MS Office add-ins. Here is his conclusion: "Given the content of the toolkit and its price we really get powerful tools with lot of features shipped with them. In my opinion it’s an excellent companion to have with us."
As there were no new major issues reported with the recently released Artisteer updates for Windows and Mac, we have moved them to our download page as the main Artisteer versions ( for Windows and for Mac).
This will also help our customer avoid confusion when downloading older versions from our website and reporting Joomla 1.7 compatibility issues.
The latest Mac version is compatible with Mac OS X Lion.
In this new version the developers introduced some new features and fixed several major bugs. Thus, Remote Access connections and IMAP command priority are now working properly.
[+] When The Bat! connects to a POP3 or an SMTP server, it now displays the host address and the port in the log and in the status line, so the user can trace problems easier caused by improperly entered server addresses and ports.
[+] If The Bat! can't connect to a POP3, SMTP or an IMAP server, it gives the reason (error message) which can help identify the problem, rather than simply "cannot connect" result that gave no further clues.
[+] Voyager setup now creates the AutoRun.Inf file
[+] Possibility to use a different font and font size for a colour group
[+] The Bat! now have a limit of number of TCP/IP connections created per second, to prevent extra connections created simultaneously from being dropped by Windows (if configured so) or by a router. By default, this value is 10 and can be changed in Windows Registry, key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RIT\The Bat!, value MaxConnectionsPerSecond.
[+] (#0008351) When The Bat! completes all IMAP tasks, it selects INBOX and idles in this folder, to be able to receive notifications about new messages before refreshing all the folders
[!] When The Bat! trial expires completely, it no longer exits but simply disables connections (e.g. to send and receive mail). The user is still able to read, print or export messages, address book items or other data
[*] Added some debug information if The Bat! does not start
[*] Better reporting of errors while loading string container from stream (EOutOfMemory issue)
[*] Fixed empty folder names on IMAP
[*] Better display of IMAP command state; previously even running commands were shown as "queued"
[*] Colour Group selection now reflects colour and style setting of the groups
[*] Better logging with The Bat! is run with /STARTUP_TIMING_LOG command line option
[*] A new debug option: /DISABLE_NTLM_SELF_TEST
[*] When a user empties a folder, the name of the folder is also given in the confirmation dialog.
[-] Remote Access (dialup) connections weren't working
[-] IMAP command priority was ignored, the commands were mostly sent to the IMAP server from The Bat! on first-come-first-serve basis, so the most important commands like when a user clicked to "show a message body" were executed last, after all the folder counters were rescanned
[-] The priority column of IMAP connection monitor wasn't filled with data. Now it shows a priority for each command; higher priority mean that the command will be executed earlier
[-] Memory leaks when failed to load message header from index file (EOutOfMemory issue)
[-] TBufReaderStream and TBufStream incorrectly seek from the end of file
[-] Out of memory while expanding memory stream (trying to allocate stream with negative capacity because MS Exchange says that size of message part is BIGGER then size of the whole message)
[-] Message finder correctly "matches" only ANSI strings
[-] (#0008789) Setting maximum message age limits to MailTicker was hiding all messages
[-] AV when creating desktop shortcut after installation
[-] Default filter can cause memory leak
[-] Some filters can shift position in TBN-file which cause errors while loading virtual folders (EOutOfMemory issue)
[-] (#0008811) Failing to print from The Bat! with a blank Document Name/Title
[-] Filter in virtual folder cannot access separately saved attach
[-] When importing from LDIF some values can be replaced with #1#2#3'Binary'#3#2#1
[-] Result of RunExternal filter action wasn't imported as RFC822 message
[-] Document title in printer job task list was empty if it was shorter than 127 characters
[-] Document title in printer job task list didn't support Unicode characters
[-] (#0008308) Exception error "GUIDEF:Item
[mFolderVirusCheck] is linked to unknown property
[-] Sometimes, tree lines in the message list weren't drawn properly
[-] Different bugs in message base recovering code and when dealing with message base larger then 2GB
[-] When there were no Common Trash folder defined and the option to empty Trash folders on exit was set for Common Folders (rare case, but still possible), upper level folders of all accounts were emptied on exit
[-] Removed some redundant config write operations
[-] Fixed a few minor resource/memory leaks
[-] When a message was copied somewhere by an outgoing mail filter, the original was left in the outbox
[-] IMAP. AV when trying to forward partially downloaded message
[-] When The Bat! was unregistered, there were a question mark in the "About" box in a place where in the registered version the key validity information was given
[-] On IMAP, when multiple connections were allowed, each subsequent connection is created not earlier than one second since last connection, to avoid overload, especially when multiple connections are configured and they are failing and creating over and over again
[-] Status and priority wasn't displayed in the Connection Center for certain IMAP tasks
[-] Fixed glitches of the background of text in the Connection Center
[-] (#0008154) Clipboard contents change on quick template contents.
[-] If a connection to a server could not be established, the reason was not always given to the log.
[-] (#0007649) If a user installs version 5 over version 3, the installer gave a warning that the user was installing v4.1 (should have been 5)
[-] (#0007803) %EMAIL% environment variable clashes with git version control system
[-] At the end of POP3 session, The Bat! reported number of received messages even if some of the messages could not be stored into the message base.
[-] If a message received during POP3 protocol could not be stored, the final log string of the session reports that; previously the "connection finished - N messages received" was last in the status bar and didn't give the clear indication to the user what have happened.
This is a maintenance update to Help & Manual 5 with the following problem fixes:
Improved Robohelp import: some file and topic links in Robohelp were not correctly resolved, keyword index was not read from particular older RH projects.
PDF export: high Unicode characters with standard fonts (e.g. Arial) are exported as glyphs to avoid display problems on non-unicode systems.
Paragraph dialog: when pressing Enter in numeric entry fields, the last value entered was not applied
This release introduces many new features, controls and enhancements including Radar and Polar chart types, Logarithmic scale charts, Office 2010 style skins, Office 2010 style recent file list, Visual Studio 2010 style tabs and panes, Windows 7 style transparent toolbars, Visual Studio style splitter window for Syntax Editor, many Report Control enhancements and much more.
This release introduces many new features, controls and enhancements including Radar and Polar chart types, Logarithmic scale charts, Office 2010 style skins, Office 2010 style recent file list, Visual Studio 2010 style tabs and panes, Windows 7 style transparent toolbars, Visual Studio style splitter window for Syntax Editor, many Report Control enhancements and much more.
Due to today's release of Joomla 1.7 we are updating Artisteer 3.0 to support this new version of Joomla.
This Artisteer update also resolves various minor bugs and crashes reported to our product support.
Please treat this update as a Release Candidate while we will still test it with Joomla 1.7 for a few days. Once fully tested it will replace the official Artisteer version 3.0 on our website. We are also working on a corresponding Mac update.
Noyantis DockingPane Wrapper update released (v2.00)
v2.00 of our DockingPane wrapper template is now available.
This is an major release. It contains the following updates:-
* Codejock v15.1.0 compatibility added.
* Multi Threading Enhanced.
* OCX Registration Enhanced.
* Support for Visual Theme Resource files added (Office 2007, 2010 + Win7).
* Support for Outlook 2007 Theme added.
* Support for Visual Studio 2005 Beta2 Theme added.
* Support for Visual Studio 2008 Theme added.
* Support for Visual Studio 2010 Theme added.
* Support for Visual Studio 6 Theme added.
* The control can now be added to the main AppFrame multiple times, and in multiple positions.
* Class modified to add Thin@ Support.
* Save / Restore layout facility added.
* Restore default layout facility added.
* Action events can now be blocked on an individual pane basis via the ''Action'' derived method. A new example has been added to the demo application.
* 2 New Methods added to help with other 3rd Party compatability:-
* Pane Height and Width properties can now be optional variables instead of just constant values.
* Panes can now be defined in any order and still be attached and / or docked to another Pane.
* Trappable OCX Events can now be added and removed at runtime.
* Trappable Keystrokes can now be added and removed at runtime.
* Pane ID variable increased.
* Template / Class Optimized.
* New Option - "Keyboard Navigation"
* New Option - "Display Pin Option on Floating Panes"
* New Option - "Display Size Cursor While Dragging"
* New Option - "Arrow Sticker Style"
* New Method : 'EnableKeyboardNavigate'
* New Method : 'Action'
* New Method : 'AttachToWindow'
* New Method : 'EnableKeyboardNavigate'
* New Method : 'DockPane'
* New Method : 'FloatPane'
* New Method : 'GetPaneObj'
* New Method : 'HidePane'
* New Method : 'NormalizeSplitters'
* New Method : 'RecalcLayout'
* New Method : 'RestoreDefaultLayout'
* New Method : 'RestoreLayout'
* New Method : 'SaveLayout'
* New Method : 'UpdatePanes'
* Method Removed: 'AddCtrl'
* Method Removed: 'GetCtrlCType'
* Method Removed: 'GetCtrlObj'
* Method Removed: 'GetCtrlType'
* Method Removed: 'LoadState'
* Method Removed: 'SaveState'
* Method Removed: 'SetCtrlDescription'
* Method Removed: 'SetCtrlProperty'
* Method Removed: 'SetCtrlTooltip'
In the process of development of the new version we’ve continued fixing the bugs that came up in The Bat! 5.0.8. The majority of changes brought into The Bat! are meant to resolve these problems, but there’s also a series of new features – it is now possible to set CC and BCC fields when redirecting messages, "Message | Edit as New" action added etc. The work on solving other problems is continued.
The complete list of improvements:
[+] It is now possible to set CC and BCC fields when redirecting messages
[+] "Message|Edit as New" action
[+] Filter Logging pane in the Re-filtering dialogue
[+] IMAP. "Do not use IDLE command" option added
[+] Smart algorithm to replace slash characters in attached file names opened for viewing by external applications. Slashes around digits are replaced to dashes, other slashes to underscores.
[+] Added support for the Armenian language
[*] Removed debug logging for CSAPI spelling engine
[*] Possibility to choose whether the tab filtering should replace or to be added to the current message list filter
[*] More debug messages if The Bat! is run with "/STARTUP_TIMING_LOG" command line option, to help find the problem of lockup after the "SetupTokenIfVoyager" event
[*] (#0007326) Preview button for Mail Ticker do not work (renamed to Apply)
[*] Filtering actions are now called in different way so unexpected behaviour should be avoided
[*] IMAP. Don't raise exception when trying to get contents of expunged message. Just finish this task.
[-] Coping/moving multiple messages from one folder to another within the same IMAP account can cause "downloading" overlay icon over destination folder to persist forever. It also prevents the program from being closed.
[-] "Deleting a tree node..." error while trying to edit account properties when access is restricted in "Network and Administration"
[-] "tsViewer" error while trying to edit preferences when access is restricted in "Network and Administration"
[-] (#0008390) Text in HTML message is centered instead left-aligned
[-] Minor AVs fixed
[-] (#0008218) The program was left in memory when entering the master password was cancelled
[-] (#0008650) Sending multiple files from Windows Explorer was not working
[-] Exception "TImapFolderCounterSearchTask.CommandCompleted CheckBaseCount > 5" (quick fix, possible problem with flag handling on some servers - need more investigation)
[-] (#008077) No Unread/Total counters in password protected account
[-] (#0008271) Empty unread/total counters in account tree for newly created POP3 account or remote IMAP4 folder
[-] (#0008665) Virtual folders could not be edited
[-] Quick Template was passed incorrectly when used with the "Reply using Template" command.
[-] IMAP. Folder with national characters in name cannot be used as system folder (Outbox, Sent, ...)
[-] Some exceptions must not appear in exception log
[-] (#0008704) Problem with opening of the files containing incorrect characters
[-] Attached files, opened for viewing by external applications (e.g. .DOC files) weren't saved as read-only
[-] Bug with loading drafts into editor from IMAP-server-based Outbox
[-] "List index out of bounds" when deleting several messages
[-] (#0008365) Testing of filters actually caused full filtering processing
[-] (#0008700) "Delete and follow next/previous" feature broken
[-] (#0008718) Some status bar menus in the message editor and SmartBat could ignore user input
[-] (#0008668) Saving messages in text format was generating files empty before the next save or program's shutdown
[-] (#0008666) It was not possible to restart search in the same Finder window once it was stopped.
[-] (#0008594) Advanced options were not working for Web-like and text search
[-] HTML hints weren't updated with a new version
[-] Fixed a small glitch in the about box
[-] (#0008724) Message list tabs that are working with anything but current message list were not using specified filters
[-] Removing duplicates was not working in OTFE mode
[-] (#0008681) Birthday reminder does not work
[-] (#0008713) When Replying to plain text messages, the text disappears
[-] Some self-tests use ExitProcess instead of raising exception
[-] (#0008616) "Follow next/previous" in a separate viewer window wraps around the message list
[-] Fixed an AV in the "select file associations" dialog
[-] IMAP "APPEND" command had low timeout, not enough to copy a message from a local to a remote folder over slow connections
[-] (#0008699) Changing active account for a messages creates duplicate
[-] 0008683: Images are printed reduced (5.0.12)
[-] Test for circular reference in folder DB and raising exception instead of silent close.
[-] History was not supported in the Message Redirect form
[-] Fixed sporadic interface language reset at startup
[-] Virtual Folders were not updated after changes were made on filters on folder set
[-] (#0008671) Age limits and priority filtering Mail Ticker settings were ignored
[-] (#0008749) No HTML end tag in message
[-] Trying to fix interface language reset to English at startup
[-] (#0008753) Deleting a folder from The Bat! does remove its physical folder on disk if the folder is a sub-folder
[-] (#0008633) Message list did adjust its view when new messages arrived into the currently viewed folder
[-] (#0008742) The "bcc=..." parameter of the mailto: URL was ignored
[-] Option to delete messages after deletion from Trash was ignored
[-] Links were not working in Source Viewer
[-] Some windows were shifted when reopened when task bar was positioned in non-standard fashion
[-] AV when trying to change viewer for plain-text messages
[-] (#0008319) Problem with releasing messages from Mail Ticker
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E-XD++Enterprise Edition visual component library electronic forms solutions is from E-XD++professional version of the electronic form, based on the all the links are redesigned to increase the function of a large and extensive.In terms of architecture, or in the performance were much improved on both basically do the "take or use" level.If you need to develop the government, banks, large enterprises can be customized when the input interface, E-XD++e-forms solution will be the best choice, at least save you 50-80% of the development, E-XD++is the only electronic forms of high quality complete electronic forms based on C + + source code solution.
The official version of the E-XD++component library visual graphics solutions for enterprise version provides all the source code, click the button below to UCanCode
"We offer these solutions does not mean that E-XD++component library visual graphics applications can only develop these areas, in fact, E-XD++with any other third party, like C + + component library contains hundreds to used functions separately. with QT, MFC, etc., you can independently determine the need for E-XD++in a function, in general, as long as you need graphics, you need flow charts, control charts, printing, typesetting , simulation, electronic maps, power wiring diagrams, forms, etc., you can use the E-XD++components library, of course, sometimes Maybe you only want to use the E-XD++provides control without the need for the drop-down color graphics function, that's no problem! "
E-XD++component library visual graphics design goals for high-end business users in the development of electronic forms-based input interface or a scalable application system provides a set of VC + + source code component library, E-XD++visible graphic component library not only contains all of the XD + + Professional Edition functionality, while the user interface and data entry and other aspects of a large number of extensions, user can be any standard Windows controls as input components onto E-XD++visible library of graphical components on the canvas. In addition, E-XD++component library visual graphics and flexible architecture allows you to connect to the canvas according to your needs, components, attributes, and orders E-XD + + component library visual graphics to modify any part of.
UCanCode electronic form system contains complete form design and form filler two parts of the system, the design goal is to create a variety of needs that need to repeat any time fill the form provide a price very cheap solution.Design by FormDesigner form template, and designed a form template can be done by FormReader fill out the form and print, but also by e-mail or other manner of content delivery. UCanCode electronic form system provides the user can quickly use and low cost electronic forms solutions.
eForm + + e-forms solutions basic working modes:
One. Electronic Forms Designer (Form Designer) - designed to create a blank form template, by means of E-XD++ Enterprise Edition's powerful features, FormDesigner can provide a large number of components used to create the form, you can need to use these components to complete production of the basic form template.FormDesigner design goal is to let it be completed quickly and easily design a form template.When the form template is created after the three ways you can use this template: print, fill in a form directly, or saved as *. efm file via e-mail sent to the personnel required to complete this form to be completed by FormReader fill out and print.Electronic Forms Designer provides the industry's most professional and complete the form template creation and management functions, such as: the creation of templates for management, automatic segmentation printed page, multi-page printing and design, as many as 20 kinds of form input controls, the most drag and drop fashion, automatic location arrangement, similar toWord's table design and so on.Print driver support for thousands of automatic identification.
Second, fill out electronic forms program FormReader - can be used independently of the professional form filler system, as long as you need, you can download from anywhere in the world form FormDesigner design template file, and then complete the form by this procedure fill out, and you can print out the completed form directly or through e-mail sent to others. Filling the record will be directly saved to the database, and you can forward and backward retrieval. Fill this form of data entry procedures can be placed directly into the database, providing toolbar buttons can be used to search in the database.In print form, the system will automatically set according to the current printed page, to form the segmentation, for example: if a page you can print two labels, the location will automatically arrange the output of two labels.In addition the system will automatically check records from the database can be automatically recorded to determine the number of how many pages to print, print out any details can be controlled.
In addition, the use of eForm + + visualization component library developed electronic graphic system is a multi-page form can also be a single page, which can be SDI applications, MDI applications can also be.In addition to containing all the E-XD++professional version of the electronic form part of the function, but also:
1. Provides automatic adjustment of text size component, when the graphics change the size or position, when the graphic text will automatically select the appropriate font mapping to ensure that can sustain over the entire frame.
2. To provide monetary input control, can input a variety of monetary value.
3. To provide the following calculator input controls, the results can be entered.
4. To provide large data grid control, the ranks of the table can be set freely, free to adjust the layout, and provides data scroll the scroll bar.
5. Providing PC input controls that can be input PC data.
6. Provides a unique three-stage Chinese characteristics, the date of entry control can be adjusted at the location of the years.
7. Providing thermal connection control, open the URL directly.
8. To provide cool appearance of the rounded button.
9. To provide the image box control, the operation or the design mode, double-click to open multiple image files directly.
10. To provide professional barcode control, support for entry 39 yards, 93 yards, Codebar, EAN 8, etc. more than 10 in the bar code display and print support.
11. Provides seal to display and print functions.
12. E-XD++all the professional version of the electronic form controls have a comprehensive improvement.
13. The overall improvement of the canvas features to accommodate the same canvas at the same time thousands of graphics editing.
14. System Preferences page, jump, mail, documents the development, printing, incident response, nearly 20 kinds of events.
15. The new Tab Order design interface.
16. Fast property editor button.
17. May be in the design of which will be designed template file directly through the email sent to a third party.
18. Document template support, direct through the template to create a new form.
19. Can be of any design documents saved as templates.
20. The new database connection, ADO and ODBC API also provides a database connection can be input directly to the content in any way, directly into the database. and goto specify recored The results can jump entry.
21. Can be directly through the Tab key or the Enter key to input the control of the jump.
22. To support the content does not print to print only the appearance of features.
23. To save the results of any entry to the xml file.
24. May be the result of any entry by mail directly to a third party.
25. The new auto-capture mode lets you design forms a breeze.
26. In the file size and speed of response has greatly improved.
27. To provide separate foreground and background editing mode, you can place the template in the background image file, in the foreground to complete the editing.
28. Fully Plug and Play support for custom property settings.Property value set changes automatically to support the UNDO / REDO.
29. 100% VC + + design and provide all the source code, without reservation.
30. Ocx control to provide professional, convenient web deployment, or other language platform developers call.
In the use of E-XD++e-forms solution, you can use as needed and to support the E-XD++Enterprise Edition provides business process solutions.If your current development language is VB, Delphi, also no problem, the accompanying E-XD++Enterprise Edition also provides a completely based on E-XD++Enterprise Architecture UCCDraw OCX control (the control of the design source code be provided) This OCX control by calling the function, the same can be developed with other development languages ??powerful and comprehensive electronic forms application.
Use E-XD++source libraries electronic forms solution benefits:
(A), all more than 50 million lines designed and tested to provide the source code without any reservations! Provide more than 400 class C + + extensions, 50 million lines of effective VC + + / MFC source code, sample or solution more than 70 source code, complete and detailed online help system and user documentation, supporting development tools designed!
(B),a powerful, flexible and easy to use graphical visualization of source code libraries. Powerful and flexible to create a variety of charts to meet your needs.Product design specifications, it is easy to use, in just a few days can be designed according to your needs products.We provide complete support for products, download the trial.
(C),feature-rich. Ultra-versatile, such as automatic layout, multi-level collapsible subgraph, cell connection point, XML, DXF, SHP, SVG, etc., can help you quickly create complex and flexible chart.Supports a number of events: such as click, double click, hover, select, rubber band select, copy, delete, resize and move the support.Support the most complex operations: such as drag and drop, unlimited undo / redo and clipboard operations and so on.
(D),saving time and money to obtain reliability. A picture is worth a thousand words, E-XD++offer more than 50 million lines of well-designed and well-tested C + + source code!Development takes years, thousands of customers worldwide validation, can save you a lot of development time and money!
Try it now! Do not just listen to us say it a try!Our free trial includes all you need to prototype your application.Free technical support.
The official version of the E-XD++component library visual graphics solutions for enterprise version provides all the source code, click the button below to UCanCode
More advanced solutions
BPM workflow and business process integration platformVC + + source code visualization solution!
The new version 5.4 of VSdocman has been released. VSdocman is Visual Studio 2010/2008/2005/2002/2002 add-in for the quick commenting and automatic generation of technical documentation from your VB .NET and C# source code files.
This minor update fixes some problems.
What's new in VSdocman version 5.4:
FIX: Correct fonts and sizes according to system settings. Dialogs didn't look good especially on Windows XP with DPI other than default 96.
FIX: An empty Source code section was generated for VB projects when "Remove line continuations from source code and join split lines" was selected even if source code inclusion was disabled.
FIX: Random ghost ".vsdoc" files were created when VSdocman was started with no solution loaded in VS.
FIX: In all html_* output formats, there were no generic parameters shown at class names in a table of contents.
TrustPort is a major producer of software solutions for secure communication and reliable data protection. TrustPort products are characterized by a comprehensive approach to security of both computers and computer networks, protecting against known threats, whilst effectively facing new dangers. They excel in several security areas including antivirus technology, antispam methods, and encryption technology.
Please note that when upgrading from a version previous to 4.5 to this one, it is required that MONyog detects the replication topology of registered servers before the ‘registered servers’ page can display. This may take a few minutes with a large number of registered servers. Please be patient for as long. Note that this delay will only happen once.
Changes (as compared to 4.5) include:
* This release focuses on improving performance of the MONyog built-in HTTP daemon. You will find up to 10 times performance improvements for most MONyog pages. This has been achieved by internal code optimizations, use of compression (if browser supports) and minification/optimization of HTML, Javascript, CSS and graphics.
Bug fixes:
* Prepared statements were not handled properly by the Query Analyzer.
* Events (as introduced in 4.5) stored in the MONyog embedded database did not purge as specified in the ‘retention timeframe’ setting.
* Charts could display decimal numbers with a large number of decimals that made no sense and made charts less readable. We now round to 3 decimals.
Noyantis CalendarPro Wrapper update released (v2.10)
v2.10 of our CalendarPro wrapper template is now available.
This is a Major release. It contains the following updates:-
* Codejock 13.4.1 -> 15.0.2 compatibility added.
* C8 compatibility added.
* Multi Threading Enhanced.
* OCX Registration Enhanced.
* Support for Visual Theme Resource files added (Office 2007, 2010 + Win7).
* The control can now be added to the main AppFrame multiple times, and in multiple positions.
* Class modified to add Thin@ Support.
* 2 New Methods added to help with other 3rd Party compatibility:
* Trappable OCX Events can now be added and removed at runtime.
* Trappable Keystrokes can now be added and removed at runtime.
* Template / Class Optimized.
* Event Movement rules added. Now movement and sizing can be controlled by date setting.
* Reserved characters are now removed from strings.'
* RecID increased from 20 to 40 chrs.
* Zero values are now handled for the end times of the 'SetDayLimits' and 'SetDayEndTime' methods.
* New 'InsertFromEventGroup' facility added allow all event properties to be set at the time of insertion.
* 'Sound File' parameter added to 'SetEventReminder'.
* 'Timeline' option added as a default View Type.
* New example procedure added to demo app to show how to only load events for displayable dates within the DatePicker.
* Method Deleted: 'ApplyImageRsc'
* Method Deleted: 'ApplyMakeTarget'
* New method: 'AddTrapableEvent'
* New method: 'AddTrapableKeystroke'
* New method: 'ApplyOffice2007ThemeFile'
* New method: 'ClearTrapableEvents'
* New method: 'ClearTrapableKeystrokes'
* New method: 'DeleteTrapableEvent'
* New method: 'DeleteTrapableKeystroke'
* New method: 'GetDayEventsEventRecID'
* New method: 'GetEventRecID'
* New method: 'GetHandle'
* New method: 'InsertEventFromGroup'
* New method: 'RegisterEventProc'
* New method: 'SetEventEndDateTime'
* New method: 'SetEventStartDateTime'
* New method: 'TakeWindowEvent'
* New method: 'UnRegisterEventProc'
* New DatePicker method: 'AddTrapableEvent'
* New DatePicker method: 'AddTrapableKeystroke'
* New DatePicker method: 'ApplyOffice2007ThemeFile'
* New DatePicker method: 'ApplyTheme'
* New DatePicker method: 'CalcDate'
* New DatePicker method: 'ClearTrapableEvents'
* New DatePicker method: 'ClearTrapableKeystrokes'
* New DatePicker method: 'DeleteTrapableEvent'
* New DatePicker method: 'DeleteTrapableKeystroke'
* New DatePicker method: 'GetFirstSelectedDate'
* New DatePicker method: 'GetHandle'
* New DatePicker method: 'GetProperty'
* New DatePicker method: 'GetLastSelectedDate'
* New DatePicker method: 'RegisterEventProc'
* New DatePicker method: 'ResyncCalendar'
* New DatePicker method: 'SelectControl'
* New DatePicker method: 'SetProperty'
* New DatePicker method: 'TakeWindowEvent'
* New DatePicker method: 'UnRegisterEventProc'
* BUG FIX: Event Reselected after Move / Resize.
* BUG FIX: DatePicker now registers the OCX if not linked to a Calendar control.
* BUG FIX: Language Resource applied to DatePicker when not linked to a Calendar control.
* BUG FIX: Custom Cell Colours would disappear when calling a child form then reappear again later.
* BUG FIX: Incorrect Event / Rec ID parameters passed to the 'Event Moved / Resized' embed point under certain circumstances
(eg, when an event overlaps with another event and the mouse is not hovering over the dragged event)
Lance Rasmussen has just posted a brief but detailed review of Help & Manual 5.6 on the Jazzie Software site. It covers all the key highlights and capabilities of the program, including single sourcing, the Project Explorer, XML source and editor, conditional output and variables, Unicode support, screen capture and other utilities, the PDF layout and so on.
In the new version developers resolved some of the problems that came up in The Bat! 5.0.8. Various features of the program were fixed. Complete list of improvements can be found below. Work on correcting other features is continued.
[+] (#0007284) Print function now works properly in the image viewer
[*] When encrypting a message, The Bat! will no longer use SubjectKeyIdentifier for compatibility with other programs which do not support this structure
[*] In S/MIME signatures, the attribute ESSCertIDv2 is now added
[-] "When browsing messages, retrieve only message text" and "Except messages smaller than" options are now enabled by default
[-] (#0008470) Deleting IMAP folder cache doesn’t cause wrong Total messages account counter anymore
[-] The Bat! does not display incorrect port for IMAP accounts on Account Info panel
[-] Message List: Sorting Subject/From/To groups by latest time is now functional
[-] (#0008371) Inline graphics do not disappear anymore when opening multiple messages
[-] Fixed a bug with messages still marked as read despite both options to automatically mark message as read were switched off
[-] (#0007784) Message about old format in new versions is not displayed
[-] Handling reply/forward commands for inline viewers of messages is working properly
[-] Filters for replied messages are now executed automatically
[-] (#0008575) 5.0.8 AVs while switching between picture tabs in message view fixed
[-] (#0008606) Deleting attachments now refreshes messages in the Finder's message list
[-] (#0007397) Fixed the problem with inserting HTML code instead of the plain text in HTML QT included in TEXT Folder template
[-] IMAP download preferences specified in account settings are now used by default in all folders
[-] (#0008609) The TO field is now focused when a message is forwarded in non-MIME format
[-] (#0008611) Thread operations are not ignoring date grouping anymore
[-] (#0008621) Empty folders function is repaired
[-] (#0008602) IMAP: Option "When inactive, disconnect after" now works properly
[-] Rethreading function now works properly when the dragged message is dropped onto itself
[-] (#0008614) Delete button is not working as "delete and follow next" anymore when message list was switched off in the separate message list viewer
[-] (#0008628) Message export/save as function is not using non-modal file save dialogue and does not cause problems on any systems
[-] (#0008583) Option "Play sound when new mail arrives" works properly
[-] The last used Address Book is now recalled after restart
[-] (#0008550) Connection Centre: Log window for POP and SMTP tasks works properly
[-] (#0008582) Fixed EML/MSG/VCF association error under WinXP when saving Preferences dialog
[-] (#0008630) Reading Confirmations are generated properly
[-] (#0008620) v5.0.12 does not fail to print large messages to the end
[-] AV when switching to "Subscribed only" tab in IMAP folder manager is fixed
[-] (#0008608) Folder Information Panels Bug fixed
[-] (#0008626) Links in HTML mail do not get mangled anymore
[-] (#0008625) Drag and drop message in same folder works properly
[-] (#0008629) Messages are not lost after review of properties of a folder anymore - Russian version
[-] (#0008576) Replies to messages from .EML files are not empty now
[-] (#0008650) Sending a file from Windows Explorer works properly
[-] (#0008204) Image emoticons are displayed properly when The Bat! was started from a desktop shortcut with no "Start in" folder defined
[-] (#0008280) IMAP: Option "Mark deleted messages as read" in IMAP account properties is now applied
[-] (#0008587) When clicking Minimize, Maximize, Close Button, the program does not hang for a while anymore
EasyExcel ver 4.06 - Clarion8-aware setup available.
We are glad to announce the release of Help & Manual 5.6 including Help & Manual Premium Pack Version 1.4! This is a maintenance release that is free for all registered users of Help & Manual 5 and the Premium Pack, respectively.
We are glad to announce the release of Help & Manual 5.6 including Help & Manual Premium Pack Version 1.4! This is a maintenance release that is free for all registered users of Help & Manual 5 and the Premium Pack, respectively.
A Clarion8-aware install image for LSZip is available. The same installer can be used to install LSZip (version: date: 2010/06/25) to your C5-C8 environments.
You can save and restore ListView layout. The following attributes will be saved/restored: View, Sorting column, Sort order, ShowGroups, Columns visibilities, Columns order, Columns width.
New in template:
New "Save and Restore layout" settings.
Demo app:
NEW: in the all example procedures (exclude Queue example) "Save and Restore layout" option was turned on, file name is set as elvdemo_elvlayout.xml
New methods: SaveLayout and RestoreLayout.
Note that you need to re-register new EasyListView.dll.
Free upgrade for all customers who have a current (valid) subscription plan.
Libraries were recompiled for CW 7.3 (7995)
Added Header/Footer format codes description into EasyExcel documentation, to insert special objects (date, page number etc.)
Bug fixes
SheetVisible - fixed a bug with unhiding sheets (parameter was changed from BYTE to SHORT).
MoveSheet - hang in Excel 2007 and higher (if Excel language doesn't match Windows locale).
CopySheet - hang in Excel 2007 and higher (if Excel language doesn't match Windows locale).
List2Excel method - was an error in setting formats in Excel
SetPageAlign - error setiing margins in measure units, other then centimetres
New methods
EnableEvents - enables/disables event generation in Excel.
SetFormula - sets cell's formula using A1 notation
SetPageHeadFootProps - sets different options for headers/footers
SetPageHeaderPict - sets page header picture
SetPageFooterPict - sets page footer picture
GetIntl - gets different localization parameters to be used in format strings
SetRangeFilter - filters previously selected range
ShrinkToFit - causes text in selected range to automatically shrink
ViewMode - returns or sets the view showing in the window
Changed methods
SetFormat - added CellFormat:Percent equate to set "percent" format of selected range
ColumnWidth - ColWidth parameter type was changed from LONG to REAL and added pMeasureUnit parameter: you can set column width now in different measure units
SelectRange - if all parameters are omitted, the whole sheet will be selected
SetColour - pIsColourIndex parameter was added
RowHeight - added pMeasureUnit parameter: you can set row height now in different measure units
New templates
Set Range Filter code template - set custom filter ot unique values on a previously selected range
Sort Range code template - sorts currently selected range.
Changed templates
SetFormat code template - added "Percent" format
SetColour code template - added Colour index check-box
Select Range code template - added range addressing and autofit options
SetPageAlign code template - you can set margins now in inches also
Set Cells alignment code template - added measure units and shrink to fit options
Free upgrade for all customers who have a current (valid) subscription plan.
This is the first GA release in a new major branch of the SQLyog MySQL GUI.
This release introduces an easy way to look up proper values for values inserted to columns that have a Foreign Key CONSTRAINT. Foreign Key CONSTRAINTs can be difficult to handle for a human user because when updating a ‘child’ table valid values for columns that have such CONSTRAINTs in the ‘child’ table will often be ‘just a code’ ( an autoincrement integer or some very ‘compressed’ and ‘symbolic’ values (like item numbers, order numbers etc.).
This SQLyog release provides a direct way to look up in ‘parent’ what should be inserted in child. It works like this: In both GRID and FORM mode a ‘…’ symbol will display if the actual column has a Foreign key CONSTRAINT. If you enter some value in the cell and next click this button SQLyog will find all matches for what you have entered in the ‘parent’ table. It does so in two steps:
1) First it will try to find an exact match (using ” = ” operator) in the ‘parent’ column of the ‘parent’ table. So if you are able to memorize, the full matching row from ‘parent’ will display and you can verify with a single click.
2) If no match is found in first step it will try to find a ‘fuzzy’ match (using ” LIKE ” operator with wildcards attached to the string before and after) against all columns of the ‘parent’ table.
A new dialog with the result of this search is displayed. Once the search results display you can select any matching row found in ‘parent’ table and SQLyog will take care that a correct and valid value is inserted to the ‘child table’. If the first search returns too much ‘noise’ you may search again specifying customizable filters.
Note that the search string will not need to be a valid value for the ‘child’ column as it is not saved. It is used for searching in the ‘parent’ table . Even the (rare) situation where a ‘child’ colum has more than one ‘parent’ is handled.
Other changes (as compared to 8.82 ) include:
* Please note that this release requires a new registration code as compared to previous 8.x versions. Before installing please ensure that you have the registration details available.
* In CSV-exports NULL-values can be written as a user-specified string. ‘\N’ is default for compliance with MySQL (SELECT INTO OUTFILE and LOAD DATA), but for use with other programs (such as spreadsheets) other options may be relevant.
* Added an option to automatically add ‘child’ tables to selected tables (before it was only possible to add ‘parent’ tables) in Schema Designer and Query Builder.
* Added a “Change Background Color” option in Edit menu
* A foreground color for text display contrasting a defined background color is now automatically provided by SQLyog in Object Browser and Connection tab.
* The visual effects of tabs have been improved with continued scrolling support. There is a + icon next to the last tab which provides options to add new tabs.
* In ‘Import External Data’ there now is an option to TRUNCATE target tables. Before only DROP+CREATE was possible.
* In ‘Import External Data’ added an option to discard/clear column DEFAULTs for the job globally. Some ODBC-sources use default specification that will not work with MySQL and it was tedious to define this for every table when a large number of tables were imported.
Bug fixes:
* Data entered from the GUI to mange ENUM/SET types were not escaped properly what caused problems with the ” ‘ ” (single quote) and ” \ ” (backslash) character.
* Focus in Object Browser was lost when creating a Stored Procedure.
* There is now a button/link to open the log file in each dialog wherever it is referred.
* Fixed an issue where non-binary data were displayed as “(Binary/Image)”.
* Now TAB/SHIFT+TAB keys will rotate through buttons, check-boxes and tools in Result/Table Data tabs.
* Fixed a crash occurring when running Schema Sync and a Query Builder or Schema Designer TAB was active in the program main window.
* Fixed a truncation issue while importing binary data from PrimeBase server.
* When repeatedly stepping forward and backwards in SJA wizards most recent data entered by user could be lost and replaced with previous values.
* Deleting multiple rows af a table without a Primary Key in one operation could crash SQLyog. This bug was introduced in 8.8.
* Fixed a crash occurring when connecting on some Windows 7 systems with Service Pack 1 installed.
* While formatting multiple queries the SQL formatter now does not add a new line if a new line already exists between two queries. Formatting multiple times would insert new empty lines between queries for each cycle.
* A few more Query Formatter ‘refinements’.
* When closing a Query tab or a Query Builder Tab user was promted to save even if he/she had ‘blanked’ the content of the tab. Now it does not unless the tab was populated from a file. SQLyog will still prompt user to save in this case.
* A small GUI fix with the ENUM/SET dialog.
* After dropping a column from Object Browser context menu focus in Object browser would change randomly. Now focus will be retained on the parent COLUMNS folder.
* SQLyog could crash when attempting to delete rows from the table having a foreign key constraint. This bug was introduced in 8.82 due to improvements made in scrolling.
* SQLyog could crash while the table contents were being loaded in table data tab and the user tried altering the table at the same time.
* If server had timed out the connection SQLyog could fail to reconnect when opening a ‘stored program’ definition
Upgrade policy remains the same – all users of 4.1 and further versions can upgrade to version 5.0 free of charge without updating their license keys. Version 4.x.x license key will be valid for version 5.0.x. Previous versions of the program can be upgraded to The Bat! v5 with 30% discount on our website here.
Together with the new version, RITLabs starts a new campaign – “Email tool for every school”. In the course of two months (from April 6 to June 6) every school that presents a copy of registration certificate will obtain The Bat! v5 licenses free of charge and without time limit or functionality restrictions.
RITLabs announces the launch of a new version of The Bat! email client.
In The Bat! v5 we have completely reworked the program's intercommunication mechanisms. That was an important step forward as it permitted to significantly improve the access to mail via the IMAP-protocol, implement new search capabilities and display the relevant processes. These changes made the program more stable and secure. In what follows, we present some of this bunch of new functions.
We have also implemented folder information panels in the new version. They display the dynamically updated information of the selected mail folders. Naturally, the user is empowered to customize them. Moreover, the displayed information is interactive – it is possible to directly execute different actions upon folders.
Continuing with active innovations we are glad to unveil the “smart” hints in The Bat! v5. Point the cursor at various parts of the message list or interface and with a single mouse-click execute an action from the dynamically appearing window with the list of relevant actions. “This innovation alongside the others already named, will be used while developing a The Bat! version for touch-screen mobile devices”, - says Serghei Demcenko, RITLabs CEO, adding: “The issue of developing cross-platform applications should be transformed into the development of the cross-platform interface and “cloud” solutions”.
The Bat! has always been up to the knocker in terms of interacting with plug-ins and the new version offers even more flexibility in the development of such. It refers to the address book in the first place. The interface of managing plug-ins has been expanded, allowing external developers to integrate The Bat! in their solutions and to create their own plug-ins.
In The Bat! v5 we have implemented a new URL Manager. In former versions the user was able to block images only by hosts or certain links, but now it is possible to make use of various criteria: sender, recipient, folder, regular expressions, etc. To cut the long story short, all the power of The Bat!'s Sorting Office is now available in the URL Download Manager.
The Bat! is up to the pace of the other quickly developing innovation which is QR Code. The new version is able to generate and send those codes. The QR Code opens a wide range of facilities in terms of compact and quick data transmission to mobile devices. Data can be encoded into a small picture, which can be easily decoded by a mobile phone with camera and/or respective software. Thus, it is possible to transmit any text – links, email addresses, phone numbers, address book contacts, etc.
The Bat! uses "Intel Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Instructions Set" to improve the speed of AES algorithm, that is used in TLS and S/MIME. Intel AES instructions are a new set of instructions available beginning with the all new 2010 Intel Core processor family based on the 32nm Intel micro-architecture codename Westmere. To test whether your CPU supports the new instruction set, run The Bat! with /AES_BENCHMARK command line parameter, which must be the single command line parameter, and it must be case-sensitive. It will also show the performance difference between the old and new instructions.
RITLabs team hopes that the launch of The Bat! 5 will be a pleasant gift to all users.
An updated version of jv16 PowerTools 2011 released. The updated version contains the following changes.
Bug fix: Encrypting a file with the File Encrypter can in some cases delete the file, instead of encrypting it.
Bug fix: Disable feature of the Startup Manager does not work if the user has never used msconfig.
Bug fix: Even with A:\ in Global Ignore List, the floppy disk drive is being accessed when using the Fix feature of the Registry Cleaner or Clean and Fix My Computer.
Bug fix: Using the Registry Cleaner or Clean and Fix My Computer can cause the program to crash to error "Cannot create file. The system cannot find the path specified."
Bug fix: Using the Registry Cleaner or Clean and Fix My Computer can cause the program to crash to error "The application seems to be frozen."
Bug fix: File Cleaner and Clean and Fix My Computer can remove empty folders that are required by Norton Internet Security.
Bug fix: The second part of the Registry Compact process still says jv16 PowerTools 2010 instead of 2011.
Bug fix: Error messages displayed by the File Encryptor close automatically with the tool window.
Bug fix: Removing items from a result list can cause the program to crash to EAccessViolation.
Bug fix: Some tools do not honor the Global Ignore List if the list was modified during the same program session.
Improvement: Registry Cleaner and Clean and Fix My Computer now better support the Global Ignore List (the tools no longer suggest error fixing options that match the Global Ignore List, e.g. fix a broken reference to point to a disk drive ignored with the Global Ignore List).
Improvement: Improved the Registry Cleaner's ability to fix registry errors (instead of deleting the data).
The release also contains updates to most translations. The program at the moment comes with the following translations: Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Slovak and Swedish.
The new version's version number is After downloading and installing the new version, please open the Help > About window to verify you are running the latest version. Some browsers tend to cache the installation file and therefore you might not receive the latest version but the same old version you have previously downloaded.
You can install the new version over any previous versions of jv16 PowerTools 2011.
MAV direct ODBC (MAV) 1.00 version release. This is gold release. Finally we have decided to release both versions (Library version and Template version) as a united, indivisible product: there are no more 2 different products. Just one.
In this release there were many bugs fixed, many new features were added and improved.
All customers who purchased any of MAV versions ( (Library version or Template version) in 2010-Jan 2011 will receive Subscription for the whole year of 2011. All customers who purchased it before 2010 will have to renew their Subscription.
According to the 100th edition of Clarion Live we announce a special offer for the template set MobyOne4Android (Beta version).
The offer lasts from March 11th until April 4th.
The offer covers the complete set:
application generator for Android, REST WebService Client and REST WebService Server. Special offer Price: 199 EUR.
1. RAR decompression speed is improved. Depending on data type, decompression can be up to 30 faster than in previous versions.
Both the general RAR algorithm and most of special RAR multimedia methods benefit from this improvement. The only module of RAR algorithm, which is not affected, is "Text compression" method.
2. Changes in ISO support:
a) UDF support is upgraded to UDF 2.50 revision. It makes possible to unpack most of Blu-ray ISO files;
b) when browsing UDF ISO file, UDF revision number is displayed after the "UDF" format name in WinRAR address bar and in archive information dialog;
c) WinRAR sets the folder modification date when unpacking folders stored in UDF and ISO9660 files.
3. Changes in password dialog:
a) WinRAR uses the same format of password dialog both when archiving and extracting, so "Show password" option is available also when extracting;
b) "Organize passwords..." button in password dialog provides access to password organizer interface, where you can specify your frequently used passwords. You will be able to access these saved passwords using the drop down list or autocomplete feature in password dialog.
It is important to know that saved passwords are not encrypted and anybody having access to your computer can view them. Use "Organize passwords" feature only if your computer is protected from unauthorized access;
c) "Use for all archives" option is available in password dialog
when unpacking several archives at once. You can utilize it
to apply an entered password to all archives.
If you use this option with an empty password, WinRAR will skip
all encrypted archives;
d) Unlike previous versions, the password from default compression
profile is not used for extraction.
If you wish to use the same password for all extracting archives,
press "Organize passwords..." button in the password dialog
and define a new password entry, specifying "*" file mask
in "Select for archives" field.
4. In Windows 7 WinRAR will display the total operation progress
also on WinRAR icon on Windows taskbar. You can disable it using
"Taskbar progress bar" option on "General" page of WinRAR settings.
5. Numerous Unicode support improvements allow to process non-English
file names more smoothly. These improvements include:
a) better Unicode handling in WinRAR in "Rename", "Convert",
"Find" and other commands, in folder tree panel, in password
request dialog and in many other parts of WinRAR interface;
b) correctly displayed Unicode names in WinRAR items in Explorer
context menus;
c) Unicode support in .lng files, making WinRAR localization
possible for Unicode only languages.
6. Changes in -x switch syntax. Now you can specify a wildcard
exclusion mask for folders. Such mask must have the trailing '\'
character, like -x*tmp*\ or -x*\temp\
7. New "Extract relative paths" option in "Advanced" part of extraction
dialog. If you browse some archive subfolder in WinRAR shell
and enable "Extract relative paths" option, the path part up to
and including the current subfolder will be removed from extracted
file paths.
For example, if you are inside of "Backup\MyData" archive folder
and extract "Images" folder, it will be extracted as "Images",
not as "Backup\MyData\Images".
This option is the new default extraction mode, but you can change
the default back to WinRAR 3.x style. Just select "Extract full paths"
and then press "Save settings" in "General" part of extraction dialog.
8. Windows 98, Windows Me and Windows NT are not supported by WinRAR
and WinRAR self-extracting modules anymore. Minimum Windows version
required for WinRAR 4.0 is Windows 2000.
If you need to run WinRAR on older Windows, you can download
previous WinRAR versions from
9. If TAR, TAR.GZ or TAR.BZ2 archive contains symbolic or hard links
and if destination file system is NTFS, WinRAR will create these
links when unpacking such archive. WinRAR will create symbolic links
as symbolic and hard links as hard in Windows Vista and newer
and it will create all links as hard in older Windows.
If destination file system is FAT32 or any other not supporting
file links, WinRAR will skip links when unpacking TAR, TAR.GZ
and TAR.BZ2 archives.
10. Recovery volume processing involves less disk seek operations
resulting in higher performance.
11. You can select Windows 7 library in tree panel in extraction dialog
and WinRAR will use its default save location as the destination path.
12. "Report" command allows to select HTML, Unicode text and usual text
as output format for report file. Unlike previous WinRAR versions,
now WinRAR preservers Unicode characters in reports when using HTML
or Unicode text format. So non-English characters in file names
will be displayed properly in such reports.
13. Message list in GUI SFX archives displays only operation status
and error messages. It does not contain names of all extracted files
anymore. This change improves the speed and reduces memory requirements
for SFX archives containing a large number of files. Also it makes
easier to locate error messages, because they are not hidden among
extracted file names.
14. GUI SFX archives display "Extract" button instead of "Install"
if no "Setup" or "Presetup" commands are present in the archive
comment. If you prefer "Install" button, but do not need to
execute any setup programs, you can add "Setup=<>" command.
15. WinRAR displays the current percent above the operation progress bar
when repairing an archive containing the recovery record
and when processing recovery volumes.
16. WinRAR limits the maximum possible volume size to 4 GB minus 1 byte
when creating RAR volumes on a disk with FAT or FAT32 file system
in volume size autodetecting mode. These file systems do not support
4 GB and larger files.
17. If "Wait if other WinRAR copies are active" option is enabled
and WinRAR waits for another copy, you can press "Continue" button
in command progress window to force WinRAR to stop waiting.
So now "Continue" button allows to override the state of
"Wait if other WinRAR copies are active" option for current operation.
18. WinRAR displays one password request instead of two, when saving
an encrypted file back to RAR or ZIP archive after modifying it
in some external editor. Previous WinRAR versions usually requested
the password twice, both when extracting the original file
and archiving its modified copy. Only RAR archives with encrypted
file names were processed with the single password prompt.
19. New error code 10 ("no files") is added to list of error codes
returned in command line mode by RAR and WinRAR. This new code
can be returned by archive, extract, delete and repair commands.
It means that RAR did not find any files matched the specified
file or archive mask.
20. File name area in file overwrite dialog occupies several lines now.
It makes possible to display much longer names.
21. Now switch -ep3 converts not only disk letters, but also UNC paths.
So \\server\share will be converted to __server\share when archiving
and restored to the original \\server\share when extracting with -ep3.
22. New "Background extraction" option in "Advanced" part of extraction
dialog places WinRAR into background, when extracting files.
You can save its default state with "Save settings" button in "General"
part of extraction dialog, just like for other extraction options.
"Background archiving" option from the default compression profile
does not affect the extraction behavior anymore.
23. "Mode..." button in operation progress window is enabled also
when extracting or testing archives. It provides access to
"Command parameters" dialog, where you can set "Turn PC off when done"
option for extraction and test operations.
Previously this dialog was accessible only when archiving.
24. Bugs fixed:
a) renaming a file in archive could also rename all other files
with the same name in other folders of the same archive;
b) previous versions displayed the wrong total packed size
in "Info" command for multivolume CAB archives;
c) in ZIP archives 'U' (update) and 'F' (fresh) commands could
erroneously update even files not specified in the command line.
It happened only for files in current folder which names matched
files in ZIP archive. This bug was not present in usual 'A' (add)
archiving mode.
The latest release of a cutting-edge Windows utility suite developed by the engineers and researchers at Macecraft Software was announced today. Known as jv16 Power Tools 2011, the new software both advances and refines the popular 2010 version.
This extraordinarily versatile program includes utilities for encryption, privacy management, system optimization, file and directory management and data security. Additionally, jv16 Power Tools 2011 has significantly improved the performance standards of both its registry cleaner and software uninstaller, and has added many features not found in prior versions.
"We have made a number of highly useful additions to the software," said Faisal Habib, spokesman for Macecraft USA. "We truly believe that our latest version is the best optimization and tune-up utility suite on the market today."
Existing customers can take advantage of a special offer to purchase the new jv16 Power Tools 2011 for the discounted price of $5.95, no matter which prior version they're using. "The regular price will be $29.95 for first-time buyers," according to Mr. Habib, "which is still a tremendous value for a product of this quality."
According to Mr. Habib, users of jv16 Power Tools 2011 will experience an improvement in the overall stability of their computers, which keeps computers running faster, smoother and error-free.
"Our engineers have completely re-written the Software Uninstaller," he said. "Its ability to both find and properly remove unwanted programs has been greatly improved, and our new User Action History allows you to see exactly what the program has removed in the past." Additionally, the new version has fine-tuned the Registry Cleaner engine to provide for additional safety and accuracy, and provides detailed information on the specific nature of registry errors.
Other improvements were made to the Clean and Fix My Computer feature, which now also scans for broken shortcuts and unneeded empty folders in the Start Menu and Desktop. The Remove on Reboot feature allows you to delete protected or locked files during the next system startup.
"The Startup Manager is now fully compatible with msconfig," Habib added. "This is very helpful because it means that users can now enable items previously disabled with msconfig - and vice versa."
The new Tag System allows users to tag individual lines, a feature that was not offered on earlier versions.
The new version 5.3 of VSdocman has been released. VSdocman is Visual Studio 2010/2008/2005/2002/2002 add-in for the quick commenting and automatic generation of technical documentation from your VB .NET and C# source code files.
NEW: Templates for generating HTML and CHM output which looks like the default online MSDN "lightweight" style.
NEW: Option to delete all files in output folder before compilation. This can be set in Project Properties - Output - General.
NEW: More details in generated documentation. The parameter type is listed also in its description, not only in syntax section. Added "Implements" section which lists implemented methods/properties.
CHANGE: When you leave the "Platforms" property empty, then the Platforms section will not be shown in generated documentation at all.
CHANGE: You no longer need to select also Constants if you want to include enumeration items in generated documentation.
FIX: Sometimes there was an error when registering the help in MS Help 2 format (HxS files used in VS 2002-2008 help). This happened if a project or solution name contained a dot. Then the generated file names contained more than one dot. This is not allowed. The name is escaped now.
FIX: The links that pointed to methods with generic parameters were broken in class diagrams.
FIX: When generating "Pretty file names", the first link in Overload List was not working in HTML-based output formats.
FIX: Broken formatting in Syntax section and source code listing in MS Help Viewer 1.0 format (VS 2010 help).
FIX: When you created or switched to a new profile and then edited any custom topic with WYSIWYG editor, then after pressing OK button, all changes in the new profile were saved into previous profile.
NEW: Full Unicode Support! Basically all components and functions have been modified to support Unicode. If you experience any problems, please report. If your NICs include Unicode characters, refresh the list.
NEW: Vista/7-compatible full size program & setup icons
NEW: TrayMenu icons (optional deactivation in Preferences)
Fix: Bringing up an already running instance at program start
Fix: Significant reduction of UI flickering
Fix: TrayInfo and TrayMenu overlapping in certain cases
Fix: Opening website links with default browser
Settings file access completely rewritten, speeding up nearly all actions significantly, particularly when using encryption
Several fixes for systems with large fonts turned on
General UI performance improvements
Some UI improvements for Vista/7 (better looking hints, lists, etc.)
Several minor WiFi functionality improvements (mostly for WEP)
Net Drive activation delay reduced to 1,5sec
If WMI is erroneous, a description is shown in the log
Spanish translation up-to-date again!
Many improvements for the setup (new icon, updated images, automatically closing a running NSM instance, consistent names)
Lots of minor fixes and adjustments
Codejock Releases ToolkitPro and SuitePro 2011 for Visual C++ and ActiveX
This release introduces many new features, controls and enhancements including Office 2010 style backstage view, Office 2010 blue/black/silver theme support for most controls, Visual Studio 2010 theme support and an Expandable ShortcutBar .
New components included in this release are Xtreme Chart Pro and Xtreme Flow Graph. Some of the chart styles available are Area, Bar, Bubble, Candle Stick, Line, Fast Line, Funnel, Pyramid, Gantt, High Low, Pie, Point, Range Bar, Spline Area, Stacked Area, Stacked Bar, Stacked Spline, 100% Stacked Bar, 100% Stacked Area, Side-by-Side Stacked Bar, Scatter Line, Step Line, Stacked Spline Area, Doughnut, 3D Pie, 3D Doughnut, 3D Torus, 3D Pyramid and Rotated Bars with many more chart styles to come.
Some highlights from this release include:
Backstage View: The Office 2010 style backstage view replaces the traditional File menu to better organize critical tasks related to the document so that they are no more than a few clicks away. Simply click the File tab again to return to your document.
Backstage Button and Separator Controls: Backstage button and Separator controls have been added to help you create your Controls Pane in the Backstage View.
Office 2010 Theme Support: All components now have Office 2010 blue, black and silver theme support.
Visual Studio 2010 Theme Support: Visual Studio 2010 themes added for CommandBars, DockingPane, TaskPanel and Propety Grid.
Expandable ShortcutBar: The ShortcutBar now includes Office 2010 style expanding/collapsing. This allows the shortcut bar to become minimized into a navigation pane.
Chart Control: Codejock Software??™s Xtreme Chart Pro provides Windows developers with a sophisticated charting library that supports most of the popular chart styles used today. Virtually every development platform for Windows is supported.
Over 20 2D and 3D Chart Styles: Includes Area, Bar, Bubble, Candle Stick, Line, Fast Line, Funnel, Pyramid, Gantt, High Low, Pie, Point, Range Bar, Spline Area, Stacked Area, Stacked Bar, Stacked Spline, 100% Stacked Bar, 100% Stacked Area, Side-by-Side Stacked Bar, Scatter Line, Step Line, Stacked Spline Area, Doughnut, 3D Pie, 3D Doughnut, 3D Torus, 3D Pyramid and Rotated Bars charts with many more chart styles to come.
Multiple Diagram Charts: The chart allows multiple diagrams of varying styles to be displayed in the same view horizontally or vertically.
Zooming and Scrolling: The chart control allows you to zoom and scroll charts. This makes it easy to see data points in a chart that has thousands of points. To zoom, simply make sure the chart has focus and then use the mouse wheel.
Chart Builder Utility: Includes a Chart Builder application for easy WYSIWYG chart creation that allows you to customize the colors, etc. and export them to an xml file that can then be loaded into the chart control.
Flow Graph Control: The Flow Graph control is a graphing control used to display relationship graphs. This can be thought of as a relationship diagram commonly used to display the relationships for a relational database.
Codejock Releases ToolkitPro and SuitePro 2011 for Visual C++ and ActiveX
This release introduces many new features, controls and enhancements including Office 2010 style backstage view, Office 2010 blue/black/silver theme support for most controls, Visual Studio 2010 theme support and an Expandable ShortcutBar .
New components included in this release are Xtreme Chart Pro and Xtreme Flow Graph. Some of the chart styles available are Area, Bar, Bubble, Candle Stick, Line, Fast Line, Funnel, Pyramid, Gantt, High Low, Pie, Point, Range Bar, Spline Area, Stacked Area, Stacked Bar, Stacked Spline, 100% Stacked Bar, 100% Stacked Area, Side-by-Side Stacked Bar, Scatter Line, Step Line, Stacked Spline Area, Doughnut, 3D Pie, 3D Doughnut, 3D Torus, 3D Pyramid and Rotated Bars with many more chart styles to come.
Some highlights from this release include:
Backstage View: The Office 2010 style backstage view replaces the traditional File menu to better organize critical tasks related to the document so that they are no more than a few clicks away. Simply click the File tab again to return to your document.
Backstage Button and Separator Controls: Backstage button and Separator controls have been added to help you create your Controls Pane in the Backstage View.
Office 2010 Theme Support: All components now have Office 2010 blue, black and silver theme support.
Visual Studio 2010 Theme Support: Visual Studio 2010 themes added for CommandBars, DockingPane, TaskPanel and Propety Grid.
Expandable ShortcutBar: The ShortcutBar now includes Office 2010 style expanding/collapsing. This allows the shortcut bar to become minimized into a navigation pane.
Chart Control: Codejock Software??™s Xtreme Chart Pro provides Windows developers with a sophisticated charting library that supports most of the popular chart styles used today. Virtually every development platform for Windows is supported.
Over 20 2D and 3D Chart Styles: Includes Area, Bar, Bubble, Candle Stick, Line, Fast Line, Funnel, Pyramid, Gantt, High Low, Pie, Point, Range Bar, Spline Area, Stacked Area, Stacked Bar, Stacked Spline, 100% Stacked Bar, 100% Stacked Area, Side-by-Side Stacked Bar, Scatter Line, Step Line, Stacked Spline Area, Doughnut, 3D Pie, 3D Doughnut, 3D Torus, 3D Pyramid and Rotated Bars charts with many more chart styles to come.
Multiple Diagram Charts: The chart allows multiple diagrams of varying styles to be displayed in the same view horizontally or vertically.
Zooming and Scrolling: The chart control allows you to zoom and scroll charts. This makes it easy to see data points in a chart that has thousands of points. To zoom, simply make sure the chart has focus and then use the mouse wheel.
Chart Builder Utility: Includes a Chart Builder application for easy WYSIWYG chart creation that allows you to customize the colors, etc. and export them to an xml file that can then be loaded into the chart control.
Flow Graph Control: The Flow Graph control is a graphing control used to display relationship graphs. This can be thought of as a relationship diagram commonly used to display the relationships for a relational database.
As there were no critical issues reported with Joomla 1.6 and Drupal 7 reported to us during the last week, today we have renamed Artisteer 2.6 RC3 to the official Artisteer version 2.6. This concludes our work on Artisteer 2.6 with support for Joomla 1.6 and Drupal 7.
Customers using Artisteer 2.6 RC3 can continue using it without changes, while others may now download Artisteer 2.6 from our Downloads page.
Please note that version 2.6 will work only in Trial mode if your free upgrade period has expired.
Update on Artisteer 3.0:
AAlthough many users use Artisteer 3.0 Beta without major problems, certain issues have affected customers who use the new content editing features in Artisteer 3.0. As the product's complexity has grown we have run into difficulties in reproducing and quickly resolving issues and crashes related to content editing and synchronizing content with online websites. Therefore we have decided to rewrite the area of Artisteer 3.0 related to content editing which will greatly improve our overall ability to support the product. We appreciate everyone's patience and apologize for delays. Please rest assured that we are working hard to bring you a stable shiny new product as soon as we can. We hope to have a new 3.0 update within a week, followed by Mac version.
FIX : (sync from SB8) [SB#101101] IDE: Under certain circumstances, if a project file was password protected and a wrong password was entered, the IDE asked to save the project. If agreed, this action removed all items from the project file.
FIX : (sync from SB8) [SB#101251] Installer: The 'Remove read-only file attribute' option in the "Copy File(s)..." script function did not work as expected.
FIX : (sync from SB8) [SB#008261] Installer: Possible sporadic problems with the threaded "Wait Dialog...".
FIX : (sync from SB8) [SB#101262] Installer: Possible "Heading" and "Subheading" redrawing issue in custom dialogs on non-virtual machines.
FIX : (sync from SB8) IDE: "Details" button in the "Environments" Visualizer did not work.
FIX : (sync from SB8) IDE: "Details" button in the "Firewall Exceptions" Visualizer did not work.
FIX : (sync from SB8) IDE: "Details" button in the "Text and Messages" Visualizer did not work.
CHANGE : (sync from SB8) IDE: Minor modification in the internal thread communication management to avoid possible dead-locks when opening and closing projects.
CHANGE : (sync from SB8) IDE: Add a warning to the dialog that password protects the project file.
CHANGE : (sync from SB8) IDE: Remove "View" button from the "Text and Messages" Visualizer.
CHANGE : (sync from SB8) Installer: Minor "event logging mode" modifications.
Free maintenance update with changes regarding PDF export and Webhelp:
Webhelp comes with improved scaling of embedded metafiles and an alignment bug fix for right-aligned images with captions. PDF export has been improved, embedded files did not work in some cases, a wrong y-position of labels starting with a blank character has been fixed. Topic variables now permit leading and trailing spaces in the variable content.
The Premium Pack 1.31 update includes WebHelp support for iPad, iPhone and other mobile devices. The help can now be viewed reasonably well on the iPad and iPhone using two-finger gestures to scroll in topics and the table of contents, index and search panes.
Easy3DStyle ver 3.01 released and updated demo application available!!!
You can set any properties (PROP:FontName, PROP:FontColor, PROP:FontStyle, PROP:FontSize and PROP:Color) for List, DropList and DropCombo controls Header (including Columns and Groups) via template.
New example procedure: Main menu –> Demo-> List Header run time properties (BrowseVendors_3D procedure), shows how to set headers and groups properties dynamically.
New Control template (for Clarion6.xx and above): Menu button. A a command button used to present a small set of related commands. A single downward-pointing triangle indicates that clicking the button shows a menu.
New Procedure extension template: PopupMenu - Constructor popup menu.
Free upgrade for all customers who have a current (valid) subscription plan.
Doc-To-Help’s NetHelp output has a new search engine with exact phrase, fuzzy, Boolean, and synonym search. The best part is that you don’t have to do anything. It is automatically built into every NetHelp output. Read the “Optimized Search in Doc-To-Help 2011” blog post to learn more.
Build Scheduler
Doc-To-Help always allowed you to schedule builds via command line, but now there is a convenient interface to schedule one-off or recurring builds. Run your builds at night or start them and do something else while you wait. Read the “New Build Scheduler in Doc-To-Help 2011” post to learn more.
Every release contains a number of features and enhancements our users are asking for. More items you will find in this release include:
Mark of the Web in NetHelp. Users will not get Internet Explorer warnings when running NetHelp on a local machine.
Improved picture resizing and a “close all documents” button in the editor. These two built-in editor enhancements help ensure that you will love to use Doc-To-Help.
New PDF Converter. You can now generate outputs using 64-bit operating systems.
Added the ability to edit a macro even if it's locked by another user.
The errors in the 'Catch Error' dialog are now sorted alphabetically.
When the macro error dialog is displayed, the user can now press Ctrl+C to copy the contents of the window to the clipboard.
Bugs Fixed
Fixed a bug where the 'Variable Modify String' command did not return expected results if the user left off the '%' symbol in the destination variable name.
Fixed a bug in the 'Variable Modify String: Copy part of string' command where the source variable was not processed.
Fixed a bug where sometimes a macro that has been restored from the recycle bin was placed at the bottom of the macro list.
Fixed a bug where the variables were allowed to be longer than 31 characters in length.
Modified the 'Date/Time' command so that it ignores any milliseconds in the date/time since the editor does not allow the modification of milliseconds.
Fixed an issue where some commands reported undefined variable errors if there was a space before the first percent sign in the destination field.
Fixed a bug where some clipboard commands did not have help topics.
The 'Variable Set From File path' command now returns the correct filename when the file extension is included twice in the filepath.
The 'Encrypted Text' command now supports the 'Keystroke Speed' settings properly.
Fixed a bug that caused the script commands pane to redraw incorrectly.
Crashes Fixed
Fixed a crash that could occur when using the 'Run Macro Now' feature from the explorer.
Fixed a crash that occurred when attempting to launch a macro from the command line in a file that is not currently open.
Fixed a crash that occurred when using the 'Variable Restore' command when restoring a text variable array into a smaller predefined array (i.e when restoring a T variable of 999 elements into a T variable defined with 99 elements).
RITLabs wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Of course, we have a special gift for our users – The Bat! 4.2.40. This version will be the last 4.x.xx version; we plan to issue The Bat! 5.0 soon.
In the new version we’ve improved transparent GIF image processing in HTML messages. Now The Bat! does not use BitBlt Win32 API call with SRCAND operation on them. This is important when printing such images, because some not-fully-compatible printer drivers might experience problems.
Moreover, The Bat! now shows information about the license key – until what version the key is valid. We’ve also fixed several bugs.
[*] Now The Bat! does not use BitBlt Win32 API call with SRCAND operation on transparent GIF images in HTML messages. This is also important when printing such images, because some not-fully-compatible printer drivers might experience problems when an application uses BitBlt with SRCAND.
[-] A buffer overrun when selecting text in some messages has been fixed.
[-] Now The Bat! displays in the "About" box the information on the registration key: until which version the registration key is valid.
[-] Display glitches, which might occur on background of some dialogue windows, have been fixed.
[-] "Connection Centre" display bug, which might occur when scrolling the window.
[-] Sometimes the transparent "Details" section of the "Connection Centre" was displayed with wrong background.
[-] "Connection Centre" displayed black lines after scrolling.
[-] Details of the "Connection Centre" stayed empty after deactivating and activating them.
TEMPLATE: for the new project flag 'Link oleautcg.lib' will be set automatically to TRUE for Clarion < 7.1, and to FALSE for Clarion >= 7.1.
GENERATOR: for the dispinterface with the huge number of methods not all methods were generated in the interface section.
GENERATOR: parameters with the [out] attribute could not return the new value to the caller.
FEATURE (GENERATOR): xml comments will be generated for the methods which have [helpstring] attribute (to use with Code Completion in C7)
Free upgrade for all customers who have a current (valid) subscription plan. btw we are kindly ask you to renew your subscription if you have purchased more then 1 year ago.
When installed on a server operating system (Windows 2003 and 2008 Server supported), it runs as “Emsisoft Anti-Malware for Server”. This product requires special server licenses. Pricing is based on client/homeuser license price * 5 for server use. More information about the server edition can be found on the new Emsisoft Anti-Malware for Server product page:
We have created some exciting new features for server use, however all of the new features are also available for desktop users:
Immediate protection after bootup. In previous versions, a user had to logon to start the Guard that loads the protection layers (system tray icon application). In version 5.1 the protection immediately starts when Windows boots, even if no user is logged on. However, the File Guard settings dialog allows you to switch back to the old model.
Along with the immediate protection, Anti-Malware 5.1 is now able to run auto-updates in server mode too.
New email notification feature. Anti-Malware can now send an email to the admin everytime a malware is found and quarantined by the File Guard. That’s most important for server use when no user is logged on locally for a long time. Notification settings are available at the File Guard settings dialog.
Other new features in Anti-Malware 5.1:
We have improved the behavior based protection against the TDL-3 and TDL-4 rootkits.
Anti-Malware Update-Proxy improvements:
You can now configure Upate-Proxy to connect through another proxy to the internet.
Update-Proxy now supports automatic cache cleanup for files that have not been served for more than 30 days.
- Notable Changes
- Added Registry Compare view.
- Added Text Edit view which includes "Find in Files" command.
- File Compare Report can now mix reports from different views (text/hex/data/picture/etc).
- Added "Text content" to Folder Compare's "Other Filters".
- Added "Follow Symbolic Links" folder compare option which controls whether symbolic links are shown as files or the link target.
- Added support for comparing, copying, and deleting symbolic links and NTFS junction points.
- Added support for bzip2 and bzipped tar archives.
- Added read/write support for Debian .deb packages (Linux only).
- Added read-only support for Total Commander packer (wcx) plugins.
- Added layout, rotate, and flip commands to Picture Compare, along with various other enhancements.
- Added "Exclude protected operating system files" option that excludes system and hidden files, folders, and junction points (Windows only). Enabled by default.
- Added support for SSH2 authentication using OpenSSH's ssh-agent and PuTTY's pageant.
- Added "Ignore Same Changes" Text Merge command.
- Added "View->Detached Output Pane" Text Merge command to show output pane in separate window.
- Archives
- Added support for bzip2 and bzipped tar archives.
- Added read-only support for Total Commander packer (wcx) plugins.
- Added read/write support for Debian .deb packages (Linux only).
- Added support for reading/writing symlinks in zip and tar archives.
- Added option to follow symbolic links when saving snapshots, along with "follow-symlinks" option for SNAPSHOT script command.
- Snapshots now save whether an item is a symbolic link or not (to show arrow overlay), and what the target path is.
- Saving a snapshot now stops when it detects a recursive symlink.
- Fixed crash saving a snapshot containing a filename longer than 255 bytes.
- Fixed snapshot CRCs changing to "<invalid>" after loading a new comparison.
- Fixed .tar file size changing to an incorrect value if the archive included a folder named './'.
- Fixed crash when saving a large snapshot on Win9x or when Logitech SetPoint is installed.
- Fixed .tar archives showing Unix mode without 'l' for symlinks or 'd' for folders.
- Fixed .tar support for archives larger than 2GB.
- Command Line
- Added switch for single pane editor (/edit).
- Scripts, /qc, /automerge will now keep running if loading toolbar/folder/misc icons fails.
- Data Compare
- "MS Excel Workbooks" format no longer processes macros, if they exist.
- "BOM" is now shown in the "File Info" panel if a byte order mark is detected.
- Improved intraline comparisons of non-string data.
- Fixed intermittent crash when cancelling an unsorted alignment.
- Fixed editing a cell so it doesn't affect the raw text of other cells.
- Fixed hang trying to load certain binary files.
- Fixed editing multiline cells introducing additional rows.
- Fixed crash loading a file with no detectable delimiters.
- Fixed changing default column handling to recompare if necessary.
- Fixed crash when pasting columns in session settings dialog.
- Fixed trimming whitespace so it no longer removes other control characters.
- Fixed handling of cells that only contain whitespace.
- File Formats
- Added comment definition to "Registry Dumps" file format.
- Added apostrophe delimited "string" to "HTML" file format.
- Fixed RTF-to-Text conversion for hyphen characters and keywords with mixed case.
- Fixed external conversion error message including wrong exit code.
- Fixed XML Tidy external conversions of filenames containing a '=' or ';' character.
- File Views
- Added "Open with Text Edit" command.
- "Compare Parent Folders" now selects files from file compare (if aligned).
- "Editing disabled" now shown for read-only resources (ex. CHM files).
- "Next/Previous Difference Files" now traverses files in "Compare Contents" results dialog if opened from it.
- "File Info" panels now highlight differences in file format, character encoding, line ending style, etc.
- Added support for horizontal scrolling to MP3 and Version comparisons.
- Improved font dropdown captions.
- Orphan and empty file comparisons no longer show comparison result in status bar.
- Re-added "Load time" to status bar display.
- Fixed support for editing files via NTFS symbolic links (Vista & Windows 7).
- Fixed detecting external file changes if file's size changes but its last modified time doesn't.
- Fixed external change detection so it doesn't flag transitioning from a partial date-only timestamp to a full one.
- Fixed toggling "Single vertical scrollbar" tweak.
- Fixed intraline difference display when mismatched characters are bold.
- Fixed "Compare Files Using" after using "Open Clipboard".
- Fixed crash after saving a file.
- Removed "File->New File" command from all views except "Text Edit"
- Changed various commands to disable instead of hide when they're not available.
- Fixed "Copy File to Left/Right" confirmation to be shown again after clearing parent session.
- Fixed "Compare to Clipboard" support for external conversions for the "selection" side.
- Fixed unimportance handling of embedded line endings in data, MP3, registry, and version compares.
- Fixed color of visible line endings in data, MP3, registry, and version compares.
- Fixed "Open With" %l value when positioned on a gap.
- Folder Compare
- Added "Text Content" file filter.
- "File Compare Report" now determines which kind of session to use for each file.
- Added "Exclude protected operating system files" option that excludes system and hidden files, folders, and junction points. Enabled by default.
- Added support for comparing, copying, and deleting NTFS junction points and symbolic links. Copying symbolic links requires administrator
- Added "Follow symbolic links" option to Folder Compare "Handling" tab for Windows.
- Added "Find Filename" dialog with advanced search options. Incremental search no longer opens separate dialog.
- Added "Add To Presets" button to "Name Filters" session settings tab.
- Archives (.zip, .tar, etc) can now be opened using the "Open With -> Hex Compare" menu item.
- Added support for ';' characters in filename masks. They will be escaped as [;] automatically in the filters edit string.
- "Sync" commands now default to "Just Selection".
- "Up One Level -> Both Sides" now selects previous base folders.
- "Copy to Left/Right" now respects /nobackups switch.
- "Compare Contents" results dialog now differentiates between CRC and binary comparisons.
- Log now shows when running file operations have been cancelled.
- Added "Browse for Folder" commands to "Session" menu.
- Improved "Alignment Override" dialog's regular expression support.
- "Quick Compare" now supports comparing archives.
- Tweaked "Touch" calendar layout.
- "Folder Compare Info" dialog can now display "Unscanned folders".
- "Folder Compare Info" now lists unopened archives if treating as a file.
- "Filters" combobox now has separator line between presets and MRU list.
- "Comparison Results" dialog now shows results in the same order as the
- Minor speed improvements.
- Fixed crashes when Logitech SetPoint is loaded.
- Fixed "Compare Contents" dialog so it only allows CRC comparisons if one of
the base folders is snapshot.
- Fixed caption showing progress percentage after cancelling file operation.
- Fixed sort changing unexpectedly when sorting by the path column and
opening a file view in a new window.
- Fixed file handle leak when using a background content comparison.
- Fixed crash when deleting files that are waiting for a background content
- Fixed "Exclude files smaller than filter" so it doesn't match files with
unknown sizes.
- Fixed using "Ignore Folder Structure" and "Archive handle -> As folders
always" together so it no longer includes both the zip files and their
- Fixed crash if a folder was deleted/renamed while it or one of its
subfolders was being built.
- Fixed flicker on Windows 7.
- Fixed folder sizes incorrectly including sizes of symlinked folders.
- Fixed "Exclude" path handling when ignoring folder structure.
- Fixed "Text content" filter Unicode support.
- "Open With->Text Edit" is now customizable.
- Fixed crash after performing file operations.
- Fixed rename to show a filename if all of the selected files are the same
if the last rename used regular expressions.
- Fixed crash when double clicking in "Compare Contents" results dialog to
open a file comparison.
- Fixed file operation confirmation dialogs resizing if closed while
building folders.
- Fixed crash when rapidly using file view's "Next Difference Files"
(Ctrl+M) command.
- Fixed "Browse for Folder" initial folder when the edited path contains
environmental variables (e.g,. %Temp%).
- Folder Sync
- Added ability to override sync actions on a per-item basis.
- Added "Next/Previous Conflict" commands, replacing "Next/Previous
- "Expand subfolders when loading session" is now enabled by default.
- Fixed "Nothing to Sync" appearing after sync has completed.
- Tweaked "Session Settings" dialog layout and options:
- Moved "Sync empty folders" and "Use recycle bin if possible" from "Sync"
tab to "Handling" tab.
- Removed "Only expand subfolders with differences" option.
- Condensed "Archive handling" radio group to a "Synchronize within
archives" checkbox.
- Added support for SSH2 authentication using OpenSSH's ssh-agent and PuTTY's
- Added support for copying symlinks over FTP and SFTP. Supported by
OpenSSH, proftpd, ncftpd, hpss, ioftpd.
- Improved "Fast" symlink detection so symlinks pointing to files in the
same parent folder will be updated based on the available folder
- Symlinks detected incorrectly using "Fast" symlink detection will now
switch to the opposite type if retrieving the file or loading the folder
listing fails.
- Improved "Open File on FTP Site" and "Save File on FTP Site As" dialogs.
- Changing username in response to an invalid login attempt now updates the
session path.
- Added "*.sh" to the default ASCII transfer list.
- Added support for Treck Embedded FTP Server's directory listings.
- Fixed cancel and error handling when browsing for a folder.
- Fixed support for XCRC on servers that fail for 0-byte files.
- Fixed ProFTPD/Pure-Ftpd detection to use MFMT instead of SITE UTIME if
it's supported.
- Fixed support for NET+OS folder listings with odd permissions.
- Fixed crash trying to a save text file with no line endings.
- Fixed setting last modified times on ProFTPD/Pure-FTPd servers that aren't
using UTF-8 for filenames.
- Fixed changing "Force faster uploads on older OpenSSH servers" to enable
the profile "Save" button.
- Hex Compare
- Tweaked "Go To" dialog size.
- Home View
- Pressing [Enter] when multiple sessions are selected now opens all of them.
- Linux
- Added "Follow Symbolic Links" folder compare option which controls whether
symbolic links are shown as files or the link target.
- "Check For Updates" can now install update automatically.
- Environmental variable expansion now looks for $ENV instead of %ENV%.
- Running Beyond Compare for the first time now copies
/etc/skel/.beyondcompare to ~/.beyondcompare if it exists.
- Added checkboxes for disabling file formats in "File Formats" dialog and
folder compare session settings.
- BC3Key.txt will now be installed if it's in the same folder as the RPM or
DEB package.
- Added support for storing Unix mode in zip files.
- Improved text editor responsiveness and reduced excess flicker.
- Removed STABS debug information (reduces executable size by ~12MB).
- Fixed hang when saving.
- Fixed hang when saving.
- Fixed loading paths with a filename containing two leading periods.
- Fixed determination of whether session is auto-saved.
- Fixed "Permission denied" errors incorrectly showing "Invalid parameter"
error message when loading folders.
- Fixed non-resizable dialogs opening at the wrong size.
- Fixed Home View so it fits with default settings on a 1024x768 screen.
- Fixed Text Edit instability.
- Fixed detecting BC3Key.txt when installing .deb using 'sudo dpkg -i ...'.
- Fixed "Open With->Associated Application" failing for paths containing
- Fixed hang when trying to expand a path containing a '$' followed by a
non-alphanumeric character.
- Fixed deleted symlinks not being removed from the comparison if "Follow
Symbolic Links" was enabled.
- Fixed adding files to zip archives to set the VersionMadeBy field correctly.
- Fixed hint window not passing clicks to the parent window if a modal
dialog is open.
- Fixed crash when trying to change FTP server timezone.
- Fixed dialog context-sensitive help when using the window manager's [?]
- Fixed rearranging session tabs using drag & drop.
- Fixed text editor acting like a mouse button was held down after prompting
to reload due to external changes.
- Fixed data compare multi-line cell scrollbars.
- Fixed dialogs appearing on the wrong monitor on multi-monitor systems.
- Fixed symlinks with relative paths incorrectly being flagged as read-only.
- Fixed installer support for copying BC3Key.txt.
- Misc
- Added "Edit Text File" to "Tools" menu.
- Added "Compare to Registry" and "Edit with Beyond Compare" commands to
shell extension.
- Added incremental search to numerous treeviews and lists (type characters
to position).
- Added "Help->Context Sensitive Help" command.
- "ExePath", "Version", "SupportsMerge", and "Expired" flags are now written
to both the "Beyond Compare 3" and "Beyond Compare" registry keys.
"ExePath" and "Version" are written to both HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and
- Improved behavior when using "backup 'abc.txt' to folder" if target path is
- Improved confirmation dialog when using "Session->Exit" and "Session->Load
Workspace" commands.
- Improved behavior of Windows 7 taskbar live previews.
- Improved "Save Snapshot" user interface and added FTP support.
- Rearranged "Tools" menu.
- Added and tweaked icons for various commands.
- Double clicking in a path edit now selects between path delimiters instead
of between spaces.
- Added support for assigning keyboard shortcuts to saved Workspaces.
- Standard edition no longer includes non-functional text replacement and
version control commands.
- Session "Info" dialogs are now resizable.
- Clicking on the "Expand" button in a treeview no longer tries to preserve
the current offset.
- Double clicking now only affects treeviews if the mouse is over the
selected node.
- Fixed various tree views so clicking on expand/collapse button no longer
changes current item.
- Fixed crash when window focus changes while closing.
- Fixed crash on startup if BC3Key.txt isn't readable.
- Fixed crash on startup if deleting a previous instance's temp files failed.
- Fixed crashes when starting a second instance while the first is shutting
- Fixed crash when trying to overwrite a read-only settings file.
- Fixed button hints in translated releases.
- Fixed calendar day abbreviations in translated releases.
- Fixed clicking past the last item in a listview so it no longer clears the
- Fixed appearance of owner-draw read-only comboboxes on Vista & Windows 7.
- Fixed error handling to return better error messages.
- Fixed crash when exporting settings when shared sessions are loaded.
- Fixed detection of when to automatically hide toolbars.
- Fixed displaying popup hints containing a #0 character.
- Fixed crash on startup when using a revoked license key.
- MP3 Compare
- Added incremental search.
- Options
- Added "Add Plug-in..." button to "Archive Associations" to install Total
Commander packer plugins.
- Added "Use New Compare Colors" folder view tweak (Ctrl+Shift+T) to give
preview of proposed BC4 folder coloring.
- "Archive Associations" list is now sorted.
- Import and Export dialogs are now resizable.
- Improved editing Folder Compare "Name filter presets".
- Exporting settings now forces an archive association (.bcpkg/.zip) when
- Fixed support for shell extension's "Command line switches" tweak.
- Fixed Export/Import to require at least some settings to be acted on.
- Fixed Import population of confirmation list.
- Fixed Export/Import File Format helpers unicode handling.
- Fixed "File Compare Colors" handling of "Background Contrast" slider so
background coloring can be disabled.
- Fixed "Import Settings..." crash when trying to import an invalid zip.
- Fixed session dropdown so it stays on screen.
- Picture Compare
- Added "Blend Mode" that blends images at customizable percentage.
- Added "Rotate Clockwise", "Rotate Counterclockwise", "Flip Horizontally",
and "Flip Vertically" commands.
- Added "Difference Side-by-side", "Difference Over-under", "Difference
Underneath", "Only Difference", "Side-by-side", and "Over-under" layouts,
replacing "Hide Difference Panel" command.
- Added "Show transparency as checkerboarding" option.
- Moved the offset display from the status bar to the "View" toolbar.
- Added the position and color of the pixel under the mouse cursor to the
status bars for each pane.
- Right image position now matches what's shown in the difference image.
- Zoom using mouse wheel now scrolls to keep same area of picture under
- Changed icons for comparison modes.
- "File Info" panel no longer lists file format.
- Improved error handling when running out of memory.
- Removed ".cut" (Dr. Halo) file type from default file format.
- Fixed stretched image to show in new dimensions even if original had
- Fixed difference offset calculation when mouse is dragged in center image
- Fixed crash when loading a valid PNG image.
- Fixed hang loading corrupt TGA images.
- Reports
- Added Hex Compare "Interleaved" layout.
- Data Compare "Summary" report now supports word wrap in printed output.
- Folder Compare "Summary" report can now display "Unscanned Folders".
- Fixed HTML report word wrapping.
- Fixed Hex Compare "Side-by-side" report's handling of non-printable
characters and ANSI text.
- Fixed handling of same items when using non-default "same color" options.
- Fixed handling of font bold/italic.
- Fixed file report handling of huge amounts of files
- Scripting
- Added script SNAPSHOT "follow-symlinks" option. **Default is off, which
does not match earlier BC behavior.
- FILE-REPORT command now determines which kind of session to use for each
- Added MP3-REPORT command. Supports SIDE-BY-SIDE and SUMMARY layout options.
- Added PICTURE-REPORT command. Supports SIDE-BY-SIDE and SUMMARY layout
- Added REG-REPORT command. Supports SIDE-BY-SIDE and SUMMARY layout options.
- Added "n of nn" counts to file operation progress in scripting dialog.
- "LOG NONE <filename>" is now considered a syntax error.
- "LOG NONE" will no longer try to create a log file.
- Fixed crash when using "SELECT EMPTY.FOLDERS" script command.
- Fixed support for scripts encoded as UTF-16.
- Scripts no longer give an error if you try to load a folder compare
session with the same name as a non-folder compare session.
- Improved error handling of scripts with malformed characters.
- Fixed 3.2.0 crash when using file-report with no files selected.
- Fixed FILE-REPORT failing when more than 65,000 files are selected.
- Text Edit
- Fixed "Find in Files" results splitter being lost when switching between
- Fixed "File in Files" Unicode support.
- Using "Find in Files" a second time now cancels previous search instead of
waiting for it to complete.
- Closing "Find in Files" results panel now cancels the search.
- Text Views
- Improved display of control characters.
- Improved "Line Weight" dialog's regular expression support.
- "BOM" is now shown in the "File Info" panels if a byte order mark is
- Fixed restoring position when reloading when the cursor is on empty end of
file line.
- Fixed support for editing files that don't have any line ending characters.
- Fixed "Copy Line to Other Side" to follow "Go to next difference after
copying to other side" option.
- Fixed scrollbars not updating when necessary.
- Fixed crash when closing view with a malformed HTML file open in the
- Fixed "Replace All" with wrapping modifying the wrong characters.
- Fixed "Aligned Details" mode to only use double-wide character handling if
- Fixed data loss when changing "Characters per line" file format setting
after making edits.
- Fixed character alignment when replacements are found.
- Find Dialog's "Select All" button is now enabled when specific side chosen
(left, right, output).
- Improved Find handling of multi-byte UTF-8 characters.
- Fixed "Find Previous" when nothing is selected and the match can be the
current or previous character (ex "." regex).
- Removed unnecessary editor invalidation/flicker when moving the cursor.
- Fixed find handling of multi-byte characters.
- Text Compare
- Added "Aligned Details" option that shows character alignment in the line
details area with fixed-width font and gaps.
- Added support for Unicode characters in Microsoft Word files.
- Editing binary/read-only files now prompts for permission.
- "Replacements" command is now enabled even if the current text is matching
or an orphan.
- Fixed crash when editing affects whether or not file has mixed line endings.
- Fixed crash when auto-indenting on a blank line.
- Fixed crash when using replacements.
- Fixed crash when using "Go to next difference after copying to other side"
changes the line ending style.
- Text Merge
- Added "Ignore Same Changes" command.
- Added "View->Detached Output Pane" command to show output pane in separate
- Lines that only exist in the ancestor no longer show as gaps if the center
pane is hidden.
- Improved difference coloring in ancestor (center) when there are
conflicting changes.
- Version Compare
- Added support for comparing all strings in "Variable Info" section instead
of just a known list.
- Added ability to get as much version information as possible when reading
malformed files.
- Added incremental search.
- Improved error message when no version info available.
- File size is no longer compared explicitly.
- "File Size" is now shown as different if files are not binary same.
We are glad to announce the availability of Help & Manual 5.5!
Although this update is classified as a free maintenance release, we have implemented some really exciting new features!
Google Analytics Support
Google Analytics (GA) is an enterprise-class web analytics solution that gives you rich insights into your Webhelp traffic. By integrating Google Analytics, you can track how the content of your Webhelp system is used. Powerful, flexible and easy-to-use features let you see and analyze your traffic data in an entirely new way. Google Analytics gives you the information you need to write better help.
Help & Manual's direct integration of Google Analytics offers even more detailed insights. In addition to the tracking content, landing and exit pages, you can track exactly what your Webhelp users are searching for, and finding. Additional tracking capability includes keyword usage and exits from topics that point to external locations, including download links.
Google Analytics Example
PDF with Named Destinations
In the 5.4 update earlier this year, when we completely revised the integrated PDF engine and the manual layout designer.
With this update, we have added more functionality and automatically create PDF with so-called named destinations for every page, section and topic. Named destinations are PDF bookmarks that you can address directly by a HTML link. Simply put, it is context sensitive help for PDF files.
Additional effort has been made to improve synthesized fonts in PDF. Many Windows fonts include only a regular typeface but no dedicated bold and italic typefaces. Windows simulates those effects on the fly. So do we in PDF with Help & Manual 5.5.
Minor improvements and problem fixes
Project overview: the list of recently edited topics in the project overview has a "Copy to clipboard" link to copy a link list of those topics to the clipboard.
Webhelp: minor changes to XHTML export. Improved cross-linking of merged projects.
ePUB (e-books): small bug fix for the ePUB header file.
HTML Help (.CHM) import: ambiguous image names (same file name in different internal folders) are now properly resolved. Title tags of images are preserved.
PDF: improvement for numbered lists with numbers in bold typeface (baseline of the text was not 100% correct). Long dashes were written as short hyphens.
Help 2.0 (.HXS): in the <HelpCollection> tag, the project title and copyright were HTML encoded instead of XML
Robohelp import: build tags are now applied to TOC and topics.
Bug in keyword sorting in topic editor fixed.
Sandcastle import: text at the bottom of import pages removed.
Lindersoft, a global leader in the development of installation software for Windows applications, announced today the immediate availability of SetupBuilder Version 7.3, the latest edition of its award-winning Installation Authoring and Configuration Management system for Microsoft Windows based applications that is used by thousands of organizations around the world.
The SetupBuilder installation-authoring tools are designed to reduce the time and complexity of creating software installations. Version 7.3 is an important step forward in our evolving support for state-of-the-art installation technology. Based on user feedback, SetupBuilder 7.3 is full of features to make setup development again easier and more flexible. Any organization planning to move its applications to the Windows 7 and Windows 2008 R2 platforms will be able to use SetupBuilder to comply with this new industry standard.
This release is available, free of charge, to all SetupBuilder customers who have an active SetupBuilder maintenance and support subscription plan.
The new version 3.1.1 of NetSetMan (Pro) has been released!
Fix: False notification that WiFi service is not running
Fix: Incorrect delay text output for NIC de-/activation
Pro: MS Powershell 2.0 is now used to join a domain if available
Some language updates
! Requiring new translators !
The following languages are already integrated into NetSetMan but are out of date because their translators left the project. If you would like to voluntarily continue it please send an email! Chinese (trad.), Spanish, Swedish, Vietnamese
Huge work was done during two months between releases 2010.2 and 2010.3. Great many improvements, enhancements, and fixed were made. All of them are aimed at providing a better experience from using the product.
We have greatly improved our new products Stimulsoft Reports.Silverlight and Stimulsoft Reports Designer.Silverlight. We have added the Chart component, four new UI themes, printing in Silverlight etc.
Configurations on the properties panel, two new data adapters, one new barcode, new UI themes, additional HTML tags, updated training resources and great many other remarkable changes are available cross the entire Stimulsoft Reports product line.
Reports.Fx for PHP and Reports.Fx for Flex have so many changes that it is hard to imagine with what to start the description. All types of charts, one new barcode, totals, functions, sorting, implemented Request from User, text formatting - this is brief list of what is available in these two products.
The new version 3.1.0 of NetSetMan (Pro) has been released!
NEW: AutoSwitch! Connect your profiles with one or more WiFi netwoks to switch profiles automatically depending on your location!
NEW: Extended Profile Management!
NEW: Notes/Comments for profiles
NEW language: Greek
Fix: Inactive WINS configuration area
Fix: Mapping a network drive might have kept its old name
Fix: Position of TrayInfo now depending on task bar position
Fix: Several fixes for systems with big fonts turned on
Enhanced WiFi Management initialization
Notification if WiFi service is not running
New Windows location link: Windows WiFi Management
Smooth opening of FullMode (Vista & 7)
Closing all sub-windows when minimizing main-window
Several mouse cursor design improvements
Background logo now hidden when transparency not supported
Now with 5sec delay after NIC de-/activation
Delay for TrayInfo Public IP retrieval will be shown the whole time if it takes to long to make the user aware of the issue
Pro: Profile Categories are now called Profile Groups
NSM Logo Update
Lots of, lots of minor fixes and adjustments
NEW: NetSetMan is now on facebook - become a fan!
Requiring new translators
The following languages are already integrated into NetSetMan but are out of date because their translators left the project. If you would like to voluntarily continue it please send an email! Chinese (trad.), Spanish, Swedish, Vietnamese.
An updated version of jv16 PowerTools 2010 released. The updated version contains the following changes.
Bug fix: If you start the Clean and Fix My Computer using a command line paramter or a desktop icon, its Search Words box could contain "memSearchWords"
Bug fix: The Explore function under the More Functions menu of the Directory tool works on the first selected item of the list, while it should work on the highlighted item.
Bug fix: The Filename field of Startup Manager's top panel always says "N/A".
Bug fix: Closing a tool window with the filter panel visible, causes the program to crash to "Cannot change visibility in OnChange" if the same tool window is opened again.
Bug fix: Double clicking the line between two columns can cause sorting to occur, even as it should only resize the column.
Bug fix: Clicking the Start button in the Anti-Malware sometimes checks the "Scan the following download directories" option, even if the user had it unchecked before clicking Start.
Bug fix: The drag and drop of directories only works with the Anti-Malware the first time you open the tool, opening the tool again causes the drag and drop support to be disabled.
Bug fix: Using the Right-Click > List Control > Remove from list feature can cause the program to crash to an Access Violation if the same tool is used again.
Bug fix: Opening the Debug Tool can cause the program to crash to an Access Violation.
Bug fix: Attempting to open the Debug Tool shows the "Debug Tool not available because you are not running a beta build" error message twice.
Bug fix: Opening the Registry Info many times in a row after clicking Abort can cause the program to crash.
Bug fix: File Tool's "Always show these columns" feature does not always work, e.g. with File Cleaner.
Improvement: The Registry Cleaner no longer reports keys relating to Norton/Symantec products as errors, these keys are protected against modifications by the Norton/Symantec product.
Improvement: It's now possible to resize the very last column of the result lists.
Improvement: Date format selection box of the Settings now uses "HH:NN" notation instead of "HH:MM" in which "MM" was difficult to distinguish from months.
Improvement: Reduced the size of the Registry Compactor (RegCompact.exe) by about 50%.
Improvement: Reduced the flickering of the File Tool during list update operations.
Updated translations: Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Czech, Japanese, Russian
NEW: Missing XML comments are inherited also from implemented members, not only from overridden members.
NEW: Added new <overloads> comment tag which allows to specify a summary, remarks and examples common to all overloads of a member. This information will appear on the Overloads topic page for the members.
NEW: You can use the Overload: prefix in cref attribute of a link also for methods in current project. The link will point to overloads list page. Previously, this was only possible in links pointing to external methods (e.g. in .NET framework).
NEW: You can use shorter O: prefix as an alternative to Overload: prefix in cref attribute of a link.
NEW: Added Russian ru-RU localization.
NEW: Added Thai th-TH localization.
CHANGE: Improved listing of overloaded methods on Members page in MS Help Viewer format.
CHANGE: By default, it's no longer possible to use macros from output templates directly in XML comments. Macros have the form: $MACRO-NAME$. If you wanted to use $ character, you had to escape it with $$. This is no longer necessary. If you still want to use macros in your comments, which is very unlikely, you can enable them manually in project properties. Just open .vsdoc file for the project and change value of "VBdocman_allowMacrosInComments" key from 0 to -1 (there is no GUI option).
CHANGE: Significatly increased a speed of documentation compilation for large web site projects, when not all source code files are selected for compilation.
FIX: When an interface inherited from more than one base interface, then inherited members only from the first base interface were listed. Members from other base interfaces were ignored.
FIX: When a type implemented a generic interface, then its (and its members') syntax declaration was not generated correctly in some cases.
FIX: Sometimes there was an error when registering the help in MS Help Viewer format. One case was when the constants were included in a documentation. Another case was, if project or solution name contained a dot. Then the file name of generated OUTPUT_FILE.mshc file contained more than one dot. This is not allowed due to a limitation of MS Help Viewer 1.0 format. The name is escaped now.
FIX: The <see ...> links pointing to enumeration items caused "Not found" error. Since there is no separate help page for each enumeration item, such link is transformed to plain bold text now.
FIX: Some incomplete links in the form <see cref="Method(parameters)" /> pointing to method in current class didn't work.
FIX: Attributes of C# enum items were ignored (e.g. in regex filters).
FIX: Generating documentation for large web site project (not web application) in VS 2010 caused VSdocman crash.
FIX: In HTML and CHM documentation format, links to some classes (e.g. Hashtable) in web MSDN documentation didn't work.
FIX: Links to referenced external types that are not a part of .NET framework (e.g. third-party controls) are no longer generated. Only the plain text is generated now. This feature worked only for methods and properties, not for classes and interfaces. If you still want to generate the links, you can set it manually in project properties. Just open .vsdoc file for the project and change value of "VBdocman_linkForExternalNotInFramework" key from 0 to -1 (there is no GUI option).
FIX: When generating documentation in HTML format, some files contained the + character. This could cause problems on IIS7 web sites.
FIX: HelixoftHelpReg.exe and HelixoftHelpRegQ.exe utility didn't register F1 help in CHM format for VS 2008. Other help formats and other VS versions worked fine.
Added the ability to paste rich text using the Text Type command.
Added a 'Run macro without testing' button to the script editor.
Added a new method for using controls. Controls can now be located using their on-screen coordinates.
If a user clicks on the 'Run Macro Now' button in the explorer, and the macro file has been renamed or moved, a message will display indicating that the macro file does not exist.
When executing a 'Macro run', if the file that contains the macro is moved or renamed, a 'File cannot be found' error will be displayed.
When using a variable construct such as %T[%N[1]%]%, if the variable inside the brackets exceeds the range of the array variable (i.e. %T[0]%), then the error message will reflect this.
Optimized the 'Test Run' to run faster.
Optimized the 'Split String' command.
Added an option to not parse embedded variables in the 'Variable Set String' command to make it easier to create variables for the 'Run Macro in Variable' command.
Made a significant performance increase when dealing with variables.
Bugs Fixed
Fixed a bug in the debug variables window where, if a construct such as '%T[%N[1]%]%' was used, the display would be incorrect.
Modified the macro locking/unlocking to correct a bug where a macro would not always be unlocked for editing in network mode.
Fixed a bug in the Date/Time command where the date could not be set accurately if setting it prior to 12/30/1899.
Fixed a lockup that was caused by using the 'Macro Enable' command too many times successively.
Fixed a bug where binary data could not be placed in text variables.
Fixed a bug where the user would not be prompted to save an edited macro if the script editor was closed by right-clicking its taskbar icon.
Fixed a bug where the command category pane would not redraw properly.
The icons in the Select an Icon dialog are now rearranged as the dialog is resized.
Crashes Fixed
Fixed a crash that occurred when running the 'Update text box' command.
Fixed a crash that occurred when restoring a macro from the recycle bin.
Fixed a bug that caused a crash when closing tabs in the script editor.
Fixed a crash that occurred when clicking the 'Save and Close' button too many times too quickly.
Visual Studio 2010 support. We continue our support for Microsoft’s latest release of Visual Studio, including .NET Framework 4.0 application generation.
SharePoint 2010 application generation. Generate Microsoft SharePoint 2010 applications straight from your database, just like other .NET applications. Generated applications run inside and are fully integrated with SharePoint. (Enterprise Edition feature.)
Applications created with earlier versions of Iron Speed Designer will be converted automatically to Version 7.1 with these caveats:
Iron Speed Designer's Migration Wizard will migrate many of your code customizations. However, code customizations written for Versions 1.X, 2.X and 3.X require migration by hand.
The Version 7.1 code customization model is the same as Version 4.0 and later. No code customization changes are required for applications built in Versions 4.X, 5.X, 6.X and V7.X.
The Bat! was granted with a 5/5 Stars Rating and "5 stars award" by Soft32Download
RITLabs is pleased to announce that The Bat! Home Edition has been tested by Soft32Download Evaluation Team and has been found a high quality software product. The testers were impressed by the cleanliness of our program. Thus, The Bat! was granted with a 5/5 Stars Rating and "5 stars award", which means our product is a Premium Software.
Premium Pack 1.30 for Help & Manual is now available with several exciting new features. As usual with a choice of 14 professionally-designed skins that transform your CHM and WebHelp output in seconds.
New Features:
PP UPDATER UTILITY: Transfer your settings from existing skins to new ones
ADVANCED POPUPS: JavaScript popups are now draggable, resizable and can include video
INDEX SEARCH: Search in the keyword index in WebHelp with highlighting and auto-scroll
WEBHELP PERMALINK FUNCTION: Copy the permalink to the current topic to the clipboard
WEBHELP BOOKMARK FUNCTION: Add the address of the current topic to browser bookmarks
PRINT TOPIC PREVIEW: Print topic improved with preview in WebHelp and better browser support
Codejock Releases Xtreme Chart Pro for Visual C++ and ActiveX!
This release introduces a new product, Xtreme Chart Pro to Codejock’s already impressive library of user interface components. Some of the chart styles available are Area, Bar, Bubble, Candle Stick, Line, Fast Line, Funnel, Pyramid, Gantt, High Low, Pie, Point, Range Bar, Spline Area, Stacked Area, Stacked Bar, Stacked Spline, 100% Stacked Bar, 100% Stacked Area, Side-by-Side Stacked Bar, Scatter Line, Step Line, Stacked Spline Area, Doughnut, 3D Pie, 3D Doughnut, 3D Torus, 3D Pyramid and Rotated Bars with many more chart styles to come. The chart supports zooming and scrolling, secondary axes, multiple diagrams and markup titles. Included is a Chart Builder application that allows a chart to be built using the WYSIWYG designer and then loaded into the chart. In addition to the chart, the new Flow Graph control is also included.
Some highlights from this release include:
Bar Chart: A bar chart displays data with rectangular "bars" with lengths relative to the data they symbolize. Generally a bar chart is used to display discontinuous data, however it can also be used for continuous data.
Stacked Bar Chart: A stacked bar chart is similar to a standard bar chart except the bars for a given argument will be stacked on top of each other. You can stack the bars vertically or horizontally. This type of chart is used to compare the relationship of parts to the whole.
Side-By-Side Stacked Bar Chart: A side-by-side stacked bar chart is similar to a standard stacked bar chart except you can have many stacked bars per argument.
100% Stacked Bar Chart: A stacked bar chart is similar to a standard bar chart except the bars for a given argument will be stacked on top of each other. You can stack the bars vertically or horizontally. This type of chart is used to compare the relationship of parts to the whole. Each bar is used to represent a total.
