Noyantis CalendarPro Wrapper Template for the Codejock CalendarPro ActiveX control.
Xtreme CalendarPro™ 2009 provides Windows developers with a sophisticated Outlook style Calendar. Windows developers can easily create a calendar that can manage appointments that can be arranged by day, week, work week or month. The data in the calendar can be bound to an external database, xml file, or binary file.
Standard Features
Xtreme CalendarPro supports many standard features you would expect from an enterprise class calendar component.
Calendar Views
Xtreme CalendarPro provides several built in display formats to choose from. You can choose from "day", "7 day week", "5 day work week", or "month" view. If a built in view is not desired, then a user defined range of day can be specified.
Calendar View Options
Several options are available to customize the different views in the calendar.
Please note, the Codejock ActiveX control is not included in this product - the template is a wrapper only for the control.
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