Noyantis ReportControl Wrapper Template for the Codejock ReportControl ActiveX control.
Xtreme ReportControl™ 2009 provides Windows developers with a sophisticated Outlook 2003 style Report.
Windows developers can easily create group and sort data in a flat or hierarchical format. All colors in the reports can be customized to match any existing application.
General Features
Xtreme ReportControl supports many standard features you would expect from an enterprise class grid component.
Report Column Features
The columns in Xtreme ReportControl support features such as drag and drop ordering and data sorting.
Report Grid Lines
Xtreme ReportControl allows you to change the color and style of the grid lines in the report.
Report Cell Types and Features
Xtreme ReportControl supports many different data types. Cells can contain images, combo boxes, buttons, etc.
Report Cell Attributes
Xtreme ReportControl cells have many different attributes that can easily be customized.
Please note, the Codejock ActiveX control is not included in this product - the template is a wrapper only for the control.
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