Gantt Chart: A Gantt chart is a type of range bar chart commonly used for task\schedule planning. Typically a Gantt chart is used for displaying the progression of a project and will display the length each individual task will take versus the progression of time.
Bubble Chart: A bubble chart is just a variation of a point chart, only it displays bubbles of the data points. Data in displayed in a grid using Cartesian coordinates. Data is displayed along the x and y axis, where x and y can represent any type of data.
Financial Candle Stick Chart: A Candlestick Chart is used to display trends for financial data, generally stock market prices. Candlestick charts are much easier to rear than a traditional bar chart to a stock market trader. The candle sticks make it fast and easy to compare the high and low, open and close of data.
Area Chart: Area charts are commonly used to display accumulated values over a period of time. Data is displayed using different colors in the "area" below the line. 100% Stacked Area Chart: A 100% Stacked Area chart is very similar to an area chart, only the data is stacked on top of each other and the data values for each item will total 100%.
Line Chart: A line chart is is used to show a series of data points connected by straight line segments. Charts of this type are generally used to illustrate trends in data over a period of time.
2D/3D Pie and Doughnut Charts: The pie and doughnut chart displays a series of data as "slices" of a "pie". The data in the pie chart will be divided up into slices, each represents a percentage of the pie.
Point Chart: A point chart displays data in a grid using Cartesian coordinates. Data is displayed along the x and y axis, where x and y can represent any type of data.
Spline Chart: A spline chart is used to show information as a series of data points connected by smooth flowing "spline" segments. The spline will draw a smooth flowing line through all data points in the data set.
High Low Chart: The High Low chart displays the high and low, open and close of data. Each "bar" represents the high, low, open and close of data for a given value.
3D Torus: A 3D Torus chart displays data as a 3D "donut". The 3D Torus chart displays a series of data as "slices" of a "pie". The data in the pie chart will be divided up into slices, each represents a percentage of the pie.
Step Line Chart: The Step Line chart is another form of a Line chart. Unlike the traditional line chart, Step line charts only use vertical and horizontal lines to connect the data points forming what looks like steps.
Funnel Chart: The Funnel chart displays a series of data in a funnel shape. The top portion of the funnel will typically contain the largest percentage of the data, while the bottom will "funnel" down to the smallest percentage.
2D/3D Pyramid Chart: The Pyramid chart displays a series of data in a pyramid shape. The size of the pyramid sections are all relative to each other and the order does not matter.
Scatter Line Chart: A Scatter chart is similar to a line chart, only the scatter chart will plot the data values in the exact order that they are entered and connect the plots with a line (unlike the line chart which will order the data based on the x and y axis).
Range Bar: A Range Bar is used to display data\events that have a finite beginning and end value. The range bar can be displayed both overlapped or side-by-side so the different ranges of data can easily be compared to each other.
Fast Line Chart: Fast line is a variation of the normal line style that considerably improves performance by reducing the time it takes to draw the points in a line. This is ideal for drawing 10,000+ points really fast.
Custom Markers: Any chart style that uses markers to visually show a data point can customize the color, size and shape of that point. Shapes include circle, square, star, etc.
Rotated Bars: Any of the 2D chart styles can flip the X and Y axis. This allows styles such as the Bar chart to be displayed with the columns displayed horizontally.
Markup Title Support: Titles in the chart can be fully customized using XML snippets. Titles can also be added to all sides of the chart. Multiple Diagram Charts: The chart allows multiple diagrams of varying styles to be displayed in
the same view horizontally or vertically.
Secondary Axis: Secondary axis are useful when you need to display a series of data with values that greatly differ from each other or you might use a secondary axis when displaying two series of data with different data types.
Zooming and Scrolling: The chart control allows you to zoom and scroll charts. This makes it easy to see data points in a chart that has thousands of points. To zoom, simply make sure the chart has focus and then use the mouse wheel.
Chart Builder Utility: Using the supplied "Chart Builder" tool you can build your charts using a WYSIWYG editor to customize the colors, etc. and export them to an xml file that can then be loaded into the chart control.
Flow Graph Control: The Flow Graph control is a graphing control used to display relationship graphs. This can be thought of as a relationship diagram commonly used to display the relationships for a relational database.
This is a maintenance and support release that addresses some outstanding issues that were not addressed with 13.4.1. This version also ensures compatibility with the newly released Xtreme Chart Pro.
This is a maintenance and support release that addresses some outstanding issues that were not addressed with 13.4.1. This version also ensures compatibility with the newly released Xtreme Chart Pro.
We are glad to announce the release of version 2010.2 of our products:
Reports Designer.Silverlight
Reports Designer.Web
Reports.Fx for PHP
Reports.Fx for Flex
Stimulsoft Reports comes with a number of changes aimed at providing a better experience from using the product. We have released two new products Reports.Silverlight and Reports Designer.Silverlight. Enjoy using Silverlight technology for your reports.
Reports.Fx for PHP and Reports.Fx for Flex reporting tools are no longer Beta. The products support Bar-code and Chart components, Hyperlinks etc.
The new versions of Stimulsoft Reports product line are fully compatible with .NET Framework 4 and .NET Framework 4 Client Profile. Localization in Bulgarian language is added. Great many other new features are integrated into the release versions. Also some errors of previous versions were corrected.
To read the description of the most important changes, implemented in these releases please visit our site
Changes of Stimulsoft Reports.Silverlight v2010.2 are available at
Changes of Stimulsoft Reports Designer.Silverlight v2010.2 are available at
Changes of Stimulsoft Reports.Ultimate v2010.2 are available at
Changes of Stimulsoft Reports.Wpf v2010.2 are available at
Changes of Stimulsoft Reports.Web v2010.2 are available at
Changes of Stimulsoft Reports.Net v2010.2 are available at
Changes of Stimulsoft Reports Designer.Web v2010.2 are available at
Changes of Stimulsoft Reports.Fx for PHP v2010.2 are available at
Changes of Stimulsoft Reports.Fx for Flex v2010.2 are available at
We are pleased to inform you that German portal CHIP Online has included The Bat! 4.2.36 in its download section. CHIP Online is the leading download portal in Germany, and its appreciation is an honour for our company. Those of you who know German can find out more at
Bug Fixes:
* Fixed a performance regression (introduced in 4.0) in HISTORY/TREND analysis.
* Fixed an issue where Dashboard charts were not always populated properly with ‘old’ data when the Dashboard page was opened. The chart itself and the data-series for the chart are independent data streams and were not always ‘combined’ correctly.
* The process-level MONyog stack size on Linux is now always expandable up to 10 MB (Linux kernel default) even if user has defined another value. We had a report where MONyog would crash with a very low user setting (and this is basically an OS issue and not a MONyog issue).
* If a MONyog build with a ‘lower’ license than ULTIMATE was installed ‘on top’ of the TRIAL some ULTIMATE functionalities would still run in the background – but not controllable by user. MONyog continued to collect data internally for counters not applicable to ENT or PRO edition and the MONyog.log would log errors irrelevant for the license model.
Introducing Server Mode: File Guard now starts immediately after booting the system without visible guard needed (in system tray). No logged on user needed for protection.
Introducing a new Email Notification feature at the File Guard. Useful in combination with server mode to get a notice about detected and quarantined malware.
Surf protection now fully supports Internet Explorer on Win 7 x64.
Optional redirect for blocked hosts in Surf Protection feature added. Blocked websites display ”Blocked by Emsisoft Anti-Malware”.
Reduced number of alerts by avoiding duplicates of the same (behavior) alerts.
Modified and simplified the update settings dialog for better usability.
Wine support for Commandline Scanner added.
Many bugfixes and minor improvements for better stability.
CyBio AG uses Adobe FrameMaker for its technical documentation and Help & Manual on the software development side. TD StartUp Kit from our solution partner mediaTEXT Jena GmbH helps to combine those sources and accomplish a precise final layout.
In this solution, Help & Manual's XML source files are the bridge between the software documentation and the technical product documentation. After some pre-processing, the text modules created by the software developers can be imported directly into FrameMaker.
This is a maintenance and support release that addresses some outstanding issues that were not addressed with 13.4.0 including feature enhancements and fixes.
This is a maintenance and support release that addresses some outstanding issues that were not addressed with 13.4.0 including feature enhancements and fixes.
Artisteer 2.5 was updated to version to resolve issues mainly related to WordPress 3.0 compatibility.
Prior to downloading we recommend checking your upgrade subscription status, you may want to stay with your previous version if your upgrade period has expired.
Here is the summary of issues resolved by the current update:
Horizontal menu order was not working
Empty block headers displayed when no block title was set
Vertical Menu widget was missing from exported themes when using previous WordPress versions
Widgetized footer was inheriting alignment from the footer's text
Threaded comments were not supported
Missing page thumbnails
Posts page item was not highlighted in custom horizontal menus
Post excerpts were wrapped differently in different browsers
Empty posts when Artiscle > Headline & Metadata Block option was used
'Read the rest of this entry' text wasn't translated
Errors when using PHP 4
Added support for headings, tables, flash, AdSense, YouTube movies etc. within post excerpts on the Posts page
Google Ads not displayed between posts
Counters not working in FireFox
Incorrect RightDistance and LeftDistance css code
Version 2.5 update also includes fixes for minor issues reported to product support, including product stability improvements.
We are continuing to work on supporting fluid layouts and content editing for the upcoming product version.
NOTE: The Mac version is considered stable by most of our Mac users, however, we continue receiving occasional reports of crashes and performance issues, which makes it reasonable to keep this version labeled as Release Candidate. A purchased license key can be used on either Windows or Mac.
OpenOffice dictionaries for Help & Manual are coming
We are glad to announce that the ground work is laid for using OpenOffice spell checker dictionaries in Help & Manual! While the spell checker in Help & Manual for English is up to the standards, the dictionaries for other several languages are unfortunately not perfect. We need better dictionaries in H&M for German, Swedish, Spanish and couple of languages that are not supported yet. And you are going to get it!
OpenOffice has excellent spell checking dictionaries that can be used for free, and a vivid community helping to update them where necessary. However, using these dictionaries and therefore writing a new spell checker from ground is really a major undertaking.
To make this a little bit easier, we decided to start an Open Source project ourselfs, and publish the spell checker components separately. It's a matter of giving back to the community, too. We are also working very closely with the vendor of the current spell checking engine to combine both our work to our mutual advantage. This is a good example how open source and commercial software can peacefully coexist.
So... Swedish, Spanish, German and Russian help writers, stay tuned. We are working on spell checking and automatic hyphenation.
Bug Fixes:
* Implemented code that makes OpenSSL (what is used by our SSH-library) explicitly thread-safe and thus fixing an issue where specific cryptographic function calls under very heavy load could cause a crash.
* Fixed a SQLite corruption issue that on Windows could cause failure to stop the MONyog service. The issue did not mean that MONyog as such stopped working as long as it was running.
* If both value for ‘user’ and ‘host’ were filtered in processlist-based sniffer the interface would display NULL for both.
jv16 PowerTools 2010 updated - major improvements to product stability
An updated version of jv16 PowerTools 2010 released. The updated version contains the following changes.
Bug fix: The program can randomly crash to List Index Out Of Bounds error when working with the result lists, such as with the results of the Registry Cleaner.
Bug fix: The program can randomly crash to Access Violation error when working with the result list.
Bug fix: Decrypt feature of File Tool's More Functions menu actually executes file Encrypt, not Decrypt.
Bug fix: In History Cleaner, if you double click an item, select the Files tab and select Properties from the Right-Click menu, nothing happens.
Bug fix: If you select not to install certain translations (e.g. Russian or Dutch), they are still installed to your system.
Bug fix: Some scan modules of the Registry Cleaner are not scanning the 64 bit side of the registry under 64 bit Windows.
Bug fix: Using the Right-Click menu's List Control features remove items from a result list can cause an Access Violation error.
Bug fix: The result lists of some tools, such as Clean and Fix My Computer, can contain duplicate groups, such as two "Temp files" groups.
Bug fix: The result list can show a negative number of selected items, for example: "Selected: -1, highlighted: 0, total: 10"
Bug fix: Closing the program right after opening a tool, such as the History Cleaner, can cause the program not to terminate properly.
Bug fix: The Registry Cleaner can sometimes display duplicate result lines, that is, a same registry entry can be listed twice.
Bug fix: The Registry Cleaner can crash to Access Violation when using the Fix button.
Bug fix: The File Encryptor sometimes reports that the file you are attempt to decrypt is not valid, even if the file is valid.
Bug fix: The File Encryptor fails to decrypt a file if the Also Encrypt The Filename option was used. This bug in only in the GUI, all the encrypted files can be decrypted with this fixed build, there is no data loss.
Improvement: The installer will from now on remember its previous settings, so when installing the next update you will not have to make all the same changes again.
Improvement: The Registry Cleaner now finds more left-over data from old software.
Improvement: The installer now allows you to download translated versions of the Handbook, Danish and Dutch being the first available translations.
Improvement: Accessing and modifying the result lists is now faster, the list control is more responsive even with many items.
Improvement: In Clean and Fix My Computer, double clicking a registry item will now open it in RegEdit and double clicking a temp file item will open its folder in Windows Explorer.
Improvement: Added a Right-Click menu to History Cleaner -> Double click item -> Select the Registry tab.
New translations: Italian, Slovak.
Updated translations: Czech, Dutch, Russian.
The new version's version number is After downloading and installing the new version, please open the Help > About window to verify you are running the latest version. Some browsers tend to cache the installation file and therefore you might not receive the latest version but the same old version you have previously downloaded.
You can install the new version over any previous versions of jv16 PowerTools 2010.
SQLyog – MySQL GUI 8.6 GA – new features, improved performance and stability.
We are pleased to announce the release of SQLyog – MySQL GUI 8.6 GA. This release adds functionalities requested by users for some time, and fixes a number of bugs. Most important enhancements:
User management has been updated with a brand-new interface, has been completely rewritten and also now fully communicates with the MySQL server the recommended way using GRANT and REVOKE syntax. We believe that with this release we have provided the best available ever GUI for MySQL User Management.
For users that prefer to work in a spreadsheet-like interface when filtering and sorting data the options to do this have been enhanced: There is now a ‘custom filter’ option to be used when filtering on a value that does not exist in the result set displayed – or even is not stored in the table at all. Additionally you may now define the substring to be filtered on in more flexible ways than before.
In the editor we added “parenthesis’es matching”. With complex statements (JOINs on derived tables, SUBQUERIES, statements with nested functions and similar) this will make it much easier to identify the structure of the statement. Just position the cursor after a parenthesis and the actual parenthesis and its match will highlight.
We have improved performance by optimizing code in code segments executed most frequently. Additionally we have deployed more debugging and performance measuring tools. This includes – but is not restricted to – moving our build environment to latest Visual Studio environment (2010 edition).
Note that with this release we have stopped supporting Windows 2000. It has for some time been increasingly difficult to continue this support. It is actually quite hard to find a recent system where Windows 2000 will run without errors and we have over the few last years spent quite a lot of effort fixing issues occurring only on this variant of Windows. We believe that the effort is better used ensuring optimal performance on recent and still supported Windows variants – not at least Windows 7, what fastly is taking the position of the dominating Windows variant. The move to Visual Studio 2010 shall be seen in this context. But of course XP, Vista (and the same generations of Windows server variants: 2003 and 2008) are still supported as well as Wine.
Artisteer 2.5 update focused on WordPress 3.0 compatibility is now available.
Artisteer 2.5 for Windows update (
Artisteer 2.5 Release Candidate for Mac (
Prior to downloading we recommend checking your upgrade subscription status here, you may want to stay with your previous version if your upgrade period has expired.
Here is a general summary of WordPress related changes, including WP 3.0 compatibility:
Custom Menu support
Multi-column widgetized footer area
Additional top and bottom widget areas
Post thumbnail / featured image support
Settings -> General -> Date Format option now works with Artisteer themes (previously the date format was retrieved from translations)
Version 2.5 also includes fixes for minor issues reported to product support, including product stability improvements.
We are continuing to work on supporting fluid layouts and content editing for the upcoming product version.
NOTE: The Mac version is considered stable by most of our Mac users, however, we continue receiving occasional reports of crashes and performance issues, which makes it reasonable to keep this version labeled as Release Candidate. A purchased license key can be used on either Windows or Mac.
* Bug fix: Software Uninstaller's Right-Click menu option "Find more information online" uses only the author of the software, instead of the software name.
* Bug fix: Registry Cleaner can run very slowly if it encounters certain type of registry data.
* Bug fix: Registry Cleaner can remove a non-invalid registry entry by Roxco Perfect Disk 11, however, this does not affect Perfect Disk.
* Bug fix: Registry Cleaner's performance (i.e. the ability to find errors) can decrease if long time has been passed since the Initial Setup.
* Safety improvement: jv16 PowerTools will now by default skip all data related to Norton and Symatec Anti-Virus products. This can be disabled by unchecking Anti-Virus Software from the Additional Safety tab of either the Registry Cleaner or Clean and fix my computer.
* Improvement: the program's installation directory now contains an Uninstall shortcut that allows you to uninstall jv16 PowerTools, simply executing the Uninstall.exe doesn't work.
* A full list of bug fixes can be found from the Bug Tracker.
* This build contains updated translations to many languages and the following new translations: Chinese (Simplified), Dutch, German and Japanese.
Emsisoft Anti-Malware released: Quarantine/restore of directory traces bug fixed. Minor bu
This is a minor bug fix update for Help & Manual 5.4.0! This update fixes two small problems: after importing source code documentation with Sandcastle, placeholder text at the bottom each page has been removed. The second bug is slightly more critical - since v5.4, topic keywords are automatically sorted when the topic is saved. Certain combinations of master/subkeywords were not sorted correctly. We recommend to install this updated version.
- C7 support - added the automatic svi-files converter from previous versions to C7 (now you can ignore note for ver. 1.85). Thank to S.Jayashankar for given converter code.
- An issue with using SYSTEM{PROP:DataPath} and prevented exception in some cases.
With more than 60 improvements, jv16 PowerTools 2010 is expected to raise the standards of Windows utility software for the ease of use and user experience.
Pori (Finland) - July 1, 2010- Mr. Harri Lehtonen, Public Relations & Marketing Director for Finland-based Macecraft, Inc., today announced the release of jv16 PowerTools 2010, an upgrade to its best-selling utility suite designed to make users' computers run faster, safer, smoother and error free.
jv16 Powertools 2010 is an utility suite that focus on maintaining the integrity of the Windows Registry as well as providing other integrated utilities for system cleaning, system optimization, file and directory management, data security, privacy management, encryption and more.
"In addition to all the features found in jv16 Powertools 2009, the 2010 version incorporates sixty-six additional improvements and new features that further enhance performance and security," according to Mr. Lehtonen.
"These features are the culmination of our research into Windows performance bottlenecks, as well as our response to loyal jv16 PowerTools 2009 users who contributed excellent feature requests," Mr. Lehtonen added.
One very common filtering task is to only show rows that contain a certain string. iTunes does this with its "Search" box. EasyListView makes it very easy to implement this text filtering via a TextMatchFilter method.
NEW FEATURE: Animation.
It allows you to animate a whole list, row(s) or even cell(s).
Demo app:
NEW: Text filtering (TPS example)
NEW: Animations (XML example, local procedures ListAnimation, RowAnimation, CellAnimation)
Changes (as compared to 8.5) include the bug fixes:
*The ‘Export Table Data As…’ option from the object browser menu was exporting just the column headers, this was introduced in 8.5 GA.
* In the Notification Services wizard, if the field contains the data with quotes, SJA is inserting extra slashes along with the field value.
*The ‘timeout’ for establishing connection using SSH has been increased from 15 seconds to 30 seconds (15 seconds was too less to establish connection with slow SSH servers)
After long time of inactivity Data Conversion template gets back under our care. Hereafter we will support current users, sell and develop new versions.
Genie Timeline 2.1: BlackBerry and iPhone/iPad/iPod backups supported
Libraries were re-compiled fo CW 7.1 and 7.2
Bug fixes:
CreateTable method (EasyWriter) - tables always placed at the start of text and not in the cursor position.
InsertDateTimeField, InsertUserField methods (EasyWriter) - fields were always placed at the start of text and not in the cursor position.
Changed methods:
SetCharFont (EasyCalc & EasyWriter) - pHeight parameter was changed from SHORT to REAL, so you can set a fractional char height now.
New methods:
FindFirst (EasyCalc) - searches the contained texts for the next occurrence of whatever is specified.
CopySheet (EasyCalc) - copies a sheet within the collection.
RemoveSheet (EasyCalc) - removes the sheet with the specified name.
ReplaceAll (EasyCalc) - finds and replaces all entries of the text pattern in the Calc document.
GetSheetName (EasyCalc) - returns the currently selected sheet's name.
InsertRowCol (EasyCalc) - adds rows/cols into the sheet.
SetPrintOptions (EasyCalc) - sets some of the print options.
SetNamedRange (EasyCalc) - sets named range in a Calc sheet.
SetPrintArea (EasyCalc) - sets print area in a Calc sheet.
We are pleased to announce the release of SQLyog – MySQL GUI 8.5 GA. Below are some pointers:
As the title suggests this release comes with tabbed interface for different connections. We need not have to emphasize the usability of a tabbed interface vs. a windowed one. All web browsers have already demonstrated it to us. Now in SQLyog, you can switch between different connections in a snap! We didn’t forget to add keyboard shortcuts to jump from one tab to other. Most – if not all – shortcuts for tabs of a standard web browser would work with SQLyog. Multi-coloring of connection tabs & object browser pane adds to the ease of use. Chances of one executing queries in one server than the other by mistake would be rare as the brain would easily grasp the connection by it’s color. Demoed below is a typical setup of multi-colored tabs in a Web Developer’s PC:
If you remember we added client side sorting of Result set data in SQLyog 8.4. With this release you can even filter the data of Result set on client side unlike Table Data where a query is fired to server for every sort or filter action. One more addition to view relevant data quickly.
Who likes to right-click & open a file when you can just drag-and-drop? We bet you don’t. You can drag-and-drop files (SQL or Schema Design XML/Query Builder XML) directly into SQLyog.
Whoever uses SQLyog for data entry or manipulation would love this feature to duplicate data in a record. Many a time all one needs is to change only few fields & retain the rest of the data from the preceding row. This feature would come handy in such cases. Tables with auto_increment columns are handed automatically.
This release also contains many more enhancements & bug fixes.
-Added ability to select the Layout for the groups - Table, Flow (scrolling control within the group).
-Added ability to use of empty string as names of images in the SetBandImages method, no longer exception is generated.
-Added ability to text translation (using internal TranslatorClass or BoTran, Prodomus, and others that are SV translator compatible).
-ToolTips for small buttons (show text on the button).
-Template: new embed point in the methods of event handlers after CODE.
-Template: new Run-Time Translation setting.
-New methods: SetGroupLayout,
-New Translation methods: SetBandText, SetGroupText, SetControlText. Can be used with the Clarion internal TranslatorClass or 3rd party templates like BoTran, Prodomus, and others that are SV translator compatible.
Changes in the demo program:
-Panel "Customize" - themes list is scrolling now.
-ToolTips for small buttons.
For text translation there is suitable embed point "After Init" - SetBandText, SetGroupText, SetControlText methods.
Free upgrade for all customers who have a current (valid) subscription plan.
Well-known German computer magazine, c't, gave a reference to The Bat! that we’d like to put on our website. So, here it is:
c't, issue 11/2010, p.127
"(...) The Bat is an excellent email client that is well worth a much closer look. The program supports all standard protocols and can even perform S/MIME- and PGP/GnuPG-encryption perfectly. The Pro version can be configured to encrypt all emails to the hard drive to protect them from unauthorised access by third parties.
The Bat! has acquired many fans for its ability to manage large email volumes quickly and easily. Messages can be pre-sorted into many different categories by detailed filter functions while the ability to create a wide variety of email templates and macros helps to dramatically speed up responses."
dpQuery ver 2.11 released (FULL and DEMO versions)!
We are glad to announce the availability of Help & Manual 5.4!
Although this update is classified as a free maintenance release, we have implemented some really exciting new features!
Source code documentation with Microsoft Sandcastle
The biggest news in this release is the Sandcastle source code documentation feature!
Microsoft Sandcastle is a free command line tool for automatically generating documentation for Visual Studio components and projects. Sandcastle scans the source code and builds a fully-formatted help framework from the classes and functions.
Normally, Sandcastle's output is not really editable – the program scans your source assemblies and comment files and generates finished documentation in CHM format.
Help & Manual's Sandcastle implementation changes this. It imports a Sandcastle project and converts it to a Help & Manual project. You can then edit it like any normal Help & Manual project, add information, change the structure and so on. You can also publish to any of the formats supported by Help & Manual: not just CHM but PDF, Webhelp and so on. You also get Help & Manual's other features, like team authoring, conditional output, multiple builds with command line build interface and so on.
New manual designer and PDF features
Help & Manual 5.4 comes with an updated Manual Designer. This program is the visual layout tool for designing and editing templates for generating PDFs and printed manuals.
With this update, we have improved the manual designer and implemented many user requests. The "Manual Designer" is the visual layout tool for designing templates for PDF output and print.
The new Manual Designer comes with improved layout features: Now, when you move objects with the mouse, the editor automatically displays blue guide lines to help you align objects with each other. Objects automatically snap to the positions of other objects and the margins. You can now combine objects as groups and then manipulate the group like a single object. "Object anchors" now allow you to anchor each side of an object to the page borders or margins - this gives you "fluid" layouts that adapt automatically when you change the paper size or margins of your layout.
All objects can now be defined as PDF hyperlinks to make them clickable. The links can point to a topic, a page number or a section of the PDF manual, or to external files or a web address. Similarly, you can each section of your PDF template can now have its own editable custom entry in the "Bookmarks" table of contents in the PDF file. This means that you can add Bookmarks entries for custom pages and sections that could previously not be included, like the Index or the Contents (print-style TOC) sections.
Minor improvements and bug fixes
New/Import dialog box: Map styles from imported RTF documents to existing styles.
TOC Build tags sorting: Build tags displayed in the Table of Contents in the Project Explorer are now sorted alphabetically.
Dropdown toggles that are marked as "protected text" are now exported with "translate=false".
Tables in Print/PDF: During printing, tables used to ignore their content width to enable automatic downscaling of oversized screenshots that do not fit on the print page. The downside of this method was, that tables with relative width definitions (e.g. 20% of the print width) were scaled down, even if the content would have permitted or required them to be wider.
The new solution takes a different approach: Iit first tests whether the table as defined is wider than the available print width and only scales it down if this is the case. Tables that fit on the page are no longer scaled.
Link dialog box: New options for copying the topic title to the link caption and hint/tooltip fields. You just right-click or use keyboard shortcuts in the Insert Hyperlink dialog.
Project synchronization: More refined checks are now performed for unchanged topic titles and headings.
XML schema change: Some topic meta tags have been implemented to store additional information about topics.
Topic index keywords are now automatically sorted when a topic is saved.
Faster editor: Internal improvements have been made in the topic editor, which now performs fewer checks during each keypress. On modern computers the improvement in speed whenwill probably only be noticeable when editing via slow network and remote connections.
German UI: Project reports did not work with selection of one of the default topic status texts.
Hotspot editor: Optical glitch fixed, topic ID was not always displayed correctly when the hotspot was re-opened for editing.
Webhelp with right-to-left languages: In the Webhelp TOC, long captions with more than one line of text were incorrectly left aligned.
We are pleased to announce the availability of SetupBuilder 7.2 Build 2978. This release is available, free of charge, to all SetupBuilder customers who have an active SetupBuilder maintenance subscription plan. The update contains some important bug fixes and improvements. We strongly recommend that all customers upgrade to the new version of SetupBuilder 7.2 as soon as possible to maintain the highest level of support, performance and reliability.
This is a maintenance and support release that addresses some outstanding issues that were not addressed with 13.3.1 including feature enhancements and fixes.
This is a maintenance and support release that addresses some outstanding issues that were not addressed with 13.3.1 including feature enhancements and fixes.
The CommandBars Wrapper Template v2.05 is now available for download.
This is a small update but includes a very nice feature that was mentioned by Paul Blais during the last ClarionLive Noyantis user group meeting.
Basically, the template now generates an "accepted" embed point for each control that is defined within the template. This makes it much easier to add any embed code to a specific CommandBar control.
The generation of these types of embed points will be added to ALL of the other Noyantis Wrapper templates in the future.
Also, a new method called 'GetDispatch’ has been added which comes in handy when linking the CommandBars control to other controls such as DockingPanes etc.
The new version can be downloaded using the link specified in your original sales email.
Genie Timeline 2.0: the ideal solution for SOHOs and SMBs
Do you own a small/medium sized business? Are you looking to take initiative and go ahead with your startup business?
SMB’s and SOHO (small office/ home office) are becoming a growing trend as an alternative work or business model; whether your business type or industry is internet based or you work in retail, computers & electronics, arts & entertainment, media or any other type of small business, data and system protection is something you must ensure.
Timeline is a perfect solution for such scenarios; setup the backup to a connected NAS and enjoy the benefits of never having to worry about employees forgetting to backup, backups failing or missed schedules.
Finding your NAS from Timeline is easy, if you have the network drive already mapped the drive will appear directly in the recommended drives section of the page, alternatively you can use the “Select a different destination” button to have the option of manually entering the UNC path to your NAS or browsing to it in Windows Explorer like window.
You might ask “You mentioned system protection, does that mean if a computer crashes the employee can recover his pc without any significant down time?”
Yes, 24-hour Disaster Recovery backup ensures that your system can be recovered back to a previous working state along with up to date files and folders swiftly and painlessly.
The new version 3.0.3 of NetSetMan (Pro) has been released!
- Fix: Problem with update-check when using NSM Service
- Fix: Clearing a profile deactivated its visibility in the tray
- Fix: In rare cases Windows locations didn't work correctly
- Fix: Connecting to a hidden SSID WiFi network might've failed
- Fix: Automatically connecting to a WiFi profile after creation
- Fix: Error 18 on script activation in certain cases
- Fix: Removed "Unable to open key" message for locked NICs
- Fix (Pro): Proxy has been deactivated but not removed
- Fix (Pro): Proxy problem with NSM Service in certain cases
- New option in NSM Administration for allowing WiFi Management
- Duration for delayed TrayInfo Public IP retrieval is displayed
Disable Public IP feature if TrayInfo is too slow!
- WiFi is now set before IP settings to prevent error 84
- Minor fixes for horizontal scrollbars
- IP/DNS/WINS groups status toggle by clicking on the caption
- Several fixes for systems with big fonts turned on
- Several translation updates
Some of the most common errors made in English come from using a correct English word, but in the wrong context – these are called “contextual spelling errors”. Here is a list of some of the more common contextual spelling errors. Get it Now!
#1: 'You're" instead of "your"
Wrong: Remember to scan you're computer on a regular basis.
Right: Remember to scan your computer on a regular basis.
#2: "Different than" instead of "different from"
Wrong: This setup is different than the one at the main office.
Right: This setup is different from the one at the main office.
#3 "Lay" instead of "lie"
Wrong: I got dizzy and had to lay down.
Right: I got dizzy and had to lie down.
VSdocman 5.1 released - with support for VS 2010 help format
The new version 5.1 of VSdocman has been released. VSdocman is Visual Studio 2010/2008/2005/2002/2002 add-in for the quick commenting and automatic generation of technical documentation from your VB .NET and C# source code files.
You can download version 5.1 (5.6 MB).
What's new in VSdocman version 5.1:
NEW: VSdocman now fully supports new MS Help Viewer format used in VS 2010 help.
NEW: You can use path macros such as $(ProjectDir), $(SolutionDir) and $(VSdocmanDir) for specifying output folder, external files folder and templates folder. For example you can define output folder as $(ProjectDir)..\..\VSdoc. This is useful when sharing .vsdoc project properties in source control system.
CHANGE: Improved handling of operators. Operators are now listed separately, they have correct syntax in all languages, they use correct cref syntax in links and their pretty file names don't contain forbidden characters.
CHANGE: Improved saving of a project properties (.vsdoc) file. If the file is under source code control, it is first checked out before saving. The file is now saved less often, only when really necessary. Now, the settings in this file are not ordered randomly so the source code control isn't confused. Moreover, the properties are saved in more readable format for easier conflict resolving with source code control.
CHANGE: When you add a new file into C# project, the file is automatically added to the list of files to be compiled.
FIX: VB 2010 introduced implicit line continuation, i.e. in many cases, you can continue a statement on the next consecutive line without using the underscore character " _". Sometimes, VSdocman failed to recognize or insert XML comments in these cases.
FIX: When the "Compile Solution to Single Documentation" was used, only the regex filters from a base project were applied to all projects. Regex filters from individual projects were ignored.
FIX: When you defined your own additional namespace placeholders in custom topics then a "ghost" "New Topic" was generated in documentation TOC.
FIX: Class diagram was not generated if it was not updated according to actual source code. For example the diagram contained a deleted class. Now the diagram is generated and a compilation warning is displayed.
FIX: When using the <include> tag in custom topics, the <summary> part was not included from external XML file.
FIX: Compiling from command line with "compileProject" operation failed if the project was nested in a solution folder in its solution.
FIX: When the "Compile Solution to Single Documentation" was used with RTF output, there were no code members present in a documentation.
FIX: When you added a new file into VB project, the list of files to be compiled was cleared.
FIX: Once you loaded a solution with only one project, the "Compile Solution to Single Documentation" and "Compile Projects in Solution Separately" buttons stayed disabled forever. Even when you later opened solution with more projects. You needed to restart Visual Studio and open the multi-project solution.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an error message in the Init template in Clarion 7.x.
Changed methods: - List2Excel method - now supports the blank numeric values in list field format.
- Find method - now returns zeroes in Row/Col parameters when the value wasn't found.
- WriteQueue method - now supports export of more than 65535 rows into Excel.
In many methods dealing with cells addressing (like Write, WriteQueue, GetRow etc.) all USHORT parameters were changed to LONG, so you can work now with more then 64K rows in Excel 2007.
New methods:
- AutoFormat method - formats the specified range, using a predefined format.
- SheetRightToLeft method - flips current worksheet from left to right direction.
Changed templates: - SetFormat code template - added AutoFormat parameter.
- List2Excel code template - added an ability to export all records of the browse list (not only visible).
Note. We have created a new setup file so we suggest to uninstall previous version of EasyExcel and then install a new one.
Free upgrade for all customers who have a current (valid) subscription plan.
The ultimate do-it-yourself screen capture tool is better than ever. Snagit 10 provides a smarter and more efficient way to grab your images, with updated capture profiles and effects to improve how you capture, edit, share and organize your content.
Top 3 features in Snagit 10
All-in-One Capture Snag anything, on the fly. Use the newest capture profile to grab your entire desktop, a region, a window, or a scrolling window—all with a single hotkey or click.
Updated Transparency Now you can keep the rounded corners from a captured window… or create a custom shape... and the only background you’ll see is the one on your website, document, or slide.
Upload to It’s easier than ever to send your captures out for review with built-in, online hosting from Now you can share your images with an embed code or give them a URL with a clickable thumbnail. Store, share and gather feedback on all of your visual projects.
Smarter capture options
Updated Magnifier Like a microscope for your computer screen… use magnified cross hairs to get exact, down-to-the-pixel precision on every capture.
Improved Auto-Scroll Snagit’s auto-scroll feature has drastically improved and can now sense when you’re on a web page that scrolls. Snagit will automatically move through the page… capturing it both vertically and horizontally… at your command. Just point and click.
Formatted Text Capture Perfect for reviewing text and making changes—grab the text straight off a web page and keep the formatting—then edit and apply different font styles, sizes and colors.
New possibilities
Cut-Out Effect Stylishly delete unwanted pieces of an image by removing vertical and horizontal sections. Add a background image to fill the gap, or make it transparent.
Page Curl Effect Make your image look as if one of the corners is folded over for an eye-grabbing effect. Pick from one of the preset page curl options, or create your own.
Share to Camtasia Studio
It’s an old feature, with a new twist. Take any Snagit image and send it straight to the new Camtasia Studio Library. Then re-use your favorite customized images in future screencasts.
You spoke up. We listened.
Multiple Color Schemes
Are you sick of the black background? Now you can personalize Snagit and change the background color to blue or silver… or keep it black. It’s up to you!
Rotating Text Have some fun with the text bubbles you add to your Snagit images. Rotate them round-and-round until you find the perfect spot.
Custom Trim Effect Miss the custom trim effect you had in Version 8? Back by popular demand, you can custom trim your images pixel-by-pixel, from the top, bottom, left, and right.
Emsisoft Anti-Malware Version 5.0 incorporates major changes. The one that is most relevant to the user: The user interface has been greatly simplified. This allows PC beginners to immediately start working with the software because it is now much easier to use. The scanner has also been integrated into the main window and can now be started even faster than before. Emsisoft Anti-Malware is also very light on computer resources and now uses only about 20 MB RAM in normal guard operation.
Other new features:
A new file guard:
To ease the load on the system, the Anti-Malware background guard previously only started when files in the system were opened or executed. The new file guard in version 5 has been written anew from scratch and now also offers the optional ability to scan files immediately after downloading and when they are copied or moved.
Full support for Windows 7:
Anti-Malware 5 offers full support for Windows 7, including new functions specific to Windows 7.
100% x64 compatible:
Anti-Malware 5.0 works equally well without limitations on both 32 and 64 bit systems. This makes Anti-Malware 5 one of the first “complete” behavior-blockers for x64 systems.
Extended behavior analysis:
A new addition is recognition of manipulation of the system security policies. The false alert filter has been further refined and the design of the alert window has been optimized.
Improved self-protection:
The self-protection in Anti-Malware 5 has been greatly optimized. This prevents Malware programs from changing or disabling the protection program.
Improved cleaning:
The cleaning routines in the software have been greatly improved. This means that all Malware found by the program can also be reliably deleted.
New game mode:
Users can now suppress all popups and alarms per mouse click if they wish to remain undisturbed during a game or while working with any other type of full-screen application.
No more need for registration when testing:
Emsisoft Anti-Malware 5 can now be tested free of charge without prior registration.
New freeware mode:
After a license or test period has expired, Anti-Malware 5 can still be used free of charge without the guard features. You are not compelled to purchase the product in order to test and clean your PC.
Hundreds of small improvements:
Numerous features requested by the users, such as optional shutdown of the computer after completion of a scan or a new central whitelist, have been added during Beta testing.
Emsisoft Anti-Malware 5.0 runs under Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7. The full version costs US $40 for 1 year – including all signature and software updates. A 30-day test version is available free of charge.
Emsisoft Anti-Malware 5.0 is updated via online-update automatically. Older versions need not to be uninstalled, you’ll get the new version automatically. Within the Emsisoft technology guarantee all customers with a valid license get the new version for free. There is no need for a new purchase.
We have just released Doc-To-Help 2010 v2, the second subscription update of the year. This update focuses on support for Microsoft's latest technology as well as usability updates. Below is an overview of the new things you can do with Doc-To-Help 2010:
Use Microsoft Word 2010
Microsoft will soon release Word 2010 and you can rest assured that you will be able to use their new release with Doc-To-Help. In fact, you can already use Doc-To-Help with Microsoft Word 2010 Beta.
Produce Microsoft Help Viewer Output
Microsoft recently released Visual Studio 2010 and with it, they delivered a brand new Help format called Microsoft Help Viewer. Doc-To-Help is one of the first to support this format. If you need to create Help compatible with Visual Studio 2010, Doc-To-Help is your tool.
Use Doc-To-Help with Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2010
We first released support of Microsoft Team Foundation Server earlier this year and we have already updated it to support the new 2010 version. Use this integration to manage all aspects of your project in the industry standard source control system. Doc-To-Help gives you an interface to all of Team Foundation Server’s features (i.e., versioning, history, comparison) so you can rest easy when planning team projects. Note that Doc-To-Help also includes its own team authoring support feature for those who do not wish to use Team Foundation Server.
Convert Any RoboHelp Project to XHTML
Doc-To-Help has long been recognized as the tool of choice for RoboHelp users looking for alternatives. Our RoboHelp project converter would convert RoboHelp HTML to a Doc-To-Help HTML source project and, likewise, a RoboHelp Word project to a Doc-To-Help Word source project. Now, you can convert any RoboHelp project to XHTML for editing in Doc-To-Help’s built-in editor. Try it. You won’t find a better conversion tool.
Don’t Worry About Lists; We Have Improved Support
Lists (bulleted or numbered) are a thorn in an author’s side. Seemingly simple tasks such as restarting numbering and nesting lists can become difficult in any editor. Doc-To-Help 2010 now allows you choose to continue or restart numbering as well as create nested lists without problem. Additionally, lists are preserved when converting a source from RoboHelp, Word, or HTML to XHTML.
Click a Button; Get Collapsible Sections
The ability to configure expanding/collapsing sections in any editing environment is a very popular Doc-To-Help feature. Until now, users had to find and apply the appropriate styles to add this functionality to their content. Now, all it takes is a simple click of a button on the Doc-To-Help (or Insert) toolbar.
Keep Track of Topic Size with Word Count
We have added a useful word count tool to Doc-To-Help's built-in editor.
Power Engineering Visualization VC++ Source Code Solutions
Power Engineering Visualization VC++ Source Code Solutions
UCanCode Softwareis a world-class Power Engineering Solutions provider with an established reputation for customer responsiveness and technical expertise. Our solutions stand behind thousands of T&D projects in over 40 countries around the world. ucancode offers an extensive line of Power Engineering Software Visualization Component that feature some of the most advanced analysis tools for transmission, distribution and industrial power systems. The UCanCode Network Editor is one of the most user friendly and powerful engineering tools available on the market today.
In addition to the state of the art graphic user interface, ucancode ships 100% VC++/MFC Source Codes of this solution, this will be a good start to help you build any very professional Power Engineering applications.
"Diagramming business logic when developing a custom application is a time-consuming, tedious—and necessary—process. With E-XD++ Diagramming Source Code Kit, you can spend more time focusing on the finer points of your customer's business and less time worrying about making the business process diagram look good. "
Visio like flowchart diagragramming editor
Antialised 2D ocx activex control diagramming graphics
flowchart Alpha channel support
Free rotation support ActiveX Control
Shape grouping support ActiveX OCX Control
Very easy to use diagramming shape connection
Show and snap to grid support
Good blocks collection
Rulers on different unit
Print preview flowchart diagramming component
Clipboard support - Copy/Paste/Cut operations;
Multilevel Undo/Redo support activex control;
Host ActiveX controls in diagram nodes;
Container nodes that can hold other nodes;
Arrow routing for avoiding crossing nodes;
Plugins for shape libraries;
Layered graph layout;
The leader in visualization component -- FULL VC++ Source Code Shipped!
XD++ Diagrammer Suite is the the world’s leading VC++ and .NET visualization component. Renowned for incredibly rich graphics, XD++ helps thousands developers build applications that offer unparalleled functionality. Outstanding productivity lowers project risk and reduces maintenance headaches. With 10 years of dedicated research and development, UCanCode leads the market for visualization technologies, providing outstanding customer support.
SQLyog 8.4 happens to be a fairly major release with good number of features & enhancements. Listed below are some worth noting.
May it be Query Profiler or Datatype Optimizer, SQLyog has grown beyond the definition of a GUI with these features with intelligence. One such feature that is being unveiled with this release is an option to find redundant indexes. You can find the redundant indexes in a Table with just a click of a button. If found, a ready query is generated to drop the redundant indexes. As you know eliminating redundant indexes improves INSERTs & UPDATEs and also saves hard-disk space.
Scheduled Backups can be compressed.
If you are one of those users who deal with databases having thousands of objects (tables, columns etc.) this release will definitely add to your productivity as auto-complete has been drastically improved for such databases.
You can sort the data of Result set. The sorting is very fast as it is done at the client side unlike Table Data where a query is fired to server for every sort action.
Redundant Index Finder
This release also contains following enhancements:
A file can be loaded to the tab from context menu.
Added menu items (for exports and ‘copy to other..’) at table-level in Object Browser.
Save dialog when closing a connection now has ’Yes to All’ and ‘No to All’ options.
Added an option to send a mail alert if an error occurs while executing a ‘maintenance query’ from Notifications Services.
We are very excited about this release, and hope that you will like it. We would love to hear from you.
PS: Redundant Index Finder is a feature of SQLyog Ultimate only.
We decided to revert back the changes made to the error detection for uninstall .log and .exe creation to previous released versions.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add "Do not force Value to be recognized as hexadecimal" option to the "#const..." compiler directive. If enabled, the postfix 'H' or 'L' does not force the value to be recognized as hexadecimal.
CHANGE : Installer: If the uninstall .exe and/or .log creation fails, the installer does not report an error and terminate (revert functionality to pre-2939). The uninstall registry information is not written.
Noyantis TaskPanel Wrapper update released (v2.05)
v2.05 released of the TaskPanel template. New version uploaded to Members area
Modifications include:-
* New method: 'RemoveGroup'
* New method: 'RemoveItem'
* OCX Registration Enhanced.
* Template / Class Optimized.
* Multi Threading Enhanced.
* BUG FIX: Save / Restore not working correctly when used on the AppFrame Extension Template.
* BUG FIX: Mimic properties and actions not working correctly when used on the AppFrame Extension Tpl.
- Notable Changes - Added support for 64-bit Linux distributions. - Added Linux yum/apt repositories. - Added "Interleaved" style for Data Compare report. - Added support for comparing data files without a key column.
- Command Line - Fixed opening Text Merge never to use quick compare. - Fixed hang when passing relative filenames containing wildcards as command line arguments.
- Data Compare - Added support for comparing files without key column. - Improved to handle any embedded line endings within delimited cell. - "Find", while positioned in details, now moves to cell containing match. - Status bar now displays number of "difference row(s)" instead of "Important differences". - Fixed "Columns" session settings to disable controls appropriately and added F2 shortcut for "Edit". - Fixed handling of type errors (ex. "apple" shown in strikeout if column type is numeric, broken in 3.1). - Fixed numeric display handling not to lose precision. - Fixed crash when editing column settings.
- File Formats - Fixed saving default file format with a name to show "General" page. - Fixed "Perl Scripts" definition of string.
- File Views - Fixed "Next/Previous Difference Files" to be hidden if the parent session is closed. - Fixed "Next/Previous Difference Files" crash when files are no longer visible in parent session.
- Folder Compare - "Compare Contents" results dialog no longer repositions when switching between tabs. - Fixed file locking after moving files while rules-based content comparisons are enabled. - Fixed error handling when copying or moving files with ":" in their name. - Fixed "Remove read-only flag when copying from a CD or DVD" when copying folders. - Fixed enabling "Move to Folder" and "Move" commands when comparing a snapshot to a live folder. - Fixed folder coloring when different and newer colors are the same. - Fixed disabling "New Folder" and "Set As Base Folders" when only one side is loaded. - Fixed folders on some NAS devices showing as hidden (h) after expanding them. - Fixed using "Ignore Folder Structure" and "Archive handle -> As folders always" together including both a zip and its contents in the folder listing. - Fixed enabling "Load" path buttons (broken in 3.1.4).
- FTP - Fixed FTP listing parsing for wu-ftpd when it includes a full yyyy-mm-dd date and hh:mm time. - Fixed MDTM support so it accepts vsFTPd's 213 result code in addition to 253. - Fixed parsing MVS folder listings where the number of extents for a file is 100 or greater.
- Hex Compare - Default text color now follows color setting. - Fixed crash when changing the number of bytes per line while comparing small files.
- Home View - Fixed not to truncate captions of session buttons in certain conditions. - Fixed title font size when the system font is larger than default. - Fixed session name label so it's centered vertically relative to the session icon.
- Linux - Added support for 64-bit distributions. - Added Qt3 libraries as part of install package. - .rpm/.deb packages now register Scooter Software repository with apt/yum. - .tar.gz package now includes - .tar.gz package now installs to /usr instead of /usr/local by default. - Installer will now copy BC3Key.txt if it's present. - Context menus now handle case where KDE files are in .kde/share/kde4. - Various improvements to - Changed default fixed-width font to "Monospace 10". - Fixed .deb packages reporting incorrect install size. - Fixed session combobox dropdown height for some font sizes. - Fixed text editor shifting characters as text is selected.
- Misc - Added support for copying/pasting the #0 (null) character. - Activating a visible tab no longer tries to scroll it (broken in 3.1.10). - External program not found message now includes part of command line (conversions, open withs). - Read-only settings files will no longer be overwritten. - Fixed short date strings using incorrect format (m/d/y instead of d/m/y) on some Windows 7 installs. - Fixed line parsing memory access violation. - Fixed crash when opening "Enter Key" dialog while clipboard is locked by another application. - Fixed context-sensitive help when the active control becomes disabled. - Fixed "Save Workspace As" to initially disable "OK". - Fixed handling of invalid dates in settings file. - Fixed support for plugin views with more than one property sheet. - Fixed displaying Unicode hints on various controls.
- Picture Compare - Fixed hang when loading an invalid JPEG file. - Fixed image format autodetection so it doesn't reload a file after successfully guessing the format.
- Reports - Added Data Compare "Interleaved" layout. - Folder Compare "Summary" report now includes file counts in each header. - HTML reports now include <title> tag. - Text Compare "Patch" report now uses .patch file extension. - Replaced "Strikeout left orphans" option for Text Compare "Interleaved" report with "Strikeout left differences". - Added "Strikeout right differences" option for Text Compare "Interleaved" report.
- Text Views - "Toggle Bookmark" and "Go to Bookmark" commands can now be customized.
- Text Compare - Fixed crash when comparing files with lines containing more than 32,000 of the same character. - Trying to save a malformed binary DFM now shows an error message.
Lindersoft ships SetupBuilder 7.2 Installation System
Lindersoft, a global leader in the development of installation software for Windows applications, announced today the immediate availability of SetupBuilder Version 7.2, the latest edition of its award-winning Installation Authoring and Configuration Management system for Microsoft Windows based applications that is used by thousands of organizations around the world.
The SetupBuilder installation-authoring tools are designed to reduce the time and complexity of creating software installations. Version 7.2 includes several new and enhanced features to simplify and accelerate the development of reliable software deployments. Any organization planning to move its applications to the Windows 7 platform will be able to use SetupBuilder to comply with this new industry standard.
This release is available, free of charge, to all SetupBuilder customers who have an active SetupBuilder maintenance and support subscription plan.
SetupBuilder 7.2 Build 2939 (April 26, 2010)
FEATURE : Add "Create Named Mutex..." script function to create a named mutex object.
IMPROVEMENT: [SB#002172] Installer: Add new internal "wizard event handling" module to prevent possible "dead-lock" issues when external (installer) applications are launched with the "Wait" option enabled.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add "Show Window" option to the "Run Command Line" script function.
IMPROVEMENT: Installer: The "IP Address" control in a custom wizard dialog is also supported on Windows 2000 now.
IMPROVEMENT: Add new $EVENT:ONREOPEN$ event for custom wizard dialogs. This event is fired if a custom wizard dialog is "re-opened".
IMPROVEMENT: Add support for .NET Framework 4.0 (full and client install) detection.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: "Run Windows Installer (MSI)..." script function does not require double quotes around the Installer Name if the file specifies a long filename.
IMPROVEMENT: [SB#002231] IDE: Add TIME macro to the "#const..." compiler directive. The following time pictures are supported:
Picture Format Result
TIME hh:mm:ssXM 5:30:00PM TIME@T1 hh:mm 17:30 TIME@T2 hhmm 1730 TIME@T3 hh:mmXM 5:30PM TIME@T03 hh:mmXM 05:30PM TIME@T4 hh:mm:ss 17:30:00 TIME@T5 hhmmss 173000 TIME@T6 hh:mm:ssXM 5:30:00PM
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: The DATE macro in "#const..." compiler directive supports the following date pictures:
IMPROVEMENT: [SB#002241] IDE: If an include script supports "Include Script Compiler Variable Configuration" and the Script field in the "#include script..." properties includes a compiler variable, the variable is resolved now and gives access to the configuration list.
IMPROVEMENT: [SB#002242] IDE: The bitmap file locations in the Installer Style "General Properties" can be set via compiler variables in an include script.
IMPROVEMENT: [SB#002243] IDE: Add new [MY_NEWPROJECT_LOCATION] compiler variable.
IMPROVEMENT: Add Bitwise AND, Bitwise XOR and Bitwise OR to the "Set Variable(Ex) "Arithmetic & Bitwise" operation.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add "Move file" option to the "#copy file(s)" compiler directive.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add runtime variable name validity verification to the compiler.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add VERSIONINFO_LANGID #pragma to set the VERSIONINFO langID statement. One of the following language codes are supported:
0x0401 Arabic
0x0402 Bulgarian
0x0403 Catalan
0x0404 Traditional Chinese
0x0405 Czech
0x0406 Danish
0x0407 German
0x0408 Greek
0x040A Castilian Spanish
0x040B Finnish
0x040C French
0x040D Hebrew
0x040E Hungarian
0x040F Icelandic
0x0410 Italian
0x0411 Japanese
0x0412 Korean
0x0413 Dutch
0x0414 Norwegian Bokmal
0x0810 Swiss Italian
0x0813 Belgian Dutch
0x0814 Norwegian Nynorsk
0x0415 Polish
0x0416 Portuguese (Brazil)
0x0417 Rhaeto-Romanic
0x0418 Romanian
0x0419 Russian
0x041A Croato-Serbian (Latin)
0x041B Slovak
0x041C Albanian
0x041D Swedish
0x041E Thai
0x041F Turkish
0x0420 Urdu
0x0421 Bahasa
0x0804 Simplified Chinese
0x0807 Swiss German
0x0809 U.K. English
0x080A Spanish (Mexico)
0x080C Belgian French
0x0C0C Canadian French
0x100C Swiss French
0x0816 Portuguese (Portugal)
0x081A Serbo-Croatian (Cyrillic)
The default is 0x0409 = U.S. English
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Detect missing variables in Custom Wizard Dialogs controls.
IMPROVEMENT: [SB#003031] IDE: Add "Do not add MANIFESTDEPENDENCY element" option to the "#embed UAC-manifest..." compiler directive.
IMPROVEMENT: The "Get System Info (Screen Resolution)" script function lets you retrieve both the width (SM_CXSCREEN) and the height (SM_CYSCREEN) of the screen of the primary display monitor, in pixels now.
IMPROVEMENT: [SB#003141] IDE: Add a horizontal scroll bar to the file list in the "Import Zip Archive", "Perform Auto Update Scan", "Perform Dynamic Scan" and "Perform Static Scan" wizards.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add "Save Script Text to File" item to the File menu.
IMPROVEMENT: Add "Use DLL path name as current working directory to load DLL" option to the "Call DLL..." script function to change the current directory to the path specified in the Library entry field before the DLL and its dependencies are loaded. After the loading process, the installer reset the original current directory.
IMPROVEMENT: Add "Use DLL path name as current working directory to load DLL" option to the "Load DLL..." script function to change the current directory to the path specified in the Library entry field before the DLL and its dependencies are loaded. After the loading process, the installer reset the original current directory.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add "Certificate Profiles" to the IDE Options dialog.
FIX : [SB#002041] IDE: "#ftp upload..." problem when uploading to the root of a FTP server. The uploaded file with an "SB7_t_m_p" added to the file name stayed in the FTP folder indefinitely.
FIX : [SB#002091] Installer: "Handle Text File Operations" added an EOL (end-of-line) to the end of a file.
FIX : [SB#002092] IDE: Possible (silent) buffer overrun in the compiler if the "Title", "Heading" or "Subheading" in a "Custom Wizard Dialog" was > 100 bytes.
FIX : [SB#002093] Installer: Depending on specific circumstances, the "Refresh Next Dialog" script function blocked event processing for controls in a "Custom Wizard Dialog".
FIX : Installer: The "Combo Box" control in a custom wizard dialog did not show the "down list" on Windows 2000 machines.
FIX : [SB#002111] Installer: ENTRY type fields in a "Custom Wizard Dialog" did not receive update events.
FIX : [SB#002121] Installer: ENTRY type fields in a "Custom Wizard Dialog" processed '\n' as newline command even when the Multiline control option was disabled.
FIX : [SB#002171] IDE: Typo in the "Compiler Variables" Visualizer.
FIX : [SB#002161] Installer: The function for calculating horizontal pixel extents of strings on List Boxes did not work correctly.
FIX : [SB#002162] Installer: The WS_VSCROLL style flags was not set in the "Ready to Install" dialog.
FIX : Installer: The HS_VSCROLL style flags was not set in the "List Box" dialog.
FIX : Installer: The "Set Active Setup Type" script function did not update the required disk space %_SB_DISKSPACEREQ% variable.
FIX : [SB#002163] IDE: Possible buffer overrun in the "Edit INI File..." script function in combination with the "file://" macro.
FIX : IDE: The "file://" macro in the "Edit INI File..." script function continued even when the defined file was not found.
FIX : [SB#002191] Installer: When using the "Download File (HTTP)..." script function multiple times, only the first file name was displayed in the "Progress Dialog".
FIX : [SB#002151] Installer: Running the installer in 64-bit mode on Windows 2008 and Windows 2008 R2 displayed all Edit Box control "grayed out". [SB#002172] fixes this.
FIX : [SB#002233] IDE: Possible issue when a new project was created and the currently opened project asked for a save.
FIX : [#SB002245] IDE: Possible installer data integrity verification issue when using the "Installer Integrity Check" option in combination with code-signing and the installer size was >999,999,999 bytes.
FIX : Minor fixes in the Script Editor.
FIX : [SB#002261] Installer: Possible LOOP problem when using the "Number of iterations" option in two or consecutive LOOPs.
FIX : [SB#002261] Installer: Possible problem when using an empty variable (which receives the result of this function) in the "Radio Buttons" dialog.
FIX : [SB#003021] Installer: The "Move File(s)..." with "Do not overwrite existing files" option enabled did not work as expected.
FIX : IDE: Double-clicking a function in the Script Editor that does not have a Properties dialog triggered a "Save file" action.
FIX : [SB#003051] UnInstaller: The text of the 3rd button changed in the SharedDll and InUseFile message boxes when the message lost focus and was reactivated.
FIX : IDE: The "Fatal Compiler Error: GEN1094: Cannot inject stub loader entrypoint" error did not abort the compilation process.
FIX : IDE: Under certain circumstances, the Debugger wrongly reported an "Unable to debug an Include Script without a Project File" error.
FIX : IDE: Under certain circumstances, the Debugger caused the IDE to silently disappear if a "Wait Dialog..." command was processed.
FIX : Installer: Sporadic problems with the threaded "Wait Dialog...".
FIX : [SB#002251] IDE: Under certain circumstances, it was not possible to switch directly from an Include Script to a Visualizer in the main project.
FIX : [SB#002252] IDE: Possible line selection issue in the Script Editor.
FIX : IDE: Creating a new Blank Script or an Include Script with an existing file name did not trigger the automatic "Do you want to save the changes" event.
FIX : [SB#003272] IDE: The compiler generated incorrect code for the "Call DLL..." script function if there was a "blank" before a *LONG, LONG, HWND or INT type function parameter.
FIX : IDE: Possible issue when a new project was created, then canceled, and the currently opened project asked for a save.
FIX : IDE: Possible issue in the "File and Folders" source file folder list when the IDE was running non-elevated on Windows 7.
CHANGE : [SB#002042] IDE: Modifications in the resizing strategy to fix issues when the Windows "Show window contents while dragging" option is enabled.
CHANGE : [SB#002181] IDE: Prevent access to the "Features" selection list in the "Create Shortcut..." script function.
CHANGE : IDE: Minor cosmetic modifications.
CHANGE : [SB#002232] Updated "" include script template.
CHANGE : IDE: The value of read-only compiler variables can't be changed programmatically from the script.
CHANGE : [#SB002244] IDE: If the INI file or INI item in the "#get ini..." compiler directive is not found, the information in the Default Value field will be placed into the variable.
CHANGE : IDE: If the registry information in the "#get registry..." compiler directive is not found, the information in the Default Value field will be placed into the variable.
CHANGE : IDE: Rename "#delete file..." to "#delete file(s)..."
CHANGE : IDE: Rename "#copy file..." to "#copy file(s)..."
CHANGE : IDE: Rename "#zip file..." to "#zip file(s)..."
CHANGE : IDE: Rename the "Set Variable(Ex)..." Evaluate Expression operation to Arithmetic & Bitwise.
CHANGE : IDE: Remove the "Do not overwrite existing files" option from the " Move Folder Tree..." script function.
CHANGE : IDE: If a command line compilation is aborted, a compiler.txt is created. This allows systems that automate your software build process (BuildAutomator, FinalBuilder, etc.) to detect an aborted compilation.
CHANGE : Installer: If a "Wait" dialog is still open when the installer shuts down, it is automatically closed.
CHANGE : IDE: The "Wait Dialog..." is not displayed in a Debugger session.
CHANGE : Installer: The "Display Splash Screen" is always centered and does not use the coordinates of a previously displayed wizard dialog.
CHANGE : IDE: The line above a section name in the Script Editor is a reserved area. It's not possible to add a command to this line any longer.
CHANGE : Installer: When the user clicks "Next", %_SB_EVENTID% is always set to 0 for standard (non-custom) wizard dialogs. It's set to $EVENT:ONUPDATE$ only for custom wizard dialogs.
CHANGE : IDE: The "Variable List" (CTRL-Right Mouse) to insert variables does not overwrite clipboard data.
CHANGE : IDE: The "exe2msi..." compiler directive does not set the .msi version to "1.0.0" and the Product name in the MSI summary stream to "Lindersoft" any longer. Instead, it tries to read the file version from the .exe and uses the "MSI Summary Information Title value" as product name.
CHANGE : IDE: Removed the "Zip" button from the Script Editor.
CHANGE : IDE: When creating a new project, the new project dialog did not appear if the default Project Location path was invalid. The IDE does a path validation now.
CHANGE : IDE: Add updated German language file (thanks to Roland Tr?bswetter).
CHANGE : IDE: "Send OutputDebugString" needs at least the "Minimum Debug Mode" Generator Setting.
CHANGE : Installer: If the uninstall .exe and .log creation fails, the uninstall registry information is not written.
CHANGE : Recompiled wupdate.exe web update client.
CHANGE : Recompiled wucheck.exe web update check client.
CHANGE : Updated online help.
REGRESSION : [#SB002251] IDE: The standard "Template" project folder pointed to the "Examples" folder (August 07, 2008).
Artisteer 2.4 update for Windows and Artisteer 2.4 Release Candidate for Mac are now available for download.
Currently both Windows and Mac versions are synchronized in terms of functionality and available features.Here is a summary of fixes and improvements since the previous 2.4 release:
Backward compatibility fix for header images when resaving older .artx files.
Fixed an issue with hyperlink underline style inaccuracies.
The .artx project file is now saved properly after product activation (without restarting Artisteer).
Fixed an issue with certain backgrounds not stretching properly in non-IE browsers.
Fixed "path cannot be null" error when opening certain .artx files.
Fixed a bug with not loading Color Palettes saved in previous Artisteer versions.
Lowercase <filename /> text changes in templateDetails.xml.
Drupal - Image Assist problem fix.
Vertical menu displaying outside of the Sheet fixed.
Resolved the issue with "Switch to Plain Text editor" gone.
Headers and photos spacing fix below the header area.
Fixed Blogger templates hanging issue in IE7.
Blogger publishing fix (resulting from changes in Google login form). crash fix when changing layouts in Artisteer templates.
Macro Express Pro v is now available. This release of Macro Express Pro contains enhancements and a number of bug fixes including:
Added 'Page Up' and 'Page Down' to the 'Wait for Keypress' command.
Added a 'Window Move and Size' command that will move and size a window in a single command.
Added 'Enter' as a functional hotkey.
Added an option to the 'Window Title' scope to include or exclude hidden windows from the scope test.
When using the 'Run Macro In Variable' command, the user can enter \c to enter ASCII characters.
Fixed a bug where the 'Macro Enable/Disable' commands would not update popup menu system tray icons correctly.
Fixed a crash that occurred when completing a capture.
Macro Express Pro v
Added horizontal scrollbars to the attachments field in the 'Email Send' command.
Removed the full file paths, leaving just the filename, in the 'File > Reopen' menu.
Added 'Page Up' and 'Page Down' to the 'Wait for Keypress' command.
Added 'Enter' as a functional hotkey.
Added a 'Window Move and Size' command that will move and size a window in a single command.
Added an option to the 'Window Title' scope to include or exclude hidden windows from the scope test.
When using the 'Run Macro In Variable' command, the user can enter \c, followed by a two-digit hexadecimal code, which will be converted to the appropriate ASCII character.
Bugs Fixed
Fixed a bug in the 'Web Site' command where the command would not exit if the 'Wait for Web Page' option was selected.
Fixed a bug in the 'Terminate Process' command where it could not close processes that contained the full file path.
Modified the code that displays a dialog in a running macro in an attempt to make it less likely to stall.
Made a change to the 'Terminate Process' command to make it more reliable.
Fixed a bug in the 'Join String' command where joining a string which contains a '%' symbol caused an unknown variable error.
When using the 'Macro Run' command to run a popup menu, the 'Wait for this macro to terminate' option will be ignored.
Removed ... from Backup Macro File(s) in the File manu.
Fixed a lockup that occurred when enabling a floating menu from the 'Macro Enable' command.
The 'Variable Set String from the clipboard contents' command no longer evaluates variable names that happen to be in the clipboard.
Fixed a bug where the 'Variables Value' debug window would occasionally display blank variables with leading '$' and trailing '%' symbols when using the ASCII File Begin Process command.
Fixed a bug where all macros would be stopped when closing the script editor.
Fixed a bug in the Text Box display command where long strings would cause the richtext formatting code to appear.
Fixed a bug where the list of keys would still be visible when switching from the direct editor to the script editor.
Fixed a bug where the program could stall when launching a hotkey macro while another macro is running.
Fixed a bug where, when using a dialog command such as 'Pause', the option to change the focus did not always work properly.
Fixed a bug where adjusting the schedule for a scheduled macro from the 'Macro Properties' dialog did not always allow the macro to run properly.
Fixed a bug in the 'Variable Set String: Prompt for Filename' where, if the destination variable contained an invalid filename character, the dialog would automatically be cancelled.
Fixed a bug where the caps lock state was not being restored after a macro completed.
Fixed a bug where the commands to toggle specific keys (such as CAPs Lock) was not alway accurate.
Fixed a bug where the 'Macro Enable/Disable' commands would not update popup menu system tray icons correctly.
Fixed a bug where the 'Lock Player' command did not always lock out a window title activated macro.
Crashes Fixed
Fixed a crash that occurred when using the 'If Mouse Cursor' command converted from Macro 3.
Fixed a crash that occurred when a macro changes the state of the running system tray icon.
Fixed a crash that occurred when the explorer updated the last run times.
Fixed a crash that would occur when a macro incorrectly finishes.
Fixed a crash in the debugger that occurred when an error was detected in a macro called by a 'Macro Run' command.
Fixed a crash that occurred when completing a capture.
Fixed a crash that occurred when aborting a macro that was in the middle of a 'ASCII File Begin/End' loop.
Fixed a crash that could occur when using the 'Wait for Text' command.
Fixed a crash that occasionally occurred when rendering the script in the script editor.
Fixed a crash that occurred when attempting to open a macro file located in a write-protected directory.
Fixed the cause of a 'File Access Denied' crash that could occur when trying to backup a file.
Fixed a crash that would occur when the user selects a file in the editor that has been deleted or moved while still open in the program.
Fixed a crash that occurred when using the 'Variable Restore' command to restore an array of strings that did not exist in the macro.
Changes (as compared to 3.73) include the bug fixes:
* Log analysis could use high CPU if the option to replace literals with a placeholder was not selected and the literal string ‘ “‘ (space + doublequote) occured in the log file.
* CSV-export from Query Analyzer only exported 200 rows (the same number as displayed in the browser view). Now CSV-export will export all rows. Also the UI makes it now clear that the browser displays the 200 uppermost rows according to current sort criteria.
* An error message regarding an integer overflow could occur in Monitor/Advisors page for some values. The SQLite datatype used could be too short for some specific data.
* Login to MONyog could fail if MONyog was running behind a proxy.
The Bat! 4.2.33 – improved speed of POP3 message retrieving
RITLabs announces a regular The Bat! update. The main improvement of the new version is a significant speed up of message retrieving via POP3 servers. Besides, there are some improvements and fixes in this new version:
[+] Added a new registry key "DisplayCommandLine" (DWORD). Set it to "1" to let The Bat! display the command line on startup. This may be useful when you are having difficulties in using The Bat! command-line parameters.
[*] Added a workaround for a potential erroneous birthday entry in the address book.
[-] Significantly reduced CPU load during POP3 sessions. This essentially improves speed of retrieving messages on computers with slow CPU and fast connection (e.g. Ethernet) to the POP3 server.
[-] Fixed a spell-checker related AV on exit
[-] The progress form about loading the antivirus plugins did overlap with the splash screen.
[-] (#0004357) No account username/password update dialog during failed POP3/SMTP login
[-] POP3 password was not updated if a server broke connection
[-] Fixed "stack overflow" crash related to tbuser.def
[-] The action to execute an external program from The Bat! task scheduler didn't work
Artisteer 2.4 for Windows is now available!
The previously released Artisteer 2.4 Release Candidate version has proven fully stable, therefore today it became the official Artisteer version 2.4.
If you have already installed version there is nothing else to do, otherwise you can obtain Artisteer 2.4 from the product download page.
The new features in 2.4 include:
Vertical Menu support
Flash effects in the header
Sidebar design/skinning
Color picker in color selection dialogs
Please note that version 2.4 will work only in Trial mode if your free upgrade period has expired.
Noyantis PropertyGrid Wrapper update released (v1.16)
* If SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS returned an error that was not privilege-related, MONyog reported MySQL as non-available. That could happen for instance if MySQL was started with –skip-innodb option. This bug was introduced in 3.71 with the support for InnoDB deadlock detection.
* A bug in the MONyog startup script could on Linux have the result that MONyog was still reported as running if it had been killed or had crashed.
This is a maintenance and support release that addresses some outstanding issues that were not addressed with 13.3.0 including feature enhancements and fixes.
The new version 5.0 of VSdocman has been released. VSdocman is Visual Studio 2010/2008/2005/2002/2002 add-in for the quick commenting and automatic generation of technical documentation from your VB .NET and C# source code files.
NEW: Added Hebrew he-IL localization and right to left text direction support.
NEW: Added Georgian ka-GE localization.
NEW: Regex filters allow to search also in member XML comments.
NEW: You can use new $CURSOR$ macro in comment templates. This macro specifies where the cursor will be positioned after inserting XML comment using "Add XML comment" function.
NEW: Comment templates also for parameters. For example, the following sentence is generated for parameter of EventArgs type: "An EventArgs that contains the event data.". Due to these new commenting features you should update you preferences (you can use "Reset" button to get default templates with all new features).
NEW: Extension methods are listed also on Members and Methods pages for types on which extension methods operate. This works for your own extension methods and also referenced (e.g. LINQ) methods. For example, if your class implements IEnumerable(T) interface, methods such as GroupBy, OrderBy, Average, and so on will be listed on its Members and Methods page.
NEW: HelixoftHelpReg.exe utility accepts new -z argument now. When this argument is used, the utility always returns 0 (OK) as exit code, even if there was an error during execution. This is useful if you include HelixoftHelpReg.exe as custom action in your MSI package and you don't want to cancel whole installation if there is some problem with help registration. MSI automatically fails if custom action returns non-zero value.
NEW: The $MEMBER-ASSEMBLY-VERSION$ macro which shows version number of documented assembly. You can use it anywhere in your comments, templates, footer or custom topics.
CHANGE: Improved resolving of incomplete links. For example it is no longer necessary to prepend dot in <see cref=".prop1" /> link pointing to prop1 property in current class. Instead you can use just <see cref="prop1" />.
CHANGE: Links to referenced external members that are not part of .NET framework (e.g. third-party controls) are no longer generated. Only the plain text is generated now. It's because there was only small chance that such help topic existed and these links caused "not found" error. If you still want to generate the links, you can set it manually in project properties. Just open .vsdoc file for the project and change value of "VBdocman_linkForExternalNotInFramework" key from 0 to -1 (there is no GUI option).
FIX: When targeting .NET framework 3.0 and higher, the XML comments from framework members were not always inherited correctly.
FIX: Links to generic members and to methods without parameters were broken in generated class diagrams.
FIX: Links to online MSDN help didn't work for some members (e.g. System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList(T)) in generated html_msdn2 output.
FIX: In html_msdn2 output, if there was inline link to external URL, there were no scrollbars when external document was displayed.
FIX: WYSIWYG comment editor produced wrong cref links to methods whose parameters were constructed generic types, e.g. MyMethod(T).
FIX: WYSIWYG comment editor produced wrong comments on some rare occasions - if there were blank lines inside <code>, bulleted or numbered lists contained only one item and others.
FIX: Changes in comments in external XML comment files included with <include> tag were not updated in generated documentation. Restart of VS was needed.
We are glad to announce the availability of Help & Manual 5.3.2! This is a maintenance release, free for all version 5 users.
The update focuses on minor improvements and and is recommended for all Help & Manual 5 users.
Together with Help & Manual 5.3.2 we have also released a maintenance update for Premium Pack, which now has the version number 1.24.
Improvements and bug fixes in Help & Manual 5.3.2
Spelling check: new Czech dictionaries are included. Furthermore, the path for the default user dictionary has been changed from "%Userdocs%" to "%UserDocs\My HelpAndManual Projects".
Webhelp: image files names with German umlauts were not encoded properly, links from secondary windows back to the main window attempted to open a new window.
Webhelp and HTML Help: export order of picture hotspots has been changed to better support overlapping hotspots.
Webhelp: in right-to-left projects, the indentation of the TOC icons was incorrect.
Import: when importing CHM files, Help & Manual automatically uppercased the first character of every HTML file.
Image Hotspot Editor: a bug in the German translation caused English strings to be written to data
PDF Export: optional no keyword sections implemented. If the keyword section list is an empty string, Help & Manual will print the keywords in alphabetical order without keyword sections headings.
Open Picture dialog box: optical glitch in Windows 7 fixed.
Topic Editor: when editing a table, the table ID and table style are displayed in the status bar.
Topic Editor: reading topics with special bullets was broken - the bullet symbol was incorrect
XML format: some XML files happened to miss the UTF-8 byte order mark at the beginning of the file, causing problems when editing topics with a simple text editor.
Insert Image menu command: the dropdown gallery for recently used images and bookmarked pictures has been improved to open more quickly.
HTML Help Export with Toggle objects: when a dropdown toggle was expanded because of a search highlight, the corresponding icon has the wrong state.
Exporting HTML code objects to file: overwrite confirmation was missing.
Richtext Import: minor problems fixed
Command line compilation improved for quicker compilation and more stability
General: under certain circumstances, Help & Manual did not properly clean up its temporary files.
The Premium Pack is an add-on for Help & Manual with 14 professionally-designed skins that can be applied to your projects in seconds when you publish.
Version 1.24 of the Premium Pack includes an attractive new feature and two small corrections for the ToggleJump function:
Show/Hide TOC: You can now activate a slide-out button with which users can show/hide the TOC in Webhelp.
ToggleJump to some anchor targets occasionally failed in Internet Explorer on some slower computers.
ToggleJump now also works with links in image hotspots linking to targets on the same page as the link.
This is a free update if you already own the Premium Pack. However, you need to download the Premium Pack 1.24 update separately (it is not included in Help & Manual installer). You can download using the link you received when you originally purchased the Premium Pack. The installer will automatically back up your old version.
The new version 3.0.2 of NetSetMan (Pro) has been released!
- Fix: Several issues resulting from custom tray clicking options
- Fix: Connecting to WiFi while profile activation might've failed
- Fix: Option for start-up with Windows minimized might've failed
- Fix: Activation dialog might've remained opened using "-as" parameter
- Fix: WPA(2) keys consisting of HEX chars only were not accepted
- Fix: Problem with predefined settings when creating a new WiFi profile
- Fix: Running NSM a second time will now bring up the last used mode
- Fix: Possible loss of additional addresses of a profile in certain cases
- Fix: Problems with scripts & NSM Service, direct execution of VBS, etc.
- Fix: (Pro) Problem with proxy settings in MultiProfiles
- Pro version can now be used in portable mode on up to 10 systems without re-entering the license information every time
- New way to distribute Pro licenses in corporate environments (see FAQ)
- Command line activation can now also be used if NSM is already running
- Height of Compact Mode is now customizable
- Some language updates
- Several small fixes and adjustments
Artisteer 2.4 Beta 2 appears to be stable and we are renaming it to 2.4 Release Candidate, while resolving a minor issue with invalid characters appearing in certain program translations (such as German.)
This version may be released as the official version 2.4 if no further issues are reported to our support. We'd like to thank everyone who helped us test version 2.4!
GUI Design Studio 4.0 Released With New Interaction and Templates
GUI Design Studio version 4.0 is now available and includes some fantastic new features in two editions, both with a 30-day trial.
The new features are grouped around interactivity and element and design sharing. They enable you to build more realistic and interactive prototypes and to share or reuse individual elements or whole design templates with ease.
New editions
GUI Design Studio is now available in two different editions.
GUI Design Studio Express provides the prototyping functionality that was in v3, but focussed on individuals without the need to share projects and generate specification documentation.
GUI Design Studio Professional builds on v3, adding new interactivity and design sharing features, and is better suited to those working on larger projects, in teams, or on multiple designs.
All projects created in one edition will run in the other, or in the free viewer, except that the enhanced interactivity features in the Professional edition (see below) are not available in the Express edition. You can compare the two editions here.
Prototypes get more interactive (Pro edition only)
As your user interface design develops, everyone involved starts to focus on the details of interactivity. What process does the user need to go through to achieve certain tasks, how many button presses, how much navigation, is it clear and obvious, can they make simple mistakes?
All of these questions, and more, need to be considered in developing and refining a good UI and they cannot be addressed easily in a simple mock-up.
GUI Design Studio v4 introduces a range of new features to enhance the realism of your prototype, allowing you to model UI behaviour that depends upon decisions or input that the user has provided. We’re providing a whole set of flexible tools to make it easy to do this and more.
Simple Variables
Interaction controls depend upon simple variables. You choose a name for your variable in the new Prototype tab of the Properties dialog and that variable is then assigned a value when you run the Prototype and interact with the element.
Most elements can have an associated variable, even Trees and Ribbon Bars, and these variables can be shared among elements.
This variable can control other elements in various ways. For example, you could use it to insert a name that the user has entered into a piece of text, provide a default value, or you could drive a progress bar from other elements.
Variables are also tied into the Storyboard elements, as you can set up values from the new “Set Data” box. This allows you to reset variables in your UI to a particular set of values whilst running the Prototype. You might do this to simulate having different users, to reset the UI to its default value, or to jump to a particular state.
With project-level presets, it becomes even easier to repeatedly test or demonstrate different scenarios.
Handling Radio Buttons
Radio Buttons can be grouped so that they can act in unison.
Keyboard Control
Now that your users can start to interact with the design in a far richer and more realistic way, they are going to want to navigate around it using the keyboard just as they will in the finished user interface.
To do this you can click to gain focus on an element and use the Tab key to navigate around. The Spacebar changes the state of an element and the Enter key will “Close and Accept”, or the Escape key will “Close and Cancel”. Just like the real thing.
Control when to Show or Enable controls using conditions
Not only can you control the value and text in an element, you can also control when an element is enabled and when it is visible. That means that you can make additional controls appear or disappear depending upon which options the user has selected, or make sure that the next logical control is automatically enabled based on the user’s selection.
Conditional navigation in different scenarios
Variables are firmly embedded in Scenarios and Conditional Navigation too. The Condition Box properties now include a “Condition” entry allowing you to control the flow of the user interface with more flexibility and clarity.
For example, you could set up conditional navigation to bring up a warning if the user tries to create a password of less than a particular number of characters, or to ask for confirmation of a destructive action if the user has set an option.
Wherever you need to test a condition or use the value of a variable, you can use a general expression to combine or process the values of your variables. A wide range of Boolean, binary, comparison, arithmetic, trigonometric and text operators and functions are included.
Conditional Content Panels
Conditional Panels (on the Storyboard panel) build on top of these conditions. Using a Conditions box, (like those in navigation scenarios), you can control what content appears within a particular area. In the example below, it controls whether a Log In panel is displayed or a Welcome panel depending upon whether the user has already pressed the “Log In” button.
The User Name also shows up on the Welcome panel when running the prototype, though it doesn’t show in design mode (as above). This example can also be easily extended to validate the User Name and Password.
Advanced Features
Once you’ve mastered the basics of interaction control you’ll be ready to start using the advanced features to prototype the behaviour of your UI in detail.
Text substitutions, for example, allow you to perform complex substitutions where text content, or a variable name and value, can be set from other variables. You can even combine multiple variables to build new ones; we’re calling these “translation variables”.
Whatever your application, we’re confident that you’ll find that these new interaction features make it much easier and quicker to build a more complete UI prototype, and still without writing a single line of code.
Creating and sharing libraries of designs and elements
Custom Elements
Any folder (and its sub-folders) within the Project tree can be made into a Custom Element Folder. The folder icon then changes to indicate its new status.
You can create Custom Element designs within the folder and any existing GUI design that you want to be used as a Custom Element can be dragged into it.
A Custom Element design can be as complex as you like, from a single pre-styled element to an entire form full of controls. You can still edit this design just by double clicking on it, so it’s easy to update and maintain.
When you drag a Custom Element design onto another design, the whole content is copied across as if you’d added the elements individually. At this stage, changes to the original Custom Element will no longer affect the new design.
That means you can then modify it in your design to suit the particular circumstances, changing the style, size and layout, and adding in specific information relevant to its context.
Custom Element Libraries
Custom element folders can be created in any project but they really come into their own when creating library projects full of reusable designs that you can link into your working projects. These can contain house-styled elements, time-saving common groups of elements or entire design patterns.
Compared to Components…
Custom Elements are different from Components (also known as Masters) which remain linked to the original design. If you change the original Component design, each instance of use in your project will also change.
Although you can use overrides to change certain properties of elements within a Component instance, you can’t change their size or layout. They act as a single unit.
Among other things, Components are good for headers and footers on web pages, reusable panels and common dialogs; areas that you need to be consistent between many designs. They’re also very good for breaking your design into more manageable chunks, often with self-contained behaviour.
In comparison, Custom Elements are good for common patterns in your design that will most likely need to be customised for each use.
What if you want to add a Component to a design as a Custom Element? Well, you could put it into a Custom Element Folder first (perhaps as a copy), but there is no need. You can just hold down the CTRL key as you drag and drop it into your design and it will be added as a Custom Element instead.
Templates (Pro edition only)
Templates are a great way to start a whole project from a consistent pattern. Maybe you always like to have your projects set up with a particular set of pages, or with some standard elements that you always include. You could start with a copy of your last project, but a Template is a neater way to achieve it.
Templates can be inserted into an existing project so they can be used for creating complex, reusable design patterns that are beyond the single design restriction of Custom Elements.
A Template includes all GUI files and their contents, so loading a single template could set up lots of files, ready for you to dive straight into the design work.
Like Custom Elements, Templates are copied when they are loaded, so changing the original Template file will not change the projects that are based upon it. They provide a basis for you to edit and extend.
You can create a Template from your whole project, only the designs in the currently selected folder, or just the current design file. That makes it easy to turn what you’re working on into a Template for reuse in another project.
You can name the Template, categorize it, and choose to attach a representative screenshot to make it easy to find later. The new facility to export images from a running prototype can help here but if you don’t provide a screenshot, one will be generated automatically.
When you create a Template, it becomes available for immediate use within all projects. No library project linking is required.
Templates and Libraries Online
We’re in the process of setting up a new community site to publish and share Templates and Libraries containing reusable Components, Custom Elements and Design Patterns.
We’ve been waiting a long time to do this but with these new features in GUI Design Studio 4.0, it now makes more sense. The links are already in the software and the new site will go live soon. Stay tuned!
a) in WinRAR 3.92 -xd:\path\folder switch could also exclude folders, which path does not match the path specified in the switch and only the folder name is the same as specified;
b) switches -y -or did not work correctly together. Switch -or was ignored in presence of -y.
Noyantis PropertyGrid Wrapper update released (v1.13)
v2.03 released of the CalendarPro template. New version uploaded to Members area
Modifications include:-
* 'Allow All Day Events to be Moved' option added.
* 'Allow All Day Events to be Resized' option added.
* 'Allow Events to be Moved' option expanded.
* 'Allow Events to be Resized' option expanded.
* 'Allow Recur. Events to be Moved' option expanded.
* 'Allow Recur. Events to be Resized' option expanded.
* New Calendar method: 'AllowAllDayEventMove'
* New Calendar method: 'AllowAllDayEventResize'
* New DatePicker method: ''MoveSelection'
* BUG FIX: DeleteAllEvents now clears memory Cache.
* BUG FIX: Custom Colours could disappear when double click used and not reappear immediately.
* BUG FIX: ''Event Moved'' embed point not firing under certain circumstances within multiple Schedules.
* BUG FIX: GetSelected...Date() could return incorrect value in Week Summary and Month view.
1. If you start WinRAR command from Explorer context menu in multiple monitor configuration, the command dialog will be displayed on the same monitor as context menu. In previous versions it was always displayed on primary monitor.
2. WinRAR "Compress and email..." context menu command adds the archive name to email subject. Previous versions left the subject blank.
3. In RAR 3.91 -x switch could also exclude folders from archiving even if mask contained wilcard characters and did not contain a path. For example, -x*. excluded all those folders, which do not have the extension in the name. Now -x switch uses RAR 3.80 approach for masks without path, excluding folders only if mask does not contain wildcards and matches the folder name exactly.
4. Bugs fixed:
a) WinRAR 3.91 reported the incorrect "Unexpected end of archive" error, when opening an empty ZIP archive created with "New WinRAR ZIP archive" context menu command;
b) if "Delete archive" option was enabled when unpacking several ZIP archives and if one of archives was damaged, WinRAR did not delete archives after the damaged one, even if they were unpacked successfully;
c) if file matched two different masks in RarFiles.lst, WinRAR could select the last match. Normally, if neither of masks is a subset of another, the first match must be chosen.
Noyantis HTMLEditor Wrapper update released (v1.01)
v1.01 released of the HTMLEditor template. New version uploaded to Members area
Modifications include:-
* 'FTP' facilities added.
* 'FTP' Window Controls template added allowing files to be sent to and received from remote servers.
* 'Merge Process' Extension template added allowing data merged versions of the HTML content to be sent directly to a Printer or a Saved HTML File.
* New method 'CancelFTPTransfer'
* New method 'DeleteFTPFile'
* New method 'GetDOMObject'
* New method 'GetFTPFile'
* New method 'GetFTPInProgress'
* New method 'ListFTPFiles'
* New method 'PutFTPFile'
* New method 'SelectControl'
* New method 'SetDocumentTitle'
* New method 'SetLocalImageStore'
* New method 'UpdateFTPSettings'
* BUG FIX: Formatting error when HTML data specified as the initial content.
Noyantis ReportControl Wrapper update released (v1.13)
- File Formats
- Improved "Perl Scripts" definition of string.
- File Views
- Fixed thumbnail so it updates the viewport position immediately when rapidly scrolling.
- Folder Compare
- Fixed "Next/Previous Difference" so it doesn't skip archive files.
- Fixed "Copy to Folder" handling of "C:\" as destination.
- Fixed file sizes not to be displayed in scientific notation.
- Fixed crash when closing "FTP Browse" dialog while it's still loading folders.
- Fixed crash when loading an SFTP connection to SunOS.
- Fixed problems connecting through the DeleGate FTP proxy.
- Fixed support for parsing LynxOS FTP folder listings with contiguous files and IPC special files.
- Fixed setting timestamps on newer IIS FTP servers.
- Home View
- Fixed intermittent crash when deleting only remaining session.
- Misc
- Fixed tooltip appearance on Vista/Windows 7 with theming enabled and customized ToolTip font.
- Fixed themed tooltips not to flash a yellow background on Vista/Windows 7.
- Fixed crash when opening new tab on Windows 7.
- Fixed tab control scrolling the active session tab into view.
- Fixed restoring window size/position when saving the previous values failed.
- Fixed Export crash after "Unable to save settings as" message shown.
- Added context help to various dialogs.
- MP3 Compare
- Fixed crash when unable to play files on some systems.
- Picture Compare
- Fixed "File Info" so it does not draw using selection colors.
- Reports
- Fixed print preview handling of footers when there are multiple pages.
- Fixed Folder Compare reports to include path column when ignoring folder structure.
- Fixed Text Compare reports when one only one file has blank last line.
- Fixed Text Compare "Patch" reports (broken in 3.1.7).
- Scripting
- Fixed crash when writing report to file with "output-options:" set to "print-color" or "print-mono".
- Sessions
- Improved behavior when shared sessions file is on an unavailable network drive.
- Text Views
- Fixed handling of blank lines in grammar item lists.
- Fixed recalculation of comparison when inserted lines affect delimited grammar items.
- Fixed PDF comparisons of files with extended characters in their names (broken in 3.1.9).
- Text Compare
- Fixed search and replace handling of mixed line endings when they are compared.
- Fixed crash when completely deleting all visible text.
- Text Merge
- Improved error handling during loading of files.
Fixed a crash that occurred when using the Logoff/Shutdown/Reboot commands with an automatic backup that displayed the backup status.
Fixed a bug on x64 systems where the window title activation was not reliable with 64-bit processes.
Fixed a bug in the "ASCII File Begin Process" where the last line of the file was frequently skipped.
Fixed a crash that could occur when terminating the program after entering the license information.
Fixed a conversion error in the "If Variable" command that occurred when the "Ignore Case" option was checked.
Added a small delay to the "Window Activate: When Window is Opened" activation in order to allow the window to set its visible title. The visible title is not always the title it uses when it's created, which is why it appeared to not always work.
Fixed a lockup that occurs when displaying a dialog after using the "Variable Set String: Prompt for Filename" command.
Fixed a crash when selecting a system macro that has no assigned hotkey.
Fixed a bug in the "Repeat with Variable" command where a variable construct such as %T[%N[1]%]% was not processed correctly.
Fixed a bug in the "If Variable" command where a variable construct such as %T[%N[1]%]% was not processed correctly.
Fixed the background color of some of the labels on the splash screen on older versions of Windows.
Antispam Marisuite for Outlook v2.0.1 was released
NEW: color/font for the single cell (SQL example, Occupation column).
NEW: enhanced Group design: icon in the group header, subtitle, task - Groups under XP remain unchanged, under Vista and Windows 7 only (SQL example, turn on Show groups, sort by Salary).
NEW: completely rewritten Queue example interface.
NEW: Decorations (Queue example)- allows you to put pretty images, text and effects over the top of your EasyListView.
NEW: hyperlinks in the cells (Queue example).
New in templates:
Appearance > General: "Hot item" group: Use decoration, Decoration.
Bug Fixes: * ‘Test connection’ would succeed even if a non-existing database was specified in the database field. Connection would next fail.
* Database name (if any) would erase on clicking OK in error dialog in connection window.
* HTML exports could drop the first character of string output.
* With multimonitor setup and SQLyog on the right screen some rarely used dialogues would pop up on left screen.
* Copy database/table will now display ‘connecting to source/target server’ while connecting. If establishing connection took more than a few seconds users could have the impression that nothing was happening.
* An extra RESULT tab could appear when executing a query. This bug was introduced in 8.2. Professional and Enterprise editions were affected.
* In notification wizard sending mail would fail if there was no semicolon after the query and “include original query” option was checked.
* With more than 65 536 (2^16) rows displayed in GRID, the GRID scrollbar would expose strange behavior. We were using a scroll control using 16 bit integers internally. New scroll control handles +4 billion rows.
* In Wine when displaying very wide tables and result sets (like 500+ columns) the column header could disappear. The underlying reason was that Wine failed to render a gradient as transparent but rendered it as opaque instead.
* Horizontal scrollbar in GRID would sometime not appear when executing a query returning a large number of columns if not scrollbar was required for previous query.
* With larger than ‘normal’ DPI setting the BLOB Viewer header would not display properly.
* ‘Export as SQL-dump’ dialogue was redesigned to allow for longer files paths.
GUI Design Studio 3.6 Released With New Calendar Elements
GUI Design Studio version 3.6 is now available for immediate download. This is most likely the last 3.x maintenance release before we launch version 4.0 next month. It contains some fixes and changes based on customer requests and is a free upgrade for all registered users.
For customers using any prior version of GUI Design Studio, simply install the new version and your existing licenses will continue to work.
Calendar Elements
With so many requests from users, we’ve finally added Calendar elements to the mix. This was essentially the last missing native Windows control and a common feature in a vast number of desktop and Web applications.
So why has it taken so long to appear? Well, that’s a very good question. Right from the start, with the version 1.0 release 5 years ago, we realized that calendar controls were important. But rather than create complex elements for every conceivable situation, the idea then was to provide basic building blocks from which other elements could be assembled.
The very first design samples library contained various calendar controls with different display options. We thought that this would be enough for simple mock-up purposes. Well, clearly, we were wrong! Creating calendar controls from scratch using text boxes and other elements is both tedious and time consuming, especially if you don’t want a design that’s stuck in 2005!
So we’ve pulled out all the stops to bring you a very flexible Calendar element that should suit most purposes. There are 2 variants to get you started: one in the “Lists, Trees and Tables” category that represents your standard Windows month calendar, and one in the “Web” category with some very different styling options.
Now it has to be said that there are a lot of property options for the Calendar. With all of the other elements, we’ve tried to cut back on options and minimize them wherever possible. But there’s an increasing demand for more flexibility and more styling options so that’s what we’ve provided here.
Option overload is an important topic for usability so we’ll be revisiting this in a future post with a collection of Calendar element designs. In the meantime, see what fancy Calendars you can create for yourself.
Other Changes in this 3.6 Release
The “Window” menu now contains some very handy new commands to “Close All” design windows and to “Close Others” so that you can focus on just the design you’re working on.
Thumbnail Components now have the same ability as regular Components to be redirected to different design files through their property settings. This can be hugely useful, especially when working on Web applications, when you want to change the target of a link without having to delete the old target then drag and drop the new target and hook it up again.
There’s a new Preference option to Disable Subversion (SVN) support. GUI Design Studio normally detects folders that are under Subversion control and automatically handles them appropriately. However, all Subversion clients on a particular machine must be based on the same version libraries (version 1.6 in this case), otherwise the working copies will be incompatible. This option is for users who are unable to upgrade their Subversion clients from version 1.5 or earlier.
There’s another Preference option to disable a change we made in version 3.5 to enhance the File Open/Save dialogs by switching to Thumbnail view for images where appropriate. It’s possible that this feature caused compatibility problems (though we’ve been unable to reproduce or confirm these) so the option is there to turn it off.
Bug Fixes
Using the right mouse button to cancel a drag and drop operation from the Project file tree, Elements or Icons panel no longer activates the popup context menu.
Custom Tree Icons (added in version 3.5) are now correctly saved to distribution .gdd files.
Custom Tree Icons are now maintained properly when the Tree is within a Component and has its properties overridden. Previously, in that situation, the icons would revert to the defaults if the icons were within the project (application and other external icons were okay).
Some of the automatic connection types were not behaving as intended and reverted to “Modal Popup” instead of the correct type. This has now been fixed.
There’s also a few other minor fixes related to command keyboard shortcuts and annotation popup text spacing.
Download and Upgrade
Download GUI Design Studio version 3.6 now and install it over your existing version. If you have purchased a license, your existing key will continue to work.
Version 3.6 is fully compatible with projects and files created in earlier versions but certain features, such as the new Calendar elements, will not be recognized by earlier versions of the software so be careful if sharing projects with others who haven’t yet upgraded.
Leave a comment to let us know how you get on and what you think of the latest release. As always, we welcome your feedback and suggestions!
Early 2010 for RITLabs is rich in innovations. Freshly launched The Bat! 4.2.23 brings quite a number of improvements and fixes.
Firstly, we should mention the improved speed of handling folder names. This improvement may be noticeable by users with very large folder trees – their mail processing will become even faster.
Developers have also changed Data Execution Prevention (DEP) detection algorithm for the operating systems prior to Windows Vista (e.g. for Windows XP with SP3 and Windows Server 2003). Thanks to this improvement, The Bat! now renders reliable information about its interaction with DEP mechanism, not conflicting with the operating system.
Complete list of modifications:
[+] "Do nothing" option for the "Watch and send files" Scheduler's action to control execution of other actions
[*] Improved speed of handling folder names. This may be noticeable on very large folder trees
[*] Changed DEP detection algorithm for the operating systems prior to Windows Vista (e.g. for Windows XP with SP3 and Windows Server 2003)
[*] If there were an invalid birthday date stored in the address book, The Bat! did only report error "invalid argument to date encode", without further clarification for the user what might have caused the error. Now more detailed information is given.
[-] Clicking the "How to register" menu item have caused the "File not found" error message
[-] (#0007845) Error Message when exiting "save as" in Graphic Viewer
[-] (#0007852) An error after dropping a dragged attachment to a Windows desktop
[-] The Certificate Selection window and Certificate Search Results windows did save the coordinates to a wrong location in Registry
[-] (#0007844) Font family not set in HTML mail
[-] (#0007859) After renaming an account, folder structure is not saved
Artisteer 2.3 for Windows Updated. Version officially released.
The Artisteer version is now the official version 2.3 available on our Download page and CNET.
This is a FREE UPGRADE for all Artisteer 1.x and 2.x users.
Here is the summary of features and fixes accumulated since November 9 via recent minor updates pre-released here:
New “Gothic” font theme added.
Minor fixes in Artisteer GUI translations.
Artisteer temp files are now deleted from the Windows temporary folder.
Auto-update notification bug fix.
Windows “Auto-hide taskbar” option now compatible with Artisteer.
Exported CSS pointed to 'BlockContentbullets.png' instead of 'BlockContentBullets.png'
Menu fix when separators are added.
Added space before the /> in html tags.
Improved block bullet display.
Adjusted button image alignment in forms.
Calendar plug-in support.
Support for the "Allow Comments" option in page settings. Removed the text “comments are closed” when turned off.
Sub-items now appear if the parent item is hidden.
When publishing to Blogger the list of blogs was not always displayed after providing Blogger login information
Change the comments form height from 275 to 410 px.
Followers widget support.
Some bug fixes for Drupal export.
Drupal Admin Module conflict fix.
DOM error fix.
Panels IE8 compatibility improvements.
Page titles now appear as links when the node is being displayed as a “teaser”.
Missing top menu issues fixed for Drupal 5.
Case sensitive Containers and Skins folder improvements.
Block title tag isn't generated if the layout has only login block.
Page editors can now see the control panels.
Menu & menu sub-levels bug fixes.
Highlighting DNN menu items when the sub-item is selected.
DNN skin divs disappear on postback for the top menu.
Fix for the forum module.
Other news and updates:
We're scheduling version 2.4 Beta (Windows, possibly Mac) for late January 2010 with support for vertical menus and Flash animations in the header.
* Now SJA will also send mail alert if job aborted due to MySQL error. Before it was only internal SJA error.
* The local port used by SSH-tunneling will now be selected automatically. This will avoid conflicts in case multiple programs use SSH. Also with Data Sync from command-line/scheduler it was possible to use same port for both connections what would effectively sync a server with itself.
* Caption for ‘Parse’ button in Notification Services Wizard was changed to make it clear that it will actually execute the statement(s) entered. There is no way to let the server parse a statement except for executing it.
* Connection windows for SSH connections will now list SSH host details in the title bar.
* Tooltips for an icon will now list the keyboard shortcut performing same action.
* The option to display ‘all’ versus a ‘LIMIT’ed set of rows in DATA tab is now table-specific and saved across sessions (note that – similar to the ‘column width persistence’ feature – connection parameters are not using for identifying a table; only the database name and the table name are).
* Objects in an Object Browser node is now sorted case-insensitive.
Bug Fixes:
* Continuously clicking the ‘Calculate’ button in Schema Optimizer in a fast manner could crash SQLyog.
* The keyword.db file (used by auto-complete and syntax highlighting) is now read only. Various validators for Windows7-compatibility would report that SQLyog wrote to “Program Files” folder at runtime (what it did not).
* When copying to clipboard an out of memory error could occur also when there was enough memory.
* The table menu will now indicate what storage engine is currently used for the table.
* Autocomplete and syntax highlighting did not recognize keywords archive, blackhole, federated, example, maria, pbxt, federatedx, falcon and mrg_myisam.
* Notifications Services/’Send Query to Email address’ option did not send a mail if an error occurred. Now a mail listing the error will be sent.
* We did not validate client-side if user specified a default value for an auto-increment column (what is invalid with MySQL).
* In DATA and RESULT tab the context menu was only working from GRID-cells. Now it also does from GRID headers and ‘whitespace’ in the tabs.
* Updating a ’TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP’ had no effect (the particular column was not listed in the UPDATE-statement sent by SQLyog). This was a necessary restriction before 8.13 but since we – from 8.13 – only list columns that have actually been edited by user, we can now lift this restriction.
* Import External Data – TRIGGERS could fail to update a SQL Server (n)varchar if it contained an empty string.
* If user had selected to save SSH-password locally and later changed the password, the new password was not saved – unless clicking ’save’ button in connection manager interface.
* When importing an external script with no explicit SET NAMES on top, SET NAMES latin1 was executed by SQLyog. Now we won’t do this – and server default charset will have effect for the import in such case.
* Autocomplete did not handle identifiers with the ‘_’ character correctly what could result in too many matches when matching the database with a pattern in editor containing such character.
* Other small GUI fixes.
* This release ships with an updated tunneler file for HTTP-tunneling. In the old tunneler file functions were used that are depreciated in PHP 5.3x.
* The ‘Objects’ menu was renamed to ‘Others’.
After 5 years of continuous development NetSetMan now reached the next generation!
Version 3.0 introduces new groundbreaking features such as Advanced WiFi Management, MultiProfiles, Compact Mode and much more.
Note: Some translations are not updated, yet, and most of the new help files are currently not available. They will come soon. Thank you for your patience.
- NEW: Advanced WiFi support!
- WiFi Management for available wireless networks and profiles
- Connect/disconnect from WiFi networks with each NSM profile
- Displaying WiFi connection status in the TrayInfo
- NEW: MultiProfiles!
- A profile can now contain an unlimited amount of NIC (adapter) sets
- Activating a profile changes the settings for all included NICs
- NEW: Compact Mode!
- Overview of all profiles and settings in a smart new view
- Ideal interface once all profiles are set up in Full Mode
- Switch between Full Mode and Compact Mode with a single click
- NEW: NSM Administration!
- Optional password protection for NetSetMan
- Encryption of the settings file
- Decide what actions are possible without the password: run program, activate profiles, change profile & program settings
- NEW: Dynamic Activation window showing only the values to be changed
- NEW: Advanced Preferences window with more control and customization
- Custom clicking actions for the TrayIcon
- Always start minimized
- Shortcuts to Windows locations from the TrayMenu
- Confirm profile activation
- NEW: Advanced Refresh (including deactivated & virtual NICs)
- NEW: Public IP in TrayInfo (optional)
- NEW: MAC addresses in TrayInfo (optional)
- NEW: Restart NICs & faster NIC status detection (only for 32bit)
- NEW: Automatic subnet mask generation when entering an IP
- BugFix (Pro): Alternative domain feature didn't work with NSM Service
- BugFix: Inconsistent TAB order of the UI elements
- Gateway entry fields stay enabled to allow static gateways on DHCP
- Press CTRL+TAB or CTRL+SHIFT+TAB to cycle through profile tabs
- Use ESC to minimize main interface or to close configuration dialogs
- On dual screens TrayInfo will now always be shown on the main screen
- Windows locations can now also be opened when using NSM Service
- If a dual screen position changes NSM will start at a visible position
- Automatical NIC reassignment when moving the settings file: From now on you can copy the settings.ini file to other systems without manually reassigning the NICs in the profiles _IF_ the custom name is identical on both systems. NICs can be renamed in the Windows Control Panel - Network Connections.
