Have you ever:
Added a MESSAGE or a SETCLIPBOARD to your app to trace some value, or some script and when you solve the problem have to go back to delete it?, or worst... forgot to delete it before sending it to the user?
Needed to trace a report and could not use Stop or Message?
Had problems by following a complex variable calculation?
or some user calls because he cannot pass trough a security door and nobody knows which is the door involved?
Needed to trace which Query is supposed to be sent to a Sql Backend?
All that, and more, can be solved using this template.
You can:
Add tracing code no needing to go back to delete it and recompile.
Easily find report logic errors, wher you cant use MESSAGE() o STOP().
Trace Sql queries sent to the server without the need of a profiler.
Define types of trace messages and its properties.
Define its colors and indent.
Copy to the clipboard the trace message automátically.
Trace the text of all messages box showed to the user and the response button.
And allow you, at runtime:
Trace your app at your client home, with his database!
Verify why some control is disable or hide.
Follow the calc flow of a variable.
Find why a user cant pass trought a system door
Copy a Sql script at runtime to carry it to the Query Analizer to test and debug it.
Program Stop points to copy messages to the clipboard.
Program Halt point inside loops that you dont know why they are not breaking
Your user can activate the trace, reproduce the steps that are not runnig as desire and send you the trace containing all the messages including the text of the message box and respose buttons.
No more typing and deleting Messages and Setclipboards, from now on, you take an advantage of all this typing keeping it in your application and seen it when you need to.
No more problems when needing to understand what’s going on with a user request.
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