Bugs Fixed
- Fixed an I/O error that occurred when a macro was attempting to modify the macro file while it was opened by another process within Macro Express.
- Fixed a bug in the "Variable Restore" command that didn't restore the string variables properly.
Crashes Fixed
- Fixed a crash that occurred when closing a macro file that contained an active floating menu.
Important Security Update issued 30 December 2009:
PDF-XChange Viewer Product Range – update to release 2.044 recommended.
After consultation with Secunia Research ( Tracker Software Products Ltd has issued an update to all versions of its popular Free/Licensed PDF-XChange Viewer product family including both end user and developer product ranges.
On December 29th 2009, Secunia notified Tracker after testing, of the potentialpotential for malicious code to be executed to compromise users systems via PDF files, using a very specific means - though no such exploitation is known to have occurred to date, we felt we should act with some urgency to protect our clients.
Within 24 hours we are pleased to confirm an update was issued to all products blocking any such opportunity and all clients and developers are urged to update any versions of our PDF-XChange Viewer product to ensure that their systems are safe guarded.
All PDF-XChange Viewer and Viewer SDK versions prior to release 2.044 should be updated to a later release.
The PDF-XChange Viewer (FREE or PRO) is also offered as part of the PDF-XChange Lite, Standard and PRO, and PDF-Tools product bundles - users of these products are urged to update therefore also.
Developers using the PDF-XChange Viewer ActiveX SDK are urged to also update their clients systems as soon as practical with a later release of their products incorporating the Viewer SDK Version/Build 2.044 or later.
A full system uninstall, restart and re-install is recommended using downloads from the page links below:
End user installer options:
Please rest assured we take the integrity of our clients systems and enviroment very seriously and strive to ensure our products are of the highest quality on every level.
We've prepared the last Artisteer update for 2009 with minor fixes and improvements recently accumulated through our support efforts. The new version is available here as a pre-release and will be moved to our download page after additional testing.
The following is the summary of changes and improvements available in this update:
New “Gothic” font theme added.
Minor fixes in Artisteer GUI translations.
Artisteer temp files are now deleted from the Windows temporary folder.
Auto-update notification bug fix.
Windows “Auto-hide taskbar” option now compatible with Artisteer.
Menu fix when separators are added.
Added space before the /> in html tags.
Improved block bullet display.
Adjusted button image alignment in forms.
Calendar plug-in support.
Support for the "Allow Comments" option in page settings. Removed the text “comments are closed” when turned off.
Sub-items now appear if the parent item is hidden.
Change the comments form height from 275 to 410 px.
Followers widget support.
Some bug fixes for Drupal export.
Drupal Admin Module conflict fix.
DOM error fix.
Panels IE8 compatibility improvements.
Page titles now appear as links when the node is being displayed as a “teaser”.
Missing top menu issues fixed for Drupal 5.
Case sensitive Containers and Skins folder improvements.
Block title tag isn't generated if the layout has only login block.
Page editors can now see the control panels.
Menu & menu sub-levels bug fixes.
Highlighting DNN menu items when the sub-item is selected.
DNN skin divs disappear on postback for the top menu.
Doctor Web – the Russian anti-virus vendor – has reviewed most notable viral events of 2009. In the departing year efforts of cyber criminals were mainly directed at extracting money from users with money transfer demands in users’ web-browsers, right on their desktops or in dialogue windows. Along with traditional malware distribution channels such as e-mail and instant messengers virus makers also adapted social networking web-sites and blogs as additional means to spread malicious software over the Internet. Let’s take a closer look at the most notable types of malware found in the malicious traffic in 2009 and outline main trends in development of viruses.
In 2009 authors of new rootkits provided most complex puzzles for virus analysts of Doctor Web. With their capabilities to hide from users and anti-viruses rootkits can just as well hide presence of other malicious programs they download from the Internet. A rootkit component can be registered in the database of an anti-virus and yet remain undetected.
BackDoor.Tdss rootkits (as classified by Dr.Web) were the most notable representatives of this type of malware in 2009. Doctor Web promptly released several hot scanner add-ons that incorporated updates for the Dr.Web Shield anti-rootkit module to enable the anti-virus to counter latest rootkit technologies.
In March Doctor Web issued a news report concerning a modification of BackDoor.Tdss that disrupted operation of resident file monitors included in some anti-virus products and evaded detection by anti-rootkits. At that point the rootkit wasn't found in high numbers in the wild.
Later in November new modifications of BackDoor.Tdss spread far wider. Doctor Web’s statistics server registered 400 000 instances of detection of the malware on user machines. In previous months the figure rarely rose higher than 1 000 detections per month.
It is worth noting that later modifications of BackDoor.Tdss were enhanced with advanced hiding technologies such as a hidden virtual drive that stored some of the rootkit’s files and a sophisticated mechanism for bypassing behaviour blockers. In spite of such complications Doctor Web was able to provide its anti-viruses with the curing algorithm that enabled them to neutralize BackDoor.Tdss.
Fake anti-viruses
The late months of 2009 saw a high number of fake anti-viruses registered in Dr.Web classification as Trojan.Fakealert. Such programs have look and feel of a genuine anti-virus but serve only one purpose: to lure a victim to a bogus-web site where the user is offered to purchase a “full version”.
As a rule fake anti-viruses arrive to users as downloaders with spam messages or over fraudulent web-sites. Once launched a malicious program retrieves other components from a server of cyber criminals. In such programs the emphasis is put on the look and \feel. Applications of this type fake a Windows system information window showing that the supposed anti-virus is protecting the system while the main program window displays scanning progress and simulates detection of viruses.
Paying for a "full version" won't bring an end to the user's problems – he is not off the hook yet while the "anti-virus" can download and install other malicious programs.
Since September 2009 Doctor Web’s virus analysts had been registering a surge in activity of fake anti-viruses with tens of millions of detections in October and November. Before September the figure was four times lower.
Windows blocker
Windows blockers – programs belonging to the Trojan.Winlock family in the Dr.Web classification – brought a lot of trouble to users in 2009. As Windows starts, a blocker displays a message on top of all other windows that informs the user that his system has been blocked and the user has to unlock it with a paid SMS.
The most typical reason for blocking given to a user was a supposed detection of a non-genuine copy of Windows or of other software products. Criminals went as far as providing a windows locker construction set at a moderate price available to anyone who wanted to buy it.
Several years ago earlier versions of malware from the Trojan.Winlock family were less harmful and removed themselves automatically in several hours after installation if a user didn’t do anything, neither did they start in the Safe mode, entering a correct combination of symbols did unlock the system and the SMS charge was lower.
Later modifications of Trojan.Winlock turned out to be more harmful and the SMS fee rose. Some modifications didn't even feature the unlocking mechanism and therefore users paying cyber-criminals could end up with nothing. The Trojan’s data is not removed from the system automatically after a certain period of time. Malicious programs of this Trojan.Winlock have also been "taught" to block launch of many programs that might make analysis of the blocker in the infected system easier or those that shut the system down upon an attempt to start such a program.
f your system has been compromised by one of the modifications of Trojan.Winlock, do not send money to virus-makers. Instead contact the technical support of the vendor whose anti-virus you are using or ask for help on Doctor Web's forum.
Another modification of Trojans extortionists is the family of malicious programs that are installed into a system as a browser plugin. In a compromised system a Trojan displays a window that may occupy as much as 50% of the browser window. Here a user is also required to send an SMS to remove the window.
Under the Dr.Web classification The Trojans are usually detected as a modification of Trojan.Blackmailer or of Trojan.BrowseBan. While a Trojan.Blackmailer program usually works only with Internet Explorer, Trojan.BrowseBan is compatible with Mozilla Firefox and Opera. A special script embedded by cyber-criminals on a web-site spreading the malware allows detecting the victim’s browser and providing him or her with a corresponding version of the Trojan.
The number of such programs found in the wild surged in March 2009. About three million detections of Trojan.Blackmailer on user machines were registered while the average figure through the year stayed within 5 000 – 10 000 per month.
Document encryptors
Malicious programs that encrypted documents stored on hard drives were another problem that many users had to face in 2009. Dr.Web anti-viruses detect such programs as Trojan.Encoder modifications. Once in a system, the Trojan encrypts user documents while keeping system files in tact. Once encryption is completed, the user is notified that his documents have been encrypted and he has to transfer an amount of money onto the specified account to be able to work with his files again.
A maker of a Trojan.Encoder program went as far as to use Dr.Web corporate design on his web-site Users also received spam messages supposedly from Doctor Web’s staff members and some modifications of the extortionist program added the drweb extension to names of encrypted files. Probably such actions by the criminal were provoked by active assistance to victims of the extortion on the part of Doctor Web.
In spite of a relatively small number of such programs in the wild they inflict a considerable damage – information contained in encrypted files may be quite valuable to a user. If your data has been encrypted by a Trojan.Encoder program, you can always ask Doctor Web's virus laboratory for help. In most cases our virus analysts will be able to help you restore your data and will do it for free.
In 2009 worms forced many administrators of local networks to study IT security basics once again. Win32.HLLW.Shadow.based became the most notorious program of this kind.
Since the worm spreads over removable data storage devices and network drives showing once again that disabling autorun for such disks is among the key requirements to anti-virus security. Moreover, the worm can perform dictionary attacks using the SMB protocol inherent in all Windows networks. And finally Win32.HLLW.Shadow.based exploits several known vulnerabilities of Windows that had been closed before the worm was found in the wild.
Installing all available security updates for an operating system is another frequently neglected security essential.
The graph shows that Win32.HLLW.Shadow.based is still found in great numbers on user machines.
Integrated development environments
It has already been mentioned that some malicious objects are capable of detecting a target operating system, web-browser and versions of popular programs installed in a system to increase their chances of a successful attack. But can virus-makers provide malicious software that would be compatible with all widely used platforms?
Analysis of statistical information about malware by different platforms provides the following conclusions. Interest of virus makers to different platforms is growing steadily. When it comes to Mac OS, Linux or Windows CE, it is not so obvious even though news of discovered malicious programs for these platforms appear on the Internet every now and then. Yet interest towards such platforms as Java or Symbian appears to be growing on monthly basis even though the share of malicious code targeting mobile platforms in the total amount of malicious traffic remains insignificant.
Doctor Web follows the developments. Dr.Web for Symbian OS currently in beta-testing will soon hit the market and will be available to all users of smart phones running the OS.
2010 forecast
The trend in the malware design when virus-makers aim to target a wider range of operating systems and browsers will mostly likely persist in 2010. Web-sites with embedded scripts for detection of a target OS and other installed software to provide a user with a corresponding version of a malicious program will also grow in number.
The operating systems market is becoming more diverse with new OS and mobile devices appearing and users taking interest in open source solutions. Consequently virus-makers will keep up with emerging trends.
In subsequent years developers of viruses will not merely focus on bypassing the conventional signature-based or heuristic detection but will be making a considerable effort in creating and refining methods to evade behaviour blockers which can already be observed in the present.
Most certainly rootkit technologies will continue to evolve as well and the technological contest between virus makers and anti-virus vendors will be as tough. It is also highly probable that a rootkit targeting Windows x64 will emerge in the wild in 2010. Many experts believe that it is only a matter of time. A wider application of polymorphic technologies as a countermeasure against cloud anti-viruses is also something to be expected. If a number of unique viruses will constitute a significant share of malicious traffic, efficiency of such anti-virus solutions will be rather low.
Makers of bogus web-sites will reach better efficiency by increasing the number of fraudulent web-resources. Even now anti-phishing technologies implemented in browsers to protect users from cyber-fraud often fail. A number of similar phishing sites can be so huge that ant-phishing watch groups are simply unable to register all addresses in time.
At the end of the review Doctor Web offers you some advice on how to reduce the infection risk. First of all it is recommended to establish a multi-layer security system.
Configure automatic updating of the OS and other applications you use to ensure that malicious programs won’t take advantage of vulnerabilities that have not been closed. Set your anti-virus to update automatically so it would be able to detect latest threats. Remove permissions to perform the general system configuration for the user account used to work in the Internet. It is also highly recommended to disable autorun for removable data storage devices.
Apart from the quite obvious recommendation for businesses to use corporate anti-virus solutions it is also a good idea to establish a security policy and utilize at least a small part of the working time of employees to teach them security basics.
Please, remember that users of Dr.Web software can always contact the technical support service of Doctor Web if a suspicious activity is detected in the system.
A few days ago RITLabs team has launched The Bat! Voyager Christmas Release. It was a pleasure for developers to act in Santa's role and they wanted to continue it; as a result, RITLabs users now can benefit of another Christmas present – The Bat! 4.2.16.
This holiday issue has some new features and a series of fixes. Speaking of innovations, we should mention the possibility to define alternative paths for the "Extract attachments" action in the Sorting Office and the introduction of Elliptic Curves Cryptography in addition to RSA for S/MIME internal implementation.
Starting with The Bat! 4.2.16 Christmas Edition, users can assign folder paths for auto-saving attachments using The Bat!'s Sorting Office. This feature will surely occupy an important place in the process of filing organization. With this new feature users can automatically arrange documents they receive in a way that is the most convenient for them.
Elliptic Curves Cryptography is a relatively new approach to public-key cryptography. The algorithm that uses elliptic curves is more effective than RSA algorithm – for obtaining the same level of security, the latter needs more resources for information storing and transfer. On this basis, using ECC is a good alternative to RSA algorithm. Now The Bat! users also have this alternative and can choose between these two algorithms when generating a new certificate.
In addition to these innovations, Christmas Edition has some important fixes.
RITLabs team wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
[+] Sorting Office: possibility to define alternative paths for the "Extract attachments" action
[+] For S/MIME internal implementation, you can now use Elliptic Curves Cryptography in addition to RSA. You can choose between algorithms when generating a new certificate.
[+] The Menu Navigator buttons are now shown in the menu bars
[+] In an address book, when you import and address entry from an X.509 certificate, now the entry is created with the certificate within
[+] New macros: %SoftwareVersion (same as %TheBatVersion) and %SoftwareSerialNumber (same as %TheBatSerialNumber)
[+] A new action in the filters to export an S/MIME signature, or a signing certificate, or information about certificate, to a file
[*] The word "re-send" is changed to "resend" in menu items to facilitate search in the Menu Navigator
[*] "Capture addresses" action in the sorting office is renamed to "Add to address book"
[*] If an error occurs when creating message base index, The Bat! now reports the folder name in addition to the error message to let the user know what folder is troublesome
[*] "Open Reply" automatically adds folders defined by filter Copy and Move actions to the scope
[-] (#0007627) Some settings in HTML templates are not saved
[-] (#0007440) Images are not inserted from HTML Quick Template
[-] "Find Certificates" menu item of the Tools/Privacy menu didn't follow to certificates in an address book with groups
[-] When you click "Follow" in "find certificates" and get to list certificates from the user's account, the "View" button was disabled.
[-] The "View Folder" window didn't have the Menu Navigator in the "View" menu
[-] (#0002180) Menu navigator's icon (Question mark) is blinking
[-] (#0002309) Menu Navigator does not become unfocused when the window is unfocused
[-] (#0007772) AV when trying to apply a colour group to an account, when no folder is selected
[-] Fixed a caption ("Mozilla's Thunderbird" to "Mozilla Thunderbird") in the mailbox import wizard
[-] Updated default PGP public key
[-] When using S/MIME internal implementation, you can now import certificates included in a signature, but included to an encrypted message as well
[-] The "Find Certificates" feature didn't work with uppercase email addresses
[-] MAPI library could give an AV on Exchange accounts when no MS Outlook was installed
[-] (#0000758) Error message is not displayed when TB! cannot delete the message because of lack of free disk space.
[-] There were an old bug of reading thebat.lng, which might in some cases cause slowness in reading thebat.lng file, if it was signed by an Authenticode signature
[-] (#0007511) HTML display problem
[-] (#0007807) Wrong images positioning in HTML letter
[-] If an error happens when compressing folders on exit, The Bat! now handles is gracefully
[-] (#0007812) Sorting Office: Icons have disappeared and an additional textbox has appeared
[-] Fixed a problem with column widths with Large Fonts
[-] (#0007810) Some messages cannot be printed
[-] (#0007699) Some Macros didn't work when followed by "%-" then a line break and some text
[-] (#0007238) Reply to a message limited to its title (body being void), Access Violation appears using HTML editor
[-] (#0007712) HTML editor inserts wrong font families
[-] (#0005717) "Open Reply" does not find reply in common folder
[-] (#0006374) Large hyperlinks is not working
[-] (#0007775) Improve rendering of some HTML tags
[-] (#0006707) Position of "Table properties" is not centered by default and new position is not saved
[-] (#0007731) Sorting possibilities in the Address Picker dialogue were not the same as in the Address Book
[-] (#0007806) Double inherited parameters for float boxes in HTML weren't displayed properly
[-] (#0007696) same HTMLs disappears after a second
[-] (#0007833) Set user char set for HTML messages
[-] Lost images from quick templates
[-] The "Use S/MIME" and "Use OpenPGP" options were not enabled in the editor during a reply
[-] The option to display Menu Navigator button on the window title bar is now renamed and also affects the button on the menu bar
[-] The "Menu Navigator" was always disabled unless theme services were enabled.
* You can now specify a comma-separated list of users to be ignored/excluded by notify and/or kill actions for long-running queries in ’query sniffer’ interface.
* Added a ‘diagnostic info’ icon to servers in ‘list of servers’ page. Clicking this will generate a report in plain text with the most basic information about the server.
* Added an option to stop/start data collection for a server in ‘list of servers’ page (without opening the detailed pages for this server).
* Enabling/disabling data collection from and/or alerting about all servers can be done from tools .. preferences .. maintenance.
* Enabling/disabling data collection from and/or alerting about specific servers can be done by calling the MONyog URL with parameters. This can be scripted and scheduled using any standard method available with the OS. Please refer to documentation for details.
* Mail alerts will now have a direct link to open MONyog login page.
* Added an option to customize colors used in Dashboard.
* If global wait_timeout setting for a server is lower than the sample interval we will now increase session wait_timeout setting in order to avoid the MONyog.log to grow with a “MySQL server has gone away” message for each data retrieval.
Bug Fixes:
* Fixed some issues with validation of user input. For specific data invalid and unusable input could be saved by MONyog. This includes 1) invalid separator between email addresses 2) Entering a decimal where an integer is required.
* SMTP return codes were neither logged nor were specific messages displayed to the user based on them.
* In history/trends an empty graph would display if server details were wrong. Now proper javascript errors are displayed.
* In connection details page for a server the previous/next links would hide with specific menu items selected.
* In History/Trends, warning message (”No data found in this range, try changing history range!”) didn’t show up for the time-frame in which server data collection was disabled.
* If Adobe Flash was not installed, the message to “install the latest Adobe Flash Player” was displayed more than once.
* Small GUI improvements and fixes.
Noyantis CalendarPro Wrapper update released (v2.02)
v2.02 released of the CalendarPro template. New version uploaded to Members area
Modifications include:-
* The detection of Event moving, changing and resizing has been enhanced.
* A new 'Event Exception' facility has been added to the Recurring Events feature.
* Codejock 13.2.2 compatibility added.
* 'Allow Recurring Events to be Moved' option added.
* 'Allow Recurring Events to be Resized' option added.
* Icon sizes on events can now be specified.
* 'Event Selection' option added to Right Click facility
* 'Max No. of Selections' option added to DatePicker.
* Detection of Event / No Event selection enhanced.
* New Calendar method: 'AllowRecurEventMove'
* New Calendar method: 'AllowRecurEventResize'
* New Calendar method: 'DeselectAllEvents'
* New Calendar method: 'GetEventOrigEndDate'
* New Calendar method: 'GetEventOrigEndTime'
* New Calendar method: 'GetEventOrigStartDate'
* New Calendar method: 'GetEventOrigStartTime'
* New Calendar method: 'GetEventLocation'
* New Calendar method: 'GetEventMasterEventID'
* New Calendar method: 'SelectEvent'
* New Calendar method: 'SetCaptionButtonText'
* New Calendar method: 'SetEnabled'
* New Calendar method: 'SetEventException'
* New DatePicker method: 'GetSelectionBlockCount'
* New DatePicker method: 'SetMaxSelection'
* BUG FIX: 'GetEventAllDay' returned an incorrect value when the event was an AllDay event.
* BUG FIX: 'SetDateRange' parameters changed from STRING type parameters to DATE type.
* BUG FIX: Incorrect time values could be calculated depending on the user's Locale settings.
Now generated classes inherit from the base class EasyCOMClass ( / ecombase.clw).
Now the error message in the class method is generated only if the COM method returned HR < 0 (HR < S_OK), i.e., when HR = S_FALSE message will not be displayed. Previously it displayed if HR <> S_OK.
Code of the methods that uses parameters such as SAFEARRAY. The file ecg.ini consists of subtypes replacement for SAFEARRAYs.
OleSafeArrayClass: Fixed working with multi-dimensional (dimensions > 1) SAFEARRAYs (methods: GetElement (), PutElement ()).
The new version 2.6.4 of NetSetMan (Pro) has been released!
- Data Compare
- Fixed resizing columns when the splitter is not in the middle.
- File Formats
- Opening the File Formats dialog from a file view now automatically focuses on the current file format.
- File Views
- Fixed files with a UCS-2 byte order mark incorrectly detecting as binary.
- Fixed browse dialog crashing when collapsing a folder while loading another.
- Hex Compare
- Increased "bytes per line" limit to 1024.
- Fixed readability when the "Difference Enhancer" option is enabled.
- Linux
- Fixed suppressing saving of sessions comparing temp files.
- Misc
- Added workaround for conflict with Logitech's SetPoint software.
- Added "Browse" command to browse edit/combobox popup menus.
- Activating a view now forces scrolling to its tab header if necessary.
- Fixed incorrect toolbar hints in translated builds on Windows 9x.
- Fixed crash on startup if any of the settings files had an invalid date.
- Fixed Windows 7 information in support zip.
- Fixed "Import Settings" to always correctly list what will be imported.
- Fixed file sizes not to be displayed in scientific notation.
- Options
- Fixed setting Backup "in this folder" option.
- Picture Compare
- Fixed crash when comparing malformed EMF files.
- Fixed "Swap Sides" handling of image transparency.
- Fixed handling of replacements/gray scale/red scale/blue scale.
- Reports
- Renamed text report's "Left is source" option to "Strikeout left orphans".
This version can decompress 7-Zip archives created with LZMA2 algorithm.
Now a password is requested only once when unpacking 7z archives with encrypted file names from context menu. WinRAR 3.90 asked it twice.
This version can unpack tar.bz2 archives consisting of several smaller bz2 streams merged together. Previous versions unpacked only the first nested bz2 stream in such composite archive.
WinRAR displays CRC32 of files inside of usual .gz (not .tar.gz) archives. Previous versions left this field blank for GZIP files.
Bugs fixed:
a) WinRAR 3.90 displayed "Save" button instead of "Open" or "OK" in "Find archive" dialog ("Open archive" command in "File" menu and "Browse..." command in archiving dialog);
b) WinRAR could display incorrect file names when browsing malformed ZIP archives;
c) WinRAR 3.90 failed to decompress LZH archives created with "-lh7-" algorithm;
d) WinRAR 3.90 could fail to delete a part of files after archiving if delete to Recycle Bin was enabled. This bug was present when working in Windows XP, but not in Windows Vista and Windows 7;
e) when unpacking ISO file using WinRAR "Extract files..." command in Explorer context menu, WinRAR could unpack same archived files twice during the same operation. It displayed the overwrite prompt when unpacking files for the second time;
f) hexadecimal search in WinRAR 3.90 "Find" command and console RAR "ih" command failed to find matches if first byte in search string was greater than 127.
We are glad to announce the release of version 2009.3 of our products:
Stimulsoft Reports.Net, Stimulsoft Reports Designer.Web, Stimulsoft Reports.Web, and Stimulsoft Reports.Wpf. Stimulsoft Reports comes with a number of changes aimed at providing a better experience from using the product.
We've introduced numerous new features in our products including:
- The Table component;
- Super ToolTips;
- Save images in assemblies sources;
- Find previous function in the report viewer.
When developing the new version of Reports.Net we focused on improving interaction between a user and the reporting tool. New release comes with a few new components, designer and viewer interfaces improvements.
The Table component
This new component allows increasing speed of report building. It simplifies work with some controls. When using the Table, a user does not work with separate components placed in bands but with the structure of correlated cells. Size change, formatting, data filling all this can be easily done using the Table component.
Super ToolTips
Super Tooltips provide much more information about controls. Now there is no need for you to guess where this or that control can be used. Detailed tips describe almost each button. Super ToolTips are available both in the designer and in the viewer. We believe this feature will be useful both for advanced users and for novices.
Context Tabs
Some components which are included into our product have very many properties. And it is very difficult to work with them. We have added the Context Tabs to simplify settings of those components. On the current moment Context Tabs are available for the Chart and the Table components.
Ribbon report viewer
The Ribbon UI in the report designer is used by our customers since the version 2008.2. But now we are glad to announce the Ribbon UI for the report viewer. New viewer is available both as a control and as a Tab in the Ribbon UI of the report designer.
Find previous function in the report viewer
There was lack of the find previous function in the report viewer for our users. Now this is problem is no longer present.
Save images in assemblies sources
There was an old problem in our reporting tool when it was impossible to include big images to the report body. Now such images will be automatically placed in the report assemblies sources. To disable this property you need to use the StoreImageInResources property. This property is added to a report and is available in the report designer.
Standalone reports
In previous versions of the reporting tool it was possible to create standalone reports from code. Now this function is available from the Save As command of the report designer menu. Please, notice that standalone reports will work only if Stimulsoft Reports.Net assemblies are installed in GAC.
Very complicated preliminary data processing is possible with the Cross-source. Cross-source is a cross table but the results of rendering are not shown in a report but used with other components (can be used with charts for example).
The following minor changes are available in this release:
New BarCodeType.ShowQuietZoneIndicator property is added to the BarCode component. This property is available for the following types of barcodes: EAN8/13, UPC-A/E, and Sup2/5.
The Informix database pack is added.
The Globalization module now supports Tag, ToolTip, and Hyperlink properties of the text component.
Now the export to Word2007 supports hyperlinks and bookmarks.
Some improvements in the database schema retrieving.
The PrintOn property of the ReportTitle Band is hidden.
The PrintOn property of the ReportSummary Band is hidden.
Big optimization of work with memory.
Fixed Bugs
Fix: Some problems with the Pie series and the Conditions property.
Fix: Some bugs with the PreventIntersection property and charts.
Fix: Some bugs with functions in the report dictionary.
Fix: Some problems with the SubReports in EngineV1.
Fix: Some problems with the PageNofMThrough.
Fix: Bug with page events.
Fix: Some problems with the export to Excel and date time format.
Fix: A bug with the transparent images and the export to PDF.
Fix: A bug with the text break.
Fix: Some bugs in the Table component.
Fix: Some bugs with styles in the Table component.
Fix: Some problems with the Cross-Tab component.
Fix: Some problems with the globalization of charts.
Fix: Some problems with the Watermark.Angle.
Fix: Some problems with the progress bar.
Fix: Some improvements in the page resizing in viewer.
Fix: Some problems with the SubReports rendering in double pass report.
Fix: Some problems with page numbers.
Fix: Problem with the OverlayBand.
Fix: Some bugs with the report engine and the report calculation.
Fix: Problem with the Conditions and undo redo stack.
Fix: Problem with the SubReport component and unit changes.
Fix: The Filter expression bug.
Fix: Some corrections in localization of borders editor.
Fix: Problem with the StiWebViewer component and the page number.
Fix: Problems with watermarks in report resources.
Fix: Problems with the search function and the richtext components.
Fix: Problems with the export to PDF under x64 systems.
Fix: Some bugs with duplicates names.
Fix: Some problems with custom application items.
Fix: Some problems with nullable datetime types.
Fix: Some problems with the Wrap property in the Cross-Tab component.
Fix: Some bugs with minimization of the viewer window.
Fix: Some bugs with the PrintOnAllPages property.
Fix: Some bugs in the report engine.
Fix: Some bugs with printing of segmented pages.
Fix: The IStiGlobalizationManager interface now supports Tag, Hyperlink and ToolTip properties.
Fix: A bug in the export to PDF with a big amount of rich objects.
Fix: Some bugs with the KeepGroupFooterTogether property.
Fix: A bug in working with the DBase files.
Fix: A bug with the CSV data source.
Fix: Some bugs with the UnlimitedHeight and the UnlimitedBreakable properties.
Fix: Some bugs with saving reports from the report designer.
Fix: A problem with the CrossTab component and the RightToLeft property.
Fix: A problem with the CrossTab components and the PrintOnAllPages property.
Fix: A problem with the report code generation.
Fix: A problem with the clipboard operation.
Fix: A problem with the Restrictions property.
Fix: A problem with the custom dialogs provider.
Fix: A problem with receiving columns from the SQL server in some cases.
This new version of Reports.Wpf became closer in features in compare with our main product Reports.Net. We have reached full compatibility. Besides, all new features which are available in Reports.Net now present in Reports.Wpf. The only thing is that they are developed on WPF but not on .NET. So whats new?
The Table component
This new component allows increasing speed of report building. It simplifies work with some controls. When using the Table, a user does not work with separate components placed in bands but with the structure of correlated cells. Size change, formatting, data filling all this can be easily done using the Table component.
HTML tags
Now Reports.Wpf completely supports the AllowHtmlTags property of the Text component. All tags which Reports.Net supports are also supported in the .Wpf version.
Super ToolTips
Super ToolTips provide much more information about controls. Now there is no need for you to guess where this or that control can be used. Detailed tips describe almost each button. Super ToolTips are available both in the designer and in the viewer. We believe this feature will be useful both for advanced users and for novices.
Property Grid
The appearance of the Property Grid of the report designer is changed. We believe it will be much easier and quicker to work with it. Besides, this new version of the PropertyGrid component can work with all fields of all report components.
Find previous function in the report viewer
There was lack of the find previous function in the report viewer for our users. Now this is problem is no longer present.
Very complicated preliminary data processing is possible with the Cross-source. Cross-source is a cross table but the results of rendering are not shown in a report but used with other components (can be used with charts for example).
Save images in assemblies sources
There was an old problem in our reporting tool when it was impossible to include big images to the report body. Now such images will be automatically placed in the report assemblies sources. To disable this property you need to use the StoreImageInResources property. This property is added to a report and is available in the report designer.
Standalone reports
In previous versions of the reporting tool it was possible to create standalone reports from code. Now this function is available from the Save As command of the report designer menu. Please, notice that standalone reports will work only if Stimulsoft Reports.Net assemblies are installed in GAC.
The following minor changes are available in this release:
New BarCodeType.ShowQuietZoneIndicator property is added to the BarCode component. This property is available for the following types of barcodes: EAN8/13, UPC-A/E, and Sup2/5.
The Informix database pack is added.
The Globalization module now supports Tag, ToolTip, and Hyperlink properties of the text component.
Now the export to Word2007 supports hyperlinks and bookmarks.
Some improvements in the database schema retrieving.
The PrintOn property of the ReportTitle Band is hidden.
The PrintOn property of the ReportSummary Band is hidden.
Big optimization of work with memory.
Fixed Bugs
Fix: Some problems with the Pie series and the Conditions property.
Fix: Some bugs with the PreventIntersection property and charts.
Fix: Some problems with the SubReports in EngineV1.
Fix: Some problems with the PageNofMThrough.
Fix: A bug with the page events.
Fix: Some problems with the export to Excel and the date time format.
Fix: A bug with transparent images and the export to PDF.
Fix: A bug with the text break.
Fix: Some problems with the Cross-Tab component.
Fix: Problem with the editor of conditions.
Fix: Some problems with the globalization of charts.
Fix: Some problems with the Watermark.Angle.
Fix: Some problems with the progress bar.
Fix: Some improvements in the page resizing in viewer.
Fix: Some problems with the SubReports rendering in the double pass report.
Fix: Some problems with the page numbers.
Fix: Problem with the OverlayBand.
Fix: Some bugs with the report engine and the report calculation.
Fix: Problems with the watermarks in report resources.
Fix: Problems with the search function and the richtext components.
Fix: Problems with the export to PDF under x64 systems.
Fix: Some bugs with the duplicates names.
Fix: Some problems with the nullable datetime types.
Fix: Some problems with the Wrap property in the Cross-Tab component.
Fix: Some problems with the edit page function in viewer.
Fix: Some problems with the Text Format function.
Fix: Some bugs in the data source creation wizard.
Fix: Some bugs with the PrintOnAllPages property.
Fix: A problem with printing in the WPF viewer from the WinForms application.
Fix: The IStiGlobalizationManager interface now supports Tag, Hyperlink, and ToolTip properties.
Fix: A bug in the export to PDF with a big amount of rich objects.
Fix: Some bugs with the KeepGroupFooterTogether property.
Fix: A bug in working with the DBase files.
Fix: A bug with the CSV data source.
Fix: Some bugs with the UnlimitedHeight and the UnlimitedBreakable properties.
Fix: Some problems with Find function in viewer in the single page mode.
Fix: Some problems with the Interaction property in Viewer.
Fix: Some bugs with the font size in the rich text editor.
Fix: A problem with the CrossTab component and RightToLeft property.
Fix: A problem with the CrossTab components and PrintOnAllPages property.
Fix: A problem with the clipboard operation.
Fix: A problem with the Restrictions property.
Fix: A problem with the custom dialogs provider.
Fix: A problem with the receiving columns from the SQL server in some cases.
In our third release of Reports.Web in 2009 we included great many useful changes and enhancements. Among them are completely redesigned Viewer.Fx, Reports Designer.Web that can work with report files directly, WinForms reports designer with Super ToolTips and new ribbon viewer. Also we have made many different changes in reports designer and reports viewer. We have done some improvements in the report engine.
Viewer.Fx performance
In version 2009.3 completely redesigned the Viewer.Fx component. As a result of our work it became in two times faster. It takes less memory. The animation works faster, pages are shown faster, reports are loaded quicker. Now showing 1000 pages in no longer a problem.
Super ToolTips
Super ToolTips provide much more information about controls. Now there is no need for you to guess where this or that control can be used. Detailed tips describe almost each button. Super ToolTips are available both in the designer and in the viewer. We believe this feature will be useful both for advanced users and for novices.
Fonts in Viewer.Fx
Fonts showing in completely redesigned in a new version of Viewer.Fx. Now the report viewer recognizes all modes of the TextQuality property of the Text component.
Export dialogs are now in Viewer.Fx
Export dialogs for all formats are added! Now, when saving a report to any available formats, you may configure export settings.
Save images in assemblies sources
There was an old problem in our reporting tool when it was impossible to include big images to the report body. Now such images will be automatically placed in the report assemblies sources. To disable this property you need to use the StoreImageInResources property. This property is added to a report and is available in the report designer.
Interactivity in Viewer.Fx
In this release we have added sorting support in the interactive mode of Viewer.Fx. Sorting works both by one column and by several columns. Sorting is set using the Interaction.SortingColumn property of a component. Now the Interaction.Hyperlink property works in Viewer.Fx. This makes you able to set hyperlinks in a report.
Viewing reports in Reports Designer.Web
Full list of functions is added to the data dictionary of a report. All functions are structured by categories. It is necessary to drag a function from the data dictionary to the window of editor and this function will be added to a category.
The panel of compilation is added to Reports Designer.Web
The panel that shows errors of compilation is added. It is enough to double click on an error to see where the error occurred. If, in the current moment, the Code tab is disabled then it will be temporarily shown.
Work with files of reports in Reports Designer.Web
New version of the report designer can work with report files on the client side. And there is no need use special forms of ASP.NET. Everything is very simple the Open item of the main menu opens a report from the file using dialog. The Save report as... menu item saves a report to the file using the dialog.
Compression and encryption
There are global changes in methods of data exchange between the client side and the server side of Reports Designer.Web in version 2009.3. Now all information can be encrypted and compressed. By default the encryption is disabled (the StiWebDesigner.DataEncryption property). By default compression is enabled (the StiWebDesigner.DataCompression property).
The following minor changes are available in this release:
Now Designer.Web supports the MRZ format.
Now Designer.Web supports the MRX format.
A new StiWebDesignerOptions.Toolbar.ZoomMode static option.
A new StiWebDesignerOptions.ExitButtonVisible property is added.
A new StiWebDesignerOptions.ShowWizardOnStartUp static option.
A new StiWebDesigne.ShowWizardOnStartup property is added.
A new StiWebDesignerOptions.Connection.RelativeUrls option is added.
A new ExitUrl property is added to the StiWebDesigner component.
Now you can load RTF files in richtext components.
Now you can load an image into the watermark.
Now Designer.Web supports the Informix database adapter.
A new BarCodeType.ShowQuietZoneIndicator property is added to BarCode. This property is available for the following types of barcodes: EAN8/13, UPC-A/E, and Sup2/5.
The Informix database pack is added.
The Globalization module now supports Tag, ToolTip, and Hyperlink properties of the text component.
Now the export to Word2007 supports hyperlinks and bookmarks.
Some improvements in database schema retrieving.
The PrintOn property of the ReportTitle Band is hidden.
The PrintOn property of the ReportSummary Band is hidden.
A big optimization of work with memory.
Fixed Bugs
Fix: Some problems with the Pie series and the Conditions property.
Fix: Some bugs with the PreventIntersection property and charts.
Fix: Some problems with the SubReports in EngineV1.
Fix: Some problems with the PageNofMThrough.
Fix: Bug with the page events.
Fix: Some problems with the export to Excel and the date time format.
Fix: A bug with the transparent images and the export to PDF.
Fix: A bug with the text break.
Fix: Some problems with the Cross-Tab component.
Fix: Some problems with the text formats in Designer.Web.
Fix: Some problems with saving the Horizontal Line Primitive in Designer.Web.
Fix: Bug with showing the AllowApplyStyle property in the Chart component in Designer.Web.
Fix: Some bugs with the copy-paste in Designer.Web.
Fix: Some bugs with the Legend of Chart in Designer.Web.
Fix: Bugs with properties of Series in Designer.Web.
Fix: Some problems with the globalization of charts.
Fix: Some problems with the Watermark.Angle.
Fix: Some problems with the progress bar.
Fix: Some problems with the SubReports rendering in double pass report.
Fix: Some problems with the page numbers.
Fix: Some problems with the Cross-Tab editor.
Fix: Some problems with the DockStyle property.
Fix: Some problems with images in the HTML preview.
Fix: Problem with the OverlayBand.
Fix: Problem with the Conditions and undo redo stack.
Fix: Problem with the SubReport component and unit changes.
Fix: Problem with the StiWebViewer component and page number.
Fix: Some problems with security in StiWebViewerFx.
Fix: Some problems with saving report in Designer.Web.
Fix: Some problems with images in the HTML preview in Designer.Web.
Fix: Some problems with resizing Designer.Web window.
Fix: Problems with search function and the richtext components.
Fix: Problems with the export to PDF under x64 systems.
Fix: Some bugs with displaying CodeTab in Designer.Web.
Fix: Some problems with height of menu in Designer.Web.
Fix: Some bugs with the Save function in Designer.Web.
Fix: Some bugs with WebViewer.Fx and sessions.
Fix: Some bugs with search function in Single Page mode of WebViewer.Fx.
Fix: Some bugs with filters in Designer.Web.
Fix: Some bugs with the PrintOnAllPages property.
Fix: A bug in the export to PDF with a big amount of rich objects.
Fix: Some bugs with the KeepGroupFooterTogether property.
Fix: A bug in working with the DBase files.
Fix: A bug with the CSV data source.
Fix: Some bugs with the UnlimitedHeight and the UnlimitedBreakable properties.
Fix: A bug in the export from WebViewer when WebViewer component is placed on the MasterPage.
Fix: Some fixes in the PropertyGrid in Designer.Web.
Fix: Some bugs with the columns on a page in Designer.Web.
Fix: Some bugs in the report wizard in Designer.Web.
Fix: Some fixes in the CrossTab component in Designer.Web.
Fix: A problem with the CrossTab component and the RightToLeft property.
Fix: A problem with the CrossTab components and the PrintOnAllPages property.
We announce Stimulsoft Reports Designer.Web 2009.3 release
Majority of changes in Reports Designer.Web version 2009.3 are related to the migration of our project to Adobe Flash Player 10. Now in report designer it is possible to save and load reports from files. It is also possible to work with the report viewer directly on the tab in the reports designer. Improved work with fonts is also available.
Viewing reports in Reports Designer.Web
Now it is possible to view a report directly from the designer tab using the Viewer.Fx component. We have added this component to the Preview tab in the report designer. Previous methods of viewing reports are also available.
Super ToolTips
Super Tooltips provide much more information about controls. Now there is no need for you to guess where this or that control can be used. Detailed tips describe almost each button. We believe this feature will be useful both for advanced users and for novices.
Full list of functions is added to the data dictionary of a report. All functions are structured by categories. It is necessary to drag a function from the data dictionary to the window of editor and this function will be added to a category.
The panel of compilation is added
The panel that shows errors of compilation is added. It is enough to double click on an error to see where the error occurred. If, in the current moment, the Code tab is disabled then it will be temporarily shown.
Work with files of reports
New version of the report designer can work with report files on the client side. And there is no need use special forms of ASP.NET. Everything is very simple the Open item of the main menu opens a report from the file using dialog. The Save Report as... menu item saves a report to the file using the dialog.
Compression and encryption
There are global changes in methods of data exchange between the client side and the server side of Reports Designer.Web in version 2009.3. Now all information can be encrypted and compressed. By default the encryption is disabled (the StiWebDesigner.DataEncryption property). By default compression is enabled (the StiWebDesigner.DataCompression property).
The following minor changes are available in this release:
Now Designer.Web supports the MRZ format.
Now Designer.Web supports the MRX format.
A new StiWebDesignerOptions.Toolbar.ZoomMode static option.
A new StiWebDesignerOptions.ExitButtonVisible property is added.
A new StiWebDesignerOptions.ShowWizardOnStartUp static option.
A new StiWebDesigner.ShowWizardOnStartup property is added.
A new StiWebDesignerOptions.Connection.RelativeUrls option is added.
A new ExitUrl property is added to the StiWebDesigner component.
Now you can load RTF files in richtext components.
Now you can load an image into watermark.
Now Designer.Web supports Informix database adapter.
Fixed Bugs
Fix: Some problems with text formats in Designer.Web.
Fix: Some problems with saving the Horizontal Line Primitive.
Fix: Bug with showing the AllowApplyStyle property in chart.
Fix: Some bugs with the copy-paste.
Fix: Some bugs with the Legend of the Chart.
Fix: Bugs with properties of Series.
Fix: Some problems with the Cross-Tab editor.
Fix: Some problems with the DockStyle property.
Fix: Some problems with images in the HTML preview.
Fix: Some problems with events.
Fix: Some problems with columns retrieving.
Fix: Some problems with resizing Designer.Web window.
Fix: Some fixes in the PropertyGrid.
Fix: Some bugs with the columns on a page.
Fix: Some bugs in the report wizard.
Fix: Some fixes in the CrossTab component.
Antispam Marisuite for The Bat! v1.7.0 was released
bugfix: Deadlock on receiving messages
bugfix: Poor performance on receiving large amount messages was completely eliminated
added: Compatibility with IMAP protocol
added: Compatibility with Windows 7
changed: Improved accuracy
changed: Improved performance
changed: Addin become more stable
Our company is glad to announce the release of a new product Stimulsoft Reports.Ultimate. This product includes everything that is developed by our team for data processing and analysis.
Technologies are developed so fast that a component you use today may appear out-of-date tomorrow. We want to help you optimize your expenses. That is why we have released Stimulsoft Reports.Ultimate that is the all-in-one solution for your reports and includes Stimulsoft Reports.Net, Stimulsoft Reports.Wpf, and Stimulsoft Reports.Web. This product is the guarantee that you may have the latest versions of our tools. For the minimal price get access to all technologies produced by Stimulsoft Company.
Bug fix:
* When using the option (introduced in 3.6) to alert for long-running queries from the Query Sniffer interface, such long-running query could raise multiple alerts.
* Added ‘User and Host’ information for long running query alert.
From SQLyog 8.2, we have introduced 3 editions of the commercial version of SQLyog. When we had first released SQLyog in 2003, it had a very few features. We have been aggressively adding new features for the last 6 years. Now SQLyog has got a huge number of tools and features.
Not all tools are useful to every SQLyog customer. In particular we had several requests for a cheaper ‘entry’ edition with the most popular features: HTTP-tunneling, SSH-tunnelling and autocomplete. This is now available as Professional edition.
SQLyog is no longer an “one-size-fits-all” application. SQLyog caters to a very diverse range to customers. Some use it as MS-Access type application for simple database needs while others might use it only to profile and tune queries for a large scale production environment. The Ultimate edition is for those users in particular that have full control over their database and their applications.
We thought it is the right time to have multiple editions of SQLyog. This means that people can start with the lower edition and gradually move to a higher edition if the need arises. This will also reduce the overall complexity and total cost of ownership for several customers.
The various editions of the commercial version SQLyog are Professional, Enterprise and Ultimate. You can find the comparison sheet here.
We have also migrated all existing SQLyog Enterprise customers to SQLyog Ultimate. The yearly upgrade and prices of SQLyog Ultimate are same as SQLyog Enterprise upgrade prices. So if you are already an Enterprise customer your Total Cost of Ownership remains same while you continue to enjoy the powerful tools and features of Ultimate.
Feel free to leave your feedback in the comments section.
Below follows release notes in traditional form:
Changes (as compared to 8.18) include:
* Added a ‘Schema Optimizer’ feature. Based on “procedure analyse()” it will propose alterations to data types for a table based on analysis on what data are stored in the table. The feature is available from INFO tab/HTML mode. Refer to documentation for details.
* A table can now be added to Query Builder canvas multiple times. A table alias is automatically generated for second and higher instance of the table. This is required for special queries like self-JOINs (note: table alias support in Query Builder is an ongoing process).
* In the ‘Import External Data’ wizard same import settings can now be applied to all tables in one operation.
* In MESSAGES tab we are now displaying the query if error occurs during execution in order to make it easier to identify what query raised an error when executing multiple statements.
Bug Fixes:
* ‘Import External Data Tool’ -TRIGGERS did not use the Primary Key for the WHERE-clause if a PK existed on source (all columns were used with the WHERE instead). This could cause problems with tables having Floating Point data.
* A malformed XML-string could cause failure to connect with HTTP tunneling. This was a rare issue only.
* After DROP a ’stored program’ followed by CREATE same, autocomplete would not recognize the ’stored program’ unless after a program restart.
* ‘duplicate table’ has an option to duplicate triggers defined ON that table, but the way we named the new trigger could cause inconsistencies. Now the new trigger will be named ‘oldtriggername_newtablename’.
* Autocomplete was not functional with names of Triggers and Events.
* In MESSAGES tab font could change if non-ASCII characters were displayed.
* ALTER TABLE failed to rename a column when old and new column name only differed by letter-case. Actually the dialogue just shut down.
* A calculation error could cause export tools to create BULK INSERT statements larger than specified by user.
* Import External Data Tool will now always map any autoincrement type from ODBC sources to a MySQL autoincrement integer. Before this datatypes that could autoincrement on source but not in MySQL (example: a SQL Server ‘decimal autoincrement’) failed to import.
* Now Import External Data Tool will convert SQL Server ‘GETDATE()’ to MySQL ‘now()’. Before this an error occurred at import with GETDATE()’s.
* Fixed a Object Browser flickering issue when refreshing.
Packaging and licensing: * The licensing scheme for SQLyog has changed: there is now the free Community version (unchanged) and 3 different commercial licensing models: Professional, Enterprise and Ultimate. Refer to comparison matrix for details . All existing Enterprise users were upgraded to Ultimate at no cost. Also note that this 8.2 version requires a new registration code as compared to 8.1x. Existing Customers will get from our Customer Portal. Please ensure that you have the new registration code available when installing. Also note that Professional, Enterprise and Ultimate installer files are now all named ‘SQLyog82.exe”. TRIAL is named ‘SQLyog82Trial.exe’ and Community name is ‘SQLyog82Community.exe’. The reason for this change is that it simplifies maintenance of the webshop records and download area files for us.
* TRIAL now has ULTIMATE features with the exception that there is a restriction on how many tables and other objects can be handled in a single SJA job (similar to what was previously the case with ENTERPRISE TRIAL).
Just right before Christmas comes this update of Help & Manual 5.3.1! This is a maintenance release, free for all version 5 users.
The update irons out minor glitches in the recently introduced German version and mostly improves performance in combination with version control systems.
Together with Help & Manual 5.3.1 we have also released a maintenance update for Premium Pack 1.2, which now has the version number 1.23. You can check your current version by looking in the main help of Help & Manual -- the chapter for the Premium Pack will display the version number in its title (Premium Pack 1.2, 1.21, 1.22 or 1.23).
Improvements and bug fixes in Help & Manual 5.3.1
German User Interface
The long-awaited German user interface is available since Help & Manual 5.3. The German UI of the integrated image editor Impict, however, still had a bug which created an access violation when selecting non-standard image masks. This problem has been fixed now.
Improved Performance with Version Control
Version 5.3.1 improves performance in combination with version control systems such as Visual SourceSafe. Version control support has received a lot of attention in the 5.3 October update already. This release now significantly improves performance when the projects are bound to a VCS or are stored on a slow file system / network.
Premium Pack Update
The Premium Pack is an add-on for Help & Manual with 14 professionally-designed skins that can be applied to your projects in seconds when you publish. The Premium Pack update requires Help & Manual 5.3 and implements several cool new features, including sortable tables, a drop-down navigation menu in topics (click to scroll to a heading in the topic) and the ability to link to anchors inside expanding text blocks (toggles).
This is a free update if you already own Premium Pack 1.0. However, you need to download the Premium Pack 1.2 update separately (it is not included in Help & Manual installer). You can download using the link you received when you originally purchased Premium Pack 1.0. The installer will automatically back up your old version.
If you don't yet have the Premium Pack click here to learn more about it. You can purchase it directly in our online store.
Miscellaneous Bug Fixes
Copy & paste sometimes not worked in topic options
Text editor context menu: Insert Image item disappeared on selection
HTML Help: some Thai vowels were not exported correctly
Drag & drop in TOC: when the target was scolled in and not visible before, the dragged item was misplaced
The Premium Pack is an add-on for Help & Manual with 14 professionally-designed skins that can be applied to your projects in seconds when you publish. The Premium Pack update requires Help & Manual 5.3 and implements several cool new features, including sortable tables, a drop-down navigation menu in topics (click to scroll to a heading in the topic) and the ability to link to anchors inside expanding text blocks (toggles).
This is a free update if you already own Premium Pack 1.0. However, you need to download the Premium Pack 1.2 update separately (it is not included in Help & Manual installer). You can download using the link you received when you originally purchased Premium Pack 1.0. The installer will automatically back up your old version.
If you don't yet have the Premium Pack click here to learn more about it. You can purchase it directly in our online store.
Noyantis PropertyGrid Wrapper update released (v1.12)
Successful neutralization of a new modification of the rootkit BackDoor.Tdss, that used different hiding techniques to remain undetected and provided an intruder with the full control over a compromised system, became the main event of the past month. Besides, virus makers tended to disguise malware as software that supposedly allowed users to track owners of cell phones, Trojans mainly spread over social networking web-sites while the number of e-mails with viruses has declined.
BackDoor.Tdss.565 and its modifications
On November 12 2009 Doctor Web offered to its customers a new version of the scanner that became the first anti-virus that could be launched in an infected system and neutralize BackDoor.Tdss.565 (also known as TDL3).
Rootkits of this type incorporate latest evasion technologies that allow them to bypass virtually all existing anti-viruses, inject malicious code into system processes and yet remain undetected.
One of such innovates of BackDoor.Tdss.565 is its new installation method that allows the malware to avoid detection by virtually all known behaviour analyzers thus showing that virus makers not only try to make new pieces of malicious code hard to detect for signature-based scanners and heuristic analyzers but also make attempts to evade (and sometimes they succeed) behaviour analyzers.
A hidden virtual drive created by the rootkit on a hard disk in the compromised system became another novelty introduced by virus makers. The hidden virtual disk stores files required for operation of the Trojan. A special mounting algorithm allows hiding this additional device in the system.
The rootkit also infects one of the drivers responsible for operation of hard drives. The malware detects which hard drive interface is used in the system and injects its code into a corresponding driver.
BackDoor.Tdss.565 also takes advantage of other non-standard techniques that make its detection and neutralization quite a challenge for anti-virus vendors. Dr.Web developers were the first ones who solved the problem and results of their work have been implemented in the latest version of the Dr.Web scanner included in all Doctor Web’s solutions for Windows.
Fake location finders
In its monthly renews and numerous news reports Doctor Web warned users against downloading fake anti-virus software which can still be found in large numbers on the Internet.
However, software for mobile devices also becomes a popular disguise for malware. It is hardly surprising since mobile phones have become an indispensable part of our lives. In recent months cyber criminals that exploited the wide interest of users to such software haven't used malware in their fraud schemes. But in November Russian users were "offered” password stealers as software tracking mobile phone users.
It may rain in the Dance City
It is well known that many users spend significant amounts of money to access exclusive content or special features in online games thus bringing income to their authors and publishers. Surely cyber criminals want to have their share too and exploit users’ interest in gaming to distribute malware.
This review describes several fraud schemes targeting Russian users of the MORPG Parapa: the Dance City. Popularity of this game in Russia is growing and players adopt various techniques (sometimes unfair) to gain a certain advantage in the game or receive a special bonus. A user can progress through the game by gaining points but this way is long and tiresome. Another way to reach a higher level is to place a certain amount of money on a virtual account in the game.
Cyber-criminals offered users software that would supposedly be adding a certain amount on their virtual game accounts on a daily basis, give users administrative privileges or help acquire other qualities that could give one an advantage in the virtual dance city.
As a matter of fact users falling for such schemes not only risk to spend their money in vain. It is not uncommon when an intruder acquires the user account information along with the gcharacter that has been in the game for several months. Such a character often goes on sale. To receive money from a victim criminals often resort to such services as,,
Apart from extracting money from victims malefactors could also provide users with free software for “cracking’ the game. As a rule, such cracks disguise malicious programs such as BackDoor.Dax.47.
Viruses via e-mail
New modifications of password stealers Trojan.PWS.Panda and new variations of Trojan.Proxy that were spread via e-mail in previous months were also found in messages in November. But since anti-virus vendors inform users about such mailings on a regular basis, virus makers had to find new ways to lure users into downloading and launching malicious executable files.
In previous months such messages were mainly disguised as notifications from the administration of Facebook. In November users of MySpace were added to the target group. Users of MySpace received notifications similar to those sent to members of Facebook. They were also informed that their password was changed for better security and that they could the new password in the attached file. Some messages also offered victims to download a utility that would make all changes automatically for the user to be able to access his account after the site’s security system had been changed. The download link directed the victim to a bogus web-site created by cyber-criminals.
In order to spread malware over e-mail virus makers often fake messages from well-known respected companies. In November they chose to disguise as NACHA. An e-mail informed a user that his electronic transaction had been cancelled and offered to go to the company's web-site for details. From a bogus web-site the unsuspecting victim downloaded another modification of Trojan.PWS.Panda.
The overall amount of spam related to malware in first two weeks of November remained on the level of the past month. Different mailings with various malicious programs in attachments or with links to bogus web-sites were registered by virus analysts. However, starting from the middle of the past month the number of such mailings decreased by 50 per cent compared with the figures at the beginning of November. However, this downturn is most probably temporary.
The last part of this review is devoted to phishing.
In the second two weeks of November cyber criminals sent users a message supposedly from Google. Composed of few lines of textit offered a user to follow a provided link to learn about a new way to earn money.
In some cases the link could direct a user to the web-page with a Twitter post containing another link. In other cases it directed a user to a web-page hosted using Google services.
In both cases the ultimate goal of criminals was to get a user to the bogus web-site to retrieve his personal information. To make sure the victim wouldn't have enough time to get suspicious, they introduced the countdown timer on the web-site. However, nothing happened after the victim had provided his personal information.
Viruses detected in e-mail traffic in November
01.11.2009 00:00 - 01.12.2009 00:00
10313930 (13.36%)
9528637 (12.34%)
6663095 (8.63%)
6638234 (8.60%)
5457677 (7.07%)
4991544 (6.47%)
3843797 (4.98%)
3266072 (4.23%)
2387930 (3.09%)
2332183 (3.02%)
2164543 (2.80%)
1871829 (2.43%)
1756350 (2.28%)
1740878 (2.26%)
1618177 (2.10%)
1525194 (1.98%)
1273271 (1.65%)
1015421 (1.32%)
886946 (1.15%)
839487 (1.09%)
Total scanned:
77,187,250 (0.0979%)
Viruses detected on user machines in November
01.11.2009 00:00 - 01.12.2009 00:00
568913 (4.92%)
518583 (4.49%)
449187 (3.89%)
441590 (3.82%)
382913 (3.31%)
346204 (3.00%)
312848 (2.71%)
303650 (2.63%)
272309 (2.36%)
256652 (2.22%)
233635 (2.02%)
220766 (1.91%)
201548 (1.74%)
196029 (1.70%)
186965 (1.62%)
183627 (1.59%)
136259 (1.18%)
131735 (1.14%)
123839 (1.07%)
123398 (1.07%)
Total scanned:
11,558,593 (0.0125%)
The new version 2.6.3 of NetSetMan (Pro) has been released!
BugFix: In Win7 activating DHCP when already activated led to an error
BugFix: In Vista and Win7 network drives were mapped in elevated mode only. Now they are mapped in elevated and restricted mode so that network drives can be accessed from Windows Explorer
IE Proxy feature (Pro) completely rewritten for better compatibility
Noyantis DockingPane Wrapper update released (v1.07)
* 'Event Handler' facility added.
* Icons now automatically added to Project List (if filename prefixed with a "~")
* Icon sizes can now be specified.
* Tab Caption option added.
* New method: 'GetPaneClosed'
* New method: 'GetPaneEnabled'
* New method: 'GetPaneFloating'
* New method: 'GetPaneHidden'
* New method: 'GetPaneProperty'
* New method: 'GetPaneSelected'
* New method: 'GetPaneTabCaption'
* New method: 'GetPaneTitle'
* New method: 'SetPaneIcon'
* New method: 'SetPaneProperty'
* New method: 'SetPaneSelected'
* New method: 'SetPaneTabCaption'
* New method: 'SetPaneTabColour'
* New method: 'SetPaneTitle'
* New method: 'SetPaneTitleTooltip'
The new version can be downloaded from the Members area using the original download and registration details contained in your sales email.
Bug Fix:
* If notifications were enabled, program threads were not always closed properly what ultimately could lead to a program ‘hang’. This bug was introduced in 3.6.
Today, anyone who uses a computer is in danger of falling prey to spyware and malware. Recent studies show that as many as 90 percent of home computers have been infected with spyware. Are you susceptible?
Defining Spyware
Spyware is a program installed on your computer, with or without your permission, that can change system configurations, monitor your Internet activity and broadcast the information back to an outside party. Sluggish computer performance, altered home pages, and endless pop-ups are all signs your PC is infected. The milder forms of spyware, known as adware, are simply annoying, with increased spam and unwanted pop-ups. Malware refers to more malicious programs that can rob your PC of its ability to run efficiently, and put you in danger of financial loss and even identity theft. The most harmful forms can collect, use and distribute your personal information, like banking passwords and credit card numbers.
Today, as cyber criminals increasingly set their sights on financial gain, spyware is more and more pervasive and stealthy. By all counts, the amount of malware online grows exponentially on a daily basis. At the same time, the industry itself is evolving, with cyber crime growing in sophistication and even mimicking real-world crime tactics. Malware writers are now stealthily blending threats – made up of different types of malicious software, combining traditional forms of spyware with traditional forms of viruses – in order to infiltrate PCs.
Methods of Infection
The most common methods of infection are through exploits of unpatched operating systems, web browsers, and application/software programs. Other methods of attack include e-mail, peer to peer file sharing, downloading, and instant messaging. Spyware can worm its way into your computer even if you are careful while surfing the Internet. Malicious applications are typically bundled as a hidden component of freeware or shareware programs that can be downloaded from media-supported sites.
How to Stay Safe
The best ways to stay safe online are to prepare your PC, and to use caution and common sense online. Along with having the right tools in place on your computer – at the minimum anti-spyware software, anti-virus software, and a firewall.
Today, November 30, is known as Cyber Monday and it marks the kickoff of the online shopping season. If you’re a savvy shopper, scouring the Web to find the best deals and bargains today, make sure to keep this in mind: Cyber Monday will also bring with it an upswing in cyber scams. In fact, our security analysts at the Malware Labs at Lavasoft have already reported a 390 percent increase in the amount of malware detected and added to Ad-Aware's threat database, compared to the same period last year.
To avoid malware traps and cyber scams during the online shopping season, we’ve put together a handful of basic tips to ensure security — on Cyber Monday and beyond:
Make sure to shop only on secure sites. Look for the padlock icon or a URL that starts with https://. That means your transaction is encrypted.
If it looks too good to be true, it probably is. If you're not familiar with a particular seller, look for privacy and security seals or research them before you make your purchase.
Create lengthy and complex passwords. Passwords can be guessed very quickly by hacker programs, so use both upper and lower case letters, as well as numbers, when creating passwords or when registering on sites.
Maintain your security software essentials to keep malware off your PC. This includes having updated anti-spyware and anti-virus protection on your computer, in addition to a firewall.
Don't make hasty online purchases. If you're hesitant to enter your credit card details online, consider using a separate credit card, or use an ‘e-card’ solution that gives you the ability to create a temporary card number to be used just once or with a spending limit.
MONyog 3.6 introduces real-time query monitoring and sniping, better server management
We are pleased to announce MONyog 3.6 – a major new release. Listed below are the major features included in this release.
Real-time query monitoring and sniping MONyog provides a whole bunch of tools for finding problem SQL (Slow Query Log, SHOW PROCESSLIST snapshots, MySQL Proxy, etc). These tools are great if you want to find problem SQL in an application and tune those queries. However, using these tools to find problem is almost always a post-mortem exercise. In certain situations you may want real-time notifications for long running queries. MONyog 3.6 gives you exactly that. MONyog can continuosly monitor queries in real-time and send notifications (on Mail or SNMP) for queries that take more than a specified amount of time to execute. You can also specify an option to kill such queries.
Better server management Several of MONyog’s customers monitor hundreds of MySQL servers using a single instance of MONyog. Managing large number of servers has just gotten a whole lot easier. With tagging, you can categorize your servers into logical groups, and avoid clutter.
Many people had requested the option to add servers programatically. That was one of the primary motivations for documenting the entire MONyog schema. Some customers want to register hundreds of servers quickly without writing any code. For such situations, we introduced the ability to duplicate a connection with a single click. After duplicating a connection, most of the time you just need to change the MySQL IP or Port. You would probably want to retain all other settings.
Improved alerting system Many users of MONyog have reported that they sometimes receive alerts for insignificant events. And, which is worse, because of this they tend to ignore important alerts! Some of the improvements in the alerting system are:
a) We have introduced the concept of “Delayed alert notifications”. It can now be defined that a problem must have existed for a number of sample intervals continuously (in a row) for an alert to be sent. A global setting for each server is available from GUI. For individual counters the global setting can be overridden by defining the RetryOverride (like ‘RetryOverride:3′) property of the (JavaScript) counter definition
b) You can also choose to be notified when MONyog detects that a problem, which existed previously, has been resolved.
I/O Monitoring for Linux servers MONyog now provides several monitors on Linux I/O metrics.
Get notified on MySQL restart We have also added an option to send alerts if server was restarted between two data retrievals. With managed hosting the MySQL server may be restarted automatically as part of routine maintenance or after a server crash. Knowing when this has occurred can be useful.
Lot of minor features and bug fixes This release also contains many bug fixes, UI improvements and minor features.
REAnti is yet another clone of WiniGuard. This one comes with the same GUI (graphic user interface) as previous ones like KeppCop, SecureKeeper, SiteVillain and AntiAID.
Process Flow Visualization Component Source Code V14.02 is Released!
Monitoring GUIs for C++, VB, Java, and the .NET platform
UCanCode XD++ provides a complete set of services, consisting of design tools and a software development kit (SDK), for developers who want to create a user interface for industrial monitoring applications. These displays feature highly customized graphical objects that connect to underlying real-world data.
Fast, easy animation
Supports fast object animation with an easy mechanism for invalidating areas and updating relevant views. Ideal for displaying moving objects, blinking objects or objects that must update a status in real time.
Developers prefer UCanCode XD++'s solutions because they are easy to use, completely customizable, and can deploy to both the desktop and the Web.
E-XD++ Library is a powerful diagram drawing component for creating professional-looking business, technical drawings and illustrations for your documents quickly and easily. E-XD++ Library is the ideal program for creating a wide variety of flow charts, organization charts, data flow drawings, and diagrams. Specifically, E-XD++ Can be used for building any applications that can produce:
Business diagrams, presentations and illustrations
Circuit diagramdrawing and printing
Organization and workflow charts
Software and process flowcharts
Database structures
Engineering schematics and technical drawings
Web-site structures and network diagrams
Schematic diagrams
Research layouts and maps
Floor plans, street and directional maps, traffic routings.
With E-XD++ Component, you can add advanced diagram drawing and layout functionality to your applications. The E-XD++ Library is a 100% C++ data rendering and visualization system, built specifically for Visual Studio .NET and designed to bring your User Interface to the printed page. Now you only need a few days for building a very powerful HMI and SCADA Process Conrol diagram based applications.
It has the following main features:
1. Ships with 100% VC++ / MFC Source Codes
2. Template setting for process control diagram drawing.
3. Load and save document file.
4. Multiple pages drawing and printing
5. Create connectors at any side of any symbols.
6. Make link line between any two connectors.
7. Over 15 new style links for drawing.
8. Link route when bridge.
9. Real - Time reflesh, you can add time for any shapes on the canvas.
10. All the source codes of the following screen shot's features will be sent to you.
E-XD++ Component is a comprehensive set of C++ classes that allow you to add interactive graphics to your application with a very minimal amount programming. The library encapsulates not only the drawing of graphical objects, but it also handles user interaction with the graphical views of your information. Such as moving, resizing, rotating, alignment, etc.
The leader in visualization component -- FULL VC++ Source Code Shipped!
XD++ Diagrammer Suite is the the world’s leading VC++ and .NET visualization component. Renowned for incredibly rich graphics, XD++ helps thousands developers build applications that offer unparalleled functionality. Outstanding productivity lowers project risk and reduces maintenance headaches. With 10 years of dedicated research and development, UCanCode leads the market for visualization technologies, providing outstanding customer support.
The source codes of this sample is shipped with E-XD++ Library Enterprise Edition, order it now.
GUI Design Studio version 3.5 is now available for immediate download. This is a maintenance release with some fixes and changes based on customer requests. It’s a free upgrade for all registered users.
For customers using any prior version of GUI Design Studio, simply install the new version and your existing licenses will continue to work.
Tree Icons
Until now, Tree elements have come with just a couple of basic sets of icons and the only way to change individual item icons was to place other icons on top.
That worked well until scrolling and item expansion/contraction functionality was added in version 3.3. After that, you needed to jump through a few hoops with components to get custom tree icons working properly.
Well, we’ve finally given Tree items their own icon property so you can now select them directly and everything works as it should. For convenience, the icon selector also keeps a record of the 10 most recent icons for fast, one-click selection.
Other Changes
Slider elements now have a “Reverse Range” option that makes them slide from right to left instead of left to right (for Horizontal Sliders). This will become more important in version 4.0 when it’s released. Vertical Sliders now default to upwards unless reversed and this may have a minor impact on some existing designs.
Based on customer requests, the context menu on the Project panel file tree has been expanded and re-arranged to make it even more useful.
When you connect screens in GUI Design Studio, you’re really building a true application prototype. We want to emphasize this more so, as a rather subtle but pervasive change, all references to “Simulation” are being phased out and replaced with references to “Prototypes”. This will be most apparent with the disappearance of the “Simulator” menu which has been renamed to “Run”.
We realized that a few of the newer keyboard shortcuts were conflicting with the main menu so we’ve changed them as follows:
Go to connection source: Alt+R -> Ctrl+R
Go to connection target: Alt+T -> Ctrl+T
Swap selected elements: Alt+S -> Ctrl+W
Bug Fixes
The Notes panel now behaves correctly when the Design/Activity Bar is floating rather than docked to the side of the main window. Now you can make full use of the design screen by placing the panels out of the way on a second monitor. Thanks to all those that reported this bug.
Redundant checking of the SVN repository has been removed to improve performance in certain circumstances when using team collaboration features.
Changes to project and folder links are now saved correctly. In V3.4 this became intermittent depending on whether other changes were triggering the project save or not.
Property editor buttons have been made taller, where necessary, to ensure that shortcut key indicators (underlines) are visible on all supported platforms.
Download and Upgrade Download GUI Design Studio version 3.5 now and install it over your existing version. If you have purchased a license, your existing key will continue to work.
Version 3.5 is fully compatible with projects and files created in earlier versions but certain features, such as Tree item icons, will not be recognized by earlier versions of the software so be careful if sharing projects with others.
REAnti is yet another clone of WiniGuard. This one comes with the same GUI as previous ones like KeppCop, SecureKeeper, SiteVillain and AntiAID.
It also shows the same behavior of dropping and detecting false infections. Ad-Aware detects REAnti as Win32.FraudTool.REAnti or Win32.FraudTool.WiniGuard.
A Rogue Story: Refining Our Detection to Keep You Safer
We have an Ad-Aware update that we’d like to call your attention to today. About one year ago, we added a rogue security program called Winiguard into Ad-Aware’s Detection Database, in order to keep you safe from yet another program that peddles itself as legitimate security software in an attempt to exploit computer users. But this story doesn’t end there.
A favorite tactic of malware authors is to update their creations, making clones and variations of original programs to try to get past your defenses – and that’s just what the bad guys have proven to do with this rogue. In fact, our analysts have been adding a steady stream of new variations of this one into detection the past year, including as recently as the beginning of this month. You may also know Winiguard by the names of its clones: Blockprotector, Softstronghold, Shieldsafeness, Trustfighter, and Blockdefense.
One of the latest clones in the Winiguard family: Blockprotector
Our Malware Labs analysts recently found that these particular malware authors had begun to use another underhanded technique, this time using anti-detection tricks (we’re going to refrain from going into specifics – we don’t need to give the malware makers any further ideas!) in an attempt to evade Ad-Aware’s detection. But, thanks to the work of our team here at Lavasoft, we were able to uncover what was happening, and implement a fix in our last Ad-Aware release to refine our detection method.
What does all this mean for you? The bottom line: Ad-Aware detects Winiguard, and our malware analysts are continuing to work to add any new clones of this family into detection in order to keep you protected against them.
It’s all in a day’s work here behind the scenes at Lavasoft!
Help & Manual 5.3 build 1025 and Premium Pack 1.23 update
This updated build of Help & Manual 5.3 fixes a translation bug in the recently released German version concerning the topic status.
Furthermore, the Help & Manual Premium Pack has been updated to version 1.23 with the following changes:
* Sortable table tooltips in Internet Explorer and CHM (bugfix)
* NoWrap added to headers in sortable tables
* Quotes and apostrophes in topic headers did not work with feedback button
We are proud to announce the release of Artisteer 2.3 for Windows with support for Google Blogger (! After extensive testing we found the recent release candidate version good to go and this is now the official version 2.3 available. This is a FREE UPGRADE for all Artisteer 1.x and 2.x users.
The following is the summary of changes and improvements over version 2.2:
Publishing web designs to Google Blogger with options for image hosting at Picasa, Image Shack or custom FTP location. Please review export options in Artisteer for available methods of hosting template's images.
Improved support for DotNetNuke, Joomla, WordPress and Drupal.
New textures, glares and icons.
Sample photos included within content to make the template thumbnails and preview more attractive.
Added support for Opera 10 in the "Preview in Browser" feature.
Improved support for Google Translate feature in exported templates.
Included additional DotNetNuke places (regions) similar to Joomla positions.
Improved stability and performance.
Artisteer projects can no longer be saved in trial mode (trial users will need to purchase the product to be able to save projects).
Studio Enterprise from ComponentOne 2009 V3 has released
The best path to cutting-edge technology solutions is yours with Studio Enterprise 2009 v3. This new release brings new controls in WinForms, WPF, ASP.NET, Silverlight, and iPhone; product enhancements; a CSS theme builder; and more. Now you can edit your Xhtml documents and schedule reports in your Windows Forms; create rounded corners in your Web apps; generate PDFs in Silverlight; add an alphabetical listing to your Web page in your iPhone; and more. See what makes Studio Enterprise the easiest-to-use custom Microsoft Visual Studio controls on the market.
Highlights of the Release
New WinForms controls drive desktop development. XmlEditor control and Report Scheduler application join the WinForms award-winning suite. Empower end-users to edit Xhtml documents and assign tasks for scheduling reports. Existing controls such as FlexGrid and PDF have several enhancements.
WPF control suite expands to parallel Silverlight collection. The expansion of Studio for WPF debuts 8 new controls, from basic container controls to media player and property grid controls. As the Studio for Silverlight control suite grows, so will the number of controls for the WPF platform as the Silverlight 3 controls will be ported to WPF.
50+ Silverlight 3 controls strong and counting. With over 50 controls, you may wonder how it could get any larger. This release proves it can. Studio for Silverlight now includes PDF, DockControl, TabControl, and Toolbar controls built on the Silverlight 3 platform. You also get improvements to DataGrid, Gauges, RichTextBox, and Chart.
CSS theme builder and new control to style and shape your web apps. Change color and theme properties in your web app with just a few clicks using Foxy for ASP.NET. Add rounded corners to your web apps with the new ASP.NET AJAX SuperPanel control. On top of that we have added rich new Windows 7 themes to the Studio!
Add interactive scrolling with the ViewScroller control for iPhone. The ViewScroller is modeled after the alphabetic list menu on the iPhone contacts list. It is a great way of adding quick navigation through long lists or lengthy content. Enhance the usability of your app with this navigation control.
SQLyog MySQL GUI 8.18 and 8.2 RC2 Has Been released
SQLyog MySQL GUI 8.18 and 8.2 RC2 Has Been released
The primary reason for this release are the bug fixes (included with both 8.18 and 8.2 RC2):
* Schema Sync failed to set the auto-increment flag when syncing a table having this flag to a table not having. This bug was introduced in 8.13.
* SMTP authentication and notification could fail with passwords having special characters.
* Solved a crash with Query builder while creating VIEWs.
* INFO tab/HTML format was showing incorrect value for table’s data size having values in Gigabytes.
Additionally 8.18 includes Bug Fixes already available in 8.2 beta and RC’s:
* The display of the optimized query from EXPLAIN EXTENDED is now truncated to 2 KB. With long BLOB/TEXT data there will need to be some limit.
* Schema Sync will now query Information_Schema for a VIEW definition. MySQL sometimes returns ‘databasename.viewname’ and not just ‘viewname’ when using SHOW CREATE .
* The fix in 8.15 for the issue that Windows Vista and higher could warn that SQLyog was not properly installed was not complete. It could still happen.
Additionally 8.2 RC2 includes:
* Schema optimizer will now throw a warning if table is empty. Also interface now has link to help/documentation.
This past week, news broke that British police have made groundbreaking headway in combating cyber crime, making the first arrests in Europe of two people suspected of distributing Zeus – a sophisticated Trojan designed to steal sensitive data. On November 3, the Metropolitan Police’s Central e-Crime Unit arrested a man and a woman in Manchester, England on suspicion of helping spread the Trojan, known as Zeus or Zbot.
At Lavasoft, we detect this threat as ‘Win32.TrojanSpy.Zbot’ in Ad-Aware's Detection Database; it’s a type of malicious program that can steal information such as passwords, surfing habits, credit card details and e-mail addresses. According to a statement on its website, the Metropolitan Police say that the malware allowed distributors to harvest “millions of lines of data from affected machines – hundreds of thousands per day…”
What does this breakthrough mean for combating malware? Andy Browne, the team leader of the Malware Labs here at Lavasoft, says that the arrests of two suspects distributing Zbot sends a long overdue and strong message that such behavior is a serious criminal offense and will not tolerated. Good work, Scotland Yard!
Since the previous version came out, developers have added some new features and have made some improvements to the program. The main highlight of The Bat! 4.2.12 is the Menu Navigator and better work with antivirus applications.
The Bat! was always known for its wide range of useful functions. The other side of the coin was the fact that users could easily get lost in this diversity. Sometimes users could not find required menu items. For the same reason, some mechanisms of the program remain unnoticed. The Bat! 4.2.12 Menu Navigator is meant for resolving this problem once and for all.
Menu Navigator gives tips about the location of one The Bat! function or another. Menu Navigator can be found in the View section. Its interface is very simple: users enter the keyword (or its first letters) in the input box – and the Navigator gives a complete structured list of functions related to this word.
For example, if you input the word "address", the Navigator gives you all menu items concerning the work with addresses and address books. When you click any of these items, a whole menu path appears, leading you to the desired function. In this way, you will never lose anything that's in the menu. Moreover, the Menu Navigator helps you to find out about those mechanisms that you haven't noticed in previous versions.
The developers have also fixed the problems that appeared while working with several antivirus programs. Previously these programs had considered The Bat! to be a suspect application. In The Bat! 4.2.12 this problem is solved.
We remind you that The Bat! 4.2.12 is totally compatible with Windows 7 OS. Among the nearest RITLabs' plans – setting up web-like search and cryptographic innovations.
Complete list of modifications. [+] You may now call Menu Navigator from menus
[+] Added support for Japanese interface language
[+] Web-like search is now available in Message Finder
[*] The Bat! Got "Compatible with Windows 7" logo
[*] New command line parameters /ASSOCIATE_DefMailClient /ASSOCIATE_EML /ASSOCIATE_MSG /ASSOCIATE_VCF /ASSOCIATE_MAILTO. When one of the following parameters are passed, The Bat! does the necessary associations and immediately exits. It also returns an exit code (errorlevel) 0 in case of success and 1 in case of error.
[*] More logging when a filtering error occurs.
[*] Viewer/Editor Profile Layout and SmartBat Preferences rearranged to fit loooong captions, font and color names
[*] thebat.exe is now plain exe file without an executable compressor
[*] Viewer/Editor Profile Layout and SmartBat Preferences - FontFace fixed on buttons instead of icons for them :(
[*] (#0006256) Message Finder: It was impossible to delete a simple condition block
[*] The temp files are deleted after displaying the splash screen that may show the splash screen faster when there are lots of temp files to delete
[*] If a message index file cannot be created due to a renaming error, detailed information is given to the user.
[-] When inserting a block from file in MicroEd, the editor window went to background, and the main The Bat! window was activated
[-] In SMTP, the EHLO argument could contain local computer's name rather than fully-qualified domain name retrieved from DNS.
[-] When a user ran thebat.exe under Windows Vista (or later) without previously installing the MSI (i.e. no special registry entries were set), The Bat! did ask for file associations, but couldn't set it. Now it shows an "OK" button with a shield to indicate that it requires UAC elevation to write all the necessary registry entries (to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE).
[-] Added a debug parameter /LOGIPRESOLVER
[-] (#0007696): problems reading certain html messages with latest betas
[-] Some windows to input a single line had untranslatable OK and Cancel Buttons
[-] A colour selection combo-box had a "Custom..." item untranslatable
[-] TBVARS URL Handler, that was used to modify The Bat! settings via external URLs was not associated to Registry.
[-] Fixed a bug of restoring a backup files from command line
[-] Simple MAPI handler couldn't handle the ReadMail command
[-] The "/OP" command line parameter gave an AV.
[-] Fixed a problem with Copy&Paste of the last line of an HTML page
[-] Fixed a problem with anti-virus software when passing data between the DLL and thebat.exe when using SIMPLE MAPI.
[-] Changed "Unselect" to "Deselect" throughout the program
[-] The Preferences dialog was not centered, did not fit 800x600 or similar resolution, and didn't remember its position.
[-] The Message Dispatcher window was not screen-centered
[-] The Quick Template window was not screen-centered
[-] Card file lists weren't backuped
[-] The Bat! uninstaller didn't delete message base files and some files of the common settings
[-] In S/MIME internal implementation, if The Bat! user did generate a new certificate and have used another certificate to sign it, and the two certificates had different algorithms, the generation didn't work properly.
[-] When generating a certificate in S/MIME internal implementation, the "unused bits" in KeyUsage was incorrectly set
[-] Fixed an AV when restoring a TBK file during a first start (when no accounts were yet created) and the backup did contain scheduled events
[-] Drag-and-drop of messages with "foreign" characters in subjects into disk folders could fail
[-] (#0007686) Background in HTML message is not saved and is not sent
[-] (#0007754) Image resizing in the HTML-editor is not saved.
[-] (#0007761) HTML editor doesn't define background colour in message source, when is White colour selected.
New prices for Infix PDF Editor are available: Single User license (Professional edition), 5-User Bundle (Professional edition), Enterprise - unlimited licenses, Upgrade from Infix (any version) to Professional edition.
A Word Processor for your PDFs
Infix lets you edit the text in your PDFs in the same way as a word processor - offering search & replace, spell checking, professional reflow and justification. It also offers most of the features you would expect from a PDF editor such as object manipulation, document construction, security and more.
New for version 4
PDF form-filling
Use Infix to fill-out forms that you would otherwise have to print out and post!
Take the hassle out of form-filling
Infix Form filler enables you to quickly and easily fill-in basic PDF forms such as job applications, planning proposals or insurance claims forms.
Normally simple PDF versions of paper documents, these forms have to be printed out and filled in by hand. Using Infix you can do all the work electronically saving time, allowing you to erase mistakes and then send the finished form to anyone with a PDF reader.
Using Infix Form Filler makes it easy to deal with these electronic forms.
How does it work?
A plain PDF (one that has no interactive form elements) is normally very difficult to fill-in electronically since the PDF gives no clue as to what is a form-field and what's static text.
Using the new Text Plus tool you can add new text to a PDF without disturbing any of the existing text. On it's own this would be useful. However, the Text Plus tool also looks at the layout of the page to determine the size and shape of the text box that should be added.
The upshot of this is that all you have to do is click on the form-field you wish to fill-in and Infix will create a new text just the right size. It will even recognise check-boxes and allow you to toggle them.
Convert to PDF
Print your documents via the Infix PDF Printer to convert them into PDF ready for editing in Infix.
Convert any document type to PDF
All flavours of Infix version 4 include the Infix PDF Printer driver. Once installed, this gives you an additional printer which will convert any document into a new PDF and open it up in Infix ready for editing. You can print from any of your existing applications using the new printer driver and convert any size of document in a PDF. The printer driver is compatible with all versions of Windows from Windows XP onwards - including Windows 7.
Translate using CAT tools
Export entire documents to XML, leaving a PDF skeleton. Then import translated XML back in-place.
Translate PDFs using your existing CAT tools
Most professional translators will be familiar with the concept of document skeletons - exporting the contents of a document to leave a skeleton upon which the translated elements can be re-hung.
A skeleton ensures that the original layout and structure of a document remain in-tact. It also gives translators the option to use their preferred CAT tools for the job together with their valuable translation memories.
Available for other document types, this facility has never before existed for PDF, until now.
How Does It Work?
Infix Pro exports the document to simple XML. During the export all paragraphs are tagged both in the PDF and the XML. This tagging forms an association which allows the translated XML to be re-imported back into the correct place.
During import the software assists with the task of font-substitution when existing fonts do not contain the required characters for the translated text.
It also offers automatic text fitting to ensure new text is seamlessly adjusted to fit the space occupied by the original language text.
The XML exported is deliberately basic, limited to paragraphs, font changes, bold and italic. This should be compatible with most CAT tools and included in the install are some compatibility files for Trados and Across TM kindly generated by one of our beta-testers.
Support for 20+ languages
Hyphenation and spell checking support for more than 20 languages.
Now in three flavours
Since people want different things from a PDF editor, we have created three different editions of Infix.
Form Filler
A free version for filling out PDF-based forms that you would otherwise have to print-out and fill-in by hand.
Full text editing and graphics manipulation plus OCR corrections and the ability to convert any document to a PDF.
Advanced editing with new XML-based import/export for automated document translation plus search and replace across batches of documents.
The Dr.Web anti-virus from Doctor Web turned out to be the only one out of 7 widely used anti-virus programs that wouldn’t give in to participants of the International Alternative Workshop on Aggressive under the aegis of the ESIEA.
The first (International Alternative Workshop on Aggressive Computing and Security was held on October 23-25 in Laval, France. As a part of the event seven anti-viruses were tested to determine if their self-protection could be disabled in sixty minutes. Anti-viruses were tested on Windows machines and testers had administrator’s privileges in the systems. For more information about the testing visit ESIEA’s web-site.
The test showed that self-protection of anti-viruses from such vendors as Kaspersky Lab and Eset could be disabled in 40 and 33 minutes respectively while the defence mechanism of Norton Antivirus would break much sooner, in 4 minutes. The McAfee anti-virus was the quickest to fall and surrendered to testers in 2 minutes. AVG and G Data anti-virus solutions also failed to pass the test. Russian Dr.Web turned was the only anti-virus that wasn’t disabled in sixty minutes. All vendors that participated in the testing received information about vulnerabilities found in their products.
v2.01 released of the CalendarPro template. New version uploaded to Members area
Modifications include:-
* Codejock v13.1.0 compatibility added.
* Codejock v13.2.0 compatibility added.
* Codejock v13.2.1 compatibility added.
* Manual creation of Schedules simplified.
* Additional Week / Month view options added.
* Customizable tooltip formats added.
* Markup Text facility added to events.
* Read Only Mode added.
* DatePicker Class added.
* 'Event Handler' facility added to both the Calendar and the DatePicker controls.
* 'Cell Background Colour' facility added.
* 'Drag and Drop' facility added.
* 'Allow Events to be Moved' option added.
* 'Allow Events to be Resized' option added.
* 'Display Next / Previous Event Buttons' option added.
* 'Display Expand Buttons' CaptionBar option added.
* 'Display Multi Columns' CaptionBar option added.
* 'Display on a Single Line' CaptionBar option added.
* ImageRsc storage variable increased.
* Refresh parameter added to 'SetEventRecurring'
* BUG FIX: CaptionBar would disappear in Timeline Mode
* BUG FIX: Events could be temporally duplicated if 'Ctrl' key held down while dragging event.
* BUG FIX: Threading Issue in c55 when Language resource used.
* BUG FIX: DatePicker ''NewDate'' procedure was not being called when ''MonthChanged'' event detected.
v2.01 released of the TaskPanel template. New version uploaded to Members area
Modifications include:-
* Codejock v13.2.0 compatibility added.
* Codejock v13.2.1 compatibility added.
* Save and Restore Layout feature added.
* Icons now automatically added to Project List (if filename prefixed with a "~")
* Font attributes added to Group definition.
* Font attributes added to Item definition.
* Markup option added to Item definition.
New Options :-
* Groups Expandable (All Groups).
* Group Expandable (Individual Group).
* Hot Track Style.
* Item Layout (All Groups).
* Item Layout (Individual Group)
* Multi Column.
Various new class methods have been added including :-
We are glad to announce the availability of Help & Manual 5.3! This maintenance release is a free update for all version 5 users. If you are using Windows 7, we strongly recommend this update.
Help & Manual 5.3 - what's new?German User Interface
The long-awaited German user interface is available! Help & Manual 5.3 comes with an English and a German user interface. You can switch the language in the program options without restarting the program.
Improved Word and RoboHelp Import
A completely new RTF parser imports Word RTF documents with full formatting and styles. Document styles used in the RTF file are retained and added to your Help & Manual project style list automatically. Winhelp (.hpj) files are now imported with styles as well and the new Robohelp import module can read RoboHelp X6, 7 and 8 projects as well as X5 projects.
Premium Pack Update
The Premium Pack is an add-on for Help & Manual with 14 professionally-designed skins that can be applied to your projects in seconds when you publish. The Premium Pack update requires Help & Manual 5.3 and implements several cool new features, including sortable tables, a drop-down navigation menu in topics (click to scroll to a heading in the topic) and the ability to link to anchors inside expanding text blocks (toggles).
This is a free update if you already own Premium Pack 1.0. However, you need to download the Premium Pack 1.2 update separately (it is not included in Help & Manual installer). You can download using the link you received when you originally purchased Premium Pack 1.0. The installer will automatically back up your old version.
If you don't yet have the Premium Pack click here to learn more about it. You can purchase it directly in our online store.
New Command Line Interface We have implemented a new command line interface for batch compilation and automation. The syntax of the command line parameters remains unchanged. However, we have replaced the old graphical interface with a more efficient console mode that will never interrupt automated build processes. The result is much faster processing in batch mode and better automation capabilities. Please refer to the Help & Manual help for full details on the command line interface.
Version Control
We have updated active support for version control systems (Visual SourceSafe and 100% compatible version control systems using the VSS API). In particular, the manual checkout mode has been significantly improved. You don't actually need to use a VCS for multi-user editing (multi-user editing is built in to Help & Manual), but we know that many users do combine version control and multi-user editing. We now strongly recommend that you use manual checkout mode when you combine version control integration with multi-user and team editing.
View topics with your browser
When creating a new project, Help & Manual now includes an XSL stylesheet for web browser previews of XML topic files. This draft preview of raw XML topics files works outside of Help & Manual in every XSLT enabled web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer). The preview function is designed as an aid for translators who are using external translation tools like SD Trados.
Miscellaneous New Features and Bug Fixes
Windows 7: Help & Manual now takes advantage of the new Windows 7 taskbar features (pin to taskbar, progress display on the taskbar button)
PDF: better character spacing for Asian text mixed with English text, small optical glitch with colored table backgrounds fixed, improved export of OLE objects
HTML Help: improved topic initialization script automatically expands toggles containing search terms when using the search function
Text variables can now be used instead of plain text in the IDs of tables, toggles and images
Print manual designer opens with the PDF template of the project by default and fixes a save issue with write-protected template files
Text with a colored background was sometimes displayed incorrectly in HTML
Image hotspots that contained file links were exported with wrong coordinates
Improved HTML Help export of text in East European languages to include a wider range special characters as Unicode entities
E-Book command line export always created an EXE-ebook, never an ePUB format
Spell checker bug in table of contents fixed
User setting Visual effects are performance optimized is now also applied to the recent projects display in the program Welcome screen: When it is set, the program no longer checks whether recent projects exist. This check can cause delays with projects stored on network locations, particularly if the location is not accessible.
The recent projects list now displays Russian file names correctly.
Automatic image downscaling for PDF did not work when the image was placed in a snippet inside a table.
Font color and highlight color selection and display works more as it does in MS Word.
Webhelp export now requires less RAM to avoid problems during batch export on restricted build machines.
The Premium Pack is an add-on for Help & Manual with 14 professionally-designed skins that can be applied to your projects in seconds when you publish. The Premium Pack update requires Help & Manual 5.3 and implements several cool new features, including sortable tables, a drop-down navigation menu in topics (click to scroll to a heading in the topic) and the ability to link to anchors inside expanding text blocks (toggles).
This is a free update if you already own Premium Pack 1.0. However, you need to download the Premium Pack 1.2 update separately (it is not included in Help & Manual installer). You can download using the link you received when you originally purchased Premium Pack 1.0. The installer will automatically back up your old version.
If you don't yet have the Premium Pack click here to learn more about it. You can purchase it directly in our online store.
This is a maintenance and support release that addresses some outstanding issues that were not addressed with 13.2.0 including feature enhancements and fixes.
Bug Fixes:
* When connected to a 5.0 server compiled without PROFILING option and with Query Profiler/SHOW PROFILE feature enabled SQLyog would still send PROFILING-related queries. It was not properly detected that the server did not support this. MySQL versions from 5.1 and up (also when compiled without PROFILING option) were not affected.
* In RESULT tab BLOB/TEXT data would sometimes not display beginning of data in GRID. This bug was introduced in 8.15.
* EXPLAIN EXTENDED option is now disabled as default in Query Profiler.
The list below shows what is new in the latest installment, 2009 v3.
Microsoft Windows 7 Support Doc-To-Help always has and always will support Microsoft’s latest technology. The latest release works with Windows 7.
Editor Upgrades
We keep making Doc-To-Help’s built-in editor better. The latest release gives you enhancements such as easier list creation, the ability to print files and align tables.
Local Formatting Mode in Doc-To-Help’s Editor Choose whether to allow local formatting in your documents or not. You can either force the creation of styles for formatting or allow ad-hoc formatting such as on-the-spot font selection and alignment.
Preserve Local Formatting When Converting Word Documents to XHTML If you prefer to convert your documents to XHTML for editing in Doc-To-Help’s editor, you can preserve local formatting.
Global Search and Replace
Edit text once and propagate the change throughout the project with global search and replace.
Improved Project Management Enjoy more efficient project management with the features to make copies of entire projects, open multiple projects at once, and backup your themes and templates on upgrade.
Google Chrome and Apple Safari Optimization Rest easy when creating web-based output. We have made sure NetHelp, our browser-based system, is optimized for Chrome and Safari (in addition to Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox).
Codejock Releases ToolkitPro and SuitePro 2009 Vol.3 for Visual C++ and ActiveX
This release introduces many stability and usability enhancements for all components. Additionally, the Ribbons 2010 themes have been enhanced, the Report adds enhanced tree view support in virtual mode and enhanced excel-like formulas, the tabbed workspace gets a new window button and support has been added for Windows 7 and the latest Visual Studio 2010 beta.
Codejock a leading provider of modern user interface components, today announced the release of Toolkit Pro 2009 vol.3 for Visual C++ MFC and Suite Pro 2009 vol.3 for ActiveX COM. This release provides a comprehensive set of fully customizable user interface components for use with Visual C++ MFC and ActiveX COM development.
This release incorporates many new features and enhancements including:
Minimizable Shortcut Bar
The shortcut bar now supports the Office 2007 style minimize feature. With this the shortcut bars width can be minimized to a single toolbar that can be expanded to see the shortcutbar in full.
Office 2010 and Visual Studio 2010 Style Themes
The ribbon can now use the Office 2010 The white theme will use the new Office 2010 file menu button and the scenic theme will use the Windows 7 style file menu button.
Tab Workspace New Window Tab
The tab workspace now supports a new window tab similar to that seen in Internet Explorer. It is an extra tab button that is placed at the end of the tab list. This tab can be used to open a new window.
Excel-like Report Calculation Enhancements
The reports Excel-like formula support has been enhanced to support 2-level group row support.
Report Virtual Mode Enhancements
Many enhancements have been added to the reports virtual mode including multi-line cells, multiple children support and row height resizing.
Windows 7 Support
All products have been updated to work with Windows 7.
Visual Studio 2010 Support
Added support for the latest Visual Studio 2010 beta.
It is mainly an Update for Windows 7 compatibility.
- Improved Windows 7 compatibility
- NEW: NSM Service 1.1.0 (Optional)
Now fully compatible with Windows 7
Improved install/uninstall in the setup file
Changed install folder to c:\{program files}\NSM Service
Bug Fixes:
* Exports as Excel-XML was broken in 8.15 . Empty strings and ZERO’s occurred instead of data.
* ‘Search and replace’ could truncate the result. Also this bug was introduced in 8.15.
* SQLyog Application Manifest was updated to return version information.
An updated version of jv16 PowerTools 2009 released.
An updated version of jv16 PowerTools 2009 released. The updated version contains the following changes.
* Fixed a bug ( that caused the Registry Cleaner to list false positives under certain rare circumstances.
* Added a feature to the Check For Updates feature that allows us to send messages directly to users. This can be in the future used to warn users
about serious problems with the product, if such will be found.
* Fixed a bug that caused errors found by the Registry Cleaner not to be always fixed.
* Improved the speed of the Registry Cleaner
* Fixed a bug that caused some items of the Registry Cleaner's results not to be saved to a file when File > Save List As was used.
* Fixed a cosmetic bug that could cause the Registry Cleaner's result list to become corrupted if the window was resized during the scan.
* Fixed a bug that could cause PowerTools to crash when run the very first time.
* Fixed a few typos from the English translation.
* This build contains updated translations to many languages, including Czech, Dutch, French, Russian and Slovak.
The new version's version number is After downloading and installing the new version, please open the Help > About window to verify you are
running the latest version. Some browsers tend to cache the installation file and therefore you might not receive the latest version but the same old
version you have previously downloaded.
You can install the new version over any previous versions of jv16 PowerTools 2009.
This is most likely the last update for jv16 PowerTools 2009.
- EasyListView.dll assembly is signed now so you can add EasyListView.dll into GAC without problem.
-There is a new "Link oleautcg.lib" setting added in the Global template.
- ListView Previewer (you can call it from template settings Appearance > General > Preview)!
- Possibility to set a Font for the whole ListView (Appearance > General).
- Possibility to set a Font for the EmptyList message (Appearance > General).
- Hot Items (items under the mouse cursor).
- Possibility to set a Font, Styles and Colors for the Hot Item (Appearance > General).
- Example of using Hot Item in "TPS example" (added also a new "Use Hot item" check box).
- New methods: GetUseHotItem, SetUseHotItem and SetHotItemStyle.
NEW DEMO app available.
Note that you need to re-register new EasyListView.dll !!!
* Added an option to execute SHOW WARNINGS automatically if the ‘warning-count’ is not 0. The output will appear in MESSAGES tab. Note: this is not implemented for HTTP-tunneling.
* Improved the memory handling in GRIDS with BLOB/TEXT columns. This fixes some slugginess when scrolling a GRID containing such data.
Bug Fixes:
* A dump containing VIEWs created on an early 5.0-server could fail to restore on recent servers. The underlying reason is a bug with the ‘default’ column in the output of SHOW FULL FIELDS on the early 5.0 servers. But we can avoid using this information and this is what we did now.
* Copy database/table from a 3.x or 4.0 server to a more recent server failed with column names containing special characters.
* If a sqlyog.ini files exists in installation folder it should be copied to ‘AppData’ folder. This is required for upgrading from versions before 6.06. However with latest releases an empty file was created in ‘AppData’.
* The ‘Import External Data Tool’ could truncate strings when importing data from a 4D database. It is actually a bug in the 4D ODBC driver but we found a workaround.
* SSL-connections failed if authentication keys were created with cipher option.
* SQL-exports generated INSERTS for MERGE and FEDERATED tables.
* In INFO-tab/text-mode we will now not highlight ’string literals’. A comment with an odd number of quotes would make following lines display with ’string literal’ highlighting/coloring.
* When connected with SSH-tunneling to a Windows machine with Cygwin SSHD the bash.exe process created for each connection did not close again.
* CREATE TABLE .. advanced options did not set some create-options to ‘default’.
* Execution of some queries would be slow with Query profiler/EXPLAIN extended selected. Most important queries with a UNION were affected. Technically it was an issue with the Query Formatter code and how it ‘hooked’ into the program. This bug was introduced in 8.0.
* Windows Vista and higher could warn that SQLyog was not properly installed due to lack of an Application Manifest. It was false alarm but now such Manifest is included with the installer.
* Functionality change: Before this release we stripped out the database name from Stored Program and View SQL-code when generating SQL-dumps and when copying a database to another host. Also Schema Sync did with VIEWs. This was in order to make it easy to import/copy to another database. However with tables named identical to the database and when database names was a substring of a table name it failed sometimes. We realize now that SQL code inside Stored Programs and Views may be so complex that parsing for the database name and stripping it is not safe. With this release we have stopped this ’stripping’ and Stored Programs and Views will be dumped by SQLyog identically to what ‘mysqldump’ does.
* Alerts can now be sent as SNMP traps.
* Support for MySQL error log. An alert can be sent when the error log has an entry of type [ERROR] and the error log entry can be viewed in MONyog web interface as well.
* Query Analyzer data can now be exported as CSV.
* Updated and added advisors.
* EXPLAIN/view query from Processlist page will now open in a new browser tab.
* Alerts (mails or traps) will now list the ip of the machine running the MONyog instance (request from users who had more than one MONyog instance).
* Graphs/charts will now have new colors that make the graphs more readable.
* Added next/previous links in register/edit servers page.
Bug Fixes: * Lots of fixes for browser-specific issues.
* If identical queries were logged from more clients with same timestamp, Query Analyzer/slow query log would only count that query once.
* Long BULK INSERTS would not display properly in Query Analyzer if the option to ‘replace literals’ was selected.
* Deleting a server registered as number ‘0001′ did not delete the file for that server.
* Windows Vista and higher could warn that MONyog was not properly installed due to lack of an Application Manifest. It was false alarm but now such Manifest is included with the installer.
MONyog 3.5 introduces Error Log Monitoring, SNMP traps, new advisors and UI enhancements
We are pleased to announce MONyog 3.5 – a major new release. Listed below are the major features included in this release.
Error Log Monitoring
Monitoring the MySQL error log is absolutely critical for any MySQL DBA. Ignore the error log at your own peril! Many of our customers wanted an out-of-the-box solution for monitoring the error log. With the latest release, MONyog becomes the first MySQL Monitoring Tool to monitor the MySQL Error logs. MONyog can optionally send notifications over SMTP or SNMP for MySQL error log events that require attention.
As usual, none of the features of MONyog require you to install agents or additional software on hosts running MySQL.
SNMP Traps
We have introduced SNMP traps support in MONyog 3.5. SNMP traps enable MONyog to notify the management station of significant events.
Query Analyzer (QA) Output can now be exported
MONyog customers love the ability to find problem SQL without being forced to configure their applications to connect through MySQL Proxy. While MONyog’s Query Analyzer has complete support for MySQL Proxy, MONyog can also find problem SQL by parsing the Slow Query Log and/or by taking a snapshot of SHOW PROCESSLIST at regular intervals.
The report created by Query Analyzer can now be exported as CSV. This means that you can further customize the report using a spreadsheet or by simply importing the CSV output into a MySQL table for further analysis.
New advisors
We have introduced a bunch of new advisors that help MySQL DBAs manage more MySQL servers, tune their current MySQL servers and fix problems with their MySQL database applications before they can become serious problems.
MONyog 3.5 now supports 220+ monitors and advisors created by top-notch MySQL experts.
Lot of minor features and bug fixes
This release also contains many bug fixes, UI improvements and minor features. You can find the complete release notes here.
MONyog customers can download the latest installers from Webyog’s Customer Portal. To evaluate MONyog, please download the 30-day trials.
We are very excited about this release, and hope that you will like it. We would love to hear from you.
The new version 4.4 of VSdocman has been released. VSdocman is Visual Studio .NET 2002/2003/2005/2008 add-in for the quick commenting and automatic generation of technical documentation from your VB .NET and C# source code files. You can download version 4.4 (4.8 MB).
What's new in VSdocman version 4.4:
NEW: You can include clickable class diagrams in documentation (see example). Create nice diagrams and insert them with <img> XML comment tag. The comment editor fully supports this feature. Class diagrams are only available in VS 2005 and higher.
NEW: You can define unlimited number of user tags for your own sections in documentation. Previously it was possible to define only 5 user tags.
NEW: You can create a table with more than 2 columns also directly in comment editor. In previous versions, you could edit and use such tables in editor but you needed to create them manually with the <list> tag.
NEW: Added Chinese localization for generated output.
NEW: Improved HTML output. You can now open particular topic directly. When you enter URL of some topic in the browser, the complete help with table of contents will be shown automatically. This way it is easy to send URL of particular topic to your customers or coworkers. To get URL of the topic, just right-click on the topic in TOC and select "Copy link" from browser context menu.
NEW: Improved HTML output. The table of contents is automatically synchronized with topic open in right frame.
NEW: The type name XYZ in text "(Inherited from XYZ.)" on members page is clickable link now.
FIX: Opening comment editor with XML comment containing the <img> tag caused freezing of Visual Studio on Windows Vista. Initial insertion of picture worked well, however.
FIX: The "Auto-find" button for searching the hxcomp.exe didn't work in VS 2008 with VS 2008 SDK installed.
FIX: Some <see> links to custom non-API topics were not working in HTML documentation.
FIX: There was no footer text in generated topics with enumerations.
FIX: WYSIWYG comment editor didn't work if the documentation title for the project contained backslash character. This happened for web sites (not web applications) by default because there was web site folder path in the title.
In a new version of Stimulsoft Reports.Web we tried to increase the level of work with reports in Web. Now Stimulsoft Reports.Web includes a new StiWebViewerFx component. This new report viewer was developed using Adobe Flash. New viewer is not only a perfect looking but includes many new functions of work with reports. Now we can say that web reports abilities are equivalent to the Win platform!
New in Exports of Reports
The export to SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is added.
The export to MS Power Point is added.
Now the PDF export is stores the file version of the report engine.
Now you can export to BMP in the monochrome mode.
Now exports to PDF and RTF formats support Bold-style fonts.
Now export to PDF and EMF formats support rotated text.
Now export to HTML supports styles for hypelinks.
New localizations
Localization in Arabic is added.
New tools
A new StyleDesigner.exe tool is added to Stimulsoft Reports.Net.
New in BarCodes
A new Royal Mail 4-state barcode is added.
Now Code128a, Code128b, EAN-128a, EAN-128b barcodes accept the "FNC1" command.
New in Report Dictionary
New total functions are added. They are SumTime, AvgTime, MinTime and MaxTime.
New Connecting, Connected, Disconnecting, Disconnected events are added to the connection object in the Report Dictionary.
New in Report Engine
A new ProcessingDuplicates property is added to image component.
A new MetaTags property is added to report.
A new StiOptions.Engine.GlobalEvents.GetDrillDownReport global event is added.
Now the RichText component supports transparent color.
A new StiWebViewerFxOptions.Toolbar class is added.
New in Standalone Reports Designer
Now you can save reports in the encrypted format.
Now you can create new data sources directly in report wizards.
New in Reports Designer.Web
Cross-Tab is now supported in Designer.Web.
Localization in Arabic is added.
Now you can save reports in encrypted format.
A new SaveReportAs event is added to the StiWebDesigner.
A new ModifyConnections option in StiWebDesignerOptions.
A new BrowserTitle property is added to StiWebDesigner.
Now the ReportFile property is saved to the report file.
A new ErrorCode property is added to SaveReport event in StiWebDesigner.
A new Report property is added to GetPreviewDataSet event in StiWebDesigner.
Some improvements in server part of Designer.Web.
New in Reports Viewer
Now you can save rendered reports in encrypted format.
Fixed Bugs
Fix: Some bugs with the FootersOnAllPages property.
Fix: Some bugs with the KeepReportSummaryTogether property.
Fix: Some bugs with the DataBand and ChildBand.
Fix: Some bugs with the HierarchicalBand and Detail Bands.
Fix: Some bugs with the Cross-Tab component.
Fix: Some problems with Drag&Drop in report dictionary.
Fix: Some bugs in the RTF import.
Fix: Some fixes in formatting TimeSpan values.
Fix: Some bugs with localization of toolbars.
Fix: Some bugs with the Properties function in context menu.
Fix: Some fixes regarding the Close button in report designer.
Fix: Some bugs with the UseLastFormat function.
Fix: Some problems with shortcuts in report designer.
Fix: Some bugs with the CacheAllData property and relations.
Fix: Some problems with the Guid types.
Fix: Some fixes in ODT and ODS exports.
Fix: Some fixes in the RTF export.
Fix: Some fixes in the report EngineV2.
Fix: Some problems in the Text Editor.
Fix: Bug with saving properties from the Interaction in Cross-Tab.
Fix: Some problems with the report EngineV2 and report Cache.
Fix: A bug with the Duplicate function in report designer.
Fix: Some problems with the EngineV2 and Footers.
Fix: Some problems with the HierarchicalBand.
Fix: Some problems in the TimeSpan formatting.
Fix: Some fixes in the Cross-Tab engine.
Fix: Some bugs with the EmptyBand.
Fix: Some fixes in report Engine V2.
Fix: Some problems with the totals calculation in hierarchical reports.
Fix: Some problems with the business objects.
Fix: Some problems with the IIF function.
Fix: Some problems with printing.
Fix: Some bugs with the progress bar in WebViewer.
Fix: Some problems with the Lock and Link properties in standard GUI.
Fix: Some problems with the lexer analyzer and big reports.
Fix: Some fixes in export to DBF, CSV, and XML.
Fix: Some problems with the UnlimitedHeight property and the NewPageBefore property.
Fix: Some problems with EngineV2, Master-Detail reports and the SkipFirst property.
Fix: Some problems with the custom styles in Charts.
Fix: Bugs with the DockStyle gui in report designer.
Fix: Small bugs with the Restrictions property.
Fix: Some problems with dialogs.
Fix: Some problems with the StartFromZero properties in charts.
Fix: Some bugs with the FooterBand and Running Totals.
Fix: Some corrections in work with nullable types.
Fix: Problem with switching localization in the report designer with standard gui mode.
Fix: A bug with saving the ReportGuid property in report.
Fix: Some bugs with the Chart Series Filters Editor.
Fix: Some bugs in the HTML Preview.
Fix: Some problems with the Design method of the StiWebDesigner component.
Fix: A bug with filtration in the Charts in Designer.Web.
Fix: A bug with selection at ValueDataColumn and ArgumentDataColumn properties in Charts in Designer.Web.
Fix: Some bugs in work with styles.
Fix: Some improvements regarding shortkeys in Designer.Web.
Bug Fixes:
* Some queries were not parsed correctly from server logs. Affected queries were queries enclosed in (brackets) and some queries with comments. Known issues still are 1) queries starting with a conditional comment 2) queries containing a ‘quoted string’ with a ” ; ” (semicolon) followed by a line-break.
* Query time could fail to be read correctly from logs.
* Fixed a memory issue when parsing logs.
SVG Import, Graphics Diagram Draw and Edit Component
UCanCode E-XD++ Component graphics diagram solution is a Source Code based framework for advanced vector graphics editor, with capabilities similar to Illustrator, CorelDraw, or Xara X, supporting import the W3C standard Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file format. The full VC++ Source Codes of SVG import feature will be shipped.
E-XD++ supports many advanced SVG features (markers, clones, alpha blending, etc.). It is very easy to edit nodes, perform complex path operations, trace bitmaps and much more.
The UCanCode E-XD++ Component Enterprise Edition product family enables you to develop Any graphics based visualization applications quickly and efficiently. Graphics Drawing and Editing with Custom Objects for .net and C++ Developers E-XD++ provides a complete grahics drawing, display, printing, software development kit (SDK) for creating any .net or C++ displays applications quickly and easily.
The E-XD++ Library is a set of C++ classes designed with the purpose of simplifying the development process of grahics or digram applications for programmers. It supports a wide range of basic graphisdrawing, editing, printing and display features, including manipulating, displaying, adding customize spatial data. E-XD++ greatly simplifies grahicssoftware development. With outstanding panning and zooming speeds. Developers can easily customize every aspect of the graphics display, from user interactions to the graphics that appear on top of the map.
All the vc++ source codes of the following screen shots will be shipped with full edition of E-XD++ Enterprise Edition Suite:
Here is a screen shot of this svg import sample:
UCanCode E-XD++ is also the best source code component for adding any kind of organization chart diagram drawing feature to your own application, it was designed specifically to help you create diagrams for human resources management, staff organization, office administration, and management structures. It will help you visualize and structure information, add illustrations and drawings to your documents and make all this fast and easy, currently, it supports horizontal and vertical tree layout, layer layout..., it is full written with VC++ Source Codes.
Through its Java, .NET and C++, and Flex/AIR graphics libraries and components, ucancode provides the industry’s most comprehensive set of graphics tools for creating sophisticated, interactive user displays. ucancode's graphics products enhance decision-making speed and ability by making vast quantities of complex data more comprehensible and manageable for users. Developers save 50 to 80 percent of development time when creating displays with ucancode Visualization.
The leader in visualization component -- FULL VC++ Source Code Shipped!
XD++ Diagrammer Suite is the the world’s leading VC++ and .NET visualization component. Renowned for incredibly rich graphics, XD++ helps thousands developers build applications that offer unparalleled functionality. Outstanding productivity lowers project risk and reduces maintenance headaches. With 10 years of dedicated research and development, UCanCode leads the market for visualization technologies, providing outstanding customer support.
The VC++ source codes of this sample is shipped with E-XD++ Library Enterprise Edition, order it now.
The UCanCode E-XD++ Component Enterprise Edition product family enables you to develop Gis / Map based visualization applications quickly and efficiently. Map Displays with Custom Objects for .net and C++ Developers E-XD++ provides a complete mapping drawing, display, printing, software development kit (SDK) for creating any .net or C++ displays applications quickly and easily. The E-XD++ Library is a set of C++ classes designed with the purpose of simplifying the development process of MAP or GIS applications for programmers. It supports a wide range of basic mapdrawing and display features, including manipulating, displaying, adding customize spatial data. E-XD++ greatly simplifies MAP / GISsoftware development. With outstanding panning and zooming speeds. Developers can easily customize every aspect of the map display, from user interactions to the graphics that appear on top of the map.
E-XD++ Enterprise Edition Suite is a 100% C++ based diagram Component, it's Gis / Map Diagram Solution contains most basic features of building a high-quality map / gis visual Application.
With E-XD++ Enterprise Edition Suite, it has almost all the features of Microsoft' Visio on Diagram Drawing, Layout, Printing Part:
With shapedesigner application, you can use over 100 kinds of basic shapes to create very complex map / gis Diagram symbols Shapes.
The size of canvas can be created freely.
Advanced print and print preview supports, you don't need take any time on print and print preview.
Export to bitmap file or jpeg file supports.
Create new class shape by open a .H source code file.
Panning and zooming, zooming with slider control. Zooming with mouse wheel.
Full tested on all windows platform includes windows vista.
All the vc++ source codes of the following screen shots will be shipped with full edition of E-XD++ Enterprise Edition Suite:
Here is a screen shot of the MapDemo sample:
and MapPanel Sample
Notes: this sample shows how to add custom property values to any shapes on the canvas. Then with a dialog to change these property values.
Sample AdvanceExport
Note: this sample shows how to split a large canvas into many small images (Bitmap images or Jpeg images), it also shows how to use panning feature to move the canvas.
UCanCode E-XD++ is also the best source code component for adding any kind of organization chart diagram drawing feature to your own application, it was designed specifically to help you create diagrams for human resources management, staff organization, office administration, and management structures. It will help you visualize and structure information, add illustrations and drawings to your documents and make all this fast and easy, currently, it supports horizontal and vertical tree layout, layer layout..., it is full written with VC++ Source Codes.
Through its Java, .NET and C++, and Flex/AIR graphics libraries and components, ucancode provides the industry’s most comprehensive set of graphics tools for creating sophisticated, interactive user displays. ucancode's graphics products enhance decision-making speed and ability by making vast quantities of complex data more comprehensible and manageable for users. Developers save 50 to 80 percent of development time when creating displays with ucancode Visualization.
The leader in visualization component -- FULL VC++ Source Code Shipped!
XD++ Diagrammer Suite is the the world’s leading VC++ and .NET visualization component. Renowned for incredibly rich graphics, XD++ helps thousands developers build applications that offer unparalleled functionality. Outstanding productivity lowers project risk and reduces maintenance headaches. With 10 years of dedicated research and development, UCanCode leads the market for visualization technologies, providing outstanding customer support.
Translation agencies and services, offering dedicated translation services for Help & Manual
ICanLocalize is an online translation service for translating regular text, websites and, most importantly, Help & Manual projects directly.
It combines the advantages of top-end translation agencies with those of freelance translators. You'll get outstanding service, tailored exactly for the needs of your business, at a lower cost than you can negotiate with freelancers.
The team of ICanLocalize has created a self-service translation system, that is stunningly easy to use, yet absolutely professional! You pay for the translation only and don't have to invest in additional tools.
How it works
Create an account at the ICanLocalize website (free).
Download and install the free Translation Assistant application (free).
Use the Translation Assistant to create a translation project from your Help & Manual project (free).
Upload your translation project and get bids from qualified professional translators for translating it (still free).
Select your translator(s) and deposit the payment for the work.
The translator then uses the Translation Assistant to download and translate the project.
When the translator is finished he or she then uploads the project so that you can collect it.
You then download the finished project and use the Translation Assistant to export it to a Help & Manual project again.
Then just produce the final Windows Help files in Help & Manual, as you would with any other project.
The translated help projects are built with the exact same structure and formatting as your original project - just with translated contents.
Translators don't edit in Help & Manual. They don't need to have or know Help & Manual to translate your project.
Help & Manual Professional is all you need. The system handles everything.
When your help project updates, it will detect the changes and just update the translations.
MotleySoft and Great Worth Setting up a Close Corporation
In August, 2009, MotleySoft with Great Worth setting up a close cooperation, MotleySoft be authorized to sales in Europe and America market. MotleySoft with strong e-Commerce service to be the new and growing software companies in Italy. MotleySoft will provide Kingsoft Office and Kingsoft Internet Security software for the Italian companies and customer too. In the mean time, through this cooperation, Great Worth has made new step forward in Europe Market .
GUI Design Studio 3.4 Released With Enhanced Team Collaboration Support
GUI Design Studio version 3.4 is now available for immediate download. This is a maintenance release with some important changes based on customer requests, and is a free upgrade for all registered users.
For customers using any prior version of GUI Design Studio, simply install the new version and your existing licenses will continue to work.
(1) Project Organisation
Now you can re-organise your projects with ease. In previous versions, we restricted the ability to move and rename design files to ensure that references remained intact.
In version 3.4, you can rename files and move them around using drag and drop. GUI Design Studio will track the changes and keep those references working.
New projects will automatically get this functioanlity but you’ll need to enable this feature for existing projects using the “Project | Enable Move and Rename…” menu command. This is a precaution to ensure that team members synchronise project files first.
(2) Enhanced Team Collaboration
Version 3.4 also brings new collaboration features to allow multiple designers to work on the same project simultaneously using a shared Subversion (SVN) repository. Move and rename are fully supported and changes by different team members to the same file can be merged automatically (in most cases).
(3) Image and Component Replacement
Have you ever wanted to change an icon or bitmap image, or replace a design component? Well now there’s a new “File” tab that allows the associated file to be changed. If the replacement component is compatible, such as a duplicated variation, then all navigations from within the component will be maintained.
When files are deleted, we’ve made it easier to work out what’s missing by displaying the filename in the placeholder box and now include the placeholders n simulation, printing and image generation where they were previously ignored.
(4) Other Changes
In order to make the simulation of Browser mode more realistic, Back and Forward now restore the view position (scroll bar states) instead of always jumping to the top of the page.
To help you edit elements more quickly the F2 key can now be used as a shortcut key to edit text for the selected element. You can still just start typing if you simply want to replace the whole of the text.
We’ve also fixed a number of bugs such as making GUI Design Studio use less CPU time on certain machines when idle and transferring project options to distribution files for use in the Viewer.
Here you can find a full Microsoft Word Like Table Component, this also the first full MS-Word like table component that designed for drawing and printing around the world, full VC++source code shipped!
Add table editing, drawing, printing capability to your word process applications within a few minutes. E-XD++ Diagrammer Component is a VC++ Library (An ActiveX Control also shipped) that allows you to create documents for printing and previewing application. It supports multiple rows and columns, text wrapping, multiple text fonts and sizes, headers and footers, blocks outlining, shapes layout, graphics, and more.
E-XD++ Enterprise Edition provides a rich set of formatting options for MS-Word like table creating, editing, drawing, printing, cells and text contained within table cells, this is a much Microsoft Word like table shape. All the features of this tablecomponent can be customized. You can change the font, the text alignment, the fill colors of the cells, you can also lock the selected cells from text editing.
UCanCode Table Solution can be inserted into canvas using the integrated dialog box or directly from program code. Frames and shading can be applied to cells and the cell contents can be formatted using any of E-XD++ EnterpriseEdition's formatting options.
You can also add the table control shape into the canvas by using a drop picker like Microsoft Word.
Cells can be full formatted, you can join all the selected cells to one single cell or split the select cell to multiple cells.
UCanCode Table cells can be accessed in a grid-like manner, enabling developers to fill in their contents from a database and perform calculations on the contents of rows and columns.
By default the following features is shipped:
1).Insert one row before the select row. 2).Insert one row after the select row.
3).Insert one column after the select column.
4).Insert one column before the select column.
5).Join the selected cells.
6).Split the selected cells.
7).Change the fill mode of the cells.
8).Change the font and text alignment of the cells.
9).Select one row with mouse.
10).Select one column with mouse.
11).Select cells within a tracking rectangle.
12).Enter text within the cell. 13).Resize and move the table shape
14).All the features can be full customized.
15).Create the table shape by codes.
16).Create the table shape from a setting dialog.
17).Create the table shape from a drop picker like Microsoft word. 18). Supports multiple lines text editing, alignment.. 19). Design with 100% VC++ MFC.
20). 100% VC++ Source Codes is shipped with full edition.
With E-XD++ Component, you can add advanced printing functionality to your applications. The E-XD++ Library is a 100% VC++ data rendering and visualization system, built specifically for Visual Studio .NET and designed to bring your User Interface to the printed page. Now you only need a few days for building a very powerful label print or report print application.
Through its Java, .NET and C++, and Flex/AIR graphics libraries and components, ucancode provides the industry’s most comprehensive set of graphics tools for creating sophisticated, interactive user displays. ucancode's graphics products enhance decision-making speed and ability by making vast quantities of complex data more comprehensible and manageable for users. Developers save 50 to 80 percent of development time when creating displays with ucancode Visualization.
The leader in visualization component -- FULL VC++ Source Code Shipped!
XD++ Diagrammer Suite is the the world’s leading VC++ and .NET visualization component. Renowned for incredibly rich graphics, XD++ helps thousands developers build applications that offer unparalleled functionality. Outstanding productivity lowers project risk and reduces maintenance headaches. With 10 years of dedicated research and development, UCanCode leads the market for visualization technologies, providing outstanding customer support.
The VC++ source codes of this sample is shipped with E-XD++ Library Enterprise Edition, order it now.
E-XD++ Visualization Enterprise Suite V14.0 is Released
2009 (New Update) For more information (press only) please contact: Paul Chi
UCanCode Software, Inc.
Phone: (86) 28-8535-4545
Fax: (86) 28-8535-4645
2009, HongKong, UCanCode Software announces it's market leading flow/diagramC++ / .NET source code kit - E-XD++ Visualization EnterpriseEdition V14.01 with tons of new features.
HongKong, 2009--UCanCode Software, Inc providing reusable software Visualization components and services that facilitate Visualization application development, today announced the release of E-XD++ Enterprise Edition V14.01, its world-leading line of Flow/Diagram, HMI, Print, CAD and Print components for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2005 developers. This is the long awaited release that contains many powerful new features from the last release! It is also the best release from ucancode software!
E-XD++ Enterprise Edition V14.01 offers software developers several key enhancements to facilitate and simplify the development and migration of "Microsoft-Visio 2007 style" front-ends for applications built on Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC/VC++), ActiveX or Microsoft .NET technology platforms. The E-XD++ V14.01 includes the following enhancements:
1. New BPMN Builder Solution:
2. New Multisim Electronic Design and Simulation Solution:
3. Advance CAD drawing and printing solution:
4.SCADA and HMI JScript and VBScript Solution
5. HMI Builder and Player Source Code Solution:
6. Resize shape with Visio Style:
All the shapes can be resized with rotate mode.
7. More than 50 new other features.
8. More than 20 bugs had been fixed from the old edition.
E-XD++ Flow Diagramming Source Kit EnterpriseEdition is the world’s leading MFC/VC++ visualizationcomponent. Renowned for incredibly rich graphics, E-XD++ helps developers build applicationsthat offer unparalleled functionality. Outstanding productivity lowers project risk and reduces maintenance headaches. With over 9 years of dedicated research and development, UCanCode leads the market for visualization technologies, providing outstanding customer support. with E-XD++ Enterpriseyou can easily build any print/draw/HMI/CAD/Design like applications.
"To date, the reliability and performance of the XD++ Library have been tested through many kinds of diagramming/flowchart- related software of ucancode customers around the World. TheE-XD++ Library now are used in over 40 countries!"
We are UCanCode.Net Software, Inc., a software development company. We have been in business over 9 years developing C++ libraries. UCanCode.Net Software develops high quality software solutions that provide software developers with the most up to date tools available today. All source code is supplied and is 100% MFC compatible and extendable. Developers can easily create authentic Microsoft Visio, Adobe Illustrator, and CorelDRAW style applications within seconds. UCanCode Software can be reached at (86) 28-8535-4545 or by visiting their website at
This is a maintenance release that includes many new features, new samples, bug fixes and more.
This new version has several important fixes and compatibility improvements.
The Bat! 4.2.10 has been tested to meet all technical requirements to be Compatible with Windows 7.
Microsoft recommends "Compatible with Windows 7" applications because they have passed Microsoft-designed tests to help ensure they install readily every time and minimize the number of crashes, hangs, and restarts that you experience. This all helps ensure a compatible and reliable experience with any edition of Windows 7, including 64-bit.
Compatible with Windows 7? software:
- Is tested for compatibility and reliability on Windows 7.
- Passed Microsoft designed tests to minimize the possibility of crashes, hangs, and reboots.
- Represents a commitment that the product will continue to work over the life of Windows 7.
- Meets privacy standards set forth by the Anti-Spyware Coalition.
- Installs cleanly and reliably.
- Eliminates unnecessary reboots.
- Ensures compatibility with Windows 7, both 32-bit and 64-bit editions.
This update has some new features that make a variety of things in Axure RP easier to do like image slicing, importing from file to file, and duplicating masters, as well as a number of bug fixes.
Noyantis Software are please to announce the release of v2.00 of their CommandBars Wrapper template.
Modifications include :-
* Codejock v13.1.0 compatibility added.
* 'Event Handler' facility added.
* 'Initial State' of controls can now be conditionally set.
* 'Initial State' of bars can now be set.
* 'State'' of control can now continually mimic a standard clarion control.
* Alignment property added to control definition.
* Standard Windows Actions added (STD:Close, STD:Cut, STD:PrintSetup etc)
* Standard Clarion Actions now handled for bars that contain Clarion menu content type.
* Min / Max / Close buttons added for MDI Windows.
* More control types added to System Menu.
* Icons now automatically added to Project List (if filename prefixed with a "~")
* Default Font attributes now amendable.
* Office 2007 Theme files can now be applied.
* Office 2007 Window Frame can now be applied.
* RibbonBar Tabs can now be hidden.
* Button styles can now be set per Bar in one command.
* 'Show Gripper' option added to bar definition.
* 'Show Expand / Customize' option added.
* 'Default Tooltip Style' option added.
* Extra Embed Points added.
* ImageRsc storage variable increased.
* BUG FIX: Save & Restore of Window locations corrected.
* BUG FIX: Height of bar area incorrect after bar minimized or moved (Application Frame Extension).
* BUG FIX: Popups were still being displayed when the control had lost focus.
New types of controls have been added including :-
* 'ReadOnly' edit control.
* 'Spin' edit control.
* 'FontSelection' edit control
* 'Hyperlink' control
* 'Image' control
* 'Markup Label' control
* 'Progress Bar' control
* 'Slider' control (including 7 different styles)
Various new class methods have been added including :-
Bug Fixes:
* More CPU optimizations with processlist-based sniffer.
* When installing Windows version a js32.dll -error could stop installation (after waiting a few seconds and clicking ‘retry’ it installed successfully).
* Some counters of YES|NO type had an icon for displaying graph what made no sense.
1. WinRAR version for Windows x64 is available. If you use Windows x64, it is strongly recommended to install 64 bit WinRAR version. It provides a higher performance and better shell integration than 32 bit version.
2. RAR compression speed is improved for multi-core and multi-CPU systems. This improvement is most noticeable in Windows Vista and Windows 7 operating systems.
3. "Remove duplicate folders from extraction path" option in "Settings/Compression" dialog is replaced by more universal "Remove redundant folders from extraction path" option. This option will eliminate redundant archive name based folders from extraction path if you unpack an archive with "Extract to DestName\" context menu command and if archive root folder contains only one folder and no files.
4. Changes in "Extraction path and options" dialog:
a) "New folder" button creates a new subfolder in currently selected folder;
b) F2 key renames a selected folder in the folders tree;
c) F5 key updated the tree pane contents;
d) Del key removes a selected folder in the folders tree.
5. You can enable "Show seconds" option in "Settings/File list" dialog if you wish to see seconds in file dates in file list in WinRAR shell.
6. "Where to check for SFX archives" options group in "Settings/Integration/Context menus items" dialog lets you to control processing of SFX archives in context menus. For example, if you frequently right click ".exe" files on slow network disks, you can turn off "Network disks" options to minimize the delay before displaying the context menu.
7. If you sort files by name in the file list in WinRAR shell, WinRAR will use the new logical file name sorting, same as in Windows Explorer, considering digits in file names by their numerical value. So files will be sorted as 1.txt, 2.txt, 10.txt instead of previous 1.txt, 10.txt, 2.txt. This new sort behavior is available in Windows XP Service Pack 2 and newer.
8. Ctrl+W key combination can be used to close the main WinRAR window also as WinRAR viewer windows. "View as Windows text" shortcut
in WinRAR viewer changed from Ctrl+W to Ctrl+I.
9. New command line switch -r- disables recursion completely. So 'rar a -r- arc dirname' command will add only the empty dirname folder and ignore its contents. By default, if dirname does not include wildcards, RAR adds its contents even if -r switch is not specified.
10. If used when extracting, the new command line switch -ai forces RAR to ignore file attributes. When using this switch, extracted files will always have attributes assigned by operating system to a newly created file by default.
11. If output file name is not specified in "cw" command, console RAR will send comment data to stdout.
12. When compressing stdin data with -si[name] switch, RAR sets modification time of archived entry to current system time. Previous RAR versions did not fill this field, resulting in meaningless modification time for stdin.
13. Message displayed when you place the mouse cursor on WinRAR tray icon includes the archive name now. Previously only time left and total percent were displayed for archiving operations.
14. New 'Shutdown' variable in 'Software\WinRAR\Policy' registry key allows to disable "Turn PC off when done" option for security reasons. Read "Configuration settings/Registry variables" for more details.
15. Better shell extension performance. Now WinRAR context menu will be more responsive when working with thousands of selected files.
16. Improved compatibility with high DPI Windows display mode.
17. Bugs fixed:
a) WinRAR could fail to open tar or tar.gz archive if such archive contained a file larger than 8 GB;
b) WinRAR context menu did not work properly in Windows 7 beta if icons in context menus were enabled and user clicked a file inside of Windows 7 Library folder;
c) previous WinRAR versions failed to rename files having 5 or more continuous spaces in the name. WinRAR shell does not display such spaces for safety reasons, because they can hide an actual file extension. But this security measure prevented the rename command to work properly.
Bug Fixes:
* When backing up a VIEW a temporary table was created on <source>. That could fail if user did not have TMP_TABLE privilege or if the table violated server or storage engine restrictions for tables (but note that we still write statements that create and later drop a ‘dummy’ table when restoring, as this is the only safe way to backup/restore VIEWS defined on VIEWS). We hope to be able to find a better solution soon, but the issue is a server issue that affects all clients - refer to
* When updating from GRID’s SQLyog sends a SHOW CREATE TABLE to ensure that table definition has not changed. But incomplete syntax was used (”SHOW CREATE TABLE `table`” - not “SHOW CREATE TABLE `database`.`table`”). With the new reconnect implementation in 8.13 that could raise the error ‘no database selected’ after a reconnect.
The new version 2.6.0 of NetSetMan (Pro) has been released!
- NEW: IPv6 address management and generation
- BugFix: Removed Windows Server 2008 error message at program start
- If the selected NIC can't be found when activating a profile, a message will tell so
- NIC name additions like "Packet Scheduler Miniport" will be hidden to display a shorter form
- Uninstall /VERYSILENT parameter will now delete the whole program folder without any prompt
- Removed "Please wait..."-message for performance reasons
- Lots of minor adjustments
Two additional notes:
1. If you use IPv6 in any way and if you think the new IPv6 implementation is of any use or if you would like some other IPv6 functionality in NetSetMan please send your opinion by email!
2. Several big new features are in development right now. While some of them are nearly done and simply need more testing others are being worked on with high pressure. Be prepared...
A total of 68 changes were made including:
- The 'Debug Variables' window is now separate from the Script Editor window.
- Added an option to convert a date/time variable to a string.
- Added a 'Close Macro File' command.
- The 'Audio Mute Toggle', 'Volume Up' and 'Volume Down' commands now work on Vista.
- Several changes were made to support Windows 7.
- Fixed the cause of 'I/O Error 32' crashes.
- Fixed Out of Memory crashes.
- Made several fixes to the Multiple Choice Menu command.
Uninstall before installing an older version over a new one
For one reason or another, customers sometimes decide to install an older version of Macro Express or Macro Express Pro after trying a new version. As with any program, it is generally a good practice to uninstall before installing an older version on top of a newer version.
Many times installing an older version of top of a newer version does not cause problems but with some versions it will. If you have trouble after installing an older version on top of a newer version of Macro Express or Macro Express Pro, uninstall and reinstall.
After installing Macro Express Pro v you will need to uninstall if you decide to install an earlier version.
A complete list of changes:
Removed the 'Debug Variables' pane from the script editor. The variable values are now contained in a new, floating window. This window is available under Debug > Show Variable Values. Also, the window will only show the variables that have been modified, making it easy to see what variables are in use by the macro.
Added an option to convert a date/time variable to a string in the 'Variable Modify Date/Time' command.
Added a 'Close Macro File' command. If the command attempts to close the only open macro file, the 'Cannot close file' error will be thrown.
Macro icon paths are now virtualized so they can be portable between version of Windows.
Made a change to the 'Load New Macro File' so that if a macro file is already loaded, the file will still be reloaded in addition to throwing the 'Already Loaded' error message.
If the user attempts to delete a macro that is currently being edited, no action is taken and the user is informed why.
Made a modification to make the emailing of attachments more reliable.
When the system tray icon is specified to launch a macro, instead of opening the explorer, if the macro file is not open, it will be opened before the macro is launched.
When installing an update, the installer will now default to the path where Macro Express Pro was previously installed.
Modified the potential shortkey conflict warning.
The F1 key now brings up the help in the script editor's find/replace dialog.
When reporting an error, the memory is now reported correctly on 64-bit systems.
A macro that is currently being edited can no longer be recaptured until it is closed out of the script editor.
Removed the ability to delete a macro that is being edited in the script editor.
The 'Audio Mute Toggle' command now works properly on Windows Vista.
The 'Volume Up' and 'Volume Down' commands now work properly on Vista systems.
The 'shield' icon is now displayed next to the 'License Information' on the help menu for Windows Vista and Windows 7 machines.
Added Windows 7 to the 'Get OS Version String' and 'OS Version' commands.
Updated the sample macros to support Windows Server 2008 and Windows 7 and to improve reliability.
Uninstall now works on Windows 7.
The trial license now works on Windows 7.
Crashes that occur on Windows 7 now say Windows 7 in the crash report.
Bugs Fixed
Fixed a bug in the 'Variable Modify String: Split' command that caused it to fail if the text contained a '%' symbol.
Changed a default in the explorer so that the macro file is opened the first time the program is run instead of the 'System Macros'.
Fixed a bug in the 'Email Send' command where attachments were not always sent properly.
Fixed a problem where the name of the macro file in the 'Main Icon Action' was blanked out if the macro file is closed.
Fixed a problem where macros could not be deleted from the Macro Recycle Bin if it contained macros from multiple macro files.
Fixed an 'I/O Error 32' that was being caused by running the 'Macro Enable/Disable' command too many times per minute.
Made a fix to prevent additional syntax errors when there are mismatched 'Mouse Down' and 'Mouse Up' commands.
Fixed a bug in the 'Log Errors' command where the checkbox displayed the wrong text.
Fixed a bug that caused Macro Express to lock up when displaying dialog windows.
Fixed a bug in the 'Ping' command where URLs were not cleaned up properly.
Fixed a bug in the 'Date/Time' command where errors relating to incorrect variables were not being generated properly.
Disabled several menu options in the script editor when the 'Script' tab is not currently being viewed.
Fixed a bug in the 'Text Box Display' command where an integer variable could not be used in the 'Delay' field.
Fixed a bug that caused the system tray icon to no longer respond when running as administrator on Windows Vista with UAC enabled.
Fixed a bug in several file operation commands where the destination directory would be deleted.
Fixed a bug in the 'Variable Set Date: Prompt' command where the date field was not a dropdown calendar.
Removed several mouse cursors from the 'If Mouse Cursor' and 'Wait for Mouse Cursor' commands due to the fact that they are custom cursors and cannot actually be tested for.
Fixed a bug where the 'Variable Restore' command would not update the values in the debugger's variable list.
Fixed a bug where passwords assigned to 'All Categories' did not propogate down the category tree properly.
Fixed a bug on floating menus where the focus was not returned properly.
Fixed a bug in the 'Timed Delay' commands where some applications would cause Macro Express to skip the delay.
Fixed a bug where the browse button for the Default Keyboard Remapping Directory in the preferences changed the Crash Report Directory path instead.
Changes to the 'Crash Report Directory' and 'Default Keyboard Remapping Directory' settings are now correctly saved.
Fixed a bug where the user could not step into a 'Macro Run' command while debugging.
Fixed a memory leak that occurred in the window title activation routines.
The 'PostMessage' command no longer ignores variables in any of the fields.
Fixed a bug in the 'Global Except' scope where all of the conditions had to be met in order to have the macro not execute.
It is now possible to completely delete an inline comment using the 'Comment' button on the right-side of the script editor.
Fixed a bug in the 'If Macro' command where the filename field was required.
Fixed a bug in the 'Timed Text Box' command where an integer variable could not be used in the 'time' field.
Fixed a bug in the 'Variable Modify String: Save to File' command where it would erroneously throw errors about undefined variables.
Fixed a bug in the 'Schedule: Idle' option.
Fixed a bug where the 'Multiple Choice Menu' command would create a second column prematurely.
Fixed a justification problem in the 'Multiple Choice Menu' command.
Fixed a bug in the 'Multiple Choice Menu' where some items were split into multiple items.
Fixed a bug in the 'Multiple Choice Menu' command where the '9' option returned 'Z'.
Fixed a bug in the 'Multiple Choice Menu' command where the options for 'AA' and above could not be preset.
Crashes Fixed
Fixed a crash that occurred in connection with the 'Load New Macro File' command.
Fixed a crash in the explorer that was caused by modifying a macro via macro commands.
Fixed a crash that occurred when running a popup or floating menu from a file that is in a read-only directory.
Fixed a crash that occurred when switching from the Explorer to the Recycle Bin views.
Fixed a crash that could occur when creating a new macro category.
Fixed a crash that could occur when opening the Macro Explorer.
Fixed a crash that could occasionally occur when closing a tab in the script editor.
Fixed a crash that occurred when using an undefined variable in the contents of the 'Multiple Choice Menu' command.
Fixed a crash that occurred when the script editor attempts to load the inline comments on a corrupted macro, or a macro that was recaptured using a previous version.
* SQLyog can be started with a ‘-dir’ switch like “SQLyogENT -dir somefolder”. This -dir switch specifies where SQLyog will look for the sqlyog.ini file and where all writable files will be saved. This was mainly implemented for users that want to have all SQLyog-related files on a removable drive or some kind of encrypted storage. Note that if you use the setting in ‘preferences’ to store TAGS file some specific place the ‘preferences’ setting will still have effect, also if the -dir switch is used.
* Improved/rearranged the GRIDS in Data Sync and Import External Data wizards.
* SJA mail functionality now supports SSL/TLS encryption. This applies to SJA for Linux and SJA for Windows running on Windows, but not SJA for Windows running on Wine, as we did not find any way to access encryption functionality from Wine.
* ALTER VIEW will now format the SELECT-part of the VIEW definition.
* Now all batch jobs will not generate BULK INSERTS larger than 16MB (like already implemented in Import External Data in 8.11).
* In CREATE/ALTER TABLE the charset and collation columns can now be hidden for better overview (most users never use it).
* When updating from DATA or RESULT grid the UPDATE statement will now only list columns that were changed. That results in more readable statements and may also improve performance with ‘wide’ tables and tables with large BLOB/TEXT columns.
* As a consequence of the above the restriction, that a grid containing spatial or binary data could not be updated, has been lifted (but such columns themselves still cannot be updated from the grid).
* Added an option to perform backups in a single transaction (similar to ‘mysqldump’ “–single-transaction” option).
* The connection manager has been redesigned to allow for longer connection names. Also the ‘…’ button was renamed to ‘rename’ (what was what it always did).
* Added support for MySQL compressed protocol in both SQLyog GUI and SJA. Please see detailed note below.
* Added an option for user to specify the timeout setting for the session (note: it will work with MySQL 4.1 and up only as earlier versions do not support SESSION variables). Please see detailed note below.
* Now SQLyog logs to the sqlyog.err file if memory allocation fails with string manipulation (for example when handling blob/text data where a single value may be larger than available memory).
* Version parameter was added to SJA. You can now execute “sja –version” or “sja -v” and version will be returned. Before only the file size could be used to detect the SJA version.
* Now full GUI support for all charsets added to MySQL after 5.1. Everywhere SQLyog presents user for a list of available charsets and collations the server will be queried about this information. Before it was not like that everywhere!
* If the custom size for bulk insert in ‘preferences’ is larger than server default, then SQLyog will use the server default for generating BULK INSERT statements. Users overlooked/forgot that they had specified a setting. As a result backups that would not restore on same server could occur. Also now user specification is restricted to 5 digits (what means it will have to be less than 100 MB).
* The various options available for backups have been reorganized in GUI to make it more clear what options have effect on the source server while backup job is running and what options are options that are written to the file.
* A new query tab can now be opened by double-clicking in the unused space to the right of existing open tabs.
Bug Fixes:
* Edit menu showed F5 for both Refresh and Execute Query.
* Autocapitalisation settings had effect where they should not. It has now been disabled in MESSAGES tab and in the error dialogue.
* Non-column results (like functions, expressions etc.) were affected by column-width persistence feature what they should not (it had weird effects sometimes).
* Various places a horizontal scrollbar displayed where it was not required.
* Fixed wrong behavior with GRID scroll bar after resize.
* ALTER TABLE dialogue executed SHOW TABLE STATUS with no LIKE-clause. That could be slow with a large number of big InnoDB tables in a database.
* PROFILER tab sometimes did not show after executing multiple queries.
* After doing FILTER in DATA tab, LIMIT would be reset to previous value.
* A ‘duplicate key’ error would occur with batch jobs (including Data Sync) if an autoincrement column had a ‘0′ value. We now set ‘NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO’ sql_mode for batch jobs.
* On Wine F8 keyboard shortcut was only functional after executing a query.
* When copy database/table from a MySQL server 5.1 or higher to a 3.x or 4.0 server timestamps with ON UPDATE-clause caused a syntax error as ON UPDATE is not valid on such target. There was no issue when source was 5.0 as we transform the CREATE statement. But the condition had a bug so it did not work with 5.1+ .
* It was not possible to enter an empty string in the GUI for ENUM/SET management.
* When queries were inserted from ‘edit .. paste SQL statements’ menu the tokenizer editor component could fail to identify exactly where a statement started and stopped. Reason was that the tokenizer expects Windows linebreaks (\r\n) but templates contained Unix linebreaks (\n).
* SQLyog could fail to save properly from RESULT tab if PK-column(s) were not displayed in GRID (an incorrect WHERE-clause was generated). This bug was introduced in 8.1.
* Data Sync could throw an incorrect ‘AUTO INCREMENT definition mismatch’ error for data types (like TIMESTAMP type) where auto-increment does not apply with specific schemas. Also this bug affected Schema Sync.
* Fixed a crash in Scheduled Backup.
* A scheduled SJA job raised an internal error code in the Windows scheduler. It had no effect on the job as such (queries were executed, mails were sent), but various monitoring tools for Windows servers would raise an alert.
* Emptying a database rendered Autocomplete non-functional for the session.
* Fixed an issue with Schema Sync if the same ’stored program’ was formatted differently on source and target. Target was not always synced properly and SS would detect differences forever.
* On Wine Data Sync could pop up a message that SJA had crashed. But actually it only crashed after user clicked OK in the dialogue.
* ‘reorder columns’ threw away ” (empty string) DEFAULTs for string columns.
* When data were changed in GRIDs and the GRID-curser was moved to another row of the GRID by right-clicking in a cell of another row of the GRID, no UPDATE statement was sent (left-click and arrow-down key worked as expected).
* With low wait_timeout setting on <target> it could happen that Data Sync took more time than this setting to prepare a BULK INSERT statement. Connection to <target> would be lost and sync not completed. We now SET wait_timeout = 28800 in Data Sync. Also ‘restore from SQL dump’ will now do the same.
* Mails sent by SJA could truncate a HTML tag for background color. ‘white’ would become ‘hite’. The display with specific email clients was unpredictable.
* When data sync used the option to generate a sync script the sja.log displayed ZERO’s for inserted, updated and deleted rows. Now the log will display what was written to the script instead.
* When a routine body contained empty lines, Schema Sync would sometimes not sync such empty lines properly. Schema Sync would then detect differences forever.
* In INFO tab/HTML-view empty lines in a routine body could be ’stripped out’.
* ‘copy database’ failed to copy triggers when selecting only triggers for copy.
* In various error dialogues we will now truncate query strings to 2 KB. Before there was no limit.
Miscellaneous: * SQLyog reconnects are now coded differently (now the MySQL API reconnect option is used - before it was our own code). The new code means that with SSH-tunnel it will now not be necessary to re-instantiate PLINK (the running PLINK instance will be used). As a consequence SQLyog will now not log to HISTORY when SQLyog reconnected in most situations. However a PLINK<->SSHD reconnect will still be logged always.
Additional comments: * DO NOT take for granted that use of compressed protocol will always increase performance, because the truth is that most often it will make things slower. Use of compressed protocol will decrease the amount of data to be transferred over the network, but it will result in additional load on both the server and the client (due to compressing and uncompressing). You should never use the option when connecting to MySQL on local machine, on local network or over a fast Internet connection. With slower connections however using this option may improve overall performance. It is impossible to be more specific as most Internet connections have asymmetric properties that differ across Internet providers and telecom companies.
* The option to define timeout for the session (different from the global setting) is possible with MySQL servers from 5.0 and up. However most users will not need to care about it - not even if server (global) timeout setting is low. SQLyog will reconnect if connection was lost since last query was run. Most often user does not even notice. However we have reports of situations where the network takes very long time to process such reconnect requests. In this situation setting the timeout from the client will prevent the situation to occur. Also SSH-users connecting to SSH servers/daemons that are slow to establish connection and where MySQL has a low timeout setting can use this option with advantage.
SJA for Linux:
* As usual with a new SQLyog release also SJA for Linux was updated with the fixes and additions that apply.
* Important note: The C++ shared libary that SJA needs to run ( is now linked dynamically (before it was statically).
An updated version of jv16 PowerTools 2009 released. The updated version contains the following changes.
* Fixed a few bugs that caused the Registry Cleaner not to list certain errors (although valid errors).
* Improved the safety of the Registry Cleaner.
* Made the aggressive settings of the Registry Cleaner more aggressive.
* Improved the Debug Log system to create better log files with less duplicate information.
* Many bugs fixed, mostly cosmetic.
You can install the new version over any previous versions of jv16 PowerTools 2009.
Bug Fixes:
* Fixed a major memory leak issue in processlist based sniffer. Also some other small leaks were fixed.
* Using the option to ’show only changed values’ in HISTORY/TRENDS would show an empty result for counters having non-integer values.
* On systems running Kaspersky security software ‘test connection’ could show an empty messagebox. Kapersky filtered. We have changed the text of the message so that it does not happen now.
Lindersoft ships SetupBuilder 7.0 Installation System
Powerful Windows 7 (RTM) Compatible Installation Suites Offer Software Developers A Full Array of State-of-the-Art Setup Authoring/Installation Tools
August 06, 2009 - Lindersoft, a global leader in the development of installation software for Windows applications, today introduced SetupBuilder 7.0 Installation System. With this announcement, Lindersoft raises the competitive bar by further enhancing the first installation system for Windows 7 (RTM) and Windows Server 2008 R2 (RTM).
"Lindersoft is committed to providing quick, easy installation solutions, and SetupBuilder 7.0 is the next step in doing just that. Working closely with our customers on the development of this new version, we continue to enhance SetupBuilder to provide advanced power and functionality needed to develop and manage Windows 7 installations," says Friedrich Linder, owner of Lindersoft. "With this new product, programmers can be sure their applications will install on Windows 7 and commercial software developers can meet the requirements for adding the new Microsoft Windows 7 Logo to their products."
Our customers are the focus of our development effort. They have told us what they need to make software distribution work for them, and we have incorporated that into our products. Thousands of developers around the world trust Lindersoft's versatile, easy-to-use installation tools for deploying their Windows applications. Version 7.0 will make their job easier, and when customers choose our Developer Edition they will not only have the leading edge installation tool, but a complete solution.
Any organization planning to move its applications to the Windows 7 platform will be able to use SetupBuilder to comply with this new industry standard. Version 7.0 includes new and enhanced functionality that will further reduce the time needed by software developers and systems administrators to create installations and distribute them to end user desktops in any Windows environment. It provides updates to the easy-to-use Visualizers that includes Lindersoft's point-and-click method of scripting technology for simple creation of installations. Version 7.0 also includes enhancements to the Script Editor, which developers use to create powerful, customized installations.
SetupBuilder Developer Edition Developer Edition is a best-of-breed product for setup developers who want complete control over their installations. In addition to all functions found in SetupBuilder Professional, the Developer Edition flagship provides advanced features such as Web Installation and Web Update (live update) for creating dynamic Internet-based installations, a Visual Dialog Editor for quickly customizing the user interface, setupPROTECT to maximize your profit potential, a Visual Debugger to troubleshoot your installations by monitoring it as it runs, multi-language support, and much more.
SetupBuilder Professional Edition
Professional Edition is a must-have tool for developers who need a more sophisticated installation suite with script writing capability. SetupBuilder Professional includes a delta patch feature, for creating compact installation patches to update older versions of applications, and many other advanced features, including built-in DLL and Windows API calling, and a script editor.
v1.19 released of the ShortcutBar template. New version uploaded to Members area
Modifications include:-
Codejock v13.1.0 compatibility added.
Extra Embed Points added.
Item content type enhanced to allow for easier integration with other Noyantis templates.
BUG FIX: Navigation Tree visual selection error in C7.
New Kerio Web Filter with 53 content categories Identify and block sites containing harmful or objectionable content including malware, viruses, phishing exploits and much more.
Web-based Admin Console for easy policy management
Manage all core components of Kerio WinRoute Firewall, including link load balancing and VPN, from any browser.
Configuration import/export wizard for speedy system recovery or migration Export system configuration and SSL certificates and import onto new or improved hardware using the Web Admin.
Kerio VPN Client now for Mac OS X Snow Leopard
Latest Mac version support added to existing Mac, Windows and Linux support.
An updated version of jv16 PowerTools 2009 released.
Here is a test version It contains these bug fixes and improvements to the debugging system made in order to fix the problem of the Registry Cleaner freezing before completing the scan. So, if you experience the problem of the Registry Cleaner not ever finishing, please create a debug log and send it to this thread.
This version is released here for testing because of the large number of changes (bug fixes), and because a few issues that were not yet fixed (Registry Cleaner hanging on some systems). The final version will be released after these issues have been solved, hopefully within a week.
Bill Blinn, our devoted user, wrote an article about The Bat!'s new version. We liked it a lot and want you to have a look at it. Here are some extracts from Bill's article.
First of all, he puts a rhetoric question: "Have you dashed off a quick e-mail, sent it, and immediately: (a)Realized that you left out something important, (b)Wished that you hadn't sent the message, or (c)Noticed a misspelled word as the application was closing the message and queuing it for delivery?".
Immediately after that, he gives his answer: "The Bat comes to the rescue with a "delayed send" option and you get to choose the delay: 1 minute, 5 minutes, 23 minutes, 2 hours, 1 day. Whatever. It's your choice. And that's just one small reason why my favorite e-mail program has been The Bat for more than a decade".
RITLabs draws users' attention to the new version of The Bat! email program. This version has a series of major improvements described below.
The most important novelty of The Bat! 4.2.9 is the improved work with antivirus programs. In previous versions, while working with The Bat! through .bav modules interface, some antiviruses stated that "the object can't be checked for viruses" even when the object was infected. Now every object is checked using The Bat! Anti-Virus Plugin API mechanism. If the external module detects a virus, The Bat! generates a correct user message containing the name of the virus and other information, and performs a correct action indicated in the setup interface: "Try to cure infected parts", "Remove infected parts", "Forward the message to self", "Delete the message", "Move to the Quarantine folder", "Send notification to the sender".
Another improvement concerns windows that appear on the display before the main window of The Bat!. In previous versions they did not appear on the Windows taskbar. In this way, issues of mailbox password or USB key PIN-code input before the launch of the program were lost among other windows and could only be found by minimizing other windows. In The Bat! 4.2.9 all the preliminary windows (for example, mailbox creation wizard that appears on the first launch of The Bat!) can be seen on the taskbar after user switches focus from The Bat! to an other program (for example, for copying his email into Clipboard). This gives the opportunity to return quickly to The Bat! windows.
An important addition that was implemented in The Bat! 4.2.9 is the option to indicate the language in template macros related to date and time. For example, in previous versions, while working with the English interface of The Bat! in a German Windows OS, the quotation of the message being answered started with "You wrote Sonntag, 5. Juli 2009" – an unpleasant mix of English and German words. Now users have the possibility to have an introduction in indicated languages, like "You wrote on July, 5, 2009, at 13:07:20". This function is very handy, if you send messages to your correspondents in different languages – each of them can receive introductory sentence with the date in his language.
Among other innovations of The Bat! 4.2.9 we should mention the automatic marking of the emails from new domains, such as .info, .name, .aero, .asia, etc. Previously The Bat! could not separate these emails from the rest of the "plain text" messages, but now such addresses are marked as well as the traditional .com, .org, etc. Of course, The Bat! could always send and receive messages on these domains; this improvement only deals with auto-highlight of such addresses in the message body.
RITLabs draws your attention to our The Bat! regular update, v.4.2.9. The program's features were extended, here's the short-list of improvements:
[-] Fixed a bug in the "Tips of the day"
[-] (#0007620) Crash after setting master password
[*] Sorting by gender in "Pick e-mail addresses" dialog
[-] Some captions or controls didn't fit the windows
[+] Macros that accept date format as the first parameter now can also accept the language as the second parameter. If the language is specified, the Windows formatting is using.The language can be specified for the following date macros: %DATE, %ODATE, %ORcvDate; the date is formatted according to Additionally, when formatting a date, you can use "L" format specifier to get DATE_LONGDATE. For specifying language in time formatting, you can use the following macros: %Time, %TimeLong, %OTime, %OTimeLong, %ORcvTime, %ORcvTimeLong, according to
[-] The Bat! Didn't understand long Generic top-level domains like .info, .name, .aero, .asia, .coop, .jobs, .mobi, .museum, .travel, .arpa and .nato.
[-] Fixed a few grammar errors in "Postponed Sending"
[-] Fixed a few typos in the interface
[-] (#0007640) Using the %Postpone macro sees a spell check done twice
[-] (#0007549) Antivirus plugins sometimes didn't work
[-] It was not possible to create templates without CR/LF at the end
[-] (#0007654) Thai mail unreadable since 4.1.x
[-] (#0007449) Masterpassword or login windows, didn't appear on the taskbar.
Important note when upgrading from versions before 3.1:
* MONyog now requires a registration code.
* Do not forget to replace the MONyog.lua script if you use the Query Analyzer with proxy-based sniffing.
* RPM users must uninstall pre-3.1 versions before installing this one.
Please read 3.1 release notes for details.
Changes as compared to 3.11 include:
* All charts displayed by MONyog can now be exported as PDF/JPG/PNG (from chart context menu).
* Query Analyzer will now sort in descending order as default first time (before it was ascending).
Bug fixes:
* Validation of connection details was not proper when saving.
* In Query Analyzer options that do not apply for sniffer and log files are now disabled where they do not apply.
* In Query Analyzer ’show details’ did not preserve the original formatting of a query.
* Max column in sniffer output in Query Analyzer could show erroneous values in some cases.
* Mail alerts sent by MONyog displayed TRIAL at bottom even after registration of MONyog.
* Various errors like “ErrCode:-1 ErrMsg:PathMgr::GetExeName readlink failed” could occur in MONyog.log. In some cases the error would cause failure to register.
* Sniffer data are purged automatically as per the server ‘retention timeframe’ setting, but it could also happen that Sniffer data that were not old enough to qualify for purging were deleted automatically. This would result in some queries missing after analyzing.
* Wrong error was logged by sniffer if MONyog.lua version 3.0 was used with MONyog version 3.1. However in connection details section, on “Test Proxy”, proper error was thrown.
Changes as compared to 3.12 beta include:
Bug fix:
* It was only possible to export the same chart once unless refreshing the page.
Miscellaneous/known issues:
* Due to a bug in specific builds of the MySQL proxy version 0.72 (it returns incorrect version) MONyog Query Analyzer will not work with those builds affected. Affected builds include versions for Windows and OS-X (but not Linux where this MONyog release works fine with proxy 0.72). We hope that MySQL will fix this soon, but if not we will consider a patch in MONyog itself.
* With Internet Explorer versions 8.0.6001.18783 and higher (latest available for Vista and Win7) exporting graphics will not work. The ‘Save’ button (a FLASH object) does nothing in those browsers. We will release again as soon as a fix is possible.
The French ISP ELP Informatique operating in the suburbs of Paris has successfully deployed the Dr.Web AV-Desk Internet service by Doctor Web brining reliable anti-virus security to its customers.
While always ready to assist its customers in repairing of PCs or MACs ELP Informatique can’t cope with virus infections. In an effort to improve information security of its customers ELP Informatique adopted Dr.Web AV-Desk created by the Russian anti-virus vendor Doctor Web. This solution providing comprehensive anti-virus and anti-spam protection to an unlimited number of customers already gained significant popularity in Russia and other CIS countries with the number of providers that already deployed the service exceeding 130.
Subscription packages designed to meet demands of different groups of customers is only one of the numerous arguments in favour of the Internet service from Doctor Web. Subscribers also can renew their subscriptions automatically on monthly basis or suspend it if they go away on holiday.
“Dr.Web AV-Desk gives us the full control over anti-virus security of our customers so we can respond to emerging threats more quickly and efficiently. We no longer need to solve technical issues that arise when a customer can't get on with an anti-virus he got in a store or preinstalled on his computer. It makes using the service much easier. We also chose Dr.Web for its reliability and efficiency”, Elsa Pigeat, the head of ELP Informatique said.
About Dr.Web AV-Desk
Doctor Web was the first anti-virus vendor that offered an anti-virus as a service on the Russian market.
Deployment of Dr.Web AV-Desk allows subscribers of a service provider to use Dr.Web anti-virus as a service: choose a desired subscription period, renew their subscription automatically and therefore plan how much they are going to spend on anti-virus security. Providing an anti-virus as a service ensures its instant delivery and easy management of a subscription for home users and business customers. Dr.Web AV-Desk was released by Doctor Web in 2007. More than eighty providers already deliver the Dr.Web anti-virus service in more than thirty regions of Russia and also in the Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Bulgaria and Estonia. Following results shown by the service in 2007 it was named the best product-service by PC Magazine Russia. In September 2008 Dr.Web AV-Desk was awarded the large golden medal of the Siberian Fair as an original technical and telecom solution.
About ELP Informatique
ELP Informatique’s main goal is provision of IT services to its customers. Years of experience, and the devoted and professional team ensure quick and successful implementation of various projects. Customers of ELP Informatique include St-Algue, Danone, CNFDI, IFOCOP, CCI de Versailles, Mc Donald's.
*** Latest features and enhancements: release Version Beta 2.5.03 on 22/07/2009 *** Version Control System:
- New function to add a full folder (and its sub-folders) in the window of projects.
- New option to delete a set of files. In previous versions you had to delete one by one, now you can delete a set at once.
- New option for rename a computer. Now if the user changes his computer with this function is possible to recover all the working folders set in the old one.
- New option for create “labels” for the projects. ". A label is basically a way to mark a specific instant in the history of the repository with a meaningful name. The label makes it easy to later retrieve a snapshot of exactly what the repository contained at that instant.
- Fixed a problem related with refresh after some actions (like Get Last Version, for example).
- Change when TDC minimizes on systray. Now you can see to which database TDC is connected, the version, etc. Also, when you right click, you can restore the program or exit.
- When making a get last version of any file if such file was checked out for the same user and he is trying to download the file in the working folder then a warning message avoid overriding the file.
- Now it's possible to add “labels” to a project. This option is useful for creating versions or releases of the projects.
- Enhacement when adding or editing projects. Now the user can set his working folder in the same form.
- Enhacement when setting working folders. If this is empty TDC will look for the working folder of the parent project.
- New option in Configuration for minimize or not to systray.
- Mispelled errors fixed.
- Now the user connected will be shown in the title of the main window.
- Changes in the Process Information window. Now it's possible to set a different order clicking in the header of each column.
- Enhacement when TDC shows the linked file. If a file is in red color means that there is no working folder set for that file.
- Changes in the Linked Files Window.
Tracking System:
- Added a summary for each Project in the main window with different kinds of totals by issue for the selected Project.
- There is a new option in the main menu to maintain the categories and subcategories for incidents.
- The filters area was modified, rearranged controls, and in the toolbar there are new filters that are activated based on the selected column. Filters by issue number, title, and range of dates.
- Added new controls in the procedure for sending emails. Now is possible to set in the user if he/she doesn't need to receive email notifications. The projects also have a new attribute to indicate that is not necessary to send email notifications for the project. The notification lists for tracking system now have the possibility to indicate is the list will be used in bugs, and/or requirements, and/or incidents and/or consults.
- Now in the internal notes is possible to add a stamp with the name of the user, date and time when the text is edited for any user.
- Now is possible to add, modify and delete incidents.
Now there is a new option in the main menu where is possible to maintain categories and subcategories for incidents. In the same window is possible to inform “solutions/tips” related with such categories and subcategories that can be used in the incidents.
- Improved the issues loading speed.
- Now the email notifications for include the issue description and last Event description in RTF format.
- Added a new system configuration to indicate if the issues progress percent will be set manually or they have to be calculated by the program according with the planning times and the users work logs.
- Now in the Issues window is possible to enter the progress percent (if was set in system configuration the option to enter this value manually).
- In Security profiles under "Application privileges" were added the options “Select All" and "Deselect All" on the right-click popup menu.
- The selection of the projects was improved in Security profiles under "Access to projects". Now when a project is selected/deselected the child projects are also selected/deselected.
The UCanCode E-XD++ Component Enterprise Edition product family enables you to develop Gis / Map based visualization applications quickly and efficiently. Map Displays with Custom Objects for .net and C++ Developers E-XD++ provides a complete mapping drawing, display, printing, software development kit (SDK) for creating any .net or C++ displays applications quickly and easily. The E-XD++ Library is a set of C++ classes designed with the purpose of simplifying the development process of MAP or GIS applications for programmers. It supports a wide range of basic mapdrawing and display features, including manipulating, displaying, adding customize spatial data. E-XD++ greatly simplifies MAP / GISsoftware development. With outstanding panning and zooming speeds. Developers can easily customize every aspect of the map display, from user interactions to the graphics that appear on top of the map.
E-XD++ Enterprise Edition Suite is a 100% C++ based diagram Component, it's Gis / Map Diagram Solution contains most basic features of building a high-quality map / gis visual Application.
With E-XD++ Enterprise Edition Suite, it has almost all the features of Microsoft' Visio on Diagram Drawing, Layout, Printing Part:
With shapedesigner application, you can use over 100 kinds of basic shapes to create very complex map / gis Diagram symbols Shapes.
The size of canvas can be created freely.
Advanced print and print preview supports, you don't need take any time on print and print preview.
Export to bitmap file or jpeg file supports.
Create new class shape by open a .H source code file.
Panning and zooming, zooming with slider control. Zooming with mouse wheel.
Full tested on all windows platform includes windows vista.
All the vc++ source codes of the following screen shots will be shipped with full edition of E-XD++ Enterprise Edition Suite:
Here is a screen shot of the MapDemo sample:
and MapPanel Sample
Notes: this sample shows how to add custom property values to any shapes on the canvas. Then with a dialog to change these property values.
Sample AdvanceExport
Note: this sample shows how to split a large canvas into many small images (Bitmap images or Jpeg images), it also shows how to use panning feature to move the canvas.
UCanCode E-XD++ is also the best source code component for adding any kind of organization chart diagram drawing feature to your own application, it was designed specifically to help you create diagrams for human resources management, staff organization, office administration, and management structures. It will help you visualize and structure information, add illustrations and drawings to your documents and make all this fast and easy, currently, it supports horizontal and vertical tree layout, layer layout..., it is full written with VC++ Source Codes.
Through its Java, .NET and C++, and Flex/AIR graphics libraries and components, ucancode provides the industry’s most comprehensive set of graphics tools for creating sophisticated, interactive user displays. ucancode's graphics products enhance decision-making speed and ability by making vast quantities of complex data more comprehensible and manageable for users. Developers save 50 to 80 percent of development time when creating displays with ucancode Visualization.
The leader in visualization component -- FULL VC++ Source Code Shipped!
XD++ Diagrammer Suite is the the world’s leading VC++ and .NET visualization component. Renowned for incredibly rich graphics, XD++ helps thousands developers build applications that offer unparalleled functionality. Outstanding productivity lowers project risk and reduces maintenance headaches. With 10 years of dedicated research and development, UCanCode leads the market for visualization technologies, providing outstanding customer support.
Doctor Web presents the virus activity review for the first six months of 2009. ATM malware, new threats for Mac OS X and the first large botnet comprised of web-resources became the most significant events of the past half-year. On the other hand the expansion rate of the Shadow botnet (Conficker, Downdup) has decreased significantly.
In the first months of 2009 many users and IT security experts focused their attention on the Win32.HLLW.Shadow worm.
Computers infected by the malicious program joined the botnet that ensnared millions of machines worldwide. Win32.HLLW.Shadow had several spreading techniques. It exploited Windows vulnerabilities, used brute force administrator password cracking (it turned out that passwords used by many administrators were rather weak) and travelled between computers on removable data-storage devices.
Authors of Win32.HLLW.Shadow released numerous modifications of the worm during the epidemics. All of them were promptly added to the Dr.Web virus databases. Now activity of this malicious program has declined and it left the virus top ten.
Virut was another botnet that came into the spotlight in the last six months. In case of this botnet computers were infected by a complex polymorphic virus. The Tdss botnet also became a stand-out among networks of zombie computers. A program that enslaved target machines used rootkit technologies to hide its presence in the system. BackDoor.Tdss has been spreading rather intensively in the last six months with its numerous modifications discovered in the wild every now and then. It should be noted that the backdoor can feature different sets of modules meaning that modules responsible for installation and disguise of BackDoor.Tdss are created and spread on commercial basis. The graph below shows how the number of discovered variations of the program changed through the first six months of 2009.
One of the last but by no means the least botnet that got into the news was created using the BackDoor.MaosBoot bootkit family. It is ought to be noted that these bootkits are among the hardest to cure. Two new versions of the bootkits have been discovered by Doctor Web virus analysts in 2009.
In April cyber-criminals included Twitter in their botnet control centre domain name generation algorithm. In May a lot of web-sites were found to spread the rootkit. The sites were capable of detecting location of a supposed victim. For example, BackDoor.MaosBoot wouldn’t attack a host unless it was located in Germany or the USA.
While largest botnets were typically comprised of infected workstations, JS.Gumblar changed the situation. Malicious programs from this family contributed to creation of a botnet of more than 60000 web-pages.
The mid-May 2009 saw a wave of malicious scenarios implemented using Javascript. This was when JS.Gumblar came into action.
Malicious scenarios of JS.Gumblar were injected in the code of many web-resources. For most of them it was the first time when they were compromised.
According to Google statistics showing the umber of requests to (malicious scenarios used to carry out attacks from infected pages were downloaded from the web-site) looks as follows:
So instead of targeting user machines cyber-criminals created and still control this non-typical botnet of compromised web-resources with numbers of visitors reaching hundreds of thousands. Such web-resources enable malefactors to spread any piece of malware among users worldwide.
Malware and ATMs
Customers of Russian banks using ATMs were worried by the news about viruses that compromised ATMs of certain Russian banks.
Trojan.Skimer stored information found on bank cards and could also save account balance information if a victim obtained it using the ATM. This information can be used by cyber-criminals to manufacture fake cards to withdraw all funds available on accounts of their victims.
The ATM software vulnerability exploited by the Trojan has been closed.
SMS-fraud where a victim has to send a paid message is becoming even more popular. To force a user to send such a message cyber-criminals create ransomware that can block access to Windows (Trojan.Winlock) or display adult-content banners (Trojan.Blackmailer).
A message prompting a victim to send a paid SMS can also be sent via ICQ or over a social networking web-site.
Mac OS X
The growing interest to Mac OS X on the part of cyber criminals has been observed since the beginning of 2009. The first outcome of this interest was the Mac.Iservice Trojan that added compromised Macs to a botnet. It was the first case of a botnet consisting of machines running Mac OS X (the iBotnet).
The spring saw a wave of other malicious programs for Mac. Those were Mac.DnsChange trojans that were sperad as links to a malicious video clip. Twitter became one of the channels used to distribute the link.
Activation of the malicious video clip allowed detecting the target operating system using the User-Agent data. After detection of the platform a user was offered a corresponding file – a malicious program for Windows or for Mac OS X.
As popularity of Mac OS X grows among users, so it does among cyber-criminals. By now the number of threats for Mac OS X is not nearly large enough to be compared with the number of threats targetting Windows. However, the situation may change in the future.
In the first two weeks of July a severe “zero day” vulnerability was found in a component of Microsoft DirectX used by Internet Explorer 6 and 7.
Vulnerable operating systems include 2000/2003/XP with all released updates installed (including x64 versions of the systems). incorreect procession of a video stream by the msVidCtl.dll component of ActiveX can be used to spread malicious programs from web-sites that cause stack overflow and launch a malicious program on the target machine.
All exploits of this vulnerability are members of the Exploit.DirectShow family.
Spam and mail viruses
Spammers never hesitate to exploit breaking news in their mailings. Ina few hours after death of Michael Jackson became known to the public it became one of the main subjects of spam e-mails replacing supposed news about events related to the latest Iran presidential election.
A number of phishing attacks also surged up .in June. The total amount of phishing e-mails increased as well as the target group that included customers of Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase Bank, Community State Bank, and St. George Bank as well as people that use PayPal, eBay and Amazon customers.
Mail viruses came into the spotlight in the first days of June. The last month became the leader in the number of messages with attached malware and message providing links to malware downloads. Trojan.PWS.Panda.122 was sent as an e-card between June 1 and 2. This malicious program scans Internet-traffic of the compromised machine and retrieves online banking and payment systems passwords.
Social networking web-sites
As in 2008, increased activity of cyber-criminals on social networking web-sites was registered in the spring of 2009.
The number of instances of infections by Win32.HLLW.Facebook (aka Koobface) doubled in two summer months. At the beginning of June many modifications of Win32.HLLW.Facebook that targeted users of Facebook, ?ySpace and Twitter were added to the Dr.Web anti-virus database.
We believe it is necessary to speak about Twitter in more detail. It has already become a popular channel used to spread malicious programs with the number of messages containing links to bogus web-sites increasing.
It should be specially noted that link shortening services make it very hard to guess if a link points to an unwanted web-resource.
The JS.Twitter virus family appeared at the end of May. Now the family is represented by XSS-worms that were spreading using the social networking web-site at the end of the spring.
As for malicious programs spreading over Russian social networking web-sites, the family of Trojan.Hosts ransomware can serve as the most typicaly example.
By the summer 2009 the number of infections by Win32.HLLW.Shadow declined significantly. However, its appearance set the trend for the increasing number of large-scale viral threats that persisted in 2009. JS.Gumblar followed Win32.HLLW.Shadow and infected an unprecedented number of web-resources.
Cyber-criminals are clearly interested in Mac OS. Infection methods become more versatile allowing to deliver a malicious program for a detected platform. Popular social networking web-sites attract attention of the growing number of virus-makers. A number of modifications of Win32.HLLW.Facebook surged in the beginning of the summer. The particular interest of cyber-criminals in Twitter should also be taken intoo consideration.
The growing number of ransomware shows that cyber-extortioners strive for quick and easy illegal money.
The special trend of the past six months is the malicious program for ATMs.
Viruses detected in mail traffic in last six months
01.01.2009 00:00 - 01.07.2009 00:00
27763294 (34.82%)
7635271 (9.58%)
7400948 (9.28%)
5816485 (7.29%)
3053357 (3.83%)
2738829 (3.43%)
2557757 (3.21%)
2484754 (3.12%)
2252999 (2.83%)
2012539 (2.52%)
1988614 (2.49%)
1705059 (2.14%)
1500116 (1.88%)
1470765 (1.84%)
1101971 (1.38%)
1024091 (1.28%)
999536 (1.25%)
917203 (1.15%)
629979 (0.79%)
573008 (0.72%)
Total scanned:
79,738,624 (0.0225%)
Viruses detected on user machines in last six months
*** Latest features and enhancements: release Version Beta 2.5.02 on 28/06/2009 ***
Version Control System
- Now the format of all dates will work according to the settings of Windows.
- Now it's possible to filter files in the list of files if the column selected is the name of the file, the user, the date of check-in or the date of creation.
- After adding files to a project you will see a report for each file in the Process information section.
- Fixed the enable-disable status of the buttons on the toolbar for Project Content after adding files.
- Now if a file couldn't be zipped the message will show the name of the file affected.
- Two preset for compression tools were added to the configuration. In the case of use a custom compression tool you can choose between Winrar and 7z.
- Added new system configuration to set the file check-out when adding files.
- Fixed misspellings words in the system configuration window.
Tracking System
- Now the format of all dates will work according to the settings of Windows.
- Now the issues related with another issue are stored properly.
- Now the attachments related with an issue are saved and also its tags.
- The look of the Workflow window (on the issues) was changed. Now it's possible to use RTF controls for the description.
- Now in the form of Issues is possible to see the list of the files of the VCS system related with the issue.
- A new field was added for the Contacts in order to indicate the name of access to the Web Portal. Also a check was added to indicate the status of that contact for the Web Portal.
- Now it's possible to inform if a work log is billable or not, indicating if the price if hourly rated or fixed cost. Also it's possible to inform the kind of work log, according to the list created by the user.
- In the events for an issue was added a check to indicate if the event is internal. In this case this event will be showed in red color and in the future these events wonÆt be showed to the customers.
- New check in the form of issues. If it's checked an email won't be sent after confirmation
- The number of attachments files to an issue in the issues list was wrong.
- The submenu for tracking module in the main menu was reorganized. Added new options to be used in the future.
- The system configuration for numbering the issues was take off, now all the issues will have a global numbering for all projects.
- Now the notification emails include the list of fields which values has been changed by the user.
- Now in the ôstatusö list is possible to indicate if the user has to complete the ôresolutionö in the issue workflow when the status close the issue.
- Now in the issues workflow it is showed a list of ôresolutionö concepts to be selected when the issue is closed.
- Fixed misspellings words in the system configuration window.
We are pleased to announce the new minor version of SQL Manager for MySQL - a high performance tool for MySQL database server administration and development. You can download the newest version of the software..
What's new in SQL Manager for MySQL 4.5?
The possibility to search in metadata is implemented.
Windows 7 support is added.
Procedure and Function Editors. Now when compiling a procedure, its privileges are automatically recreated.
Data Editor. Set to Now operation does not post data for newly created and edited records.
Procedure Editor.
Procedure parameter values weren’t memorized upon procedure execution, if the procedure had a parameter of the BIGINT type. Fixed now.
Execution of a procedure with a BIGINT parameter resulted in an error, if the parameter value was more than 2147483648. Fixed now.
Export as SQL Script Wizard. The program ignored table DDL generation when exporting a SQL script to SQL Server. Fixed now.
Export Data Wizard. Exporting data to the ODF Spreadsheets format resulted in the ‘Cannot create basic structure’ error, if the program was running under Windows Vista 64. Fixed now.
Editing the SET field could sometimes reset the default value. Fixed now.
The default value of the “BIT (1) DEFAULT ‘\0’” fields was identified incorrectly. Fixed now.
Field Editor. The default value of the TIMESTAMP fields with the “on update current_timestamp” option enabled wasn’t stored. Fixed now.
We are glad to announce the availability of Help & Manual 5.2! Everyone but us would have made this a major product upgrade. Despite the wealth of new features, we classified it as a minor update - and therefore free for all registered 5.x users. If you are using Help & Manual version 5.x, please update to this version. There is something in it for everyone of you!
If you are going to use Windows 7, this update is required.
Results of the 2009 Help & Manual user survey
In May we conducted a user survey among registered users of Help & Manual 5 and got an overwhelming response. It became very clear where you want us to improve the best help authoring tool and we even managed to include several of your suggestions into this release. More is to follow...
Help & Manual 5.2 - what's new?Adobe PDF export / print manuals /layout design
Many of your suggestions in the user survey concerned the PDF export and the integrated visual print manual designer of Help & Manual. We got several suggestions that have in fact long been implemented, many users just did not known. So we focused on a new online help especially for the print manual designer and also implemented quite a bunch of improvements and new featues. These are in detail:
Print manual designer comes with new in-depth online help
The print manual designer has a new section to design pages that would normally be empty. Text objects in the manual designer support rotated text and can insert GIF/PNG/JPEG images directly
Automatic downscaling of images in tables improved. When an image is too large to fit in a table cell when printed, Help & Manual reduces its size.
PDF export: updated PDF engine with improved word spacing and underlines
Webhelp and HTML Help export
Webhelp export (browser-based help) has received a really important update: Help & Manual now creates either a Javascript full-text index (suitable for local distribution) or it uses a server-based PHP or ASP index. The support for a server-based full-text index significantly improves the loading time of the Webhelp index.
As you probably know, Help & Manual uses a custom version of the Zoom Search Engine from Wrensoft. With this update, Help & Manual also implements optional support for Zoom 6, the regular version from Wrensoft. PHP and ASP require a capable web server. Webhelp full-text search is available in Help & Manual Professional only.
Webhelp full-text search with PHP and ASP index option (H&M Professional only). If one of these new options is used, phrase search is available as well.
Webhelp: in the 3-pane layout, the default name for the internal header page was changed. Some over-eager web analyzer tools found the word "adframe" in the page name...
HTML Help and Webhelp: table heading rows are now exported as <th>...</th> instead of <td>...</td> to improve accessibility. Moreover, there is a workaround for an MSIE 7 bug to avoid disappearing blanks in inline toggles
HTML Help: when publishing HTML Help, Help & Manual automatically opens the currently selected topic for a quick and easy preview
Visual Studio Help: baggage files were not included in some rare cases
Import functions
HTML Help import comes with new options whether to import anchors and labled elements. A second option allows to skip invisible content, which would normally be imported like it was visible. Both options improve the roundtrip of importing a CHM File to create a PDF manual from it.
Import for HelpScribble projects has been implemented
Richtext/Word import: special characters in topic IDs are filtered and translated
XML list problems: some problems with broken lists (coming from H&M v4) fixed.
User interface and miscellaneous new features
A huge amount of the development work for version 5.2 concerned the user interface and many small details that users have asked for. For instance, we have implemented a format painter that was requested by many customers.
We have changed the handling of compressed (.hmxz) projects that are loaded from a network resource. When the network connection was unstable and the source became disconnected while you were editing a project. The new opening method is safe and no longer prone to network interuptions.
If you are documenting source code, you will appreciate the new syntax highlighter, which has been re-implemented. The new syntax highlighting function supports over 50 (!) different programming languages and three custom highlighters for user customization.
Here is a detailed list of changes:
Windows 7: a few minor changes have been implemented to ensure Windows 7 compatibility. Windows 7 is not released at this time. Help & Manual 5.2 works with the current beta version of Windows 7.
A new format painter lets you easily copy text and paragraph formats and apply them to new text.
Drag & drop: you can now drag topics from the table of contents into the topic text to create a link. The reverse function still works as well.
Table of contents sort function implemented (in right-click context menu)
Project Explorer context menu: in the "Include in Builds" submenu, the list of predefined and custom builds now adds a function to apply missing include options to parent chapters, if the structure is inconsistent.
Editor context menu: new item "Execute Link".
Support for additional mouse buttons implemented: on a 5-button mouse, the left and right XButton are linked to the history (back and forward, respectively).
The style selector on the main form now displays style shortcuts in the drop-down list for easier access.
Scaled images in editor: different scaling message for improved readability
New variables (available in all output formats): <%OUTPUTFILENAME%>, <%OUTPUTFILEPATH%>, <%OUTPUTFILEDIR%>, <%TOPICSTATUS%> and <%TOPICLASTEDITEDUSER%>. Please refer to the updated online help for detailed information.
Topic bookmarks: a new user option is available in the Program Options dialog: Automatically manage topic bookmarks for every comment. This option automatically creates (and deletes) topic bookmarks depending on comments in the topic.
Modified Publish button to avoid confusion with quick-launch options
Project report: a new report option to report topics that are not referred in TOC has been implemented. Furthermore, the "last edited" column includes the user who edited the topic.
Project Explorer (topics list view): additional column to show whether a topic is bound in the TOC or not
Find & Replace: variables and conditional text can be replaced, the Find & Replace window remembers the last search options while the program runs.
Version Control Support: a new status cache improves working speed
The Insert symbol dialog has been updated too and includes Unicode characters
Additional math, greek and non-visual symbols are available in the symbol gallery
Syntax Highlighter: over 50 new highlighers available
E-books: the Win32 e-book output format now support Adobe Flash 10 and has receveived a new skin without a print and info button
Main window: the title bar now includes the path of the currently selected project file. A help button was added in the upper right corner.
Several functions have received a user customizable shortcut, such as Edit Styles.
Insert anchor dialog: selected text is used for suggested ID
French spelling check: words that included an apostrophe were considered misspelled in the live spelling option
Ribbon bugfix: ALT+numeric codes were executed as accelerators
Configuration, Help Windows: window size was limited to 1024 x 1024
Some grid editing problems (e.g. user variables in the configuration section) have been fixed
Replacing baggage files triggers a confirmation message
Display of filtered items in the TOC with a different color and a different font instead of hiding them
New opening method for HMXZ files with in-memory handling, to prevent write errors when source gets disconnected
Packaging: * The same binary/installer is now used for any license model (whether TRIAL or whatever number of servers). A license key defines and controls how many servers can be registered. You may retrieve your license key from our Customer Portal. Before installation please ensure that you have registration details available and also soon after installation has completed please connect to MONyog from your browser and enter registration details. This change of packaging concept simplifies the release cycle for us, as there are now much fewer installers that will need to be built and tested.
* Also now all distributed builds will run as a TRIAL will run for a month (not till a fixed date) and in the TRIAL period an unlimited number of servers can be registered.
* Unfortunately and as a consequence of the changed packaging concept it is not possible to install a 3.1 RPM build on top of a previous version as the file name format (ie. version substring) will need to change to be functional by RPM installers (’rpm’ console command and various distribution-specific commands and GUI tools). Previous RPM versions installed must be uninstalled this time before installing 3.1 (but note that previously collected data will still be preserved and available after this). For Windows .exe and Linux .tar.gz builds there is no such issue.
* Added option to purge all stored sniffer data. Also sniffer default settings were changed. Quite a lot of evaluating users experienced an empty report due to previous default settings.
* Added support for MySQL Proxy version 0.7.1. A new MONyog.lua script is shipped with this build. The old script must be replaced with this one if you use the proxy-based sniffer option. This new script also works with MySQL Proxy 0.61.
* Filtering options were re-arranged in Query Analyzer as per user requests.
* Lots of GUI fixes, clarifications, usability improvements etc.
Bug fixes:
* On RedHat type Linux ’service MONyogd start’ command would sometimes not start MONyog in first attempt if MONyog process had been killed or had crashed.
* The mail header of MONyog mail alerts did not handle unicode. Now utf8 encoding is used everywhere.
Miscellaneous (just repeating!):
* Do not forget to replace the MONyog.lua script if you use the Query Analyzer with proxy-based sniffing!
* RPM users must uninstall previous versions before installing this one!
UCanCode Releases Upgraded E-XD++ Visualization Suite V13.02
2009 (Major Release) For more information (press only) please contact: Paul Chi
UCanCode Software, Inc.
Phone: (86) 28-8535-4545
Fax: (86) 28-8535-4645
2009, HongKong, UCanCode Software announces it's market leading flow/diagramC++ / .NET source code kit - E-XD++ EnterpriseEdition V13.02 with tons of new features.
HongKong, 2009--UCanCode Software, Inc providing reusable software flow/diagramcomponents and services that facilitate flow/diagramming application development, today announced the release of E-XD++ Enterprise Edition V13.02, its world-leading line of Flow/Diagram components for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2008 developers. This is the long awaited release that contains many powerful new features from the last release! It is also the best release from ucancode software! This new release introduces many new key features and enhancements including New GDI Objects management, new diagram editor, new properties sharing, tons of new solutions...
E-XD++ Flow Diagramming Source Kit EnterpriseEdition is the world’s leading MFC/VC++ visualizationcomponent. Renowned for incredibly rich graphics, E-XD++ helps developers build applicationsthat offer unparalleled functionality. Outstanding productivity lowers project risk and reduces maintenance headaches. With over 9 years of dedicated research and development, UCanCode leads the market for visualization technologies, providing outstanding customer support. with E-XD++ Enterpriseyou can easily build Visio 2003 and Visio 2007 like applications.
"To date, the reliability and performance of the XD++ Library have been tested through many kinds of diagramming/flowchart- related software of ucancode customers around the World. TheE-XD++ Library now are used in over 40 countries!"
We are UCanCode.Net Software, Inc., a software development company. We have been in business over 9 years developing C++ libraries. UCanCode.Net Software develops high quality software solutions that provide software developers with the most up to date tools available today. All source code is supplied and is 100% MFC compatible and extendable. Developers can easily create authentic Microsoft Visio, Adobe Illustrator, and CorelDRAW style applications within seconds. UCanCode Software can be reached at (86) 28-8535-4545 or by visiting their website at
This is a maintenance release that includes many new features, new samples, bug fixes and more. This is a huge release for ucancode, and it is a very important major release of E-XD++ Diagrammer Enterprise Edition.
Codejock Releases ToolkitPro and SuitePro 2009 Vol.2 for Visual C++ and ActiveX
This release introduces many stability and usability enhancements for all components. Additionally, the Ribbon received three new themes and a pinnable recent file list. The Report added an icon view, excel-like formulas and expandable columns. And calendar received many new features such as read-only mode and ownership mode.
Codejock a leading provider of modern user interface components, today announced the release of Toolkit Pro 2009 vol.2 for Visual C++ MFC and Suite Pro 2009 vol.2 for ActiveX COM. This release provides a comprehensive set of fully customizable user interface components for use with Visual C++ MFC and ActiveX COM development.
This release incorporates many new features and enhancements including:
Pinnable Recent File List
A Recent File List or MRU is used to display a recent list of opened files in a ribbon or commandbars popup menu. The new MRU can be used in a pinned (Office 2007 style) or non-pinned style. When using a pinnable MRU the user can pin the item so that it always remains in the list as new items are added.
Office 14 Style Themes new themes you can
added in addition to the Office 14 style themes.
Excel-like Report Calculations With Excel-like formula support the report can calculate the sum of all rows or a subset of rows and display results in the item's caption.
Space Saving Expandable Columns
Expandable columns will have an arrow button in the column header which allows the column width to be expanded to the width of a pre-determined amount of columns.
Report Icon View
Icon View is a view similar to the Icon View in Windows Explorer. The report can switch to Icon view from normal view allowing each row to be represented by an icon and some text.
Read-Only Calendar
The Calendar now supports a Read-Only mode. This allows users to view all the data in the calendar without allowing them to modify the appointments.
A complete list of all new features can be found in the release notes for each product.
This is a short list of the changes of this version:
Version Control System:
- New options in Get Last Version. Now it's more easy to set the date and time for the file. In the case of multiple files you can decide what to do if any of them is checked-out by you.
- New window for adding files. Now it's possible to add multiple files at the same time, select which file/s check-out in the operation, set the working folder.
Tracking System:
- Security profiles are more powerful. You can define them for issues, users, users group, menu options, report Access, etc.
- Now the graph of issues by user works in the dashboard. Also the statistic graph in the main window of the tracking system.
- Now you in the issues report it's posible to see the deadline date, estimated date (beggining and end), last event, product's name, person/s in charge of the issue, worked time, estimated time and percent.
- The user report now prints all the fields related with users.
- Email notifications take care off the check that indicates not to send emails to those users that don't belong to the involved Project (Notifications list).
- The information that showed the number of parts in the work resume below each issue was fixed.
- Now if the user cancel at insert, modify or delete an issue the list is not refreshed.
- In the issue list a new icon at left indicates what kind of issue is.
- Green bar effect added to issue list.
- Now it's posible to inform the origin of an issue.
- Fixed the resize of the Security profiles window.
Bug Fixes:
* Backups did not `backquote` identifiers inside the columns-list of an INSERT statement (ie. “INSERT .. (col1, col2) VALUES ..” instead of “INSERT .. (`col1`, `col2`) VALUES..”). If specific (but not all) keywords were used for naming a column, backups would not restore. This bug was introduced in 8.1.
* A sync script generated with Data Sync had INSERT statements duplicated. Also this bug was introduced in 8.1.
* Fixed a painting issue when switching between DATA tab and RESULT tab.
The Bat! 4.2 – wide range of new scheduling options
RITLabs today announced the release of version 4.2. Principal among its new features is the ability for users to schedule when and how emails should be sent.
Using standard Windows settings it is possible to specify the date and/or time of delivery for a given email or group of emails. This facility may be useful in a wide range of circumstances from ensuring a birthday greeting is sent on time to the scheduling of a large mailshot. While other email clients, such as Outlook, also allow you schedule a delivery time for a single email it is not possible to do this for all outgoing emails.
The Bat! 4.2 also allows you to determine a period of delay before sending an email. Instead of specifying an exact date and time, the message can be delayed for a period of minutes, hours or even days. The delay may be used to allow the message to be updated, edited, deleted or postponed further. This feature helps to reduce the risk of sending something by mistake or in the heat of the moment.
In Outlook it is only possible to recall messages if an Exchange Server is used and if the recipient happens to use the same Exchange Server within the same organization. Even when these conditions are met, it is impossible to recall an email that has already been opened.
The Bat! 4.2 goes further in allowing the moment of delivery to be assigned in the message template for certain mailboxes, folders, recipients and so on. This option offers many benefits – for example, users can ensure there is always a built-in delay when sending emails to particular recipients or about certain subjects.
RITLabs has also made it possible to pre-set the delivery time for bulk mailings. Using this feature, a sender can prepare a personalized mailshot in advance and specify the exact time when it should be sent. An example might be a monthly reminder about service payments. The user can pick the first day of the next month as the sending date. Another example could be that the editor of a weekly newsletter could prepare several issues in advance then go on holiday confident that each one will be sent automatically at the beginning of each week.
The Bat! 4.2 frees users from having to send an email the moment they finish writing it. Instead they can choose when to send it. They can change the amount of delay for an individual message or set a typical delay for all emails by selecting the appropriate option from a drop-down menu.
Wide range of new scheduling options
Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 8th June 2009 – RITLabs, the makers of popular email client The Bat!, today announced the release of version 4.2. Principal among its new features is the ability for users to schedule when and how emails should be sent.
Using standard Windows settings it is possible to specify the date and/or time of delivery for a given email or group of emails. This facility may be useful in a wide range of circumstances from ensuring a birthday greeting is sent on time to the scheduling of a large mailshot. While other email clients, such as Outlook, also allow you schedule a delivery time for a single email it is not possible to do this for all outgoing emails.
An end to sending in haste, repenting at leisure
The Bat! 4.2 also allows you to determine a period of delay before sending an email. Instead of specifying an exact date and time, the message can be delayed for a period of minutes, hours or even days. The delay may be used to allow the message to be updated, edited, deleted or postponed further. This feature helps to reduce the risk of sending something by mistake or in the heat of the moment.
In Outlook it is only possible to recall messages if an Exchange Server is used and if the recipient happens to use the same Exchange Server within the same organization. Even when these conditions are met, it is impossible to recall an email that has already been opened.
The Bat! 4.2 goes further in allowing the moment of delivery to be assigned in the message template for certain mailboxes, folders, recipients and so on. This option offers many benefits – for example, users can ensure there is always a built-in delay when sending emails to particular recipients or about certain subjects.
Granularity for bulk mailing
RITLabs has also made it possible to pre-set the delivery time for bulk mailings. Using this feature, a sender can prepare a personalized mailshot in advance and specify the exact time when it should be sent. An example might be a monthly reminder about service payments. The user can pick the first day of the next month as the sending date. Another example could be that the editor of a weekly newsletter could prepare several issues in advance then go on holiday confident that each one will be sent automatically at the beginning of each week.
The Bat! 4.2 frees users from having to send an email the moment they finish writing it. Instead they can choose when to send it. They can change the amount of delay for an individual message or set a typical delay for all emails by selecting the appropriate option from a drop-down menu.
“With the new version of The Bat!, email gains the one factor that has until now been the sole advantage of conventional mail,” said Sergey Demchenko, RITLabs CEO, “the ability to reflect carefully on content and avoid sending in haste”.
“We believe that giving people back some choice is the most important of The Bat!’s new features.”
v1.08 of the Noyantis ReportControl wrapper template has been released.
Modifications include:-
* Save and Restore Layout feature added.
* 'Hyperlinks feature added.'
* 'Select All' control template added.
* 'Expand / Contract Row' control template added.
* 'Expand / Contract All Rows' control template added.
* 'Event Handler' facility added.
* Internal ID variable sizes increased.
* Additional Embed Points added.
* BUG FIX: Internal Headers / Footers were being deleted in the ''DeleteAllRows'' method.
* BUG FIX: Column Sorting incorrect when using both Grouping Sorting and Column Sorting.
Various new class methods have been added including :-
* 'SaveLayout'
* 'RestoreLayout'
* 'SetSelectedRowAll'
* 'SetSelectedRowNone'
* 'DeleteAllHeaderRows'
* 'DeleteAllFooterRows'
* 'GetRowExpanded'
* 'SetRowExpanded'
* 'ContractAllRows'
* 'ExpandAllRows'
* 'GetRowID'
* 'GetRowLevel'
* 'SetColumnIsHyperlink'
* 'SetRowCellHyperlink'
* 'GetRowCount'
* 'GetRowChildCount'
* 'GetHeaderRowCount'
* 'GetFooterRowCount'
A new demo example app has been uploaded to the web site (
Bug Fixes:
* A memory corruption could occur when saving a file using ’save as’ (’save’ was not affected) from the editor. Various issues like painting issues and even a crash could then occur.
* Scrolling with mouse scroll-button was not functional in the new GUI for SET/ENUM management.
* ‘duplicate table’ did not duplicate all ‘table options’ defined for a table - like MAX_ROWS etc. (Also note that Foreign Key CONSTRAINTS are not duplicated either, but that is intentional and not a bug).
* Bulk INSERTS generated by Import External Data Tool will now be restricted to 16 MB in size if max_allowed_packet in server configuration is larger than 16 MB. On specific systems/configurations memory issues were reported .
Bug fixes: * If MONyog user for monitoring a replicating slave did not have ‘replication client’ privilege, MySQL availability would be shown as ‘No’ in Monitors/Advisors page (even though ‘test connection’ was successful).
* If mail alerts were enabled, a syntax error in customized javascript could cause a crash.
* Charts for a server in Dashboard page would not resume updating after a disconnect and reconnect to that server. A browser refresh was required.
* The chart ‘popups’ from Monitors/Advisors page would not populate with historical data from the MONyog database but only with fresh data sampled.
* After sorting in Query Analyzer the expand/collapse state was lost.
Doctor Web ends support for its 4.33 products on July 1, 2009
The Russian anti-virus vendor Doctor Web ends support for its products based on the 4.33 anti-virus engine on July 1, 2009. All customers using 4.33 solutions are recommended to switch to later versions of Dr.Web anti-virus software.
On July 1 2009 Doctor Web will cease to support single-user and corporate Dr.Web 4.33 solutions and stop releasing corresponding updates of virus databases and program modules.
All users of Dr.Web software 4.33 are recommended to change for newer versions of Dr.Web anti-viruses prior to the specified date.
Customers that have Dr.Web software licenses can upgrade for newer versions free of charge. The licenses can be used with later versions of anti-viruses as long as they are valid.
New SCADA Software VC++ Source Code Component Solution is Released!
UCanCode provides a complete set of services, consisting of design tools and a softwaredevelopment kit (SDK), for developers who want to create a user interface for industrial monitoring and process control drawingSCADA applications. These displays feature highly customized graphical objects that connect to underlying real-world data.
Developers prefer ucancode's solutions because they are easy to use, completely customizable, and can deploy to both the desktop and the Web. ucancode is the industry’s leading real-time SPC software, automating quality data collection and analysis
Add Diagrams and SCADA to your applications. E-XD++ Diagrammer brings accurate and intuitive diagrams and dashboards to your c++ desktop applications. It offers a comprehensive set of tools, components and graphic objects for creating visualization, editing and monitoring Windows applications.
It is very quickly and easily to use E-XD++ to build any SCADA Software:
1. Design the SCADA symbols?
With E-XD++ full edition, there is a shapedesigner application shipped, with this diagramming tool, you can use many advance features to build any kind of SCADA Software symbols, The Symbol Editor is an interactive point-and-click editor that creates, edits and organizes intelligent symbols to populate a user interface, as below?
When one composite symbol is designed, just use Copy/Paste to place it within the toolbox window at left side. These SCADA Symbols will be ready for use in future. The Shape Designer offers graphics editing capabilities and is fully interoperable with authoring tools, such as Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape, to ensure that the visual elements of the symbol are as appealing as possible. It then adds dynamics to graphics with rules describing how the elements of the symbol will react to data changes. For example, rules can define the alarm conditions that will cause a part of a factory symbol to blink, or how far a needle on a rotary gauge will rotate. The newly created symbol can then be cleanly organized in palettes and reused by the other design tools. By default, the Shape Designer contains palettes of fully functional symbols for diagramming and monitoring applications, such as gauges, buttons, meters, dials and more.
What is a "Symbol?" A symbol is a self-contained graphic object that represents a physical or conceptual element in the underlying application. For example, symbols can represent trucks, factories, network elements, dials or gauges.. They have built-in behavior and an exposed interface, like a graphic VC++ control. When an application executes, its symbols connect to real-world objects and are "data-aware"—when the underlying data changes in a meaningful way to the user, the overlying symbols change their appearances. For example, if a component in a data network reaches a pre-defined critical threshold, the symbol associated with it might display a red alarm. Or if an airplane has moved, then its symbol will move on a map display.
2. Design SCADA Software Screen?
With E-XD++ full edition, there is also a ready to use SCADA Screen design tool shipped, with this tool, you can use any symbols within the toolbox window at left side to build any screen as you want, just drag and drop, very simple and easy?
Diagram Editor is well-suited for defining the look and feel of applications that must automatically create a diagram—such as a business process, a network typology, a workflow, a dataflow, or entity-relational diagrams—from a data source.
With E-XD++ Component, you can add advanced SCADA functionality to your applications. The E-XD++ Library is a 100% VC++ data rendering and visualization system, built specifically for Visual Studio .NET and designed to bring your User Interface to the printed page. Now you only need a few days for building a very powerful label print or report print application.
The leader in visualization component -- FULL VC++ Source Code Shipped!
XD++ Diagrammer Suite is the the world’s leading VC++ and .NET visualization component. Renowned for incredibly rich graphics, XD++ helps thousands developers build applications that offer unparalleled functionality. Outstanding productivity lowers project risk and reduces maintenance headaches. With 10 years of dedicated research and development, UCanCode leads the market for visualization technologies, providing outstanding customer support.
New Source Control feature allows overwriting read-only files if user so selects in response to prompt message.
Applications no longer inserts a NULL value for a stirng column that does not allow NULL, has an empty string ("") default value, and was not given a value via the user interface.
Stored procedure generation for Oracle has been resolved to limit parameter names to 30 characters or less.
The 'EnableIncrementDecrementButtons' pass-through attribute now controls the display of increment and decrement buttons.
Querying to retrieve a single record based on primary key is no longer preceeded by a "SELECT COUNT(*) ..." query.
Importing a CSV file works properly when using IE 8.
Iron Speed Designer no longer crashes when you insert a column, remove a row, or remove a column and the focus is in the Quick Layout editor cell.
The panel body's top border is now part of the panel's "content" area instead of its "header" area in case the "header" is disabled / not shown.
Correct code is now generated for the Save Data binding that does not cause compilation errors.
The Panel Wizard now gracefully handles duplicate foreign keys.
When in Live Preview, quickly clicking to Design Mode now switches to Design Mode.
Correct code is now generated for the Save Data binding that does not cause compilation errors.
The typo in the Search Filter label in the Toolbox Filters tab was fixed.
The generated application now uses the global resource manager to get the list of available languages and resource values.
A 'Row Selectiion' checkbox option has been added for Edit Table pages.
The code generation process now only generates files which are affected by changes.
Application migration will not warn about a changed application until it is actually changed.
Stored procedures for Microsoft SQL Server now work properly with tables that have uniqueidentifier primary keys with default values of newsequentialid().
Applications no longer open if a page style (design theme) is not present.
The button click event on the Select Language Page can now be overridden.
Updated the Code Customization Wizard's 'Upload a File to the File System' example with clearer instructions.
Multi-level menu support for IE 8 has been added.
'request' has been added to ReservedWords.xml.
Enhanced the code generated for the Select Language Page so that the button click handler can be modified and overridden.
The Quick Layout editor's right-click menus have been expanded with additional options and improved structure.
The ToggleAllCheckboxes feature now looks for the parent table independent of HTML structure and checks / unchecks all checkboxes within that parent table.
BaseClasses.dll is now compiled for both x86 and x64 platforms and will load in both.
Code documentation is now generated using open source project Ndoc2005 available at
If a URL parameter used to set an initial value is encrypted, it is now decrypted when received and the correct initial value assigned.
BaseClasses.dll is now compiled for both x86 and x64 platforms and will load in both.
The Live Preview is refreshed regardless of the refresh settings in Internet Explorer.
The z-index is explicitely set for horizontal and vertical multi-level menu leaves to support IE8.
Error messages relating to Oracle 64 bit operation have been improved to correctly identify the problem.
A "Conversion failed" error no longer occurs when searching for numeric values in Microsoft SQL Server.
Filter objects for custom queries are now instantiate properly with proper scope.
BaseClasses code has been updated to remove many obsolete comments.
Improved code generation to fix all generated application code which caused compiler warnings. The generated application now compiles in Visual Studio without compiler warnings.
When no column header is specified for a PDF or Microsoft Word report, a blank column header row is no longer shown.
The Quick Add button generated for foreign key dropdown lists is now generated when the application generation options for the Expand / Collapse button is turned off.
After changing the Quick Layout spreadsheet's cell value using the Cell Editor, the cell contents are correctly formatted.
The grand total label is now generated correctly for table panels based on database views.
Overidding the PopulateFilter method for a list box filter via the Code menu no longer generates a compilation error.
Duplicate values of the SelectedItemOverLimit key in .resx files have been removed.
Iron Speed Designer generated pages have no longer have CSS validation errors in Visual Studio.
A migrated V5.0 application containing a panel without a search button no longer throws a warning message controls are dropped onto the page.
Implemented URL parameter encryption and decryption for initial values.
Codejock was proud to be named Best C++/MFC Components by The Code Projects members in their First Annual Members Choice Awards. The Code Project is one of the largest online developer communities in the world, with more than six million registered members.
An updated version of jv16 PowerTools 2009 released. The updated version contains the following changes.
* Improved the Debug Log system to show more information about the product.
* Improved the internal safety mechanisms of the product to make sure problems like the invalid backup creation of the build 550 will not ever occur
* Fixed a bug that caused PowerTools to sometimes get stuck on an eternal window refresh loop.
* Fixed a bug that caused Registry Compactor not to be 100% compatible with 64 bit versions of Vista or XP, it now is. If you have used the feature
in these systems, there is no need to worry, nothing went wrong, you only might have not compacted all the possible registry storage files.
* Improved the compatibility of the product and 64 bit versions of Windows. The program can now be fully used under 64 bit OS. Only remaining problem
is that under 64 bit OS the Directory Selection used in many tools does not work properly.
* Added more options to Registry Cleaner's Advanced Options tab.
* Improved the way the Registry Cleaner shows information when removing data and scanning.
* Fixed a bug that caused the program sometimes not to display the list of available translations in the Quick Tutorial.
* Fixed a cosmetic bug that caused the Tools menu of the main window not to be updated if user changed the program's language.
* Improved the quality of the error fixing features of the Registry Cleaner, this means that the program is now able to more accurate find errors and
fixes for them, and not only delete the invalid data.
* Fixed a bug that caused the Registry Manager to show empty Open With Menu and Search Menu lists under Windows XP.
* Fixed a bug that caused SafetyNetV2 error(s) to be shown during a registry scan.
* Improved the way the program uses Windows Task Bar, now all the main program windows are listed in Windows Task Bar to allow individual windows to
be minimized and restored easily.
The new version's version number is After downloading and installing the new version, please open the Help > About window to verify you are
running the latest version. Some browsers tend to cache the installation file and therefore you might not receive the latest version but the same old
version you have previously downloaded.
You can install the new version over any previous versions of jv16 PowerTools 2009.
We are thrilled to announce the newest features we have added to TDC in the last version.
*** Latest features and enhancements: release Version Beta 2 on 21/05/2009 ***
Version Control System :
- Now the notification emails are in HTML format also.
- New configuration option to show with another color the projects where the user has files "checked out".
- New configuration option to set the Audit trail for this module
- New option in the main menu (available only for Administrator users) to see the Audit trail.
- Improved the report for printing the history for each file in the project. Now it possible to select which files want to print and the period.
- New configuration where it is possible to select external compressors to use to compress the files saved in the Database.
- Now it is possible to make the “Get Last Version” action not only for the selected files but also for the linked ones to them.
- Now selecting any project in the tree structure it is possible to make a “Get Last Version” for all the files included in that project.
- Now some key windows have the possibility to be resized and the new size is kept between sessions.
- Now the program remember the column selected to sort data in "Project file content" between sessions.
Tracking System :
- Now it is possible to export the Issues list to Excel.
- Now the notification emails are in HTML format also.
- Changed the main window, added new options to filter issues (by Product, Operating system and Customer or Companies).
- Added new buttons to change the priority (up and down) order of the issues.
- New configuration option to set the Audit trail for this module.
- New option in the main menu (available only for Administrator users) to see the Audit trail.
- Improved the report for printing the issues list. Now it s possible to filter the report by company, product and operating system.
- In Issues form now it is possible to create and save e-mails related with each issue.
- Improved the handle of Requirements, now it is possible to create "New functionality", "Change functionality" or "Enhancement". Added new fields to the Form (like Justification, Alternative solutions, planning version, deadline, etc.)
- Added new option in the menu options in Issues Form to write "Internal notes".
- In Issues Form now it possible to inform and save the work log. It is also calculated the total plannified time in the Work log option.
- In project "Dashboard" added fields to filter by date, by Customer and by Product.
- Now in "Customers (or Companies)" Form it is possible to define the structure of the company (departments and/or sections).
- Now in "Contacts" Form it is possible to assign the department/section belonging to.
- In Companies and Contacts window now it is possible to switch the view of the Contacts between "Structure" and "List".
- In "Customers (or Companies) and Contacts" Browse now it is possible to open the Web page of the company by making click with the mouse. The same sending emails to the Contacts.
- Now some key windows have the possibility to be resized and the new size is kept between sessions.
- Now in the Tracking system main window it is showed the percent of completion in the select issue in the “issue information” square below the list on the left.
TDC Email server :
- Improved totally the performance of TDC email server, more stable version.
*** Bug fixes: release Version Beta 2 on 21/05/2009 ***
Version Control System :
- After making a "Check out" of several files at the same time now the files are deselected in the list.
- Fixed bug sending duplicated emails to the same user.
- When some file(s) was/were added to a project with drag and drop the email notification was not sent.
- Now only Supervisor users will have access to Security profiles management.
Tracking System :
- Fixed bug showing the number of issues in a project.
- Fixed bug sending duplicated emails to the same user.
- Fixed a bug when selecting the project in the tree when printing Issues report.
- Fixed bug saving the Events in the workflow of an Issue.
- Now only Supervisor users will have access to Security profiles management.
This are the main features that we are planning to add in the new version of TDC.
- Spanish translation
- New functionalities in VCS like change the name of the computer automatically, create project structures from disk folders, etc.
- New graphics in the Project dashboard.
- New filters defined by the user for applying in the Tracking issues list.
- New module for Events and Task managements with calendar, appointments, reminders, register ideas and solutions....
Normally we send an edition of the Macro Express News with each new release of Macro Express or Macro Express Pro. However, v was released shortly after v so we decided to only send one edition of Macro Express News for both versions.
Changes include:
- Fixed a problem in the control commands with partial titles.
- Vista's UAC dialog is displayed less often when preferences are changed.
- The 'Match Case' shortkey option now works with the Use Suffix option.
- The 'Reload Macro Express Preferences' command no longer causes a crash.
- Large values can now be entered in Large Integer variables.
- Fixed a bug in the 'Clear Control Cache' command.
- Fixed a bug where the 'Set Focus' command did not work.
- Inline comments no longer display ampersands as accelerator underlines.
- Added support for 64-bit processes.
- Added the ability to use variables in the 'Goto' command.
- Fixed problems with indenting in the script editor.
- Fixed a conversion error in the 'Wait for File Ready' command.
- Fixed a memory leak in the 'Macro Run' command.
- Fixed the CONFIGFILEPATH advanced installation option.
- Fixed a bug where the 'Import' dialog would appear offscreen.
- Fixed a bug in the window title activations.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when using the 'If File Attribute' command.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when re-sorting the recycle bin.
- 'Variable Set From File' can now save the dates to a Date/Time variable.
- Fixed a bug with capture macro requiring a hotkey.
- Fixed a crash when backing up while Windows is shutting down.
- Long 'Multiple Choice Menu' commands now return unique values.
- Fixed a bug with 'Variable Set String: Prompt for Filename'
The new version 4.3 of VSdocman has been released. VSdocman is Visual Studio .NET 2002/2003/2005/2008 add-in for the quick commenting and automatic generation of technical documentation from your VB .NET and C# source code files.
What's new in VSdocman version 4.3:
NEW: Added support for custom topics. Using WYSIWYG editor, you can now create any number of custom topics such as overview, examples, license agreement, usage descriptions, etc. You can define your own structure of table of contents (TOC) with topics and chapters. You can place generated API documentation anywhere in the TOC. You can even split API reference and insert specified namespaces at various places. This makes VSdocman really powerful tool for creating complete end-user documentation for your libraries and applications.
NEW: Automatic and manual checking for VSdocman updates.
CHANGE: You can use XML comment tags (e.g. <see>, <b>, etc.) in the topic footer text.
CHANGE: Cosmetic change in options GUI. Renamed "Compile" section in project properties to "Code Members" and "Members" to "Member Types".
CHANGE: In RTF documentation, the links to framework classes point to the latest online MSDN instead of the old one.
FIX: The files from external files folder (e.g. pictures) were not included in documentation. This bug only appeared in version 4.2.
FIX: VSdocman preferences were lost in VS 2002 and VS 2003. This bug only appeared in versions 4.x.
FIX: Don't show Void as return type for constructors in C# and C++ syntax.
FIX: In some cases, the link edited with Reference dialog was updated incorrectly in WYSIWYG comment editor.
FIX: WYSIWYG comment editor didn't correctly show tables with more than 30 rows and 3 columns. Now it can handle tables with up to 100 rows and 30 columns.
Just a quick announcement to let everybody know that v1.08 of the Noyantis PropertyGrid wrapper template has been released.
Modifications include:-
* New option added to allow you to navigate between items with the Tab key.
* ‘Required’ attribute added to Item definition.
* New ‘Verbs’ facility added. (hyperlinks pane like the PropertyGrid in C7)
* New ‘Event Handler’ facility added allowing you to trap any event posted by the ActiveX control.
* New method added - ‘NavigateItemsTabKey’
* New method added - ‘EditItem’
* New method added - ‘SelectItem’
* ImageRsc storage variable increased
The new version can be downloaded from the Members area using the original download and registration details contained in your sales emails.
New demo example app has been uploaded to the web site (
STOPzilla is one of the numerous anti-spyware programs. Not doubting its functionality, we would like to warn The Bat! users about some problems that can appear while working with STOPzilla.
The case is that STOPzilla erroneously detects a spyware called “Archivesoftwareview” in The Bat! registry entries. If the user orders to remove the “infected” entries, STOPzilla clears all the stored emails and the information about The Bat! registration. The recovery of this information can be extremely difficult.
Currently this issue is being resolved with STOPzilla developers. As a precautionary measure we advise you to make a registry backup. You need to enter the registry (Start – Run, type “regedit” and press OK), access the following path: \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ and find the folder named RIT there. Once you find it, export it and store it in a safe place. Of course, regular backups of The Bat! message databases should not be neglected.
Release of Noyantis Codejock SkinFramework Wrapper template by Noyantis Software
Noyantis Software is pleased to announce the release of the Codejock SkinFramework ActiveX wrapper template.
A demo program of the template in action can be downloaded from:-
The control and template combination provides Clarion developers with the ability to add Windows Visual Style architecture to their apps in seconds. Enabling developers to have the most up-to-date and Windows friendly themes available anywhere.
Xtreme SkinFramework provides maximum compatibility with existing Windows XP and higher Visual Styles that can be used on any Windows platform. Several predefined Visual Styles are provided, including Office 2007, Windows XP Royale Blue, and Windows XP Luna style....
The price of the SkinFramework template is only $75.
The template is ABC and Legacy, c55, c6 and C7 compatible.
Other templates currently available cover the Shortcut Bar, Command Bars (inc Ribbon Bars), CalendarPro, Property Grid, Task Panel, Docking Panes and Report Control.
Following on from the GUI Design Studio v3.3 release, here’s a short video (05:52) that demonstrates how the scrolling region shown in the previous post was constructed here
Bug fixes :
* Query Analyzer did not show correct output when displaying a sorted result. A wrong LIMIT clause was generated when querying the temporary database containing queries.
* Fixed a bug in checksum calculation on 64 bit builds. The checksum is used by Query Analyzer for indexing. On 64 bit wrong sort order could result from this.
* If SSH-tunnelling to a MySQL server had been used and later the setting for ‘Use SSH’ was changed to “No”, MONyog would continue to use SSH tunnel as long as valid tunnelling details were available.
Bug fixes: * With SMTP notifications turned “ON” various issues (connection failure, program crash) could occur if SMTP authentication was not used. This bug was introduced with SMTP authentication support in 3.05.
* Fixed a crash with SSH-tunneling. Only 64 bit build for Linux was affected.
* Counters “cache hit rate”, “pruned as percentage of inserts” and “queries not cached” reported wrong in ‘History/trends’ timeframe.
Release of Noyantis Codejock ReportControl Wrapper template by Noyantis Software
Noyantis Software is pleased to announce the release of the Codejock ReportControl ActiveX wrapper template.
A demo program of the template in action can be downloaded from:-
The template / control supports:-
* Multiple Report Controls (Browses) containing various types of content.
* Automatic Clarion BrowseBox Enhancer (all settings automatically read from a standard Clarion browse)
* Integrated Field Picker
* Integrated Preview Mode
* Tree View Mode
* Report (Browse) Printing Support
* Multiple color themes
* Multiple languages
* Multiple Selection
* Resize, Remove, and Reorder Columns
* Hide and Show Column Headers
* Sort Data Across Multiple Columns
* Auto Column Sizing
* Hierarchically Group by Column
* Column Header Alignment
* In-Place Cell Editing
* Individual Cell Attributes (inc. Text Color, Background Color, Custom Font, Cell Alignment, Text Formatting)
plus a lot more...
The price of the ReportControl template is only $85.
The template is ABC and Legacy, c55, c6 and C7 compatible.
Other templates currently available cover the Shortcut Bar, Command Bars (inc Ribbon Bars), CalendarPro, Property Grid, Task Panel and Docking Panes controls.
The April virus activity review from Doctor Web features a description of latest samples of ransomware and the latest modification of BackDoor.Maosboot using new rootkit technologies.
The main trend of April 2009 was the wide spread of numerous species of ransomware targeting various user groups. Modifications of Trojan.Blackmailer displaying an adult content banner on every loaded web-page and variations of Trojan.Winlock that blocked access to Windows became the most typical pieces of extortive malware.
Till recent time Trojan.Blackmailer could only be installed in a system as a plugin for Internet Explorer. However, the last month saw its compatibility expanded. The new modification of the Trojan found by Doctor Web virus analysts could also perform its malicious tasks as a plugin for Opera and Mozilla Firefox. It entered the Dr.Web virus classification as Trojan.BrowseBan.
Considering immense number of variations of Trojan.Winlock Doctor Web created a special web-form that enabled users to unlock their systems free of charge. The form is constantly updated as new modifications of the program are discovered.
In April Doctor Web updated its GUI Scanner that featured the updated anti-rootkit module Dr.Web Shield to ensure that it was capable of neutralizing a new modification of BackDoor.Maosboot. The latest variation of the rootkit retained all malicious features of its predecessors but also had an enhanced self-protection mechanism. The Dr.Web scanner searches for BackDoor.Maosboot in RAM and bootsectors and cures a system compromised by the rootkit.
No severe fishing attacks were registered in April except for few instances of phishing mailings targeting customers of Chase Bank and eBay.
In spite of the decrease in number of malicious programs spreading via e-mail April was marked by a mass mailing of Trojan.PWS.Panda.114 sent to users in an attached zip archive. To lure a user into launching the archived executable file, the archive content was described as an invoice issued by the WorldPay following a supposed payment on an order of goods or services.
May 2009 can see development of new rootkit technologies and other techniques that would make neutralization of malware more complicated for anti-virus vendors. New phishing schemes are expected to be implemented by cyber criminals. Doctor Web recommens all users to be more careful while surfing the web or opening messages from strangers. If you consider a message or a file to be suspicious, don’t hesitate to consult the support service of your anti-virus vendor.
Malicious files detected in mail traffic in April
01.04.2009 00:00 - 01.05.2009 00:00
5062360 (39.53%)
1437083 (11.22%)
1342369 (10.48%)
1208929 (9.44%)
902604 (7.05%)
837098 (6.54%)
452229 (3.53%)
205823 (1.61%)
160164 (1.25%)
134804 (1.05%)
126968 (0.99%)
119572 (0.93%)
108142 (0.84%)
103743 (0.81%)
102671 (0.80%)
85777 (0.67%)
66242 (0.52%)
56540 (0.44%)
47283 (0.37%)
35647 (0.28%)
Total scanned:
12,805,303 (0.02%)
Malicious files detected on user machines in April
01.04.2009 00:00 - 01.05.2009 00:00
2847064 (9.49%)
1997735 (6.66%)
1953645 (6.51%)
1594326 (5.31%)
1499987 (5.00%)
1392680 (4.64%)
1257669 (4.19%)
1071607 (3.57%)
1027911 (3.43%)
1000396 (3.33%)
977197 (3.26%)
805848 (2.69%)
618289 (2.06%)
503713 (1.68%)
502017 (1.67%)
478774 (1.60%)
452606 (1.51%)
342923 (1.14%)
328393 (1.09%)
317541 (1.06%)
Total scanned:
30,005,292 (0.01%)
Update of Dr.Web Security Space and Dr.Web anti-virus 5.0 for Windows
Doctor Web updated several components of its single-user anti-virus solutions Dr.Web Security Space and Dr.Web anti-virus 5.0 for Windows.
The update improves operation of SpIDer Guard and SpIDer Mail and optimizes functionality of various modules of the anti-virus contributing to significant improvement of its performance.
Installation of the update will provide SpIDer Guard with the following enhancements:
- better stability and performance;
- optimized loading of virus databases with insufficient free memory;
- improved scan of certain types of containers such as AUTOIT/PDF.
It also fixes several errors of SpIDer Mail responsible for anti-virus scan of e-mail traffic.
The update is available for automatic download on servers of Doctor Web.
Update of Dr.Web Security Space and Dr.Web anti-virus 5.0 for Windows
Doctor Web updated several components of its single-user anti-virus solutions Dr.Web Security Space and Dr.Web anti-virus 5.0 for Windows.
The update improves operation of SpIDer Guard and SpIDer Mail and optimizes functionality of various modules of the anti-virus contributing to significant improvement of its performance.
Installation of the update will provide SpIDer Guard with the following enhancements:
- better stability and performance;
- optimized loading of virus databases with insufficient free memory;
- improved scan of certain types of containers such as AUTOIT/PDF.
It also fixes several errors of SpIDer Mail responsible for anti-virus scan of e-mail traffic.
The update is available for automatic download on servers of Doctor Web.
GUI Design Studio version 3.3 is now available for download. This is a further maintenance release with some changes based on customer requests. It sees the start of some of the more interactive features we’re working on.
For customers using any prior version of GUI Design Studio, simply install the new version and your existing licenses will continue to work.
(1) Active Scroll Bars
For all those cases where it’s important for you to demonstrate the entire contents of your edit boxes, lists, tables and trees, you can now work those scroll bars when you run your prototype in the simulator!
By selecting elements first, you can also scroll them within the design editor if you want to and set default scroll positions.
(2) Expand / Contract Tree Nodes
Judging by the number of customer designs we’ve seen where tree node expansion and contraction has been simulated using overlay panels, this is clearly another important feature that sits nicely alongside scrolling.
As before, you can set up the default expansion and contraction of each node within the property editor where you create the nodes. You can now also change these within the design editor itself by selecting the tree element then clicking the expand/contract buttons.
(3) Connect From Tree and List Items
Thanks to all of the requests for this feature, you can now make navigation connections directly from tree nodes and list items instead of having to use navigation overlays.
This is especially important now that trees and lists can be scrolled. Links remain with the correct item after rearranging the content.
For trees, you can expand a node (in the editor), create a link from a child node and then collapse the node again.
All links to hidden items are shown from the nearest location that makes sense. Try it out and I’m sure it will make sense.
(4) Scrolling Regions
With version 3.3, you can now take a large design section and place it within a smaller, scrolling region. Anything from a simple bitmap image to an intricately designed, custom list, or even complex document content can now be represented with ease.
The trick is to place the large section within a component design, resize the component (you might need to change its resize options first) and then check its “Maintain Size” option.
(5) Other minor changes
We’ve fixed a couple of bugs related to infinitely nested, self-referencing component designs that occur in rare circumstances, and added a useful Alt+F4 shortcut key to toggle between normal selection mode and component item selection mode. F4 (or Shift+F4) still toggles between either selection mode and make connection mode.
Happy designing!
The new version of Stimulsoft Reports.Net released
The new version of Stimulsoft Reports.Net has implemented new reporting capabilities, which increase productivity and save your time.
Among the features added to the product there are some significant ones. They are:
• Two new exports DIV and SYLK.
• Import from RTF files.
• Localizations in five languages are added. Now interface is more understandable for users from Croatia, Georgia, Hungary, Poland, and Serbia.
• Sorting data by expression.
• New level of reports interactivity. The Interaction property is added to each component. With help of this class you can collapse, resort data in the Viewer window. Also you can make Drill-Down reports.
• New borders. Now you can change border parameters for each border sides.
• HTML tags support.
In addition, Stimulsoft Reports.Net version 2009.1 includes great many fixes and improvements, what makes your work with reports friendlier. What are remarkable changes in a new 2009.1 version?
New in Report Engine • A new AllowHtmlTags property is added to the Text component. Now you can use Html Tags in text expressions!
• Now you can change border parameters for each border sides.
• New Interaction property is added to each component. With help of this class you can collapse, resort data in Viewer window. Also you can make Drill-Down reports. The ToolTip, Bookmark, and Tag properties are moved to the Interaction property.
• Now you can sort data sources by expressions.
• A new Glass Brush brush type is added.
• The ImageRotation property is added to the image component.
• The KeepCrossTabTogether property is added to the Cross-Tab component.
• The KeepSubReportTogether property is added to the Sub-Report component.
• The Margins property is added to the RichText.
• New properties are added to RectanglePrimitive and RoundedRectanglePrimitive components. They are TopSide, LeftSide, BottomSide, RightSide.
• A new PrinterSettings.Duplex property is added to a report.
• A new StiOptions.Engine.GlobalEvents.InvokeCheckDrillDownReport static event is added.
• Now the Component Style has the Image property.
• The StiPage.SaveDocument, StiPage.LoadDocument methods are added.
• The Dock property is replaced on the DockStyle property. Old reports will be converted automatically.
New in Exports of Reports • The export to DIF is added.
• The export to SYLK is added.
• Import reports from Rtf files is added.
• Now export to Excel, Excel2007 support the HideZeros property.
• Some improvements in PDF, XPS and RTF export.
• A new StiOptions.Export.Word2007.SpaceBetweenCharacters static property.
• A new StiOptions.Export.Word2007.RightMarginCorrection static property.
• A new– Image Compression Method property is added to the PDF export.
• A new StiOptions.Export.Word2007.LineHeightExactly static property.
• Now you can export reports in cache mode.
New tools
• A new Import.CrystalReports.exe tool is added to Stimulsoft Reports.Net.
New localizations • Localization in Croatian is added.
• Localization to Georgian is added.
• Localization in Hungarian is added.
• Localization in Polish is added.
• Localization in Serbian is added.
New in Reports Designer • Function New DataSource function in report dictionary is fully redesigned. Now you can import all data sources from your database to report dictionary with a few clicks.
• The status Bar is added to the StiRibbonDesignerControl.
• The StiRibbonGuiService special service is added to the Reports Designer.
• A new Properties item in context menu of the report designer.
• Now you can switch color scheme of the report designer via Options form.
• A new StiOptions.Designer.DefaultTemplatesPath static property.
• A new StiOptions.Engine.GlobalEvents.ReportChangedInDesigner static event.
• A Toolbox button is added into the View Options Tab in the Ribbon Designer.
• Options Form, Report Setup Form and Page Setup Form is fully redesigned.
New in BarCodes • A new ITF14 type of the BarCode.
• The Font property is added to the BarCode.
New in Web Reports • The DateTimePicker in WebViewer dialogs is localized.
• A new OpenLinksInNewWindow property is added to the StiWebViewer.
• A new OpenLinksInFrame property is added to the StiWebViewer.
New in Report Dictionary • New functions added to Dictionary: ToCurrencyWordsFr, ToCurrencyWordsEs, ToCurrencyWordsNl, ToCurrencyWordsEnGb and ToCurrencyWordsPtBr, ToWordsPl, ToCurrencyWordsPl, DateToStrPl.
• The PostgreSql CoreLab adapter is added.
• The UniDirect adapter is added.
New in Cross-Tab Reports • A new Sort property is added to the Cross-Tab.
• A new MergeHeaders property is added to the Cross-Tab Field.
• The DateTime type support in the Cross-Tab component for Max, Min, and Average functions is added.
New in Charts
• The BrushType property is added to the ChartStyle.
• We have added three chart styles: Style16, Style17, and Style18.
• We have added new properties to PieSeries: CuttedPieList and Distance.
• The TextAlignment property is added to the XAxis in the Chart.
• A new Marker property is added to the Line Series in Chart.
• A new LineMarker property is added to Line Series in Chart.
• A new AllowApplyStyle property added to Chart.
• A new SeriesLabels property added to Series.
• A new StiOptions.Engine.OldChartPercentMode static.
• The MasterComponent is added to the Chart component.
Fixed Bugs • Fix: Some problems with the export to Excel and Excel2007 in cache mode.
• Fix: Some problems with the CrossFooterBand.
• Fix: Some problems with printing.
• Fix: A problem with pages range.
• Fix: A problem with the text drawing in the WYSIWYG mode in some cases.
• Fix: Some corrections in the BarCode painter.
• Fix: Incorrect behavior of the PrintOnAllPages property in some cases.
• Fix: Small corrections in auto series colors.
• Fix: A bug with the RenderingEvent of a page.
• Fix: Some fixes in the EngineV2.
• Fix: Some problems in the text render on Win64 OS.
• Fix: Some problems with the auto save mode.
• Fix: Some corrections in the Charts.
• Fix: Some corrections in the Crystal Reports import.
• Fix: Some problems with the Virtual Data Sources in web dialogs.
• Fix: Some problems with sorting in the Virtual DataSources.
• Fix: Some problems with Designer Title.
• Fix: Some problems with the Cross-Tab component and DateTime values.
• Fix: Some problems with the zoom in the report designer.
• Fix: Some problems with the theme in the report designer.
• Fix: Some changes in the InvokeFullScreen method.
• Fix: Control symbols are now displayed correctly in EAN128a, EAN128b.
• Fix: Some corrections in the Chart Styles.
• Fix: Some problems with the rich text editor.
• Fix: Some problems with the Chart Wizard.
• Fix: Some problems with the page margins.
• Fix: Some problems with the Jpeg export.
• Fix: Some problems with threading.
• Fix: Some problems with the ToWords function.
• Fix: Some problems with the ExcelSheet property.
• Fix: Some corrections in the BarCodes.
• Fix: Some corrections in the export to Word2007.
• Fix: Some problems with the Chart Title.
• Fix: Some problems with the SubReports property.
• Fix: Some problems with editable fields.
• Fix: Some problems with the Scatter series.
• Fix: Some problems in the CheckBox painting.
• Fix: Some problems in the PDF export.
• Fix: Some problems with the SQL parameters and functions.
• Fix: Some problems with the ResetPageNumber property.
• Fix: Some problems with the panel component.
• Fix: Some problems with totals and components with spaces in a name.
• Fix: Some problems with the Find tool and the Single page mode in the Viewer.
• Fix: Some problems with the CrossTab engine.
• Fix: Some problems with dialogs.
• Fix: Some problems with the PreviewSettings property.
• Fix: Some problems with the ImageUrl property and compiled reports.
• Fix: Some problems with the Clipboard operations.
• Fix: Some problems with the EngineV1.
• Fix: Some correction in the Reports Designer with the Ribbon Gui.
• Fix: Some problems with the export to Excel2007.
• Fix: Some problems with web dialogs.
• Fix: Some problems with business objects.
• Fix: A problem with the custom saving reports in the designer.
• Fix: Some problems with localization of events in the property grid.
• Fix: A problem with the SavePageAs function in the ribbon Gui.
• Fix: A problem with Aliases.
• Fix: Some problems with rulers.
• Fix: Some corrections in work of the PrintOn property.
• Fix: Some problems with code editor.
• Fix: Some problems with charts.
• Fix: Some problems with totals in the databand which have names with spaces.
• Fix: Some problems with the None summary type in the Cross-Tab.
• Fix: A problem with the DotMatrixViewer.
• Fix: Some problems with the Drag&Drop.
• Fix: Some problems with the CrossPrimitives in the preview window.
• Fix: Some problems with the UseExternalReport property of the SubReport.
The new version of Stimulsoft Reports.Web released
We have released Stimulsoft Reports.Web 2009.1. The new version of report generator has implemented new reporting capabilities, which increase productivity and save your time. And the important thing is that all this you can do in a Web browser.
Among the features added to the product there are some significant ones. They are:
• Now styles are supported.
• Now conditions are supported.
• Charts, Data adapters are also supported.
• Wizards for creating reports are added. Among them are Standard Report Wizard, Master-Detail Wizard, Label Wizard.
• Two new exports DIV and SYLK are added.
• The Interaction property is added to each component.
• The product is localized into 23 languages.
In addition, Stimulsoft Reports.Web version 2009.1 includes great many fixes and improvements, what makes your work with reports easier.
Please, see the list of full changes:
New in Web Viewer • The DateTimePicker in WebViewer dialogs is localized.
• A new OpenLinksInNewWindow property is added to the StiWebViewer.
• A new OpenLinksInFrame property is added to the StiWebViewer.
New in Reports Designer.Web • Styles are added to Designer.Web.
• Now Conditions can be used in Designer.Web.
• Charts can be used in Designer.Web.
• Now Designer.Web supports data adapters.
• Standard Report Wizard is added.
• The Master-Detail Wizard is added to Designer.Web.
• A new Label Wizard report wizard.
• The Preview Tab is added to Designer.Web.
• Editors for ConstantLines and Strips are added.
• Now Designer.Web can work with BarCodes.
• Now you can see report compilation errors.
• Localization of Designer.Web is added.
• Designer.Web now supports the SubReport component.
• Designer.Web now supports the Clone component.
• Designer.Web now supports the CheckBox component.
• Some improvements in the Image, Chart, and BarCodes drawing.
• Now you can set some restrictions to the web designer with help of the StiWebDesignerOptions class.
New in Report Engine • A new AllowHtmlTags property has been added to the Text component. Now you can use Html Tags in text expressions!
• Now you can change border parameters for each border sides.
• A new Interaction property is added to each component. With help of this class you can collapse, resort data in the Viewer window. Also you can make Drill-Down reports. The ToolTip, Bookmark and Tag properties are moved to the Interaction property.
• Now you can sort data sources by expressions.
• We have added a new Glass Brush brush type.
• The ImageRotation property is added to the image component.
• The KeepCrossTabTogether property is added to the Cross-Tab component.
• The KeepSubReportTogether property is added to the Sub-Report component.
• The Margins property is added to the RichText.
• A new properties are added to the RectanglePrimitive and RoundedRectanglePrimitive components. They are TopSide, LeftSide, BottomSide, RightSide.
• A new PrinterSettings.Duplex property is added to a report.
• A new StiOptions.Engine.GlobalEvents.InvokeCheckDrillDownReport static event.
• Now the Component Style has the Image property.
• The StiPage.SaveDocument, StiPage.LoadDocument methods are added.
• The Dock property is replaced on the DockStyle property. Old reports will be converted automatically.
New in Exports of Reports • Export to DIF is added.
• Export to SYLK is added.
• Import reports from RTF files is added.
• Now exports to Excel, Excel2007 support the HideZeros property.
• Some improvements in PDF, XPS and RTF exports.
• A new StiOptions.Export.Word2007.SpaceBetweenCharacters static property.
• A new StiOptions.Export.Word2007.RightMarginCorrection static property.
• A new Image Compression Method property is added to the PDF export.
• A new StiOptions.Export.Word2007.LineHeightExactly static property.
• Now you can export reports in the cache mode.
New tools
• A new tool is added to Stimulsoft Reports.Net: Import.CrystalReports.exe.
New localizations • Localization in Croatian is added.
• Localization to Georgian is added.
• Localization in Hungarian is added.
• Localization in Polish is added.
• Localization in Serbian is added.
New in BarCodes • A new type of the BarCode: ITF14.
• The Font property is added to the BarCode.
New in Charts • The BrushType property is added to the ChartStyle.
• We added three chart styles: Style16, Style17 and Style18.
• We added new CuttedPieList and Distance properties to the PieSeries.
• The TextAlignment property is added to the XAxis in Chart.
• A new Marker property is added to the Line Series in the Chart.
• A new LineMarker property is added to the Line Series in the Chart-.
• A new AllowApplyStyle property added to the Chart.
• A new SeriesLabels property is added to the Series.
• A new static StiOptions.Engine.OldChartPercentMode.
• The MasterComponent is added to the Chart component.
Fixed Bugs
• Fix: A problem with the pages range.
• Fix: A problem with text drawing in WYSIWYG mode in some cases.
• Fix: Small corrections in the BarCode painter.
• Fix: Incorrect behavior of the PrintOnAllPages property in some situations.
• Fix: Some corrections in the auto series colors.
• Fix: A bug with the RenderingEvent of page.
• Fix: Some fixes in EngineV2.
• Fix: Some corrections in the Crystal Reports import.
• Fix: Some problems with the Virtual Data Sources in web dialogs.
• Fix: Some problems with sorting in the Virtual DataSources.
• Fix: Control symbols now displayed correctly in EAN128a, EAN128b.
• Fix: Some problems with page margins.
• Fix: Some problems with the JPEG export.
• Fix: Some problems with the threading.
• Fix: Some problems with the ToWords function.
• Fix: Some problems with the ExcelSheet property.
• Fix: Some problems with the Scatter series.
• Fix: Some problems in the CheckBox painting.
• Fix: Some problems in the PDF export.
• Fix: Some problems with totals and components with spaces in name.
• Fix: Some problems with dialogs.
• Fix: Some problems with the ImageUrl property and compiled reports.
• Fix: Some problems with the EngineV1.
• Fix: Some problems with the export to Excel2007.
• Fix: Some problems with web dialogs.
• Fix: Some problems with business objects.
• Fix: A problem with Aliases.
• Fix: Some problems with rulers.
• Fix: Some corrections in work of the PrintOn property.
• Fix: Some problems with totals in the databand which have name with spaces.
• Fix: Some problems with the Drag&Drop.
• Fix: Some bugs with brushes in Designer.Web.
• Fix: Some problems with the Text.TextOptions property in Designer.Web.
• Fix: Some problems with the PropertyGrid in Designer.Web.
• Fix: Some problems with the DataBand component in Designer.Web.
• Fix: Some problems with the Dictionary in Designer.Web.
• Fix: Some problems with the MasterComponent property in Designer.Web.
• Fix: Some problems with columns in Designer.Web.
• Fix: Some corrections in the page drawing in Designer.Web.
• Fix: Some corrections in the progress bar in Designer.Web.
• Fix: Some corrections in drawing BarCodes with transparency in Designer.Web.
• Fix: Some problems in the GroupHeaderBand component in Designer.Web.
• Fix: Some problems with the StiSqlSource in Designer.Web.
• Fix: Some problems with the Report Script in Designer.Web.
• Fix: Some problems with Sorts and Filters in Designer.Web.
• Fix: Some bugs with the Horizontal Line components in Designer.Web.
We have used the latest internal SetupBuilder 7 (beta) to develop the Clarion 7 compatible LSZip installation image.
The installer (optionally) supports template registration and source code examples installation.
Both the full and trial versions of LSZip are distributed through the same installer now. The customer can mark the "Have Serial Number" checkbox and enter his license details to install the full (licensed) version. If this default option is unmarked, the trial version is installed.
We decided not to add a Shortcut to the Start Menu nor do we modify the redirection file.
The setup installs the latest code-signed DLLs (version, dated May 02, 2008). If you are already using the DLLs in your Clarion environment, then there is no need download this install image.
Doctor Web - the Russian anti-virus vendor - released Dr.Web for Kerio WinRoute. The anti-virus application used with Kerio Winroute Firewall performs anti-virus scan of network traffic providing reliable anti-virus security for home users and business.
Dr.Web for Kerio WinRoute communicates with Kerio Winroute Firewall and scans HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP3 and Kerio Clientless SSL VPN traffic to prevent infection of a system by malware.
The new anti-virus from Doctor Web incorporates all cutting-edge detection and neutralization technologies of the improved anti-virus engine 5.0 including the updated heuristic analyzer and Origins Tracing responsible for detection of unknown viruses. The application is guaranteed to scan all files, e-mail attachments and archives that may contain malicious code and impose a threat to a user system or corporate network.
Dr.Web for Kerio WinRoute has a very simple installation procedure and doesn’t require a significant user experience. The administrator console of Kerio WinRoute Firewall allows even an inexperienced administrator to configure and control the anti-virus.
Automatic updating of Dr.Web virus databases allows Dr.Web for Kerio WinRoute to detect latest samples of malicious programs. Virus signatures and information about properties of malware contained in the databases is the subject to constant updating by virus analysts of Doctor Web. A new update is released as soon as information about an emerged threat is received and analyzed.
2.Drop down UNDO/REDO picker, like microsoft office!
Vector drawing
XD++ MFC Pro comes with a set of predefined shapes, such as: Arcs; Dimension line; Rectangle; Curve; Ellipse; Line; Freeform polygons; Text; Diamond; Triangle; Right triangle; Parallelogram; Trapezoid; Hexagon; Octagon; Plus sign; Star; Pentagon; Left arrow; Scribble; Etc.
You can subject shapes to:
Reversing, etc.
Simply add hyperlinks to each shape and drawing page. Through a hyperlink you can jump to another XD++ MFC Pro drawing, another file (.DOC, .XLS, etc.), or your Web site for example!
Raster imaging tools
Several raster imaging tools are @ your disposal:
Filling shapes with patterns, textures, pictures and with all standard colors;
Text editing
XD++ MFC Pro has a variety of text manipulating devices:
Plain text: This device is convenient when drawing titles, logos, or other short text you want to manipulate, i.e. stretch, flip, custom-fill, etc.;
Text boxes: This device is suitable for manipulating large blocks of formatted text;
Displaying and editing text in composite shape;
Object model
The object model of XD++ MFC Pro is improved and therefore far more logical and intuitive. It allows you to manipulate shapes and events quickly and easily.
Workspace display
A variety of properties are available to set the way you want the drawing workspace to be displayed with:
Page break line;
Paper background;
Scroll bars;
Several useful printing options are @ your disposal:
XD++ MFC Pro prints the whole drawing on canvas and auto split pages;
Specifies print settings such as margins, orientation, paper size, etc.;
Complete control of printing, Print Preview and Printer Setup dialog box.
Other features
Unlimited Undo-Redo capability;
Dynamic re-ordering and object grouping;
4 C++ and VB sample projects with complete source code.
XD++ MFC Pro is compatible with a wide range of development languages and platforms, including:
MS Visual Basic;
MS Visual C++;
MS FoxPro for Windows;
Borland C++ Builder;
Borland Delphi;
Any other 32-bit programming environments that support ActiveX components.
Try EVERY feature before you purchase it In the download section you can find the trial version of XD++ MFC Pro. All our research show that a fully-functional demo is a decisive element for most of developers. So check for yourself if XD++ MFC Pro is what you were looking for. The only difference between the trial and release version is the presence of nag screens.
XD++ MFC Pro Component is licensed per number of developers' machines i.e. one software license is required per developer's machine.
All XD++ MFC Pro Components are royalty-free which means re-distribution with your application does not require any additional fees.
* User Management icon was re-introduced in the Icon Bar.
* In DATA and RESULT tab you can now open the BLOB VIEWER for BLOB and TEXT types with any keyboard keystroke (like SPACEBAR). The ‘NOT NULL’ checkbox will then automatically uncheck (if checked) and BLOB VIEWER window is ready for input from the keyboard without any mouse action.
Bug Fixes:
* SQLyog could crash when retrieving binary data over a HTTP-connection.
* Fixed a crash when updating from the RESULT tab (details: a pointer used internally could contain an invalid value).
* When multiple reconnects took place in ‘copy database/table’ with short intervals various issues could occur - including a program crash.
* When Schema Sync CREATED a table having a string column with default ” (empty string) the default was not created for that column (it was no problem if the table on <target> existed in advance and was ALTERED)..
* On MySQL 4.1 and 5.0 SHOW FULL FIELDS does not expose an ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP clause for a TIMESTAMP column . We will now get this information from SHOW CREATE TABLE . The most serious problem before this was that when syncing from 4.1/5.0 to 5.1/6.0 an ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP clause could erroneously be dropped on target.
* Also this release contains a large number of GUI-releated fixes including fixes for painting issues and Object Browser issues related fixes. Also the Object Browser fixes in 8.04 introduced new issues that were now also fixed.
We are pleased to announce the availability of SetupBuilder 6.9 Build 2555.
This is an update to our latest stable release, and contains some important bug fixes. This build also brings SetupBuilder 6 in-sync with the latest SetupBuilder 7 beta build. We strongly recommend that all customers upgrade to the new version of SetupBuilder 6.9 as soon as possible to maintain the highest level of support, performance and reliability.
SetupBuilder 6.9 -- Build 2555 (April 03, 2009)
FIX : (sync from SB7) IDE: The "Move Down" function did not work correctly in the "Run Programs" Visualizer.
FIX : (sync from SB7) IDE: The compiler generated incorrect execution code if a Registry data value contained a CR/LF and the data type was not a "multi-string".
FIX : (sync from SB7) Installer: Possible uninstall problem on 64-bit operating systems if the uninstall application was running in 32-bit mode.
FIX : (sync from SB7) [SB#904011] IDE: The "Queue existing Clarion Template for registration" option in the "Register Clarion Templates" function was not working as expected.
FIX : [SB#903311] Installer: Possible (silent) buffer overrun in "Set Variable" (with "Append Value" option enabled) if new value size was > 1K.
FIX : [SB#903312] Installer: Possible (silent) buffer overrun in "Post to HTTP Server..." if the server response data stream size was > 1K.
Doctor Web presents a review of activities of malicious programs in March 2009. The last month saw increased usage of malware by online fraudsters, growing botnets with their creators applying more aggressive techniques to expand networks of zombie machines and spammers advertising their own business.
New techniques introduced by virus makers to increase efficiency of Tdss and Shadow botnets made them main nuisances in March. Time-tested ways of spreading malware on removable data-storage devices and over network resources worked as well as before showing that most users didn’t follow security recommendations of anti-virus vendors.
On the other hand Doctor Web does its best to keep users and technical specialists updated on latest threats and provides them with Internet security tips. At the same time creators of botnets also know that certain vulnerabilities if open allow security experts and administrators to suggest that the system has been compromised. A new feature of Win32.HLLW.Shadow.based based enables it to close certain vulnerabilities in infected systems making it harder to detect if a system has been compromised.
The latest modification of Win32.HLLW.Shadow.based also features a domain name generator that uses a certain algorithm to generate 50 000 domain names every 24 hours and picks out 500 domains from the list to look for updates. Now it is much harder to disrupt operation of the botnet since one can’t find out addresses of all malicious servers and force their shutdown lawfully.
BackDoor.Tdss that expands the Tdss botnet uses other spreading and disguise techniques. Each subsequent version of the backdoor features more sophisticated rootkit technologies that allow it to evade detection and disrupt operation of anti-virus file monitors. To get into a system it exploits one of Windows vulnerabilities or can be downloaded and launched as a video codec by a user. Even though the codec trick has been known for quite a while it still remains efficient.
Cyber fraud
Once again an increased number of fraud schemes involving use of malware was registered in March.
Customers of sRussian banks using ATMs were worried by the news about viruses that compromised ATMs of certain Russian banks. The malicious programs collected information stored on credit cards and account information sent by the bank to the ATM upon a request of the customer.
The name of the program in the Dr.Web classification of malware is Trojan.Skimer. The Dr.Web virus database contains entries for ten modifications of the Trojan. It should be noted that banks received instruction on how to close the vulnerability from the manufacturer of ATMs before the Trojan was discovered by anti-virus vendors. See the detailed description of Trojan.Skimer in the virus library at the web-site of Doctor Web.
Even though anti-virus vendors provide detailed information about fake anti-viruses, cyber-criminals still implement schemes tricking users into paying for a program that actually does nothing. Now when elements of professional web-design are implemented on bogus web-sites spreading fake anti-viruses, the sites tend to look more and more like web-resources of real anti-virus vendors. Such fake anti-viruses as Antivirus XP 2008 are known to almost every Internet user.
Popularity of social networking web-sites in Russia provides virus makers with infinite opportunities. Another Trojan discovered in March was spread as a piece of software that would enable users of a social network to increase their rating.
The main subject of spam messages in the last month was advertisement of spam mailings. Probably the offer exceeded demand on the spam market. Apart from self-advertising spam messages also promoted healthcare products, expensive new mobile phones at great discounts and replicas of luxury watches. Some messages urged users to participate in conferences and take advantage of various training programmes.
Malicious programs or links to malicious web-sites provided by spam messages became smaller in number in recent months. Absence of mass spam mailings related to spread of malware caused different side-effects. Programs that usually didn’t spread via e-mail could get top positions in anti-virus statistics. It happened because users of compromised machines added infected files to attachments they sent via e-mail.
As for mailings that aimed to spread malware, virus analysts of Doctor Web registered a short-term mailing (several hours) of Win32.HLLW.Brutus.3 and a mailing of Trojan.PWS.Panda.114 that lasted a bit longer but used smaller amount of mail traffic. The latter came with a message supposedly from DHL. It informed a user that his message could not be delivered due to invalid delivery address. A user was offered to visit a DHL office with a printed invoice attached to the message. Of course the attached invoice was nothing more than a malicious file.
Even though the number of phishing messages in March was a bit lower than usual, virus analysts of Doctor Web registered several phishing attacks targeting customers of eBay.
Malicious files detected in mail traffic in March
01.03.2009 00:00 - 01.04.2009 00:00
5348 (16.27%)
3942 (11.99%)
3887 (11.83%)
1998 (6.08%)
1709 (5.20%)
1629 (4.96%)
1252 (3.81%)
1137 (3.46%)
1134 (3.45%)
964 (2.93%)
901 (2.74%)
511 (1.55%)
472 (1.44%)
443 (1.35%)
403 (1.23%)
393 (1.20%)
379 (1.15%)
351 (1.07%)
351 (1.07%)
339 (1.03%)
Total scanned:
32,867 (0.0081%)
Malicious files detected on user machines in March
Features added (as compared to 3.04): * SSL/TLS mail encryption is now supported for mail alerts.
* Added an option to rebuild MONyog databases. Using this option periodically may result in better performance - including shorter startup time when OS is rebooted. Basically using this option will defragment the database including indexes. It is not possible to provide an ‘absolute’ advice on how this option should be used. But the larger the databases and the shorter the sample interval the faster there is a chance of fragmentation occurring after a huge amount of INSERTs and DELETEs to the database (note that only with databases files of around 1 GB and larger we have seen the need for this. A ‘general’ advice could be to execute monthly with large database files).
* Improved error messages for Query Analyzer.
Bug fixes (as compared to 3.04):
* When “Test Connection” or “Test Path” was clicked MONyog seemed inactive. Now the mouse cursor will change to an ‘active state cursor’ indicating that MONyog is performing the requested operation.
* With query sniffer enabled the 64 bit Linux build could crash. Reports about this include RedHat and Ubuntu Linux distributions with very recent Linux Kernels.
Bug fixes as compared to 3.05 beta1 include. * Registering a server while SQLite VACUUM command was running could cause MONyog to hang.
* The STOP option for SQLite VACUUM command would not work if more than one VACUUM command was executing.
A.NET/ VC++ Source Code Component for building any database printing applications that create dynamic, database-driven documents quickly and easily and personalize your promotional communications by varying text, graphics, barcodes, or entire layouts based on information found in your database.
If you are looking for .NET/VC++ Source Codes for building a flexible and easy way to use promotional software, UCanCode E-XD++ UCCPrint .NET/VC++ Source Code Solution is the ideal source code component solution for you. E-XD++ Print Solution allows you to personalize your promotional communications by varying text, graphics, barcodes, or entire layouts based on information found in your database. E-XD++ Print Solution is a fast and flexible variable data printing solution for the production of simple and complex Variable Data Printing jobs, ranging from small, medium to high volume output quantities.
E-XD++ UCCPrint Solution can use almost any database format. You can use drag-and-drop interface to create links between your database fields and your document quickly and easily. You can use the data from your database as-is in your documents; or you can use conditional-processing features, data-parsing features, and data-formatting.
With E-XD++ Professional Variable data printing sourc code solution, a ready to use professional UCCPrint application is shipped. (100% VC++ Source Codes of this applications is also shipped). It has the following featrues:
Design with 100% VC++ MFC.
100% VC++ Source Codes is shipped with full edition.
You can use and ship this application now, no need to do any changes to get it works.
Use your current design and database applications
No need to consider your Printer, it will takes database records automatic.
Variable Information Printing at rated speed of the printer
Reduced print cost and print wastage
Efficient production process that saves time and money
Open architecture - plugs in easily into any existing workflow
Instant preview to see results before printing to facilitate accuracy
Note: For using uccsample.ucp file, you must open database file "xtreme.mdb" and choose "Orders" table.
Building any personalizing variable data documents application has never been so easy!
By simply dragging and dropping database fields onto the document layout, E-XD++ UCCPrint Solution creates a link between the database field and your document. E-XD++ UCCPrint Solution gives you an instant preview and provides you with a powerful resource checking option to ensure proper printing. Utilize the comprehensive set of conditional rules for database driven composition.
With E-XD++ Component, you can add advanced printing functionality to your applications. The E-XD++ Library is a 100% VC++ data rendering and visualization system, built specifically for Visual Studio .NET and designed to bring your User Interface to the printed page. Now you only need a few days for building a very powerful label print or report print application.
Through its Java, .NET and C++, and Flex/AIR graphics libraries and components, ucancode provides the industry’s most comprehensive set of graphics tools for creating sophisticated, interactive user displays. ucancode's graphics products enhance decision-making speed and ability by making vast quantities of complex data more comprehensible and manageable for users. Developers save 50 to 80 percent of development time when creating displays with ucancode Visualization.
The leader in visualization component -- FULL VC++ Source Code Shipped!
XD++ Diagrammer Suite is the the world’s leading VC++ and .NET visualization component. Renowned for incredibly rich graphics, XD++ helps thousands developers build applications that offer unparalleled functionality. Outstanding productivity lowers project risk and reduces maintenance headaches. With 10 years of dedicated research and development, UCanCode leads the market for visualization technologies, providing outstanding customer support.
The VC++ source codes of this sample is shipped with E-XD++ Library Enterprise Edition, order it now.
* Crash dumps with no information (zero-size) will now be deleted automatically.
* When saving/copying from the editor the LETTERCASE modfications for keywords and functions will now be preserved.
* Selecting a ‘child’ object for a table (columns and indexes) will now refresh the DATA tab if DATA tab is open. Before only selecting the table object itself did. Also the table information is now available in OBJECTS tab when a column or index is selected.
* Now also a ‘key’ icon is used for identifying the Primary Key in an Object Browser ‘Indexes’ folder,
* When a GRID cell is only partly visible, doubleclicking it will move the grid position so that cell/row will become visible (before it worked like that with singleclick - we changed to doubleclick as this is a de facto standard in such grids - in Excel for instance).
* The copy database/table dialogue will now expose detailed information about objects copied.
* In ‘empty database’ added a ‘SELECT ALL’ option in order to avoid multiple confirmation popups.
Bug Fixes: * An index defined on more than one column displayed as many time in the Object Browser as the number of columns used for defining the index.
* Fixed scrolling issues with the GRIDs.
* The GRID of CREATE/ALTER TABLE dialogue required double-click in a cell before pasting into that cell was possible.
* Query Builder ‘copy query to same query tab’ was broken.
* Query formatter would insert Unix linebreaks (\n) instead of Windows linebreaks (\r\n) between multiple queries what in turn could result in that the tokenizer/editor would fail to recognize exactly where a statement started and ended.
* In the Schema Sync dialogue the ‘compare’ button could grey out. This bug was introduced with the ‘refresh’ option added in 8.03.
* The ‘include column names’ option in CSV-export dialogue (including ’save to clipboard’) was not persistent.
* Fixed some flickering and repainting issues in Schema Designer in particular as well as other similar small issues elsewhere in the program.
* A floating point value displayed in the form “.1234″ (no ZERO before the decimal sign) would be exported as integer “1234″ with “export as Excel XML”. Also NULL values for numerical types could result in a XML file that Excel would not open.
* Adding/dropping an index would collapse the ‘columns’ folder for the table in Object Browser and vice versa.
* F6 keyboard shortcut was disabled if focus was on a ‘columns’ folder in Object Browser.
* When using “copy database” and an error occurred while copying a ’stored program’ the copy proces would not abort on error. Instead next object was copied or attempted copied. This has been changed so that behaviour with ’stored programs’ is the same as with tables.
* When clicking the database dropdown in the connection manager of SJA wizards the mouse pointer did not change to an ‘wait state’ pointer while list of databases was fetched from the server, what could give user an impression of SQLyog ‘hanging’ .
* Progress bar improvement with “Export as SQL dump” and “Restore from SQL dump”. Also progress information with files larger than 4 GB displayed wrong due to 32 bit integer overflow. Now a 64 bit integer is used.
* Lots of small GUI fixes reported internally and by users.
Functionality changed: * We will now not UPDATE a row of data from DATA or RESULT tab if any of the columns displayed for the actual row contains data identified as binary data by containing a NULL byte (’\0′ in C-notation) no matter whether this occurs for binary, varbinary, char or varchar types. Instead an error message will print (reason for this: the UPDATE operation would store what was displayed - not the underlying binary data causing the display).
* The arrow icons displaying in column headers of the DATA grid indicating sorting state have been replaced/reverted to conform with de-facto standards.
We are glad to announce the release of Help & Manual 5.1.1, which is a maintenance release to the recent 5.1 update.
This update implements minor changes and features, which were found and requested in the last couple of weeks and did not make it into the 5.1 release.
Changes and bug fixes
A bug in the date calculation routine terminated the calculation of the project statistic when you open a project. This affected certain dates only.
Print topic: when you print a single topic, protected text is no longer printed with a background. This caused protected text to be almost unreadable on b/w printers.
Index tool: selected keyword keeps focus when reloading the index manually
Webhelp: the configuration of the Webhelp publishing format now includes two new options. First, you can export topic pages without the mandatory byte order mark for UTF-8. This solves publishing problems when you run your Webhelp system through a PHP server and have no influence on the PHP options on your server.
Second, the Webhelp output optionally modifies the archive bit of topic files by comparing their content. So instead of looking at the timestamp of the topic, you could use the archive bit to ftp-upload only files that have changed.
Find & replace: replacing multiple blanks dit not work
Version control: On the very first export to VCS the Ok button stayed grayed after selecting the VCS provider.
XML parser: the parsing method for bulleted lists caused certain Wingdings bullets to disappear on non-English Windows systems.
Small glitch in custom topic status dialog fixed
Save-as dialog in Impict truncated file names if the filename had it dot in it.
Drag & drop between projects did not work in some cases
Compiler report: the command "Open and explore output folder" is now implemented for PDF compiler report as well.
PDF export: on the printed table-of-contents page in PDF, chapters without text did not have an active link to the beginning of that chapter. This has been added. Furthermore, the underscores of links in justified text were slightly too low, when exported to PDF.
Online help has been updated
Additional change in build 750: Navigation script for Webhelp has been updated to fix a small problem with the upcoming MS Internet Explorer 8
The new version 4.2 of VSdocman has been released. VSdocman is Visual Studio .NET 2002/2003/2005/2008 add-in for the quick commenting and automatic generation of technical documentation from your VB .NET and C# source code files.
What's new in VSdocman version 4.2:
NEW: You can create tables with more than two columns.
NEW: Comment editor recognizes and converts the following HTML elements in XML comments: <strong>, <em>, <a href=...>, <a name=...>, <see href=...>, <p>, <br/>, <ul>, <ol>, <li>, <table>, <tbody>, <th>, <tr>, <td> and <pre>. So you can use HTML code in your XML comments and when you open comment editor, it will be automatically converted to XML syntax.
CHANGE: WYSIWYG comment editor no longer removes top-level XML comment tags that are not supported or explicitly defined by user in options. This way you can add any number of your own top-level XML tags manually without being worry that editor will delete them.
CHANGE: WYSIWYG comment editor no longer removes <see> tags without the text, e.g. <see cref="T:MyNamespace.MyClass" />
FIX: VSdocman crash when documenting generic VB method whose type argument is array, e.g. Function MyFunction() As Dictionary(Of String, Byte()).
FIX: No syntax declaration was generated for C# methods without parameters. This bug was introduced in version 4.1.
FIX: Inactive links were generated for <see> tags with incomplete cref attribute (e.g. only class name without namespace and T: prefix) in <summary> section. It worked fine in other sections such as <remarks>.
FIX: Error with missing pubsinterface.gif file in Help & Manual output.
FIX: Error message when clicking the Constructors link in members page header in *_msdn2 formats.
FIX: Incorrectly formatted text in clipboard after using Copy Code in help2_msdn2 output.
We are happy to announce that Artisteer 2.0 has arrived!
The new version of our Automated Web Designer adds support for the most popular open source content management systems: Joomla and Drupal, in addition to previously supported Wordpress themes and generic web templates.
The major new features and improvements are listed below:
- support for creating Joomla templates and Drupal themes
- internationalization of Wordpress themes
- typography
- article (blog post) design
- footer design
- support for custom page backgrounds and glares
- sheet transparency
- new abstract header background images
- HTML+CSS validated with W3C validator
- template name, version and other attributes
- minor improvements in exporting CodeCharge Studio and Visual Studio templates bug fixes
* New major feature: column width persistence in GRIDs. Once you have defined a column width for a combination of database/table/column the defined column width will always be used. Note that connection details are not used for identifying columns with this new functionality so with replicated and identically named synchronized databases it is sufficient to define in one place. Alias’ed columns in results are handled by the column name and not the alias. Non-column results (like constants, results of expressions/functions, returns of SHOW etc.) are not supported currently. The feature can be turned on/off. Note that if both this new option and the old ”Truncate column headers … ” is checked in program ‘preferences’ the “Truncate ..” option will be ‘overridden’ by the new column width persistence feature.
* Resizing columns in GRID was made easier. A ‘zone’ around the column splitter and not only the splitter line itself will now accept the mouse event.
* ‘Find’ dialogue will now remember last used values.
* Added an option to open a file in a new tab (Editor tab and Schema Designer tab).
* Added an option to use ‘hard SPACES’ for tabulation in the editor (with this checked the code will display identically when copied to other programs).
* In editor you can now start typing a query in any position and <ENTER> will position cursor in same position of the next line.
* Added ‘view data’ option to the context menu of a VIEW.
* In Query Builder PK-columns are now marked with a (beginning) ‘*’ .
* In Object Browser introduced a new ‘key’ icon for PK-columns.
* ‘Find’ was implemented in BLOB viewer. Currently there is only the Ctrl+F shortcut to do this and no other GUI option (no button or whatever).
* In Schema Sync added a ‘refresh’ option in the dropdowns for <source> and <target> databases.
* The program dialogues for SHOW variables/processlist/status, SHOW warnings with CSV-import and Table advanced properties are now resizable.
Bug Fixes:
* Fixed an issue where SQLyog failed to SET NAMES when reconnecting.
* Exporting floating point data as Excel XML could truncate data.
* Quite a lot of fixes for (mostly cosmetical) GUI issues.
* Fixed some ‘flickering’ issues.
* Double clicking in the GRID could cause the GRID position to move. .
* Fixed a bug with detection of encoded strings stored in BLOBs (This was introduced in 8.0 - and it is still recommended to use TEXT types for encoded strings).
* For 16×16 icons we now use the icons from before 8.0. The new icons had too many details for this resolution. Also now users that prefer the old icons can have them!
* A restriction on the file size to be loaded into the editor introduced in 7.12 was enlarged from 2 MB to 20 MB. A warning will now print if size is exceeded (but also note that there is no such restriction when importing external files (from tools .. restore ..)).
Changes (as compared to 3.02 include - and also note that 3.03 was never released for the public):
* In case of invalid javascript in a counter definition, MONyog will now tell details about this error.
* Optimizations in the handling of the MONyog embedded database. In particular users with a very large retention timeframe setting and rather short sample interval (resulting in large databases) will benefit from that.
Bug fixes: * The above will also fix an issue where MONyog seemed to ‘hang’ when saving connection details for a connection having large database files.
Doctor Web presents the virus activity review for February 2009. As a traditional January “vacation” came to an end, cyber criminals got back to their work. The last month saw a significantly increased number of malicious programs used to turn computers into zombies.
A large number of malicious programs are spread in order to increase the number of zombie computers in botnets. Tdss and Virut are common examples of rapidly growing zombie networks.
Let’s take a closer look at one of the methods of infection used by owners of the Tdss botnet. They disguise malicious code as a video codec typically copied to a hard drive from a removable media. The malicious program is detected by Dr.Web as Win32.HLLW.Autoruner.4612. If launched the virus will infect available hard and removable drives and create its additional component also detected by Dr.Web as Win32.HLLW.Autoruner.4612
In order to launch the second malicious file the virus makes a modified copy of a system library that entered the Dr.Web virus database as Trojan.Starter.896. One of system services is restarted in order to make the system use the modified library.
Win32.HLLW.Autoruner.4612 is a backdoor – a remote administration program installed in a system without an authorization of the user and controlled by a cyber-criminal. Luckily actions performed by this particular backdoor are limited to downloading of executable files from a server. Win32.HLLW.Autoruner.4612 initiates a file transfer and receives encrypted files and instructions required to download and launch other malicious programs.
One of such programs is Trojan.DnsChange.1008 that changes DNS settings on the computer that may allow a virus maker to intercept Internet traffic of a user and block access to the Internet.
Owners of Virut use the Win32.Virut polymorphic virus that infects executable files of Windows and adds a special tag at the end of HTML documents. Opening such a document initiates downloading of malicious programs from servers of the botnet. This is the main reason why the virus is often detected in mail traffic as users often attach HTML documents modified by the virus to their messages. Consequently the virus takes top positions in statistic reports on malware in e-mail traffic even if there are no notable mass mailings spreading malicious code.
The latest version of Win32.Virut.56 uses several infection techniques depending on the structure of a file it infects. However, the encrypted code of the virus body is always written at the end of the file. The code for decryption is placed in unused segments of the infected file. The code is polymorphic meaning it differs from file to file. Besides, the polymorphic code may include the code of an infected file if it is required to infect it.
Win32.Virut.56 also features its own IRC-client used to receive commands to download and launch other malicious programs on an infected machine.
In first two weeks of February many users received messages that contained links to bogus web-sites supposedly offering St. Valentine Day greetings. Instead of a greeting card a user downloaded one of the numerous modifications of Trojan.Spambot – a malicious program that uses an infected machine to send out spam.
Keen to make quick money virus makers often fail to test their works properly and lose profit even though damage is still done to data of a victim. Trojan.Encoder.36 wrote its code into document files on a hard drive of a victim, so the user couldn’t open such files. However, the Trojan didn’t display the account information so that the victim could pay for decryption. Users whose file s were corrupted by the malicioius program can scan such files using Dr.Web software to restore them to their original state.
Even though the number of spam messages with attached malicious code moved down, one could still find e-mails with attached malware. At the end of February some users received messages notifying them that a photo of the user was published on a web-site in the Internet. The supposed photo was attached to the message as a zip-archive. The archive contained the file with the name Foto_Jenna.Jpg[series of underscores].exe detected by Dr.Web as Trojan.DownLoad.9125.
It seems that the worldwide economic slowdown boosted business of spammers .Many companies receive offers to promote their products and services in the Interne. Little wonder that the promotion is limited to spam messages containing information about the company. In last two weeks of February such messages increased amount of spam traffic at such a rate that if the growth continues in the next month, it will exceed amount of spam traffic registered at the beginning of December 2008 prior to the closure of the hosting companies responsible for a large share of spam traffic..
Number of phishing messages and other scams in English also went down while the number of scams in native languages of recipients increased. In February phishing attacks offering messages in native languages of users were received by customers of the Praveks bank (Ukraine) and customers of the Raiffeisen Bank in Romania.
Malicious programs detected in mail traffic in February
01.02.2009 00:00 - 01.03.2009 00:00
13836 (18.60%)
12512 (16.82%)
5777 (7.77%)
4829 (6.49%)
4276 (5.75%)
3896 (5.24%)
3608 (4.85%)
2222 (2.99%)
2130 (2.86%)
1254 (1.69%)
1142 (1.54%)
1101 (1.48%)
1046 (1.41%)
1020 (1.37%)
901 (1.21%)
821 (1.10%)
811 (1.09%)
804 (1.08%)
783 (1.05%)
651 (0.88%)
Total scanned:
74,379 (0.02%)
Malicious programs detected on user machines in February
We are pleased to announce the release of Doc-To-Help 2009 V2… The All-in-one Publishing and Authoring Solution!
This release includes feature enhancements that our current users will appreciate and updates that will simplify the experience for new users. The focus of this release was to create the best User Experience in the industry. Doc-To-Help is simply the tool that Technical & Policy Writers and Help Authors will want to use.
· NEW!! "Getting Started" Wizard - guides users through the project creation process. It is easier than ever to create a project with new or existing documents in Doc-To-Help!
· Revamped Home Tab - makes building or viewing your target more streamlined
· NEW!! Target Design Ribbon - gathers all of the design settings for your Targets in one convenient location
· Project Management Enhancements- The New "My Doc-To-Help Projects" Folder and "Media" folder makes managing and organizing your projects easier and more intuitive
· Improvements to the XHTML editor - there are several enhancements - some are:
- Converting multiple documents to XHTML is now possible
- Automatic Spell-checking while typing in the XHTML editor
Ralph Kreter heads branch office of Doctor Web in Germany
Ralph Kreter — a renown IT security expert — has been appointed the head of Doctor Web Deutschland GmbH.
This step will allow Doctor Web to strengthen its position on the anti-virus market in Central Europe. Before joining Doctor Web Ralph Kreter managed a sales office of Mimosa Systems in Germany. He also worked for TrendMicro, Avaya and RSA Security. The significant management experience and IT background will enable him use technical potential of Dr.Web software to increase its sales in Germany and Austria.
“We believe that Ralf Kreter with his long IT experience will be able to reach a success in promotion of our products in Germany. Cutting-edge technologies and new features implemented in our business and managed service solutions will surely interest users in Germany and Austria. Besides, it appears that we share the same view on promotion of Dr.Web AV-Desk that becomes more and more popular as a solution providing software as a service. We also rely on Ralf’s experience in channel sales business”, Boris Sharov, the director general of Doctor Web said.
“I think that rich technical experience of Doctor Web and innovative features implemented in solutions by the company will allow us to gain a significant share of the anti-virus market in Central Europe. Meanwhile Dr.Web AV-Desk follows latest trends of the market. It has already become popular in Russia and I expect that we will be as successful in Germany”, Ralf Kreter added.
GUI Design Studio version 3.2 is now available for download. This is a maintenance release with a few important changes.
For customers using any prior version of GUI Design Studio, simply install the new version and your existing licenses will continue to work.
(1) Project Options
The most visible change is the introduction of new Project Options (from the “Project” menu). These allow you to:
Enter descriptive notes for the project as a whole.
Specify Visual Style options for viewing/editing and simulation that override the Preference settings and force the Viewer to use them. This is important for controlling the way your designs are presented in the Viewer.
Change Simulator background colours, text and text placement.
This last set of Project Options will be welcomed by all those customers who’ve been requesting this for some time. Here’s a few examples:
There are a number of reasons why you might want to change the background colours and text but it’s particularly useful if you want to grab a screenshot of the running simulation. A solid white background with no text, for example, will make it much easier to use the images in other documents, on Web pages or for printing.
(2) Bug Fixes
There are a couple of bug fixes in this release. One removes the limit that was placed on the amount of data that could be pasted into a Table element from the clipboard and the other fixes some serious issues with Simulator scroll bar operations. It also improves the calculations of scroll bars, especially when simulating different screen resolutions.
(3) The Secret New Feature
This actually represents the bulk of changes in the version 3.2 release but we want to keep it under wraps for the moment. It’s a significant feature that we are continually asked about but it’s still just a seedling.
Before we reveal what this feature is and make it generally available, we want to test it with specific customers that asked for it and work with them to develop it to a more useful level. From what I’ve seen it do so far, that hopefully won’t take too long.
Iron Speed Designer V6.0 is ready to download! New page layout editor, Multi-column record panels, HTML email notifications, New page types and much more.
Version 6.0.0
VBProj and CSProj files are no longer generated. Designer generates an SLN solution file instead.
The tool box feature has been removed and replaced with a different facility.
The right mouse button can be used to cut and paste in the HTML tab editor.
Project files have been replaced by SLN solution files.
The Export button no longer fails with an "Arithmetic overflow" error.
You no longer have to sign in twice if using role-based (database) security.
Tables can no longer be removed from the application via the Application Wizard.
Master-detail panels can now be created for custom queries where the parent panel is the primary key table and the child panel is the foreign key table.
GEN:Insert tags have been replaced with regions.
A 'send email' feature has been added to generated applications.
A 404 "page cannot be found" error no longer appears in the Design tab which has been replaced with a new layout editing facility.
A minimized Iron Speed Designer now restores properly.
Show Record pages display data appropriately from multi-table joins.
Events are no longer duplicated in migrated applications.
The Task Manager is no longer required to close Iron Speed Designer (to end the process) in certain circumstances.
A migration bug has been fixed.
The visual editor no longer crashes Iron Speed Designer.
The GEN:Text tag used to display "Grand Total" can now be changed to display custom text.
Saving an Edit Record page no longer produces a "Cannot update data" warning message in certain circumstances.
The Panel Wizard and Page Properties dialog now both display the same WHERE clause in their respective Query tabs.
Controls on a menu no longer generate unhandled exceptions when the generated application is run.
A new set of 'table-table' pages has been added to generated applications.
Master-detail panels can now be created for custom queries where the parent panel is the primary key table and the child panel is the foreign key table.
The 'select all' checkbox is now migrated appropriately for versions prior to V4.0.
A 'Genghis' error no longer appears in Iron Speed Designer in certain rare circumstances.
The 'select all' check box is now cleared when new records are loaded.
The HTML layout page editor has been replaced with a new layout editing facility.
Javascript added to pages no longer affects the Design tab visual editor, which has been replaced with anew layout editing facility.
The Image Button, Push Button and Link Button when set to 'Save data on table or record' now save table data appropriately.
A variety of performance improvements have been made in Iron Speed Designer.
The HTMLEncodeValue pass-through attribute works properly with the Rich Text Editor.
The Visible property can be set for ThemeButtons and ImageButtons.
An 'error CS0542' is no longer generated when compiling migrated applications in certain circumstances.
Sign In works appropriately when the user logs in for the first time and the application timed out for inactivity.
The AJAX Calendar control has replaced the previous Date Selector control.
Updated ApplicationWebForm.js to better handle date formatting.
Starting Iron Speed Designer behind the firewall no longer takes a long time to start up.
The large list selector control now handles encrypted URLs.
Code customizations are now appropriately identified during application migration.
The CreateWhereClause_${Name}Filter function is now always generated in appropriate contexts and called.
Dragging a FieldValue control no longer increases the height of the row since the HTML layout editor has been replaced with a new facility.
SetLanguagePage.aspx no longer gets compilation error messages.
The new layout editor no longer requires 'about:about' to be listed as a trusted site.
The Date Selector control is no longer generated for a time (only) field.
The NVARCHAR(MAX), VARCHAR(MAX), and VARBINARY(MAX) data types are now set to the proper length and data validation type.
Improved the 'Get Largest Field Value' code customization to check for when the column has no data and provided more descriptive information.
V6.0 has an associated file name field for file uploads.
The CreateWhereClause_Filter function is not generated if "Populate filters with all possible values" is selected in the Page Properties dialog.
Text is now deleted properly when text in the “Search Knowledge Base” area is highlighted and 'delete' is clicked.
Saving ASPX files no longer throws errors.
A problem has been resolved where audit trail fields were getting updated in all visible records of a table view instead of just those records that were updated.
Overloaded functions without the bEncrypt argument were added in base classes. This allows functions from earlier versions to work unchanged.
Updated the "Upload a File to the File System" Code Customization Wizard example.
If a WHERE clause references a foreign key column, the generated code's WHERE clause now compares both the foreign key value and the Display Foreign Key As value.
Pages can now be created using Microsoft SQL 2005 based on table names such as "Services", "Events", and "Routes".
Iron Speed Designer no longer grabs the focus except when starting an application (running).
Clicking the Increment / Decrement buttons associated with an invisible textbox no longer gives JavaScript errors.
Generated pages are now W3C XHTML compliant.
Applications with unbound controls no longer generate object reference errors during application migration.
The HTML Quick View editor has been replaced by a new layout editor.
Buttons in a nested table now redirect to the correct page when the page location is set to a different folder.
The LargeListSelector.aspx control in a migrated application no longer has display problems caused by styles not applied properly to buttons and the grid.
A variable named 'AppRelatvieVirtualPath' in generated code files has been changed to 'AppRelativeVirtualPath'.
The Data Import Wizard runs appropriately on 64 bit machines.
Unecessary start and commit transaction function calls are no longer generated for button click events.
The code generator now properly terminates certain lines of code.
Can now use the short pagination control on Table panels.
Searching through a table of country names now gives more complete results.
The large list selector control now works properly when ViewState is set to "cache" instead of "page".
Iron Speed Designer will no longer give a warning message when changing text box columns to be larger than 50.
The line with the design theme color showing on top of the column heading has been removed for table panels with no panel headings.
When deleting a record, the deleting record event is now fired at the business tier layer.
Certain applications no longer throw 'Exception while building: Index (zero based) must be...' pre-compilation error after application migration.
Dropping a TabContainer control inside a Record control no longer throws an exception when a button is configured within one of the tab panels.
Migrating C# files has been updated to identify the location of new Using statements.
Added RunQuery and RunNonQuery methods to the Stored Procedures class.
The Detail tag in .report and .word configuration files is now properly read. Updated online help.
Code Customization Wizard example "Hide Controls Based on Logged-In User" now works for Active Directory security.
The HTML Quick View editor has been replaced by the HTML tab.
The code customization example for calling on your own stored procedures has been updated to work properly with Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and MySQL.
The "Hide Table control when empty" Code Customization Wizard example is noted as not appropriate for the Search and Edit page.
The Turkish "I" and "i" characters no longer cause problems while seaching, filtering, and other actions.
Creating records in Microsoft SQL Server where the primary key is of type uniqueidentifer now sets and returns the proper primary key value.
Fixed problem in Panel Wizard failing to update master-detail panels because of an HTML parsing problem.
The "InternalUse:Datasource" pass-through attribute is set to "URL" for Record pages when added via the New Page Wizard.
Iron Speed Designer now gives an appropriate error message when disk space has run out.
Adding a table inside of another table no longer throws an exception when parsing the HTML layout file.
The "Dynamically Update Sum on Table Without Postback" Code Customization Wizard example no longer throws an "InvalidCastException" error.
Once activated, Iron Speed Designer starts normally if your machine is not connected to the Internet.
Creating records in Microsoft SQL Server where the primary key is of type uniqueidentifer now sets and returns the proper primary key value.
Error messages have been changed to include all inner exception messages, if any.
Application users can now open PDF or Microsoft Word reports if the application is running under medium trust.
Problems supporting Oracle tables names with 30 characters have been resolved.
The "Multiple Dropdown Fields That Dynamically Update Each Other" Code Customization Wizard example no longer gives a "cannot select multiple items" error when selecting a value from the first dropdown list the second time.
The Data Import Wizard no longer terminates data file importing when data errors are encountered.
The Sign-In page now redirect to the proper page after signing into a migrated application for the first time.
When querying a Microsoft Access database schema, field names are used as display names for computed fields and for fields that do not have a specific caption defined.
Large List Selector controls now work properly when the corresponding table name contains a dot (".") character.
Increment and Decrement buttons are now disabled when an associated text box control is disabled.
Tables named 'Page' can now be used to generate pages.
The GetRecord method has been changed to be overridable.
The Image Button, Push Button and Link Button when set to 'Save data on table or record' now save table data appropriately.
Clicking a disabled Date text box no longer displays the pop-up Calendar control.
Iron Speed Designer no longer hangs when saving HTML pages containing JavaScript.
Troubleshooting tests have been updated to include the .NET 3.5 framework.
Permissions for the Add, Edit, Copy, and Delete icons are now saved when setting Active Directory security.
The Page Properties dialog now preserves the Rows pass-through attribute for list box controls.
The CreateQueryClause method is now generated with the appropriate operator for URL queries.
Data Import Wizard now supports the List Separator character specified for the UI culture of the current end user as specified on the Select Language Page.
Picture images are now displayed within table panels whose names have contain characters.
Applications that use Microsoft Access now properly locate the database file when the connection string contains a relative path to the file such as "...;Data Source=Southwind.mdb;..." or "...;Data Source=..\Southwind.mdb;...".
The "Filter Table Control by Logged-In User" Code Customization Wizard example now has correct C# syntax.
Added an 'override' keyword in the C# "Set Field Values for Logged-In User" Code Customization Wizard example.
Updated the "Debugging Inside Iron Speed Base Classes" documentation.
The second field in the "Display Foreign Key as Multiple Columns from Foreign Table" Code Customization Wizard example now displays correctly.
Added Dispose DirectoryEntry calls in all Active Directory related classes to fix a syncronization problem.
To improve performance, applications now let the database determine the default sort order unless the sort order is specified by the application.
Added 'Culture' and 'Language' to ReservedWords.xml.
All controls in the Header panel can be enabled and disabled independantly of other controls.
The automatic type-ahead feature in search filters now works when using stored procedures and more than 20 fields are searched.
Creating records in Microsoft SQL Server where the primary key is of type uniqueidentifer now sets and returns the proper primary key value.
Single Sign-In now works regardless of the operating system, i.e. it works on Microsoft XP workstations and any server as long as this computer is in the Active Directory.
Output window messages now include the full URL of the file where the problem occurred along with the exect line and position inside the file.
A search capability has been added to the Application Security Wizard to filter large Active Directories.
The Output window now displays the file name and line number of the error.
Radio button list fields are now validated when RequiredFieldValidator:Enabled is set to True.
Language settings are preserved when signing out via a standard facility such as the 'Sign Out' link in the header.
A search capability has been added to the Page Properties dialog's Security tab to filter large Active Directories.
The GetStatistic() function in BaseClasses now handles the case where no rows are returned by the query.
During application migration, the appcode\shared\crypto.vb (cs) file is now updated in the migrated application.
The 'style="display:;" style attribute has been removed from all pages since the associated expand/collapse function is now Ajax-based.
Tab Panel titles can now be set to a resource key and can be changed based on the user-selected language.
This release adds the ability to create custom widget libraries for the Widget pane, new interaction capabilities for high fidelity prototyping, easier Dynamic Panel management, and enhancements to widgets and diagram editing.
Free update for everyone who purchased a license or renewal after 2/01/2008).
Widget Enhancements
Create Custom Widget Libraries for the widgets pane to share and reuse
Dropdown menu in widgets pane to manage widget libraries
Search tool to find widgets
Tree widget
Preserve corners for images
Mouse down, selected, and disabled styles for Images, Button Shapes, and Menu Items
Text on Images
Adjust rounded corners on Button Shapes
Design Environment Enhancements
Location and Size Pane: Set the location and size from single widget or a group of selected widgets without opening a separate dialog
Dynamic Panel Manager: Tools for managing the dynamic panels on a page
Choose from two selection modes: Select Intersected Mode (default) and Select Contained Mode (like Visio)
Deep selection in Groups: Select individual widgets within a group to edit or annotate
Ability to Flatten a master: Replace an instance of a master with the widgets within the master
Interaction Enhancements
Advanced Editor for Interactions
Set Focus on Widget
Bring Panel(s) to Front
Set Widget(s) to Selected State
Expand Tree Node(s)
Collapse Tree Node(s)
Condition Builder: Added the ability to check the visibility of a dynamic panel and the current state of a dynamic panel
Please note: Files created in version 5.5 will not open in previous versions of Axure RP. Version 5.5 will convert files created in previous versions to the new format.
* Both SQLyog and SJA will now detect if Base64 encoding is required for HTTP-tunnel.
Bug Fixes: * Importing external scripts with a large number of DDL-statements was slow with Auto Complete turned on (due to redundant updations of the Auto Complete database).
* Deseleting a single object (like a single table) in the export dialogue also deselected all objects in other categories (like all non-table objects).
Funtionality changed: * CHUNK setting (for exports) now also has effect for non-HTTP-tunneled connections. Using this option is required if it takes more time to retrieve data from a table than server ‘net_write_timeout’ setting.
* SQLyog will now not reconnect if connection is lost during imports. Instead an error message will prompt (the reason for this is that session variables defined on top of the script would be reset to server defaults with reconnection. As a result (and most important) special characters could garble and other errors could occur as well).
* When trying to INSERT or UPDATE spatial data types from the DATA/RESULT tab SQLyog will now throw an error. Spatial data must be handled from the editor (but a result set from a table with spatial columns can be updated from RESULT tab if there are no spatial columns in the result).
Bug fix:
* For 5.1.x servers, MONyog did not fetch the log details like slow query log and general query log file path in ‘Connection details’ section.
This update enables remote collaboration on shared projects and includes a number of enhancements and fixes. For more information on shared projects, visit shared projects.
Enhancements include:
• Shared projects can be stored on an SVN server
• Interactions pane improvements for handling many cases
• Cancel options on interactions dialogs
• Ability to have “placeholder” cases with no actions
• Word 2007 specification generation fixes
• Menu widget fix that affected prototype generation
• Context menus on table cells
* MONyog is able to read microseconds from proxy and if available in slow query log and will (for readability) show in milliseconds.
* Sniffer output will now display MAX, first seen time, last seen time, query occurrence %. Also query occurrence % and Lock Time for a query was added to slow query log and query occurrence % was added in general query log displays.
* Added an option to execute FLUSH STATUS from inside MONyog.
Miscellaneous: * Grouping of queries is now case insensitive for all forms of query analysis.
* The browser cache support added in beta2 has been temporary removed. There is a problem with Firefox3 with cache and AJAX (update requests were not sent from a cached page - only current cache content was reloaded). Note that FF3 users who had beta2 installed will need to clear the browser cache after installing this build.
* Note that the ‘qd.lua’ script for PROXY-based sniffer has been both updated and renamed to ‘MONyog.lua’. For use with this MONyog version the old script must be replaced.
Codejock Releases ToolkitPro and SuitePro 2009 Vol. 1 for Visual C++ and ActiveX
Codejock a leading provider of modern user interface components, today announced the release of Toolkit Pro 2009 Vol. 1 for Visual C++ MFC and Suite Pro 2009 Vol. 1 for ActiveX COM. This release provides a comprehensive set of fully customizable user interface components for use with Visual C++ MFC and ActiveX COM development.
This release incorporates many new features and enhancements including:
Improved Stability and Usability
The latest release provides many stability and usability enhancements for all components. Additionally Calendar and Date Picker have been enhanced by adding new Outlook Journal style time line view as well as support for calendar years predating 1501 AD.
Calendar Time Line View
The Outlook Journal style Time Line view presents information as a set of icons and rectangles with subject text in a horizontal-scrollable pane. The user can select different scale modes (Day, Week, Month). Events can be organized in the groups and groups can be separated by lines. Time Line also includes full print/print preview support. Users can easily switch to and from Time Line mode to other Calendar modes - Day, Week, Month view depending on the currently selected scale. Finally the Time Line provides customization for all Colors, Fonts and Widths for Event in each scale mode.
A complete list of all new features can be found in the release notes for each product.
Axure RP Pro 5.0 adds numerous new features and enhancements focused on designer collaboration, interactions, and more customizable, faster-to-generate specifications.
New Features include:
Shared Projects
• Create shared projects on a network drive without installing a server
• Manage page and master edits through a simple check in / check out system
• Maintain and browse a history of revisions
• More info
Interactions Enhancements
• OnFocus and OnLostFocus events (More)
• Enable and Disable Widgets action
• Scroll to Image Map Region action to simulate anchor links (More)
• Move Dynamic Panels action (More)
• Wait action to pause before performing other actions
• Up to 25 variables to store values across pages
Specification Enhancements
• Faster specification generation to Microsoft Word 2007 format (compatible with Word 2000+ with Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack)
• One column and two column options for layout
• Easier customization of Word templates
• Many new options to configure specification content
More Enhancements
• Improved Tabbed Interface
• Option to detach panes (like Sitemap and Widgets) from the main window
• Better preservation of the environment when closing and reopening a file
• Gradient and Alpha Color tools
• Print settings are preserved between prints
Update of sw components of Dr.Web Security Space and Dr.Web anti-virus 5.0 for Windows release
Doctor Web releases an update of software modules of Dr.Web Security Space and Dr.Web anti-virus 5.0 for Windows. The update fixes several errors and adds new features including improved scan of autorun objects, support of Windows themes and the update speed indicator.
Doctor Web polished up the Dr.Web Scanner GUI and fixed errors that could cause blocking of the interface, stop operation of the scanner upon a disconnection of a removable media or if a malicious program of a certain type was detected in an archive. Scan of autorun objects and their detection and parsing were also improved. Besides, the dialogue system was revised and restructured.
The update optimizes operation of Dr.Web SpiDer Gate included in Dr.Web Security Space and extends the list of supported standard protocols. Display of information in the stats window and abnormal termination of the application were also fixed.
Freezing of Dr.Web SpIDer Mail when its configuration was changed and abnormal termination of SpIDer Mail that occurred when mail was checked during updating of virus databases were fixed.
Work of Dr.Web Updater was corrected as well. Now it can check the list of updating servers stored in the hosts file. If Dr.Web Updater finds an updating server of Doctor Web in the hosts file during updating of virus databases, it will warn a user of a possible viral activity in the system.
The update also provides fixes of several general errors in the operation of Dr.Web Security Space and Dr.Web anti-virus 5.0 for Windows and adds compatibility of the parental control module with Windows Vista.
The current update is available on all updating servers of Doctor Web and will be downloaded automatically to computers protected by Dr.Web Security Space and Dr.Web anti-virus 5.0 for Windows.
Just a quick announcement to let everybody know that v1.01 of the Noyantis DockingPane wrapper template has been released.
Modifications include:-
* Codejock Control Version selection enhanced.
* Codejock ActiveX Auto Registration facility added.
* C55 compatibility added with Example app.
* Legacy compatibility added with Example app.
The new version can be downloaded from the Members area using the original download and registration details contained in your sales emails.
New demo example app has been uploaded to the web site (
Doctor Web presents the virus activity review for January 2009. The first month of 2009 went rather smoothly except for the outbreak of Win32.HLLW.Shadow.based. It didn’t see mass mailings spreading malicious code in attachments or directing users to bogus web-sites. However, fraudulent SMS, fake anti-viruses, new Trojans turning user machines into botnet zombies as well as phishing attacks were registered every now and then.
In January Doctor Web issued a warning about the outbreak of the Win32.HLLW.Shadow.based polymorphic worm. This malicious program showed once again that installation of critical updates for Windows and other software is a must for every user willing to maintain high security of the system. It is also recommended to disable the autorun for removable drives as it is exploited by Win32.HLLW.Shadow.based as well as by many other malicious programs. Strange as it seems but the epidemics may have a positive effect upon users learning to use stronger passwords for the Trojan attempts to crack an administrator password in order to spread over a local network.
Virus analysts of Doctor Web have been adding entries for new modifications of Win32.HLLW.Shadow.based into the virus database throughout the January. If you suspect that your system is infected with the polymorphic worm, install all critical updates for the version of Windows you use, disconnect the machine from the network and use Dr.Web CureIt! to scan your system. Computers running Dr.Web for Windows with its virus databases updated regularly are protected from attempts of Win32.HLLW.Shadow.based to get into the system.
Even though the e-card disguise for malware has been well known for quite a while it remains as efficient as ever. In December 2008 and January 2009 numerous fake New Year and Christmas greeting notifications got in mailboxes of millions of users. As January drew to the end, web-sites supposedly providing Valentine greetings began to emerge. Trojan.Spambot is one of many malicious programs that get to user machines from such sites. Also known as Waledac the Trojan turns a compromised system into a zombie.
Criminals also attempted to get more money from accounts of subscribers of mobile operators. They used malware to encrypt data stored on a computer of a victim and demanded him to pay for their decryption. They could also demand money for removal of a malicious program installed as a browser plugin or lure a user into downloading and installing of a program on the phone that would start sending paid SMS. The malicious program is detected by Dr.Web as Java.SMSSend.19.
Fake anti-viruses
Fake anti-viruses also retained their popularity. Even if a program didn’t perform any malicious tasks in a compromised system it was still harmful as fraudsters received money for a useless piece of code. In January one of numerous web-sites offered online scanning of a system.
All machines that were checked for viruses by the “anti-virus” got infected. Moreover, when scanning was completed, a victim was offered to download another malicious program detected by Dr.Web as Trojan.Fakealert.3914.
The number of phishing attacks was lower in January compared with previous months. Main targets of criminals in the last month were customers of and PayPal.
Malicious programs in e-mail traffic in January
01.01.2009 00:00 - 01.02.2009 00:00
14723 (18.70%)
13479 (17.12%)
6235 (7.92%)
4594 (5.84%)
4357 (5.53%)
4022 (5.11%)
2686 (3.41%)
2141 (2.72%)
1944 (2.47%)
1698 (2.16%)
1570 (1.99%)
1498 (1.90%)
1405 (1.78%)
1353 (1.72%)
1252 (1.59%)
1182 (1.50%)
968 (1.23%)
769 (0.98%)
687 (0.87%)
619 (0.79%)
78,718 (0.02%)
Malicious programs on user machines in January
01.01.2009 00:00 - 01.02.2009 00:00
2451656 (19.14%)
2058062 (16.06%)
714503 (5.58%)
453207 (3.54%)
435746 (3.40%)
358676 (2.80%)
349560 (2.73%)
303349 (2.37%)
210250 (1.64%)
209118 (1.63%)
188398 (1.47%)
174684 (1.36%)
169943 (1.33%)
159100 (1.24%)
138289 (1.08%)
128054 (1.00%)
127353 (0.99%)
123027 (0.96%)
119657 (0.93%)
88711 (0.69%)
12,811,152 (0.02%)
Profile and Format MySQL queries with the New SQLyog 8.0
SQLyog 8.0 is a major new version of SQLyog introducing major features like Query Profiler, SQL Formatter and vastly improved look and feel.
Query Profiler:
MySQL has always lacked the sophisticated profiling tools shipped with proprietary databases like SQL Server, etc. MySQL developers have largely depended on EXPLAIN for tuning queries. The SHOW PROFILE patch by Jeremy Cole was introduced in the MySQL Community version 5.0.37 and it provided much more insight into where the query spends its time. However, to take advantage of this feature, MySQL developers were supposed to switch on profiling, run their queries and then filter the profiling data from a table that contained the profiling results of the last few profiled queries. A lot of manual book-keeping is required to take advantage of this powerful feature. In an ideal situation, the MySQL developer should execute the queries and the profiling info should be available along with the result-set. Unfortunately, none of the MySQL client tools (desktop or web-based) provide intrinsic support for this feature.
Another great tool to profile queries is mk-query-profiler, part of maatkit. It does an incredible job in displaying the changes in STATUS variables due to execution of a query. It also presents the information in a very readable format, making it easy for the developer to tune queries. However, one problem with this tool is the lack of integration with any MySQL GUI client tool. So if an user is using a GUI tool to write queries, she needs to profile queries in a separate step using mk-query-profiler.
SQLyog 8.0 tries to address these problems by integrating all of the above profiling methods in a single intuitive GUI. It takes care of switching on profiling and taking the snapshot of the STATUS variables before and after the execution of query. It then aggregates these data (along with EXPLAIN and EXPLAIN EXTENDED results) and presents the aggregated info in a single window. The user just needs to type the query as usual and all other commands required to capture profiling information is executed behind the scenes by SQLyog. Also, along with the changes in the STATUS variable, the profiler shows a simple description of the STATUS variables that changed due to execution of the query.
In summary, the SQLyog’s Query Profiler helps the user get more insight into the execution of a query by:
UsingSHOW PROFILE information
Capturing the difference in STATUS variables due to execution of a query
Using EXPLAIN statement, and
Using EXPLAIN EXTENDED statement
SQL Formatter:
There is absolutely no doubt that properly formatted SQL code makes SQL much more maintainable. Most experienced SQL developers make sure that they follow some SQL formatting guidelines to make their code readable and maintainable. However, many times we come across unformatted SQL written by others or sometimes we are too lazy to write properly formatted SQL ourselves! SQLyog 8.0 comes to the rescue! It neatly formats the SQL with the click of a button. This feature is also known as “SQL Beautifier” or “SQL Pretty Printer” in various other softwares.
SQL Formatter in action
New look and feel, improved icons:
Though SQLyog has added tons of features to its quiver, it looks the same as it did in 2004. So, we thought of overhauling its looks. Result was adding new icons with Vista theme, toolbar containing large icons for frequently used tasks, gradient based tab and grids, etc. Here is a screenshot of SQLyog 8.0.
How often have you created a user interface layout and found that you need to change the order in which the elements appear?
It happens to me all the time!
The usual way to do this involves creating (or finding) a bit of space somewhere, moving one bunch of elements and controls into the space, shuffling all the other elements around and then closing up the space again. It can be a bit of a hassle sometimes.
Even a simple task of exchanging the positions of two elements can be fiddly when you need to get them properly aligned in their new places and they’re in each other’s way.
So we created the “Swap Element Positions” feature in GUI Design Studio v3.1 to address this common need and save a ton of time and fiddling about.
It’s easiest to demonstrate with this contrived dialog example but the technique is equally suitable for panels and icons in toolbars, on Web pages and anywhere else you need to quickly re-arrange things.
To swap the Middle and Bottom control groups, the 2 Group Boxes are selected (in any order) and after applying the “Swap Element Positions” command (Alt+S), this is what happens:
All of the control elements within the groups have also been moved. Crucially, though, the positions of the Group Boxes themselves have been adjusted to take account of the difference in heights of the groups. Job done in two steps and about 3 seconds!
But what happens to the Middle group when we want to swap the Top and Bottom groups?
As you can see, the groups have all been correctly re-arranged to take account of all the height differences and what lies between the elements being swapped. The same rules apply for horizontal re-arrangement and combinations of the two.
In some cases, you might need to use the feature a few times to ‘bubble-sort’ your elements for the ordering you need but even this will be much faster than manual re-arrangement.
It won’t solve every case but it’s a very handy tool to have at your side and, if things do go wrong, there’s always the Undo command that will leave you no worse off than having to do it manually anyway.
Let us know how you get on with the “Swap Element Positions” feature and if you find cases that don’t work for you and we’ll see if we can improve the feature.
Just a quick announcement to let everybody know that v1.05 of the Noyantis TaskPanel wrapper template has been released.
Modifications include:-
* Codejock Control Version selection enhanced.
* Codejock ActiveX Auto Registration facility added.
* C55 compatibility added with Example app.
* Legacy compatibility added with Example app.
The new version can be downloaded from the Members area using the original download and registration details contained in your sales emails.
New demo example app has been uploaded to the web site (
Just a quick announcement to let everybody know that v1.14 of the Noyantis CommandBars wrapper template has been released.
Modifications include:-
* Codejock Control Version selection enhanced.
* Codejock ActiveX Auto Registration facility added.
* C55 compatibility added with Example app (C55 Frame Extension to be completed).
* Legacy compatibility added with Example app.
* New methods added - 'SetComboSelection' & 'GetComboSelection'.
* BUG FIX: Keybindings on Designed Bars could cause app to GPF if pressed. All keybindings cleared on load.
The new version can be downloaded from the Members area using the original download and registration details contained in your sales emails.
New demo example app has been uploaded to the web site (
GUI Design Studio version 3.1 has now been released and is available for immediate download. This is a minor update with some small but very useful changes. Meanwhile, we are continuing to work on some major new features and further tweaks.
For customers using any prior version of GUI Design Studio, simply install the new version and your existing licenses will continue to work.
If you’ve been using a trial version that has expired, this new version should reset your trial period.
So here’s what’s changed in version 3.1:
(1) Navigation Type Selector
After much demand, we’ve finally put a Navigation Type selector onto the toolbar.
When you connect elements together to define application workflow, GUI Design Studio normally sets the navigation type based on the elements being connected. It gets this right about 80% of the time (or maybe 20% depending on who you ask).
But when you’ve made lots of connections and none of them are of the type you wanted, it can be a little tedious to change them all, though the Format Painter feature introduced in version 3.0 helps a lot here.
So now, you’ll be able to set the type of connection you want to make using the selector. Where connections have to be of a certain type, the selector will be ignored. You can also set it to ‘Automatic’ to let GUI Design Studio decide what type of navigation to create. This basically reverts to the previous behaviour without the selector.
The next two new features should help to navigate around a large design.
(2) Fit Elements to View
The “Fit Elements to View” command does exactly that. The view is changed so that the selected elements are all displayed. If possible, it keeps the current zoom factor. Otherwise, it will zoom out to make sure they’re all made visible.
With no elements selected, the whole design is made to fit within the view.
If you have a numeric keypad on your keyboard, you can use the ‘/’ key as a shortcut. This makes a handy combination with the existing ‘*’ key to set 100% zoom, ‘-’ to zoom out and ‘+’ to zoom in.
Of course, you can still use the Alt key with the left and right mouse buttons to pan and zoom the display. And, if you have one, the middle button will pan directly and the scroll-wheel can be set to zoom (according to preferences).
(3) Follow Connections
If you’ve ever found yourself zooming in and out or panning (scrolling) a large design to see where a connection takes you, or where it’s come from, then you’ll like this new feature.
Just select a connection and use the “Go To Connection Target” (Alt+T) or “Go To Connection Source” (Alt+R) commands to scroll them into view.
(4) Swap Element Positions
The last of the new features in the “Swap Element Positions” command. This started life as a very simple idea to just swap the positions of two selected elements.
However, once we’d implemented that, we realised that it really ought to do a bit more. Although it has other uses, the main reason for its existence is as an ‘element re-arranger’. So that is what it now does. After a fair few iterations, we think we’ve got it about right and it works like magic!
Because this ’small’ feature could be of great importance, there’ll probably be another post soon to look at it in more detail.
(5) Split Toolbar
On the very minor size, we’ve made the toolbar split in two if the application window gets too narrow to fit the whole thing on one line.
While this may not be too exciting for you when you always run GUI Design Studio full screen (as you should), it’s extremely useful for us as we start to create size-restricted video tutorials (yes, we’re finally getting them done!).
From a design perspective, note that the toolbar doesn’t just wrap in the middle. Instead, it splits into two, more appropriately arranged bars. Also, there’s no faffing with having to re-position the bars yourself, as you might with other styles of split toolbars, especially when returning to full screen mode. It automatically pops back onto one line again whenever it can!
(6) Check Box States
Another (seemingly tiny) change is that Check Boxes now have a 3-State option rather than just assuming that all Check Boxes are 3-state (for design flexibilty). The default is unchecked unless the Check Box has already been set to an intermediate check state.
This change might only save you the effort of a click or two when changing Check Box properties, but it will become much more significant when interaction features are fully enabled. Watch this space!
Bug Fixes:
We’ve fixed a couple of small bugs related to the application title bar when closing projects and keeping the Project panel open after creating a new project (ooh, that was an irritating one).
Of more importance, though, a few customers had discovered that dragging a component design onto itself could freeze the application, especially if the design was blank.
While this is not normally something you would want to do, it is quite easy to do by accident, especially if what you really wanted to drag was an image of the same name in the same folder.
If you’ve ever pointed a video camera at a television or screen that’s showing the live feed from the camera, you’ll understand the problem here! Although we had some protection against this, we’d managed to miss a test case. Oops. This has now been fixed but sorry if you got caught by this bug.
That’s about all of the changes for this 3.1 release.
We are glad to announce the release of Help & Manual 5.1.1, which is a maintenance release to the recent 5.1 update.
This update implements minor changes and features, which were found and requested in the last couple of weeks and did not make it into the 5.1 release (for the major 5.1 changes, please refer to this link).
Changes and bug fixes
A bug in the date calculation routine terminated the calculation of the project statistic when you open a project. This affected certain dates only.
Print topic: when you print a single topic, protected text is no longer printed with a background. This caused protected text to be almost unreadable on b/w printers.
Index tool: selected keyword keeps focus when reloading the index manually
Webhelp: the configuration of the Webhelp publishing format now includes two new options. First, you can export topic pages without the mandatory byte order mark for UTF-8. This solves publishing problems when you run your Webhelp system through a PHP server and have no influence on the PHP options on your server.
Second, the Webhelp output optionally modifies the archive bit of topic files by comparing their content. So instead of looking at the timestamp of the topic, you could use the archive bit to ftp-upload only files that have changed.
Find & replace: replacing multiple blanks dit not work
Version control: On the very first export to VCS the Ok button stayed grayed after selecting the VCS provider.
XML parser: the parsing method for bulleted lists caused certain Wingdings bullets to disappear on non-English Windows systems.
Small glitch in custom topic status dialog fixed
Save-as dialog in Impict truncated file names if the filename had it dot in it.
Drag & drop between projects did not work in some cases
Compiler report: the command "Open and explore output folder" is now implemented for PDF compiler report as well.
PDF export: on the printed table-of-contents page in PDF, chapters without text did not have an active link to the beginning of that chapter. This has been added. Furthermore, the underscores of links in justified text were slightly too low, when exported to PDF.
In the middle of 2008 we released version 3.0 of GUI Design Studio. This was a major step forward for creating user interface mockups and prototypes with the introduction of the Windows Vista visual style option, Ribbon Bar elements, better Web application support and a bunch of other enhancements.
And while we’ve been planning a lot of new developements, we’ve realised that we didn’t release nearly enough versions of GUI Design Studio in the year as we’d intended. we aim to fix that!
So we’re taking a different approach for 2009. Our new plan is to make a new release of GUI Design Studio roughly once every month so that you can benefit from all the latest updates sooner or upgrade whenever it’s convenient.
With this new, incremental development plan, you’ll be seeing regular small improvements with major new features thrown in, every once in a while, as they get completed.
I don’t want to reveal too much detail at this stage about the biggest new features we have planned (you’ll find out about them in due course) but, to give you a taster, here’s a few of the things we’ll be looking at:
The interactive capabilities of the prototypes will be expanded in a big way, including better support for business logic with enhanced scenarios. So many of you have been requesting this. It’s a very exciting feature and will let you explore a much wider range of designs with much less effort.
There’ll be further export and documentation options to give you the flexibility you’ve been asking for and helping you take designs to the next stage.
Better layout tools will help you make adjustments more easily, mockup interfaces even faster and provide further prototyping capabilities.
We want to increase your productivity with new features and support to help get you started on projects and designs faster. One part of this will be the long-awaited release of a series of training videos. Another part will be the release of user interface design pattern libraries that will demonstrate good practices and get you started more quickly and easily. We’ve been talking to customers about these for over two years so you’ll be glad to know we’re finally getting on with them!
Our goal has always been to ‘help you produce software that better meets users’ needs’. Keep sending us your suggestions and feedback to let us know what’s really important to you and help shape the tool for everyone.
We’ll certainly be keeping busy in 2009 and we wish you a very happy and productive year!
Just a quick announcement to let everybody know that v1.14 of the Noyantis CalendarPro wrapper template has been released.
Modifications include:-
* Codejock Control Version selection enhanced.
* Codejock ActiveX Auto Registration facility added.
* C55 compatibility added with Example app.
* Legacy compatibility added with Example app.
* New methods added - 'GetActiveStartDate' & 'GetActiveEndDate'.
* 2 new parameters added to NewDate_???? procedure (Active Start and End Date)
* New method added - 'SelectDayTime'.
* New methods added - 'SetDayStartTime' & 'SetDayEndTime'.
* 'Restrict' parameter added to 'SetDayLimits' method.
* User definable 'conditions' added to Right Click options.
* Override Office 2007 Theme facility added (includes over 15 new methods for altering appearance)
* Additional Embed points added...
The new version can be downloaded from the Members area using the original download and registration details contained in your sales emails.
New demo example app has been uploaded to the web site (
* Added an option to use Base64 encoding for communicating XML data stream with the HTTP tunneller. Using this option can be required to work around this XML-related bug in PHP.
* Improved editor performance with large scripts if Wordwrap was enabled.
Bug fixes:
* On Windows Vista Business edition, SQLyog could crash while closing down. No other Windows OS (and also not any other Vista edition) was affected.
* Also a ‘hang’ could occur when closing down. It could happen with all systems, but Windows Vista was mostly affected.
* Schema Sync failed with identically named Foreign Key CONSTRAINTs on identically named colums of basically same type (that could still differ in LENGTH, SIGNED/UNSIGNED specification etc.)
* When a PK is built on a string column using a case insensitive collation, SJA could try to insert a row where the PK was identical to an existing one as compared “COLLATION-wise” (ie. when only LETTERCASE differed). That would result in ‘duplicate key’ error and the sync job would abort. We have now reverted back to case insensitive camparison with string-based PK’s as before 7.0, but (to avoid data loss/overwriting) we will abort sync of tables when a string-based PK uses a binary or case sensitive collation.
Also SJA for Linux was updated with the fix for ‘duplicate key’ error in Data Sync.
Finally note that due to the added base64-option it was necessary to change the tunneller script. To use this version of the program with HTTP-tunnelling the old tunneller script must be replaced with the version shipped with this build.
Doctor Web — the Russian developer of IT security tools — releases Dr.Web Security Space.
Dr.Web Security Space (Windows Vista/2000/XP) features all components required to provide comprehensive protection of a computer against Internet-threats: viruses, rootkits, mail worms, hack-tools, spam, phishing messages, infected web-pages and cyber crimes targeting children.
New features of Dr.Web Security Space
SpIDer Gate™ HTTP monitor
SpIDer Gate™ protects against malware attempting to get into a system via HTTP. It intercepts all HTTP-connections, filters all data received from the Internet — files, applets, scripts, — blocks access to infected web-pages and dangerous web-resources. It is compatible with all known web-browsers. The filtering doesn’t increase traffic or slow performance of the system and web-surfing.
Dr.Web parental control
Dr.Web parental control It will protect your children against unwanted web-resources and shield them from contacts with cyber-criminals. It can also disable usage of removable data storage devices, block access to network devices and files and folders so your personal information won’t be deleted occasionally or compromised by a third party.
Low-cost upgrade to Dr.Web Security Space
Starting December 18, 2008 users of Dr.Web for Windows. Anti-virus&Anti-spam shall be able to upgrade to Dr.Web Security Space free of charge. Download the distribution file and copy your current key file used to run Dr.Web for Windows into the installation directory.
Users of Dr.Web anti-virus for Windows can upgrade to Dr.Web Security Space at the price of renewal.
If you choose to upgrade to Dr.Web Security Space, a new license period will be added to the current one, so you will be able to use new features of Dr.Web Security Space right after you register the renewal license.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New version (The Bat! 4.1)
On the threshold of the winter holidays RITLabs announces the launch of the new version of The Bat! software. The Bat! 4.1 has a series of new useful features and improvements of the functions that are already familiar.
The most important enhancement in The Bat! 4.1 is the HTML templates creation option. In the new version creating HTML messages is much easier – in addition to plain text, The Bat! templates can handle the full range of formatting, pictures, background images, tables and other HTML message attributes.
Many business users need to adhere to their corporate style in every message. The new capability makes this extremely easy. The HTML templates allow you to save the graphic elements of your message as a template. All you have to do is write your text in the appropriate place. The same applies to sending accounting and other spreadsheet data. A template with a document headline, a table and a signature is all you need to generate a smart-looking spreadsheet. The table itself can be imported from an external application. These are just a few of the ways that HTML templates can come in handy.
Unicode encoding was first introduced in version 4.0 of The Bat! but was restricted to the messages. With version 4.1, Unicode functionality is extended so that now your templates can contain symbols or any combination of alphabets. For example, users can create templates in English yet include German or Spanish alphabet characters if needed.
The Bat! file system has also been also improved. In the new version there is no limit to the size of the message folder. The threshold for the volume of messages in a folder is determined by the capacities of the hard disk file system. For FAT disks the maximum size of a folder is 2Gb, while NTFS disk users have no restrictions on message folder volume.
RITLabs has made the backup and restore process faster, more reliable, and more convenient. This is made possible by modifications to the backup file format. The new format considerably increases backup reliability. Furthermore, a new file processing algorithm significantly accelerates the backup and restore process.
The Bat! 4.1 allows users to backup or restore selected folders to/from the backup file. This helps ensure you only keep the most important information and do not waste time saving/restoring minor messages. Finally, backup files can be encrypted and password-protected with a safe RC2 algorithm (users are reminded that they will not be able to restore encrypted data without a password nor can they restore data backed up by The Bat! 4.1 with older versions).
In The Bat! 4.1 the proxy server mechanism was essentially improved. Besides, we added time stamp option for digital signatures. When working with the S/MIME protocol, users can create four kinds of certificate: signature only, encryption only, signature and encryption and Certifying Authority (CA) certificates. The Bat! 4.1 uses Windows address book to store TLS certificates.
Users with The Bat! v.4.0 licence, as well as The Bat! v.3 users that purchased the program after November, 20, 2007, can use their existing licence keys with no additional payments or updates. Registered users of The Bat! are eligible for a 30% discount for The Bat! 4.1. Previously purchased keys are not cancelled and can be used at the same time in accordance with the terms of the licence agreement.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
As the year comes to an end, Doctor Web sums up all events related to malware and outlines trends in its development for 2009. The share of malicious code of the total number of files scanned on user machines doubled this year while the amount of spam messages spreading malware dropped significantly due to the widely discussed closure of McColo. At the same time phishing attacks became more frequent. E-mail, removable data storage devices and web-sites have been used to spread malicious code over the Internet.
The number of files with malicious code found by anti-viruses on user machines increased steadily at the beginning of 2008 and by April it more than quadrupled. The figure didn’t change till July when the number halved reaching 0.01% of the total number of scanned files in August. It has remained virtually unchanged till the end of the year which means that one scanned file out of ten thousand is infected. The diagram below illustrates dependency between the share of infected files and the total number of scanned files.
The subsequent diagram shows how a number of messages containing malicious code changed through the year with their average share amounting to 0,2-0,25 % of the total number of e-mails (meaning that one message in five hundred had malicious code attached or embedded as a script). Following the closure of the company hosting spammers it has reduced to 0.02% (one message in five thousand contains malicious code).
Most notorious species
BackDoor.MaosBoot, Win32.Ntldrbot (Rustock.C) and numerous modifications of Trojan.Encoder have become the most remarkable malicious programs of this year.
BackDoor.MaosBoot places its code in the boot sector and hides its presence in the system using rootkit technologies. Several modifications of this virus have been found since March.
Win32.Ntldrbot turned out to be the hide master with its numerous techniques to conceal its presence that allowed it to elude virus analysts for several months. The rootkit was so good at hiding that many anti-virus vendors considered it to be no more than a myth.
Win32.Ntldrbot features powerful polymorphic protector implemented as a kernel-level driver and special self-protection and anti-debugging mechanisms. The rootkit also has features of a file virus, it filters all calls to an infected file, injects its code into system processes and starts sending out spam.
Developers of Doctor Web updated anti-virus software in timely manger to ensure its efficient operation against BackDoor.MaosBoot and Win32.Ntldrbot. Eventually Dr.Web turned out to be the first anti-virus capable to counteract the malicious programs without resorting to utilities from a third-party developer.
Trojan.Encoder has also become famous in 2008. The Trojan encrypts documents in a compromised system and offers a victim to purchase a decryption utility. Doctor Web registered several modifications of this malicious program that differed in length of encryption keys and in their visual manifestation in the system. Dr.Web analysts developed a free decryption utility that can be obtained from the web-site of Doctor Web.
Malicious e-mails
Messages spreading Trojan.DownLoad.4419 and Trojan.PWS.GoldSpy were the most typically cases of distribution of malicious code via e-mail in 2008.
Trojan.DownLoad.4419 got into a system as a “codec” required to view a supposed pornographic video. Authors of the malicious program often modified its executable and changed packers used to compress the file every now and then. It made detection of the Trojan more difficult for anti-viruses. As usual prompt updating of the Dr.Web virus database by analysts allowed Dr.Web software to detect numerous variations of Trojan.DownLoad.4419.
A wide variety of techniques was applied to spread Trojan.PWS.GoldSpy that came as a an e-card or as an attachment to a threatening message. In particular such messages warned a user that he would be disconnected from the Internet due to his violation of a copyright. In latest months Trojan.PWS.GoldSpy increased the number of e-mailed Trojans that featured password stealing. The diagram below represents how share of Trojan.PWS of the total amount of malicious e-mail changed in 2008.
Social networks
Increased popularity of social networks among users in Russia also attracted attention of virus makers who used fake accounts on social networking web-sites to trick users into downloading malicious code.
Now owners of social networking web-resources employ various techniques to secure their customers. Sometimes links sent with messages are displayed as plain text so a user has to copy a link to the address bar of a browser. Another option is displaying a warning to a user who clicks on a link leading to an external web-page. By now such measures have not allowed to solve the problem. Doctor Web offers all registered visitors of social networking web-sites to use high-quality anti-virus software or the free link-checker plugin from Doctor Web to scan linked content for viruses.
ICQ as another tool spreading malware
ICQ instant messaging service was also used to distribute malicious code this year. Malefactors created new accounts or used trusted UINs of ordinary users whose machines were compromised by malware capable of using the ICQ contact list to send messages.
Removable disks
As removable disks became the most common means to move information from one computer to another they were also put to use by virus makers as carriers of malicious code that entered Dr.Web database as Win32.HLLW.Autoruner. Authors of the malware exploited the autorun mechanism of Windows for execution of its code.
Removable data storage devices circulated widely among employees of large companies and so did the infection. Companies and governmental establishments were forced to restrict or even ban usage of removable disks.
The next diagram shows how Win32.HLLW.Autoruner Trojans were rated among most common viruses through 2008. It suggests that virus makers tend to shift their preferences towards removable disks as means to spread malware. They employ various techniques making it harder to detect, analyze or remove a piece of malicious code from a flash drive.
The file virus got an entire subsection of the review to itself as one of the biggest troublemakers of 2008. It infected executables, injected its code into system processes, disabled UAC in Windows Vista and downloaded other malicious programs from the Internet. See how Win32.Sector was detected by Dr.Web scanner in 2008 on the graph below.
The last months of the year have been marked by the increased number of phishing attacks. A user received a message that looked like an e-mail from a legitimate financial institution and was offered to follow a link to a bogus web-site that also looked like a genuine web-site of a corresponding company. As a user got to such a site, he was lured into submitting personal information including his credit card number and PIN code or login and password used to access a paid service via the Internet. Such messages were received by customers of such respected banks and service providers as JPMorgan Chase Bank, RBC Royal Bank, Google AdWords, PayPal and eBay.
In 2009 Instant massagers, removable disks and other alternative channels for distribution of malware will become even more popular among virus makers.
Authors of viruses will be perfecting their techniques that will provide them with even more complex polymorphic packers and other means to make analysis even more difficult. Numerous vulnerabilities found in operating systems and other software will be exploited by malefactors just as well. Doctor Web also expects that a number of e-mails containing malicious code will be rising at the beginning of 2009.
Detection and curing features of anti-viruses are also improved. That’s why some cyber criminals have to change their activities. For example, distributors of Trojan.DownLoad.4419 start sending e-mails providing links to advertising web-resources instead of malware.
Data Transfer and Cloning from CSV - added the possibility to define the FORMAT of a TEXT DATE or TIME column so as to export properly in TPS - DBF or DAT tables.
When reading an EXCEL Table there where problems in cloning and transferring the data.
Doctor Web — the Russian developer of IT security software branded Dr.Web — releases Dr.Web for Windows 5.0.
“Change of a version number always marks another milestone in development of Dr.Web software. Growing complexity of contemporary threats relevant for virtually any user drove us to focus on cutting-edge protection features that would deflect attacks of known viruses and secure users from unknown malware. Some features of the new Dr.Web have no look-likes in any other anti-virus available nowadays”, the author of Dr.Web anti-virus and technical director of Doctor Web Igor Danilov commented upon the release.
New features and improvements
Cures what others fail to detect
Successful curing of active infections, exceptional resistance to viruses, unique technologies for scan of processes in RAM and unsurpassed capabilities for neutralization of active infections that allow installing Dr.Web on an infected machine remain key technological advantages of Dr.Web software. It also disarms complex viruses like MaosBoot, Rustock.C, Sector. Technologies that enable Dr.Web to counter active viruses rather than simply detect collected malware samples have been further developed and honed for the new version.
Dr.Web for Windows 5.0 is very good at protecting itself and resisting attacks of malware. Dr.Web SelfPROtect controls access and modification of files, processes, windows and keys of the Windows Registry related to the application. The self-protection module is installed as a driver that can neither be stopped nor unloaded before a system is rebooted.
Advanced detection
A number of entries in a virus database is not the only criterion that determines efficiency of a present-day anti-virus. It should also be able to recognize unknown threats and be ready to detect viruses that are yet to come. The new feature of Dr.Web 5.0 called FLY-CODE is a universal decompression technology that allows detecting viruses disguised by means of packers unknown to Dr.Web. The anti-virus uses special entries in its database and heuristic analyzer to suggest if a packed file contains malicious code.
Origins Tracing™ is a unique non-signature detection technology that has also been brought to a new level in Dr.Web 5.0. It has already proven its efficiency during epidemics that caused data losses to a large number of customers of other vendors. Origins Tracing™ enhances traditional signature-based scan and the heuristic analyzer and improves detection of unknown malware.
Dr.Web for Windows is one of the few anti-viruses that can detect and neutralize viruses that feature rootkit technologies. Users of other anti-virus products put Dr.Web CureIt!® to a good use to cure their machines of rootkits. The new version of Dr.Web features a brand-new version of Dr.Web Shield™ to counter even next generation of rootkits.
Deep insight
Capabilities of an anti-virus engine to decompress archives and depth of scan it can perform affect the quality of detection. Dr.Web can check archived files at any nesting level. Even if a malicious program has been compressed several times using various archiver programs, Dr.Web shall detect it and disarm.
Higher performance
Dr.Web for Windows 5.0 has become even faster. Optimization and introduction of new technologies gave a significant boost of speed to the scanning process. Now the scanner checks RAM, boot sectors and files on hard drives thirty percent faster.
New components
SpIDer Gate™
One of the key innovations implemented in Dr.Web 5.0 is a full-fledged HTTP monitor called SpIDer Gate™. It scans incoming and outgoing HTTP traffic and works with all known web-browsers. It doesn’t affect system performance or slow down web-surfing.
Dr.Web parental control
Dr.Web parental control is another new feature implemented in version 5.0. It will protect your children against unwanted web-resources and shield them from contacts with cyber-criminals. It can also disable usage of removable data storage devices, block access to network devices and files and folders so your personal information won’t be deleted occasionally or compromised by a third party. Dr.Web parental control is very efficient and doesn’t interfere with routine activities of a user.
The new components are available only in Dr.Web Security Space.
“The new version comes to the market as two products. The first one is a classical Dr.Web anti-virus for Windows while the second one is Dr.Web Security Space that provides a user with the package of software aiming to secure a system against modern Internet threats. We hope that work of our developers will come in handy for every user concerned with security of thier information which we have been protecting since 1992”, Boris Sharov, the director-general of Doctor Web commented.
Just a quick announcement to let everybody know that v1.13 Beta of the Noyantis CalendarPro wrapper template has been released.
Modifications include:-
* 'No. of Schedules' entry for 'Schedule Created in Embedded Code' mode can now be an optional field instead of a fixed value.
* New method added - 'GetEventBusyStatus'
* Optional 'HideRefresh' parameter added to 'InsertEvent' method - helps speed up mass event loading.
* BUG FIX: 'GetViewType' method not returning correct value under certain circumstances.
* BUG FIX: 'ClearViewSchedules' method could GPF when called in WorkingWeek or FullWeek view mode.
* New demo procedure added - Calendar with Multiple Schedules - each with Different Colour.
The new version can be downloaded from the Members area using the original download and registration details contained in your sales emails.
New demo example app have been uploaded to the web site (
Release of Noyantis Codejock DockingPane Wrapper template by Noyantis Software
* Multiple color themes
* Multi languages
* Multiple Docking Panes containing various types of contents including Standard Clarion controls, Standard Clarion Window Procedures and even External Applications (eg, Outlook, Notepad, Internet Explorer etc, etc).
* Real time and Tracker Splitter Styles
* Drag-n-Drop Pane Positioning
* Sliding AutoHide Windows
* Float and Dock Panes
plus a lot more...
The price of the DockingPane template is only $85.
Other templates currently available cover the Shortcut Bar, Command Bars (inc Ribbon Bars), CalendarPro, Property Grid and Task Panel controls.
What's New
With version 9, we rebuilt Snagit Editor from the ground up. We've gotten your feedback...and we listened. Snagit 9.1 offers improvements to the improvements of 9.
Capture your digital lifestyle What you get with Snagit 9.0 and 9.1.
Free workflow and enhanced editing
New, fluid workflow
Carefree capturing is here. Say goodbye to capture, edit, share and hello to your style. Go ahead... capture, capture, capture or capture, edit, capture, edit. Snagit now flows with you.
Sleek editing interface
The Editor's new menus make it quicker to get at the features you use most...and easier to discover the ones you've never used.
Mini Toolbar **New in 9.1**
Eliminate extra clicks and keep the most frequently used editing features at your fingertips.
Live Preview **New in 9.1**
Try on different editing options by scrolling over your capture and seeing what a torn edge or shadow would look like...before you commit to the change.
Keep everything you capture
Snagit now stores every screen capture automatically so there is no pressue to name the capture or decide where to save it.
Auto-store export **New in 9.1**
Changing computers? Not to worry, you can take all your unsaved captures with you.
Open captures tray
Snagit makes it easy to combine images. Just drag-and-drop screen captures from the new Open Captures Tray onto the canvas. That's it!
Easily find your captures
Visual search pane
Remember the website you captured from? Or which application you were using when you captured (Internet Explorer, Word, etc)? Now you can search based on those, not just file names and dates.
Tags & flags
Capture online receipts and tag with the "financial" flag. Or remind yourself or something wiht the "followup" flag.
Stamps **New in 9.1**
Categories and visual search make your favorite stamps easier than ever to find.
New HMI and Graphics Software ToolKit Solution -- Full VC++ Source Codes
UCanCode E-XD++ Visualization ToolKit is an extremely flexible and robust graphical framework for building visual interfaces that display real-time data, from Process Control operator displays and HMI screens to Traffic and Telemetry Monitoring displays and Supply Chain visualizations. UCanCode provides a complete set of services, consisting of design tools and a softwaredevelopment kit (SDK), for developers who want to create a user interface for industrial monitoring and process control drawing applications. These displays feature highly customized graphical objects that connect to underlying real-world data.
Developers prefer ucancode's solutions because they are easy to use, completely customizable, and can deploy to both the desktop and the Web. ucancode is the industry’s leading real-time SPC software, automating quality data collection and analysis
E-XD++ Visulization Graphics Toolkit is the best toolkit for building any HMI Software Screen, as below:
1. Design the HMI symbols with shapedesigner?
With E-XD++ full edition, there is a shapedesigner application shipped, with this diagramming tool, you can use many advance features to build any kind of HMI Software symbols, as below?
When one composite symbol is designed, just use Copy/Paste to place it within the toolbox window at left side. These HMI Symbols will be ready for design HMI Screen in future.
2. Design HMI Graphics Software Screen?
With E-XD++ full edition, there is also a ready to use HMI Screen design tool shipped, with this tool, you can use any symbols within the toolbox window at left side to create any screen as you want, just drag and drop, very simple and easy?
If you want to identify any shape on the screen, just use the following dialog to define some key value. There are three key values that can be used to do this work, as below:
We change it's key value 1 to K2.
After one HMI Software Screen is finished, you can save it to a xdg file. You can design as many screen as you want.
3. Building your HMI Software?
With full edition of E-XD++ Visualization Component, there is an appwizard that will help you building a base framework of HMI Software without written a line of codes, after the base framework of your application is finished, you can import any XDG files into your application, (Please remember the resource type must be XDGRes), to load a HMI Screen just call the following codes, it is very easy?
In fact, this line of code can be called at any place if you want to load any new screen at any time.
4. Update the screen with data?
Mostly we can use the WM_TIMER of CWnd to recieve the data and refresh the HMI Screen, if you want to update only one shape, just call UpdateControl of this shape, but if you want to update a list of shapes one time, we recommend you to call UpdateShapes, this will works more effective. If you want to handle the click event, you can DoButtonClickEvent to do that.
That's all, below is the running - time mode of this sample, this sample has three XDG hmi screen, click any item to switch to a new screen.
HMI Component
HMI Graphics Software Component
Process Control Diagram
Full VC++ Source Code
Real - time Drawing
Very easy to use shape Designer
SVG Import
The leader in visualization component -- FULL VC++ Source Code Shipped!
XD++ Diagrammer Suite is the the world’s leading VC++ and .NET visualization component. Renowned for incredibly rich graphics, XD++ helps thousands developers build applications that offer unparalleled functionality. Outstanding productivity lowers project risk and reduces maintenance headaches. With 10 years of dedicated research and development, UCanCode leads the market for visualization technologies, providing outstanding customer support.
RITLabs draws users' attention to The Bat! update, v.4.0.38. This is a technical update, the version does not contain new options or functional novelties. There are only two improvements compared to v.4.0.34, but in this case quality prevails over quantity.
Firstly, developers fixed a bug in "Folder Properties" editor. Because of this bug users could sometimes lose their messages with no recovery option. Now this problem is resolved and messages are safe again.
The second improvement concerns the Scheduler (Alt+F11). In the previous version it was unavailable to users. Developers made some fixes and the Scheduler works as required.
Tech Tip: Do you know about WinRAR Backup Function?
In information technology, backup refers to making copies of data so that these additional copies may be used to restore the original after a data loss event. These additional copies are typically called "backups."
Backups are useful primarily for two purposes. The first is to restore a state following a disaster (called disaster recovery). The second is to restore small numbers of files after they have been accidentally deleted or corrupted.
Backup with WinRAR
Select the files you want to backup and compress them into one archive.
Choose your settings and save them in a separate profile, which you can use multiple times. Here is one example. The settings don't have to be the same as in the example.
You can modify your profile the way you want it to be: set and combine rules how to backup your files.
Add only files older or newer then ("Time")
Add only files, which are modified after a special date ("Time")
Add only files which are larger than 100 MB (command line only)
Store already compressed files (ZIP, RAR, JPG, AVI.) ("Files")
Add only files with attribute "Archive" set ("Backup")
Bug fixes:
* Schema Sync did not distinguish “default NULL” and “default ” (empty string)” for string types.
* When multiple connections were open in one program instance and one connection was in wait-state (for instance due to a TABLE LOCK), the whole program could become non-responding.
* If a server thread running a query sent by SQLyog was killed, SQLyog would not always detect it. The connection window associated with that thread would then stay in wait-state forever. Due to the ‘multiple connections issue’ as described just above also the whole program could be affected.
* With MySQL servers 4.0 and before and when connecting with HTTP-tunnel, SQLyog could send an invalid SET SQL_MODE statement when copying large amounts of data. The copy operation would then abort. This bug was introduced in 7.12.
* Reconnecting while populating Object Browser could crash SQLyog.
* Fixed 2 rare crashes in Schema Sync and DATA tab (reported internally).
* Fixed a bug with ‘replace’ in editor. ‘replace’ took effect *after* cursor position not *from* cursor position, so if cursor was positioned inside the string to be replaced that particular instance would not replace.
* Refreshing the GRID moved the cursor to ‘home’ position.
* Fixed a bug in Autocomplete transaction handling (introduced in 7.13) that could cause a crash at statup.
* Migration Tool could fail to find rows when migrating from SQL server 2008.
We are pleased to announce the new minor version of SQL Management Studio – a complete solution for database administration and development.
What’s new in SQL Management Studio 1.2?
1. The Task Scheduler can now be launched as a Windows Service or a separate process.
2. If a custom task is launched manually, its execution process can be tracked in the special window.
3. The SSH or HTTP connection type is now displayed within the host name field.
4. Toolbar settings used to be reset after the program shutdown. Fixed now.
5. The possibility to open PDF documentation from the main menu is implemented.
6. Other small improvements and bug-fixes.
* This release adds a ‘base time’ setting in MONyog. This setting (if defined by user) will be used for calculation of uptime-based counters. The reason for this implementation is that if FLUSH STATUS is executed with a MySQL server, the server status variables will be reset to the same value as would be after a server restart. There is one important exception however and that is the ‘uptime’ status variable itself. This single status variable is not affected by FLUSH STATUS. So to get true uptime-based counters in MONyog with servers that do not support the ‘uptime_since_flush_status’ variable (and currently only 5.0 COMMUNITY servers from 5.0.37 do - not ENTERPRISE servers and not any other major branch than 5.0 and also not 5.0 before 5.0.37) you will need to define a ‘base time’ in MONyog greater than or equal to the time where FLUSH STATUS was executed last time. Also you can now discard data older than a specific time by using this setting. Refer to documentation for full details.
* Improved the purging logic with the MONyog embedded database. Now also system CPU load is considered and purging operations will be skipped if CPU is high. This is a further improvement to the change in purging logic introduced in version 2.5.
As compared to 2.9 Beta1 this also includes:
* MONyog can now be running behind an Apache server configured as ‘reverse proxy’. Before this release MONyog’s java script was not accessed due to absolute paths, as a result MONyog pages were not displaying properly.
Bug Fixes:
* Fixed high CPU usage in the ‘query sniffer’ if sniffer “Minimum time taken ” value was set to “0″ (or left blank).
Just a quick announcement to let everybody know that v1.12 Beta of the Noyantis CalendarPro wrapper template has been released.
Modifications include:-
Maximum number of Schedules increased from 20 to 999.
DateRangeStart and DateRangeEnd added to DatePicker NewDate_???? procedure.
Visible Date on Startup facility added to DatePicker.
Extra Embed Points added.
BUG FIX: Reminder Object not released correctly on Calendar exit causing app to GPF under certain circumstances.
BUG FIX: Right Click options only being added when MORE than 1 option specified.
The new version can be downloaded from the Members area using the original download and registration details contained in your sales emails.
New demo example app have been uploaded to the web site (
This beta release contains several bug fixes and features enhancement. New functions in the Visual Dialog Editor give you again more power and flexibility. Build 2434 comes with a new in-memory script processing engine to improve performance. Please test this build as much as possible, in as many configurations as you can.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: The "Visual Dialog Editor" supports the ability to move controls with arrow keys.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: The "Visual Dialog Editor" supports the ability to delete controls with the Delete key.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: "Bring to Front" and "Send to Back" control function improvements in the "Visual Dialog Editor".
IMPROVEMENT: Installer: Increase internal maximum size for a custom script variable from 1,024 bytes (1 KB) to 10,240 bytes (10 KB).
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Increase the maximum size of a line in a Rich Text Format (RTF) document (supported in the License Agreement, Readme or RTF control in a Custom dialog) from 1,024 bytes (1 KB) to 10,240 (10 KB).
IMPROVEMENT: Installer: The "Static Text Control" in Custom Dialogs supports the \n macro to display multiple-lines.
IMPROVEMENT: Installer: The "Edit Control" in Custom Dialogs supports the \n macro to display multiple-lines.
FIX : [SB#811221] IDE: The "Import REG File" Wizard was not working as expected when processing large HEX key values.
FIX : "Import REG File" Wizard issue on Vista and Windows 2008 when running the SetupBuilder IDE non-elevated.
FIX : [SB#811181] Under certain circumstances, the "Wizard: Browse for Folder..." script function did not support text resources.
FIX : [SB#811182] The "Wizard: Browse for Folder..." script function did not pre-select a folder passed through the folder variable.
FIX : [SB#811271] Installer: Radio button controls in Custom Dialogs did not support a transparent background.
FIX : IDE: Several cosmetic (e.g. ScrollBar) and functional fixes.
CHANGE : [SB#811191] Installer: If the "UNINST_INUSE" message dialog box is displayed during the uninstall and the user presses the "Continue" button then subsequent locked files will not trigger this dialog again.
CHANGE : [SB#811122] The iDeploy Web Update option "Encrypt Username/ Password" is enabled by default for new projects.
CHANGE : Installer: Memory allocation for custom installer variables is handled dynamically now.
The closure of McColo Corporation responsible for 75 per cent of world wide spam traffic divided the reported month into two equal parts. Even though e-mail remains the most common means to spread malware virus makers also find other ways to bring malicious code to user machines
A freeware automation language for Windows called AutoIt is very easy to learn and provides wide opportunities for virus makers. The last month showed their growing interest in this scripting language. Even though an AutoIt program is written as a script, such a script can be compiled into a packed executable with its shrouded code being very hard to analyze. November saw an AutoIt worm spreading via removable data storage devices instead of e-mail.
Viruses spreading on removable devices are especially dangerous for companies and governmental institutions forced to introduce special measures to contain the infection. Companies adopt software that allows them to restrict usage of removable devices and sometimes impose a temporary ban on use of removable drives.
Dr.Web anti-virus 5.0 currently undergoing open beta-testing allows to unpack files of an AutoIt worm and to analyze its scripts. Viruses written in this script language enter the Dr.Web database as Win32.HLLW.Autoruner.
Mail viruses
Prior to the closure of McColo spam mailings distributing malware came in high numbers. Below we will take a closer look at diverse methods used to lure a user to launch a malicious file.
Trojan.PWS.GoldSpy.2454 was disguised as an e-card. Even though fake cards have long been known to Internet community they still remain efficient. The name of a malicious file is card.exe. Messages with a link to a malicious file were used to spread another modification of the malware – Trojan.PWS.GoldSpy.2466.
Trojan.DownLoad.3735 was spread as a file with a double extension – the attached contained the file. The message informed a user that his account was suspended upon a corresponding request supposedly sent by the victim. A user was also offered to activate the account. However, the message didn’t provide any reference to a service related to the blocked account. No wonder that details of the activation were said to be found in the attached document which turned out to be an executable file containing malicious code. Other messages spreading the same Trojan informed a user upon changes in certain clauses of an agreement.
Messages with attached Trojan.PWS.GoldSpy.2456 threatened a user with a forced disconnection from the Internet caused by a violation of the copyright. Activates of a victim related to the alleged violation for the last six months were said to be listed in an attached file (user-EA49945X-activities.exe) which was nothing more than another malicious program. The U.S presidential election was also used as a message topic in e-mails spreading the Trojan.
Another mailing notified a user upon a failed delivery of a package caused by an incorrect recipient address. An attached invoice was detected by Dr.Web as Trojan.PWS.Panda.31
.Our analysts also registered several mailings advertising easy money on eBay. An html-file attached to a message was detected by Dr.Web as Trojan.Click.21795. The file contained an encrypted script that directed a user to a web-site advertising training courses. Another similar mailing advertised a new way of advertising using RSS and free promotion of web-sites using services by Google and Yahoo
The closure of McColo Corporation reduced spam traffic significantly but was only a short outage. Now mailings related to malware have been short-term though the spam traffic sometimes has been rather high. Such mailings included Trojan.PWS.Panda.31 spam e-mails and messages containing an encrypted script detected by Dr.Web as Trojan.Click.21795.
Authors of Trojan.DownLoad.4419 applied a new technique offering a link to download a beta version of Internet Explorer 8 from a bogus web-site.
A mailing in German described in the previous review from Doctor Web also reemerged. It prompted a user to view important financial information provided in an attached file. Earlier a shortcut and a piece of malicious code had been placed on one folder contained in the attachment while in November they were separated with the link placed outside the folder. Dr.Web detects this Trojan program as Trojan.DownLoad.16843.
November 2008 also saw a wave of phishing targeting users of online payment systems, Internet banking and other paid services in several countries. In particular customers of JPMorgan Chase Bank, RBC Royal Bank and usrs of AdWards and PayPal became victims of the phishing attack.
Specialists of the virus monitoring service of Doctor Web added 25 461 entries to the virus database in November with average 850 new entries per each day. Mind that one entry in the Dr.Web database allows the software to detect numerous modifications of one virus. The figures show that regular updating of anti-virus software as often as once per hour becomes a necessity. Dr.Web automatic updating provides such an updating frequency quite easily. In addition a good anti-spam module becomes indispensable for normal work protecting against irrelevant and harmful e-mail messages.
This is a maintenance and support release that addresses some outstanding issues that were not addressed with 12.1.0 including feature enhancements and fixes.
Doctor Web warns Internet-users of a mail-virus epidemic started on November 25. Though the recent closure of web host McColo Corporation reduced spam levels as much as by 70 percent malefactors are persistent in their search for new ways to spread malware with spam. By now one of such mailings has been amounting to 50 percent of infected mail traffic.
Starting November 25 users started receiving messages in German with the attached file (translated into English as “statement of account”). Message text can be different but the aim is to lure a user to open an attached file. The attached archive contains abrechnung.lnk and the scann folder with the scann.a file. This executable file is detected by Dr.Web anti-viruses as Trojan.DownLoad.16843. The file structure of the archive shows that probably a user is meant to launch the abrechnung.lnk file (by default its extension is hidden in Windows Explorer) instead of opening the folder. Eventually the scann.a file will be launched.
This executable injects malicious code into svchost.exe and explorer.exe processes and downloads other components of malware from servers located in China. This Trojan can also spread as the system.exe file on removable disks.
According to the virus laboratory of Doctor Web spam messages spreading Trojan.DownLoad.16843 amount to 50 percent of infected mail traffic.
Messages with links to pages containingTrojan.DownLoad.4419 are also back. The latest mailing related to the Trojan started Monday evening. This time a user was offered to download a beta version of Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 instead of an adult video.
Doctor Web recommends solutions from its Dr.Web Security Suite to ensure anti-virus and antis-am protection. As usual users should also be careful when decide to follow instructions provided by a suspicious message about free services or fiscal claims.
UCanCode provides a complete set of services, consisting of design tools and a softwaredevelopment kit (SDK), for developers who want to create a user interface for industrial monitoring and process control drawingSCADA applications. These displays feature highly customized graphical objects that connect to underlying real-world data.
Developers prefer ucancode's solutions because they are easy to use, completely customizable, and can deploy to both the desktop and the Web. ucancode is the industry’s leading real-time SPC software, automating quality data collection and analysis
Add Diagrams and SCADA to your applications. E-XD++ Diagrammer brings accurate and intuitive diagrams and dashboards to your c++ desktop applications. It offers a comprehensive set of tools, components and graphic objects for creating visualization, editing and monitoring Windows applications.
It is very quickly and easily to use E-XD++ to build any SCADA Software:
1. Design the SCADA symbols?
With E-XD++ full edition, there is a shapedesigner application shipped, with this diagramming tool, you can use many advance features to build any kind of SCADA Software symbols, The Symbol Editor is an interactive point-and-click editor that creates, edits and organizes intelligent symbols to populate a user interface, as below?
When one composite symbol is designed, just use Copy/Paste to place it within the toolbox window at left side. These SCADA Symbols will be ready for use in future. The Shape Designer offers graphics editing capabilities and is fully interoperable with authoring tools, such as Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape, to ensure that the visual elements of the symbol are as appealing as possible. It then adds dynamics to graphics with rules describing how the elements of the symbol will react to data changes. For example, rules can define the alarm conditions that will cause a part of a factory symbol to blink, or how far a needle on a rotary gauge will rotate. The newly created symbol can then be cleanly organized in palettes and reused by the other design tools. By default, the Shape Designer contains palettes of fully functional symbols for diagramming and monitoring applications, such as gauges, buttons, meters, dials and more.
What is a "Symbol?" A symbol is a self-contained graphic object that represents a physical or conceptual element in the underlying application. For example, symbols can represent trucks, factories, network elements, dials or gauges.. They have built-in behavior and an exposed interface, like a graphic VC++ control. When an application executes, its symbols connect to real-world objects and are "data-aware"—when the underlying data changes in a meaningful way to the user, the overlying symbols change their appearances. For example, if a component in a data network reaches a pre-defined critical threshold, the symbol associated with it might display a red alarm. Or if an airplane has moved, then its symbol will move on a map display.
2. Design SCADA Software Screen?
With E-XD++ full edition, there is also a ready to use SCADA Screen design tool shipped, with this tool, you can use any symbols within the toolbox window at left side to build any screen as you want, just drag and drop, very simple and easy?
Diagram Editor is well-suited for defining the look and feel of applications that must automatically create a diagram—such as a business process, a network typology, a workflow, a dataflow, or entity-relational diagrams—from a data source.
If you want to identify any shape on the screen, just use the following dialog to define some key value. There are three key values that can be used to do this work, as below:
We change it's key value 1 to K2.
After one SCADA Software Screen is finished, you can save it to a xdg file. You can design as many screen as you want.
3. Building your SCADA Software?
With full edition of E-XD++ Visualization Component, there is an appwizard that will help you building a base framework of SCADA Software without written a line of codes, after the base framework of your application is finished, you can import any XDG files into your application, (Please remember the resource type must be XDGRes), to load a SCADA Screen just call the following codes, it is very easy?
In fact, this line of code can be called at any place if you want to load any new screen at any time.
4. Update the screen with data?
Mostly we can use the WM_TIMER of CWnd to recieve the data and refresh the SCADA Screen, if you want to update only one shape, just call UpdateControl of this shape, but if you want to update a list of shapes one time, we recommend you to call UpdateShapes, this will works more effective, below is the sample codes?
If you want to handle the click event, you can DoButtonClickEvent to do that.
That's all, below is the running - time mode of this sample.
SCADA Software Component
Process Control Diagram
Full VC++ Source Code
Real - time Drawing
Very easy to use shape Designer
SVG Import
With E-XD++ Component, you can add advanced SCADA functionality to your applications. The E-XD++ Library is a 100% VC++ data rendering and visualization system, built specifically for Visual Studio .NET and designed to bring your User Interface to the printed page. Now you only need a few days for building a very powerful label print or report print application.
The leader in visualization component -- FULL VC++ Source Code Shipped!
XD++ Diagrammer Suite is the the world’s leading VC++ and .NET visualization component. Renowned for incredibly rich graphics, XD++ helps thousands developers build applications that offer unparalleled functionality. Outstanding productivity lowers project risk and reduces maintenance headaches. With 10 years of dedicated research and development, UCanCode leads the market for visualization technologies, providing outstanding customer support.
The VC++ source codes of this sample is shipped with E-XD++ Library Enterprise Edition, order it now.
Bug fixes: * Fixed a rare crash in Schema Sync. This issue was discovered when testing internally. No user had reported this.
* Management of column-level privileges was not functional.
* It was only possible to select a single group of objects in GRIDS with the shift+click modifier.
Miscellaneous: * Autocomplete now uses secure atomic transactions when writing to SQLite databases (’Tags files’). We had a few reports of random program crashes that could be traced down to corrupt SQLite databases. This corruption will now not happen any more.
Codejock Releases ToolkitPro and SuitePro 2008 Vol. 2 for Visual C++ and ActiveX
Codejock Releases ToolkitPro and SuitePro 2008 Vol. 2 for Visual C++ and ActiveX Volume 2 is a huge release for Codejock, and the second major release of 2008. This release introduces many new key features and enhancements including a Ribbon designer, GDI+ support for XAML markup, Application and Context Menus skinning support, Multiple skins support, Several common controls with Office 2007 style support, Print Preview Control for COM, Property Grid Option Buttons, COM Form Extender Control and Markup Class Model Implementation for COM.
Codejock a leading provider of modern user interface components, today announced the release of ToolkitPro 2008 Vol. 2 for Visual C++ MFC and SuitePro 2008 Vol. 2 for ActiveX COM. This release provides a comprehensive set of fully customizable user interface components for use with Visual C++ MFC, ActiveX COM and Microsoft .NET development platforms.
This release incorporates many new features and enhancements to this full featured product line including:
Ribbon Designer
Designing an Office 2007 style ribbon bar is now easier than ever before with the WYSIWYG Office 2007 Ribbon Designer. With only a few mouse clicks users can have a state of the art user interface.
Multiple Skins Support
With multiple skin support many different skin files can be applied to different objects on the same form, for example, the buttons on a form can use a separate skin from the skin used on the main form.
Application and Context Menu Support
SkinFramework now automatically skins all application and context menus to completely skin every part of the application.
Office 2007 Common Control Support
Several common controls have been added with Office 2007 theme support. Some of the controls include the Edit, ComboBox, SpinButton, ProgressBar and Scrollbar controls.
GDI+ Support for Markup
With the help of GDI+ shapes drawn in XAML markup look much smoother. Using GDI+, Markup can be used to create such things as elegant looking charts.
Print Preview Control
Printing the perfect view in COM just got a little easier, Markup, RTF text or just about anything else can be displayed in the Print Preview control before it is printed.
Option Buttons Option buttons and check box controls now give developers a few more options on how to get user input in the Property Grid.
Form Extender Control
The Form Extender Control for VB6 extends the functionality of a standard form by adding additional properties such as transparency and save\restore placement that would normally require extra API calls.
Markup Class Model
The Markup Class Model has been added to COM to allow controls such as the Check Box and Radio Button to respond to markup events. In addition, a the new MarkupLabel control allows markup to be created in code.
Noyantis CommandBars Wrapper Template v1.12 Beta Released
Noyantis Software are pleased to announce that v1.12 Beta of the Noyantis CommandBars wrapper template has been released.
This release includes lots of new "Toys" including:-
.. New type of CommandBar added - Tabbed ToolBar - various new methods added to control content and visual appearance.
.. User definable actions added to control definitions.
.. User definable 'add condition' added to control definitions.
.. Clarion menu structure (or part of) can now be specified as bar content along with a visual strategy to use for the content.
.. New method (SetBarIconSize) added to set default icon size for a bar.
.. RibbonBar Group Options Button facility added.
.. Bar Docking settings added along with new method - SetBarDocking.
.. 'Attach To Parent Control' settings added for CommandBarCtrl window control template.
.. Quick Access options can now be added without a System Menu being present.
.. Quick Access options can now be merged with the Tabs when a System menu is not present.
.. New methods added - SetTextValue, SetRadioValue, SetCheckboxValue, GetTextValue, GetRadioValue, GetCheckboxValue.
.. Template Tidyup (both Internal and Interface).
.. BUG FIX: If a control was added to the Quick Access options at runtime by the user, then the NewSelection_?? procedure was not being triggered correctly due to the new option being given a new object ID.
.. BUG FIX: NewSelection_?? and TabSelection_?? was being triggered for ALL available CommandBars instead of only the CommandBar that had been interacted with.
.. BUG FIX: Visible White space on Frame Extension when bar moved / docked now coloured correctly.
New demo example app have been uploaded to the web site (
Noyantis TaskPanel Wrapper Template v1.04 Released
Noyantis Software are pleased to announce that v1.04 of the Noyantis TaskPanel wrapper template has been released.
Modifications include:-
... User definable actions added to item definitions.
... User definable 'add condition' added to item definitions.
... Internal update for CommandBars compatibility.
New demo example app have been uploaded to the web site (
We are pleased to announce the availability of SetupBuilder 6.9 Build 2415. This is an update to our latest stable release, and contains some very important bug fixes and improvements! This build brings SetupBuilder 6 in-sync with SetupBuilder 7. We strongly recommend that all customers upgrade to the latest version of SetupBuilder 6.9 as soon as possible to maintain the highest level of support, performance and reliability.
This release is available, free of charge, to all SetupBuilder customers who have an active SetupBuilder maintenance subscription plan. If you do not have an active subscription plan, please buy it here.
IMPROVEMENT: (sync from SB7) IDE: Better "Compiler Variable" pre-processing.
IMPROVEMENT: (sync from SB7) IDE: If the Dialogs Visualizer list is empty when adding a dialog, SetupBuilder offers to add a "Wizard Loop" dialog statement.
IMPROVEMENT: (sync from SB7) IDE: Option to sort the file list in the html compiler report in alphabetical order.
IMPROVEMENT: (sync from SB7) Installer: The "Get Registry Key Value..." script function can handle the registry REG_MULTI_SZ type now. The Data Value is returned in a SetupBuilder "List" object.
FIX : (sync from SB7) IDE: Long-standing IDE resizing issue when the Windows "Show window contents while dragging" option is enabled.
FIX : (sync from SB7) IDE: "Create Unique Backup File..." item could not be deleted from within the Script Editor.
FIX : (sync from SB7) [SB#810141] IDE: Very long-standing and complex "save project" bug. Under specific circumstances (compiler reported an error in a .sbi include script and user pressed save) the contents of the include script got copied into the main .sb6 script file.
FIX : (sync from SB7) Installer: "Microsoft OEM Ready" program requirements issue.
CHANGE : (sync from SB7) [SB#811121] IDE: When the command line compiler detects an in-use (locked) installation file, it does not show an error message dialog box any longer.
CHANGE : (sync from SB7) [SB#811122] The iDeploy Web Update option "Encrypt Username/Password" is enabled by default for new projects.
We are pleased to announce the availability of SetupBuilder 6.9 Build 2415. This is an update to our latest stable release, and contains some very important bug fixes and improvements! This build brings SetupBuilder 6 in-sync with SetupBuilder 7. We strongly recommend that all customers upgrade to the latest version of SetupBuilder 6.9 as soon as possible to maintain the highest level of support, performance and reliability.
This release is available, free of charge, to all SetupBuilder customers who have an active SetupBuilder maintenance subscription plan. If you do not have an active subscription plan, please buy it here.
IMPROVEMENT: (sync from SB7) IDE: Better "Compiler Variable" pre-processing.
IMPROVEMENT: (sync from SB7) IDE: If the Dialogs Visualizer list is empty when adding a dialog, SetupBuilder offers to add a "Wizard Loop" dialog statement.
IMPROVEMENT: (sync from SB7) IDE: Option to sort the file list in the html compiler report in alphabetical order.
IMPROVEMENT: (sync from SB7) Installer: The "Get Registry Key Value..." script function can handle the registry REG_MULTI_SZ type now. The Data Value is returned in a SetupBuilder "List" object.
FIX : (sync from SB7) IDE: Long-standing IDE resizing issue when the Windows "Show window contents while dragging" option is enabled.
FIX : (sync from SB7) IDE: "Create Unique Backup File..." item could not be deleted from within the Script Editor.
FIX : (sync from SB7) [SB#810141] IDE: Very long-standing and complex "save project" bug. Under specific circumstances (compiler reported an error in a .sbi include script and user pressed save) the contents of the include script got copied into the main .sb6 script file.
FIX : (sync from SB7) Installer: "Microsoft OEM Ready" program requirements issue.
CHANGE : (sync from SB7) [SB#811121] IDE: When the command line compiler detects an in-use (locked) installation file, it does not show an error message dialog box any longer.
CHANGE : (sync from SB7) [SB#811122] The iDeploy Web Update option "Encrypt Username/Password" is enabled by default for new projects.
Just a quick note to announce the immediate availability of SetupBuilder 7 Ultimate Edition (Beta-1) Build 2408.
One of the most requested features for SetupBuilder has been a Visual Dialog Editor (VDE). SetupBuilder 7 Ultimate Edition provides a brand new VDE for quickly customizing the user interface. You can visually design dialogs and add items such as static text, text edit fields, graphics, checkboxes, radio buttons, push buttons, combo boxes, list boxes, animated controls and Rich Text Format controls.
SB7 does not only provide a VDE, it also introduces a new "Event Driven Custom Dialog" scripting method that gives SetupBuilder developers more power, control, and flexibility. The enhanced SetupScript lets you perform script actions in response to certain events inside a custom wizard dialog and you can manipulate controls in the custom dialog programmatically.
SetupBuilder Ultimate Edition is "The Ultimate Tool for Power Users". This high-end edition of SetupBuilder will provide the Visual Dialog Editor and support for Windows Installer (MSI) and Mobile Devices Packages.
Registration for those interested in participating in the SetupBuilder 7 Beta Program opened today. Customers with an active SetupBuilder subscription are eligible to participate.
Our Maintenance and Support Subscription Plan ensures that you will always have the latest version of your licensed installation product without any additional cost during the term of the Plan. Customers with a current Subscription Plan (valid until February 28, 2009) will receive the final SetupBuilder 7 free of charge as part of their subscription plan.
In addition to this, all Developer Edition customers with a Subscription Plan that does not expire before February 28, 2009 will receive an option to switch to the high-end final SetupBuilder 7 Ultimate Edition free of charge when SetupBuilder 7 goes Gold!
Bug fixes:
* SFTP log downloads used excessive memory on Linux.
* Version 2.82 introduced a unresolved dependency with a libcrypt library on some Linux distros (including some CentOS and OpenSuSE distros).
* Installation on Windows 2000 could fail due to a dependency on a .dll not standard on this Windows version. Also this was introduced in 2.82.
* The status indicator for log downloads could display wrong for large files (> 2 GB).
Camtasia Studio 6 will slash your editing time, provide more editing control, and make you look great with HD-quality video.
All dazzle. No hassle.
HD-quality video for the web
Produce videos for the web using the industry-leading H.264 format. No tweaks or technospeak, just sparkling HD-quality video with compact file sizes...every single time. Two existing production presets (blog and web) and three new presets (YouTube, HD display, and take advantage of the new format.
Fewer do-overs
Independent audio & video editing
When recording audio and video at the same time, it's hard to be perfect. So we've made it easier to fix mistakes. Simply decouple the audio and video tracks to edit them independently. And move audio clips between (and along) tracks to line everything up perfectly. Bottom line: fewer retakes and less time spent on editing.
Take a shortcut
Editing hotkeys
Reduce editing time on large projects by 30% or more with seven customizable hotkeys. Want to add a callout to the current spot on the timeline? Just tap C on your keyboard. Need a transition? Hit T. The same goes for caption, zoom, marker, split, and extend frame. Become a lean, mean editing machine...and free up hours of your time.
Use video from more sources
Edit MOV files
Got an .MOV video file from a digital camera or a previous project? Bring it into Camtasia Studio and edit it on the timeline. Any self-contained .MOV file is fair game.
Get some perspective
3D tilt effect
Apply the new tilt effect to your videos and they'll really pop! By bringing some things closer to the viewer and putting other things in the background, you'll not only grab'll also direct it effectively.
Nail your timing
Finer control over effects
Control the duration of transitions and callout fades with ultimate precision...right down to a tenth of a second. Perfect timing is a beautiful thing.
Web sharing made easy preset
We created to make it dead simple to get videos from Camtasia Studio to the web. With the new preset, you can now direct content into the sharing folder of your choice. Don't have a account? We'll give you one free! (2GB storage; 2GB monthly bandwidth; never expires.)
Get a jump on recording
Rebuilt Recorder
The new Camtasia Recorder remembers the dimensions and locations of your last recording, so you can start your next one faster. We've also added a convenient full-screen recording button. And there's an option to launch Camtasia Recorder at startup, so you can record an impromptu screencast–anytime!–with a touch of the F9 key.
EasyCOM2INC utility is used to automatically creating Clarion include files with the definitions of COM-interfaces from IDL file and generate needed Classes.
Added: -Generator: added a "Image" reserved word.
-Generator: added RTL procedure "SetNull".
Changed: -Generator: Menu "Options/Load default settings" now loads all reserved words, RTL procedures and data types (but not only Global settings).
-Algorithm of calculation of the "Receive code", so already registered customer should generate and send us email with the "send code" again and then put a new "receive code" and Register.
Easy Class Generator. Added:
- Classes per module - now you can put generated classes into the different files, where NNN is a number from 001 to 999. This will solve a Clarion compiler problem "Too many segdef in file" if you have a typelib with a huge number of interfaces.
- Command line parameter: ecg.exe /mNNN (where NNN is a number of generated classes per module).
Template support. Note:
- If you change a number of Classes per module then you need to regenerate all the source files of your application using Clarion IDE Generate All menu.
Free upgrade for all registered customers.
We are glad to announce that Help & Manual 5.0.6 is available for download! This is a maintenance update recommended to all version 5.x users.
The update fixes a critical bug: when saving the project to a location with insufficient disk space, a loss of data could have appeared.
Furthermore, we have improved some tricky situations of conflict handling in multi-user environments and fixed an important bug in Project Synchronization.
We strongly recommend to upgrade your version 5 copy, the upgrade is free!
We are glad to announce that Help & Manual 5.0.6 is available for download! This is a maintenance update recommended to all version 5.x users.
The update fixes a critical bug: when saving the project to a location with insufficient disk space, a loss of data could have appeared.
Furthermore, we have improved some tricky situations of conflict handling in multi-user environments and fixed an important bug in Project Synchronization.
We strongly recommend to upgrade your version 5 copy, the upgrade is free!
* This release improves the handling of Foreign Keys with HTTP-tunnelling. In Data Sync, Migration, ‘copy to other’, ‘empty database’ and ‘truncate database’ statements are now processed in batches and “SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0″ statement (if selected by user) will be reinstantiated for every batch. This is a 100% solution to problems with FK’s normally occuring with PHP applications/connections due to the non-persistent nature of PHP<>MySQL connections:
* In preferences added an option to ‘force disable FK check throughout HTTP import batch process’. Selecting this will have same effect as above when importing external files with SQLyog (from tools .. restore from SQL-dump) over an HTTP-connection. It is selected as default.
Bug Fixes: * On Wine selecting individual objects (like a single table) for export/copy could export/copy all. This was yet another issue with the tree-view control in Wine.
* Autocomplete with table alias failed if “FROM” in FROM-clause was written UPPERCASE.
* It was not possible to create the Primary Key on <target> with the Migration tool if using option to import using a user-specified query.
* Dropping a table ON which a TRIGGER was defined did not refresh the TRIGGERs folder for the database in the Object Browser. Also ‘reorder columns’ did not automatically refresh the COLUMNs folder for a table.
* The display in Object Browser could garble if program was minimized/maximized while a query was running.
* Right-clicking a only partially visible cell in DATA/RESULT tab would not select properly.
* The CREATE USER privilege (introduced in MySQL 5.03) was not handled by SQLyog user management.
* Fixed a painting issue in ‘manage privileges’ dialogue introduced with resizability in 7.11.
* Fixed an issue with the CSV import dialogue that could result in a ‘hang’ or ‘crash’.
* When nothing was selected for SQL export an empty file was generated. Now an error pops up.
* Fixed a crash in data sync. This issue affected only empty tables (or empty WHERE results) without a PK.
* CSV-export escaped wrong inside enclosed/quoted strings. Only the enclose character itself should be escaped, but also field seperator character and linebreaks were.
New Help & Manual 5 Premium Pack: 14 professional skins
EC Software announces the first Premium Pack for Help & Manual 5! The pack gives you a total of 14 professionally-designed skins and project templates with which you can style your Webhelp and HTML Help output quickly and easily.
Premium Pack Features
The Premium Pack skins give you stylish tabbed navigation with non-scrolling headers in Webhelp. All the interface texts and settings for the skins are stored in easy-to-edit variables - no HTML editing required. A number of features can be turned on and off directly in the Publish dialog with a single click when you publish your projects:
* 3-Frame Layout Option
* Breadcrumb trail navigation box
* Mail feedback button with topic reference
* Print button for current topic
* Subtitle in TOC header for Webhelp
* URL link display for Webhelp
When hope is lost Dr.Web LiveCD will revive your system
Dr.Web LiveCD is an anti-virus solution that will revive an operating system that was rendered unbootable by malware. The anti-virus will clean a computer of malware and cure infected system files or place them in the quarantine if necessary. Dr.Web LiveCD can be especially useful for users whose machines often get infected or for companies that provide system restore and diagnosis services.
The new product from Doctor Web is a Linux LiveCD that can be used to scan Windows and Linux machines for viruses. A user may choose to load the software in the standard GUI mode or start in the safe mode using only the command line. The latter option is meant for customers familiar with Unix-family operating systems. Dr.Web LiveCD allows performing express, full and advanced scan.
Dr.Web LiveCD also supports updating of the virus database and can be used to sned suspicious files to the virus laboratory.
The live CD continues the long-standing tradition of free programs and utilities from Doctor Web. A user from any part of the world can use free of charge Dr.Web CureIt! , Dr.Web LinkChecker, and Dr.Web online scanner.
Just a quick announcement to let everybody know that v1.10 Beta of the Noyantis CalendarPro wrapper template has been released.
Modifications include:-
Recurring Events facility added (Drag / Resize not supported yet!)
DatePicker control enhanced to work standalone (eg, not connected to a Calendar)
Week Numbers facility added to DatePicker control
Date Limits added to DatePicker control
BUG FIX: ClearViewSchedules method was causing a GPF when NOT in Day view
The new version can be downloaded from the Members area using the original download and registration details contained in your sales emails.
New demo example app have been uploaded to the web site (
The UCanCode E-XD++ Component Enterprise Edition product family enables you to develop graph visualization applications quickly and efficiently. With these products, you can easily enhance your applications with sophisticated graph display, viewing and editing technologies presented in an eye-catching, intuitive graphical user interface. You can customize both the display and the interactive behaviors of your application using industry standard components, such as toolbars, menus and mouse-event handling.
Graph Layout Diagrams are a natural and intuitive way of expressing relationships in your application data. E-XD++ Components make it easy to add expressive, interactive graph drawing, layout, printing, features to your application. UCanCode's E-XD++ Diagram Component is the most comprehensive set of tools, components and libraries for creating graphical editing, visualization, supervision and monitoring tools for the VC++ / .NET platform. Both diagrams—displays used to show the relationships between objects and graph drawing and layout can be easily created.
E-XD++ Enterprise Edition Suite is a 100% C++ based diagram Component, it's Graph layout Diagram Solution contains almost all the features of building a high-quality graph visual Application.
With E-XD++ Enterprise Edition Suite, it has almost all the features of Microsoft' Visio on Graph Drawing, Layout, Printing Part:
Over 20 kinds of links that will help you create any kind of graph layout Links quickly and easily.
Over 30 kinds of arrows, by override a few virtual methods, you can create any kind of new arrow styles.
With shapedesigner application, you can use over 100 kinds of basic shapes to create very complex graph Diagram Shapes.
The size of canvas can be created freely.
Advanced print and print preview supports, you don't need take any time on print and print preview.
Export to bitmap file or jpeg file supports.
Create new class shape by open a .H source code file.
Panning and zooming.
Full tested on all windows platform includes windows vista.
All the vc++ source codes of the following screen shots will be shipped with full edition of E-XD++ Enterprise Edition Suite:
This sample is demos how to loading Microsoft Project XML files. It displays a Microsoft Project Schedule as a graph, the nodes of the graph are the tasks of the project and the links the predecessor constraints between task. The resulting graph is layouted by a layer Layout. The graph shows the critical tasks as red tasks so that it is easy to follow the critical path. It also demos the following features:
1. Change the size of canvas.
2. Loading data from XML File.
3. Create link relationship between graph nodes.
4. Layer - layout the graph nodes.
5. Create slider on panning window.
6. Mouse wheel + Ctrl to smooth zooming in and zooming out like Visio.
7. Click item to select graph node.
8. Printing and preview.
... ...
Here is a screen shot of the sample:
UCanCode E-XD++ is also the best source code component for adding any kind of organization chart diagram drawing feature to your own application, it was designed specifically to help you create diagrams for human resources management, staff organization, office administration, and management structures. It will help you visualize and structure information, add illustrations and drawings to your documents and make all this fast and easy, currently, it supports horizontal and vertical tree layout, layer layout..., it is full written with VC++ Source Codes.
Through its Java, .NET and C++, and Flex/AIR graphics libraries and components, ucancode provides the industry’s most comprehensive set of graphics tools for creating sophisticated, interactive user displays. ucancode's graphics products enhance decision-making speed and ability by making vast quantities of complex data more comprehensible and manageable for users. Developers save 50 to 80 percent of development time when creating displays with ucancode Visualization.
The leader in visualization component -- FULL VC++ Source Code Shipped!
XD++ Diagrammer Suite is the the world’s leading VC++ and .NET visualization component. Renowned for incredibly rich graphics, XD++ helps thousands developers build applications that offer unparalleled functionality. Outstanding productivity lowers project risk and reduces maintenance headaches. With 10 years of dedicated research and development, UCanCode leads the market for visualization technologies, providing outstanding customer support.
The VC++ source codes of this sample is shipped with E-XD++ Library Enterprise Edition, order it now.
Version 1.09 Beta of the Noyantis CalendarPro wrapper template has been released.
Modifications include:-
Event Reminder facility added
Additional Colour Themes Added
Compiled in Icons can now be specified for Control images
Multilingual Compatibility features added (see Global extension)
OCXDirectCommand and OCXDirectValue methods added
Additional Embed points added
ShowDay method added
BUG FIX: Start of Week not set correctly
Also, the Recurring Events feature has also been started and a demo screen is implemented in the above release. However, this is still "Work In Progress" and the full feature will be released soon.
The new version can be downloaded from the Members area using the original download and registration details contained in your sales emails.
New demo example app have been uploaded to the web site (
Bug fix: * Fixed an issue where data collection would continue to fail with ‘database locked’ error message in the MONyog.log. We now roll back the query generating the lock and collection can continue (this was reported happening by a single user (only) after an MONyog upgrade).
We are pleased to announce the availability of SetupBuilder 6.9 Build 2380.
This is an update to our latest stable release, and contains some very important bug fixes and improvements! This build adds "script engine thread synchronizing" to the installers. We strongly recommend that all customers upgrade to the latest version of SetupBuilder 6.9 as soon as possible to maintain the highest level of support, performance and reliability.
This release is available, free of charge, to all SetupBuilder customers who have an active SetupBuilder maintenance subscription plan.
SetupBuilder 6.9 -- Build 2380 (October 10, 2008)
IMPROVEMENT: [SB#810031] Installer: Add "script engine thread synchronizing" to give active script execution tasks at the end of the installation time to terminate.
FIX : [SB#808071] IDE: The "#ftp upload" directive did not display the optional "[Post Compile]" switch in the Script Editor.
FIX : [SB#810032] Installer: Possible GPF in Web Installation projects.
FIX : [SB#809191] IDE: The "recursive folder" option in "Tools" | "Create Zip Archive" was not working as expected.
CHANGE : IDE: Increased width and height of the "Include Script Properties" dialog.
CHANGE : IDE: Renamed the "Handle String Function (Count List Items)" script function into "Handle String Function (List Item: Count)".
CHANGE : IDE: Renamed the "Handle String Function (Get List Item)" script function into "Handle String Function (List Item: Get)".
CHANGE : IDE: The SetupBuilder IDE handles the Web Update check interval verification and does not call wupdate.exe at startup any longer. This will avoid the elevation prompt on Windows Vista and Server 2008.
CHANGE : IDE: If a file from the "Recent List" is not found, it is not automatically removed from the list. The IDE displays a "The file <file> cannot be opened. Do you want to remove the reference to it from the Recent list? (Yes/No buttons)" message box now.
CHANGE : IDE: The "#embed Vista manifest..." compiler directive displays the "Program Name" in the Script Editor.
CHANGE : IDE: The "#code-sign application..." compiler directive displays the "Descriptive Name" in the Script Editor.
We are pleased to announce the availability of SetupBuilder 6.9 Build 2380.
This is an update to our latest stable release, and contains some very important bug fixes and improvements! This build adds "script engine thread synchronizing" to the installers. We strongly recommend that all customers upgrade to the latest version of SetupBuilder 6.9 as soon as possible to maintain the highest level of support, performance and reliability.
This release is available, free of charge, to all SetupBuilder customers who have an active SetupBuilder maintenance subscription plan.
SetupBuilder 6.9 -- Build 2380 (October 10, 2008)
IMPROVEMENT: [SB#810031] Installer: Add "script engine thread synchronizing" to give active script execution tasks at the end of the installation time to terminate.
FIX : [SB#808071] IDE: The "#ftp upload" directive did not display the optional "[Post Compile]" switch in the Script Editor.
FIX : [SB#810032] Installer: Possible GPF in Web Installation projects.
FIX : [SB#809191] IDE: The "recursive folder" option in "Tools" | "Create Zip Archive" was not working as expected.
CHANGE : IDE: Increased width and height of the "Include Script Properties" dialog.
CHANGE : IDE: Renamed the "Handle String Function (Count List Items)" script function into "Handle String Function (List Item: Count)".
CHANGE : IDE: Renamed the "Handle String Function (Get List Item)" script function into "Handle String Function (List Item: Get)".
CHANGE : IDE: The SetupBuilder IDE handles the Web Update check interval verification and does not call wupdate.exe at startup any longer. This will avoid the elevation prompt on Windows Vista and Server 2008.
CHANGE : IDE: If a file from the "Recent List" is not found, it is not automatically removed from the list. The IDE displays a "The file <file> cannot be opened. Do you want to remove the reference to it from the Recent list? (Yes/No buttons)" message box now.
CHANGE : IDE: The "#embed Vista manifest..." compiler directive displays the "Program Name" in the Script Editor.
CHANGE : IDE: The "#code-sign application..." compiler directive displays the "Descriptive Name" in the Script Editor.
CHANGE : Updated online help.
CHANGE : Updated PDF manual.
True Microsoft word like table Component Control Solution - With Full VC++ Source Codes!
Here you can find a full Microsoft Word Like Table Component, this also the first full MS-Word like table component that designed for drawing and printing around the world, full VC++source code shipped!
Add table editing, drawing, printing capability to your word process applications within a few minutes. E-XD++ Diagrammer Component is a VC++ Library (An ActiveX Control also shipped) that allows you to create documents for printing and previewing application. It supports multiple rows and columns, text wrapping, multiple text fonts and sizes, headers and footers, blocks outlining, shapes layout, graphics, and more.
E-XD++ Enterprise Edition provides a rich set of formatting options for MS-Word like table creating, editing, drawing, printing, cells and text contained within table cells, this is a much Microsoft Word like table shape. All the features of this tablecomponent can be customized. You can change the font, the text alignment, the fill colors of the cells, you can also lock the selected cells from text editing.
UCanCode Table Solution can be inserted into canvas using the integrated dialog box or directly from program code. Frames and shading can be applied to cells and the cell contents can be formatted using any of E-XD++ EnterpriseEdition's formatting options.
You can also add the table control shape into the canvas by using a drop picker like Microsoft Word.
Cells can be full formatted, you can join all the selected cells to one single cell or split the select cell to multiple cells.
UCanCode Table cells can be accessed in a grid-like manner, enabling developers to fill in their contents from a database and perform calculations on the contents of rows and columns.
By default the following features is shipped:
1).Insert one row before the select row. 2).Insert one row after the select row.
3).Insert one column after the select column.
4).Insert one column before the select column.
5).Join the selected cells.
6).Split the selected cells.
7).Change the fill mode of the cells.
8).Change the font and text alignment of the cells.
9).Select one row with mouse.
10).Select one column with mouse.
11).Select cells within a tracking rectangle.
12).Enter text within the cell. 13).Resize and move the table shape
14).All the features can be full customized.
15).Create the table shape by codes.
16).Create the table shape from a setting dialog.
17).Create the table shape from a drop picker like Microsoft word. 18). Supports multiple lines text editing, alignment.. 19). Design with 100% VC++ MFC.
20). 100% VC++ Source Codes is shipped with full edition.
With E-XD++ Component, you can add advanced printing functionality to your applications. The E-XD++ Library is a 100% VC++ data rendering and visualization system, built specifically for Visual Studio .NET and designed to bring your User Interface to the printed page. Now you only need a few days for building a very powerful label print or report print application.
Through its Java, .NET and C++, and Flex/AIR graphics libraries and components, ucancode provides the industry’s most comprehensive set of graphics tools for creating sophisticated, interactive user displays. ucancode's graphics products enhance decision-making speed and ability by making vast quantities of complex data more comprehensible and manageable for users. Developers save 50 to 80 percent of development time when creating displays with ucancode Visualization.
The leader in visualization component -- FULL VC++ Source Code Shipped!
XD++ Diagrammer Suite is the the world’s leading VC++ and .NET visualization component. Renowned for incredibly rich graphics, XD++ helps thousands developers build applications that offer unparalleled functionality. Outstanding productivity lowers project risk and reduces maintenance headaches. With 10 years of dedicated research and development, UCanCode leads the market for visualization technologies, providing outstanding customer support.
The VC++ source codes of this sample is shipped with E-XD++ Library Enterprise Edition, order it now.
Fixed: - for c6 - there was a problem with loosing focus after creation RTF or Excel report.
Added: - Ability to set fields Separator (delimiter) for CSV report.
- Ability to set output file name programmatically and "open file after" so now it's possible to export in silent mode.
- There is a Cancel button now in a creation process window (as well as in EasyListPrintProgress template, so please select Cancel control and recompile).
Free for all customers with current subscription.
Release of Noyantis Codejock TaskPanel Wrapper template by Noyantis Software
The template / control supports multiple color themes, multiple languages, multiple item types including common Clarion controls, multiple display behaviors (Explorer type, List type, Toolbox type), different animation styles, Drag and Drop, Item grouping plus a lot more...
The price of the TaskPanel template is only $75.
Other templates currently available cover the Shortcut Bar, the Command Bars
(inc Ribbon Bars), the CalendarPro controls and the PropertyGrid control.
1. WinRAR 3.80 added support for ZIP archives containing Unicode file names in UTF-8 format.
2. Added decompression support for WinZip AES encrypted ZIP archives.
3. Improved Unicode support for RAR and ZIP archive names.
4. New "Add to context menu" option in "Profile parameters" dialog. If this option is on, the profile name will be displayed in Explorer context menus allowing to activate a profile from context menu.
5. New option "Wipe files" in "Delete files after archiving" dialog. overwrites the file data with zero bytes to prevent recovery of deleted files.
Many aditional features:
1. Added support for ZIP archives containing Unicode file names in UTF-8 format. When creating ZIP archive, WinRAR stores names in Unicode only if they cannot be stored correctly using the current single byte character set.
2. Added decompression support for WinZip AES encrypted ZIP archives.
3. Improved Unicode support for RAR and ZIP archive names.
4. "Ask before overwrite" and "Skip existing files" update modes are now available in archiving dialog. They allow to specify WinRAR behavior when updating already existing files in archive. Unlike already available "Fresh existing files only" and "Add and update files", these new modes ignore file date and compare only file names.
Command line equivalents of these modes are:
a) switch -o enables "Ask before overwrite" archiving mode;
b) switch -o- enables "Skip existing files" archiving mode;
c) switch -o+ enables "Overwrite all" mode (default for archiving).
5. New "Add to context menu" option in "Profile parameters" dialog. If this option is on, the profile name will be displayed in Explorer context menus allowing to activate a profile from context menu.
6. New -cp switch allows to select a compression profile in command line mode. It is supported only by GUI WinRAR.exe, not by rar.exe.
7. New "Options" page of archiving dialog contains the group of settings modifying the behavior of "Delete files after archiving" option from "General" page:
a) Delete files. Delete files normally like in previous WinRAR versions.
b) Move files to Recycle Bin. Deleted files are placed to Recycle Bin.
Command line equivalent of this option is -dr switch.
c) Wipe files. Before deleting file data are overwritten by zero bytes to prevent recovery of deleted files.
Command line equivalent of this option is -dw switch.
All these options have an effect only if "Delete files after archiving" is on. You can enable any of these options in the default compression profile to change the default behavior of "Delete files after archiving".
8. WinRAR "Extraction path and options" dialog is now resizable. You can use the mouse to drag its border to the desired size and provide more space for folder tree pane. WinRAR will store new dimensions of this dialog.
9. New "Update" SFX script command and "Update mode" group of options in "Update" page of "Advanced SFX options" dialog. These command and options allow to check time and implement file time based updating;
10. SFX script "Shortcut" command and "Add shortcut..." command in "Advanced SFX options" dialog now allow to specify an icon file containing an icon associated with shortcut.
11. New "Wipe temporary files" option in "Settings/Security" dialog provides more secure, though slower, way to delete temporary WinRAR files.
12. WinRAR and RAR display the total progress bar when unpacking a multivolume RAR archive if all volumes are present in the same folder.
13. WinRAR and RAR automatically expand names of environment variables in list files. For example, a list file can contain lines like:
This feature is available only in Windows RAR version.
14. Added support of TAR archives with non-zero "extra field" data.
15. Added support of TAR archives, which does not contain the end of archive entry consisting of 512 zero bytes.
16. Improved Unicode support when dragging files from WinRAR window.
17. Shift+Tab key combination can be used in main WinRAR window to switch the input focus between interface elements (files, comment, tree, address) in reverse order. In previous versions Shift+Tab used the same order as Tab.
18. Corrected a possible WinRAR crash when opening truncated UDF ISO files.
How to upgrade your old WinRAR version?
Upgrading is quick and easy. Users only need to download the latest version and install the newest version of WinRAR to continue using the best compression tool around! Please close all open WinRAR archives and exit WinRAR before installing. No complicated uninstalling of the previous version is necessary.
RITLabs SRL is a software company specializing in communication products. Thanks to the email client The Bat!, the first version of which went on the market in 1997, our company has grown and we have created a series of successful products, such as Argus, SecureBat!, BatPost and others. Users of our software range from home-users to business and government organizations including banks and other financial institutions, the aerospace industry, oil-and-gas producers, IT software and hardware companies and a wide spectrum of small and large businesses. Over these past years our user-base has grown into the many thousands, and we thank all of our customers for giving us the possibility of continuing to satisfy their needs with high-quality software solutions.
* Added new monitoring module displaying disk usage information for databases and tables.
* Display of slow log data in Log Analyser had added more information (about when query occured, information about number of rows examined and sent)
* Disk usage (table level view) now displays the ENGINE for every table.
Bug fixes: * When a multibyte character was used in a connection name the display would garble and also the connection could not be deleted from GUI.
* When connection was not available the caption for counters should display “n/a”. Since 2.71 it would instead display a string exposing an internal value (example: “NumCounterWithSeconds”)
Bug fixes:
* Pressing Crtl+end in GRID did not show the last row. This bug was introduced in 7.1.
* Fixed a flickering issue in Data tab. It was a threading issue related to the STOP button introduced in 7.1.
* When executing a query not returning a result set, focus would leave editor (unless the ‘keep focus on editor’ option was set). This made no sense. Now focus will be kept on editor if there is no result set.
* Data sync could fail with column names containg a SPACE character and if specific keywords was used for column names.
Also SJA for Linux was updated with the fix for the Data Sync issue.
Release of Codejock PropertyGrid Wrapper template by Noyantis Software
The template / control supports multiple color themes, multi language, date
lookups, slider controls, combo lists, entry masking, integrated toolbar,
integrated help panel, hierarchical list of editable properties, data
sorting plus a lot more...
The price of the PropertyGrid template is only $75.
Other templates currently available cover the Shortcut Bar, the Command Bars
(inc Ribbon Bars) and the CalendarPro controls.
We are glad to announce that Help & Manual 5.0.5 is available. This update introduces several minor improments.
We recommend to update to version 5.0.5 to all 5.x users!
Improvements and additions
Editing skins enabled for the Standard version! This feature was previously included in the Professional edition only.
Export with skins: the standard skins now include a preview image. There are more professionally designed skins to come and the preview will make selection a lot easier. Furthermore, the export dialog box loads custom build options from skins, if used. This enables conditional compiles with skins based on simple build switches.
Export with merged projects: better warning message if a child project could not be found.
Improved project report: better style and more information about merged projects.
Insert topic dialog: better topic ID suggestion
Translation: new configuration file for SDL Trados included
User defined variables: variables now have a "protected" option to prevent the variables from unintentional editing (for translation - the switch is saved as the translate attribute). Furthermore, custom variables are sorted.
Richtext (Word) export: better handling for multiple TOC references to the same topic
Adobe PDF export: support for extended link syntax that points to a particular page. Furthermore, an updated PDF engine comes with improved rendering capabilities. Synthesized fonts such as Tahoma Italic are now supported.
E-book export: support for Adobe Digital Editions (EPUB format) implemented. This output format is still in an experimental state and works in addition to the regular Windows e-book output.
Bug fixes
Multi-user editing: we have implemented a few fixes for concurrent multi-user authoring, to avoid situations where topic file locking failed to work. Furthermore, when changing a topic ID, the automatic scan of all links to this topic locked other topics despite they were not changed.
Spell checker & live spelling: live spelling did not work with some east-european special characters, causing the words to be red underlined, despite they were correctly spelled.
A few minor fixes for XHTML output: width attribute was exported in some cases, although it is depricated
Baggage file handling: case sensitive bug fixed, overwrite warning implemented
Syntax highlighter was not properly initialized. The syntax highlighter now treats keywords loaded from an external list without spaces
Saving a skin as skin with a different name did not work.
Topic title in CHM files was encoded with entities instead of plain text.
Webhelp export: standard icons have been renamed to match the old naming scheme from version 4.
Minor tweaks to the Find & Replace function as well as to Edit Styles and Create Style from Selection.
Bug fix for a rare AV that occured with multiple monitors
XML parser did ignore empty paragraphs
Convert for HMX files did not read multiple help context numbers assigned to the same topic
HTML code objects: the HTML code was exported with a trailing line break after the object code, causing unwanted spaces if used in text.
Bulleted lists with custom bullets: it was possible to select an invalid bullet character, causing an AV on the attempt to change it
We are glad to announce that Help & Manual 5.0.5 is available. This update introduces several minor improments.
We recommend to update to version 5.0.5 to all 5.x users!
Improvements and additions
Editing skins enabled for the Standard version! This feature was previously included in the Professional edition only.
Export with skins: the standard skins now include a preview image. There are more professionally designed skins to come and the preview will make selection a lot easier. Furthermore, the export dialog box loads custom build options from skins, if used. This enables conditional compiles with skins based on simple build switches.
Export with merged projects: better warning message if a child project could not be found.
Improved project report: better style and more information about merged projects.
Insert topic dialog: better topic ID suggestion
Translation: new configuration file for SDL Trados included
User defined variables: variables now have a "protected" option to prevent the variables from unintentional editing (for translation - the switch is saved as the translate attribute). Furthermore, custom variables are sorted.
Richtext (Word) export: better handling for multiple TOC references to the same topic
Adobe PDF export: support for extended link syntax that points to a particular page. Furthermore, an updated PDF engine comes with improved rendering capabilities. Synthesized fonts such as Tahoma Italic are now supported.
E-book export: support for Adobe Digital Editions (EPUB format) implemented. This output format is still in an experimental state and works in addition to the regular Windows e-book output.
Bug fixes
Multi-user editing: we have implemented a few fixes for concurrent multi-user authoring, to avoid situations where topic file locking failed to work. Furthermore, when changing a topic ID, the automatic scan of all links to this topic locked other topics despite they were not changed.
Spell checker & live spelling: live spelling did not work with some east-european special characters, causing the words to be red underlined, despite they were correctly spelled.
A few minor fixes for XHTML output: width attribute was exported in some cases, although it is depricated
Baggage file handling: case sensitive bug fixed, overwrite warning implemented
Syntax highlighter was not properly initialized. The syntax highlighter now treats keywords loaded from an external list without spaces
Saving a skin as skin with a different name did not work.
Topic title in CHM files was encoded with entities instead of plain text.
Webhelp export: standard icons have been renamed to match the old naming scheme from version 4.
Minor tweaks to the Find & Replace function as well as to Edit Styles and Create Style from Selection.
Bug fix for a rare AV that occured with multiple monitors
XML parser did ignore empty paragraphs
Convert for HMX files did not read multiple help context numbers assigned to the same topic
HTML code objects: the HTML code was exported with a trailing line break after the object code, causing unwanted spaces if used in text.
Bulleted lists with custom bullets: it was possible to select an invalid bullet character, causing an AV on the attempt to change it
* Added keyboard shortcut (F6) for Edit Index.
* The behaviour of Ctrl+R shortcut was slightly changed. It will now position cursor inside the active tab in Result pane. Before it was functional only with DATA tab and RESULT tabs.
* Added tab-navigation (for query tabs) entries in Edit-menu. Also the active Query tab can now be closed from menu.
* In certain situations Schema Sync would generate CHANGE-clauses for a column that basically did nothing (changing column to what it was). This is now ‘cleaned up’.
* A tab in the Query pane (a Query tab, a Schema Designer tab and a Query Builder tab) can now be closed with Alt+L keyboard shortcut and can now be navigated with Ctrl+pgup and Ctrl+pgdn keyboard shortcuts.
* Favorites are now displayed using Scintilla editor component. For statements with complex formatting this makes the preview more readable.
* Autocomplete now supports alias in UPDATE and DELETE statements.
* BLOB viewer and the program dialogues for schema sync, create/alter table, manage indexes (including sub-dialogues) manage foreign keys (including sub-dialogues) and manage privileges are now resizable. From now resizable dialogues have a ‘gripper’ icon in right bottom corner.
* Added a movable ’splitter’ between the object area and the script area in schema sync dialogue.
* Preferences dialogue was redesigned.
* Added an option in Preferences to ‘Automatically refresh DATA tab on focus’. This was the program behavior before 7.0. In 7.0 to 7.02 it was not. Now it is optional.
* Shift+click is now functional for multiple selection everywhere in GRIDS (before it was only in Result/Table Data tabs).
* ’show in text’ (Ctrl+L) is now functional for both DATA tab and RESULT tab. Also ‘Find’ (Ctrl+F) now works with DATA tab in text mode.
* Stop option implemented in data tab. This is in particular useful if accidentially the ’show all’ option was selected for a huge table.
* Added an icon in data tab tool bar indicating if current display is filtered. Also from this icon ‘reset filter’ can be applied directly.
* Added option in Schema Sync to compare all objects or compare only tables.
* Now the result tab displays the query as a ribbon at the bottom. This is useful where more queries are executed from the same editor tab.
* Refresh option included for show variables, show processlist and show status.
* Changed functionality for shortcut F3; now it pops up ‘Find’ dialog (before it was for keyboard shortcut dialog - F12 is used for this now).
* The sync script generated by Schema Sync could fail when a change in columns used for Foreign Key(s) or a change with the Foreign Key itself was attempted.
* The display of execution time etc. for queries (in MESSAGES tab, HISTORY tab and statur bar) was reorganised for better clarity.
Bug Fixes: * The GRID would truncate the display of strings longer than 511 characters.
* When a user-defined DELIMITER and a comment occured close to another in the program editor, the editor tokenizer component could fail to identify exactly where a statement began and ended.
* Data Sync could fail with a table having no Primary Key, but more Unique Keys, if the same column was used for defining more than one of the Unique Keys of the table. This was introduced with the new Data Sync code of 7.0 (before 7.0 Unique Keys were not used by Data Sync at all - only Primary Keys were).
* Fixed an escaping bug in Data Sync.
* Fixed an issue with WHERE clause in Data Sync.
* Proxy authentication details were not written correctly to jobfile by SJA wizards.
* Since 7.0 the WHERE clause defined by user in migration wizard was not written to jobfile.
* In Wine Schema Sync could generate an erroneous sync script (specific functions on Wine functioned slightly different than the original Win32 API).
* Fixed a number of GUI related issues.
Bug fixes: * On 64 bit Linux systems running MONyog 64 bit builds queries could be considered identical by Log Analyzer even if they were not.
* Authentication failed if the “#”character was used in password.
ComponentOne announces release of Doc-To-Help 2009
The Industry’s Most Trusted Tool Continues to Make Authors’ Lives Easier Somerset, UK – September 16, 2008 – Today marks a milestone in ComponentOne’s mission to evolve with technology trends and user needs. With the release of ComponentOne Doc-To-Help 2009, they’ve introduced a built-in XML-based editor, a tool for embedding dynamic Help in applications, and many new authoring features.
Authors today recognise the benefits of XML-based authoring when creating re-usable, portable, and easily formatted content. XML-based authoring has
traditionally come with its setbacks since it requires specialized knowledge. Doc-To-Help 2009 lifts this constraint by providing a built-in editor for XML-based authoring. With this new editor, you can work in an easy-to-use authoring interface while enjoying Microsoft Word-like style formatting.
Doc-To-Help automatically creates standards compliant XML and CSS files as you write. “The new editor gives the author the best of both worlds,” states Dan Beall, product manager at ComponentOne. “Authors get to use an extremely user-friendly authoring environment complete with all the functionality they need, while Doc-To-Help automatically creates code conforming to the latest technology standards. Users can actually open Doc-To-Help, author content; produce standards-compliant Help, Web content and manuals without needing to know what is happening under the hood.”
Doc-To-Help’s advanced technology also allows you to convert existing Word documents to XHTML in just one click. You can even map Word styles to CSS styles associated with the new XML file. Doc-To-Help is flexible in the fact that it still allows Word users to work in Word if they wish rather than converting to XML.
Now authors and developers can now work seamlessly together with the new ComponentOne DynamicHelp™ tool included with Doc-To-Help 2009. This tool provides an easy way to embed dynamically updating Help into your applications. To do this, the .NET developer embeds the DynamicHelp control in the application and passes it off to the Help author. The Help author takes the application and uses a visual mapping interface to connect Help topics tointerface elements (buttons, text boxes, menu items, and more). “The ComponentOne DynamicHelp™ tool will change the way authors and application developers work together, “stated Gustavo Eydelsteyn, managing director at ComponentOne USA. “The developer and technical writer will come together harmoniously without having to communicate about context IDs.”
New UCanCode Electronic form solution from ucancode (Updated) -- Full VC++ Source Codes
E-XD++ E-Form Solution is a professional electronic form design and filling system developed from the ground up for anyone who needs fast, powerful form creation and developing tools. Form templates designed with E-Form Designer are used to create forms that can be filled out in either E-Form Reader, ucancode software's low-cost, easy-to-use form filling solution, ucancode software is the only software company to ship high quality E-Form Component in the world. UCanCode E-Form Solution has almost all the features of Microsoft's Infopath and Adobe LiveCycle Designer.
E-XD++ E-Form Solution can be used for developing and deploying forms for business, government, educational, financial, professional, scientific, medical, engineering, and private organizations.
E-XD++ E-Form Solution gives you superb control over form design with advanced alignment and distribution tools, rich text editing, fractional fonts, inter-character and inter-line spacing, grids, guides, rulers, layers, built-in units-of-measure, drop-down lists, advanced drawing tools and much, much, more.
With full edition of E-XD++ Suite, you have the 100% VC++ / .NET Source Codes of E-Form Designer and the 100% VC++ / .NET Source Codes of E-Form Reader, you also have the license to modify any party of these source codes to build your own E-Form Applications, it will save tons of month development time. Another UCCDraw ActiveX Control is also shipped with E-XD++ Suite, with this ActiveX Control, you can show the E-Form Designer in web, and loading or saving form data to web.
Introducing ucancode E-Forms Manager Source Code Kit, a breakthrough solution that provides the most cost-effective way to publish, process and securely manage electronic forms (e-forms). Full .NET support.
With E-XD++ Enterprise Edition Suite, it has almost all the features of Microsoft infopath and adobe live cycle designer on Electronic form Part:
Over 40 kinds of e-form controls that will help you create any kind of Electronic form quickly and easily.
Template is full supported that will help you much time for building this feature.
E-Form Reader supports any ODBC based database.
Advanced print and print preview supports, you don't need take any time on print and print preview.
Export data to XML file.
Panning and zooming.
Full tested on all windows platform includes windows vista.
Ships with full documents and VC++ / .NET 100% source codes.
All the vc++ source codes of the following screen shots will be shipped with full edition of E-XD++ Enterprise Edition Suite:
Below is the E-Form Designer of E-XD++:
Below is the E-Form Reader of E-XD++:
You can use this E-Form reader to load the form template file, and fill it. The data will be saved to database.
UCanCode E-Form Solution makes it easy for you to build any electronic forms based software in your business, saving you substantial time, paperwork, and commercial printing costs!
How? UCanCode E-Form Solution is much simpler to use than database or spreadsheet programs so your users don't need special skills to get the job done. Simply design your forms exactly the way you want them to look and UCanCode E-Form Solution automatically manages the data you enter into them. In no time, you'll have a professional-looking, completely customized Bid Proposal, Invoice, Purchase Order, and other forms that ensure correct data entry, calculate complex totals, and leave you with more time to do what you do best - manage your business! It will save you up to 90% time for building any kind of electronic form application.
E-Form Designer with 100% VC++ / .NET Source Code, E-Form Filler / E-Form Reader with 100% VC++ / .NET Source Code, Electronic Form SDK Source Code, Electronic Form .NET Component. Print & Print Preview Support.
The leader in visualization component -- FULL VC++ Source Code Shipped!
XD++ Diagrammer Suite is the the world’s leading VC++ and .NET visualization component. Renowned for incredibly rich graphics, XD++ helps thousands developers build applications that offer unparalleled functionality. Outstanding productivity lowers project risk and reduces maintenance headaches. With 10 years of dedicated research and development, UCanCode leads the market for visualization technologies, providing outstanding customer support.
The source codes of this sample is shipped with E-XD++ Library Enterprise Edition
Bug fix:
* Fixed some issues with JSON strings that could prevent objects in the MONyog browser interface to populate with data. Most important ‘Monitors/Advisors’ page would fail to display if a username contained a doublequote character.
* CPU optimisations in both MONyog (server) process (in particular when ‘Monitors/Advisors’ page was being viewed) and browser processes (viewing Dashboard could cause high CPU usage in Firefox browser in particular).
Bug fix:
* Fixed a dependency with the SSH library that could cause failure to install in Win2K. This was an issue with the updated SSH library introduced with version 2.5.
Miscellaneous: * The RPM installer scripts for Linux were updated in various ways. This solves issues on specific distributions including: 1) uninstall with the SuSE/YaST ’software management’ GUI was not possisble. 2) It was not always possible to install on top of a running MONyog service - sometimes it was necessary to stop service manually before upgrading. Also note: when updating from trial to single/multi server or from single server to multi server it is still necessary to uninstall the old version first. And when installing this version (applies only when using the RPM build) any older version will have to be removed with the “rpm -e ..” (rpm -e MONyog-trial/rpm -e MONyog-single/rpm -e MONyog-multi) command in advance (distribution-specific GUI tools may not work with versions before this one, so please use the RPM console command). We apologize for this but there is no other way.
UCanCode Releases Upgraded Visio - Like Flow/Diagramming Suite V12.50
2008 (Very important New Updates, we recommend all our exist customers upgrade to this new edition.) For more information (press only) please contact: Paul Chi
UCanCode Software, Inc.
Phone: (86) 28-8535-4545
Fax: (86) 28-8535-4645
2008, HongKong, UCanCode Software announces it's market leading flow/diagramC++ / .NET source code kit - E-XD++ EnterpriseEdition V12.50 with tons of new features.
HongKong, 2008--UCanCode Software, Inc providing reusable software flow/diagramcomponents and services that facilitate flow/diagramming application development, today announced the release of E-XD++ Enterprise Edition V12.50, its world-leading line of Flow/Diagram components for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2005 developers. This is the long awaited release that contains many powerful new features from the last release! It is also the best release from ucancode software! This new release introduces many new key features and enhancements including New GDI Objects management, new diagram editor, new properties sharing, tons of new solutions...
E-XD++ Enterprise Edition V12.50 offers software developers several many key enhancements to facilitate and simplify the development and migration of "Microsoft-Visio 2007 style" front-ends for applications built on Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC/VC++), ActiveX or Microsoft .NET technology platforms. The E-XD++ V12.50 includes the following enhancements:
1. New improved GDI management, all the GDI Objects (Pen, Brush, Font, Image..) can be called with a very simple easy way now, you can use them as you want at any place, and you don't need take any steps to release them, all of these GDI Objects can be released by themselves.
2. New improved property value management, now with only a few lines of codes, you can add any property values for any exist or new customize shapes on the canvas, only the unique properties values will be stored, and any changes with these property values will support Undo/Redo, if there will be no used with any propery values, they will release themselves automatic.
3. New improved image cache, only the unique image data will be stored, if any images are removed from canvas, the memory data will be released automatic.
4. New improved image drawing and printing, it supports transparent depth and high quality drawing.
5. New improved drawing performance, now you can place more than 10,000 shapes within one screen. It will draws fast.
6. New improved anchor feature, now you can place any number of anchors on links, when the link changing, the anchor will be layouted automatic, as below:
7. New improved zooming in and zooming out feature, now you can zoom the canvas like the google - map or Visio 2007 applications.
8. New improved path drawing and editing, now you can select only one line - segment for editing, as below:
9. New improved SVG importing feature, you can import any SVG files and convert them to shapes of E-XD++, this is a great feature for data sharing with many hundreds drawing applications around the world. All the svg importing VC++ Source Codes shipped with full edition.
10. New database classes for database creating, import, and modify..., now it is very easy to build an application with database diagram drawing or table column drag and droping, it builds with ODBC API for Database creating, loading and modify:
11. New map process flow solution is ready, you can find with the following link:
23. New improved mind - map drawing solution, as below:
24. Visio 2007 style zooming and panning window support:
25. True full screen, you can show the canvas with full - screen mode, it will hide all the other things on the desktop and the ruler bars, scroll bars of canvas. See ProcessNewDemo sample.
E-XD++ Flow Diagramming Source Kit EnterpriseEdition is the world’s leading MFC/VC++ visualizationcomponent. Renowned for incredibly rich graphics, E-XD++ helps developers build applicationsthat offer unparalleled functionality. Outstanding productivity lowers project risk and reduces maintenance headaches. With over 9 years of dedicated research and development, UCanCode leads the market for visualization technologies, providing outstanding customer support. with E-XD++ Enterpriseyou can easily build Visio 2003 and Visio 2007 like applications.
"To date, the reliability and performance of the XD++ Library have been tested through many kinds of diagramming/flowchart- related software of ucancode customers around the World. TheE-XD++ Library now are used in over 40 countries!"
We are UCanCode.Net Software, Inc., a software development company. We have been in business over 9 years developing C++ libraries. UCanCode.Net Software develops high quality software solutions that provide software developers with the most up to date tools available today. All source code is supplied and is 100% MFC compatible and extendable. Developers can easily create authentic Microsoft Visio, Adobe Illustrator, and CorelDRAW style applications within seconds. UCanCode Software can be reached at (86) 28-8535-4545 or by visiting their website at
This is a maintenance release that includes many new features, new samples, bug fixes and more. This is a huge release for ucancode, and it is a very important major release of E-XD++ Diagrammer Enterprise Edition.
SQL Manager for MySQL version 4.4 released. We are pleased to announce the new minor version of SQL Manager for MySQL - a high performance tool for MySQL database server administration and development.
What's new in SQL Manager for MySQL 4.4?
Table Editor.
Data filtration is now available when connecting through HTTP tunneling.
Unicode is now displayed properly in the DB Explorer.
Partial support of OpenGIS fields is implemented.
Disabling the 'Use dimension' option in fields of the Double type used to be ignored. Fixed now.
Copy Database. Comment length restrictions for tables and fields are now taken into consideration when copying a database whose source and destination server versions differ.
Extract Database.
With both Add DELIMITER and Generate DROP IF EXISTS statements for objects options enabled, the program used to generate an erroneous result script because of the wrong placement of the DROP statement delimiter. Fixed now.
Database structure containing circular table dependencies used to be extracted improperly. Fixed now.
If the Record in block option value was “1”, comments were added before each extracted record. Fixed now.
If the Client Charset was set at “Windows Charset”, the SET NAMES statement used to get wrong charset. Fixed now.
Duplicate View. A view’s name remained unchanged in the result script. Fixed now.
Data Export. An attempt to open a file exported to the Excel 2007 format failed with the “Excel found unreadable content in libri.xlsx” error. Fixed now.
Trigger Editor. If a user didn’t have the SELECT FROM permission for the mysql.user table then an attempt to edit a trigger failed with an error. Fixed now.
Procedure Editor.
The procedure used to be edited improperly if its body contained the marker
main: Begin
END main
Fixed now.
The OUT parameter values used to be displayed as NULL when executing a procedure. Fixed now.
SQL Editor. Sometimes Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V shortcuts stopped working. Fixed now.
In some cases the “Restore Desktop on connection” option did not work. Fixed now.
This is a maintenance and support release that addresses some outstanding issues that were not addressed with 12.0.1 including feature enhancements and fixes.
This is a maintenance and support release that addresses some outstanding issues that were not addressed with 12.0.1 including feature enhancements and fixes.
* Log Analyzer code has been completely refactored resulting in better performance and stability and more maintainable code.
* The progress indicator for downloads in Log Analyzer page is now a true quantitative progress bar.
* Error messages in Log Analyzer were rewritten. Every single possible error is now differentiated by a specific message providing help for the situation.
Bug fixes:
* “Group by” option in history/trends page could deliver incorrect results if MySQL and MONyog were using different timezones.
* With SFTP connection to the log file selecting “ALL” for log size to be downloaded in Log Analyzer page could have the result that the log file download would last forever.
* Analyzing log chunks containing BULK INSERT statements could in special situations cause a program crash.
* Fixed a bug with resolvement of time in log analyzer that could result that no queries or less queries than what should be were returned. The most recent queries would sometimes not be shown. Issue was only if log was retrieved with SFTP.
* When retrieving logs stored in tables the substitution of literals would fail for binary data.
* When downloading a log MONyog would continue to download in the background until end of file even after STOP button was clicked.
* In the display of queries from the Processlist page special characters could garble.
* Also in Log Analyzer page special characters would not always be indentified correctly. This bug also affected records with binary data. Both display and grouping was affected (depending on where those occurred - in plain strings or in identifiers).
* Repeatedly switching between sorting and show details for a slow query log in log analyzer could in certain situations crash MONyog.
* Installing a RPM multi/single server build on top of a trial build (and vice versa) resulted in that they were installed in parallel. Also on SuSE MONyog was not registered with the correct runlevel. The RPM has been updated to fix this.
* Display of servers is now sorted in the order of the server/connection name. Earlier the internal ID was used for sorting. Also note that now no MONyog restart is required for changing sort order. A connection rename alone will do.
Bug fix.
* Reporting the execution time of a query in ‘query sniffer’ was inaccurate. This was an issue with the 2.6 betas only. 2.5x were not affected.
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EC Software announces the availability of Help & Manual (standard) 5.0.4.
We are glad to announce that Help & Manual 5.0.4 is available from download page. This update introduces several minor improments.
We recommend to update to version 5.0.4 to all 5.x users!
Speed improvements (again) In idle mode, Help & Manual had consumed too much CPU resources. While barely noticable on fast computers, it may have caused a significant slowdown on older PCs. Version 5.0.4 now consumes almost no CPU power when idle.
Improvements and bug fixes * Skins updated
* Behaviour of dialogs improved for Find Topic and Insert Snippet
* Print snippets in PDF/manual templates are now parsed for variables and conditional text
* Project variables: variable list is now sorted
* Search result list and compiler messages sometimes behaved erratic when clicking a link
* Automatic repair function for duplicate TOC ids implemented
* Drag & drop: several minor changes, files can be dragged between multiple projects
* Project report: new report to list topics without keywords
* XML reader: multi-level ordered lists were not numbered correctly if a regular paragraph was inbetween
* XML reader: multiple error messages are bundled into one when read errors in topics are experienced
* Webhelp: index separators are parsed for variables, search stoplist was not saved correctly
* Table column lock showed erratic behaviour
* Screen capture: when saving a screenshot, the preview for GIF and PNG images was not available
* Bugfix in Find & Replace
* Small bugfix for print preview when printers were installed, but no default printer was selected
* Several minor changes
EC Software announces the availability of Help & Manual (professional) 5.0.4.
We are glad to announce that Help & Manual 5.0.4 is available from download page. This update introduces several minor improments.
We recommend to update to version 5.0.4 to all 5.x users!
Speed improvements (again) In idle mode, Help & Manual had consumed too much CPU resources. While barely noticable on fast computers, it may have caused a significant slowdown on older PCs. Version 5.0.4 now consumes almost no CPU power when idle.
Improvements and bug fixes * Skins updated
* Behaviour of dialogs improved for Find Topic and Insert Snippet
* Print snippets in PDF/manual templates are now parsed for variables and conditional text
* Project variables: variable list is now sorted
* Search result list and compiler messages sometimes behaved erratic when clicking a link
* Automatic repair function for duplicate TOC ids implemented
* Drag & drop: several minor changes, files can be dragged between multiple projects
* Project report: new report to list topics without keywords
* XML reader: multi-level ordered lists were not numbered correctly if a regular paragraph was inbetween
* XML reader: multiple error messages are bundled into one when read errors in topics are experienced
* Webhelp: index separators are parsed for variables, search stoplist was not saved correctly
* Table column lock showed erratic behaviour
* Screen capture: when saving a screenshot, the preview for GIF and PNG images was not available
* Bugfix in Find & Replace
* Small bugfix for print preview when printers were installed, but no default printer was selected
* Several minor changes
Caretta Software aims to create tools that enhance the development process and help companies build software that better meets user needs.
Our flagship product, GUI Design Studio, allows developers, analysts, designers, interaction specialists and business professionals to quickly create interactive prototypes without writing a single line of code. With exploration of ideas and early feedback from users, these annotated prototypes can form the basis of specifications for developers to implement.
GUI Design Studio is an ideal complement to any software development methodology including agile approaches.
Founded in 2003, Caretta Software Ltd is based in Oxford in the United Kingdom.
Doctor Web, Ltd presents the virus activity review for July 2008.
Virus epidemics causing uproar and panic among Internet users have long since passed. Nowadays malicious activities are less overt and in most cases remain unnoticed by inexperienced users. The July reaffirmed this tendency making “Trojan activity review” somewhat more appropriate title for this article for it is Trojans of all sorts that are brought in focus here.
Concerning Trojans
Trojans of the Virtumod family are the most interesting species from the point of view of analysis and working out a curing algorithm. Other anti-virus vendors classify them as Virtumonde/Vundo/Monder. By now these malicious programs have not paved their way to enter the glorious top ten spread malware but one can quite often come across with them in the wild. Very few anti-viruses can boast successful detection of such Trojans, let alone successfully cure them. The reason behind this complexity for anti-virus vendors is an operation algorithm employed by virus makers who are very consistent in the three or even four-way development of their polymorphic packer. Recent months saw over 10 modifications with dozens of thousands of samples for each type of the packer. The figures are based on data of other anti-virus vendors along with Dr.Web and also take into account samples found during an online virus scan.
Virtumod is not the sole active example of the off-line polymorphism. Now it is clear that without the centralized development of counteraction to this trend and without a versatile technology for prompt implementation of identifying of polymorphic packers in an anti-virus kernel the anti-virus industry may soon find itself inept in the face of emerging challenges.
Trojan.Clb is another malicious program spreading rather rapidly. It contains a rootkit and uses the splicing technology to hide files on disks and entire branches of the registry. Besides, there is also Trojan.DnsChange.967 that substitutes DNS server IP addresses on routers that support configuration via the web-interface. It imposes a real danger for users connected to wireless networks where the web-interface is typically used to configure routers. Users connecting to the Internet via a Wi-Fi access point can fall a victim of the DNS IP address substitution with their private data leaked to an unknown recipient.
Trojan.Okuks getting to a PC can also become a rather unpleasant surprise. Most anti-viruses have no problems detecting it. Meanwhile curing the malware is something entirely different. Incorrect curing of a system file infected by the Trojan or deletion of such a file without fixing the registry will get a Windows user a permanent BSOD after the first reboot.
The leaders
Actually there is only one leader that wanders up and down the top ten and seems to be reluctant to step down. Here we speak about worms belonging to the Autorunner family which are in abundance received by Doctor Web, Ltd. for the online virus scan.
Flash drives we got used to at home or in the office become the primary carrier for the worm. Virtually every user owns a flash drive. Employees carry data on flash drives on a business trip or take their work to their homes. However, along with the increased labour productivity the convenient storage device also imposes a threat because becoming one of the preferred means of spreading for viruses. But the most remarkable thing is that a flash drive is not the only USB device that can be compromised by the worm. It can get to a photo or a video camera or a mobile phone as easily. An Autoranner worm took the top notch in the anti-virus stats on the global infection level for servers protected by Dr.Web anti-viruses.
Bug fix:
* If a reconnect took place shortly after ‘Compare’ button in Schema Sync was clicked, the ‘MySQL server has gone away’ error could occur (details: data from a not updated internal buffer was used - in reality it was before the reconnect that the server ‘went away’!).
Miscellaneous: * Reconnects are now written to HISTORY (as a comment)
Help & Manual 5 wins SIA Best Overall Utility Award
EC Software announces that its flagship product Help & Manual 5 has just won the Shareware Industry Award 2008 in the category Best Overall Utility.
This follows on the consecutive 2004 and 2005 wins in the Best Vertical Market Tool category for the product's predecessor, Help & Manual 4.
The award was presented at the Software Industry Conference in Boston on July 19.
Runners-up were Registry First Aid from Rose City Software, WinRAR from win.rar GmbH and WinZip from WinZip International. The Software Industry Awards are chosen by a jury of several thousand shareware authors, journalists, reviewers and representatives of companies that develop, package, sell or distribute shareware products in 87 countries worldwide.
Bug fix: * Depending on the chosen installation environment and the Linux distro, the RPM build might not install ‘on top’ of a previous installation. Before installing a new version it was necessary to uninstall the previous version. This is a limitation with all RPM builds released till now. From this build and onwards it will always be possible to ‘upgrade on top’ of a previous version. Note: this was an issue with the RPM installer - not the program binary. There is no change in the binary as such and also no change in the Windows installer and the .gz build for Linux.
Doctor Web releases new LinkChecker for Mozilla Firefox
Dr.Web LinkChecker is now included in the list of add-ons on the web-site of Mozilla Firefox. Since July 20, 2008 any user of the browser can check a page he is going to move to or a file he wants to download using the new free Dr.Web® LinkChecker compatible with Mozilla Firefox 3.0. The add-on checks all links to scripts and frames embedded in the code of a web-page. Besides it can also check links in e-mail messages processed by Mozilla Thunderbird.
“In the very 24 hours after a release of the new Firefox the number of its downloads exceeded 8 million. The new Dr.Web® LinkChecker and our support of this open and very popular browser is a logical step aiming to provide safer web-surfing to all Firefox users.” – Eugene Kuzin, the head of the network projects division said.
You don’t need to install a Dr.Web anti-virus in order to use Dr.Web LinkChecker. Links are checked on servers of Doctor Web, Ltd. located in various parts of the globe. Depending on the size of a checked file, the check may take from a few seconds up to several minutes. The maximum size of a checked file is 12 MB. According to the results of the check a user can decide if he wants to load a page or download a file without a risk.
In order to use the free service provided by Doctor Web you need to download and installt he add-on from the Mozilla web-site.
Bug fix: * When SQLyog tried to reconnect while exporting a crash could occur. This bug was introduced in 7.0 with the speed optimization of the export dialogue.
Also SJA for Linux was updated with a fix for a (non-related) issue: Since version 6.5 SJA for Linux would not run on Pentium 3 processors (a ‘illegal instruction’ error was returned). This is now fixed with this generic build.
We are pleased to announce that we are now able to release MONyog 2.5 FINAL.
Details for this release (as compared to version 2.06) are:
MySQL Server Log Analysis: MONyog is now able to retrieve (completely or partially) the General Query Log and the Slow Query Log (whether stored as files or tables on the server) from the MySQL servers it connects to and analyze them.
Query Sniffer: A ‘query sniffer’ is implemented that will record a ‘pseudo log’ on the client (MONyog) side. The sniffer is useful when ‘real logs’ are not available, but also the sniffer has various filtering options what will sometimes make it more useful than the ‘real server logs’ also when they are available.
The log analysis component will (whether operating on a ‘real log’ or a ’sniffer pseudo log’) only display identical queries once but print a ‘count’ for every query. Important information (like execution time, number of instances for this query etc.) will be displayed in a sortable table view.
In the log analyzer ‘Filter settings’ (not to be confused the filter settings of the ‘query sniffer’) there further is an option to ‘replace literals’. The purpose of this option is to eliminate small differences between ‘almost identical’ queries. Currently ‘quoted strings’ and numbers are replaced with the dummy string ‘XXX’ only. We may extend this feature to support more (like special keywords and functions (like NULL, now()), operators etc.) in the next releases. It will depend on the demand for this as compared to the demand for other features. Also note that the current implementation has the ‘imperfection’ that also numbers that are not values (like the ‘1′ in identifiers like `column1`) will be replaced.
More Linux system counters added: Counters related to Linux memory (including swap) usage added.
RPM build now supports SuSE and Mandrake/Mandriva Linux distributions.
Bug fixes:
* Under specific circumstances the MONyog service would stop very slow.
* If network connection was temporarily unavailable the first CPU value after network came back told 100% CPU load.
* The temporary files for storing public/private keys are now being created with very restrictive file permission in Linux. So only the owner will be able to read/write these temporary files. Although these files would exist only for a fraction of second, in earlier versions of MONyog other users in the same Linux system could get access to them within that small timeslice.
* Fixed an issue with trending where graphs would not always display properly for uptime-based counters.
* MONyog.ini file and MONyog database files on Linux are now only readable for user who starts/installs (.gz and RPM build respectively) Monyog (and of course for any user too that was given access by a root user). Before the files were world-readable. This applies to fresh installations only - there is no change with existing installations.
* Solved an issue where slow startup could occur if lots of servers were registered (Technical: If MONyog had not been running for a while, large amounts of data could require deletion from the MONyog database. The queries used to identify those data would generate significant I/O at startup. The retention process is now ’smoothed over time’ and indexes have been added for more efficient deletions).
Important fixes as compared to previous 2.5 betas are:
* Optimized SFTP code. Log Analyzer is now several times faster than what previous Betas were.
* A log file parsing issue with MySQL 5.1.x was resolved.
* Fixed an issue that could occur if some queries in log had binary data. A gibberish error message was displayed.
Version 2.5 fixed several Vista compatibility issues and added special support for Borland Developer Studio. This current 2.5.3 release fixes some minor bugs.
- Fixed using "wrap-word" script option for folder comparison reports.
- Fixed files with identical filenames occasionally misaligning.
- Fixed crash when using Search->Next Difference In Line menu item in an empty file comparison.
- Fixed color picker dropdown's position on multi-monitor systems.
- Fixed XML reports so they include encoding declarations.
- Fixed calender control not showing the column for Saturday on Vista.
SQLyog 7.0 has been released - new features and bug fixes.
Changes as compared to version 6.56 include:
* New GRID design (’zebra’ Office 2007 style) for easier navigation.
* Multiple selection in GRIDs with SHIFT+CLICK.
* Improved Data Synchronization. Now typically 2-8 times faster than before depending on data. Option to generate a SQL sync script was added.
* Drastically improved the speed of exports.
* New more user friendly design for the Schema Synchronisation (renamed from Structure Synchonisation). Various filter (’hide and ignore’) options were added. Also a long-running Schema Sync compare task can now be stopped.
* Added automatic and manual update check.
Bug fixes:
* A backup script backing up all databases could fail to restore VIEWs referencing another database than the one where the VIEW was. * Around 50 other small (mostly GUI-related) fixes for issues reported by users.
NB: Please note that as this 7.0 release is a major new release, a new registration code is required for the ENTERPRISE version. Registered users that still have free upgrades can retrieve their new code from Customer Portal.
The increased spreading of a dangerous file virus classified by Dr.Web as Win32.Sector.5 (aka Sality) is not something to be omitted. The number of requests to the helpdesk from system administrators regarding malicious activates of the virus turned out to be so large that one could call it as much as an epidemics. As stated by those affected by the malware the present modification of Sector started causing problems in February this year. By now the epidemics has escalated and reached an astounding level. Banks, audit companies, retail chains, software developers, engineering companies, research facilities and federal cultural institutions were affected by activities of the file virus.
First samples of the sector family appeared in early 2003. In five years the malware mutated but retained its destructive capabilities and acquired new ones. Each subsequent variant of the virus tended to be less overt concerning its presence in the system. Experts of Doctor Web, Ltd. anti-virus laboratory think that the mutation provides an evidence that Win32.Sector.5 may now be used to hide other less complex but equally malicious programs stealing sensitive information or sending out spam.
As soon as Win32.Sector.5 gets into a system it injects its code in all processes currently present in RAM and removes certain branches of the system registry so booting in the safe mode becomes impossible. After that the file virus infects all .exe and .scr files on all available disks or network resources. In order to spread faster it also infects autoarun and most frequently launched files. Besides, Win32.Sector.deletes files and processes related to most known anti-virus programs and blocks access to web-sites of the anti-virus vendors preventing updating. Unlike other anti-viruses that either block access to an infected file or delete it, Dr.Web cures files infected by the file virus. The malware is not a threat to users of Dr.Web anti-virus performing regular updates of the virus database. If you are using some other anti-virus but for some reason you believe that your computer may be infected by Win32.Sector.5, you can check your system using the free curing utility called Dr.Web CureIt!.
On Trojans
The news of another modification of an encoder family Trojan –Trojan.Encoder.18 (aka Gpcode) – stirred the Internet at the beginning of June. Having infiltrated into the system the Trojan searches for files with certain extensions (typically Micosoft Office files) and encrypts the data. After that an owner of the files is offered to pay for decryption. Restoring data after activities of this malware is somewhat complicated for the malefactor uses 1024 bit long encryption key. Users of Dr.Web had been protected against Trojan.Encoder.18 even before a sample entered the virus database. The unique Origins Tracing™ technology allowed detecting the malware as Trojan.Sespy.origin.
In the previous year when the author of the Trojan used shorter keys for encryption it was pretty obvious that eventually it would become more complex. Meanwhile, some anti-virus vendors rushed to boast their decryption capabilities even though it was clear that they were bound to lose this sort of contest. Sooner or later the key would get long enough to set the decryption time frame beyond the boundaries of reason. Anti-virus experts of Doctor Web, Ltd. focused on prompt detection of the dangerous program so it would not be able to put to use its destructive capabilities. This approach turned out to be more efficient than rasing a worldwide call for decryption of a kilobit RSA key.
Surely a contact entry with the UIN 12111 that caused panic among users of ICQ instant messaging service became quite an incident. The technical support service of Doctor Web, Ltd. received lots of questions from users concerned about the “viral” contact list entry even though a contact entry itself could not do any harm. The turmoil calmed down only when the 12111 entry was explained at the ICQ web-site.
A few words about spam
In June spam tended to become smaller and shorter. Messages with a catchy subject line and a link supplemented with a brief comment in the body were sent in ten waves. Links become one of the common ways to evade spam filters. Besides the trick can also be dangerous as a provided link can direct to an infected web-page so a user can get a Trojan along with the content. Doctor Web, Ltd. described one of such mailings in the previous month. The virus monitoring service registered over 50 mailing like this. Many of them lasted for quite a while.
EC Software announces the availability of Help & Manual 5.0.3. This is a maintenance update that fixes one critical bug that caused problems when deleting and renaming topics in a newly created help project. This update is recommended for all 5.x users!
Speed improvements
The most important changes concern the overal speed of Help & Manual 5, especially when working with large projects and even more so if you use the compressed XML format (.hmxz). While you won't notice much with small projects on a fast computer, the improvements are dramatic when working with large compressed project files (> 5000 topics). Speed improvements affect opening a project, editing, inserting links, publishing and saving a project.
Bug fixes and minor improvements
Several minor problems have been fixed with this update. I am listing them here for overview:
* Bug fixes in treeview (this should fix some spurious access violations)
* Wrong encoding for special characters in HTML code objects (Webhelp only)
* Help context tool: values > 2147483647 were not imported from external files
* Encoding for Russian a-keywords in HTML Help changed
* Keyword Index Tool: error message when assigning keywords to anchors
* Export dialog: Status was not remembered
* PDF export: cross references to topics in child projects were not exported as links
* Export: memory leak with embedded topics fixed
* Merged projects did not export help context numbers
* Bug fix for horizontal lines which could not be deleted
* When copying styles from another project, styles were not saved correctly
* HTML based outputs: topic init script has been moved to the end of the <head> section to avoid wrong encoding with some browsers * Topic title in CHM files: variables were not replaced
* HMX converter now always converts with compile-time merging option
* Keep lines and Keep next were not highlighted when active
* Template editors: find & replace activated
* Template editors: new context menu item to insert HTML color
* Impict: restore glitch with screen capture fixed
EC Software announces the availability of Help & Manual 5.0.3. This is a maintenance update that fixes one critical bug that caused problems when deleting and renaming topics in a newly created help project. This update is recommended for all 5.x users!
Speed improvements
The most important changes concern the overal speed of Help & Manual 5, especially when working with large projects and even more so if you use the compressed XML format (.hmxz). While you won't notice much with small projects on a fast computer, the improvements are dramatic when working with large compressed project files (> 5000 topics). Speed improvements affect opening a project, editing, inserting links, publishing and saving a project.
Bug fixes and minor improvements
Several minor problems have been fixed with this update. I am listing them here for overview:
* Bug fixes in treeview (this should fix some spurious access violations)
* Wrong encoding for special characters in HTML code objects (Webhelp only)
* Help context tool: values > 2147483647 were not imported from external files
* Encoding for Russian a-keywords in HTML Help changed
* Keyword Index Tool: error message when assigning keywords to anchors
* Export dialog: Status was not remembered
* PDF export: cross references to topics in child projects were not exported as links
* Export: memory leak with embedded topics fixed
* Merged projects did not export help context numbers
* Bug fix for horizontal lines which could not be deleted
* When copying styles from another project, styles were not saved correctly
* HTML based outputs: topic init script has been moved to the end of the <head> section to avoid wrong encoding with some browsers * Topic title in CHM files: variables were not replaced
* HMX converter now always converts with compile-time merging option
* Keep lines and Keep next were not highlighted when active
* Template editors: find & replace activated
* Template editors: new context menu item to insert HTML color
* Impict: restore glitch with screen capture fixed
This is a maintenance and support release that addresses some outstanding issues that were not addressed with 12.0.0 including feature enhancements and fixes.
This is a maintenance and support release that addresses some outstanding issues that were not addressed with 12.0.0 including feature enhancements and fixes.
Doctor Web, Ltd. establishes a subsidiary company in France
Doctor Web, Ltd. – the Russian developer of information protection software branded Dr.Web – strengthens its positions on the French market and creates Doctor Web France.
Doctor Web, Ltd. announces the set up of a subsidiary company in France to enforce the brand on the market of the country. Doctor Web France will be implementing a new strategy aiming to optimize the distribution scheme and to increase sales.
“Dr.Web anti-viruses are well known and used on the IT security market in France. The subsidiary company is the part of our strategy developing the Dr.Web brand. We expressly show our commitment to become one of the key players on the IT security market in France as well as in Russia" – Boris Sharov, the CEO of Doctor Web, Ltd. comments.
Pierre Curien became the head of the company in France. Previously he headed the French branch of Afina corporation providing IT security services. Pierre Curien is committed to get Dr.Web among five leading players of the anti-virus market in France: "Our goal is to create an extensive distribution chain to implement our sales strategy. Starting with September we will have a series of special offers for our resellers and users of Dr.Web products”.
The partner chain of Doctor Web, Ltd. in France already comprises a significant number of resellers and offers the distribution scheme based on selling all Dr.Web products via partners.
Web report pages are ready to print. Great for customer-facing applications, such as single-page reports, dashboards, and other non-editable information display uses. Web report pages are ready to print, allowing application users to quickly share database information with each other and customers. A host of configuration options lets you add, remove and configure filters, column headings, pagination controls - virtually every aspect of the page. (Enterprise Edition feature.)
Search Record pages simplify data lookup. Users select filter and search criteria and then click 'Go' to see the results. Works great with the new multi-select filter feature. (Enterprise Edition feature.)
Select Record pages speed data entry. Select Record pages are ideal for repetitive data entry, review and approval applications. A single button click commits changes to the database and advances the application user to the next record. Detail tables automatically display important subsidiary detail. (Enterprise Edition feature.)
Table-in-table pages organize complex information. Create complex pages that present master-detail relationships in a condensed and easy-to-use format. Application users can quickly view several layers of information on a single page, eliminating the need to open multiple records. (Enterprise Edition feature.)
Advanced Application Features
Tabbed detail panels simplify and organize. Access multiple table panels from one location. The tab control maximizes screen real estate, reducing the amount of vertical scrolling required to view related child tables. Click a tab and the table panel immediately appears. (Enterprise Edition feature.)
Multi-select filtering. Tailor your search with multi-select filter list boxes. Great for 'either/or' situations. (Enterprise Edition feature.)
Ajax-enabled date picker control. Add sophisticated date selection to your applications using Microsoft’s Ajax-based calendar control.
Larger Active Directories. Enhanced Application Security Wizard supports larger Active Directories. (Enterprise Edition feature.)
Data Integration
Import data directly into your application. The new Import Wizard imports ASCII CSV data files directly into your database. Application users will enjoy the built-in data integration capabilities, freeing your IT group from bothersome support requests. (Enterprise Edition feature.)
Improved Configuration and Customization
Improved Application Wizard simplifies generation. You'll enjoy how easy it is to select pages and tables on the new Pages step.
Overridable style sheets. Our updated style sheet organization lets you to override Iron Speed Designer's styles in your own separate style sheet file. Future application migrations are simplified since your style sheet file will not be overwritten.
Separate application generation options for each page type. Each page type has its own generation options, giving you maximum control over how each page, table and record panel is generated.
Configurable Expand / Collapse toggle button for table panels. Optionally include or exclude this popular feature.
Improved application generation speed. Application generation time has been reduced by 25% to 50%, depending on your application database and development machine.
Upgrading to Iron Speed Designer Version 5.2
Applications created with earlier versions of Iron Speed Designer will be converted automatically to Version 5.2 with these caveats:
Iron Speed Designer's Migration Wizard will migrate many of your code customizations. However, code customizations written for Versions 1.X, 2.X and 3.X require migration by hand.
The Version 5.2 code customization model is the same as Version 4.0 and later. No code customization changes are required for applications built in Versions 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 5.0 and 5.1.
We help Manage, Monitor, Optimize and Secure your MySQL servers
Webyog Softworks Pvt. Ltd., a privately held company based in Bangalore, India, creates innovative data management tools for thousands of customers across 100+ countries, ranging from enterprises to small businesses and home users.
Founded in 2001, the company provides best-of-breed data management tools for managing popular open-source databases. Webyog consistently receives top ratings and recommendations by respected third-party media and product reviewers.
More than 1.5 million users worldwide have selected Webyog to help them smartly manage, monitor and optimize their databases. Webyog is a MySQL Network Gold Certified Partner and works closely with MySQL AB to deliver the next generation of productivity tools for MySQL.
Version 5.0.1 build 529 includes changes for multi-monitor settings, where undocked windows on secondary monitors were not correctly repainted. It also fixes a few glitches like in the Index Tool, which grabbed the DEL and INS keys even if it did not have the focus. An important fix concerns Webhelp: anchor links did not work in Firefox and the initial state of chapter icons was wrong, when using default icons.
* Multi-Monitor problems fixed
* Spell check: when first item in a topic was a table, text in the table was not checked
* Winhelp decompilation: images could not be extracted in some cases
* Fix for Russian projects in combination with editing TOC captions
* Webhelp: Anchor links did not work with Firefox
* Webhelp: initial state of chapter icons was wrong when using default icons
* Color galleries: custom colors are now saved permanently with other user settings
* Index tool: Delete + Insert keys took priority even if the Index tool did not have the keyboard focus
Version 5.0.1 build 529 includes changes for multi-monitor settings, where undocked windows on secondary monitors were not correctly repainted. It also fixes a few glitches like in the Index Tool, which grabbed the DEL and INS keys even if it did not have the focus. An important fix concerns Webhelp: anchor links did not work in Firefox and the initial state of chapter icons was wrong, when using default icons.
* Multi-Monitor problems fixed
* Spell check: when first item in a topic was a table, text in the table was not checked
* Winhelp decompilation: images could not be extracted in some cases
* Fix for Russian projects in combination with editing TOC captions
* Webhelp: Anchor links did not work with Firefox
* Webhelp: initial state of chapter icons was wrong when using default icons
* Color galleries: custom colors are now saved permanently with other user settings
* Index tool: Delete + Insert keys took priority even if the Index tool did not have the keyboard focus
Dr.Web AV-Desk will deliver "clean" Internet to 50 000 users in Moscow region
Doctor Web, Ltd. – the Russian developer of IT security solutions branded Dr.Web – and FlexNet LLC – the largest broadband ISP in the Moscow region – introduce the Dr.Web anti-virus service. It is another instance of successful deployment of Dr.Web AV Desk.
Dr.Web AV-Desk is an Internet service that allows ISPs to deliver anti-virus protection to an unlimited number of subscribers – both home users and companies. It also provides a mechanism for centralized management of the service delivery. Dr.Web AV-Desk is a robust and efficient tool supplying anti-virus and anti-spam protection to users regardless of their geographical location.
The anti-virus protection service provided by means of Dr.Web AV-Desk dramatically decreases the level of infection in networks of a provider. “High viral activity onr PCs of home users and small businesses becomes a headache for every broadband ISP. As a rule they don’t have enough money or are simply unaware of the threat. In our case the problem arose when sometimes we were even unable to deliver services of a proper quality to subscribers due to the infection of our networks. As we searched for a solution we came across with Dr.Web AV-Desk. We have completed testing and the results are encouraging. Infection level dropped significantly in the segment of the network in testing”, – Aleksey Morozov the chief technical officer of FlexNet said.
“Deployment of Dr.Web AV-Desk at providers rapidly expands the client base of our company – Valentine Fedotov, the business development manager of Doctor Web, Ltd. tells – This increased client base also increases our responsibility for those who trust us with the security of their information. Skilled technical support staff is one of the keys to a successful deployment of the service because these people are on the front line assisting users. I'm glad to admit that FlexNet are not just aware of information security issues but also have very well trained tech staff”.
The Dr.Web anti-virus service will be available to all subscribers in FlexNet networks free of charge. The service can be enabled along with the Internet subscription. The company is sure that Dr.Web AV-Desk will contribute to the better security and increased loyalty of customers.
About FlexNet
FlexNet has been operating on the telecom market since 1997. The company became one of the first providers in the Moscow region that built a wireless network which comprises over 90 base stations in the network. Wireless services include data transfers, Internet access and telecom channels. Currently the company has over 3000 wireless subscribers and is rated among five largest wireless operators in Russia. IN ccoperation with partners FlexNet provides broadband Internet in local networks with the client base exceeding 50 000 subscribers.
ComponentOne continues its reign as the leader of components with its latest release of ComponentOne Studio Enterprise. ComponentOne Studio Enterprise is the industry’s broadest and most complete suite of development components with five development platforms in one. Inside ComponentOne Studio Enterprise you’ll find Studio for WinForms, Studio for ASP.NET, Studio for WPF, Studio for Mobile, and Studio for ActiveX. ComponentOne Studio Enterprise 2008 is compatible with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and Visual Studio 2008.
“We continue to implement progressive paradigms, with the focus on ease of development. The technologically advanced components in the Studio Enterprise v2 release save the developer immense development time with easy set up, reduced maintenance, and increased productivity,” stated Gustavo Eydelsteyn, managing director at ComponentOne USA.
The release of Studio Enterprise v2 introduces two innovative products, ComponentOne DynamicHelp and ComponentOne InputPanel for your Windows Forms applications.
ComponentOne DynamicHelp ComponentOne DynamicHelp for WinForms is a container that allows you to view help files in your Windows Forms applications. With this new component from ComponentOne, you can add context-sensitive Help to any form. DynamicHelp supports several Help formats including CHM or HTML-based help. With DynamicHelp for WinForms, developers and Help authors can work harmoniously together. You don't have to keep passing a topic map back and forth to a Help author. By using DynamicHelp’s authoring mode you can expose the topic map for your application. You simply set up your form to use the C1DynamicHelp component and then let the Help author do all the work.
ComponentOne InputPanel for WinForms ComponentOne InputPanel for WinForms is the new paradigm to create and maintain data-entry forms. It is a panel that can be placed on a Windows Form to help developers create powerful data input applications. Developers define what input fields they would like to expose using any combination of the nineteen native data input controls provided or any third party .NET control. Or simply connect the InputPanel for WinForms to a data source, select the record set, and an input control for each field is automatically created for you. Make changes to your form without worrying about restructuring the entire form with InputPanel for WinForms automatic alignment, tab order, accelerator key assignment, and validation. This easy setup paired with low maintenance yields increased productivity. Stop spending hours building data forms, when you can generate polished, interactive data forms in minutes with InputPanel for WinForms. Data entry has never been easier.
“Microsoft is pleased with the tools ComponentOne is offering to Visual Studio developers. ComponentOne’s most recently added InputPanel component simplifies the creation of data entry forms, and the DynamicHelp component enables you to easily add context-sensitive Help to Windows Forms application with developer and Help author collaboration,” said Jay Roxe, group product manager, Developer Division, Microsoft Corp. “We appreciate that ComponentOne shares our commitment to increasing developer productivity.”
Additional new features included in Studio Enterprise v2 include:
ComponentOne IntelliSpell for Visual Studio ComponentOne IntelliSpell is a powerful spell-checker add- in for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. It enables you to spell-check your Visual Studio files and easily correct those embarrassing spelling mistakes in comments, XML documents, string constants, and HTML files. With the release of Studio Enterprise v2, IntelliSpell allows you to spell-check as you type.
ComponentOne Preview for WinForms ComponentOne Preview for WinForms now supports all your reporting needs. Also new for 2008 v2 is the stand alone C1ReportDesigner application’s Microsoft Office 2007 Ribbon-style interface. The C1ReportDesigner ships with Preview for WinForms and allows you to quickly create, edit, preview, load, and save report definition files without writing a single line of code. With the familiar Office 2007 Ribbon-style interface, you will adapt quickly to the familiar interface and perform tasks efficiently by accessing commands in a reachable and discoverable layout.
Preview forms can now be exported to PDF acroforms. Previously rendered as images, check boxes, combo boxes, radio buttons, and text boxes are now exported to PDF as form fields.
Preview for WinForms is the most unique solution available to provide dynamic and flexible previewing, reporting, formatting, printing, and exporting capabilities for your applications.
ComponentOne Studio Enterprise (Windows Forms) V2, 2008 released.
The release of Studio Enterprise v2 introduces two innovative products, ComponentOne DynamicHelp and ComponentOne InputPanel for your Windows Forms applications.
ComponentOne DynamicHelp ComponentOne DynamicHelp for WinForms is a container that allows you to view help files in your Windows Forms applications. With this new component from ComponentOne, you can add context-sensitive Help to any form. DynamicHelp supports several Help formats including CHM or HTML-based help. With DynamicHelp for WinForms, developers and Help authors can work harmoniously together. You don't have to keep passing a topic map back and forth to a Help author. By using DynamicHelp’s authoring mode you can expose the topic map for your application. You simply set up your form to use the C1DynamicHelp component and then let the Help author do all the work.
ComponentOne InputPanel for WinForms ComponentOne InputPanel for WinForms is the new paradigm to create and maintain data-entry forms. It is a panel that can be placed on a Windows Form to help developers create powerful data input applications. Developers define what input fields they would like to expose using any combination of the nineteen native data input controls provided or any third party .NET control. Or simply connect the InputPanel for WinForms to a data source, select the record set, and an input control for each field is automatically created for you. Make changes to your form without worrying about restructuring the entire form with InputPanel for WinForms automatic alignment, tab order, accelerator key assignment, and validation. This easy setup paired with low maintenance yields increased productivity. Stop spending hours building data forms, when you can generate polished, interactive data forms in minutes with InputPanel for WinForms. Data entry has never been easier.
“Microsoft is pleased with the tools ComponentOne is offering to Visual Studio developers. ComponentOne’s most recently added InputPanel component simplifies the creation of data entry forms, and the DynamicHelp component enables you to easily add context-sensitive Help to Windows Forms application with developer and Help author collaboration,” said Jay Roxe, group product manager, Developer Division, Microsoft Corp. “We appreciate that ComponentOne shares our commitment to increasing developer productivity.”
Additional new features included in Studio Enterprise v2 include:
ComponentOne Preview for WinForms ComponentOne Preview for WinForms now supports all your reporting needs. Also new for 2008 v2 is the stand alone C1ReportDesigner application’s Microsoft Office 2007 Ribbon-style interface. The C1ReportDesigner ships with Preview for WinForms and allows you to quickly create, edit, preview, load, and save report definition files without writing a single line of code. With the familiar Office 2007 Ribbon-style interface, you will adapt quickly to the familiar interface and perform tasks efficiently by accessing commands in a reachable and discoverable layout.
Preview forms can now be exported to PDF acroforms. Previously rendered as images, check boxes, combo boxes, radio buttons, and text boxes are now exported to PDF as form fields.
Preview for WinForms is the most unique solution available to provide dynamic and flexible previewing, reporting, formatting, printing, and exporting capabilities for your applications.
We are pleased to announce the availability of SetupBuilder 6.8 "June 2008
Update". This release is available, free of charge, to all SetupBuilder
customers who have an active SetupBuilder maintenance subscription plan.
This is an update to our latest stable release, and contains some important
bug fixes and improvements. We strongly recommend that all customers upgrade
to the latest version of SetupBuilder 6.8 as soon as possible to maintain the
highest level of support, performance and reliability.
This version adds preliminary support for Windows 7 OS detection.
FEATURE : Add "Set Temporary File Folder..." script function
to programmatically set the temporary file folder for the installer.
FEATURE : Add "Write Proxy Server Info File..." script function
to write proxy server information into an external file. (Developer Edition
FEATURE : Installer: Add preliminary support for Windows 7 OS detection.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add an "Add Script Comment..." item to the
right-click popup menu in the Script Editor.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add a "Comment Out..." item to the right-click
popup menu in the Script Editor.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add "Use ShellExecuteEx" option to the "#run..."
compiler directive.
FIX : [SB#806141] IDE: The "#code-sign application..." and
"#embed Vista manifest..." compiler directives changed the filename
case when the "Permanent" option was not enabled.
FIX : IDE: "Read Proxy Server Info File..." item could not
be deleted from within the Script Editor.
FIX : Installer: Under certain circumstances, the uninstall rollback
feature removed empty folders that were not part of the rollback transaction.
CHANGE : Installer: When using the "Delayed File Install"
feature and if an installation fails, the installer does not display a "Decompression
Error -1001" error dialog box any longer.
CHANGE : IDE: If you have used the Web Update feature to update SetupBuilder
to the latest version, you can rollback to previous versions now.
CHANGE : IDE: If you have used the full install image to update or repair
an existing SetupBuilder installation, you can rollback to previous versions
We are pleased to announce the availability of SetupBuilder 6.8 "June 2008 Update". This release is available, free of charge, to all SetupBuilder customers who have an active SetupBuilder maintenance subscription plan.
This is an update to our latest stable release, and contains some important bug fixes and improvements. We strongly recommend that all customers upgrade to the latest version of SetupBuilder 6.8 as soon as possible to maintain the highest level of support, performance and reliability.
This version adds preliminary support for Windows 7 OS detection.
FEATURE : Add "Set Temporary File Folder..." script function to programmatically set the temporary file folder for the installer.
FEATURE : Add "Write Proxy Server Info File..." script function to write proxy server information into an external file. (Developer Edition only).
FEATURE : Installer: Add preliminary support for Windows 7 OS detection.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add an "Add Script Comment..." item to the right-click popup menu in the Script Editor.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add a "Comment Out..." item to the right-click popup menu in the Script Editor.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add "Use ShellExecuteEx" option to the "#run..." compiler directive.
FIX : [SB#806141] IDE: The "#code-sign application..." and "#embed Vista manifest..." compiler directives changed the filename case when the "Permanent" option was not enabled.
FIX : IDE: "Read Proxy Server Info File..." item could not be deleted from within the Script Editor.
FIX : Installer: Under certain circumstances, the uninstall rollback feature removed empty folders that were not part of the rollback transaction.
CHANGE : Installer: When using the "Delayed File Install" feature and if an installation fails, the installer does not display a "Decompression Error -1001" error dialog box any longer.
CHANGE : IDE: If you have used the Web Update feature to update SetupBuilder to the latest version, you can rollback to previous versions now.
CHANGE : IDE: If you have used the full install image to update or repair an existing SetupBuilder installation, you can rollback to previous versions now.
What's new in SnagIt 9 You work and play on the computer, jumping between tasks dozens of times per day. And interruptions are the norm. Now SnagIt flows with your digital you can capture, organize, and share the things on your screen—without breaking stride.
With this version, we've rebuilt SnagIt Editor from the ground up to help you...Go with the flow How do you want to snag? Are you all about capture-capture-capture? Capture-edit-capture-edit? Or a simple capture-send? However you want to do it, SnagIt now plays along. The old, linear workflow is gone. And you can almost taste the freedom.
Combine images easily SnagIt makes it easy to combine images. Whether you're placing last month's sales chart next to this month's...or placing funny sunglasses on a photo of your friend. Just drag-and-drop captures from the new Open Captures Tray onto the canvas. That's it!
Save everything SnagIt now stores every capture automatically. Don't feel any pressure to name the capture or decide where to save it...until you're ready for that kind of commitment.
Find your stuff Whether or not you saved it, find that capture later with the new visual search pane. If you can remember even one detail—like the approximate date or the Web site you captured—you'll find your capture with a click. SnagIt keeps track of these details, so you don't have to.
Get organized (if you want to) As you capture images for next month's big project, tag them with "big project" or set the "Important" flag. No need to save anything in folders...just come back next month and view all your big project files with a click!
Keep your tools handy The Editor's new menus make it quicker to get at the features you use most...and easier to discover the ones you've never used.
Doctor Web, Ltd. – the Russian developer of IT security solutions branded Dr.Web – releases the updated version of the mail monitor SpIDer Mail 4.44.2.
The following improvements have been done to the new version:
An issue of communication with the ES agent that resulted in sending empty stats to the agent has been fixed;
Termination of SpIDer Mail upon cropping of its log-file has been fixed;
Interaction with mail clients in particular with Outlook 2007 when processing large amounts of data has been improved.
The improved version of SpIDer Mail is available for automatic download to all Dr.Web users from update servers of Doctor Web, Ltd.
Built around the revolutionary new Microsoft Office ribbon interface, Help & Manual 5 is even more intuitive and will give your productivity a significant boost. The new interface features beautiful large icons, dropdown galleries for quick access and clear command buttons that are not hidden somewhere in a menu where you can't find them.
The ribbon is context-sensitive, so the commands that are relevant to what you are currently doing - for example working in the Editor or the new Project Explorer - are displayed automatically. Very frequently used commands can be added to the new Quick Access Bar above the ribbon and users who still prefer a more compact style of working can minimize the ribbon if they want.
Pure XML
The source format of Help & Manual 5 is XML. Your projects are saved directly as XML files, either directly in a folder with subfolders, or in a single compressed file that contains the subfolders, or directly in a database. No matter how you choose to store it, the XML format is consistent throughout the entire workflow.
Help & Manual 5 is a true WYSIWYG XML editor that doesn't require any knowledge of XML or XML coding skills. You work as you would in a familiar word processor like Word, but you also have full access to the XML source if necessary.
Concurrent multi-user authoring
Multiple users can work on the same help project at the same time. No database or server software is required, everything is built in.
In addition to this, Help & Manual 5 can also edit multiple projects simultaneously. Projects are inserted in the new Project Explorer and can be expanded to a full tree or collapsed down to a single line for easy management. You can also split off branches of a project into a separate Project Explorer window so that you can work on them more easily.
Improved handling of really large help projects
We've added huge improvements regarding the handling of really large help projects with several thousands of topic pages. Improvements affect dynamic loading of help projects, find & replace, customizable topic status and reuse of styles and HTML skins.
Templates and Skins
Help & Manual 5 makes it even easier to customize your output: In addition to fully customizable HTML and PDF templates, version 5 also supports "skins" - professionally-designed layouts that you can apply to your entire project with a click of the mouse.
Snippets and external sources
We are taking term single-sourcing into a higher dimension: Help & Manual 5 can use data from multiple sources. Help projects can now include topics and chapters from other help projects directly and you can edit them in the same way as local topics. Snippets can be retrieved from a central snippets repository and are updated automatically when the repository source changes.
Flexibility to the max
Help & Manual 5 continues to be the help authoring tool with the most flexible output options on the market. Create compiled HTML Help (.chm files), WebHelp (regular HTML), Visual Studio Help (.hxs files), PDF manuals, eBooks with an integrated reader and Word manuals - even the WinHelp format is still supported. All formats can be generated from the same project at any time, it's just a question of choosing a different output format.
Easier localization of help projects
With XML as the source format you can now use computer aided translation tools directly on the help project sources without any conversion or export/import cycle. If you want you can also edit your H&M topics and projects directly with XML editors.
Workflow integration for 3rd party tools
Pure XML as the primary save format opens the door to direct integration of 3rd party tools in your Help & Manual workflow. In other words, you can integrate the output of other tools (e.g. source code documentation tools) with Help & Manual and review and edit and polish your pre-generated documentation with your favorite help authoring tool.
Available Versions
Help & Manual 5 Standard Version (similar to H&M 4 Standard)
Help & Manual 5 Professional Edition (similar to H&M 4 Professional)
Help & Manual 5 Professional Concurrent License (similar to H&M 4 Concurrent)
Feature overview and comparison table A * indicates a change in comparison to version 4
General features
WYSIWYG editor
Unicode support
XML and Localization support
Can edit uncompressed XML projects (.hmxp)
(Standard: yes, but in exclusive mode only)
Can edit compressed XML projects (.hmxz)
Can edit Help & Manual skins (.hmskin)
Can create uncompressed XML projects (.hmxp)
Can create compressed XML projects (.hmxz)
Can create Help & Manual skins (.hmskin)
Concurrent multi-user editing of the same project (requires the uncompressed XML project format)
Integrated XML editor to edit topic XML source
Publishing Options
Webhelp (platform independent HTML with Javascript, includes navigation elements with table of contents and keyword index)
Webhelp with full-text search
Compiled HTML Help (.chm)
Compiled Winhelp (.hlp)
Compiled Help 2.0 (Visual Studio Help)
Adobe PDF
Microsoft Word (.rtf)
XML export for translation
Source format is XML
Can compile with HTML Skins
PDF export with print templates
Import Formats
Winhelp (compiled & source)
HTML Help (.chm)
Microsoft Word (.rtf)
Adobe Robohelp 5, 6
Depricated! Source format is XML
HTML Help (.chm)
Microsoft Word (.rtf)
Additional Features
Screen capture integrated
Image editor
Visual print and PDF manual designer
Project reports
Context sensitive help tool
Keyword index tool
Visual print and PDF manual designer
Support for user defined variables
Command line options for batch compilation
Support for user defined topic status
Suport for toggles (expanding HTML sections)
Local installation on each computer (per seat)
Network installation with concurrent use of the installed licenses (as many simultaneous users as licenses are installed)
System Requirements
Windows Vista 32 Bit, Windows XP 32 Bit or Windows 2000. Partial support for Windows Vista/XP 64 bit. Minimum disk space 50 MB, minimum RAM depending on the RAM requirement of the operating system +100 MB recommended.
Built around the revolutionary new Microsoft Office ribbon interface, Help & Manual 5 is even more intuitive and will give your productivity a significant boost. The new interface features beautiful large icons, dropdown galleries for quick access and clear command buttons that are not hidden somewhere in a menu where you can't find them.
The ribbon is context-sensitive, so the commands that are relevant to what you are currently doing - for example working in the Editor or the new Project Explorer - are displayed automatically. Very frequently used commands can be added to the new Quick Access Bar above the ribbon and users who still prefer a more compact style of working can minimize the ribbon if they want.
Pure XML
The source format of Help & Manual 5 is XML. Your projects are saved directly as XML files, either directly in a folder with subfolders, or in a single compressed file that contains the subfolders, or directly in a database. No matter how you choose to store it, the XML format is consistent throughout the entire workflow.
Help & Manual 5 is a true WYSIWYG XML editor that doesn't require any knowledge of XML or XML coding skills. You work as you would in a familiar word processor like Word, but you also have full access to the XML source if necessary.
Concurrent multi-user authoring
Multiple users can work on the same help project at the same time. No database or server software is required, everything is built in.
In addition to this, Help & Manual 5 can also edit multiple projects simultaneously. Projects are inserted in the new Project Explorer and can be expanded to a full tree or collapsed down to a single line for easy management. You can also split off branches of a project into a separate Project Explorer window so that you can work on them more easily.
Improved handling of really large help projects
We've added huge improvements regarding the handling of really large help projects with several thousands of topic pages. Improvements affect dynamic loading of help projects, find & replace, customizable topic status and reuse of styles and HTML skins.
Templates and Skins
Help & Manual 5 makes it even easier to customize your output: In addition to fully customizable HTML and PDF templates, version 5 also supports "skins" - professionally-designed layouts that you can apply to your entire project with a click of the mouse.
Snippets and external sources
We are taking term single-sourcing into a higher dimension: Help & Manual 5 can use data from multiple sources. Help projects can now include topics and chapters from other help projects directly and you can edit them in the same way as local topics. Snippets can be retrieved from a central snippets repository and are updated automatically when the repository source changes.
Flexibility to the max
Help & Manual 5 continues to be the help authoring tool with the most flexible output options on the market. Create compiled HTML Help (.chm files), WebHelp (regular HTML), Visual Studio Help (.hxs files), PDF manuals, eBooks with an integrated reader and Word manuals - even the WinHelp format is still supported. All formats can be generated from the same project at any time, it's just a question of choosing a different output format.
Easier localization of help projects
With XML as the source format you can now use computer aided translation tools directly on the help project sources without any conversion or export/import cycle. If you want you can also edit your H&M topics and projects directly with XML editors.
Workflow integration for 3rd party tools
Pure XML as the primary save format opens the door to direct integration of 3rd party tools in your Help & Manual workflow. In other words, you can integrate the output of other tools (e.g. source code documentation tools) with Help & Manual and review and edit and polish your pre-generated documentation with your favorite help authoring tool.
Available Versions
Help & Manual 5 Standard Version (similar to H&M 4 Standard)
Help & Manual 5 Professional Edition (similar to H&M 4 Professional)
Help & Manual 5 Professional Concurrent License (similar to H&M 4 Concurrent)
Feature overview and comparison table A * indicates a change in comparison to version 4
General features
WYSIWYG editor
Unicode support
XML and Localization support
Can edit uncompressed XML projects (.hmxp)
(Standard: yes, but in exclusive mode only)
Can edit compressed XML projects (.hmxz)
Can edit Help & Manual skins (.hmskin)
Can create uncompressed XML projects (.hmxp)
Can create compressed XML projects (.hmxz)
Can create Help & Manual skins (.hmskin)
Concurrent multi-user editing of the same project (requires the uncompressed XML project format)
Integrated XML editor to edit topic XML source
Publishing Options
Webhelp (platform independent HTML with Javascript, includes navigation elements with table of contents and keyword index)
Webhelp with full-text search
Compiled HTML Help (.chm)
Compiled Winhelp (.hlp)
Compiled Help 2.0 (Visual Studio Help)
Adobe PDF
Microsoft Word (.rtf)
XML export for translation
Source format is XML
Can compile with HTML Skins
PDF export with print templates
Import Formats
Winhelp (compiled & source)
HTML Help (.chm)
Microsoft Word (.rtf)
Adobe Robohelp 5, 6
Depricated! Source format is XML
HTML Help (.chm)
Microsoft Word (.rtf)
Additional Features
Screen capture integrated
Image editor
Visual print and PDF manual designer
Project reports
Context sensitive help tool
Keyword index tool
Visual print and PDF manual designer
Support for user defined variables
Command line options for batch compilation
Support for user defined topic status
Suport for toggles (expanding HTML sections)
Local installation on each computer (per seat)
Network installation with concurrent use of the installed licenses (as many simultaneous users as licenses are installed)
System Requirements
Windows Vista 32 Bit, Windows XP 32 Bit or Windows 2000. Partial support for Windows Vista/XP 64 bit. Minimum disk space 50 MB, minimum RAM depending on the RAM requirement of the operating system +100 MB recommended.
Help & Manual Version 5: Coming to your desktop, June 9, 2008!
Just when you thought Help & Manual couldn't get any better, we have a surprise for you that will change the way you think about writing and managing technical documentation: Help & Manual Version 5 is an even bigger leap forward than the transition to Version 4 was. It is not just an improvement on the current version, it is going to redefine single-source authoring.
Want a sneak preview? Help & Manual 4.5 Professional includes a sneak preview to version 5!
Save the upgrade price, purchase the premium pack now: Help & Manual 4.5 + a free upgrade to version 5
Revolutionary new user interface Built around the revolutionary new Microsoft Office ribbon interface, Help & Manual 5 is even more intuitive and will give your productivity a significant boost. The new interface features beautiful large icons, dropdown galleries for quick access and clear command buttons that are not hidden somewhere in a menu where you can't find them.
The ribbon is context-sensitive, so the commands that are relevant to what you are currently doing - for example working in the Editor or the new Project Explorer - are displayed automatically. Very frequently used commands can be added to the new Quick Access Bar above the ribbon and users who still prefer a more compact style of working can minimize the ribbon if they want.
Pure XML
The source format of Help & Manual 5 is XML. Your projects are saved directly as XML files, either directly in a folder with subfolders, or in a single compressed file that contains the subfolders, or directly in a database. No matter how you choose to store it, the XML format is consistent throughout the entire workflow.
WYSIWYG XML editing Help & Manual 5 is a true WYSIWYG XML editor that doesn't require any knowledge of XML or XML coding skills. You work as you would in a familiar word processor like Word, but you also have full access to the XML source if necessary.
Concurrent multi-user authoring Multiple users can work on the same help project at the same time. No database or server software is required, everything is built in.
In addition to this, Help & Manual 5 can also edit multiple projects simultaneously. Projects are inserted in the new Project Explorer and can be expanded to a full tree or collapsed down to a single line for easy management. You can also split off branches of a project into a separate Project Explorer window so that you can work on them more easily.
Improved handling of really large help projects We've added huge improvements regarding the handling of really large help projects with several thousands of topic pages. Improvements affect dynamic loading of help projects, find & replace, customizable topic status and reuse of styles and HTML skins.
Templates and Skins
Help & Manual 5 makes it even easier to customize your output: In addition to fully customizable HTML and PDF templates, version 5 also supports "skins" - professionally-designed layouts that you can apply to your entire project with a click of the mouse.
Snippets and external sources We are taking term single-sourcing into a higher dimension: Help & Manual 5 can use data from multiple sources. Help projects can now include topics and chapters from other help projects directly and you can edit them in the same way as local topics. Snippets can be retrieved from a central snippets repository and are updated automatically when the repository source changes.
Flexibility to the max
Help & Manual 5 continues to be the help authoring tool with the most flexible output options on the market. Create compiled HTML Help (.chm files), WebHelp (regular HTML), Visual Studio Help (.hxs files), PDF manuals, eBooks with an integrated reader and Word manuals - even the WinHelp format is still supported. All formats can be generated from the same project at any time, it's just a question of choosing a different output format.
Easier localization of help projects With XML as the source format you can now use computer aided translation tools directly on the help project sources without any conversion or export/import cycle. If you want you can also edit your H&M topics and projects directly with XML editors.
Workflow integration for 3rd party tools
Pure XML as the primary save format opens the door to direct integration of 3rd party tools in your Help & Manual workflow. In other words, you can integrate the output of other tools (e.g. source code documentation tools) with Help & Manual and review and edit and polish your pre-generated documentation with your favorite help authoring tool.
Save the upgrade price, purchase the premium pack now: Help & Manual 4.5 + a free upgrade to version 5
Doctor Web, Ltd. – the Russian developer of IT security solutions branded Dr.Web – provides the review of virus and spam activity in May 2008
The top event of May surely became the discovery of the elusive Win32.Ntldrbot (aka Rustock.C) by the anti-virus laboratory of Doctor Web, Ltd. The long sought rootkit used infected machines to build a vast botnet. Secure Works consider the botnet to be the third among largest botnets with spamming capability of up to 30 billion messages in 24 hours. Computers protected by the Dr.Web anti-virus will never become the part of the network because the new version of Dr.Web scanner detects the stealthy virus as well as cures an infected machine of the malware. It’s been a month since the cure against Win32.Ntldrbot was provided but by now Dr.Web is still the only anti-virus that cures the rookit.
Another notable event in the month passed became the increased malicious activity faking and manipulating search results to infect PCs. A user of an infected machine follows a link displayed on a search results page but gets to an unrelated web-site. Still the unrelated link can look as other genuine links provided by a search engine. As a consequence a user fails to find required information, an advertiser pays for unrelated traffic but above all such malicious activities have negative impact on the credibility of a search engine blamed for selling out top positions on its search results pages. Upon a request from the management of the Yandex search engine malicious programs of the type were moved from Adware to Trojans in the Dr.Web classification. Currently Yandex recommends Dr.Web CuireIt! as the best free tool curing computers of such Trojan programs.
Spam activity
Spam traffic often spreads viruses, Trojans and other malware. Recently spammers have been exploiting popular Internet brands of the RuNet. Socail networks have a lot of members and inevitably become primary targets of spammers. Such an attack can get a computer of a social networker into a botnet or put a user at risk of losing all information stored on the hard drive. The latter was the case with Win32.HLLW.AntiDurov. What makes the virus especially dangerous is its destructive feature which is rather uncommon among present day malware. On 25th day of each month at 10 a. m.deletion of all files located on the C drive is initiated. It’s been a while since Doctor Web, Ltd. virus monitoring service registered malware with such functions.
Table 1. Top 10 viruses detected on mail servers
01.05.2008 00:00 - 31.05.2008 23:00
189739 (21.18%)
123825 (13.82%)
90463 (10.10%)
69604 (7.77%)
40297 (4.50%)
25937 (2.90%)
24384 (2.72%)
23234 (2.59%)
19869 (2.22%)
18095 (2.02%)
Table 2. Top 10 viruses detected on PCs
01.05.2008 00:00 - 31.05.2008 23:00
1507944 (44.18%)
308960 (9.05%)
272036 (7.97%)
156819 (4.59%)
89604 (2.63%)
65850 (1.93%)
59082 (1.73%)
56024 (1.64%)
45793 (1.34%)
41913 (1.23%)
Help & Manual 4.51 Build 1380 (Standard) - Maintenance Update
The technical support service of Doctor Web, Ltd. started receiving requests from users concerned by e-mail messages prompting to change certificates used to access Yandex.Mail and Yandex.Money services popular in Russia. Some anti-virus vendors rushed to add a corresponding entry to their virus databases. However, we'd like to settle down the growing concern among Internet users: Dr.Web anti-virus doesn't consider such messages to be malicious because they do not contain malicious code.
Indeed spam traffic often spreads viruses, Trojans and other malware. Recently spammers have been exploiting popular Internet brands of the RuNet. Though harmless for end-users such mailings may badly affect credibility of an exploited resource, cause panic, tarnish the reputation of a competitor on the market and take away customers.
The detailed analysis of the code by the anti-virus lab of Doctor Web, Ltd. showed that files spread with the messages are not malware. Unlike some other vendors Doctor Web, Ltd. deliberately avoids adding such corrupt files to the virus database. So the size of updates remain small and the anti-virus maintains its efficiency.
Though this particular mailing is harmless a user should be careful. Following a couple of simple precaution rules will help you avoid cyber-fraud:
Do not trust messages asking for confirmation of a password or data related to your credit card – no respected company will ask you to do such a thing via e-mail.
Do not follow suspicious links unless checked by the free plugin Dr.Web Link Checkerf or a browser you’re using. Such a check will make your surfing safer.
Dr.Web users are surely protected against traps set by Internet criminals. Customers of other anti-virus vendors who are still worried that they may have a virus undetected on their computers can calm themselves and make use of the free anti-virus utility Dr.Web CureIt!. However, if you have received a message with a corrupt file it won’t be detected as a virus by Dr.Web CureIt! just because it is not.
AKADO chooses Dr.Web AV-Desk and recommends Dr.Web to its subscribers
Doctor Web, Ltd. – a Russian developer of IT security solutions branded Dr.Web – and AKADO-Stolitsa CJSC –one of the largest providers in Moscow – launch the "AKADO.anti-virus" service. The cooperation with AKADO-Stolitsa CJSC is another example of successful deployment of the first Internet service from Doctor Web, Ltd. – Dr.Web AV-Desk.
Dr.Web AV-Desk is the Internet service that targets ISPs and can be used to deliver anti-virus protection to an unlimited number of subscribers – both home users and companies. It also provides a mechanism for centralized management of the service delivery. Dr.Web AV-Desk is a robust and efficient tool supplying anti-virus and anti-spam protection to users regardless of their geographical location.
AKADO subscribers will be able to use a complete set of protection software: the anti-virus, the spam filtering program and the parental control tool.
Upon introduction of the new service AKADO offers new subscribers to use Dr.Web for Windows. Anti-virus&Anti-spam for two months free of charge. After that the service will be provided at the monthly fee which will be withdrawn from the account of a subscriber. A user can enable or disable the service in his personal area.
“Given the current status of the market it is very important to increase a number of services available to our subscribers” – Sergey Alimbekov, the managing director of AKADO.Stolitsa says. – We already have the "AKADO.Soft" portal for our subscribers to purchase boxed software. Today in cooperation with Doctor Web, Ltd. we start another extra service — "AKADO.Anti-virus". Dr.Web products have long been known for their reliability and high quality and we’re happy to have Doctor Web, Ltd. as our partner”.
The deployment of Dr.Web AV-Desk by such a large provider as AKADO-Stolitsa is an important step towards making the anti-virus available to a lot of people with different living standards. – Boris Sharov, the Doctor Web, Ltd. CEO tells. – Dr.Web AV-Desk can bring high-quality legal anti-virus software to every home user along with the Internet – and that is the main social goal of this project".
About AKADO-Stolitsa
AKADO-Stolitsa CJSC (before April 16 — KOMKOR-TV CJSC) was set up in 1995 and supplies top-quality telecom services in Moscow. Today the company provides broadband unlimited Internet access, over 130 channels of digital TV, telephony and radio.
It is now some 5 years since we last, comprehensively revised our pricing strategy across our product range.
Significantly, we have either held or reduced most single user product pricing and the largest increases occur in the mid to large User license packs - we are confident that this will ensure we remain very competitive with all our major competition.
We have also added a number of license pack options to the PDF-XChange Standard product range to allow corporate users who do not need the Functionality of the PDF-XChange Viewer PRO and PDF-Tools products bundled with PDF-XChange 'PRO' - but not 'Standard'.
Yandex recommends Dr.Web CureIt! to tackle malware faking web-pages
Leading search engines are facing a problem of malware faking web-pages. According to Yandex a number of computers infected by such malicious programs may reach hundreds of thousands.
A computer is infected in order to fake or manipulate search results. A user of an infected machine follows a link displayed on a search results page but gets to an unrelated web-site. Still the unrelated link can look as other genuine links provided by a search engine. As a consequence a user fails to find required information, an advertiser pays for unrelated traffic but above all such malicious activities have negative impact on the credibility of a search engine blamed for selling out top positions on their search results pages.
Search engines in Russia, such as Google, MSN (Live), Rambler encountered the problem. The Russian search engine Yandex was also one of them. The management of the company concerned by malicious activities of such Trojans contacted the anti-virus laboratory of Doctor Web, Ltd. Some time ago programs faking web-pages were classified by the Dr.Web anti-virus as adware. However, after the appeal by Yandex such applications have been identified as Trojans. From now on Yandex advises using Dr.Web CureIt! as the best free tool curing computers of such Trojan programs. Unlike other utilities, Dr.Web CureIt! can be run without an installation and doesn't conflict with any existing anti-virus software.
Such malicious programs do not impose a threat to users of Dr.Web anti-virus who regularly update the virus database. If you are using an anti-virus of another vendor but you think that your computer can be compromised by such a Trojan we recommend you to download Dr.Web CureIt! and scan your machine for viruses.
Using Dr.Web CureIt! Is the best way to check the efficiency of your anti-virus. It doesn’t require installation and doesn’t conflict with any known anti-virus. Your experience with the utility will provide you with enough reason to migrate to Dr.Web anti-virus.
If SetupBuilder's auto-update feature has not told you already, we released a SetupBuilder 6.8 hotfix update this morning which addresses a command line compiler issues.
Web Update can also be accessed via "Help | Check for Updates..." in your SetupBuilder IDE.
If SetupBuilder's auto-update feature has not told you already, we released
a SetupBuilder 6.8 hotfix update this morning which addresses a command line
compiler issues.
Web Update can also be accessed via "Help | Check for Updates..."
in your SetupBuilder IDE. — one of the leading ISPs in the Russian city of Izhevsk — started supplying Dr.Web anti-virus and anti-spam protection to its subscribers. About 60 per cent of Internet users in Izhevsk can use the service.
Subscribers of are protected by means of Dr.Web AV-Desk, the first Internet service by Doctor Web, Ltd. Dr.Web AV-Desk delivers anti-virus protection to an unlimited number of subscribers – both home users and companies, reduces the workload of the technical support staff and increases profits of a company that protects its own networks.
“It has long been obvious that we need it. The previous year saw the demand for the Internet service surge. The number of our subscribers increased almost two times and consequently spam and virus threats increased too. — Alexander Ermolaev, the business development manager said. "We did feel our commitment to protect our subscribers and decided on offering our customers the reliable and easy-to-use security tool. So we asked anti-virus experts for help. We are glad that cooperating with Doctor Web, Ltd. allows us delivering the service at a very low price. It is not only the loyalty of our customers that increases but also the security in our own networks”.
“Cooperation with is an important step to spread the idea of anti-virus security as a service. — Boris Sharov, the Doctor Web, Ltd. CEO comments. —The aim of the Dr.Web AV-Desk project is making the anti-virus an easy-to-use and accessible service for all users. Dr.Web AV-Desk allows delivering high-quality anti-virus from the longest Russian anti-virus market player to a large number of customers. Izhevsk.ent became our reliable partner which makes the service available to 60 per cent of Internet users in Izhevsk. It means that yet another segment of the Russian speaking Internet is becoming virus and spam free.
The company was set up in 1991 and Izhevsk became one of the first cities in Russia where one could access the Internet. In February 1999 the company started using 512kib/s bandwidth. Now networks of the company cover over 80 per cent of the city territory. Currently has about forty-five thousand active subscribers
Data Management Center : is Portable version
Doctor Web, Ltd., a Russian developer of IT-security solutions branded Dr.Web announces the release of the new version of Dr.Web for Windows anti-virus scanner.
The following improvements have been done to the new version:
The abnormal termination of the scanner when collecting the data on autorun itmes under certain versions of Windows has been fixed.
Scanner exit during the full scan has been fixed.
Sending information to an ES-agent upon delayed curing has been fixed.
The new version of the ascanner is available on all update servers of Doctor Web, Ltd. and will be automatically downloaded to all computers protected by Dr.Web anti-virus during the next updating session.
The new version of Dr.Web for Windows anti-virus scanner released
Doctor Web, Ltd., a Russian developer of IT-security solutions branded Dr.Web announces the release of the new version of Dr.Web for Windows anti-virus scanner.
The following improvements have been done to the new version:
The abnormal termination of the scanner when collecting the data on autorun itmes under certain versions of Windows has been fixed.
Scanner exit during the full scan has been fixed.
Sending information to an ES-agent upon delayed curing has been fixed.
The new version of the ascanner is available on all update servers of Doctor Web, Ltd. and will be automatically downloaded to all computers protected by Dr.Web anti-virus during the next updating session.
We are pleased to announce the release of SetupBuilder 6.8, the premier software installation solution.
This release is available, free of charge, to all SetupBuilder customers who have an active SetupBuilder maintenance subscription plan. If you do not have an active subscription plan, you can buy it here.
SetupBuilder 6.8 is an update to our latest stable release, and includes several enhanced features and important bug fixes. We strongly recommend that all customers upgrade to the latest version of SetupBuilder as soon as possible to maintain the highest level of support, performance and reliability.
SetupBuilder 6.8 -- Build 2243 (May 26, 2008)
FEATURE : Installer: Add support for "Smart Rollback". If an installation is unsuccessful, the installer automatically performs a rollback installation that returns the system to its original state.
FEATURE : Uninstaller: Add a /UR command line switch to support "Smart Rollback" functionality.
FEATURE : IDE: Add "Windows Product Info" option to the "Get System Information..." script function. This option lets you retrieve the product type for the Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 operating system on the local computer, and maps the type to the product types supported by the specified operating system.
IMPROVEMENT: Installer: Add automatic "default" installation language detection and selection. This mechanism kicks in if several languages are used in the setup script and the "Show Language Dialog" option is set to "No". The installer compares the system default language identifier with all included installer languages. If a corresponding language resource is found, it is selected in the installer.
IMPROVEMENT: Installer: Add automatic "default" installation language detection and pre-selection. This mechanism kicks in if several languages are used in the setup script and the "Show Language Dialog" option is set to "Yes". The installer compares the system default language identifier with all included installer languages. If a corresponding language resource is found, it is selected in the "Select Language" installer dialog.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Compiler can detect unreferenced variables in the "Edit Registry..." script function.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: The "#copy file..." compiler directive supports wildcards.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: The "#delete file..." compiler directive supports wildcards.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add a SB_ERROR preprocessor symbol to retrieve return values from executed compiler directives.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: The "#copy file..." compiler directive returns an error code value in the SB_ERROR symbol.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: The "#run..." compiler directive returns an error code value in the SB_ERROR symbol.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: The "#rename file..." compiler directive returns an error code value in the SB_ERROR symbol.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: The "#zip file..." compiler directive returns an error code value in the SB_ERROR symbol.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: The "#ftp upload..." compiler directive returns an error code value in the SB_ERROR symbol.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: The "#delete file..." compiler directive returns an error code value in the SB_ERROR symbol.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: The "#get file information..." compiler directive returns an error code value in the SB_ERROR symbol.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: The Script Debugger provides better variable/value highlighting.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add [SB_COMPILER_HTML] compiler variable to retrieve the compiler report (.htm) file name.
IMPROVEMENT: [SB#805211] Add $SB_DISABLEFILEBACKUPFLAG$ flag to the "Set Installer Flag" script function. If set, the "Backup Replaced Files" option is disabled. If enabled, the installer creates temporary backup copies of overwritten files. This makes it possible to revert the system to its previous state. The backup files will be moved to the BACKUP directory.
IMPROVEMENT: Installer: Ability to set an icon file for Internet Shortcuts.
FIX : IDE: Under certain circumstances, using variables defined by the "Detect Previous Version..." script function caused a "error GEN1006: Reference to variable <variable> has not been previously defined." compiler error.
FIX : IDE: Support for "Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Runtime Libraries Redistributable" via the Core PreRequisites Visualizer was not working as expected.
FIX : Removed the file "browse" button from the "Lock Permission Details" dialog ("Set Access Control..." function).
FIX : [SB#805081] IDE: Encryption in the "#zip file..." pre-processor was not working as expected.
FIX : [SB#805151] IDE: The "Run Program" Target Operation System option was not working as expected.
FIX : IDE: The "#rename file..." compiler directive reported an error even if the rename file process succeeded and vice-versa.
FIX : IDE: The "#zip file..." compiler directive displayed an external message box if it was unsuccessful.
FIX : IDE: Out-commented compiler variable lines were added to the Compiler Variables Visualizer list.
FIX : IDE: Various "SetFocus" issues in script function dialogs.
CHANGE : IDE: Rename "Get System Information (Major Windows Version)" to "Windows Major Version".
CHANGE : IDE: Rename "Get System Information (Minor Windows Version)" to "Windows Minor Version".
CHANGE : IDE: Rename "Get System Information" (Service Pack Number)" to "Windows Service Pack".
CHANGE : IDE: Rename "Web Update Image" option in "Enable Web Installation" to "Use Web Update Login".
CHANGE : IDE: Rename "IIS/Windows 2003" option in "Enable Web Installation" to "IIS Server Image".
CHANGE : IDE: The "#def..." compiler directive lets you modify values of existing symbols now.
CHANGE : IDE: Compiler variables for post compilation tasks are resolved when the task is executed.
CHANGE : Installer: Add back the ability to set the "Title" and "Prompt" in the Browse Dialog ("Select Destination Folder").
CHANGE : IDE: The "About SetupBuilder..." and "Maintenance Plan" dialogs display the maintenance subscription expiration date in form of mmmmmmmmm dd, yyyy now.
We are pleased to announce the release of SetupBuilder 6.8, the premier software installation solution.
This release is available, free of charge, to all SetupBuilder customers who have an active SetupBuilder maintenance subscription plan. If you do not have an active subscription plan, you can buy it here.
SetupBuilder 6.8 is an update to our latest stable release, and includes several enhanced features and important bug fixes. We strongly recommend that all customers upgrade to the latest version of SetupBuilder as soon as possible to maintain the highest level of support, performance and reliability.
SetupBuilder 6.8 -- Build 2243 (May 26, 2008)
FEATURE : Installer: Add support for "Smart Rollback". If an installation is unsuccessful, the installer automatically performs a rollback installation that returns the system to its original state.
FEATURE : Uninstaller: Add a /UR command line switch to support "Smart Rollback" functionality.
FEATURE : IDE: Add "Windows Product Info" option to the "Get System Information..." script function. This option lets you retrieve the product type for the Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 operating system on the local computer, and maps the type to the product types supported by the specified operating system.
IMPROVEMENT: Installer: Add automatic "default" installation language detection and selection. This mechanism kicks in if several languages are used in the setup script and the "Show Language Dialog" option is set to "No". The installer compares the system default language identifier with all included installer languages. If a corresponding language resource is found, it is selected in the installer.
IMPROVEMENT: Installer: Add automatic "default" installation language detection and pre-selection. This mechanism kicks in if several languages are used in the setup script and the "Show Language Dialog" option is set to "Yes". The installer compares the system default language identifier with all included installer languages. If a corresponding language resource is found, it is selected in the "Select Language" installer dialog.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Compiler can detect unreferenced variables in the "Edit Registry..." script function.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: The "#copy file..." compiler directive supports wildcards.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: The "#delete file..." compiler directive supports wildcards.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add a SB_ERROR preprocessor symbol to retrieve return values from executed compiler directives.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: The "#copy file..." compiler directive returns an error code value in the SB_ERROR symbol.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: The "#run..." compiler directive returns an error code value in the SB_ERROR symbol.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: The "#rename file..." compiler directive returns an error code value in the SB_ERROR symbol.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: The "#zip file..." compiler directive returns an error code value in the SB_ERROR symbol.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: The "#ftp upload..." compiler directive returns an error code value in the SB_ERROR symbol.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: The "#delete file..." compiler directive returns an error code value in the SB_ERROR symbol.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: The "#get file information..." compiler directive returns an error code value in the SB_ERROR symbol.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: The Script Debugger provides better variable/value highlighting.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add [SB_COMPILER_HTML] compiler variable to retrieve the compiler report (.htm) file name.
IMPROVEMENT: [SB#805211] Add $SB_DISABLEFILEBACKUPFLAG$ flag to the "Set Installer Flag" script function. If set, the "Backup Replaced Files" option is disabled. If enabled, the installer creates temporary backup copies of overwritten files. This makes it possible to revert the system to its previous state. The backup files will be moved to the BACKUP directory.
IMPROVEMENT: Installer: Ability to set an icon file for Internet Shortcuts.
FIX : IDE: Under certain circumstances, using variables defined by the "Detect Previous Version..." script function caused a "error GEN1006: Reference to variable <variable> has not been previously defined." compiler error.
FIX : IDE: Support for "Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Runtime Libraries Redistributable" via the Core PreRequisites Visualizer was not working as expected.
FIX : Removed the file "browse" button from the "Lock Permission Details" dialog ("Set Access Control..." function).
FIX : [SB#805081] IDE: Encryption in the "#zip file..." pre-processor was not working as expected.
FIX : [SB#805151] IDE: The "Run Program" Target Operation System option was not working as expected.
FIX : IDE: The "#rename file..." compiler directive reported an error even if the rename file process succeeded and vice-versa.
FIX : IDE: The "#zip file..." compiler directive displayed an external message box if it was unsuccessful.
FIX : IDE: Out-commented compiler variable lines were added to the Compiler Variables Visualizer list.
FIX : IDE: Various "SetFocus" issues in script function dialogs.
CHANGE : IDE: Rename "Get System Information (Major Windows Version)" to "Windows Major Version".
CHANGE : IDE: Rename "Get System Information (Minor Windows Version)" to "Windows Minor Version".
CHANGE : IDE: Rename "Get System Information" (Service Pack Number)" to "Windows Service Pack".
CHANGE : IDE: Rename "Web Update Image" option in "Enable Web Installation" to "Use Web Update Login".
CHANGE : IDE: Rename "IIS/Windows 2003" option in "Enable Web Installation" to "IIS Server Image".
CHANGE : IDE: The "#def..." compiler directive lets you modify values of existing symbols now.
CHANGE : IDE: Compiler variables for post compilation tasks are resolved when the task is executed.
CHANGE : Installer: Add back the ability to set the "Title" and "Prompt" in the Browse Dialog ("Select Destination Folder").
CHANGE : IDE: The "About SetupBuilder..." and "Maintenance Plan" dialogs display the maintenance subscription expiration date in form of mmmmmmmmm dd, yyyy now.
Viewer New Feature : A new technique is used to load the Data : the main screen opens up in around 2 seconds with the first 500 records displayed
Viewer New Feature : When reading a TPS Multi Table a List of tables is displayed to switch directly between them
Viewer New Feature : When reading a DAT - TPS or Ms SQL or MySQL table you can add and delete records
Viewer New Feature : Locator Search (full text) on the selected column or all columns
Viewer New Feature : Mass Updating of the table via a powerful Expression & Condition Builder (store queries for future use)
Viewer New Feature : QBE on the table via a powerful Query Builder (store for future use)
Viewer New Feature : Export what you have on screen after a QBE or a mass Update (WITHOUT having to save to File) to various predefined Formats plus XML and CSV directly from DMC Viewer
Viewer New Feature : After a QBE or a Mass Update before saving to File, you can reset all data to its original state with a button
New Feature : Full support of TPS Multi Tables
New Feature : When reading a TPS Multi Table a List of tables is displayed both for Source or Destination to let you chose from them the table to read
New Feature : When saving a Profile and Multi Tables are used, all will be stored and when you restore it, all will be done automatically for you (Table Name, Password etc...)
New Feature : Full support of array fields even while generating data and cloning to SQL (Column[4] will generate Column (in case of a Key) + Column_2 + Column_3 + Column_4)
New Feature : Change the SQL table Name when Cloning to SQL in the script editor window
New Feature : You can now use ODBC with Trusted Connection against an Ms SQL server (empty login and empty pwd)
Enhancement : A new technique is used for translating the IDE - switch language's on the fly
Enhancement : The installer now offers to link or not DBF - DAT and/or TPS Tables with DMC
Enhancement : In the messages displayed you can now use the "Enter" and "Escape" keys to accept or refuse it
Fixed Bug : When all the columns were not mapped for a transfer, some of them could be not transferred at all
Help & Manual Version 5: Coming to your desktop, in the first half of 2008!
Just when you thought Help & Manual couldn't get any better, we have a surprise for you that will change the way you think about writing and managing technical documentation: Help & Manual Version 5 is an even bigger leap forward than the transition to Version 4 was. It is not just an improvement on the current version, it is going to redefine single-source authoring.
Want a sneak preview? Help & Manual 4.5 Professional includes a sneak preview to version 5!
Save the upgrade price, purchase the premium pack now: Help & Manual 4.5 + a free upgrade to version 5
Revolutionary new user interface Built around the revolutionary new Microsoft Office ribbon interface, Help & Manual 5 is even more intuitive and will give your productivity a significant boost. The new interface features beautiful large icons, dropdown galleries for quick access and clear command buttons that are not hidden somewhere in a menu where you can't find them.
The ribbon is context-sensitive, so the commands that are relevant to what you are currently doing - for example working in the Editor or the new Project Explorer - are displayed automatically. Very frequently used commands can be added to the new Quick Access Bar above the ribbon and users who still prefer a more compact style of working can minimize the ribbon if they want.
Pure XML
The source format of Help & Manual 5 is XML. Your projects are saved directly as XML files, either directly in a folder with subfolders, or in a single compressed file that contains the subfolders, or directly in a database. No matter how you choose to store it, the XML format is consistent throughout the entire workflow.
WYSIWYG XML editing Help & Manual 5 is a true WYSIWYG XML editor that doesn't require any knowledge of XML or XML coding skills. You work as you would in a familiar word processor like Word, but you also have full access to the XML source if necessary.
Concurrent multi-user authoring Multiple users can work on the same help project at the same time. No database or server software is required, everything is built in.
In addition to this, Help & Manual 5 can also edit multiple projects simultaneously. Projects are inserted in the new Project Explorer and can be expanded to a full tree or collapsed down to a single line for easy management. You can also split off branches of a project into a separate Project Explorer window so that you can work on them more easily.
Improved handling of really large help projects We've added huge improvements regarding the handling of really large help projects with several thousands of topic pages. Improvements affect dynamic loading of help projects, find & replace, customizable topic status and reuse of styles and HTML skins.
Templates and Skins
Help & Manual 5 makes it even easier to customize your output: In addition to fully customizable HTML and PDF templates, version 5 also supports "skins" - professionally-designed layouts that you can apply to your entire project with a click of the mouse.
Snippets and external sources We are taking term single-sourcing into a higher dimension: Help & Manual 5 can use data from multiple sources. Help projects can now include topics and chapters from other help projects directly and you can edit them in the same way as local topics. Snippets can be retrieved from a central snippets repository and are updated automatically when the repository source changes.
Flexibility to the max
Help & Manual 5 continues to be the help authoring tool with the most flexible output options on the market. Create compiled HTML Help (.chm files), WebHelp (regular HTML), Visual Studio Help (.hxs files), PDF manuals, eBooks with an integrated reader and Word manuals - even the WinHelp format is still supported. All formats can be generated from the same project at any time, it's just a question of choosing a different output format.
Easier localization of help projects With XML as the source format you can now use computer aided translation tools directly on the help project sources without any conversion or export/import cycle. If you want you can also edit your H&M topics and projects directly with XML editors.
Workflow integration for 3rd party tools
Pure XML as the primary save format opens the door to direct integration of 3rd party tools in your Help & Manual workflow. In other words, you can integrate the output of other tools (e.g. source code documentation tools) with Help & Manual and review and edit and polish your pre-generated documentation with your favorite help authoring tool.
Save the upgrade price, purchase the premium pack now: Help & Manual 4.5 + a free upgrade to version 5
Doctor Web, Ltd. – a Russian developer of IT-security solutions branded Dr.Web – releases a new version of Dr.Web scanner that successfully detects Win32.Ntldrbot(aka Rustock.C) and cures system files infected by the rootkit. Currently no other anti-virus can detect the malicious program.
These days the world marked the thirtieth anniversary of spam. It went a long way from an annoying advertisement of Hormel Foods canned ham to mass mailings of unsolicited mail that became a worldwide issue. Many of us notice our traffic increase for no apparent reason and experts assess up to 90 per cent of our e-mail correspondence to be completely irrelevant and irritating. Win32.Ntldrbot is one of the reasons behind the booming activity of spammers.
The main task of Win32.Ntldrbot is infecting PCs, turning them into spamming bots in botnets – vast spam mailing networks. Besides, the rootkit remains completely undetected. Supposedly, it has been doing so since October 2007! According to Secure Works, the botnet built by Rustock is the third largest and distributes around 30 billion spam messages daily, most of them are about securities and medicines.
The author of the rootkit started testing new technologies of interception of the network driver functions and hiding in a system at the end of 2005 or at the beginning of 2006, when the first beta of the malware appeared. Rustock.B also came into living in 2006. It was able to bypass firewalls and hide spam traffic. Anti-virus vendors easily detected and removed these variants of the rootkit.
However, its next variant - Win32.Ntldrbot - turned out to be a tough one: neither anti-virus companies, nor virus makers were able to obtain a sample of the malware. There is no crime without evidence. So most anti-virus vendors announced that the malware didn’t exist since none of them had found it, and there was no use searching for a myth.
Meanwhile, Win32.Ntldrbot turned out to be real.
Some anti-virus labs didn’t give up seeking the virus. Finally the intensive search gave results. Eighteen months passed before Win32.Ntldrbot has been found by analysts of Doctor Web, Ltd. at the beginning of 2008. All this time the rootkit was in the wild compromising PCs and turning them into bots. Assuming that the malware has been running free and completely invisible since October 2007 one could asses the resulting amount of infected traffic.
The virus monitoring service of Doctor Web, Ltd. found about 600 samples of the rootkit. Nobody knows how many are remaining. It took several weeks to unpack and analyze the rootkit and to improve the detection technology.
Some features of Win32.Ntldrbot
Sophisticated polymorphic protection of the rootkit makes extraction and analysis extremely difficult.
Implemented as a driver, it runs on the lowest kernel level.
Protects itself, prevents runtime changes.
Uses active anti-debugging techniques: monitors setting hardware breakpoints (DR-registers), disrupts operation of kernel-level debuggers (e.g. Syser, SoftIce). WinDbg debugger won’t work, if the rootkit is running.
Intercepts system functions using non-standard method.
Functions as a file-virus and infects system drivers.
A particular sample of the rootkit becomes adjusts to the hardware of an infected machine and most likely won’t run on another computer.
Utilizes time-triggered reinfection feature. An old infected file is cured. So the rootkit "wonders" through system drivers infecting only one at a time.
Filters calls to an infected file, intercepts FSD-procedures of a file system driver and redirects a call to the original file instead of the infected one.
Features anti-rootkit protection.
Injects its library to one of the Windows system processes, so the library starts spamming. A driver is connected to the DLL using a special command transfer mechanism.
Read even more about Win32.Ntldrbot (aka Rustock.C)
Win32.Ntldrbot has been able to hide from anti-viruses for quite a while. It means that no one can guarantee that your machine is not infected. Probably it has become a bot and is sending out spam right now. If your are not using Dr.Web anti-virus, you can scan your computer and cure system files from Win32.Ntldrbot using Dr.Web CureIt! free curing utility.
Protection against viruses and spam from Doctor Web, Ltd. and Sun Microsystems thoroughly tested
Doctor Web, Ltd. and Sun Microsystems have successfully completed testing a brand-new security gateway featuring software of both companies. The testing has confirmed that the gateway run on the Sun Fire ?4150 platform enhanced by Dr.Web for Unix mail server and Dr.Web for Internet gateways Unix provides reliable protection against viruses and spam under toughest conditions and may come in handy for companies of different scale at low cost.
Nowadays information security is one of the key issues for almost any company. A list of threats expands every day: new viruses, spam floods, hacker attacks and data leaks. Without a reliable tool to deal with the threats, business information security becomes an urgent must. However, deployment and maintenance of latest security solutions require high costs and qualification of IT security staff.
A security gateway is often the best ways to sort out the problem. The gateway is an appliance configured by IT-security experts, so all its functions come out of the box. Such a solution decreases the total cost of maintaining security for protocols typically used to spread viruses and spam. The product line of appliances is intended for various types of business and that contributes to the value engineering. That’s why determining optimal server configurations for various user groups was one of the most important outcomes of the testing.
The tests showed that the security gateway created by Doctor Web, Ltd. and Sun Microsystems is capable of processing up to 30 messages per second in maximum load tests as well as during the entire testing cycle. The performance figure doesn't seem to be very high but it is sufficient for using the appliance in companies of different scale. It has been calculated that 30 messages per second is enough for a company of up to 250 employees with spam reaching 90 per cent of its mail traffic.
The high efficiency is due to unique features of Dr.Web solutions that use latest award-winning security technologies as well as to the hardware configuration of Sun Fire X4150 powered by Dual Core Intel Xeon processors. The appliance runs Solaris 10 which alone reduces TCO and ensures highest performance.
The solution is unique because it has a high performance margin even with an inexpensive 3GHz dual core Intel Xeon 5160 which means that it can be used under various conditions with no data losses or traffic processing delays critical to many business routines.
The project has become another evidence of companies commitment to supply their customers with top quality products. The successful implementation of the project brings Doctor Web, Ltd. and Sun Microsystems to the new level of cooperation so that they can offer their customers a number of new services. The testbed was provided by Doctor Web, Ltd. and Sun Microsystems. A test network built using Sun Fire ?4150 servers (one Sun Fire ?4150 has been used as a mail server) running Solaris 10 simulated a security gateway of a company under a spam attack. However, test load of the gateway was much higher than the real one. That is a server load was not a time average typical of a particular type of a company but was maintained at its maximum. So in 24 hours a server processed much more information that it would in the real life. Dr.Web Mail Gateway and Dr.Web for Internet gateways Unix were running on the gateway server. The hardware for testing was provided by OCS distributor company. The tryout programme included companies’ software compatibility tests, loading tests and stress tests. The test-cycle time lasted two weeks. Visit the Sun Microsystems web-site for more details on the Sun Fire X4150 server.
Subscribers of Atri-com, one of the leading Internet service providers in a Russian city of Kamishin (population – 120k) now can also take advantage of Dr.Web® AV-Desk™. The new service will protect the network of Antri-Com and its customers against viruses and spam.
Dr.Web AV-Desk delivers a package of IT security services to an unlimited number of subscribers. Using Dr.Web AV-Desk allows Atri-Com to give its customers - both home users and companies – reliable protection against viruses and spam, reduce support staff workload and increase business profitability by enhancing security of its own networks.
“We always considered information security of our network in general and every single user in particular an important issue – Aleksey Burkov, the head of Atri-Com LLC. says – The deployment of Dr.Web AV-Desks opens new opportunities to tackle the issue. We hope that a malware free network will contribute to our image of a responsible ISP and attract new customers who are interested in high-quality communication services".
About Atri-Com The key business activity of Antri-Com is provision of communication and information services in Volgograd region. The company delivers high-speed and dial-up Internet access, communication between networks of companies, VOIP services, hosting, web-mastering, etc.
We are pleased to announce the availability of SetupBuilder 6.7 "May 2008 Update". This release is available, free of charge, to all SetupBuilder customers who have an active SetupBuilder maintenance subscription plan.
This is an update to our latest stable release, and contains some important bug fixes and improvements. We strongly recommend that all customers upgrade to the latest version of SetupBuilder 6.7 as soon as possible to maintain the highest level of support, performance and reliability.
CHANGE : Updated Spanish (Traditional Sort) language file (thanks to Alberto Michelis).
FEATURE : Add support for "Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Runtime Libraries Redistributable (9.0.21022.8)". (Developer Edition only).
IMPROVEMENT: Installer: Optimized detection of "temporary" locked files. This will avoid the "-200 decompression error" when replacing "temporary" locked files. It is a permanent change in the installer runtime.
FIX : IDE: The compiler ignored the "Group" item in the "Create Service..." function.
FIX : [SB#805011] IDE: Encryption in the "#zip file..." pre-processor was not working as expected.
FIX : [SB#805012] Installer: Encryption in the "Zip File(s)..." function was not working as expected.
FIX : [SB#805013] Installer: Possible "Register OCX" and "Unregister OCX" problems.
CHANGE : Installer: Revert code changes from Build 2198 ["Check In-use file..." script function can detect in-use true type fonts now] back to Build 2163. The "Check In-use file..." script function cannot detect temporary in-use fonts.
CHANGE : IDE: The "About SetupBuilder..." dialog displays the maintenance subscription expiration ID in form of mm/dd/yyyy now.
CHANGE : IDE: If "#code-sign application..." fails, an error code is reported.
We are pleased to announce the availability of SetupBuilder 6.7 "May 2008 Update". This release is available, free of charge, to all SetupBuilder customers who have an active SetupBuilder maintenance subscription plan.
This is an update to our latest stable release, and contains some important bug fixes and improvements. We strongly recommend that all customers upgrade to the latest version of SetupBuilder 6.7 as soon as possible to maintain the highest level of support, performance and reliability.
CHANGE : Updated Spanish (Traditional Sort) language file (thanks to Alberto Michelis).
FEATURE : Add support for "Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Runtime Libraries Redistributable (9.0.21022.8)". (Developer Edition only).
IMPROVEMENT: Installer: Optimized detection of "temporary" locked files. This will avoid the "-200 decompression error" when replacing "temporary" locked files. It is a permanent change in the installer runtime.
FIX : IDE: The compiler ignored the "Group" item in the "Create Service..." function.
FIX : [SB#805011] IDE: Encryption in the "#zip file..." pre-processor was not working as expected.
FIX : [SB#805012] Installer: Encryption in the "Zip File(s)..." function was not working as expected.
FIX : [SB#805013] Installer: Possible "Register OCX" and "Unregister OCX" problems.
CHANGE : Installer: Revert code changes from Build 2198 ["Check In-use file..." script function can detect in-use true type fonts now] back to Build 2163. The "Check In-use file..." script function cannot detect temporary in-use fonts.
CHANGE : IDE: The "About SetupBuilder..." dialog displays the maintenance subscription expiration ID in form of mm/dd/yyyy now.
CHANGE : IDE: If "#code-sign application..." fails, an error code is reported.
Icetips Creative, Inc. has released a new version of the Build Automator. Below is a list of changes and improvements that are included in the new version.
Added since Beta 1:
Added action to Run a file with associated program with optional verbs to open, print, etc.
Added hot key (Ctrl-Shift-F12) to all action windows that shows the GUID for the vendor action and
optionally copies the GUID to the clipboard.
Added action to write text to a file. The text is either appended to an existing file or overwrites an existing file.
Added action to generate XP or Vista Manifest files.
Added action to wait for predetermined number of seconds (ranging from 0.01 to 999.99 seconds).
Added action to Rename a single file. Renaming multiple files with wildcards etc. will be added in May.
Added action to write multiple lines to the logfile.
Added window to edit entries in the folder list in Copy Files (Simple) This gives you an option to use variables such as current date in the destination folder - great for incremental daily backups!
Added a simple Message action. It will wait until the OK button is pressed. You can set the caption text, the message text and select an icon from a dropdown.
Added About/Splash window
Added internet links to Forum and Blogs from the program
Fixes since Beta 1:
Standard buttons were just a bit too narrow. Changed the standard button width in the entire program
from 40 dialog units to 45. Fixed.
Save buttons did not have icons. Fixed.
Key to show the variable selection window was set to the down key. Didn't work so well in text boxes! Set to Ctrl-Down key. Fixed.
When Project Variables list is empty the System Variables should be automatically selected. Fixed.
Under some circumstances the correct GUID was not retrieved in the Action Editor. Fixed.
If an insert was attempted for an action, where the vendor action file didn't exist, anywhere except at the end of the Action item list it could cause the linenumber order to fail and subsequent loadings of the project to halt at that line number. Fixed.
Variables were not expanded in the Source for Copy Files (Simple). Fixed.
The Build Automator would crash on dual/multi-core machines. Fixed.
The Compile SetupBuilder action did not update a changed variable name. Fixed.
File names in the error log for Copy Files (simple) included trailing spaces. Fixed.
It was not optional to open the picklist when the program opened. Fixed.
A fatal error could occur at startup referring to creating the Global Variables. Fixed.
We are glad to announce the release of Help & Manual 4.51!
This update is recommended for all users of Help & Manual version 4.x and introduces a couple of new features as well as a fix for the XML export. See below for details.
Changes in version 4.51
Webhelp export: script changes to prevent automatic TOC synchronization Topic redirection script changed to prevent automatic switching. When a topic is opened with the search string "toc=0", it does not automatically load the TOC. The string "toc=0" is hardcoded and must be lowercase.
User interface: tree view can be locked To prevent unintentional drag & drop operations in the Table of Contents, you can intentionally lock the tree view. This is a new command button right above the table of contents.
Print manual designer: new font button A new font button was implemented in the font dialog box for text objects, offering a broader font color selection.
XML Export and Import Help & Manual can export XML data directly to a ZIP archive. To improve compatibility, the file name encoding inside the ZIP archive has been changed and now works with the local codepage.
Bug fix: custom HTML code in movie objects was not imported correctly from a translated XML source.
Bug fix: if a help window did not have a header, this setting was not preserved.
Find & Replace: small fix When searching for text in image file names, the found image was highlighted (selected), but not automatically scrolled into view.
Copy & paste of entries in the table of contents When copying and pasting TOC entries in the same project, the internal node IDs were copied too, resulting in duplicate node IDs. This problem may affect project synchronization and XML export/import.
The Tools > Repair function fixes the problem and assigns new node IDs where duplicate IDs are found.
Miscellaneous fixes and enhancements
Insert Toggles dialog: Small bug fix in initialization section that may have caused an error.
Image toggles: When converting a picture to an image toggle, "print expanded" is not selected by default.
eBook export: an error sound occured when clicking on chapters without text.
Batch export: When the predefined variable <%TITLE%> was overloaded by an external configuration file, the overloaded value was not used in some situations.
Project Synchronization: New option to synchronize TOC by topic IDs. This option is intended to synchronize projects that have never been synchronized before and were created independently.
HTML import: improvements to anchor handling and import of dedicated <div> IDs.
We are glad to announce the release of Help & Manual 4.51!
This update is recommended for all users of Help & Manual version 4.x and introduces a couple of new features as well as a fix for the XML export. See below for details.
Changes in version 4.51
Webhelp export: script changes to prevent automatic TOC synchronization Topic redirection script changed to prevent automatic switching. When a topic is opened with the search string "toc=0", it does not automatically load the TOC. The string "toc=0" is hardcoded and must be lowercase.
User interface: tree view can be locked To prevent unintentional drag & drop operations in the Table of Contents, you can intentionally lock the tree view. This is a new command button right above the table of contents.
Print manual designer: new font button A new font button was implemented in the font dialog box for text objects, offering a broader font color selection.
XML Export and Import Help & Manual can export XML data directly to a ZIP archive. To improve compatibility, the file name encoding inside the ZIP archive has been changed and now works with the local codepage.
Bug fix: custom HTML code in movie objects was not imported correctly from a translated XML source.
Bug fix: if a help window did not have a header, this setting was not preserved.
Find & Replace: small fix When searching for text in image file names, the found image was highlighted (selected), but not automatically scrolled into view.
Copy & paste of entries in the table of contents When copying and pasting TOC entries in the same project, the internal node IDs were copied too, resulting in duplicate node IDs. This problem may affect project synchronization and XML export/import.
The Tools > Repair function fixes the problem and assigns new node IDs where duplicate IDs are found.
Miscellaneous fixes and enhancements
Insert Toggles dialog: Small bug fix in initialization section that may have caused an error.
Image toggles: When converting a picture to an image toggle, "print expanded" is not selected by default.
eBook export: an error sound occured when clicking on chapters without text.
Batch export: When the predefined variable <%TITLE%> was overloaded by an external configuration file, the overloaded value was not used in some situations.
Project Synchronization: New option to synchronize TOC by topic IDs. This option is intended to synchronize projects that have never been synchronized before and were created independently.
HTML import: improvements to anchor handling and import of dedicated <div> IDs.
We have updated the Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.8 SP1 Redistributable for SetupBuilder 6 Developer Edition.
The redistributable can install Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.8 SP1. This revised package replaces the previously released redistributable package and comes with an updated "" include script.
To update your *existing* Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.8 SP1 Redistributable:
1. Select Help -> Redistributable Manager...
2. In the Installed Runtime Package(s) list select the "Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.8 SP1 Redistributable" item and click the "Remove Runtime" button to remove the package.
3. In the Available Runtime Package(s) list select the "Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.8 SP1 Redistributable" and click the "Install Runtime" button to install the new redistributable package.
We have updated the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 (SP1) Runtime Libraries Redistributable for SetupBuilder 6 Developer Edition.
The redistributable can install Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 (SP1) Runtime Libraries. This revised package replaces the previously released redistributable package and comes with an updated "" include script.
To update your *existing* Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 (SP1) Runtime Libraries Redistributable:
1. Select Help -> Redistributable Manager...
2. In the Installed Runtime Package(s) list select the "Visual C++ 2005 (SP1) Runtime Libraries Redistributable" item and click the "Remove Runtime" button to remove the package.
3. In the Available Runtime Package(s) list select the "Visual C++ 2005 (SP1) Runtime Libraries Redistributable" and click the "Install Runtime" button to install the new redistributable package.
Focus attention with Spotlight and Highlighter callouts You have two new options for drawing attention to areas of the screen. Spotlight dims everything on the screen except for the part you want to emphasize. Highlighter is like applying a bright, bold highlighter pen to the screen. Both callouts grab attention...and look great!
Add callouts faster, edit them easily
Now you can add callouts with fewer clicks and edit them more intuitively. And if you want to add a lot of callouts with the same style, one after the other, that's much easier, too.
Set the mood with a music track Open and close your screencast with a theme...or use music to segue between sections. With a third audio track now available on the timeline, it's easy to add background music to your videos.
Put your screencasts on the iPhone and iPod Touch Steve Jobs plans to ship 10 million iPhones this year. Now you can produce your videos for iPhone and iPod Touch users, at just the right dimensions, using a simple preset. Your viewers are on the go, so let them bring your videos along!
Customize FLV videos with ExpressShow
The Flash FLV format is best suited for longer screencasts that contain more motion or camera video. You can now wrap FLV videos in the sleek ExpressShow template. They'll look fantastic...and benefit from full-screen playback, a floating table of contents, custom "about" box, and more.
Organize and present Flash videos with Camtasia Theater Have a handful of related videos? Here's a great way to present them online! The rebuilt Camtasia Theater makes it super easy to create a customizable "player" for any of your Camtasia Studio-produced Flash videos. ExpressShow, SWF, FLV, with or without quizzes or hotspots—Camtasia Theater can handle them all! And your viewers will appreciate how easy it is to jump between videos using the table of contents.
Windows Installer 3.1 Redistributable Update Alert
We have updated the Windows Installer 3.1 Redistributable for SetupBuilder 6 Developer Edition.
The redistributable can install and update Windows Installer to 3.1 v2 (3.1.4000.2435). This revised package replaces the previously released redistributable package and comes with an updated "" include script.
To update your *existing* Windows Installer 3.1 Redistributable:
1. Select Help -> Redistributable Manager...
2. In the Installed Runtime Package(s) list select the "Windows Installer 3.1 Redistributable" item and click the "Remove Runtime" button to remove the package.
3. In the Available Runtime Package(s) list select the "Windows Installer 3.1 Redistributable" and click the "Install Runtime" button to install the new redistributable package.
Windows Installer 2.0 Redistributable Update Alert
We have updated the Windows Installer 2.0 Redistributable for SetupBuilder 6 Developer Edition.
The redistributable can install and update Windows Installer to 2.0 (2.0.2600.2) on Windows 9x machines. This revised package replaces the previously released redistributable package and comes with an updated "" include script.
To update your *existing* Windows Installer 2.0 Redistributable:
1. Select Help -> Redistributable Manager...
2. In the Installed Runtime Package(s) list select the "Windows Installer 2.0 Redistributable" item and click the "Remove Runtime" button to remove the package.
3. In the Available Runtime Package(s) list select the "Windows Installer 2.0 Redistributable" and click the "Install Runtime" button to install the new redistributable package.
We have updated the Microsoft DirectX 9c Redistributable for SetupBuilder 6 Developer Edition to the "DirectX 9c March 2008" release.
The redistributable can install and update DirectX 9c (9.22.1284). This revised package replaces the previously released redistributable package and comes with an updated "" include script and new Microsoft end-user runtimes.
To install or update the Microsoft DirectX 9c Redistributable:
1. Select Help -> Redistributable Manager...
2. In the Available Runtime Package(s) list select the "Microsoft DirectX 9c Redistributable" and click the "Install Runtime" button to install the new redistributable package.
We are pleased to announce the availability of SetupBuilder 6.7 "April 2008 Update". This release is available, free of charge, to all SetupBuilder customers who have an active SetupBuilder maintenance subscription plan.
This is an update to our latest stable release, and contains some bug fixes and improvements.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: The command line compiler supports an /L pathname switch now to override the folder location of compiler.txt. By default, the compiler.txt log file is always located in: C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\Lindersoft\SetupBuilder 6.
IMPROVEMENT: Installer: The installation loader can report more GetLastError information if the installation initialization process fails.
IMPROVEMENT: [SB#804091] IDE: Add "Shared Path Status" option to the "Get System Information..." script function. This option provides a simple way to detect whether a given folder is shared or not.
IMPROVEMENT: [SB#804101] IDE: Add "Executable Name", "Project Type:" and "Server Manifest File:" to the HTML build report.
IMPROVEMENT: Installer: "Check In-use file..." script function can detect in-use true type fonts now. Note: This improvement avoids the "-200 decompression error"
when replacing in-use true type fonts.
FIX : [SB#804092] Installer: Possible replacement of in-use files issue on Windows 9.x operating systems.
CHANGE : Updated Spanish (Traditional Sort) language file (thanks to Alberto Michelis).
CHANGE : [SB#803091] IDE: The compiler can set the fixed-info section of the resource for ProductVersion in the setup.exe now.
CHANGE : Installer: The decompression library provides more GetLastError information if read/write file access fails.
CHANGE : Installer: (internal modification). Binary Patch does not delete temporary created (unique) files any longer to avoid ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED errors when calling CreateFile on a file that is pending deletion.
CHANGE : Installer: Give internal dialog management system more time (75ms) to synchronize itself before displaying the Progress dialog.
We are pleased to announce the availability of SetupBuilder 6.7 "April 2008 Update". This release is available, free of charge, to all SetupBuilder customers who have an active SetupBuilder maintenance subscription plan.
This is an update to our latest stable release, and contains some bug fixes and improvements.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: The command line compiler supports an /L pathname switch now to override the folder location of compiler.txt. By default, the compiler.txt log file is always located in: C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\Lindersoft\SetupBuilder 6.
IMPROVEMENT: Installer: The installation loader can report more GetLastError information if the installation initialization process fails.
IMPROVEMENT: [SB#804091] IDE: Add "Shared Path Status" option to the "Get System Information..." script function. This option provides a simple way to detect whether a given folder is shared or not.
IMPROVEMENT: [SB#804101] IDE: Add "Executable Name", "Project Type:" and "Server Manifest File:" to the HTML build report.
IMPROVEMENT: Installer: "Check In-use file..." script function can detect in-use true type fonts now. Note: This improvement avoids the "-200 decompression error"
when replacing in-use true type fonts.
FIX : [SB#804092] Installer: Possible replacement of in-use files issue on Windows 9.x operating systems.
CHANGE : Updated Spanish (Traditional Sort) language file (thanks to Alberto Michelis).
CHANGE : [SB#803091] IDE: The compiler can set the fixed-info section of the resource for ProductVersion in the setup.exe now.
CHANGE : Installer: The decompression library provides more GetLastError information if read/write file access fails.
CHANGE : Installer: (internal modification). Binary Patch does not delete temporary created (unique) files any longer to avoid ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED errors when calling CreateFile on a file that is pending deletion.
CHANGE : Installer: Give internal dialog management system more time (75ms) to synchronize itself before displaying the Progress dialog.
The virus monitoring service of Doctor Web, Ltd. has analyzed viral activities in March 2008.
The variation of the malware that writes itself to the MBR and uses rootkit technologies to hide its presence in the system (now often called a bootkit) surely became the event of the month. The bootkit entered the Dr.Web database as BackDoor.MaosBoot with its dropper added as Trojan.Packed.370. The creators of the malware tried to make it extremely difficult for an anti-virus to cure the bootkit, however, once again Dr.Web anti-virus has proven its high technology — the latest Dr.Web scanner version features a unique algorithm for detection and curing BackDoor.MaosBoot without resorting to any advanced system tools.
Strange as it seems, but spreading Trojan.PWS.LDPinch.1941 via ICQ also became an event worth mentioning. Doctor Web, Ltd. support staff received a lot of messages on infection by the Trojan from users. Morever, the Trojan executable was modified several times to avoid detection by anti-virus applications but all the variations were promptly added to the Dr.Web database.
The new social engineering trick used to lure a user into downloading the malware should also be mentioned — a reply-message from a recruiting company offering to enter personal data in a special form and providing a link to the "form”. Actually the "form" is a malicious program detected by Dr.Web ainti-viruses as Trojan.Sentinel. Spam
Apart from messages used to spread malware March saw offerings of spam mailing based on addresses databases of Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries or tax evasion schemes and construction companies advertising which prevailed over other subjects.
March 2008 virus statistics
Table 1. 20. Most prevailing viruses detected on mail servers
01.03.2008 - 31.03.2008
105766 (27.39%)
41605 (10.77%)
31333 (8.11%)
27742 (7.18%)
24745 (6.41%)
24194 (6.27%)
21230 (5.50%)
12839 (3.33%)
10941 (2.83%)
9966 (2.58%)
9901 (2.56%)
9132 (2.36%)
5844 (1.51%)
4936 (1.28%)
3885 (1.01%)
3389 (0.88%)
2706 (0.70%)
2577 (0.67%)
2471 (0.64%)
2413 (0.62%)
Table 2. 20 Most prevailing viruses detected on users` computers.
Doctor Web, Ltd. has announced the release of updated Dr.Web scanner for Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista capable of detecting and curing the latest variation of BackDoor.MaosBoot. By now no anti-virus application has been able to cure a compromised machine of the rootkit. However, updated Dr.Web Shield™ anti-rootkit driver featured by the scanner makes Dr.Web product the first anti-virus program that is guaranteed to cure the latest BackDoor.MaosBoot.
BackDoor.MaosBoot is an MBR rootkit that was discovered at the end of 2007. The malware modifies a boot sector and loads its malicious driver to RAM. The rootkit code is placed in the last sectors of a disk that is the driver doesn’t exist as a file. It protects and hides itself on a disk. It has high potential for modifying. Recently a new version of the MBR rootkit has been discovered. This one has even better capabilities for hiding itself.
BackDoor.MaosBoot mainly targets computers in order to obtain sensitive financial data. The virus has a broad list of banking client applications. The improved variation of the rootkit easily obtains financial information using the list. Today it is banking data that it targets. Tomorrow it can be any information stored on your computer. Improved Dr.Web Shield™ allows our customers to secure their bank accounts against an unauthorized access because Dr.Web is guaranteed not only to detect the malware but also to cure it.
Doctor Web, Ltd., a Russian developer of IT-security solutions branded Dr.Web announces the release of updated modules of Dr.Web anti-virus for Windows. Improvements have been done to Dr.Web GUI-based scanner, SpIDer Guard resident monitor and the Scheduler.
Updated Dr.Web Shield™ anti-rootkit driver featured by the scanner allows curing notoriously famous MBR rootkit BackDoor.MaosBoot.
Significant changes have been done to SpIDer Guard that performs real-time resident protection. The updated SpIDer Guard runs more stable on highly loaded servers and provides yet more reliable protection for Dr.Web Enterprise Suite workstations. The following SpIDer Guard issues have been fixed:
SpIDer Guard blocking applications' temporary files and database files in particular 1C/FoxPro/Banking clients and during printing has been fixed;
Windows 2003 freezing while SpIDer Guard is running has been fixed;
Agent/service crash that sometimes occurred when applying an action to a malicious file (Report mode) has been fixed;
SpIDer Guard using all CPU time available has been fixed;
Sending notifications via e-mail/network messenger has been improved;
Various Windows systems’ crash to BSOD has been fixed;
Detection of infected archives has been improved;
Register item of the context menu has been restored;
GUI issues that arose when using Eastern Asia interface languages in various OS have been fixed;
Dr.Web task scheduler issue that sometimes caused emergency shutdown of the program has been fixed.
Perpetuum Software LLC announces the release of a new product - Ribbon Bar Icons. This is an excellent icon collection for your Business Intelligence applications and websites. Using bright and stylish images you can create more convenient and attractive user interface. Icons are optimized for Ribbon Toolbar (that is very practical and up-to-date) and drawn in a Vista-like manner. Your software will be more than easy-to-use while the project will be modern and trendy and meet the requirements and preferences. The icons can be also used in standard toolbars. The PNG and ICO formats are supported.
The icons are released in all standard sizes, allow high quality representation and come in True Color with semi-transparency. Specifically the wide range of professional images and their high quality enable you to comply with customers' severe demands.
With Ribbon Bar Icons, you will be able to enrich the project design, make it colorful and gorgeous and, besides that, save time and effort.
Use new professional solution – Ribbon Bar Icons – to make Business Intelligence applications and websites stylish!
Doctor Web, Ltd. is a Russian company developing and distributing Dr.Web IT-security solutions.
Dr.Web anti-virus has been developed since 1992; it has always shown perfect results of malicious programmes` detection and complies with international security standards.
Doctor Web, Ltd. is one of a few anti-virus vendors in the world that owns its technologies for detecting and curing malware, has its own virus monitoring service and analytical laboratory. This provides a rapid response to latest threats and allows to solve any problems of customers in a few hours.
New Interface Provides Unprecedented Ease of Use and Efficiency
Somerset, UK 14, 2008 - ComponentOne Europe today announces the release of its next generation Doc-To-Help product. ComponentOne Doc-To-Help 2008 supplies streamlined new authoring features, with state of the art end-user features, all within the brand new Microsoft Office 2007 style interface.
ComponentOne, a Premier Microsoft partner, utilises the latest design standards in creating its interfaces. ComponentOne Doc-To-Help 2008 features Ribbon tool bars, option dialog boxes, and Microsoft Outlook-style panes for modern design and ease of use. Other visual organisers such as the Topics Grid and the Related Topics Editor were also added. The Topics Grid provides a customisable view of all topics used for setting properties and adding elements such as context IDs and keywords. The related Topics Editor allows you to view, edit, and create related topic links with drag and drop operations, making content management effortless. By adding this streamlined workflow to the already powerful single-source publishing capability, ComponentOne Doc-To-Help 2008 is truly your tool to “Write today. Publish tomorrow.”
ComponentOne Doc-To-Help 2008 also debuts its Style Sheet Editor that configures style sheets in a point-and-click interface. With ComponentOne Doc-To-Help 2008 you’ll be able to create better documentation, eliminate the need to understand CSS tags, and enjoy the flexibility of its output options.
“We streamlined the workflow and user experience with Microsoft Office 2007-style interface, visual content organisers, and intuitive dialogs,” said Dan Beall, Product Line Manager at ComponentOne USA. “We created the ComponentOne Doc-To-Help 2008 user interface to allow all levels of content authors to efficiently produce the content they need, at professional quality, without specific technical expertise.”
ComponentOne Doc-To-Help 2008 is compatible with ComponentOne DemoWorks, an intuitive application that allows you to record anything on your screen then produce a polished shareable demo in minutes. ComponentOne Doc-To-Help 2008 showcases the ability to insert ComponentOne DemoWorks created Flash movies in Word documents for online output.
ComponentOne Doc-To-Help automatically excludes the movie when generating print versions. ComponentOne Doc-To-Help 2008 and ComponentOne DemoWorks are offered individually but may be bundled together for extra savings. “ComponentOne believes that this bundle is important, as we strive to provide technical content authors, regardless of their focus, a credible set of tools that give them everything needed to create visually impressive and interactive user assistance, training, and marketing materials,” said Steve Day, Director of Global Sales and Marketing at ComponentOne USA.
Rich text editing with FCKEditor. Give your applications advanced text formatting capabilities, including fonts, colors, bullet lists and more. (Enterprise Edition feature.)
New sign-in bar expedites user login. This new tool bar aggregates the Sign In, Sign Out, Language Selection and Print buttons in a single, easy-to-find location common on many popular websites. (Professional and Enterprise Edition feature.)
Display rich text in web pages. Choose how to display text fields: formatted rich text or raw HTML source.
Microsoft Word reports. Want to email a table to someone? Just click the new “Microsoft Word Report” button to generate a report that can be emailed and printed! Word Reports use design themes so they look great, and you can easily customize report layouts using simple XML configuration files. Plus, the reports obey the user-selected filter, search and sort criteria, so what you see is what you get. (Professional and Enterprise Edition feature.)
Application Security
Active Directory security integrates with corporate standards. Quickly add Active Directory security to your applications with the updated Security Wizard. Your users will love the single sign-on capability. (Enterprise Edition feature.)
Microsoft Access Manager (AzMan) role-based security. Use the policy store created and maintained by the Microsoft Access Manager to control user access to specific pages and controls. (Enterprise Edition feature.)
Remember Me. This cookie-based feature remembers user names and passwords so application users can quickly sign-in. (Enterprise Edition feature.)
Improved Configuration and Customization
Intellisense. Explore the full class hierarchy from Iron Speed Designer's code editor, just like Microsoft Visual Studio.
New Page Wizard speeds page creation. Select database tables, fields, layout style, and a host of other options to quickly create customized pages.
Configurable column headers and pagination controls. Quickly add, remove, and configure column headers, pagination controls, button bars, and other table panel features.
Database and IDE Support
MySQL. Quickly create MySQL-based applications. Enjoy the same sophisticated features you've come to expect in your Microsoft SQL, Microsoft Access and Oracle applications.
Access 2007. We continue our support for Microsoft Access’s latest release.
Visual Studio 2008 support. We continue our support for Microsoft’s latest release of Visual Studio, including .NET Framework 3.5 application generation.
Iron Speed Designer Version 5.1 System Requirements
.NET Framework 1.1 application generation discontinued. Version 5.1 will not generate .NET Framework 1.1 applications. However, the Migration Wizard will convert your .NET 1.1 application to .NET Framework 2.0.
We are pleased to announce the availability of SetupBuilder 6.7 "March
2008 Update". This release is available, free of charge, to all SetupBuilder
customers who have an active SetupBuilder maintenance subscription plan.
We want to continue to be part of your success and hope that these changes
help show that we listen, and respond, to our customers.
FEATURE : Add "Italian (Standard).lng" language file (thanks
FIX : [SB#803051] IDE: When using nested compiler variables, the compiler
did not find the first defined compiler variable (from within the alphabetically
sorted internal compiler variable list).
FIX : [SB#803061] IDE: Possible Shift+Up and Shift+Down cursor problem
in the Script Editor.
CHANGE : IDE: The "Get System Information (Generate GUID)"
generates a GUID in form of {5B975D60-E785-11DC-4823-15B6E5830029} now.
Previous SetupBuilder versions generated the GUID in form of 5b975d60-e785-11dc-4823-15b6e5830029.
CHANGE : The "Product GUID" [PRODUCTGUID] supports a runtime
variable now. This allows to dynamically create a GUID on-the-fly at installer
runtime and use it as Product GUID. Note: If you are using the Web Update
feature in combination with a runtime variable "enabled" [PRODUCTGUID],
you have to find a way to detect the correct GUID in the web update project.
Otherwise, Web Update is unable to update the version number on the target
CHANGE : [SB#803041] Increase the size of the "File Version"
and "Product Version" installer version resource items from 10
bytes to 20 bytes.
CHANGE : IDE: You cannot add "reserved" compiler variable
names in the "Compiler Variables" Visualizer.
CHANGE : IDE: When adding an already existing compiler variable in the
"Compiler Variables" Visualizer, the value of the existing variable
is updated. A duplicate variable is not created.
CHANGE : IDE: The "Web Update Project" Wizard does not write
the absolute Product GUID to the "Detect Previous Version" function
any longer. It uses the [PRODUCTGUID] compiler variable now.
We are pleased to announce the availability of SetupBuilder 6.7 "March 2008 Update". This release is available, free of charge, to all SetupBuilder customers who have an active SetupBuilder maintenance subscription plan.
We want to continue to be part of your success and hope that these changes help show that we listen, and respond, to our customers.
FEATURE : Add "Italian (Standard).lng" language file (thanks to
FIX : [SB#803051] IDE: When using nested compiler variables, the compiler did not find the first defined compiler variable (from within the alphabetically sorted internal compiler variable list).
FIX : [SB#803061] IDE: Possible Shift+Up and Shift+Down cursor problem in the Script Editor.
CHANGE : IDE: The "Get System Information (Generate GUID)" generates a GUID in form of {5B975D60-E785-11DC-4823-15B6E5830029} now. Previous SetupBuilder versions generated the GUID in form of 5b975d60-e785-11dc-4823-15b6e5830029.
CHANGE : The "Product GUID" [PRODUCTGUID] supports a runtime variable now. This allows to dynamically create a GUID on-the-fly at installer runtime and use it as Product GUID. Note: If you are using the Web Update feature in combination with a runtime variable "enabled" [PRODUCTGUID], you have to find a way to detect the correct GUID in the web update project. Otherwise, Web Update is unable to update the version number on the target machine.
CHANGE : [SB#803041] Increase the size of the "File Version" and "Product Version" installer version resource items from 10 bytes to 20 bytes.
CHANGE : IDE: You cannot add "reserved" compiler variable names in the "Compiler Variables" Visualizer.
CHANGE : IDE: When adding an already existing compiler variable in the "Compiler Variables" Visualizer, the value of the existing variable is updated. A duplicate variable is not created.
CHANGE : IDE: The "Web Update Project" Wizard does not write the absolute Product GUID to the "Detect Previous Version" function any longer. It uses the [PRODUCTGUID] compiler variable now.
DMC has been certified by Microsoft as "Works with Vista" and as "Works with Windows Server 2008"
New Feature : You can now use DMC to UPDATE (by record number) any NON ODBC Table and not only to INSERT records.
New Feature : When a Clone to TPS process is done, a structure file will be created for you to be able to switch to Creation Wizard mode and modify your TPS table
New Feature : When in an ODBC record a list of all available DSN's is displayed and a Double-Click will fill in automatically the record for you
New Feature : Activation codes can be requested directly on Internet
Enhancement : The test ODBC button now returns a "Success" message along with the type of server you are connected to (and does no longer send an error when no Table is in the DB)
Enhancement : The main frame is resizable to any dimension and all windows fit in a resolution of 800x600
Enhancement : All buttons have been resized and some Icons removed to allow for a better UI integrity in some small screen resolutions
Enhancement : The Creation Wizard now let's you create multiple columned keys
Enhancement : The installer and updater now is fully Vista compatible and you will be able to install the program under Program Files and the data under Program Data (or change the directories of course)
Enhancement : The full installer can be used as an updater .... although we do not recommend it
Enhancement & Fixed Bug : The "Link by Name" process was creating wrong mappings - corrected and DATETIME icons added
Fixed Bug : The Clone to TPS was not creating properly certain keys
10 years of experience at the professional level is what Ashampoo has to offer in what is a very important topic for daily PC use, namely, Windows optimization. This extensive pool of knowledge is now the basis for the new and completely improved Ashampoo WinOptimizer 5. The program is designed to enable both novice and advanced users to cleanse and optimize their Windows system and adapt it to their own needs. The tool feels equally at home optimizing the Windows XP and 2000 operating systems as it does under Windows Vista.
SQL Manager for MySQL version 4.3 released. We are pleased to announce the new minor version.
What's new in SQL Manager for MySQL 4.3?
DB Explorer.
Added the Search Panel for quick search within the tree;
Window list is now available in the DB Explorer area, the corresponding tab has been added.
Added UTF8 support for metadata.
Procedures, functions and triggers containing national characters are now compiled correctly irrespective of the operating system settings.
National characters are also displayed correctly in the ENUM fields now.
Now it is possible to restore lost database connection automatically: the corresponding 'Automatically reconnect when connection is lost' option is added to the Options section of the Database Registration Info dialog.
Added the Find Option tool to the SQL Manager settings form, as well as to the Database Registration Info and Host Registration Info forms. The tool allows you to find the required option in the scope of all program settings by a word or an expression from the option title.
Table Editor. The support for tables of the FEDERATED type is implemented.
Extract Database Wizard.
The speed of working with large databases is increased.
It is now possible to add the delimiter directives upon extraction of procedures and triggers: the corresponding 'Add DELIMITER statements for stored routines and triggers' option is available in the wizard.
Adding comments is now optional: the 'Insert comments' option is added to the wizard.
Import Data Wizard.
Table fields can now be mapped to text columns automatically.
Now it is possible to specify encoding for imported TXT and CSV files.
While importing from a DBF file, selecting the ANSI or OEM parameter did not affect the result. Fixed now.
Visual Database Designer.
It is now possible to display the foreign key names in the diagram: the corresponding 'Draw FOREIGN KEY name' option is added.
Added the 'Materialize virtual relation' function that can be used to create a foreign key on the basis of a virtual relation.
The size of table fields is now displayed in the diagram.
When deleting foreign keys, you are now prompted for confirmation.
Restore Tables. Now you can manually input the names of tables that do not exist in the database to restore them.
Export Data Wizard.
When exporting the result of a query, it is possible to add the text of the query to the header and/or footer of the output file: the corresponding 'Add to Header’/’Add to Footer' buttons are added.
The 'Out of memory' error used to occur when exporting a large amount of records (more than 1000000). Fixed now.
Trigger Editor.
It is now possible to add and edit the DEFINER for triggers.
Code completion did not work after the table name and the dot (.) character. Fixed now.
The values of the unsigned bigint and unsigned int field types that exceeded 2147483647 are displayed and edited correctly now.
Grid View and Form View tabs.
Zero date (0000-00-00) is displayed and edited correctly now on the Form View tab.
Now it is possible to edit time within the entire range supported by MySQL: from '-838:59:59' to '838:59:59'. You should just select the 'hhh:nn:ss' format for displaying time (the Grid | Color & Formats section of the Environment Options dialog).
SQL Editor.
When the 'Group undo' option is enabled, rollback is performed more logically.
The Code Folding function for complex queries is improved.
The editor now works considerably faster; such features as syntax highlight, object hyperlinks are not disabled while processing large scripts.
Procedure Editor. An error occurred upon compilation of procedures with names longer than 60 characters. Fixed now.
Save Data Wizard. The templates did not work. Fixed now.
The Execute from file option did not work for UNICODE files. Fixed now.
Lindersoft is pleased to announce the availability of SetupBuilder 6.7 "February 2008 Update 2". This release is available, free of charge, to all SetupBuilder customers who have an active SetupBuilder maintenance subscription plan. This maintenance release contains fixes that are designed to correct known issues and to improve the overall functionality of SetupBuilder. We strongly recommend that all customers upgrade to the latest version of SetupBuilder 6.7 as soon as possible to maintain the highest level of support, performance and reliability.
We want to continue to be part of your success and hope that these changes help show that we listen, and respond, to our customers.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: If a command line compile fails, the error code level is set to the number of errors. If the command line compile cannot be started (e.g. project file not found), the return value is 1.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add CSIDL_COMMON_TEMPLATES value to the "Get Special Folder Path" script function.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add CSIDL_COMMON_TEMPLATES value to the "Files and Folders" Visualizer (Destination Computer list).
FIX : [SB#802151] IDE: Possible "sbuilder.exe stopped working" error message under Vista when using "Save As..." and rapidly selecting a new Visualizer item.
FIX : [SB#802191] IDE: It was not possible to select the last CSIDL item in the "Files and Folders" Visualizer (Destination Computer list).
FIX : IDE: Minor compiler modifications.
CHANGE : IDE: Minor toolbar modifications to fix a randomly cosmetic issue on Vista Business.
CHANGE : Installer: "Stop Delayed File Install" internally uses the CopyFile instead of the MoveFile Windows API now. The MoveFile API removed all inherited permissions.
CHANGE : "#code-sign application..." errors are fatal compiler errors now (compilation process is aborted immediately).
CHANGE : "#embed Vista-manifest..." errors are fatal compiler errors now (compilation process is aborted immediately).
CHANGE : Code-signing an already code-signed application reports a warning.
CHANGE : Embedding a Vista-manifest into an already manifested application reports a warning.
CHANGE : All SetupBuilder DLL and EXE files are code-signed to meet Windows Server 2008 compatibility requirements.
CHANGE : Replace LSZip de-/compression libraries with correctly versioned releases (Windows Server 2008 requirement).
CHANGE : Updated wupdate.exe (including wupdate.sb6) web update client. wupdate.exe is correctly versioned now to meet Windows Server 2008 compatibility requirements.
Lindersoft is pleased to announce the availability of SetupBuilder 6.7 "February
2008 Update 2". This release is available, free of charge, to all SetupBuilder
customers who have an active SetupBuilder maintenance subscription plan. This
maintenance release contains fixes that are designed to correct known issues
and to improve the overall functionality of SetupBuilder. We strongly recommend
that all customers upgrade to the latest version of SetupBuilder 6.7 as soon
as possible to maintain the highest level of support, performance and reliability.
We want to continue to be part of your success and hope that these changes
help show that we listen, and respond, to our customers.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: If a command line compile fails, the error code level
is set to the number of errors. If the command line compile cannot be started
(e.g. project file not found), the return value is 1.
Special Folder Path" script function.
and Folders" Visualizer (Destination Computer list).
FIX : [SB#802151] IDE: Possible "sbuilder.exe stopped working"
error message under Vista when using "Save As..." and rapidly
selecting a new Visualizer item.
FIX : [SB#802191] IDE: It was not possible to select the last CSIDL
item in the "Files and Folders" Visualizer (Destination Computer
FIX : IDE: Minor compiler modifications.
CHANGE : IDE: Minor toolbar modifications to fix a randomly cosmetic
issue on Vista Business.
CHANGE : Installer: "Stop Delayed File Install" internally
uses the CopyFile instead of the MoveFile Windows API now. The MoveFile
API removed all inherited permissions.
CHANGE : "#code-sign application..." errors are fatal compiler
errors now (compilation process is aborted immediately).
CHANGE : "#embed Vista-manifest..." errors are fatal compiler
errors now (compilation process is aborted immediately).
CHANGE : Code-signing an already code-signed application reports a warning.
CHANGE : Embedding a Vista-manifest into an already manifested application
reports a warning.
CHANGE : All SetupBuilder DLL and EXE files are code-signed to meet
Windows Server 2008 compatibility requirements.
CHANGE : Replace LSZip de-/compression libraries with correctly versioned
releases (Windows Server 2008 requirement).
CHANGE : Updated wupdate.exe (including wupdate.sb6) web update client.
wupdate.exe is correctly versioned now to meet Windows Server 2008 compatibility
Lindersoft, a widely-recognized global provider of software installation and management software and services, today announced it was celebrating a major milestone as the SetupBuilder global e-community of registered members officially surpassed the 10,000 mark.
We are celebrating the continued growth of SetupBuilder as we reach this significant milestone of 10,000 community members," said Friedrich Linder, Owner of Lindersoft. "We are at a very exciting stage of our development, and we are delighted with the progress we have made to date. We are committed to continuing to provide the best installation development system for the world's top developers."
Incorporated in 1997, Tracker Software Products are based in the UK, with additional development offices in both the USA and Ukraine. The main thrust of our products are Document / Imaging related software - though we have worked on many other projects on a bespoke basis as required.
We continue to work with large and small Corporates to provide both new solutions and tailoring one of our existing solutions to meet a clients needs. We have also aided developers in the incorporation of one or more of our Software Developer Kits into their own software projects as an outsourcing commission, where their resources are limited or fully committed.
In addition, you will find our best selling PDF-XChange, TIFF-XChange and Image-XChange software at the heart of 1000's of other software products from other Software Publishers world wide - providing PDF, Imaging and TIFF file generation and output.
We are proud to number amongst our Clients some of the worlds largest companies - but rest assured all of our clients both large and small are equally important to us.
Lindersoft is pleased to announce the availability of SetupBuilder 6.7 "February 2008 Update". This release is available, free of charge, to all SetupBuilder customers who have an active SetupBuilder maintenance subscription plan.
SetupBuilder Installation System is the ideal solution for programmers seeking an easy-to-use, yet powerful and versatile Windows installation system. Version 6.7, the most robust and feature-rich version to date, boosts productivity and minimizes costs involved with software distribution.
This release contains fixes that are designed to correct known issues and to improve the overall functionality of SetupBuilder. We strongly recommend that all customers upgrade to the latest version of SetupBuilder 6.7 as soon as possible to maintain the highest level of support, performance and reliability.
FEATURE : sPSDK: setupPROTECT SDK (sPSDK) Build 2110 for SetupBuilder Developer Edition is available (requires a current SetupBuilder subscription).
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add "Disable 'Cancel Setup' Message Box" option to the "Wizard Loop" Statement.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add "IDEPLOY.CLI" pragma to set the name of the INI file name if the "Store Properties in INI File" option is enabled in "Install Web Update Client".
IMPROVEMENT: [SB#801121] Installer: "Post to HTTP Server..." function returns the server response in variable %_SB_RETURN% and the complete HTTP response in %_SB_RETURNEX%.
IMPROVEMENT: Add "Reverse String" option to the "Handle String Function" script function. This functions lets you reverse a string.
IMPROVEMENT: Add "Volume System Name" option to the "Get System Information..." script function. This option lets you retrieve the name of the file system, for example, the FAT file system or the NTFS file system.
IMPROVEMENT: [SB#801242] The Version Resource compiler stores the ProductName and ProductVersion items in the generated installer application now.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Update "Afrikaans" language file (thanks to Ben Riebens).
FIX : [SB#712201] Installer: Possible "Readme" and "License Agreement" buffer overrun issue when using .txt files > 1,024 bytes.
FIX : [SB#712211] Installer: The "Cancel Setup" message box did not display the MSG_CANCELSETUPTITLE text resource in the title.
FIX : Installer: "Handle String Function (Replace)" function was not working as expected.
FIX : [SB#801121] Installer: Possible "Get INI Value..." script function problem.
FIX : Installer: Multiple calls to "Post to HTTP Server..." function from the same application caused an incorrect return value.
FIX : Installer: "Handle File Listing (Load File List)" script function when using recursive wildcard search was not working as expected.
FIX : [SB#801242] IDE: Closing a project did not free the FTP Upload queue.
FIX : Installer: Possible issue if the installer was running in "silent" mode or if the internal wizard dialog queue was empty when a "Wizard Loop" statement was executed.
FIX : [SB#801251] IDE: Possible "Get Started" Project List refreshing problem.
CHANGE : Installer: Command line limit increased to 1,024 bytes.
CHANGE : [SB#080111] Installer: Press [Enter] on the Finish dialog is triggered now.
CHANGE : Hide the "Key Password" in the "#code-sign application..." compiler directive by masking it.
CHANGE : Installer: All code within a "Wizard Loop" is not executed if the installer is running in silent mode or if the internal wizard dialog queue for that "Wizard Loop" is empty.
Lindersoft is pleased to announce the availability of SetupBuilder 6.7 "February 2008 Update". This release is available, free of charge, to all SetupBuilder customers who have an active SetupBuilder maintenance subscription plan.
SetupBuilder Installation System is the ideal solution for programmers seeking an easy-to-use, yet powerful and versatile Windows installation system. Version 6.7, the most robust and feature-rich version to date, boosts productivity and minimizes costs involved with software distribution.
This release contains fixes that are designed to correct known issues and to improve the overall functionality of SetupBuilder. We strongly recommend that all customers upgrade to the latest version of SetupBuilder 6.7 as soon as possible to maintain the highest level of support, performance and reliability.
FEATURE : sPSDK: setupPROTECT SDK (sPSDK) Build 2110 for SetupBuilder Developer Edition is available (requires a current SetupBuilder subscription).
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add "Disable 'Cancel Setup' Message Box" option to the "Wizard Loop" Statement.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add "IDEPLOY.CLI" pragma to set the name of the INI file name if the "Store Properties in INI File" option is enabled in "Install Web Update Client".
IMPROVEMENT: [SB#801121] Installer: "Post to HTTP Server..." function returns the server response in variable %_SB_RETURN% and the complete HTTP response in %_SB_RETURNEX%.
IMPROVEMENT: Add "Reverse String" option to the "Handle String Function" script function. This functions lets you reverse a string.
IMPROVEMENT: Add "Volume System Name" option to the "Get System Information..." script function. This option lets you retrieve the name of the file system, for example, the FAT file system or the NTFS file system.
IMPROVEMENT: [SB#801242] The Version Resource compiler stores the ProductName and ProductVersion items in the generated installer application now.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Update "Afrikaans" language file (thanks to Ben Riebens).
FIX : [SB#712201] Installer: Possible "Readme" and "License Agreement" buffer overrun issue when using .txt files > 1,024 bytes.
FIX : [SB#712211] Installer: The "Cancel Setup" message box did not display the MSG_CANCELSETUPTITLE text resource in the title.
FIX : Installer: "Handle String Function (Replace)" function was not working as expected.
FIX : [SB#801121] Installer: Possible "Get INI Value..." script function problem.
FIX : Installer: Multiple calls to "Post to HTTP Server..." function from the same application caused an incorrect return value.
FIX : Installer: "Handle File Listing (Load File List)" script function when using recursive wildcard search was not working as expected.
FIX : [SB#801242] IDE: Closing a project did not free the FTP Upload queue.
FIX : Installer: Possible issue if the installer was running in "silent" mode or if the internal wizard dialog queue was empty when a "Wizard Loop" statement was executed.
FIX : [SB#801251] IDE: Possible "Get Started" Project List refreshing problem.
CHANGE : Installer: Command line limit increased to 1,024 bytes.
CHANGE : [SB#080111] Installer: Press [Enter] on the Finish dialog is triggered now.
CHANGE : Hide the "Key Password" in the "#code-sign application..." compiler directive by masking it.
CHANGE : Installer: All code within a "Wizard Loop" is not executed if the installer is running in silent mode or if the internal wizard dialog queue for that "Wizard Loop" is empty.
Version released 14 Jan 2008 : when using the MySQL ODBC driver version 3.51.03 it is impossible to link to Tables - please update your driver to at least version 3.51.12The docs have been updated of course to reflect all those changes
New Feature : Clone to SQL - select ANY source table (DAT-DBF-TPS-CSV) and create an exact cloned SQL Structure
New Feature : Create from TXT File - use a TXT File containing a VALID TPS structure to create the table
New Feature : Creation Wizard to create a new TPS or SQL Table - Use a Wizard to manually define a new TPS or SQL Table
New Feature : support of FireBird InterBase SQL
Added : Expiry date of your maintenance Plan in the "About Screen"
Added : Right click support in ODBC connection module
Modified : "Link By Name" mapping now takes care of DATE fields in SQL destinations
Modified : TOPSPEED password is only asked if the table requires one
Fixed bug : when SQL DATETIME was NULL
Fixed bug : when Oracle or Pervasive where used in ODBC connection string (driver not saved properly)
Fixed bug : in ODBC when a table Name had a space in it
Fixed bug : UNIQUE KEY's were badly showing in mapping Tab
Fixed bug : in record level conditional rules
Fixed bug : when reading some DBF Tables with MEMO columns
Fixed bug : when Oracle or PostGre SQL where destination, some columns were not well read
Fixed bug : when an error occurred while reading a table, DMC would GPF without any error message.
when reading an EXCEL worksheet, the first row MUST contains VALID NAMES and all columns must be VALID (no currency signs etc...)
ComponentOne, a privately held company headquartered in Pittsburgh, PA, has a history of leadership in the Microsoft Visual Studio component industry. ComponentOne is the premier provider of the widest range of tools and solutions for Microsoft® Windows, Web-based, and Mobile application developers, Help authors who write and develop Help systems, and support centers who utilize Web and e-mail self-service solutions.
We are pleased to announce the maintenance release build 2083 of SetupBuilder 6.7. We have successfully tested the new build on Windows Server 2008 RC1.
Release History 6.7 Build 2083
FEATURE : Add "Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 redistributable" support to the Core PreRequisites. (Developer Edition only).
FEATURE : Add "" runtime include script to automate the installation of the Visual C++ 6.0 Runtime Libraries. (Developer Edition only)
FEATURE : Add "Get Client Version Number..." script function to retrieve the currently installed version number if Web Update is enabled. (Developer Edition only)
FIX : [SB#712141] Installer: Avoid possible problem when installer reads data in GUID format and stores it in a variable.
FIX : Installer: Avoid possible nested runtime variable definition issue.
FIX : [SB#712171] IDE: Possible long standing issue in the "Dialog Visualizer". Under certain circumstances, when adding a new dialog, SetupBuilder put the "Define Wizard Dialog" inside the "Loop Wizard" statement.
We are pleased to announce the maintenance release build 2083 of SetupBuilder 6.7. We have successfully tested the new build on Windows Server 2008 RC1.
Release History 6.7 Build 2083
FEATURE : Add "Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 redistributable" support to the Core PreRequisites. (Developer Edition only).
FEATURE : Add "" runtime include script to automate the installation of the Visual C++ 6.0 Runtime Libraries. (Developer Edition only)
FEATURE : Add "Get Client Version Number..." script function to retrieve the currently installed version number if Web Update is enabled. (Developer Edition only)
FIX : [SB#712141] Installer: Avoid possible problem when installer reads data in GUID format and stores it in a variable.
FIX : Installer: Avoid possible nested runtime variable definition issue.
FIX : [SB#712171] IDE: Possible long standing issue in the "Dialog Visualizer". Under certain circumstances, when adding a new dialog, SetupBuilder put the "Define Wizard Dialog" inside the "Loop Wizard" statement.
We are pleased to announce the maintenance release build 2077 of SetupBuilder 6.7.
Release History 6.7 Build 2077.
IMPROVEMENT: [SB#712011] IDE: Add "Cancel" option to the IDE closedown process when the program prompts to save changes.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: The "Import Zip Archive" Task Automation feature refreshes the file list after importing zip files.
FIX : [SB#712081] Installer: DPI adjustment issue when using a custom DPI setting and the installer displayed a Billboard or a static background bitmap.
FIX : [SB#712101] Installer: The percent sign is used to signify the value of a variable. To use a percent sign in the message text of a script command, two percent signs next to each other are required. Under certain circumstances, this did not work as expected.
FIX : [SB#712102] IDE: Under certain circumstances, the "Import Zip Archive", "Perform Dynamic Scan", and "Perform Static Scan" Task Automation features did not reset the "Patch" flags.
We are pleased to announce the maintenance release build 2077 of SetupBuilder 6.7.
Release History 6.7 Build 2077.
IMPROVEMENT: [SB#712011] IDE: Add "Cancel" option to the IDE closedown process when the program prompts to save changes.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: The "Import Zip Archive" Task Automation feature refreshes the file list after importing zip files.
FIX : [SB#712081] Installer: DPI adjustment issue when using a custom DPI setting and the installer displayed a Billboard or a static background bitmap.
FIX : [SB#712101] Installer: The percent sign is used to signify the value of a variable. To use a percent sign in the message text of a script command, two percent signs next to each other are required. Under certain circumstances, this did not work as expected.
FIX : [SB#712102] IDE: Under certain circumstances, the "Import Zip Archive", "Perform Dynamic Scan", and "Perform Static Scan" Task Automation features did not reset the "Patch" flags.
Video DVD spanning: Automatically split big movies to multiple DVDs for maximum quality without dual-layer discs
Convert for YouTube: Create high-quality videos for YouTube, Yahoo Video, MySpace TV, Metacafe und DailyMotion.
Data DVDs and Blu-ray: Burn your videos to data DVDs and also to high-format Blu-ray discs if you have one of the new Blu-ray burners.
User interface: Thumbnail image selection for video files, practical new format selection screen for faster operation, many other small improvements and adjustments
Existing Features and Improvements:
Convert for mobile devices: Convert and compress your videos to compact formats for playing on PDAs and other mobile devices
DVD player formats: Convert to a variety of formats supported by normal DVD players
Convert to compact CD based video formats, including Video CDs, Super Video CDs, DivX/Xvid CDs and other formats on regular data CDs
CD spanning: Automatically split larger movies to multiple CDs if necessary (supported for XVid/DivX AVIs, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, QuickTime, WMV, Video CDs, Super Video CDs and DivX/Xvid CDs)
Convert video DVDs: You can convert the VOB video files from unencrypted video DVDs to smaller, more compact formats with very high quality
This is a maintenance and support release that addresses some outstanding issues that were not addressed with 11.2.1 including feature enhancements and fixes. New feature: Added evaluation version for Visual Studio 2008.
This is a maintenance and support release that addresses some outstanding issues that were not addressed with 11.2.1 including feature enhancements and fixes. Fixing source: ImageManagerIcon.CreatePicture method didn't work in 11.2.1 release.
Fixing source: CXTPPropertySheet failed when DoModal() was called twice for same dialog.
New feature Added OLEDragDrop for TreeView control
Fixing source Fixed minor problem with VB HScrollBar with TabStop = True
Fixing source Alignment property didn't work in ListViewColumnHeaders.Add method
Fixing source DblClick was ignored for PushButton
Fixing source Label grabbed focus on mouse down
Fixing source User had to double click on ListCtrl checkbox to check/uncheck it
Fixing source For disabled SplitDropDown button the dropdown triangle is now shown gray
Fixing source FlatEdit had different baseline than ComboBox
Fixing source: Minor fix with NumPad number handles as Accelerator keys.
New feature: GetSliderCtrl and SetSliderStyle methods added for CXTPControlSlider.
Fixing source Minor fix with NumPad number handles as Accelerator keys
New feature Added Control.SetIconSize to set icon size for individual control
New feature Added Statusbar.ShowSizeGripper property
Fixing source: Fixed bug with long waiting thread end for already ended thread.
Fixing source: The slow schema Build step moved from schema loading to on open document time.
Fixing source: Few bugs with selection fixed.
Fixing source :WatermarkAlignment added, use IconIndex and Alignment from item metrics.
New feature: Added HeaderRowsEnableSelection and FooterRowsEnableSelection properties.
Sample update: VB.Net sample updated to show new report features related to header/footer rows.
1. Added feature of Cancel Processing on all data transfers
2. Changed Main Frame to resizable and made inner screens compatible with 1024x768 resolution
3. Transfer to XLS bug fix
We are glad to announce the release of Help & Manual 4.5.0!
This update is recommended for all users of Help & Manual version 4.x and introduces a couple of new features as well as a fix for a cross-browser scripting vulnerability issue in Browser-based Help.
Changes in version 4.5
Impict adds XML export & import for image translation Impict 2.40, which is included in the latest update of Help & Manual, now supports XML export of text objects and callouts in images. When saving an image in Impict in the native IPP format, Impict optionally exports an additional XML file that contains the text objects only. The XML file can be translated externally and then imported again to update the text in objects. The files use the standard Help & Manual XML schema, so they can be edited with a translation program like Trados or Across as well as regular XML editors or normal text editors.
Cross-browser scripting vulnerability in Browser-based Help The current version of Browser-based Help has a Javascript vulnerability that allows an attacker to inject and execute external Javascript code. If you create browser-based help, we strongly recommend that you install this update.
The vulnerability is in the frame script and is automatically replaced with a safe version of the script, if you use standard templates.
If you have manually edited the frame template for browser-based help, please reset the template to update the script changes.
Creating topics with Drag & Drop This is a new convenience function: in previous versions, it was possible to drag selected text from the topic editor to the table of contents (TOC), to create a link. This function has been extended - if you drop the text between two TOC entries, Help & Manual now creates a new topic and inserts a link to the new topic at the current position in one operation.
Inserting special characters The insert command for symbols and special characters on the Tools menu now has its own menu with some additional options to make insertion of frequently-used characters easier: You can now insert hyphens, soft line breaks and soft hyphens directly. Soft line breaks are breaks that do not begin a new paragraph, hence space before and after a paragraph is not applied. Soft hyphens are invisible hyphens designed to mark a possible word break.
Miscellaneous fixes and enhancements
HTML: Several small enhancements for HTML export for both HTML Help and Browser-based Help.
XML Import: Two small bug fixes for raised table borders and bulleted lists. Importing button links without captions has also been improved.
Insert Hyperlink dialog box: This dialog box now has a better text recognition to preselect the target topic more accurately.
PDF Export: Improved printing for topics with multiple references in the table of contents – the multiple references are now printed as separate chapter entries in the TOC.
We are glad to announce the release of Help & Manual 4.5.0!
This update is recommended for all users of Help & Manual version 4.x and introduces a couple of new features as well as a fix for a cross-browser scripting vulnerability issue in Browser-based Help.
Changes in version 4.5
Impict adds XML export & import for image translation Impict 2.40, which is included in the latest update of Help & Manual, now supports XML export of text objects and callouts in images. When saving an image in Impict in the native IPP format, Impict optionally exports an additional XML file that contains the text objects only. The XML file can be translated externally and then imported again to update the text in objects. The files use the standard Help & Manual XML schema, so they can be edited with a translation program like Trados or Across as well as regular XML editors or normal text editors.
Cross-browser scripting vulnerability in Browser-based Help The current version of Browser-based Help has a Javascript vulnerability that allows an attacker to inject and execute external Javascript code. If you create browser-based help, we strongly recommend that you install this update.
The vulnerability is in the frame script and is automatically replaced with a safe version of the script, if you use standard templates.
If you have manually edited the frame template for browser-based help, please reset the template to update the script changes.
Creating topics with Drag & Drop This is a new convenience function: in previous versions, it was possible to drag selected text from the topic editor to the table of contents (TOC), to create a link. This function has been extended - if you drop the text between two TOC entries, Help & Manual now creates a new topic and inserts a link to the new topic at the current position in one operation.
Inserting special characters The insert command for symbols and special characters on the Tools menu now has its own menu with some additional options to make insertion of frequently-used characters easier: You can now insert hyphens, soft line breaks and soft hyphens directly. Soft line breaks are breaks that do not begin a new paragraph, hence space before and after a paragraph is not applied. Soft hyphens are invisible hyphens designed to mark a possible word break.
Miscellaneous fixes and enhancements
HTML: Several small enhancements for HTML export for both HTML Help and Browser-based Help.
XML Import: Two small bug fixes for raised table borders and bulleted lists. Importing button links without captions has also been improved.
Insert Hyperlink dialog box: This dialog box now has a better text recognition to preselect the target topic more accurately.
PDF Export: Improved printing for topics with multiple references in the table of contents – the multiple references are now printed as separate chapter entries in the TOC.
New methods
- SortRange - sorts selected range.
- SetAxisMaxvalue - sets the maximum value on the axis.
- SetAxisMinValue - sets the minimum value on the axis.
- SetAxisMajorUnit - sets the major units for the axis.
- SetAxisMinorUnit - sets the minor units for the axis.
Changed templates
- Print code template - added a Full Name checkbox
- Draw Chart code template - added min & max axis values and major & minor units.
Lindersoft is pleased to announce the availability of SetupBuilder 6.7 for all customers who have an active SetupBuilder maintenance subscription plan.
SetupBuilder Installation System is the ideal solution for programmers seeking an easy-to-use, yet powerful and versatile Windows installation system. Version 6.7, the most robust and feature-rich version to date, boosts productivity and minimizes costs involved with software distribution.
This release contains fixes that are designed to correct known issues and to improve the overall functionality of SetupBuilder. We strongly recommend that all customers to upgrade to the latest version of SetupBuilder 6.7 as soon as possible to maintain the highest level of support, performance and reliability.
Change log for release of SetupBuilder 6.7 Build 2070 (December 05, 2007)
FEATURE : Add "Copy Registry Key..." script function to recursively copy the subkeys and values of a source subkey to a destination key. (Developer Edition only).
FEATURE : [SB#711271] Add "Put INI Value..." script function to set a single value for an INI file entry.
IMPROVEMENT: Installer: The "Register File Operation..." script function supports the following options now:
Queue existing .NET Assembly for COM Interop registration
COM Interop Register .NET Assembly immediately
Queue existing .NET Assembly for GAC registration
Register .NET Assembly into the GAC immediately
Queue existing .NET Assembly for Native Image creation
Create Native Image for .NET Assembly immediately
IMPROVEMENT: Add "Remove Blanks" option to the "Handle String Function" script function. This functions lets you remove white space from a string.
IMPROVEMENT: Add "Remove File Name" option to the "Set Variable..." script function.
IMPROVEMENT: Add improved algorithm to handle the If... Statements "Contains Letters In" and "Contains Not Letters In" options.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add improved algorithm to handle the #ifcompvar... compiler directives "Contains Letters In" and "Contains Not Letters In" options.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add improved algorithm to handle the #ifconst... compiler directives "Contains Letters In" and "Contains Not Letters In" options.
IMPROVEMENT: The "Search for File..." script function supports a "Search Depth" option now to specify how deeply into sub-folders the search should look.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add new "Open in Script Editor mode" checkbox option to the Script Editor.
IMPROVEMENT: Add "Unregister File Operation..." script function supports the following file unregistration operations now:
- Unregister OCXs/DLLs/EXEs/TLBs file immediately
- COM Interop Unregister .NET Assembly immediately
- Unregister .NET Assembly from the GAC immediately
- Remove Native Image for .NET Assembly immediately
FIX : [SB#711171] Installer: Possible Global Assembly Cache (GAC) registration issue on Windows XP Media Center (SP2) and on (very few) XP Professional Editions.
FIX : [SB#711131] Installer: Possible "Set Access Control..." script function issue when the installer was running under Windows Server 2003.
FIX : Installer: Possible "Set Access Control..." script function issue when the installer skipped execution of this function on Windows 95/98/Me.
FIX : Installer: Possible "Add/Remove Scheduled Task..." script function issue when the installer was running under Windows Server 2003.
FIX : [SB#711141] Installer: "Register as EXE" self-registration option was not working as expected.
FIX : Installer: "Unregister OCXs/DLLs..." script function was not working as expected for .EXE files.
FIX : Installer: "Register as TLB" self-registration option was not working as expected.
FIX : Installer: "Create File Association..." script function did not resolve runtime variables in the "Icon File" option.
FIX : Installer: Possible nested runtime variable definition issue.
FIX : Installer: "Create Service" function did not handle Dependencies properly.
FIX : [SB#711181] Installer: DPI adjustment issue when using a custom DPI setting and the installer displayed a Billboard.
FIX : Installer: "Create Native Image for .NET Assembly" registration option was not working as expected.
FIX : [SB#711281] IDE: "Handle Text File Operation..." script item did not support <Ctrl>+<Right-click> in entry fields to open the Variable List dialog.
FIX : [SB#711291] IDE: SetupBuilder changed the status of the "Show window contents while dragging" Windows Display option.
FIX : IDE: Minor fixes (especially PrintKey2000 "compatibility" issue).
CHANGE : IDE: Rename "Unregister OCXs/DLLs..." script function into "Unregister File Operation...".
CHANGE : IDE: The "SB_TYPE" built-in Script Editor symbol can detect the target installer type now.
#ifdef SB_TYPE Equals "$SB_MSI32$" Then
#msg "MSI compile..."
CHANGE : [SB#711121] IDE: "File | Save As" defaults to the location of the file that is being saved now.
CHANGE : IDE: When adding new Features, the "Visible" option is set by default (MSI requirement).
CHANGE : Updated Spanish (Traditional Sort) language file.
CHANGE : IDE: Add experimental SetupBuilder Windows Installer (.msi) compiler (SBMSI) for internal SB7 pre-release testing.
Lindersoft is pleased to announce the availability of SetupBuilder 6.7 for all customers who have an active SetupBuilder maintenance subscription plan.
SetupBuilder Installation System is the ideal solution for programmers seeking an easy-to-use, yet powerful and versatile Windows installation system. Version 6.7, the most robust and feature-rich version to date, boosts productivity and minimizes costs involved with software distribution.
This release contains fixes that are designed to correct known issues and to improve the overall functionality of SetupBuilder. We strongly recommend that all customers to upgrade to the latest version of SetupBuilder 6.7 as soon as possible to maintain the highest level of support, performance and reliability.
Change log for release of SetupBuilder 6.7 Build 2070 (December 05, 2007)
FEATURE : Add "Copy Registry Key..." script function to recursively copy the subkeys and values of a source subkey to a destination key. (Developer Edition only).
FEATURE : [SB#711271] Add "Put INI Value..." script function to set a single value for an INI file entry.
IMPROVEMENT: Installer: The "Register File Operation..." script function supports the following options now:
Queue existing .NET Assembly for COM Interop registration
COM Interop Register .NET Assembly immediately
Queue existing .NET Assembly for GAC registration
Register .NET Assembly into the GAC immediately
Queue existing .NET Assembly for Native Image creation
Create Native Image for .NET Assembly immediately
IMPROVEMENT: Add "Remove Blanks" option to the "Handle String Function" script function. This functions lets you remove white space from a string.
IMPROVEMENT: Add "Remove File Name" option to the "Set Variable..." script function.
IMPROVEMENT: Add improved algorithm to handle the If... Statements "Contains Letters In" and "Contains Not Letters In" options.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add improved algorithm to handle the #ifcompvar... compiler directives "Contains Letters In" and "Contains Not Letters In" options.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add improved algorithm to handle the #ifconst... compiler directives "Contains Letters In" and "Contains Not Letters In" options.
IMPROVEMENT: The "Search for File..." script function supports a "Search Depth" option now to specify how deeply into sub-folders the search should look.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add new "Open in Script Editor mode" checkbox option to the Script Editor.
IMPROVEMENT: Add "Unregister File Operation..." script function supports the following file unregistration operations now:
- Unregister OCXs/DLLs/EXEs/TLBs file immediately
- COM Interop Unregister .NET Assembly immediately
- Unregister .NET Assembly from the GAC immediately
- Remove Native Image for .NET Assembly immediately
FIX : [SB#711171] Installer: Possible Global Assembly Cache (GAC) registration issue on Windows XP Media Center (SP2) and on (very few) XP Professional Editions.
FIX : [SB#711131] Installer: Possible "Set Access Control..." script function issue when the installer was running under Windows Server 2003.
FIX : Installer: Possible "Set Access Control..." script function issue when the installer skipped execution of this function on Windows 95/98/Me.
FIX : Installer: Possible "Add/Remove Scheduled Task..." script function issue when the installer was running under Windows Server 2003.
FIX : [SB#711141] Installer: "Register as EXE" self-registration option was not working as expected.
FIX : Installer: "Unregister OCXs/DLLs..." script function was not working as expected for .EXE files.
FIX : Installer: "Register as TLB" self-registration option was not working as expected.
FIX : Installer: "Create File Association..." script function did not resolve runtime variables in the "Icon File" option.
FIX : Installer: Possible nested runtime variable definition issue.
FIX : Installer: "Create Service" function did not handle Dependencies properly.
FIX : [SB#711181] Installer: DPI adjustment issue when using a custom DPI setting and the installer displayed a Billboard.
FIX : Installer: "Create Native Image for .NET Assembly" registration option was not working as expected.
FIX : [SB#711281] IDE: "Handle Text File Operation..." script item did not support <Ctrl>+<Right-click> in entry fields to open the Variable List dialog.
FIX : [SB#711291] IDE: SetupBuilder changed the status of the "Show window contents while dragging" Windows Display option.
FIX : IDE: Minor fixes (especially PrintKey2000 "compatibility" issue).
CHANGE : IDE: Rename "Unregister OCXs/DLLs..." script function into "Unregister File Operation...".
CHANGE : IDE: The "SB_TYPE" built-in Script Editor symbol can detect the target installer type now.
#ifdef SB_TYPE Equals "$SB_MSI32$" Then
#msg "MSI compile..."
CHANGE : [SB#711121] IDE: "File | Save As" defaults to the location of the file that is being saved now.
CHANGE : IDE: When adding new Features, the "Visible" option is set by default (MSI requirement).
CHANGE : Updated Spanish (Traditional Sort) language file.
CHANGE : IDE: Add experimental SetupBuilder Windows Installer (.msi) compiler (SBMSI) for internal SB7 pre-release testing.
1. Added support of XML files as DESTINATION and as Source Raw Data as is export also
2. Added feature to Clone to TPS from any source Table - All the data contained in the source Table can be transferred after mappings are done
3. Added feature of editing the Structure of both Source and Destination Tables : You can even use this txt file to add it in your dictionary if need be (with a small modification)
4. Added an extra Tab (Assign Q) which opens up after Transfer is done showing all columns used and the respective values found for the last scanned record
5. Added DBF overred Field support : if a field placed over another one is larger then the 'root' field size is dynamically changed
6. Added for Basic - CSV files a parser to replace any illegal character in column names
7. Added for Basic - CSV files a process to adapt automatically to the biggest length of field found in the file (a one pass process)
8. Added feature that both Source and Destination tables are automatically cloned to TPS - this let's you access an empty TPS table as a copy of your tables
9. GROUPS with DATE & TIME fields are better visibly shown when found (icons) and all unusable (depending on driver) columns are placed at the bottom of the mapping list
10. GROUPS with DATE & TIME fields are now automatically prohibited from being used in ODBC driver destination mappings
11. When a KEY has ascending or descending defined an different icon will reflect it for better understanding
12. When during any non ODBC Transfer of Data, errors occur, they will be logged to a txt file which will popup automatically at the end of the process
13. If Opening or Reading a Source or Destination File is impossible an error message will popup and the process will be stopped
14. Added feature for empty passwords in ODBC connections
15. Corrected bug when not using a Port in ODBC connections
1. Added support of DBF files as SOURCE and DESTINATION (read the docs for detailed explanation regarding directories)
2. Added feature to SendTo XLS-CSV-PDF-HTML-DOC and email or FTP or print those generated files when in the DATA tab (source data only) or the Mapping tab
3. Added a fully automatic DAT 2 TPS cloning possibility : now you can select a DAT File and have the tool clone it for you to a non existent TPS Table with all keys
4. Added an extra process to find in Source and Destination mappings if any STRING(8) 's are there with a DATETIME GROUP over it (mapping prohibited of course on those)
5. Small bug fixes ...
Version released 7 Nov 2007
1. Added support of SQL Pervasive SQL files as SOURCE and DESTINATION
2. Bug fix in ODBC Connection record when Access or Excel where used
3. Bug fix in ODBC Connection when using the Test Button : now you can use this feature as many times as you wish
4. New Installer Vista UAC compliant :
5. Bug fix when dropping the activation file under Vista (executable path problem)
Version released 3 Nov 2007
1. Added support of SQL PostGreSQL files as SOURCE and DESTINATION
2. Bug fix in Exports when aggregate was used
3. Changed the numbering of columns when a DATETIME was found
Version released 2 Nov 2007
1. Added support of SQL Oracle files as SOURCE and DESTINATION
2. Bug fix in Exports ODBC / TPS / XLS (when ODBC and DATETIME as source then some fields were not transferred)
3. Opened up the mappings (drag & drop) : now you can map all fields together - "you" have to be careful
Version released 30 Oct 2007
1. Added support of SQL DB2 files as SOURCE and DESTINATION
2. Bug fix in ODBC SQL (Keys not being properly retrieved)
Version released 28 Oct 2007
1. Bug Fix in ODBC destination
Version released 25 Oct 2007
1. Added support of Clarion DAT files as SOURCE and DESTINATION
2. Added Registration at the same time of the Licence and the Maintenance Plan
3. Added Portuguese language in the IDE
Version released 20 Oct 2007
1. Added Spanish language
2. Added Skype support
3. Fixed bug in SV List boxes headers not being translated
4. Fixed bug in some Buttons and Action Message not being Translated
To come
Other SQL Table formats etc ...
TPS & SQL Update or Insert possibility
etc ...
under VISTA with UAC turned ON you HAVE to use this tool as ADMINISTRATOR (for ODBC connection reasons) and you HAVE to install under root directory (till we find a solution to a FM3 problem)
Codejock Software, a division of Codejock Technologies, LLC, is a leading provider of reusable software components which facilitate rapid Graphical User Interface application development using Microsoft Visual Studio development platforms. Codejock Software is committed to helping developers realize their goals by providing superior components, customer service and technical support.
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Lindersoft is pleased to announce the availability of SetupBuilder 6.6 Build
2040 for all customers who have an active SetupBuilder maintenance subscription
This release contains fixes that are designed to correct known issues and
to improve the overall functionality of SetupBuilder. We strongly recommend
that all customers to upgrade to the latest version of SetupBuilder 6.6 as soon
as possible to maintain the highest level of support, performance and reliability.
Change log for release of SetupBuilder 6.6 Build 2040 (November 5, 2007)
FEATURE : Add "#get ini..." Compiler Directive to retrieve
INI file information at compile-time. (Developer Edition only).
FEATURE : Add "#get registry..." Compiler Directive to retrieve
registry information at compile-time. (Developer Edition only).
IMPROVEMENT: [SB#710131] IDE: Add [SB_PROJECT_NAME] compiler variable
to retrieve the project (.sb6) file name.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add "SB_TYPE" built-in symbol to detect
the target operating system of the project.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Opening a project by double-clicking a .sb6 project
file updates the "Recent Projects" list now.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add "Java Version" option to the "Get
System Information..." script function. This option lets you retrieve
the currently installed Java version.
FIX : [SB#710161] Installer: Possible "Set Variable (Convert to
Long Filename)" issue when the specified file/path did not exist.
FIX : [SB#710162] Installer: During the file installation process the
file self-registration and shared DLL actions were logged even if the Uninstall
option was disabled.
FIX : [SB#710171] Uninstaller: The uninstaller did not detect shared
files when calling the "self-unregistration" function.
FIX : IDE: Under certain circumstances the "Define Wizard Dialog"
numbering sequence went out-of-sync.
FIX : [SB#710132] IDE: Compiler processed the "Release Distribution"
function (upload to FTP) in TEST run mode.
CHANGE : [SB#710251] IDE: Command line compiler converts short project
(.sb6) path names to long project path names.
CHANGE : Internal modifications to plug-in the SetupBuilder Windows
Installer (.msi) compiler (SBMSI) in a future version (SB7).
Lindersoft is pleased to announce the availability of SetupBuilder 6.6 Build 2040 for all customers who have an active SetupBuilder maintenance subscription plan.
This release contains fixes that are designed to correct known issues and to improve the overall functionality of SetupBuilder. We strongly recommend that all customers to upgrade to the latest version of SetupBuilder 6.6 as soon as possible to maintain the highest level of support, performance and reliability.
Change log for release of SetupBuilder 6.6 Build 2040 (November 5, 2007)
FEATURE : Add "#get ini..." Compiler Directive to retrieve INI file information at compile-time. (Developer Edition only).
FEATURE : Add "#get registry..." Compiler Directive to retrieve registry information at compile-time. (Developer Edition only).
IMPROVEMENT: [SB#710131] IDE: Add [SB_PROJECT_NAME] compiler variable to retrieve the project (.sb6) file name.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add "SB_TYPE" built-in symbol to detect the target operating system of the project.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Opening a project by double-clicking a .sb6 project file updates the "Recent Projects" list now.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add "Java Version" option to the "Get System Information..." script function. This option lets you retrieve the currently installed Java version.
FIX : [SB#710161] Installer: Possible "Set Variable (Convert to Long Filename)" issue when the specified file/path did not exist.
FIX : [SB#710162] Installer: During the file installation process the file self-registration and shared DLL actions were logged even if the Uninstall option was disabled.
FIX : [SB#710171] Uninstaller: The uninstaller did not detect shared files when calling the "self-unregistration" function.
FIX : IDE: Under certain circumstances the "Define Wizard Dialog" numbering sequence went out-of-sync.
FIX : [SB#710132] IDE: Compiler processed the "Release Distribution" function (upload to FTP) in TEST run mode.
CHANGE : [SB#710251] IDE: Command line compiler converts short project (.sb6) path names to long project path names.
CHANGE : Internal modifications to plug-in the SetupBuilder Windows Installer (.msi) compiler (SBMSI) in a future version (SB7).
Software Development Tools for Database, Reporting, and Forms Applications
Iron Speed makes software development tools for database application developers who need to build powerful, enterprise-class, Web applications in less time, and with fewer resources. The company’s flagship product, Iron Speed Designer, quickly creates about 80% of an application’s infrastructure programming, allowing developers to focus on the remaining 20% of the application logic that is unique. Iron Speed recognizes that developing Web applications is more complicated than traditional application development, and so provides software development tools for IT departments looking to take advantage of the flexibility and extensibility of Web-based applications.
With a product strategy built on decades of experience in enterprise application development and large-scale e-commerce systems, the Iron Speed team takes an innovative approach to solving mission critical application development challenges. Iron Speed products eliminate the need for developers to choose between "full featured" and "on schedule."
Iron Speed is well funded with a capital base of over $20M and strategic investors that include Arrow Electronics, Avnet, Inc., as well as executives from AMD, Excelan, Exodus, Jamcracker, Onsale, and Oracle.
Genie-Soft a Delaware incorporated company is a commercial developer of backup and security software solutions, it was established in 2001 by its owner and general manager Muayyad Shehadeh as a 2-man strong, home-based venture and has since grown into a full fledged software company, providing products that combine reliability, flexibility and ease of use for both individuals and organizations.
Lindersoft today announced the release and immediate availability of SetupBuilder 6.6 Build 2016, an update to its award-winning industry-leading solution for the latest generation of the most advanced and powerful script based installation technology.
We are committed to acting promptly on issues that matter most to our customers by delivering maintenance releases every 21 days. SetupBuilder 6.6 Build 2016 is primarily a maintenance release that fixes reported issues and provides small feature enhancements.
Lindersoft strongly recommends customers upgrade to the latest version of SetupBuilder 6.6 as soon as possible to maintain the highest level of support, performance and reliability.
If you have a current SetupBuilder Maintenance and Support Subscription Plan, the update is free of charge!
You can get the latest version by selecting "Check for Updates" from within the SetupBuilder 6 IDE.
You can get the latest documentation by selecting "Check for Documentation Updates" from within the SetupBuilder 6 IDE.
Change log for release of SetupBuilder 6.6 Build 2016 (October 12, 2007)
FEATURE: Add "Handle File Listing..." script function to retrieve and process a file directory listing.
FEATURE: Add "Refresh Desktop" script function to refresh the shell immediately.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add [SB_PROJECT_SCRIPT] compiler variable to retrieve the project (.sb6) file name.
FIX: [SB#709271] IDE: UAC bug under Vista and Windows 2008 Server. The "Redistributable Manager", "Check for Help Updates" and "Reference Manual" download features did not work when UAC was disabled
FIX: [SB#709281] Installer: Under certain circumstances, the installer did not automatically remove Support Files (temporary files).
FIX: [SB#709282] Installer: Possible "Clarion Environment Detection" radio button refresh problem when using "Refresh Next Dialog".
FIX: [SB#710041] IDE: The filter for DLLs in the #code-sign application..." compiler directive did not work.
FIX: IDE: The filter for DLLs in the #embed Vista manifest..." compiler directive did not work.
FIX: IDE: The filter for DLLs in the #get file information..." compiler directive did not work.
CHANGE: Installer: The "Move Folder Tree..." and "Move File(s)" script functions automatically remove read only attributes from files.
CHANGE: IDE: "Import .REG File" function to import a registry file displays extended process information.
CHANGE: Updated online help.
CHANGE: Updated PDF manual.
REGRESSION : Compiler: Setup Type / Features assignment problem.
Lindersoft today announced the release and immediate availability of SetupBuilder 6.6 Build 2016, an update to its award-winning industry-leading solution for the latest generation of the most advanced and powerful script based installation technology.
We are committed to acting promptly on issues that matter most to our customers by delivering maintenance releases every 21 days. SetupBuilder 6.6 Build 2016 is primarily a maintenance release that fixes reported issues and provides small feature enhancements.
Lindersoft strongly recommends customers upgrade to the latest version of SetupBuilder 6.6 as soon as possible to maintain the highest level of support, performance and reliability.
If you have a current SetupBuilder Maintenance and Support Subscription Plan, the update is free of charge!
You can get the latest version by selecting "Check for Updates" from within the SetupBuilder 6 IDE.
You can get the latest documentation by selecting "Check for Documentation Updates" from within the SetupBuilder 6 IDE.
Change log for release of SetupBuilder 6.6 Build 2016 (October 12, 2007)
FEATURE: Add "Handle File Listing..." script function to retrieve and process a file directory listing.
FEATURE: Add "Refresh Desktop" script function to refresh the shell immediately.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add [SB_PROJECT_SCRIPT] compiler variable to retrieve the project (.sb6) file name.
FIX: [SB#709271] IDE: UAC bug under Vista and Windows 2008 Server. The "Redistributable Manager", "Check for Help Updates" and "Reference Manual" download features did not work when UAC was disabled
FIX: [SB#709281] Installer: Under certain circumstances, the installer did not automatically remove Support Files (temporary files).
FIX: [SB#709282] Installer: Possible "Clarion Environment Detection" radio button refresh problem when using "Refresh Next Dialog".
FIX: [SB#710041] IDE: The filter for DLLs in the #code-sign application..." compiler directive did not work.
FIX: IDE: The filter for DLLs in the #embed Vista manifest..." compiler directive did not work.
FIX: IDE: The filter for DLLs in the #get file information..." compiler directive did not work.
CHANGE: Installer: The "Move Folder Tree..." and "Move File(s)" script functions automatically remove read only attributes from files.
CHANGE: IDE: "Import .REG File" function to import a registry file displays extended process information.
CHANGE: Updated online help.
CHANGE: Updated PDF manual.
REGRESSION : Compiler: Setup Type / Features assignment problem.
We are glad to announce the release of Help & Manual 4.4.0! This is a maintenance update. In addition to some internal tidying of the program code we have also corrected some issues that a small number of users reported and we have made some preparations for the switch to XML as the primary save format (this will not affect the way the program behaves now). See below for details.
Changes in version 4.4
PDF Export with multiple TOC references.
Multiple references from the table of contents (TOC) to the same topic with different anchors caused the topic to be printed multiple times in PDFs and printed manuals. These multiple references are now printed as one topic.
XML import from translation.
When importing XML, Help & Manual checks topic IDs for consistency and modifies them if necessary. This is designed for checking XML projects not generated by Help & Manual. However, in some circumstances function also changed IDs when re-importing translated projects. The XML import dialog box now has an option to specify whether the XML data was generated by Help & Manual (translation round-trip) or by an external source.
Check for upcoming file formats.
We are going to change the database format to uncompressed XML in the upcoming versions of Help & Manual. The single-file database will be supported as well. New file format checks were implemented to support the upcoming format. Help & Manual is yet not able to read uncompressed XML directly (use the import function instead), but will respond appropriately, if you attempt to open a new format. Multi-file-format checks have been implemented for .HMX and .MNL file types.
Problem fixes. HTML: Images with a caption on a single line are now exported with a <div> tag instead of a <p> tag. Small bug fix in Impict: A non-critical access violation occurred in some cases when closing maximized image windows.
We are glad to announce the release of Help & Manual 4.4.0! This is a maintenance update. In addition to some internal tidying of the program code we have also corrected some issues that a small number of users reported and we have made some preparations for the switch to XML as the primary save format (this will not affect the way the program behaves now). See below for details.
Changes in version 4.4
PDF Export with multiple TOC references.
Multiple references from the table of contents (TOC) to the same topic with different anchors caused the topic to be printed multiple times in PDFs and printed manuals. These multiple references are now printed as one topic.
XML import from translation.
When importing XML, Help & Manual checks topic IDs for consistency and modifies them if necessary. This is designed for checking XML projects not generated by Help & Manual. However, in some circumstances function also changed IDs when re-importing translated projects. The XML import dialog box now has an option to specify whether the XML data was generated by Help & Manual (translation round-trip) or by an external source.
Check for upcoming file formats.
We are going to change the database format to uncompressed XML in the upcoming versions of Help & Manual. The single-file database will be supported as well. New file format checks were implemented to support the upcoming format. Help & Manual is yet not able to read uncompressed XML directly (use the import function instead), but will respond appropriately, if you attempt to open a new format. Multi-file-format checks have been implemented for .HMX and .MNL file types.
Problem fixes. HTML: Images with a caption on a single line are now exported with a <div> tag instead of a <p> tag. Small bug fix in Impict: A non-critical access violation occurred in some cases when closing maximized image windows.
Streamlined recorder for swifter capture The streamlined Camtasia Recorder makes selecting an area to record both fast and easy. There's just one button, no confusing choices. And the clever, new crosshairs makes it child's play to select a region, object, window, or the whole screen.
SmartFocus: freedom to capture now, decide later Don't worry about the final product, just relax and record your whole screen. Camtasia SmartFocus keeps track of where the action happens during your recording. It automatically creates editable zoom-n-pan points that keep the important parts visible with razor-sharp clarity...even if you produce the video for iPod-sized screens. Fully automatic, very freeing. You've never seen anything like this.
ExpressShow: sleeker Flash, simpler sharing Kiss supporting files goodbye. TechSmith ExpressShow creates a single, beautiful Flash SWF file that can be easily embedded into any Web site, blog, or multimedia project. With a glossy thumbnail image, full-screen playback option, and floating table of contents, this is Flash video that makes you look good. Very good.
Predictable, surgically precise editing Camtasia Studio 5 projects are now edited at 30 frames per second. With more frames to choose from, it’s easier to cut—and keep—precisely what you want, and with greater project stability.
Easy output for bloggers Camtasia Studio 5 lets bloggers record and publish to, and blog about it in minutes. Or using the built-in FTP support, moving videos to your own server can be just as painless.
An experience you can count on Now with Project Settings and an accurate preview, you can edit your video and see exactly what it will look like before you produce it. And the new AutoSave protects your edits in the event of a crash.
Being founded on 20.02.2002 win.rar GmbH -the official publisher for RARLAB products- handles all support, marketing and sales related to WinRAR & since 01.04.2002.
It is our goal to establish RAR as the standard compression tool making expert knowledge available for everyday use. We work on making RAR known to every computer user and further extending the user base. We are dedicated to offering quality support to our customers and to constantly improving our software according to customer needs.
It is our vision to:
have RAR pre-installed on every rewritable storage device
have extensive coverage of RAR in online and printed press
have RAR available in every written language
have a RAR sales representative in every country
unify our international sales efforts
always stay the most innovative compression software
make sure every user is able to use our software easily and intuitively
keep RAR the dominantly used standard in file-sharing networks
have as many .rar files for downloads in the Internet as possible
Archive names in rar.log error log file always include the full path.
WinRAR tray icon is compatible with high DPI display modes.
If you modified a file in archive with encrypted names using an external editor, WinRAR will not ask for archive password again when prompting to update a file. It will use a password which you entered when opening an archive,
Bugs fixed:
a) switch -tl and "Set archive time to latest file time" option could fail in previous version. Sometimes they set archive time to current system time instead of latest file time;
b) if -ag switch mask contained archive number, month and minute characters, WinRAR placed 'I' character instead of minute value into generated archive name for archive numbers exceeding 1;
c) high ASCII names in ISO files using ISO 9660 format without Joliet format extension were displayed incorrectly;
d) WinRAR could crash when decompressing some of corrupt RAR archives;
e) if "Turn PC off when done" option was set in "Convert archives" command, WinRAR turned PC off after converting the first archive in selected group instead of after converting the entire group;
f) if user specified a non-existent destination path in SFX archive in Vista, SFX could enter into infinite "create new SFX window" loop;
g) WinRAR could fail to unpack an individual file from subfolder of ACE archive using the drag and drop.
September 26, 2007 - Lindersoft, a global leader in the development of installation software for Windows applications, today announced the release and immediate availability of SetupBuilder 6.6 Build 2000, an update to its award-winning industry-leading solution for the latest generation of the most advanced and powerful script based installation technology.
SetupBuilder is an installation authoring system that creates professional setup programs in hours, instead of days. Whether developers need a simple setup or a complex, fully customized installation, SetupBuilder provides the perfect combination of power, ease of use, and versatility. It offers developers and systems administrators a portfolio of advanced installation products with a full range of capabilities and features, spanning from simple setups to complex, fully customized installations.
Looking to target Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008? We've got you covered! We are committed to providing you with support for the latest advancements in installation, deployment and operating system technology!
Lindersoft strongly recommends customers upgrade to the latest version of SetupBuilder 6.6 as soon as possible to maintain the highest level of support, performance and reliability.
If you have a current SetupBuilder Maintenance and Support Subscription Plan, the update is free of charge!
You can get the latest version by selecting "Check for Updates" from within the SetupBuilder 6 IDE.
You can get the latest documentation by selecting "Check for Documentation Updates" from within the SetupBuilder 6 IDE.
Change log for release of SetupBuilder 6.6 Build 2000 (September 26, 2007)
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add "Current Settings List starts on the first line" option to the "Ready to Install" dialog properties.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add "Verify Trust (Code-sign)" option to the "#get file information..." compiler directive. This option lets you retrieve the code-sign status of files.
IMPROVEMENT: Installer: Add "Verify Trust (Code-sign)" option to the "Get File Information..." script function. This option lets you retrieve the code-sign status of files.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add "Skip if file is already code-signed" option to the "#code-sign application..." compiler directive.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add "Timed Message Box" option to the "#msgbox..." compiler directive.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add "Skip if file is already manifested" option to the "#embed Vista manifest..." compiler directive.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add "Installer Elevation Type" option to the "Get System Information..." script function. This option lets you determine whether a User is a Member of the Administrators Group with UAC Enabled on Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: The "Redistributable Manager" and "Check for Help Updates" functions require administrator execution level privileges under Vista and Windows Server 2008. The IDE can detect now if it is running non-elevated.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: The "#get file information..." compiler directive supports constants and compiler variables as File Name parameter.
IMPROVEMENT: Add support for .NET Framework 3.5 detection.
IMPROVEMENT: Installer: The "Run Program..." ShellExecuteEx option in combination with "Wait for Program" holds the application return code in the %_SB_ERRORCODE% now.
IMPROVEMENT: [SB#701091] IDE: Add Ctrl-A Hot key to the "Files and Folders" Visualizer to select all files in the upper and lower right file lists.
FIX : [SB#708141] IDE: In the "Get Registry Key Value..." script item the Ctrl-Right click was not enabled in the "Registry Key" and "Value Name" entries.
FIX : [SB#708142] IDE: Moving Features up/down in the Features Visualizer did not refresh the "Files and Folders" Visualizer (it still displayed the previous Features order).
FIX : [SB#708151] IDE: Comment modifications in Dialog Properties did not update the comment text on the "Dialog Visualizer" until you went to another screen and came back.
FIX : [SB#708171] Compiler: In the Releases feature, the compiler was unable to resolve compiler variables for the Output Directory ([OUTPUTDIR]).
FIX : [SB#708211] Compiler: The "Readme" and "License Agreement" Dialogs did not allow "hard coded" local:// paths.
FIX : [SB#708231] Debugger: The %_SB_ERRORCODE% variable value in the Variables list never got updated.
FIX : [SB#708232] Installer: Under certain circumstances, a successful call to the "Get File Information" script function did not reset the %_SB_ERRORCODE% variable.
FIX : [SB#708251] Installer: Setting the %_SB_ERRORCODE% programmatically to zero caused a crash.
FIX : "Add RegistryRun Entry..." item could not be deleted from within the Script Editor.
FIX : "Delete ODBC Data Source..." item could not be deleted from within the Script Editor.
FIX : "Delete ODBC Driver..." item could not be deleted from within the Script Editor.
FIX : [SB#709061] IDE: If a command line compile set the [OUTPUTDIR] and/or [EXENAME] compiler variable values, the compiler reset the values.
FIX : [SB#709111] IDE: The compiler did not handle Command, Arguments and Icon File items for the "Create File Association..." script function.
FIX : Installer: Possible "Radio Boxes Dialog" and "Check Boxes Dialog" refresh problem when using "Refresh Next Dialog".
FIX : Installer: Possible "Handle String Function..." script function problem.
CHANGE : Installer: The installer put double-quotes around the File Extension open command string item.
CHANGE : IDE: "#get file information..." compiler directive returns -1 if a file does not exist.
CHANGE : IDE: The "#embed Vista manifest..." compiler directive stops with an error if the application in which to embed a Vista-aware manifest already included a manifest.
CHANGE : IDE: "Save As..." dialog displays the current project file name in the File Name field.
CHANGE : IDE: The default zip folder for "Tools | Create Zip Archive..." is the My Documents folder now.
CHANGE : [SB#709231] IDE: Changed "Path Name" text to "File Name" in the "Get INI Value..." script function. Add a file browsers to the "File Name" field.
CHANGE : Add nsi.dll, normaliz.dll and iertutil.dll to the sbscan.ini "exclude" file.
CHANGE : All code-signed SetupBuilder application files are signed with a new Comodo certificate now, valid until 09/2010.
CHANGE : Updated wupdate.exe (including wupdate.sb6) web update client.
September 26, 2007 - Lindersoft, a global leader in the development
of installation software for Windows applications, today announced the
release and immediate availability of SetupBuilder 6.6 Build 2000, an update
to its award-winning industry-leading solution for the latest generation of
the most advanced and powerful script based installation
SetupBuilder is an installation authoring system that creates
professional setup programs in hours, instead of days. Whether developers
need a simple setup or a complex, fully customized installation, SetupBuilder
provides the perfect combination of power, ease of use, and versatility. It
offers developers and systems administrators a portfolio of advanced
installation products with a full range of capabilities and features,
spanning from simple setups to complex, fully customized
Looking to target Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008?
We've got you covered! We are committed to providing you with support for the
latest advancements in installation, deployment and operating system
Lindersoft strongly recommends customers upgrade to the
latest version of SetupBuilder 6.6 as soon as possible to maintain the
highest level of support, performance and reliability.
If you have a
current SetupBuilder Maintenance and Support Subscription Plan, the update is
free of charge!
You can get the latest version by selecting "Check for
Updates" from within the SetupBuilder 6 IDE.
You can get the latest
documentation by selecting "Check for Documentation Updates" from within the
SetupBuilder 6 IDE.
log for release of SetupBuilder 6.6 Build 2000 (September 26,
IDE: Add "Current Settings List starts on the first line" option
to the "Ready to Install" dialog properties.
"Verify Trust (Code-sign)" option to the "#get file
information..." compiler directive. This option lets you
retrieve the code-sign status of files.
IMPROVEMENT: Installer: Add
"Verify Trust (Code-sign)" option to the "Get File
Information..." script function. This option lets you retrieve
the code-sign status of files.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add "Skip if file is
already code-signed" option to the "#code-sign application..."
compiler directive.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add "Timed Message Box" option to
the "#msgbox..." compiler directive.
Add "Skip if file is already manifested" option to the "#embed
Vista manifest..." compiler directive.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add "Installer
Elevation Type" option to the "Get System Information..." script
function. This option lets you determine whether a User is a
Member of the Administrators Group with UAC Enabled on Windows
Vista and Windows Server 2008.
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: The "Redistributable
Manager" and "Check for Help Updates" functions require
administrator execution level privileges under Vista and Windows
Server 2008. The IDE can detect now if it is running
IMPROVEMENT: IDE: The "#get file information..." compiler
directive supports constants and compiler variables as File Name
IMPROVEMENT: Add support for .NET Framework 3.5
IMPROVEMENT: Installer: The "Run Program..." ShellExecuteEx
option in combination with "Wait for Program" holds the
application return code in the %_SB_ERRORCODE%
IMPROVEMENT: [SB#701091] IDE: Add Ctrl-A Hot key to the "Files and
Folders" Visualizer to select all files in the upper and lower
right file lists.
FIX : [SB#708141] IDE: In the
"Get Registry Key Value..." script item the Ctrl-Right click was
not enabled in the "Registry Key" and "Value Name"
FIX : [SB#708142] IDE: Moving Features up/down in the
Features Visualizer did not refresh the "Files and Folders"
Visualizer (it still displayed the previous Features
FIX : [SB#708151] IDE: Comment modifications in Dialog
Properties did not update the comment text on the "Dialog
Visualizer" until you went to another screen and came
FIX : [SB#708171] Compiler: In the Releases feature, the
compiler was unable to resolve compiler variables for the
Output Directory ([OUTPUTDIR]).
FIX : [SB#708211]
Compiler: The "Readme" and "License Agreement" Dialogs did not
allow "hard coded" local:// paths.
FIX : [SB#708231] Debugger: The
%_SB_ERRORCODE% variable value in the Variables list never got
FIX : [SB#708232] Installer: Under certain circumstances,
a successful call to the "Get File Information" script
function did not reset the %_SB_ERRORCODE%
FIX : [SB#708251] Installer: Setting the
%_SB_ERRORCODE% programmatically to zero caused a
FIX : "Add RegistryRun Entry..." item could not be deleted
from within the Script Editor.
FIX : "Delete ODBC
Data Source..." item could not be deleted from within the Script
FIX : "Delete ODBC Driver..." item could not be deleted
from within the Script Editor.
FIX : [SB#709061]
IDE: If a command line compile set the [OUTPUTDIR] and/or
[EXENAME] compiler variable values, the compiler reset the
FIX : [SB#709111] IDE: The compiler did not handle
Command, Arguments and Icon File items for the "Create File
Association..." script function.
FIX : Installer:
Possible "Radio Boxes Dialog" and "Check Boxes Dialog" refresh
problem when using "Refresh Next Dialog".
FIX : Installer:
Possible "Handle String Function..." script function
CHANGE : Installer: The installer put double-quotes around
the File Extension open command string item.
IDE: "#get file information..." compiler directive returns -1 if
a file does not exist.
CHANGE : IDE: The "#embed Vista manifest..."
compiler directive stops with an error if the application in
which to embed a Vista-aware manifest already included a
CHANGE : IDE: "Save As..." dialog displays the current
project file name in the File Name field.
IDE: The default zip folder for "Tools | Create Zip Archive..."
is the My Documents folder now.
CHANGE : [SB#709231] IDE: Changed
"Path Name" text to "File Name" in the "Get INI Value..." script
function. Add a file browsers to the "File Name"
CHANGE : Add nsi.dll, normaliz.dll and iertutil.dll to the
sbscan.ini "exclude" file.
CHANGE : All code-signed
SetupBuilder application files are signed with a new Comodo
certificate now, valid until 09/2010.
CHANGE : Updated wupdate.exe
(including wupdate.sb6) web update client.
We are glad to announce the release of Help & Manual 4.32! This is primarily a maintenance update to correct some issues that a few users have reported.
Changes in version 4.32
JavaScript error in MS Internet Explorer 7
A recent Windows update made Internet Explorer 7 start reporting a spurious JavaScript error when the script for auto-collapsing the Table of Contents in Browser-based Help was executed.
Improved font embedding in PDF for Adobe Type 1 fonts
Embedding of Type 1 fonts such as Frutiger did not work in the latest update of the PDF engine used in Help & Manual. This has been corrected in collaboration with the PDF engine programmers.
Sorting of non-alpha characters in PDF index
Sorting of index keywords starting with non-alpha characters like "-" has been improved for PDF export. The headings for entries starting with such characters now also use the first alpha character instead of the non-alpha character.
Spurious PDF page breaks triggered by paragraph settings
In some circumstances spurious page breaks would be inserted in PDF documents if the first paragraph in a topic was set to "Keep lines together".
PDF printing with topics containing more than 100 pages
When printing PDF documents with topics containing more than 100 pages a warning message is displayed. This message now includes a Cancel button enabling you to abort the print job to save paper.
Incorrect deletion of empty lines after embedded topics
In some circumstances empty lines/paragraphs following an embedded topic would be deleted incorrectly, leaving no space between the embedded topic and the following paragraph.
White space between paragraph background and border in PDF
In PDF output paragraphs with both background colors and borders with an offset from the text had additional white space between the background and the border. This was another issue associated with the updated PDF engine.
Errors in table cells spanning more than one row
When table cells spanned more than one row vertically the cell borders in the next row were not painted correctly. This was an issue associated with the recent update enabling page breaks inside cells/rows in PDF output.
Inline text toggles not expanded in print and PDF output
Inline text toggles (text that expands within a paragraph when the user clicks the toggle link) was not expanded for print and PDF output when Print Expanded was activated.
<IFNOT_TOGGLES> condition implemented for HTML export
A new <IFNOT_TOGGLES> condition has been implemented for HTML export as a complement to the existing <IF_TOGGLES> condition. These conditions allow you to include or exclude content in your HTML templates depending on whether or not the current topic contains toggles.
We are glad to announce the release of Help & Manual 4.32! This is primarily a maintenance update to correct some issues that a few users have reported.
Changes in version 4.32
JavaScript error in MS Internet Explorer 7
A recent Windows update made Internet Explorer 7 start reporting a spurious JavaScript error when the script for auto-collapsing the Table of Contents in Browser-based Help was executed.
Improved font embedding in PDF for Adobe Type 1 fonts
Embedding of Type 1 fonts such as Frutiger did not work in the latest update of the PDF engine used in Help & Manual. This has been corrected in collaboration with the PDF engine programmers.
Sorting of non-alpha characters in PDF index
Sorting of index keywords starting with non-alpha characters like "-" has been improved for PDF export. The headings for entries starting with such characters now also use the first alpha character instead of the non-alpha character.
Spurious PDF page breaks triggered by paragraph settings
In some circumstances spurious page breaks would be inserted in PDF documents if the first paragraph in a topic was set to "Keep lines together".
PDF printing with topics containing more than 100 pages
When printing PDF documents with topics containing more than 100 pages a warning message is displayed. This message now includes a Cancel button enabling you to abort the print job to save paper.
Incorrect deletion of empty lines after embedded topics
In some circumstances empty lines/paragraphs following an embedded topic would be deleted incorrectly, leaving no space between the embedded topic and the following paragraph.
White space between paragraph background and border in PDF
In PDF output paragraphs with both background colors and borders with an offset from the text had additional white space between the background and the border. This was another issue associated with the updated PDF engine.
Errors in table cells spanning more than one row
When table cells spanned more than one row vertically the cell borders in the next row were not painted correctly. This was an issue associated with the recent update enabling page breaks inside cells/rows in PDF output.
Inline text toggles not expanded in print and PDF output
Inline text toggles (text that expands within a paragraph when the user clicks the toggle link) was not expanded for print and PDF output when Print Expanded was activated.
<IFNOT_TOGGLES> condition implemented for HTML export
A new <IFNOT_TOGGLES> condition has been implemented for HTML export as a complement to the existing <IF_TOGGLES> condition. These conditions allow you to include or exclude content in your HTML templates depending on whether or not the current topic contains toggles.
We will be on vacation from July 20 to July 28, and will be unavailable to answer your calls or emails.
During this time, our online store will remain open and you are welcome to place orders. Orders for new licenses will be processed immediately. Unfortunately, we will not be able to handle upgrade orders, subscription extension orders until our return.
This is to announce our 10% Special Discount Offer that we are making on all orders for the following items for the months of July and August only: New Licences for SnagIt and Camtasia Studio 4.
This is to announce our 10% Special Discount Offer that we are making on all orders for the following items for the months of July and August only: New Licences for Help&Manual and TNT Screen Capture 2.
TechSmith was founded in 1987 by William Hamilton, who remains the company’s president today. TechSmith initially developed custom software for Windows, to be used in various commercial applications.
In 1991, the company responded to a market demand for screen capture tools by launching its first independent product, SnagIt®. SnagIt quickly became a word-of-mouth wonder, and its use for screen capture and editing spread rapidly. Today, there are more than 7 million SnagIt users worldwide.
The lessons TechSmith learned from SnagIt’s video capture feature inspired the development of Camtasia, TechSmith’s screen video recording tool, which was released in 1999. At that time, the demand for video capture was growing, even though hardware and software had not matured enough to fully handle it yet. A critical part of Camtasia’s success was the TechSmith Screen Capture Codec (TSCC), which provides lossless compression of screen content. Nothing could rival Camtasia’s video quality and capture performance.
Camtasia went through two major releases before being renamed Camtasia Studio in October of 2002. The product changed significantly to merit a new name and new launch. Camtasia Studio’s suite of tools included Recorder, Producer (which eventually became the editor) and Player. Newer applications like MenuMaker and Effects were added later to round out the product, and a launch pad application was created as a front end to all of the new functionality.
Over time, TechSmith has kept pace with new technologies and shifts in the competitive landscape. Our commitment to staying abreast of the current trends allows us to continue developing innovative software and Web-based solutions for our customers.
This is a follow-up to the recent release of Help & Manual 4.31. Build 1229 fixes a small bug which occurred in the print function and during the PDF export. In very rare cases and in combination with tables split across pages, Help & Manual generated an access violation, which stopped the print function or PDF export. We recommend to download this update!
This is a follow-up to the recent release of Help & Manual 4.31. Build 1229 fixes a small bug which occurred in the print function and during the PDF export. In very rare cases and in combination with tables split across pages, Help & Manual generated an access violation, which stopped the print function or PDF export. We recommend to download this update!
Make this your most productive summer with super summer deals at EMS, only in July. Choose from our software products and save 20%. Summer Sale is starting off at EMS on July 1 and will run till July 31. Hope you will enjoy working with our software!
Lindersoft today announced the immediate availability of SetupBuilder 6.5 Build 1911, a maintenance release for the latest generation of the most advanced and powerful script based installation technology.
Lindersoft strongly recommends customers upgrade to the latest version of SetupBuilder 6.5 as soon as possible to maintain the highest level of support, performance and reliability.
If you have a current SetupBuilder Maintenance and Support Subscription Plan, the update is free of charge!
You can get the latest version by selecting "Check for Updates" from within the SetupBuilder 6.5 IDE.
You can get the latest documentation by selecting "Check for Documentation Updates" from within the SetupBuilder 6.5 IDE.
Change log for release of SetupBuilder 6.5 Build 1911 (June 29, 2007)
FEATURE : Add #get file information..." Compiler Directive to retrieve file information at compile-time. (Developer Edition only).
FIX : [KB0706131] Possible "UNC From Network Drive Letter" problem in the "Get System Information" script item. When trying to get the UNC path from a drive letter, the function returns zero.
FIX : [SB#706221] Possible Wizard Dialog problem on Vista Ultimate. Under certain circumstances the installer GPFed. See previous reference number SB#705221.
FIX : [SB#706231] If installer code-signing was enabled, Windows did not see the uninstall signature if the setup.exe file size was > 15 MB.
FIX : [SB#705191] The "Disable Rollback after Failed Installation" option was not working as expected.
FIX : [SB#705211] The Executable Name in a Releases did not update the [EXENAME] compiler variable.
FIX : Potential installer command line problem.
FIX : Various minor fixes in the IDE.
CHANGE : Renamed "Copy Local File(s)" script function into "Copy File(s).
CHANGE : Renamed "Delete Local File(s)" script function into "Delete File(s).
CHANGE : Renamed "Move Local File(s)" script function into "Move File(s).
CHANGE : Updated wupdate.exe (including wupdate.sb6) web update client.
CHANGE : Updated online help.
CHANGE : Updated PDF manual.
Lindersoft today announced the immediate availability of SetupBuilder 6.5 Build 1911, a maintenance release for the latest generation of the most advanced and powerful script based installation technology.
Lindersoft strongly recommends customers upgrade to the latest version of SetupBuilder 6.5 as soon as possible to maintain the highest level of support, performance and reliability.
If you have a current SetupBuilder Maintenance and Support Subscription Plan, the update is free of charge!
You can get the latest version by selecting "Check for Updates" from within the SetupBuilder 6.5 IDE.
You can get the latest documentation by selecting "Check for Documentation Updates" from within the SetupBuilder 6.5 IDE.
Change log for release of SetupBuilder 6.5 Build 1911 (June 29, 2007)
FEATURE : Add #get file information..." Compiler Directive to retrieve file information at compile-time. (Developer Edition only).
FIX : [KB0706131] Possible "UNC From Network Drive Letter" problem in the "Get System Information" script item. When trying to get the UNC path from a drive letter, the function returns zero.
FIX : [SB#706221] Possible Wizard Dialog problem on Vista Ultimate. Under certain circumstances the installer GPFed. See previous reference number SB#705221.
FIX : [SB#706231] If installer code-signing was enabled, Windows did not see the uninstall signature if the setup.exe file size was > 15 MB.
FIX : [SB#705191] The "Disable Rollback after Failed Installation" option was not working as expected.
FIX : [SB#705211] The Executable Name in a Releases did not update the [EXENAME] compiler variable.
FIX : Potential installer command line problem.
FIX : Various minor fixes in the IDE.
CHANGE : Renamed "Copy Local File(s)" script function into "Copy File(s).
CHANGE : Renamed "Delete Local File(s)" script function into "Delete File(s).
CHANGE : Renamed "Move Local File(s)" script function into "Move File(s).
CHANGE : Updated wupdate.exe (including wupdate.sb6) web update client.
CHANGE : Updated online help.
CHANGE : Updated PDF manual.
New in this version: This is new advanced version!
We rewrote xDataBackup Manager Lite and now it is without "BlackBox" (without DLL).
Only pure Clarion Code. And now you can use it with all versions of Clarion without
any problem;
xDataBackup Manager Lite now using standard TRN file for localization;
Modification in Template for setting xDataBackup Manager items in frame menu.
You can set/change font, color, hight, width, offset etc;
You can assign HotKeys for xDataBackup Manager items in frame menu.
xDataBackup Manager Lite now compatible with PowerXP-Theme 2.
And now all windows of Backup Manager look as well as other windows of your program;
New set of icons used in window of xDataBackup Manager Lite;
Some small bugs were fixed;
Compatible with Clarion 6.x (6.3, 6.2, 6.1) and Clarion 5.5;
New documentation;
New installation kits prepared with SetupBuilder 6.5;
Updated Demonstration programs and Installation Kit for Clarion 6.x and Clarion 5.5 are available.
You can download it from here.
Updated documentation is ready. The most changes will touch using of these two versions of xDataBackup Manager Lite
(an old version - with DLL and a new version - with Source Code only) in your application.
xDataBackup Manager Lite has the new price now. The price is $99.
We are glad to announce the release of Help & Manual 4.31! Outwardly, this is a very minor update with just a few visible changes. However, we have corrected a number of issues that individual users have reported to us for specific configurations and situations, some of them very rare. And there are also a number of changes and improvements that we are sure many users will welcome.
Tables now allow page breaks inside rows
Updated PDF engine with improved font embedding
New options for HTML Help TOCs
Improved CHM import and export for Asian and other languages
We are glad to announce the release of Help & Manual 4.31! Outwardly, this is a very minor update with just a few visible changes. However, we have corrected a number of issues that individual users have reported to us for specific configurations and situations, some of them very rare. And there are also a number of changes and improvements that we are sure many users will welcome.
Tables now allow page breaks inside rows
Updated PDF engine with improved font embedding
New options for HTML Help TOCs
Improved CHM import and export for Asian and other languages
Anniversary price-cutting and discounts on ALL products!
Ingasoftplus celebrates the 6th anniversary of its professional activity and presents festive prices and discounts to its customers!
As a token of appreciation to our customers for their confidence in our products and their preference in choosing them, Ingasoftplus announces the cutting of prices and a 15% discount on all products for the whole period of June 2007!
EMS /Electronic Microsystems/ is an Information Technology Company, one of its activity fields is software development. EMS was founded in 1993 and initially was specializing in the development of network applications, corporate databases and business automation tools built in multi-layer client-server architecture.
Since 1999, EMS has concentrated on producing database administration tools and utility applications for data management. The R&D center of EMS is headquartered in Chelyabinsk, Russia. EMS also has USA headquarters in New York, UK headquarters in Oxford, and German headquarters in Stuttgart.
After years of work, we are still a fast growing company and we continue our evolution. We are planning to earn a bigger part of the database tools market and increase the number of SQL servers involved and products developed. We hope that all of our customers and partners are satisfied with the quality of our products and services. Join us, and you will appreciate the high quality of our software!
Our Innovations
During its lifetime EMS has brought many innovations to the database management market, often setting the world standard for DBA tools. By incorporating unique features, EMS tries to give developers the opportunity to create and administer their applications in the most effective way. We are successful in this because all our specialists are highly professional and experienced software developers and database administrators themselves. Most of our programmers have over 10 years of field experience and hold industry certifications. EMS development team knows how to turn the customer requirements into winning products that meet real business needs. Our products always provide the state-of-the-art technology in an easy-to-use environment at an affordable price and help databases professionals to complete tasks more easily, efficiently and with better results. We strive to deliver exceptional quality and value to our clients, helping them to succeed in their development initiatives.
Lindersoft today announced the immediate availability of SetupBuilder 6.5 Build 1876, a maintenance release for the latest generation of the most advanced and powerful script based installation technology.
We're ready for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, are you?
Looking to target Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008? We've got you covered! We are committed to providing you with support for the latest advancements in installation, deployment and operating system technology!
Lindersoft strongly recommends customers upgrade to the latest version of SetupBuilder 6.5 as soon as possible to maintain the highest level of support, performance and reliability.
If you have a current SetupBuilder Maintenance and Support Subscription Plan, the update is free of charge!
You can get the latest version by selecting "Check for Updates" from within the SetupBuilder 6.5 IDE.
Change log for release of SetupBuilder 6.5 Build 1876 (May 25, 2007) Features/Improvements/Fixes/Workarounds/Changes/Notes/Runtimes:
IMPROVEMENT: New pre-defined [SB_RELEASEID] compiler variable. This holds the currently active Release ID (can be used in #ifcompvar).
IMPROVEMENT: Compiler report window displays additional process information.
FIX : [SB#705101] Possible "disabled registry key root" problem in the "Set Access Control" script item.
FIX : [SB#705141] File Properties - Patch Tab - Previous File Versions list did not allow compiler variables.
FIX : [SB#705221] Possible installer memory deallocation problem on double-byte Vista machines (e.g. Japanese, etc.).
FIX : [SB#705222] Possible "Output Directory" problem when compiling a Release.
FIX : [SB#705251] If "Enable Installer Integrity Check" is checked and the compiler generates the patch for the uninstaller code signing process, an invalid code-signature is generated (at run-time).
CHANGE : Rename all Windows "Longhorn" references to "Windows Server 2008".
CHANGE : If a call to "Get System Information (UNC From Network Drive Letter) fails, the %_SB_ERRORCODE% variable provides additional error code information from the WNetGetConnection Windows API.
CHANGE : Internal (plug-in interface) modifications to support RegKISS.
CHANGE : Minor cosmetic IDE modifications.
CHANGE : Recompiled wupdate.exe web update client.
CHANGE : Recompiled with Clarion 6.3 (9056).
Lindersoft today announced the immediate availability of SetupBuilder 6.5 Build 1876, a maintenance release for the latest generation of the most advanced and powerful script based installation technology.
We're ready for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, are you?
Looking to target Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008? We've got you covered! We are committed to providing you with support for the latest advancements in installation, deployment and operating system technology!
Lindersoft strongly recommends customers upgrade to the latest version of SetupBuilder 6.5 as soon as possible to maintain the highest level of support, performance and reliability.
If you have a current SetupBuilder Maintenance and Support Subscription Plan, the update is free of charge!
You can get the latest version by selecting "Check for Updates" from within the SetupBuilder 6.5 IDE.
Change log for release of SetupBuilder 6.5 Build 1876 (May 25, 2007) Features/Improvements/Fixes/Workarounds/Changes/Notes/Runtimes:
IMPROVEMENT: New pre-defined [SB_RELEASEID] compiler variable. This holds the currently active Release ID (can be used in #ifcompvar).
IMPROVEMENT: Compiler report window displays additional process information.
FIX : [SB#705101] Possible "disabled registry key root" problem in the "Set Access Control" script item.
FIX : [SB#705141] File Properties - Patch Tab - Previous File Versions list did not allow compiler variables.
FIX : [SB#705221] Possible installer memory deallocation problem on double-byte Vista machines (e.g. Japanese, etc.).
FIX : [SB#705222] Possible "Output Directory" problem when compiling a Release.
FIX : [SB#705251] If "Enable Installer Integrity Check" is checked and the compiler generates the patch for the uninstaller code signing process, an invalid code-signature is generated (at run-time).
CHANGE : Rename all Windows "Longhorn" references to "Windows Server 2008".
CHANGE : If a call to "Get System Information (UNC From Network Drive Letter) fails, the %_SB_ERRORCODE% variable provides additional error code information from the WNetGetConnection Windows API.
CHANGE : Internal (plug-in interface) modifications to support RegKISS.
CHANGE : Minor cosmetic IDE modifications.
CHANGE : Recompiled wupdate.exe web update client.
CHANGE : Recompiled with Clarion 6.3 (9056).
Lindersoft is a privately held widely-recognized global provider of installation authoring and software configuration management solutions. Every day, millions of computers all over the world run software that was built or installed using Lindersoft's products. The company's client roster includes one-third of the Fortune Global 500. We have formed OEM relationships with software development firms around the world.
Thousands of developers have switched to installation tools from Lindersoft for their functionality and ease of use. They trust SetupBuilder to distribute their software to millions of customers and clients around the world.
Software installations are too critical to your business to be put at risk. Deploying any kind of software application is one of the most complex tasks you face as a developer. SetupBuilder offers the full set of the features you need to quickly build bulletproof setups and updates.
Our growing customer list includes industry leading aerospace, commercial banking, defense, entertainment, federal government, financial services, health care, high technology, insurance, pharmaceuticals, retail, securities, and telecommunications corporations.
We are constantly at work creating breakthrough technologies which help power our diverse lines of software products. From our earliest endeavors to our current and future innovations, Lindersoft's commitment to our customers' needs places us well above a sometimes crowded field of competitors.
Our high-performance tools and excellent service guarantee the success of your projects. Your success is our success. We believe that application development is an on-going process, that requires an active partnership between corporate developers and their tools providers. Our customers are encouraged to participate in the quality process by providing feedback and suggestions. This feedback is crucial for enhancing the quality process and measuring its effectiveness.
With our high-energy, success-oriented work environment and innovative technology we are poised for continued success.
Customer service is our focus. Our experience has taught us this is the only way to build a business.
EC Software was originally founded in 1993 and went a long way from the initial small one-man shop for point-of-sale software to the documentation tools specialist, that it is today. In 1997 we changed our business focus on documentation software and development tools and introduced to the market: Help & Manual.
Ashampoo is one of the leading Internet-based companies worldwide in the field of software development, sales and web portal sites, with more than 4,5 million registered customers and over 44 million program installations.
Great discounts from Ingasoftplus! We're offering discounts on all our products to mark the opening of e-shop. 20.00 % relative discount! April 25, 2007 - May 31, 2007
New methods
-InsertDataSource (EasyWriter) - inserts a new datasource into Writer.
-SetParam (EasyCalc and EasyWriter) - sets the pairs "parameter" - "value" to the different EasyOpenOffice methods.
-InsertDBField (EasyWriter) - inserts a database field into a current cursor position.
-MailMerge (EasyWriter) - performs a mail merging of Writer document.
-SetViewSettings (EasyWriter) - provides access to the settings of the appearance of an office document.
Changed templates
- InitWriter code template (EasyWriter) - added an ability to open documents in a hidden mode.
- KillWriter code template (EasyWriter) - added "Terminate OpenOffice" checkbox.
- InitCalc code template (EasyCalc) - added an ability to open a workbook in a hidden mode.
- KillCalc code template (EasyCalc) - added "Terminate OpenOffice" checkbox.
- TextFields code template (EasyWriter) - added a "Database" type of field.
New templates
- InsertDataSource code template (EasyWriter) - inserts a new DataSource into
- MailMerge code template (EasyWriter) - performs a mail merging of Writer document.
- SetViewSettings code template (EasyWriter) - provides access to the settings of the appearance of an office document.
Changed methods - PrintSheet method - added PrintToFile parameter
- GetCell method - added new equate Cell:Comment. You can use it to return the cell's comment.
New methods
- SetActivePrinter - sets the name of the active printer
- PrintRange - prints the selected range of cells
- PrintWorkbook - prints current Excel workbook.
Changed templates - Print code template - added an ability to set an active printer and print range of cells or entire workbook.
New in this version: This is new advanced version!
MS SQL driver is supported now. You can add notes for your SQL tables.
xNotes SQL table will be automatically created in your SQL database;
New example for showing work with MS SQL driver;
Updated CHM Help file, Demonstration program, Installation kit for Clarion C6.x (6.3, 6.2, 6.1) and Clarion 5.5 are available. You can download it from here.
Bugfix. Correct work with icons under Clarion 5.5;
Important changes in CODE template "xNotesBFCreateNote".
Creation of Note text improved now. You can enter text as clear text, use the variable, or to write pure
Clarion Code. For example: 'This is note for company: "' & CLIP(COM:CompanyName) & '"'
Updated demonstration program. Work with CODE template is demonstrated;
A small changes in Template;
Updated CHM Help file, Demonstration program, Installation kit for Clarion C6.x (6.3, 6.2, 6.) and Clarion 5.5 are available. You can download it from here.
EasyOpenOffice is a set of classes and templates providing you an ability to use OpenOffice from your Clarion applications.
Libraries were recompiled for CW 6.3 9054 .
New methods:
MergeCells (EasyCalc) - merges/unmerges the currently selected range of cells.
SetHorizAlign (EasyCalc) - specifies how cell contents are aligned horizontally.
SetVertAlign (EasyCalc) - specifies how cell contents are aligned vertically.
SetTextWrap (EasyCalc) - sets the cell's text wrapping mode.
WriteQueue (EasyCalc) - writes queue contents into the Calc sheet.
InsertSheet (EasyCalc) - inserts a new sheet into a current Calc workbook.
SetUsedRange (EasyCalc) - provides access to the used range of cells.
InsertDateTimeField (EasyWriter) - inserts a date/time field into a current cursor position.
InsertPageNumberField (EasyWriter) - inserts a page number field into a current cursor position.
InsertPageCountField (EasyWriter) - inserts a page count field into a current cursor position.
InsertUserField (EasyWriter) - inserts a custom text field into a current cursor position.
ChangeUserField (EasyWriter) - changes the content of existing user text field.
WriteQueue (EasyWriter) - writes queue contents into the table in the Writer document.
SetTableRange (EasyWriter) - sets a range of cells in the current table in the Writer document for further processing.
MergeTableCells (EasyWriter) - merges cells in the tables of the Writer document.
GetTableRowsCount (EasyWriter) - returns the number of rows in the current table in the Writer document.
InsertTableRows (EasyWriter) - inserts rows into current table of the Writer document.
RangeIndexToName (EasyWriter) - converts cell's range address to name in the tables in the Writer document.
SetCellFont (EasyWriter) - sets font name and height for the cells in the current table in the Writer document.
SetCellFontStyle (EasyWriter) - sets font style for the cells in the current table in the Writer document.
Changed templates:
InitWriter code template (EasyWriter) - added an ability to select a filter when open an existing document.
InitCalc code template (EasyCalc) - added an ability to select a filter when open an existing document.
OpenDocument code template (EasyCalc) - added an ability to select a filter.
New templates:
Merge Cells template (EasyCalc) - merges/unmerges a range of cells in a Calc sheet.
Set Font template (EasyCalc) - sets font style in a range of cells in a Calc sheet.
Write Queue template (EasyCalc) - writes queue contents into the Calc sheet.
Text Fields template (EasyWriter) - inserts or changes a text field in the Writer document.
Write Queue template (EasyWriter) - creates a new table in a current cursor position and writes a queue contents in it.
Some Form has additional tab to manage related items.
AttachThreadToClarion function support.
PRIVATE and PROTECTED member and method attributes.
COM projects tree interface. file generate: consists of IIDs & INTERFACEs. file generate: consists of realization of the service procedures like IsEqualIID, DllGetClassObject, DllCanUnloadNow, DllRegisterServer, DllUnregisterServer, BuildTypeLib, CreateTypeInfos.
Changed methods
- WriteQueue - added parameters to convert Clarion date and/or time into Excel date/time.
Changed templates
- Queue2Excel code template - added an ability to convert Clarion date and/or time into Excel date/time.
The upgrades from 1.0 to 2.0/3.0 and from 2.0/3.0 to 4.0 are available. Registered users that purchased version 2.0/3.0 after September 1st, 2005, will receive this upgrade free of charge.
Free upgrade for all registered customers of version 4.xx.
dpQuery ver 2.08 released (FULL and DEMO versions)
We would like to inform you that the office will be closed 20-Dec-2001 through 7-Jan-2002.
You can buy every of our products in normal mode, visit our site or write e-mail! We will be monitoring e-mail through that period (but not every day)!
New demo application available for EasyExcel 1.02!
This package includes a patch for EasyExcel Class Libraries and Code Templates. This patch will fix a bug in the libraries, that cause incorrect work with the big cells ranges. This patch requires that you have installed EasyExcel ver. 1.01.
If you have a suggestions what most important features you want to see (and we'll need to include) in the future versions of EasyExcel or EasyReport, please write a message in the forum on our site or send us a letter. We'll greatly appreciate any your feedback.
Printable versions of topics, Member override of default sorting order and limits, Track topics via e-mail or in the user CP, Post buttons to make posting easier, Full, searchable help system, Member lists, Viewable profiles, E-mail addresses hidden - to protect from 'spam bots', Polls, Guest posting ... and much more! Write us and we'll create a new forum for you!
EasyExcel and EasyReport are in Top 5 Selling Accessories in the Month !
Now we have our own domain registered! For short period we will support both sites but it is better to go now (if you are not yet here)!
EasyExcel Class and Templates ver 1.01 released! More powerful and more easy!
It includes some minor bug fixes and new features listed below:
Extended cell formats. Now you can set such cells format as General, Numeric and Money (according to locale settings), Text directly from class methods or from templates simply by selecting an appropriate radio-button.
Switching data transfer between TEXT or Unicode (important for data export in local languages).
Passing data "As Is" (fixed problem with passing some special strings such as '1-1', '3/4', '010' etc. (Excel consider such data not as strings, but as date, numeric or whatever format and internally formats them with unpredictable result).
Ability to select or create a new sheet within an Excel workbook for data export/import.
Ability to rename a sheet.
Registered users of previous version of EasyExcel can receive new version certainly free.
In the near future there will be the next EasyExcel release 1.01
In the near future there will be the next EasyExcel release 1.01. It will include some minor bug fixes and new features listed below:
Extended cell formats. Now you can set such cells format as General, Numeric and Money (according to locale settings), Text directly from class methods or from templates simply by checking radio-button.
Data transfer as TEXT or Unicode (important for data export in local languages).
Passing data "AsIs" (fixed problem with passing some special strings such as '1-1', '3/4', '010' etc. Excel consider such data not as strings, but data, numeric or whatever format and internally formats them with unpredictable result).
Ability to select a sheet within an Excel workbook for data export/import.
DLLs and LIBs will be compatible with C5.5E release.
PS. This list can be extended in the final release.
Registered users of previous version of EasyExcel can receive new version certainly free.